Zap 2006

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 10,922
  • Pages: 126


ZAP Basics - Adding a Client

59 - 61

- Advanced Search (Prospecting & Prioritizing Clients)

18 – 22


Batch Email

35 - 37


CMA (Competitive Market Analysis)

105 – 121


Daily Routine / Steps to Success /



Email (Sending Email from ZAP)

27 – 33


Faxes (Renaming & Filing)

71 - 77



100 -103


Listings (Entering in ZAP)

91 - 99


Listing Appointments (Scheduling)

78 - 79


Listing Appointments (Updating)

79 - 80


Next Contact Dates (Setting / Resetting)



Notes (Entering)



Offers (Completing & Updating)

49 - 50


Offers (Entering Manually into ZAP)

51 – 54


Open House Ads



Out of the Office (Auto-Reply)



Phone Calls (Logging)



Priority Contacts (Completing & Updating)

55 – 56

- Today’s Contacts (Managing)

57 - 58

- Transactions (Entering/Starting)

62 – 70

- Updating Client Accounts

12 - 13

- Visits (Completing & Updating)

43 - 45

- Visits (Adding Manually)

46 – 48

- ZAP Overview

4 – 17

- ZipNotify (Setting up: Email Notifications for new Listings)

38 - 42

- Overview

81 – 90 1

The following should be checked on ZAP 3 times a day: 1 10



3 4 5






Check your Email – answer client emails first.


Check for Offer Requests from clients or check on pending offers you are writing.


Check for Listing Appointments that sellers have requested.


Check for new Visit Requests and check on scheduled and/or pending visits.


Check for clients marked as Priority Contacts (referred clients or clients with questions).


Check for New Registrations/Leads - call those with phone numbers / personally email others.


Check for new Rising Stars – Your most active clients not contacted within the last week.


Check your Today’s Contacts/Reminder List to see who you should be following up with.


Perform each of the top Advanced Searches that have been saved for additional prospecting.


Check your My Top Clients list to see who else you want to follow up with.

* Check to see if your District Director has reassigned any clients to you! 2

4 Steps to Success / Daily Routine DAILY: ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

Log on to ZAP at least 3 different times daily (morning, mid-day, evening) Take care of clients requesting service (Interested in homes, have questions, etc.) Contact all “New Registrants” Call at least 10+ clients Email at least 20+ clients From the calls and emails you should engage at least 5 clients (i.e. set appointments) Have your ZipNotify at 95% Show property to at least 1 client WEEKLY:

‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

Take out 4 – 7 Clients Write 3 – 4 Offers Call 50+ Clients Email 75+ Clients Open 1 Transaction (Step 1)

‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

Emails from clients Offers (Requests from clients to write an offer on a property) Visits (Requests from clients to view a property) Listing Appointments (Requests from clients who want a CMA or a listing presentation.) Priority Contacts (Clients who have a questions or are referred to Zip by a third party) (Step 2)

‰ ‰

‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰


Perform the Top Recommended Advanced Searches (These are saved in your Advanced Search drop-down menu.)

Clients that printed “Driving Directions” in the last 5 days Clients that have printed “Printer Friendly Pages” (a listing) in the last 5 days Clients that have logged in two or more times in the last 7 days Clients who need “ZipNotify” Clients in your client pool that have not been contacted in the past 30 days Clients who said they are “Pre-approved” Clients who have just registered Clients with no “Last Personal Contact” (Step 4)


Daily: Contact your most active clients (Focus 80% of your time on them!)

Rising Stars My Top Clients (Step 3)


Daily: Respond to the following ZAP items within 24 hours:


Follow up on previous contacts

Today’s Contacts (Clients you set a reminder date for to follow up with.) 3

This is the average number of calls logged in ZAP per day for the current month. The total for the month is displayed to the right of this section. Average number of personal emails sent through ZAP per day for the current month. Batch emails or ZipNotify emails do not count toward this.


The total of all clients assigned to you who have had a phone called logged in the system or who received a personal email from you. The percentage of active, confirmed buyers with ZipNotify who did not opt out of this tool.


The number of opens for the current month. Partnerships are also taken into account.


The percentage of closed transactions for the current quarter divided by the number of closed AND cancelled transactions for that quarter.

4 5


Lead status is determined by the following criteria: opens, offers, percent of personal contacts and your ZipNotify percentage. A, B or C flow.

1) The average time it takes after a client who has been assigned to you in the last 30 days has had a phone call logged in ZAP or has received a personal email from you. 2) This is the percentage of clients who have logged in during the last 60 days who have had a phone call logged in ZAP or have received a personal email from you. 3) The percentage of Rising Stars an agent has that have had a phone call logged in ZAP or have received a personal email from you. If the agent does not currently have any Rising Stars, this section will display “N/A.”

4) The number of clients for the month who have a visit(s) in the system with a status of “Completed – Made Offer” or “Completed – Still Searching.” Note: This only reflects the number of clients who have completed visits, not the total number of homes shown.

5) This is your rank within your district of clients who have closed in the last 3 months divided by the number of leads you have received in the last 3 months. 4 by the number of months worked during the last 12 months. 6) Closed Productivity Ratio = the number of transactions closed in the past 12 months divided The first month of employment is excused from this calculation. Partnerships are taken into account as well.

This tab contains information & resources:

ZAP Homepage Overview The “Home” tab will take you back to the ZAP Homepage.

The “Directory” lists contact information for all ZipRealty employees.

Key word search option too… Human Resources (HR) ZAP Information Email/Phone Templates

The “Calendar” automatically populates visits & listing appointments that you schedule in ZAP. You can also add items manually. You can print this daily…

Your “Goal Board” totals only update at midnight (PST).

Think of this as your “Hot List” of ready, willing & able clients. You control this list…Maintain 15-25 in this category.

This is a list of your most active clients on the ZipRealty website. The database maintains this list automatically – Clients receive stars for activities they perform. This list will show you clients you have not contacted within the last 7 days or longer. The “Client Pool” categorizes EVERYONE assigned to you…

Advanced Search pulls from this data.

NOTE: The tabs at the top of the ZAP Homepage are viewable at all times. Most are short cuts to Homepage categories.


An “Offer” is a record in ZAP of a client who wants to write an offer on a property with you. You still need to prepare a contract. * Requires a Status Change A“Visit” request


a showing request from a client.

