Xml Basics1

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XML REPORTS With Screen shots Jainullabuddin B

Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS INTRODUCTION Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based publishing solution delivered with the Oracle E- Business Suite. XML Publisher is a tool which enables the users to produce • Flexible • High Quality • Template-Based Reports The main feature of XML Publisher is that it separates the Data Source from the presentation/Layout

Data Logic Layout Translation n •

XML Publisher

Report output

XML Publisher enables user to design the check layout using Microsoft word or Adobe Acrobat

One Template – Multiple Outputs XML Data



XML Publisher EXCEL


RTF Templates are converted to XSL-FO, then formatted to multiple outputs


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XML REPORTS • • • • • • • •

Simplicity of Usage : It reduces the coding effort as the final output generation is handled by XML Publisher. The developer has to concentrate only on developing the report logic Reusability : Single code can be used to generate output in Excel/PDF/RTF and other formats. Language Translations Standard Image Inclusion : Images or logos can be embedded while template creation, reference can also be made directly to gif/jpg images Flexibility Reduced Maintenance Less labor intensive Lesser Costs

VERSION OF XML Version 5.6 Build 45

Another way to find the Version PDF Output : open the file in Adobe Acrobat -> menu File -> Document Properties -> tab Description -> property ‘PDF Producer’ will show

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1.CREATING AN ORDINARY XML REPORT Create a Report using a Query in .rdf format. STEP1: Open the Report Builder and Select the option to build the report manually. The Query used is to bring the items created after 01-Jan-2008 SELECT inventory_item_id, segment1, description, creation_date   FROM mtl_system_items_b  WHERE creation_date > TO_DATE ('01-JAN-2008') AND organization_id = 204

Connect as apps/apps@prod Create the Layout. [Actually, there is no need to create layout for XML report. Here, we have created it for demo purpose.] The Output will be like this.

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Save this Report in the Inventory Top.

This is saved as D:\oracle\prodappl\inv\11.5.0\reports\US\xinv.RDF STEP2: Generate XML File

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XML REPORTS It will ask the location to save. It is saved as E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ xinv.xml This is the XML coding for the RDF File.

STEP 3: CREATE XML TEMPLATE Now, we have to create a template for Output. For this open Microsoft word. If XML was installed in Your system, You can see this.

Now Load the XML data.

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You will get the result as Create the Template.

Here, we are inserting all those fields. So, Select All Fields. You will get the layout as Follows

This is the Template, we have created. Save this as rtf file [Rich Text Format]. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xtemplate1.rtf. You can see the preview here.

The output is in .pdf format because, we have selected the pdf format.

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STEP4: REGISTER THE REPORT IN APPS Open the Application. Goto System Administrator Responsibility. Create the Executable

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Save it. Create the Concurrent Program

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Save it. Now, we have to find the Request Group Name.

Query for Inventory, Vision Operations (USA) Jainullabuddin B

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Now, Add this Report to the Inventory request Group.

Query for Your Request group and Add the New Program.

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Save It. Go to Inventory Responsibility.

Run the Program

You will get the result in the XML Format.

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But this is not the format, we require. This was generated, because, we have not attached the template (Which we created) anywhere. STEP5 : ATTACHING THE TEMPLATE Now GO to XML Publisher Administrator responsibility

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XML REPORTS If You don’t have the XML Publisher Admin responsibility, Add it. This is explained in a separate sheet. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\Screen Shots\Selvam\Adding responsibility to a User.doc

Creating the Data De nition When you create the data definition, you register the source of the data that will be merged with your template layout to create your published report. We have to create the Data Definition Now.

By Default, it will be in the query mode. So Click CREATE DDF

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One Important thing here is, Give the Code name same as the Conc Prgm Short Name in caps. Else it will not give the result. If you are using the Oracle Applications concurrent manager to generate your report, the data definition Code must match the concurrent program short name of the report program (for example, RAXCUS for the Customer Listing Summary). This enables the concurrent manager to locate the templates available for the report concurrent program when you submit the request. After the data definition is created, all the fields are updateable except Application and Code

Creating the Template When you create a template, you assign it a data definition and upload your template layout files. Assigning the data definition makes the template available to the corresponding data source at runtime. Now Attach the Template,

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After the template definition is created, the following fields are not updateable: Application, Code, and Type Now, you Run the Report in the Inventory Responsibility

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If You see the output, it will come in the Format we have give. Here we have given as PDF

This is the Simple way of creating the XML Report. POINTS TO REMEMBER

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If You have modified anything in the template, then update it in XML Template. Use Update button and Browse Button. Else it will work in the previously registered template only.

