Zoology Journal

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 9
Journal of Zoology Published on behalf of the Zoological Society of London Edited by: Nigel Bennett (Editor-in-Chief), Tim Halliday, Virginia Hayssen, Andrew Kitchener, Philip Rainbow, Jean-Nicolas Volff, Günther Zupanc ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2007: 33/124 (Zoology) Impact Factor: 1.516

The Journal of Zoology publishes high-quality papers of an original nature in areas of zoology that are novel and in particular are interdisciplinary. Zoology is a broad field that embraces many disciplines including anatomy, behaviour, ecology, physiology, genomics, developmental biology, systematics and genetics, including phylogenetics. The main objective of the Journal of Zoology is to publish research which explores the interface between these disciplines. There are many specialist journals available to deal with each of the individual components of this mosaic but the major function of the Journal of Zoology is to promote research that is truly integrative by illuminating the greater picture. Submitting authors should note that the Senior Editors will be particularly looking for studies that explore this vision and manuscripts which cater for a narrow readership or of restricted interest are likely to be rejected at this early stage. Similarly, contributions dealing with topics restricted to a geographical area are discouraged. Papers should test general hypotheses and authors need to be explicit about form and function in animals. The Journal of Zoology aims to maintain an effective but fair peerreview process that recognises research quality as a combination of the relevance, approach and execution of a research study. The journal also welcomes reviews and forum papers on current issues, particularly where topics of a complex or poorly understood field are synthesized.

We would like to thank all those listed below for taking the time to review for the Journal of Zoology in 2007 - your generosity is much appreciated, and we hope that your association with Journal continues in the future. Click here to see the list of reviewers from 2007

TOP NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS New Species - mammal species discovered in Tanzanian highlands Scientists have discovered a new species of elephant-shrew, or sengi, in the Tanzanian

Udzungwa Mountains. This is the first new species of sengi to be observed by scientists in over 126 years, and until recently only 15 species of the mammal were known to exist. This new species of grey-faced sengi has been named Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, and is the largest elephant-shrew discovered to date. The first description of this mammal is published in Journal of Zoology Issue 274:2 (February 2008). Click here to read the free article | Click here to read more about sengis Online Manuscript Submission Submit your manuscript to Journal of Zoology online with our manuscript submission website. The online manuscript submission and review process leads to faster decision times and greater simplicity for authors and reviewers. Submit your best manuscript to the Journal of Zoology. Open Access publishing - Online Open Authors of articles in this journal have the option to make their articles open access and available free for all readers through the payment of an author fee. Read more here. Articles Published Online Ahead of full issue - Early View Articles that have been fully copy-edited and peer-reviewed will be published online through our Early View feature before the full issue of this journal is published. Free Online Access in the Developing World Free online access to this journal is available within institutions in the developing world through the OARE Initiative (Online Access to Research in the Environment) in conjunction with UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme. It is also available through INTAS, INASP and AGORA.

TOP HIGHLIGHTS Editorial Board Member's Choice - new! Russell Hill - click here to read his commentary of the following article: "Effects of culling on badger abundance: implications for badger control " by Woodroffe et al. Journal of Zoology (2008), Volume 1, pages 28-37 Click here to read the free article. Papers of particular interest Necks for sex: sexual selection as an explanation for sauropod dinosaur neck elongation Phil Senter Prey preferences of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) (Felidae : Carnivora): morphological limitations or the need to capture rapidly consumable prey before kleptoparasites arrive? M. W. Hayward, M. Hofmeyr, J. O'Brien & G. I. H. Kerley Evolution of nakedness in Homo sapiens M. J. Rantala

Top 10 cited papers from 2006 & 2007 Prey preferences of the leopard (Panthera pardus) Hayward MW, Henschel P, O'Brien J, et al.(Oct 2006) Population structure in a saproxylic funnelweb spider (Hexathelidae : Hadronyche) along a forested rainfall gradient Woodman JD, Ash JE, Rowell DM (Apr 2006) Genetically solving a zoological mystery: was the kouprey (Bos sauveli) a feral hybrid? Galbreath GJ, Mordacq JC, Weiler FH (Dec 2006) Prey preferences of the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) and degree of dietary overlap with the lion (Panthera leo) Hayward MW (Dec 2006) Functional diversity in extreme environments: effects of locomotor style and substrate texture on the waterfall-climbing performance of Hawaiian gobiid fishes Blob RW, Rai R, Julius ML, et al. (Mar 2006) Prey preferences of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) (Felidae : Carnivora): morphological limitations or the need to capture rapidly consumable prey before kleptoparasites arrive? Hayward MW, Hofmeyr M, O'Brien J, et al.(Dec 2006) Movement patterns in the monogamous sleepy lizard (Tiliqua rugosa): effects of gender, drought, time of year and time of day Kerr GD, Bull CM (Jun 2006) Diving to extremes: are New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) pushing their limits in a marginal habitat? Chilvers BL, Wilkinson IS, Duignan PJ, et al. (Jun 2006) Diet of the spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) in eastern Australia: effects of season, sex and size Glen AS, Dickman CR (Jun 2006) Morphological consequences of range fragmentation and population decline on the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) Pertoldi C, Garcia-Perea R, Godoy JA, et al. (Jan 2006) Read the first issue of 2007 (271:1) for free here. Top 10 downloaded papers from 2006 & 2007 Patterns of multiple paternity within and between annual reproduction cycles of the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) under natural conditions S. Steinfartz, K. Stemshorn, D. Kuesters, D. Tautz