Clients who want to see a property will often request to see a home from the ZipRealty website Contact the client to let them know you received their request and then verify property availability. * Requires a Status Change “Listing Appointments” Those requested by a client or entered by the agent show up here * Requires a Status Change “Priority Contacts” These are marked by Client Services or by a client referral. Contact immediately * Requires a Status Change “New Registrants” These are new leads assigned to you Clients receive an automatic “Welcome” email from ZipRealty. Agents must follow up with a phone call if a number is provided. If no phone #, a personal email must be sent the next day.

This is controlled by you. When you set a “Next Contact” date, the client will appear on this list on that date.

Once a listing or closing is entered in ZAP, a list of tasks and documents required for the transaction are entered with due dates into ZAP by your District Coordinator.

* You must reset the date each time. 6

Finding Clients: Once you click on a client’s name, you will be taken to their individual profile in ZAP.

Lists client accounts & basic info – Edits done here

Basic info on client account – Ability to edit info here as well

Archive of emails, notes & phone calls logged inbound & outbound

Archive of visits requested by client

Archive of: Searches Homes saved, Homes printed ZipNotifies sent. Great for seeing client’s home preferences and areas of interest.


Archive of dates, times & duration client was on website




Archive of homes saved as favorites

Archive of new listings that the client received “from you” via Zip Notify.

Archive of homes printed with maps

Sent automatically by database…

Archive of homes printed with driving directions

Follow up with your top clients about these!

Archive of criteria clients are receiving Zip Notify emails for as new listings become available…



An archive of all visit requests …for this client.



Archive of inbound emails from clients and outbound emails from you AND the company… Archive of phone calls you log and journals that you enter…



The (edit) links will open up fields to allow you to update the client’s information: i.e. Pre-approval status Timeframe Price Range, etc.



You may edit the client’s name & other information by clicking the (edit) link.

To create another account for a client (buyer or seller), click on the “Add Buyer” or “Add Seller “ link here:

If a client has more than one account it will be displayed here…

…you may also add another phone number or email address


You can edit or delete/inactivate the email address or phone number here…






1) ZipNotify – Ok/Green or No/Red 2) Bulk Email – Ok/Green or No/Red (Company) 3) Client Has Searched 4) Client Has a Saved Search 5) Client is Receiving ZipNotify Emails

Tier Changed: The client took another step in the process on this date (i.e. saved a home & now has requested a visit) Next Contact:

Displays the next time you should follow-up with the client. Set via the "Note" or "Phone icon. Must reset date each time.

Last Account Contact: Reflects the last time THIS account was contacted by the company or the agent. Last Client Contact:

Reflects the last time ANY of their accounts (if more than one) were contacted by the company or the agent.

Last Personal Contact: Reflects the last time the client was PERSONALLY contacted by the agent by phone or email. First Personal Contact: Simply reflects the first time the client received personal contact from an agent. Last Login:

Reflects the last time the client logged on to

Last Inbound Email: Reflects the last time (if at all) the client emailed the agent or Customer Service. Agent Changed: Reflects the last time the client was reassigned to another agent (if at all). Account Created: This is the date the client registered with ZipRealty / their account was created. Tier: B = Buyer / S = Seller (No need to memorize tiers as an explanation and number of days at that stage are displayed. Metro:

Reflects the greater metropolitan area the client is searching in.


Reflects the district the agent is working for.

Territory: This is ONLY where the client began searching – the client may be searching in other areas as well . Avg. Price: This is not a price range, just the average of what the client has been printing or saving. Priority: This allows you to rank your client on a scale of 1-10. You can then search for clients with a certain #/priority. Stars:

Clients earn stars for key activities they perform (i.e. Printing Directions, Saving a Home)


This allows you to put a client on the “back burner” / “hibernation.” Select the category that best matches the client’s situation.

You may add a record of a visit or an offer request manually – however, the preferred method is the “Sign in as Client” route… See “Table of Contents” > Visits (Entering Manually)

This link allows you to create a CMA for a buyer to help guide them on deciding on an

This allows you to mark a client as a “favorite” / a “Hot One” once you determine that they are ready, willing and able (Goal: 15 –25 of these)

If a client needs an agent that is bilingual, or wants to look outside of the area you cover, ask your Director to reassign them to another ZipAgent…

The “Priority” link allows you to rank clients based on your own scale of 1 - 10.

This “MAGIC” link will allow you to do a variety of things: Set up ZipNotify for a client Add a visit record in ZAP manually Add a record of an offer to ZAP manually Save a home to a client’s web page


ZAP Tips • Some links & icons can be found in different places in ZAP for your convenience. • Always click “Save” or “Submit” once you have typed in information, selected something from a drop down menu or have selected a date.

NOTE: When you have a particular screen up in ZAP – be aware that there may be more to the left or right or toward the bottom of the page – be sure to use your scroll bars!

This link will always bring up the last list of clients you were working on…


NOTE: The number of items in each homepage category only corresponds to the number of clients currently marked as “New” or “Pending.”

To find visits that are scheduled or completed, you will need to click on the category and select the choice you wish to view.


Advanced Search Tool This tool allows you to identify active clients that have performed certain activities that would indicate a high propensity to transact. You may search for clients based on activity or name. You may search by name or activity - one criteria at a time or by multiple.

Again, “Advanced Search” allows you to identify active clients that have performed certain activities that would indicate a high propensity to transact.

Agents can “bookmark” top Advanced Searches that they will use on a daily basis for quick & easy access. Once saved, these are displayed from the drop down menu.

Advanced Search Tools - Find active clients using different criteria … To use “Advanced Search,” 1) Select the criteria you want the client to have engaged in 2) Click “Search” 18

Below are common criteria / behavior searched for by agents: …you

may search by one criteria at a time or multiple… …Don’t forget to click “Clear” each time you run a new search! You can also search for a client by first or last name…



3 4 5

Click “Collapse” or “Show” to expand or contract your search options…



8 9 10

…Don’t forget to click “Search” once you select your criteria! You may also search by contact dates…


General Search Options: 1) Client Type:

Enables you to search for Buyers, Sellers or clients buying AND Selling!

2) Has Phone #: Clients who have provided their phone number.

