From Zbl pre05209419 [Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik, Berlin, Germany] Smarandache, Florentin; Osman, Salah Neutrosophy in Arabic philosophy. (English) [B] Ann Arbor, MI: Renaissance High Press. xiii, 278~p. (2007). ISBN 978-1-931233-132/pbk Neutrosophy is a new branch of philosophy,which studies the origin, nature and scope of neutralities as well as their interaction with different ideational spectra. It is organized in a systemized way, which comprises: etymology, definition, characteristics, methods of neutrosophic study, formalization, main principle, fundamental thesis, main laws, mottos, fundamental theory, delimitations from other philosophical concepts and theories, etc. It is developed in 1995 by Florentin Smarandache as a generalization of dialectic. This theory considers every notion or idea $ \left\langle A\right\rangle$ together with its opposite or negation $\left\langle antiA\right\rangle$ and the spectrum of ``neutralities" $\left\langle neutA\right\rangle$ (i.e., notions or ideas located between the two extremes, supporting neither $ \left\langle A\right\rangle$ nor $\left\langle antiA\right\rangle$. It is based on the analysis of these notions together with neutralities in between them. Neutrosophy was extended to Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Neutrosophic Statistics, which are used in technical applications. \par The authors of the book under review ``Neutrosophy in Arabic philosophy" applied the Neutrosophy to the Arabic-Islamic thought and they devoted a large part of their book (Chapter 3) to study the Neutrosophic models of the Arabic-Islamic thought: They studied many important cases such as: neutrosophic reading of the Islamic Qiyas, Conditions of the Judgment of Origin, Conditions of the Branch, The text's reference to the cause by gesture: 'Gesture'(al-Ima'), Al-Ijma', Al-Istinbat (= the Deduction), Ijtihad and the renewal of religious thought, and non-Aristotelian logical elements in Ilm AlKalam. The authors included many important examples on these aspects such as: Avicenna (Ibn Sina), and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) thoughts; Islamic dialectical theology (Kalam); al-Farabi's metaphysics and general theory of emanation vs. al-Ghazali's Sufi writings and mystical treatises; al-Kindi's combin ation of Koranic doctrines with Greek philosophy. Islamic Neoplatonism + western Neoplatonism. The book consists of three chapters: (1) From Philosophy to Neutrosophy. (2) Arabic-Islamic Thought: Its Sources and Pillars. (3) Neutrosophic Models of the Arabic-Islamic Thought. [Jebrel M. Habeb (Irbid)] MSC 2000: *00A30 Philosophy of mathematics 01A30 Mathematics of Islam (Medieval) 03B52 Fuzzy logic Keywords: arabic-islamic thought; neutralities; neutrosophy; philosophy