Activity patterns and time budgets of Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) in the Apolobamba Range of Bolivia S. Paisley, D. L. Garshelis Differences in foraging behaviour between Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) and Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Leach, 1825) I. Davidson-Watts, G. Jones Living with large carnivores: predation on livestock by the snow leopard (Uncia uncia) S. Bagchi, C. Mishra Morphological consequences of range fragmentation and population decline on the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) C. Pertoldi, R. Garcia-Perea, J. A. Godoy, M. Delibes, V. Loeschcke Necks for sex: sexual selection as an explanation for sauropod dinosaur neck elongation P. Senter Genetics and animal domestication: new windows on an elusive process K. Dobney, G. Larson Jaguar (Panthera onca) feeding ecology: distribution of predator and prey through time and space M. Weckel, W. Giuliano, S. Silver Prey preferences of the leopard (Panthera pardus) M. W. Hayward, P. Henschel, J. O'Brien, M. Hofmeyr, G. Balme, G. I. H. Kerley Food availability and annual migration of the straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) H. V. Richter, G. S. Cumming Links to Related Sites Zoological Society of London blackwell ecology Submission of manuscripts Papers should be sent to The Editorial Office, Journal of Zoology, The Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London NW1 4RY, UK. Papers can be submitted via email (Word document) [email protected] submission of a manuscript will be taken to imply that the material is original and that no similar paper is being, or will be, submitted elsewhere. When accepted, the copyright of a paper becomes the property of the Society whose permission must be obtained to reproduce material

therefrom. Serialized studies should not be submitted and therefore titles should not contain part numbers and should stand alone. There is a mechanism for accelerated publication and papers produced by this means will be announced as such. Presentation (i) Typescript. Postal submissions. Four copies and one in electronic format must be provided in English, double-spaced throughout on one side of paper (preferably A4) in 12pt font. Papers should not normally exceed 6000 words. Authors should suggest four referees for their papers; but the Editor reserves the right to choose referees other than those suggested. All papers must be consecutively numbered and securely fastened together. Tables and captions for illustrations should be typed separately at the end of the manuscript and their required positions indicated in the margins of the text. If it is necessary to refer to various passages in the text, please ensure that the relevant manuscript page number is given. Text lines should be numbered for ease of reference. E-mail submissions. A Word document, in the style as above, should be sent together with a covering letter. The typescript should follow the conventional form but must include: (a) Title page giving a concise specific title with the name(s) of the author(s) and institution(s) where the work was carried out. A short title for page headings must be provided (maximum 10 words). (b) Abstract of not more than 300 words which should be intelligible without reference to the main text. Follow with up to five appropriate key words. (ii) Style (a) Use active voice whenever feasible, and write in the first person (except in the Abstract, where the third person should be used). (b) Use British conventions of spelling and grammar throughout, except in non-British quotations and references (c) Avoid terms that may be regarded as pejorative or contentious, e.g. ‘man’, ‘Bushman’, ‘game’ animal. (d) Avoid footnotes except to add information below the body of a table. (e) Do not use initial capitals for the common names of animals unless derived from a proper noun.

(iii) Conventions The Metric system must be used and SI units where appropriate. For further details see Baron, D.N. (1988). Units, symbols and abbreviations. 5th edn. London: Royal Society of Medicine Series. Whole numbers one to nine should be spelled out (except in the Methods section) and number 10 onwards given in numerals. If a new taxon is described, the institution in which the type material is deposited must be given, together with details of the registration assigned to it. (iv) Disk Word processor disks (3.5 in), clearly labelled with the accession number, author's name, short title, word processing package used and file name, should be used for setting accepted papers. The preferred word processing packages are Word or WordPerfect in either PC or Macintosh format (preferably PC) and the preferred graphics package is Freehand 5 but files from many others can be accepted. Please indicate clearly the file format (e.g. TIFF, EPS, Freehand etc), computer operating system and graphics software used for originating the artwork files. The typefaces used in electronic artwork supplied should be restricted to Monotype, Adobe and Bit stream font libraries. Illustrations should be supplied as EPS files and never as postscript files, or as the native format files from the graphics package used. They should be accompanied by laser proofs with the name and version number of the graphics package used, and also the names of the fonts used. Illustrations These may be line drawings or photographs and all should be numbered in a single sequence and referred to consecutively in the text as Fig. 1 etc. Each figure must be on a separate page and clearly identified with the author's name, short title of the manuscript and figure number. The position of each should be indicated in the margin of the text. Component parts of figures should be labelled (a), (b), (c) etc. Captions for figures, which should be self-explanatory, must be typed, double spaced, on a separate page and must not contain details of results. Regardless of the final size of the figure, the copies submitted should either be printed on, or attached to, sheets or thin cards the same size as the rest of the manuscript