Client Behavior Information: 3) Website Usage: Signed in __ times in the last __ days. This option will provide a list of clients who have logged in recently. 4) My Homes: Added _X_ homes in the last _X_ days This will provide a list of clients who have saved certain homes as their favorites during the timeframe you select. Note: This helps identify clients who “Adding/Saving Homes” as their favorites but may not be taking any other actions (i.e. not requesting visits). These may be clients who have started searching again that you had forgotten about. 5) Printer-Friendly Pages: Printed __ in the last __ days (With a map!) Note: This helps identify clients who are printing homes with maps but may not be taking any other actions (i.e. not requesting visits). These may be clients who have started searching again that you had forgotten about. 6) Driving Directions Pages: Printed ___ in the last ___ days (With directions !) This tool allows you to search for clients who have printed a listing with directions within a certain time period (last 2 days, 30 days, etc…). Contact these clients before they drive by! 7) Property Price Range:

Minimum Average Price $____

This will pull up clients who print or save homes with the average price you enter. 8)

Registration: Registered between _____ and _____ Although clients receive an automatic “Welcome” email when they register, it is important to follow up with clients personally soon after they have registered.

9) Pre-approved: These clients indicated were pre-approved when they registered. NOTE: Many clients get pre-approved after they have registered. You will only find out by calling and emailing clients if they have become pre-approved since they registered . . . You may update this information on the “Client Summary” tab. 10) Clients looking for certain property features: City: _____ Postal Code: _____

Baths: _____ Beds: _____ 20

Property Type: _____ Sq. Ft. / Lot Size: ____

To “BOOKMARK” searches you will conduct daily or regularly is simple: 1) Clear your page 2) Select the criteria that you want saved & click “Search” 3) Type in a search name to describe the criteria you are saving 4) Click “Save this Search” 1


3 4

The Advanced Searches that you save will be bookmarked here on your ZAP Homepage for easy access.


…when you have a list of clients, you can always resort the list by clicking on one column heading at a time. (i.e. Phone #s on top or highest # of stars on top, etc…) …the “Search Results” link will always bring up the list from the LAST search you performed…


Entering “Notes,” “Phone Calls” & “Journal Entries” in ZAP Every client in ZAP has a “Note,” “Phone” and “Journal” icon. By clicking these, the agent can log a note or summarize a phone call they made as well as set the “Next Contact” date to generate an automatic reminder to appear in “Today’s Contacts” on the ZAP homepage on the date selected.

Phone Icon: For logging phone calls made / summarizing discussions that have taken place. Note Icon: Are for quick reference, like a “Post-It Note.” (i.e. Client has 3 dogs/needs large yard). These will show up in the right hand column when you have a done an “Advanced Search” or have clicked on your “Today’s Contacts. *** These can also be saved as a “Journal” and be displayed in “All Communications.”***

Journal Icon: These entries will ONLY show up in the “All Communications” section of a client’s profile and are meant for longer summaries/details.

First, find the client you want to log a note or phone call for by clicking on the client’s name…





Logging a Note

Once you have clicked on one of these icons, a window will open for you to enter text (i.e. Has 2 dogs & wants a pool).

You can set or reset a “Next Contact” date by clicking on the calendar icon. The client will then show up in your “Today’s Contacts on the ZAP Homepage on that day. Then click: Save Note Only entries logged using the “NOTE” icon show up in the right hand column of your search results.

Your “Note” can also be copied in “All Communications” if you check the “Save As Journal” box.


Logging a Phone Call

It is recommended that you enter your own call summary in the subject line instead of using a generic subject from the drop-down menu …

Enter additional info as necessary…

Click “Record Phone Contact” when you are done.

Setting “Next Contact” Dates You can set or reset a “Next Contact” date by clicking on the calendar icon.

The client will then show up in your “Today’s Contacts on the ZAP Homepage on that day.


All Communications Using the “JOURNAL” icon will ONLY display your entry in the “All Communications” section.

Click on the “All Communications” tab to view the history of all phone calls logged, and emails sent to and from a client (Client emails, Company emails and Agent emails). Entries made by Client Services can also be viewed here…


Sending Email from ZAP When sending an email to an individual customer, there are two ways to se nd the email. NOTE: You will never have to type in the client’s email address manually. Sending a new email to the client from their profile in ZAP -ORAs a reply to a client email from your ZAP inbox

Sending an email from a client’s profile in ZAP: 1) Find the client that you want to email 2) Click on the client’s name …you will be taken to their “Account Detail “page/tab where you can click on the client’s email address to compose a new email to them.

Click on the client’s email address…


An email window will open for you to compose and send your message . . . Be sure to “Spell Check,”

then click send… The client’s email address will be pulled from ZAP and be added to the “To” field. Note: Their email address will appear different – this is okay.

Your name and contact information will already be present.


. . . after you send your email

Reviewing Email History… By clicking on “All Communications” you will see a copy of all emails sent to or from a client as well as any journals or phone calls logged for a client. Both company emails as well as personal emails from the agent are logged. New emails from clients and client replies are logged here.


By clicking on the “Subject” line, the text of the email, journal or phone call will be displayed.




Replying to email from ZAP

Note: Emails older than 60 days are automatically deleted unless moved to the “Permanent” folder. You may click either section to access your inbox:

The “blue arrow” indicates the email has been “replied to.

The client “icon” is an immediate visual that indicates that the email is from a client. “ZipRealty” emails are also coded…

Note: Once you have replied to a client’s email, you may delete it from your Inbox – the original email as well as your reply is automatically copied in “All Communications.”


Responding to E-mail:

To reply, click on the email subject line…

To reply, click on the email subject line…

Spell check…then click “Send.”


To create a new email message, click on the “Compose” button…then “Send” when done. You will only click “Compose” from your ZAP inbox if you are emailing a co-worker or your Director, not clients.

Note: If you want a copy of the email added to your “Sent” folder, you must check the box at the bottom left hand corner.

Moving email to a folder 1) Check the box next to the email 2) Select the folder from the drop down menu 3) Click “OK”





Complete the form as necessary…(i.e. dates, who will be covering for you, etc.)

Make sure you check the “Day Off Desk” box.


