Your Responsibility In The Kingdom

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 942
  • Pages: 3
YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IN THE KINGDOM, (BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR). Let the Bible Lesson be read. Listen attentively so that you will know the nature of the assignment given to us. BIBLE LESSON: LUKE 4: 18-20 The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent me to mend the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and the recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And He closed the book and gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all of them in the Synagogue were fastened on Him. THE SPREAD OF THE WORD OF GOD Brethren, that is what was written about you, for it is stated in the book of Isaiah that the Spirit of Jehovah came upon you when you were baptized, and that Spirit is the Word of God. You are a member of this kingdom, therefore your work is to preach the gospel everywhere. Tell those who were expecting Him that He has manifested here on earth; that the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Ruler of the World is here physically on earth, that His reign shall endure for ever. Go and preach to them not to oppress the orphans, and preach to them to set the captives free. Do not indulge in any evil practices nor engage in litigations because this is the acceptable year of Jehovah God and His Christ. Brethren, our primary obligation in this kingdom is to preach the Word of God to the world and reveal their wrong doings to them. Do not tell people that God has blessed them and their families, neither should you tell them that God has blessed them with money, but reveal to them their sins because God is an all-seeing God. That is the work of the spirit, and the most important assignment in the kingdom. Do not tell people you want to pray for them or give them visions, for such are immaterial. If I had told you this, would you have repented? Our local adage has it that if you visit the mother toad and you find her squatting, you must join her. In other words, when you are in Rome, behave as the Romans do. So whatsoever work the Father does, same should be done by members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. But those who cannot emulate the Father will be shown the way out. Preachers of the WORD OF GOD are the greatest in this kingdom, but if you call yourself a prophet, prophets have their own assignment. The visioners have theirs, and so do the choristers. Sometimes you could donate 50 Million Naira or build a mighty Cathedral, thinking that you have done a noble act. Yes, you have indeed done a noble act, but only partially. Howbeit, your paramount obligation is to preach the gospel;

for this purpose you were anointed. Tell the people about their evil acts and set the captives free. Go out on the streets, go from house to house, and go everywhere and inform the people about the reign of the Holy Spirit, because every person has an assignment to accomplish, therefore, all hands should be on deck. I am telling you that the Word of God is the only instrument that could be used to destroy and rebuild the world. It is said those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. But the question is "How can they call on the name of the Lord and be saved when they do not believe in this NEW NAME OF GOD? How can they believe in the NEW NAME(Rev. 3: l2 /Rev 2:17/Rev14:1), when there is nobody to introduce THE NEW NAME to them, and how can they hear these words when there is no righteous preacher who will explain the Word in detail to their understanding. Though you were not sent earlier, you now have been sent with all authority and power, to go and preach to them that the Holy Spirit is now with men. He alone is the one to judge the entire universe on His Judgement. War has ended everywhere in the world because its time has passed, for, warfare is outmoded. Warfare has no place in the Era of the Holy Spirit. Our major assignment is to preach these words of life, words of truth which of course constitute the Word of God. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR AND YOU HAVE NOT YET GONE INTO THE VINEYARD WITH YOUR BIBLE, IT MEANS YOU HAVE NOT YET STARTED PRACTICING THE WORD OF GOD, WHICH ALSO IMPLIES THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET KNOWN THE DOCTRINE OF BROTHERHOOD. CHURCHES WILL CEASE TO OPERATE BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE TRUTH, NOR DO THEY BELIEVE IN THE TRUTH. THEREFORE DISPERSE THEM WITH THE WORD OF GOD. THEY MUST CLOSE SHOP AND VACATE THESE CHURCHES FOR THEY ARE NOT PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD, AND SO THEY MUST GIVE WAY TO THE CHILDREN OF GOD. Go and tell the world that the time of judgement is at hand. There are some who, although they have received this Word, still harbor doubts in their hearts. Hence you have to go to them and broaden their understanding. Let my peace and blessing rest and abide with the entire world. Thank you Father.


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