as small figures can be lost and large ones damaged. Line drawings should not be larger than twice the final size and in no circumstances should exceed 170 x 230 mm. The axes of graphs should be carefully chosen so as to occupy the space available to the best advantage. When reduced, the drawing should fit into either one (83 mm) or two (172 mm) columns, preferably the former. Lines should be bold enough to stand reduction to about 0.25-0.35 mm. Line drawings should be as simple as possible and many computergenerated figures, for example 3dimensional graphs, with fine lines, gradations of stippling and unusual symbols, cannot be reproduced satisfactorily when reduced. Unsatisfactory line drawings will have to be redrawn at the author's expense. Preferred symbols are open and filled circles, boxes and triangles, and these should be used consistently. Lettering should be kept to a minimum and should be self-explanatory and unambiguous and of sufficiently high quality and size to be clearly visible after reduction to final size. Lettering of all figures within the manuscript should be of uniform style in a sans serif typeface (Helvetica) using lower-case lettering. Photographs should be the same size as they will appear in the journal and should be selected to fit neatly into one column (83 mm) or two columns (172 mm). Photographs should be labelled and numbered as for line drawings. For microscopical preparations, scale bars with appropriate units (e.g. 50 μm) must be provided; statements of magnification are not acceptable. Colour figures may be accepted provided that they are of a very high quality but they are expensive to reproduce and the cost must be met by the author(s) and a binding agreement to meet the costs will be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. For colour figures, the instructions for the preparation of photographs should be followed. Original illustrations should not be sent until the paper has been accepted and will only be returned on request. Tables These must fit the page size (230 x 170 mm) without undue reduction. Oversize tables will not be accepted. Tables are referred to as Table 1, Table 2, etc., and any subsections as (a), (b), etc. Footnotes in

tables should be indicated by superscript a, b. References Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author(s). References must be checked against the text to ensure (a) that the spelling of authors’ names and the dates given are consistent and (b) that all authors quoted in the text (in date order if more than one) are given in the reference list and vice versa. The full title of the paper must be given together with the first and last pages. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the Zoological Record Serial Sources, published annually by BIOSIS. Book titles should be followed by the place of publication and the publisher. Please give the name of the editor(s) if different from the author cited. In the text, references must be arranged chronologically with the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by the date. Use a, b, etc. after the year to distinguish papers published by the same author(s) in the same year. Examples: (Pianka, 1978; Currey, 1984). Reference should not be made to unpublished data. (i) Two authors: use both names and the year. Do not use et al. (ii) Three authors: on first citation use all authors' names and the year. Thereafter it is usually sufficient to give the name of the first author followed by et al. and the date. (iii) More than three authors: on first citation and thereafter give the name of the first author followed by et al. and the date. In the list, references must be arranged first alphabetically under author(s) name(s) and then in chronological order if several papers by the same author(s) are cited. Examples Lemelin, P. (1996a). Relationships between hand morphology and feeding strategies in small-bodied prosimians. Am. J. phys. Anthrop ` (Suppl.) 22: 148. Lemelin, P. (1996b). The evolution of manual prehensility in primates: a comparativce study of prosimians and didelphid marsupials. PhD thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Pianka, E. R. (1978). Evolutionary ecology. 2nd edn. New York: Harper & Row. Whitear, M. (1992). Solitary chemosensory cells. In Fish chemoreception: 103-125. Hara, T. J. (Ed.).

London: Chapman & Hall. Proofs A pdf proof will be sent to the corresponding author and corrections should be sent to the copyeditor (see sheet of instructions accompanying proofs). Revised proofs will not normally be sent to the author. Copyright/Offprints It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign copyright to The Zoological Society of London. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. In assigning copyright, authors may use their own material in publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication. In consideration for the assignment of copyright, the Society will supply 25 free offprints of each paper. Further offprints may be ordered at extra cost at proof stage (Offprint Order Forms to be returned with the corrected proofs).

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