How to send a “batch”email using a template from ZAP: Step 1) SELECT THE CLIENTS YOU WANT TO BATCH EMAIL Through “Advanced Search” select the clients you wish to batch email. (i.e. Sellers only, Clients who printed driving directions in 3 days, etc.) Click “Check All” - OR Select individual clients from the list your search provided by checking the box to the left of each client that you want to send the email to. Step 2) SELECT “BATCH EMAIL” FROM THE “ACTION” DROP DOWN MENU. Step 3) CLICK “DO IT.” Step 4) SELECT A TEMPLATE Click on the corresponding "Preview" link for the template you selected to get a preview of what the clients will receive. To choose a different template, click "Select a Different Template." If you are satisfied with the email template you selected, click "Send Email." NOTE: * You will not be able to send your email until you have completed “Spell Check.” * Your District Director must approve batch emails.

1 3 2 35

If any clients have requested to ONLY receive personal emails from their agent, their name will be displayed on the right and the email will not be sent to them.

4 Select a template that you want to email by clicking the “Preview” link or type your own.

You will then have the option to send the template you selected, choose another template or cancel.


If you have created your own email template (i.e. in Microsoft Word ) you may copy and paste your text in the area provided once you select the “click here” link. You may also simply type the email text you wish to send.

Type or paste your email & ‘copy & paste’ the first name -OR- first name & last name. Before sending your email, you may click on the “Preview E-mail” button and you will see a sample of your email below:

…you may cancel, edit or send your email. 37

Setting up ZipNotify for clients Saving searches enables ZipNotify and provides clients with listings as soon as they come on the market. This increases the opportunity for agents to interact with clients and arrange for showings. Remember: Although the ZipNotify listings are sent automatically, they appear to be coming from you ...if a client ever thanks you for sending them this information, don’t act surprised! The more clients who have ZipNotify enabled, the more visit requests you will get! Find the client(s) for whom you want to set up ZipNotify. From “Advanced Search,” you can find customers who do not have ZipNotify and also did not say “No” to having it enabled. Click on the client’s name.

1) Click “Sign in as Client”


Clicking “Sign in as Client” always opens a SEPARATE window. (You will not lose your ZAP session once you close it). 38

2) Select “Search For Homes”

Note: The system knows you are signed in “as your client.”


3. Enter the search criteria (i.e. city(ies), price range, etc.) , then click “Search.”

You can search by any of the tabs displayed.


Enter the criteria (i.e. city, price, etc.)

4 Type in a search name (Oakland $325-450k) and click “Search and Save” to save the search for the client.

ZipNotify is enabled automatically by default when a search is saved as the ZipNotify box is pre-checked. 39

* Follow-up with the client after setting up ZipNotify. A best practice when creating saved searches and setting up ZipNotify is to contact the client either by phone (set up the search while you are talking to them or shortly after you have set it up) or through email if you cannot establish phone contact to let them know you will soon be sending them new listings as they become available on the market by email and that they or you may alter the criteria set at any time. REMEMBER: The “Homes & Searches” Tab is a GOLD MINE!!! Not only does it list the homes that a client saves or prints, but it also archives the email matches that are sent by ZipNotify. You can follow-up with the client and ask them what they thought about the listing(s) *you* sent them on ____ Street/Ave/Blvd… NOTE: You will NOT want ZipNotify enabled/set-up for a client in the following situations: •

A buyer has made an offer on a property

(You want to avoid “Buyer’s Remorse.” This may happen if a buyer continues to see new homes that they might like better.) When a new listing becomes available, the client will receive an email which will appear to come from you stating the following in the subject line: ”A new listing(s) matching your search criteria for Tempe $300-450k has come on the market…” To modify, delete or turn off ZipNotify, a client can click the “Saved Searches/ZipNotify” tab


To edit or delete a saved search, click the “Remove” link or “Edit” link next to the search name.

To turn off ZipNotify, click the “Disabled” bubble next to the search. Clients who wish to turn this tool off generally call Client Services or click the “Unsubscribe” link.

You can then proceed to the next client from your last Advanced Search results list by clicking the “Search Results” link to go back to the last list you were working on….


If you wish, you can be copied on any new listings that your client is being sent via ZipNotify. This way, you will be aware of what the system sent your client on your behalf as soon as the client receives the listing(s). It is recommended that you select this option for all of your “Top Clients.”

Simply check the box next to the saved search criteria and you will also receive the newest listings available on the MLS as soon as your client does. Follow up with your client shortly after to get their feedback on the listing they just received from “you!”


Completing/Updating Visit Requests The “Visits” section in ZAP provides a list of properties clients have requested to view. You will also receive an email notifying you of new visit requests from clients.

From your homepage, click on the “Visits” link. The number of visits displayed on the homepage only corresponds to the number of visits that have status of “New” and/or “Client Contacted/Schedule Pending.” NOTE: All other visits (i.e. with at status of “Scheduled,” “Completed/Still Searching,” or “Cancelled”) will only be displayed after clicking on the “Visits” link and then selecting to view a particular status from the drop-down menu.


This drop-down menu only displays one type of visit request at a time…this is currently displaying “New” & “Client Contacted” requests only.


2 1 3


It is important to update the visit request as soon as possible: 1. Change the status from “New” to the appropriate status within 24 hours (i.e. “Client Contacted/Schedule Pending” or “Scheduled”)

2. Set the appointment date (if applicable) 3. Set the appointment time (if applicable) 4. Enter notes to yourself – Optional (…i.e. “Meet client at property.”) 5. Click “Save Changes” (Bottom / right hand corner of the request to update the visit…) You will also see the address of the property requested and the following information: -

Client name & phone number (if provided) Date request was made Client notes (if any) Listing agent name & phone number MLS number 44


If the property is outside of your service area, click the “Move to Manager” link so your Manager can reassign them to another ZipRealty agent. Make a note for your District Director noting where the client is looking and email or phone the client to let them know that you have received their request but will arrange to have them reassigned to a more local ZipAgent. This can be done by clicking on the client name & then selecting “Move to Manager.”

Updating the visits once the properties have been shown:

Once you have completed the visit, go to the homepage & click the “Visits” link: ¾ Select the most recent status of the visit request (i.e. “Scheduled”) ¾ Change/Update the status as appropriate (i.e. from “Scheduled” to “Completed - Still Searching”) ¾ Save changes by clicking “Save this Page”


Entering Visits Manually in ZAP

for Clients

Entering client visits is essential for tracking the progress of a client’s home search and keeping a historical account of client and agent activity. Many visit requests will be made verbally or by email. You will want to enter these into ZAP manually to keep a record of these showings. First, find the client you wish to enter an offer for by clicking: “My Top Clients,” “Rising Stars,” “Today’s Contacts” or “Advanced Search” Once you have found the client, click on the client’s name…Then click “Sign

in as client.”

