Zzombie Delete Planned Order

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 495
  • Pages: 3


*$ Correction Inst. 0120024545 0000154901 $* *$ Valid for : $* *$ Software Component SAP_APPL SAP Application $* *$ Release 40A To SAPKH40A25 $* *$ Release 40B All Support Package Levels $* *$ Release 45A All Support Package Levels $* *$ Release 45B All Support Package Levels $* *$ Release 46A To SAPKH46A34 $* *$ Release 46B All Support Package Levels $* *$ Release 46C All Support Package Levels $* *$ $* *$ Changes/Objects Not Contained in Standard SAP System $* *$*$ $*$* *& * *& Object REPS ZZZOMBIE *& Object Header PROG ZZZOMBIE *& * *& REPORT ZZZOMBIE *& * *>>>> START OF INSERTION <<<< REPORT zzzombie . * * * consistency check for RESB: * - DEP_REQS: Find and delete 'zombie'-dependent requirements: * + dep. req. for deleted planned orders * + second (inconsistent) set of dep. req. for planned order * * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * * - copy the program EXACTLY as described (cut & paste) * - let the program be checked by 2 different persons * - errors in this program (causing wrong deletion of RESB) * could ruin the system and destroy production and planning data * - do not modify the program * * * USAGE * * * - run the program in TESTMODE ( TESTMODE = 'X' ) first * (in this mode no changes are written on the dababase) * - running the program may impact system performance !! * (full scan on RESB plus reading planned orders) * -> do not execute the program when system load is high * - print and save (system->list->save->..office) the result list * - check the result, try to find a reproducable example * - if inconsistencies are found (and confirmed) * then run the program with TESTMODE = ' ' * *

TABLES: resb, plaf.

"planned orders

SELECT-OPTIONS plant FOR resb-werks. PARAMETERS: testmode DEFAULT 'X' AS CHECKBOX. DATA: count1 TYPE i, count2 TYPE i, found LIKE sy-subrc, resbz LIKE resb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, rsnum_old LIKE resb-rsnum. * > consistency check dependent requirements - planned orders CLEAR plaf. WRITE: /1(10) 'RSNUM', 12(4) 'POS', 17(18) 'component', 36(4) 'plant', 41(10) 'pl. order ', 51(18) 'assembly'. FORMAT INTENSIFIED OFF. SELECT * FROM resb WHERE werks IN plant AND plnum NE space AND bdart NE 'AR'. IF resb-plnum NE plaf-plnum. "performance SELECT SINGLE * FROM plaf WHERE plnum = resb-plnum. found = sy-subrc. ENDIF. IF found NE 0. plaf-plnum = resb-plnum. WRITE: / resb-rsnum, resb-rspos, resb-matnr, resb-werks, resb-plnum, resb-baugr. ADD 1 TO count1. IF testmode IS INITIAL. DELETE resb. ENDIF. ELSE. IF plaf-rsnum NE resb-rsnum.

FORMAT INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE: / resb-rsnum, resb-rspos, resb-matnr, resb-werks, resb-plnum, resb-baugr. FORMAT INTENSIFIED OFF. ADD 1 TO count2. IF testmode IS INITIAL. DELETE resb. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDSELECT. WRITE: / 'Dependent requirements:', sy-dbcnt. WRITE: / 'Dependent req. for non-existing planned order:', count1. FORMAT INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE: / 'Inconsistent (double) dependent req. for planned order:', count2. *>>>> END OF INSERTION <<<<<<

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