Y3 - L1-welcome To English Class

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 194
  • Pages: 2
Year 3 – Lesso

n 1 – Welcom e To English Class

Grade : 3

Da tes: 26/30

Object ives :

1. Students can begin to understand the unit vocabulary 2.







to unit questions.

Ma teri als : Overhead, Powerpoint Acti vity 1: Intr oduct io n to t he En gl is h cl ass (1 5 Minutes) -

Introduction to English class


Explanation of class rules


Saying of the week – It’s Alright – It’s ok


Trivia question (see powerpoint)


Introduction to the concepts of foreign languages (Vocabulary: Nationality – What is you nationality?)

- Nationality – The place you are from

Acti vity 2: Di scus sio n of g lob al forms of E ng lis h (10 Mi nutes) -

The teacher will discuss the various forms of English, and the countries That use English as a first/second language.


The class will look at comparing English words through Konglish, British English, and Western English.

Acti vity 3: Wrap Up (5 minutes) -

The teacher will review the class material with the students, asking questions Based on today’s lesson.

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