Remember –

Next click “Search for Homes” to find the property.


This will open a separate window which you can close once you are through generating the visit request.

Find the property by using the “Address”


“MLS Number” tab.

Next, click the “Schedule a Visit” button for the property. 47

…if a client was submitting this request on their own, they may provide some comments in this box (i.e. Can I see this on Sunday after 3pm?) When you are entering a visit request on a client’s behalf, comments are not required…

… Once you click ”Request Appointment,” the new visit request will appear on your ZAP Homepage where you can then update the status and/or set the date and time…

The basic information on the property will be automatically transferred into ZAP through the visit request submitted/created. You can now update the status of the visit by clicking the “Visits” link from the ZAP Homepage. The process for updating/completing the newly created visit is the same as updating visits entered by clients through their account.

(See “Updating/Completing Visits” to learn how to update/close out the visit request.)


Updating/Completing Offers in


When a client submits an online offer, an email notification is sent to the agent and the new offer will also be displayed on the ZAP Homepage.

Click the “Online Offers” link from the homepage. “New” & “Client Contacted” offers are first displayed by default. Other statuses: (i.e. “Client Contacted” or “Accepted” can be viewed once that status is selected and you click “Submit.”


To update the offer, click on the “Edit” link next to the offer you want to update…

NEXT: Update the “Status” of the offer from “New” to “Client Contacted” within 24 hours. … then click “ Save Offer” at the bottom of the page.

In addition to calling the client, leaving a message or sending an email – you MUST also update the “Status” in ZAP to be to “Client Contacted.” This is the status the offer will remain in while you: Write the offer, present it & wait for a decision… Update the offer by selecting the appropriate status from the drop-down menu selection. Note: For offers that are accepted, you must start a new transaction in ZAP within 24 hours. (To enter a new transaction, review “Starting a New Transaction” in ZAP ) Note: Offers only provide details about a client’s wish to make an offer and is NOT an actual offer. – A contract will still need to be drafted, signed & presented. The information input by the buyer on the offer detail page should be discussed with the buyer with the goal of writing and submitting an actual offer on the property. Consulting with the buyer to write the offer is the next step… 50

Entering Offers Manually in ZAP for Clients Entering offers for a client is essential for tracking the progress of a client’s home search and keeping a historical account of client and agent activity. This should be done within 24 hrs. Many client offers will be made verbally or by email. You will want to enter these into ZAP manually to keep a record for your District. First, find the client you wish to enter an offer for by clicking: “My Top Clients,” “Rising Stars,” “Today’s Contacts” or “Advanced Search”

Once you have found the client, click on their name and then click: “Sign In As Client.”

Next click the “Search for Homes” to find the property the offer is being made on.


Then find the property by the Address or MLS Number tab.

- OR -

Next click the “Make an Offer” button.


Only “Offer Price” is required.

… Once you click ”Make an Offer,” the information you input and the basic information from the MLS will automatically be saved after clicking “Submit.” This information will be transferred to the “Offers” section of the ZAP Homepage where you can then update the status of the offer as necessary…

IMPORTANT: You must then click “Confirm.”


The offer you just entered will now be available for updating on your ZAP Homepage…

The process for updating/completing the newly entered offer is the same as updating offers made by clients through their account. (See: “Updating/Completing Offers” to learn how to update/close out the offer in ZAP.)


Completing/Updating Priority Contacts (Call or email client within 24 hours AND update the “Status.”) • • •

Identified by Client Services and/or your District Director as clients who have shown a high likelihood of buying or selling. Clients who have requested an immediate response from their agent. Clients who ZipRealty received from a referral partner such as

From your homepage, click on the “Priority Contacts” link. 3



This the status of this particular Priority Contact… This will need to be updated once the client is contacted by phone or email.

2 5 You may enter notes here…

Don’t forget to click:

After clicking on the Priority Contacts link from the ZAP Homepage, you will see the client(s). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Client name Date Priority Contact was created Reason client was made a Priority Contact Status – this needs to be changed within 24 hours! Additional notes if necessary…

To gather more information about this client, click on the client name to get to their “All Communications” page.... review this section prior to contacting the client. Review the last few emails or notes entered to review any recent communications. After calling or emailing the client with a response and taking action, also set a “Next Contact” date to follow-up with the client. (See “Next Contact Dates” ) 55

Guide to Referral Partner Clients ZipRealty receives leads from a number of partners who collect information about the client and pass the client to us as a lead, rather than simply directing the client to our site. These clients are different from those who register on our site in several ways. This guide is intended to provide tips for meeting the expectations of these customers. All of these clients are made Priority Contacts. The Priority Contact note says: “Priority Contact: Lead referral from partner”

How Referral Partner Clients are different from those registering on •

The client may not have heard of ZipRealty or been to our website.

We may be in competition with agents at other companies for the lead.

ZipRealty creates their login and password, which is automatically emailed to the client. (Agents should mention that the client should have received a login & password via email).

The client may not have logged in yet, so their Homes/Searches section may be empty.

We often have additional information on these clients, such as their timeframe, their home address, and their pre-approval status. These notes are in a journal entry titled “Additional Client Information” in the “All Communications” Tab in ZAP.

Customer Expectations: Here is what customers are expecting when they register on our partner’s site: Service Magic Agent Connect Homegain Sellers

HouseValues Sellers

HouseValues Buyers

To hear from up to 3 local REALTORS® to help them buy or sell a home. To hear from up to 3 local REALTORS® to help them buy or sell a home. Free estimate of home’s value. To receive an email of comparable sales and follow up with a phone call from the agent. Their property address is in the journal entry entitled “Additional Client Information” in the “All Communications” Tab in ZAP. Free estimate of home’s value. Email comparable sales and follow up with phone call. Their property address is in the journal entry entitled “Additional Client Information” in the “All Communications” Tab in ZAP. ZipNotify listings using the search criteria in the Additional Client Information journal entry

Valid Contact Information Guaranteed: If you find the phone number is invalid (disconnected, person not at that number, etc.), make a note in the “Notes” field and click the “Move to Manager” link so the lead can be replaced. Also, “Inactivate” the phone number from the “Client Summary” tab. 56

Managing “Today’s Contacts” & Setting “Next Contact” Dates The “Today’s Contacts” list is a “reminder list that YOU control. This tool will remind you daily of clients you believe should be followed up with. As you contact clients throughout the week, month, etc, you have the ability to set a “Next Contact” date so you will be reminded on that day on your ZAP Homepage to follow-up with them. A “Next Contact” date can be set up days, weeks or months ahead of time…

Once you click on the “Today’s Contacts” link, you will see the list of clients who you thought should be followed up with today… After you click on the clients name and log a phone call or email them, you will need to RESET a new “Next Contact” date or they will remain on the list. SEE NEXT PAGE for instructions . . .