If You Click Download Button,

The corresponding RTF file will be opened

2. INSERTING INDIVIDUAL FIELDS In the Previous Example, we have inserted all the field directly, by Giving Insert  All Fields

In this situation, All the fields will be inserted directly. If we require some selected fields only, we can do it. For this, we have to do some modifications in the template. Here, we create a new template. • •

Open a word document. Load the Data as told before Draw a Layout by using Insert Table.

After drawing table, Type the Following things and keep ready the template.

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This is just a skeleton, we have to insert the fields now.

You will get the options now

Now, Insert as per Your requirements Jainullabuddin B

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After inserting all those, Save the File in rtf format. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xtemplate2.rtf You can see the Preview now.

You will get only one row in this report. Because, we have nowhere specified to repeat for the next lines. For that we have to write one tag. You can see the tag in the automatically created tag.

We have to write it manually now. If You double-click it, You can see the tag.

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You will see the tag now

For End Group,

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Now Insert these codes in the newly created templates.

You can see the preview now.

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You can test it by running in the Apps Also. For this You have to make changes in the XML Publisher Templates only. You can create a new template also.

You can see that two templates are attached Jainullabuddin B

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Now Run the report in APPS.

You can see that the Old template was added here. If, You need to change this one,

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Don’t Forget to Give OK. Now, Give Submit. If You give the Output,

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The Output was got in the HTML Format.

3. GETTING TWO KIND OF OUTPUT AT A TIME The Unique feature of XML Report is to get two kind of reports at a time. For this, we have to do a minor Modification. Here, Let us imagine that there is a situation to get both the templates at a time. [Manager1 is asking a report in PDF format and Manager2 is asking a report in Excel format]. While Submitting a report, You can see the Layout field having only one option. Our requirement is adding two templates here. So, Go to Options,

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Add Your New template and Save. You can’t see any Save Option here. So, Just Press CTRL+S.

{Here, XML Format is not working. SO I have changed it to HTML Format}

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XML REPORTS Then press OK. You can see that two templates are added here.

Now, Submit the Request, You will get two results. Two Requests will be submitted at a time.

You can see the results in two separate sheets. POINTS TO REMEMBER Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS Whenever You are submitting the request, The Template You have very first defined will come as default one. If You need to change it,

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It will take the second template. You can check this in VIEW DETAILS

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If You give CTRL + S Here, You will get two templates

RTF TEMPLATE Rich Text Format (RTF) is a specification used by common word processing applications, such as Microsoft Word. The RTF layout can be designed using the Standard features in Word.  Select the size, font, and alignment of text  Insert bullets and numbering  Draw borders around paragraphs  Include a watermark  Include images (jpg, gif,)  Use table auto formatting features  Insert a header and footer

Creating Placeholders The placeholder maps the template field to the XML element data field. At runtime the placeholder is replaced by the value of the element of the same name in the XML data file. Enter placeholders in your document using the following syntax:

You can use the XML template without using the insert option in Template Builder. For this, we have to write the tags. Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS Let us create a new template with the same XML data. But Only two columns in it. • Open a new word document and save it as E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xtemplate3.rtf • Load the XML data into it • Create a table having two columns in it. Give the column Headings.

Now Write the tag to insert the item

Be Sure that the Field Names are given in upper-case. Else it will not give the result. If You see the Preview, You can see the result a single row.

De ning Groups If, You need to have all the rows. Follow these steps By defining a group, you are notifying XML Publisher that for each occurrence of an element, you want the included fields displayed. At runtime, XML Publisher will loop through the occurrences of the element and display the fields each time. Insert the following tag before the first element: Insert the following tag after the final element:

Let us write this in our Query.

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Ensure that it don’t have any spaces in it. If You give any space in Your tag, the following error will occur.

Because, we have left a space here.

