XOOPS Essential Module Pack Looking for a convenient bundle of high-quality XOOPS modules to build your site? This pack provides all the functionality that most people will need…and a little bit more. The modules in this pack are all robust, well tested and widely supported by the XOOPS community. They are built by people who have a proven track record of ongoing commitment to module development and maintenance. They are safe, reliable choices for building your site, and in most cases they offer the best functionality currently available in their class (where more advanced but incomplete or poorly supported modules exist links are provided below…for those who like to play on the edge). Here’s what’s inside: ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONALITY News 1.44 The definitive version 1.44 of the news module. This module is compatible with Php 5. Short feature list: - The module respects, everywhere, ALL the permissions. - A new page "News by the same author" - Two new links are availables for the article's page, "Previous article" and "Next article" - You can also add a "Summary table" - Possibility to rate news - Authors can edit their posts - New RSS feeds per topic > The topics manager has been completly rewrited > It's now possible to include topics as sub-menus of the main menu > You can use the Spotlight in two blocs ("Top news" & "Recent Articles") You can even select between a classical view and a tabbed view > You can set a description for each topic > For each topic you can select if you want to see it on the front page or not. > The topics titles are longer (255 characters) > From the admin part of your site, you can remove (prune) news > You can export news to the xml format > When editing or creating a new article, Approvers and Administrators can modify and select the author > According to a module's option, you can ask the approvers to enter the meta keywords and description for each article > The block to navigate thru topics has a new option to show the number of news per topic. > You can use a new block, "random news", all is in the title. > You can use the module to create a newsletter's content. > You can see (from the admin panel) some statistics about your topics, news and authors. > You can assign a color to each topic > Your visitors can now see your articles in pdf > You can select the editor to use (dhtml area, spaw, fck editor, htmlarea, simple text area and kiovi) > A new module's option enable you to highlight (in the articles) the words used in the Xoops search. > You can use tooltips in your links and title. They contain the first (x) characters of your news. > For your visitors who are using Mozilla, Firefox and Opera, you can create the content of the site navigation's bar http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1008&release_id=60 WF-Downloads 3.1 FINAL
WF-Downloads is an advanced Downloads module for your XOOPS 2.x site. With this powerfull module, you can easily set a downloads section on your site and offer unlimited amount of files to your users. The module supports subcategories, has a fully integrated permissions system as well as a complete notifications system. WF-Downloads supports all versions of XOOPS from 2.0.10 to 2.2.x. http://smartfactory.ca/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=16&lid=49 extGal (photo gallery module) eXtGallery is a gallery module developed for XOOPS and use all XOOPS features. This module use the XOOPS template system. So you could easily change module display by editing these templates. Moreover, this module have a powerful right management system to make great and fine permissions. This module use new XOOPS 2.0.15 feature. So it work ONLY with XOOPS 2.0.15 or upper. Moderator note: This will not work with 2.2.5 You could find below module feature. Permissions per category and group : - Access - Photos rating - Send eCard - Photo download (Original size, with or without watermark and border) - Photo submit - Auto photo approve Main features : - Category/sub category - Photo rating system - eCard - Watermark - Border - Preview watermark and border on admin side - Batch add - Batch photo modify and delete http://www.zoullou.net/ Smartfaq 1.04 FINAL(ad advanced FAQ module) SmartFAQ is an advanced Question and Answers management system for your XOOPS site : it provides interactive features that allow the Web administrator and site users to post and respond to questions and answers. http://smartfactory.ca/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=2 Smartpartner 1.2 RC SmartPartner is an advanced Partners Management System for your XOOPS site. It features all the fonctionnalities of the original XoopsPartners module, combined with the features of the other Smart modules ! New from this version, Smart Partner supports partners category and offers a new feature to help cloning.
http://smartfactory.ca/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=3&lid=42 MyLinks
The Web Links module is used to create a links section for your website. It is typically used to create a directory to other relevant websites, but you could use it to link to anything really (music, software, publications, whatever). Links can be organized into categories and sub-categories. Users can optionally be allowed to 'rate' existing links or to submit new ones. Contact us “Contact Us” is a very simple module. It provides a Main Menu link to a contact form that visitors can use to email the website Administrator. TinyD 2.25 (build or wrap custom HTML pages, cloneable) http://xoops.peak.ne.jp/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=18 Multimenu V 1.82 (build custom menus) This version of Multmenu supports up to 16 custom menus (previous versions supported 8), and is compatible with both the XOOPS 2 and 2.2 forks. http://www.arma-sa.com/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=7&lid=29 COMMUNITY MODULES CBB 3.07 (a community forum module) http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?newbb Polls V 1.0 The Polls module can be used to display interactive survey forms on your site. Each poll can display a question on which visitors can “vote”. This can be a valuable way to collect feedback from your community. Polls can be configured to allow single or multiple choices and visitors can view the “results” to date. Members V 1.0 The XOOPS Members module provides a “member directory” for your website. It enables visitors to search a site’s registered members (note that this functionality is already available to administrators through the system module -> Find Users) and provides a large number of options and filters for doing so. It is useful because the main XOOPS search engine only searches module contents, it does not search member profiles. ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS PHPmyadmin V 2.51 http://www.xoops.org/modules/repository/singlefile.php?cid=17&lid=1211 SECURITY Protector V 2.57 Xoops Protector is a module to defend XOOPS2 from various and malicious attacks. This module can protect a various kind of attacks like:
- DoS - Bad Crawlers (like bots collecting e-mails...) - SQL Injection - XSS (Just only a little kind of ...) - System globals pollution - Session hi-jacking - Null-bytes - Directory Traversal - Some kind of CSRF (fatal in XOOPS <= - Brute Force - Camouflaged Image File Uploading (== IE Content-Type XSS) - Executable File Uploading Attack - XMLRPC's eval() and SQL Injection Attacks Xoops Protector defends you XOOPS from these attacks, and it records into its log. http://xoops.peak.ne.jp/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=1&lid=56 Upcoming modules...not ready for inclusion in the pack just yet Smartsection 2.12 http://smartfactory.ca/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=2&lid=80 Smartmail http://smartfactory.ca/modules/wfdownloads/viewcat.php?cid=19 More modules are available from the XOOPS Module Repository There are many, many more XOOPS modules available from the official module repository providing many more functions or different ways of implementing the functionality of the modules above. However, you will have to browse, download and test things, or consult the forums to see what people think of each module yourself!