Setting “Next Contact” Dates (For “Today’s Contacts” section)

When logging a phone call or a note -OR- after emailing them, you need to RESET a new “Next Contact” date.

When logging a “Note” ... you must RESET a NEW “Next Contact” date. Click “Save Note” when done.

When logging a “Phone Call” ... you must RESET a NEW “Next Contact” date. Click “Record Phone Contact” when done.

The client will then show up in your “Today’s Contacts on the ZAP Homepage on that day.


Adding a Client to ZAP Adding a client to your database is a simple process that takes only minutes. Homepage

From your ZAP homepage, click on the “Add a New Client” link.


Customer Details Enter the information regarding your new client and select the appropriate territory. You must select a login & password for your client and provide this information to them.

1) Login names are unique – it is suggested that you use their email address as their login. 2) It is recommended that you use your first name as their password.

Click : “Create Client Account” when done…

…to add more than one client at a time, click here…

Click “Create Client Account” when you are done.


Your new client record has now been created!

You can now interact with this client and edit the client record just like any client record. Additionally, the client can now log into and gain full access to their account.

(*** Note*** You must provide them with the login and password you created..)


Entering a New Transaction in ZAP A transaction must be started in ZAP within 24 hours of a ratified contract. Faxing the ratified contract and relevant documents into the ZAP fax server must also be done within 24 hours. If no offer has been made in ZAP, you must FIRST create an offer for the client from the ZAP Homepage. (See section on “Entering an Offer Manually into ZAP.”)

Find the offer in ZAP by clicking on the “Offers” link.

Once you have updated the status of the offer to “Accepted,” …select the “Accepted” status from the “Offers” section. Then click “Submit.”


You will then see the list of all your accepted offers… Click “Start Transaction” for the one to start…

Find the property you want to start a transaction for and click the corresponding “Start Transaction” link


A form will open up for you to complete the “Property & Contact Info” tab/page. All required fields will be in RED.

“Rebate Type” options are: “NRCC (Non-Recurring Closing Costs) “Check” “N/A” (Not Applicable)

…ALWAYS click a “Save” button. “Payroll Type” will usually be: ”Standard Transaction”


You can always get back to a transaction that you have started by clicking on the “Closings” Tab from the ZAP Homepage. Then click on the address of the property…

After a transaction has been saved/started, you will be able to edit existing information for that transaction as well as enter new information by clicking an “Edit” link:


Additional Information to Enter: 1) Lender 2) Title/Seller’s Attorney OR Escrow/Buyer’s Attorney info

When you click on “Edit” the entire page opens for you to update information. Click “Save” when done.


Once your District Coordinator has “loaded” the tasks in ZAP that will be required for your closing, you may click on the “Closing Tasks” Tab and view the list of items that will need to be completed.

Some will be for you, the agent to complete and others will be assigned to your District Coordinator (D.C.).

Use the notes field as a communication tool to write any comments to yourself, or to your DC.

Standard “Due Dates” will populate based on the closing date entered. (If a due date is extended, it may be modified by clicking on the task name and then selecting a new date.)

You can update the status of a task once it is complete or if it is not required.

Click “Submit” when you are done.


Once your District Coordinator has “loaded” the documents in ZAP that will be required for your closing, you may click on the “Closing Docs” Tab and view the list of documents that will need to be faxed to your ZipRealty fax number/server.

The agent is responsible for having the required documents faxed to their fax server. Have the required documents faxed to your ZipRealty fax number or fax a hard copy of signed documents to your own ZipRealty fax number so it may be accessible through the ZAP fax server for your District Broker (DB) and your District Coordinator (DC) to view and file. The District Coordinator (DC) will update the status of the document to “Complete” once they have reviewed them in ZAP. (i.e. Verified that correct document is signed & legible.)


Note: Once the transaction is closed, your broker must approve the file for payment by auditing the file. The file must be complete before the commission bonus can be paid. The “Notes” Tab/Page: Allows you to enter or view notes regarding a transaction.

To create a journal regarding the transaction, click “here” to create one.

REMINDER: You should always call and/or email your District Coordinator about any changes to the progress of a transaction in addition to logging a note in ZAP.

To create additional journal entries, click “Add Journal Entry.”


Managing the File/Transaction Consistently communicating with your District Coordinator (DC) and documenting your activity on the Tasks and Documents page are essential in keeping your transactions status updated for all parties viewing the closing file. Your transaction will be reviewed within 3 days of it being entered into ZAP to ensure that your fax server on ZAP has all the appropriately signed documents and that all contact information has been entered on the transaction. Once your file is closed it will only be approved for payment after your District Coordinator and your District Broker’s final audit has revealed that all of the required tasks and appropriate paperwork are complete and your paperwork is in your fax server.

NOTE: You will also receive detailed training from your District Coordinator (DC) on managing transactions.


Fax Server - Sending faxes to ZAP, forwarding, renaming & filing them (Important: Have clients, co-op agents and other third parties fax documents to your ZipRealty fax #). You will receive notification of new faxes on the ZAP Homepage.

Once you click on either link circled above, you will see your fax inbox…

Note: Newly ratified agreements must be faxed to the fax server within 24 hrs.


Fax Server:

When a fax first comes into your inbox, it is unidentifiable (i.e. B00A36C.PDF)

Fax Legend: View a fax Download a fax Rename a fax

Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat to view any faxes. If you do not, go to the Help tab in ZAP and select “Downloads.” There is a link to the Adobe website for downloading the latest version of Acrobat Reader. To view a fax, click on the “eye” icon or the fax name. (…you can then print the fax …)

To rename a fax, click on the “pen” icon


(The fax must always be renamed as: ___.PDF)

Contract_143 Green Avenue.PDF

To download a fax, click on the “arrow” icon (if you want to save it to your computer.)


Sample Faxed Document Once you have clicked on the “eye” icon, a new window will open to display the fax

Moving/Filing a Fax To Move a fax, place a check mark in the box next to the fax & select the folder from the drop-down menu on the right hand side of the fax inbox ( Select: TC ) and click “OK.”

TC = Transaction Coordination

Once you move the fax, it will be stored in the appropriate folder to the left. 73

Emailing a Fax

To E-mail a fax, check the box next to the fax you want to send and click “E-mail”.

Compose your email message. (The attached file will be displayed.) Click “Spell Check” and click “Send” when you are done. Note: After emailing the faxed document, the document will still be in your fax inbox. You will still need to move it to the appropriate folder from your fax inbox.

Your attachment will be displayed here…


To delete a fax, place a check mark in the box next to the fax then click “Delete.”

Adding/Deleting Fax Folders (Fax Homepage)

To create a folder (Root = Primary Folder), Click the “Add/Delete” link. Agents can add a Root (Primary) folder A sub (Secondary) folder can also be added to the main / root folder.


Enter the name of the new folder you would like to create then click “Add Root Folder”.

To add a sub folder, click “add subfolder.”

Create a name for the subfolder then click “Add Subfolder”.


Your new subfolder is now available.

You can rename or delete folders by clicking on “rename” or “delete” links

Note: Once you have renamed the fax, it is important to move the file into the appropriate folder. A District Coordinator (DC) or Listing Coordinator (LC) will only review faxes that have been moved into the appropriate folder.

Documents That Must Be Labeled/Renamed the Same CONTRACT ITEMS: Final Walk Thru Purchase and Sales Agreement and conditions of the transactions Contract Addendums Counter Offers Rebate Agreement

(FWT) (CONTRACT) any document setting out the terms (C-ADDN) (CO) (BRA)

DISCLOSURES: ZipRealty New Home Disclosure FIRPTA


MISCELLANEOUS: Commission Check Earnest Money Deposit Check Final HUD 1 MLS print out Pre-approval letter Pre-qual letter


LISTING DOCUMENTS Listing Agreement Listing Agreement Addendum

(LA) (LAA) 77

Listing Appointments - Adding/Scheduling Once you have found your seller in ZAP, click on their name and then select: “Add Listing Appointment”

Fill in the information as necessary and then click: ”Save Appointment”

This appointment will now be on your ZAP calendar!


…the listing appointment will then be on your ZAP Homepage where you can track & update it.


Ensure that you are looking at the category of the listing appointment you wish to update (i.e. “New” or “Scheduled”)

To update the status of your listing appointment, first click on the seller’s address…

…then select the status you wish to update it to from the drop-down menu selection…

…then click ”Save Changes”




Sellers can get comparables and/or ask to meet with an agent….


Clients can add their most important places to their search criteria. This allows them to see how far they are from homes that come up in their searches…



Once you click on a home, there will be additional information displayed. (See next page)






When a client clicks “Save in My Homes” it is archived on the “My Homes” Tab.


Listings in ZAP Enter a new listing on ZAP within 24 hours of receiving a signed listing agreement. Faxing the listing agreement and relevant documents into the fax server should also be done within 24 hours of receiving the signed agreement. Once these 2 items are done, your Listing Coordinator (LC) will assist you by ordering the signpost and virtual tour. STEP 1: Find your client in ZAP…then click “Add New Listing.”


If your client only has a “buyer” account, click their “Client Summary” tab & then click the “Add Seller” link to create a seller account for your client.


Next, click on the “View Account” link for the seller account you just created...

Next, click on the “Add New Listing” link.


You will now be ready to enter the property information for the listing… Enter the basic property details...

Click “Create New Listing” after entering the property data. If the data has been entered successfully you’ll get the following statement: New Listing Created Successfully! If you do not get this message, look for an error message requesting missing information and resubmit. Note: An email will automatically be sent to Marketing letting them know you have a new listing!


You will also have to fax in your listing paperwork to ZAP so your sign and virtual tour can be ordered! (See the Fax Server Help document for more info...)

STEP 2: “Website Info” Tab/Page After creating the listing, next click on the “Website Info Tab.” It is important to make sure you include the county, MLS number and MLS Source. Spend the time to create a well-written commentary and description of the property. The home description, virtual tour, photos & contact information will “sync” with the MLS information when you fill out this page with the MLS number. Click “Website Info” to enter detailed property data.

Enter the home details here. Use this space to give a full description. This is where you “sell” the home to potential buyers! Use standard punctuation (not ALL CAPS) and do not over abbreviate. Click “Submit” when you are done.


STEP 3: Click on the “Listing Tasks” Tab/Page

If your Listing Coordinator has not yet had a chance to “load” your listing tasks in ZAP (the items that you will be required to take care of), you may click the “LOAD” button which will display this list of items for you along with standard due dates.

When you have completed a task that is assigned to you, you may click on the drop down menu and select “Complete” or “Not Required.” …you may also type in notes regarding these items…


…then click the “Update Tasks” link.

STEP 4: The “Listing Docs” Tab/Page displays the paperwork that is required.

…you may also type in notes regarding these items…

…then click the “Update Documents” link.

NOTE: Only your Listing Coordinator can update the “status” of each document. Once you have renamed the document in your fax server and have moved it to the “LC” folder, the Listing Coordinator will make sure that the document is legible and not missing any signatures or pages – they will then update the “status” in ZAP to “Complete.”


STEP 5: Add Photos…

You must download your photo from the digital camera to your computer first. (Call the Helpdesk for assistance.)

Suggestion: Rename your photos to easily identify them (i.e. 52 Smith_Front.jpg) Note: Check the public website ( to make sure the photo posted. Your main photo will “override” the MLS photo on our website. This gives you flexibility to have your listing’s photo show up sooner…

…you may upload the main photo as well as others from here… The caption can specify: Living Room, Kitchen, etc.



There is only one ZipRealty listing form needed (Listing Agreement Addendum). This can be found under the Help tab on ZAP (Info > Forms > District Forms > All Metros).

Listing Agreement Addendum a) Part 1 allows us to order inspections and reports for the seller at the seller’s expense. (Especially important for California so your LC can order the Natural Hazards Report.) b) Part 2 allows us to market the listing on a different date than the Listing Agreement date was signed. (i.e. If your client requires additional time to get the house ready) c) Part 3 allows us to list the property on our website and other websites.

FIRPTA (Government form - A legal document, only required for listings over $300K.) Some Boards have their own FIRPTA forms – use forms provided by the Board if you can. You should complete those items with your seller and fax them into your Fax Server (see Fax Server Help document), then rename them and move them to the LC folder… Your LC (Listing Coordinator) will then create a property folder those faxes and file them accordingly while updating the status of the required documents from the “Listing Docs” tab. ___________________________________________________________________________ You can always get back to your listing information by clicking on the “Listings” Tab from your ZAP Homepage,

…just select the page/section from the drop down menu that you want to return to. _____________________________________________________________________________

Expired or Withdrawn Listings NOTE: If your listing expires or is withdrawn – change the status on the “General Info” Tab in the “Marketing Timeline” section so the Listing Coordinator can request to have the sign taken down. Listing Training Documents are located on ZAP under the “Info” Tab. ¾ ZAP > Info > ZAP Information > ZAP User Guide • • • • •

Overall Seller Cheat Sheet Listings – Entering a New Listing in ZAP Flyers – How to Create & Order Open House Ads – How to Order/Request Fax Server 99

Creating a Flyer…

…you will then see the form below. You can then select one of 8 formats and add your photos to your flyer as well.

Click the “Continue” button when you are ready to add text to your flyer…(See next page) 100

… you may add bullet points to your flyer here…

You may preview your flyer AND make specific shipping instructions by clicking the “Preview Flyer” button.

…you also have the option of adding your personal photo to your flyer.

Click “Order Flyers” when you are done… 101




Click the appropriate link to: View / Order Edit Page 1 (to add / remove photos or change the flyer template / layout) Edit Page 2 (to edit text) Delete the flyer

Price change? If you need to make changes to the price, make them on the “General Info” Tab/Page and then reorder the flyer. General policy on flyers: You can order one set of 100 flyers at each list price. Additional flyers at the same list price require approval from your DD (District Director). Please check with your DD for permission first, then submit your additional flyer request. Include the DD’s approval with the special instructions.

Listing Training Documents are located on ZAP under the “Info” Tab. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

ZAP Info ZAP Information ZAP User Guide

• • • • •

Overall Seller Cheat Sheet Listings – Entering a New Listing in ZAP Flyers – How to Create & Order Open House Ads – How to Order/Request Fax Server


Requesting an Open House Ad

Once you enter the date and time of the Open House, click the “Submit & Display on Website”

button. . . . you will then see the form below to finish. Click “Request Ad” when you are done.

…specify which paper you want your ad to appear in AND which section you want it to be in. …also, specify key features you wish to highlight. Your Listing Coordinator will edit as appropriate to fit the paper’s requirements.

Click “Request Ad” and make sure you get the following message!


The ZAP CMA Creating a CMA in ZAP is a very simple process. Step 1: Find your client in ZAP Step 2: Click “Create CMA” in the seller account (Account Detail, All Communications, etc.) Step 3: Enter subject property address & comparables information Step 4: Review Search Results Select appropriate Sold Comps Select appropriate Pending Comps Select appropriate For Sale Comps Step 5: Final Details

(Step 1): First, find the client for whom you want to create the CMA in ZAP Go to: Advanced Search and type in the client name or Type the client name directly into the search box on the homepage or Enter a client manually from the homepage (if the client is not already in ZAP) Note: If the client has only a buyer account, go to the Client Summary page and click “Add Seller.” (Step 2): Click “Create CMA”

Once you are in the seller’s profile, click on the “Create CMA” link…


Step 3: Subject and Comparables Property Information: Next, enter the property address that you wish to collect comparables for and select the comparable property features that you want results for…

You may also pull up specific homes via MLS #

Then click “Search for Comparables”

Note: The more information you enter the fewer matching results you may have (the more matching criteria used, the more accurate the comps). Several considerations need to be made. 1. Focus on the most important criteria in a comp * * * *

Bed Bath Sq ft Proximity

2. Adjust your search to increase or decrease your search results (remove some of the criteria to get more results or add more criteria to narrow the number of results). 106

Step 4: Review Search Results The next screen will list the number of homes that matched the criteria you selected. In this example, there are (82) Sold, (3) Pending and (3) For Sale…

You can click on each of these categories: “Sold” “Pending Sale” and “For Sale” one at a time and select the homes that you wish to be added to your CMA from each of these categories…


Step 4: Review Search Results


To see the location of the selected properties for your CMA in relation to the subject property, click on the “Mapped” link…


Step 4: Review Search Results cont….


You can then click: ”Review Selected Properties.”


Step 4: Review Search Results cont…. When you are done reviewing the CMA in “draft,” you can then continue by clicking “Modify your search” or “Complete CMA.”

Note: Modifying your search will allow you to enter more or less criteria before re-running the search.


Step 5: Final Details Price Range, and Comments After click “Complete CMA” If you wish to enter your suggested list price, you may do so here: Summary comments may be entered here: Then click “Submit.”

Note: The Price Range should be a reflection of how much information (comps) you have to support an accurate market price. The more comps you have the match the subject property the smaller the price range can be. The fewer the comps the wider the price range. There will be exceptions to this rule such as amenities the seller may have or the condition of the property which you may not be able to determine until you see the inside of the property.


Step 5: Final Details: Photo Prior to creating the CMA in ZAP it is recommended that a photo of the house is taken. This will add a professional touch to the CMA and show that you have put in a lot of effort to produce this CMA. Additionally, it is important to know most of your competition did not and will not do this. Adding a photo Click “Browse” to find the picture of the subject property. Once you have done this, you may click “Upload Photo” and then “Finish CMA.”

Click “Finish CMA” when you are ready to print and or/view your final product.

Click this link to view and/or print out a copy of the finished CMA.


SAMPLE: Final Product










Partnerships Partnerships can be initiated / tracked in ZAP 2 ways…

1) When starting a transaction, agents can specify who the partner(s) is/are

2) From the “Preferences” tab


The agent can specify who they are partnering with and the split.



You must disable pop-up blocking in your browser for the chat pop-up window to open.

Select the appropriate choice (i.e. Agents & Clients, Clients only or Agents only)


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