Note that the group element must be a parent of the repeating elements in the XML input file. If You want this Group tag is to be displayed as in the automatically created one. i.e F For this, we have to enable the following

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Keep the cursor in the place we have to insert the tag,

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XML REPORTS Double click in it. You will get like this.

Type Your tag and close.

You can see the output Headers and Footers. Use the following tags to enclose the body area of your report:

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XML REPORTS Create a New Template with Header . E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ xtemplate4.rtf

We have specified “Sample Header” as the Header here. Let us check whether the Header is coming.

In the same manner, do for footers also.

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This header can be mingled with the ordinary header and Footer Also. Let us Add the ordinary Header

You can see this header with the previous header also. Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS If You see the output, both will appear.

Background and Watermark Support XML Publisher supports the "Background" feature in Microsoft Word. You can specify a single, graduated color or an image background for your template to be displayed in the PDF output. Note that this feature is supported for PDF output only. To add a background to your template, use the Format > Background menu option.

This is as usual in the Word. Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS Page Breaks •

To create a page break after the occurrence of a specific element

To insert a page break between each occurrence of a group, insert the "splitby-page-break" form field within the group immediately before the tag that closes the group

IN Our Example,

Then You will see the result, in separate Page

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SORTING Let us use a new template for this purpose. This is saved as E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xtemplate7.rtf. The template is normal template with insertion of all the fields into it.

This have the output as

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You may require the output to be sorted in the Inventory Item ID in ascending order. For this we have to include a tag.

Open the group tag

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And the tag below the available tag and Press OK

Now see the output

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You can see that it was sorted.

Conditional Formatting Conditional formatting occurs when a formatting element appears only when a certain condition is met. XML Publisher supports the usage of simple "if" statements, as well as more complex "choose" expressions. • Insert the following syntax to designate the beginning of the conditional area. • Insert the following syntax at the end of the conditional area: . Let us create a new template for this purpose and Load the data into it. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xtemplate5.rtf Add the if statement into it

The Output will be Jainullabuddin B

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IF-THEN-ELSE XML Publisher supports the common programming construct "if-then-else". This is extremely useful when you need to test a condition and conditionally show a result.

Let us write a new Query for if-then-else in the old template itself. Use the following syntax to construct an if-then-else statement in your RTF template:

Type the tag as a single line [Don’t use Enter Anywhere] The Result is as per our requirement

Choose Statements

Use the choose, when, and otherwise elements to express multiple conditional tests. This is a very powerful feature of the RTF template. In regular XSL programming, if a condition is met in the choose command then further XSL code is executed.

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XML REPORTS Use the following syntax for these elements:

Let us create a new template for this purpose. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xtemplate6.rtf In the Template, write the Coding,

What our requirement is, If the Inventory_item_id = 11816, then, the contents to be highlighted in Blue color. Output is

Let us proceed with another condition in it. If The Inventory_item_id = 12816, then the words are to be highlighted.

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The Output is

Now, Use otherwise into it. All the Records to be Highlighted in red Color.

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The Output is

ADDITION You can perform mathematical operations in the tag itself. Let us create a new column to show the addition of INVENTORY_ITEM_ID with 5. In the Template, Creat one Column and write the tag in it. Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS In the Same Way, You can add two columns also Row Striping If you would like a striped effect on your rows this can be achieved in the template. We now use two almost identical data rows in the table. The native XSL position() function is used to assign each row a numeric value, an ‘if’ statement is then used to test the value, so at the beginning of each row we get an if statement: 1st Row: if:position() mod 2=0 2nd Row: if:position() mod 2=1 The position() function will return a number for the row of data starting at ‘1’. The mod or modulus function will return a 0 or a 1 depending on the result e.g. 2 mod 2 returns 0 and 3 mod 2 returns a 1. So we shade each row as required and add the if statement and at runtime the rows will be alternately shaded, in this case blue and yellow.

The template is

This is saved as E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\stripping effect.rtf The output is

If You use this for 3 lines, the coding will be

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Auto Formatting You can also use Word’s Table Auto Format feature to apply a style to your tables. Highlight the table then Table > Table AutoFormat then select the style you want from the dialog

You can choose the format as You desire.

CREATING XML REPORT USING PROCEDURES In the Modern era, we are not using RDF file to generate XML file. We can use the Procedure for this Purpose. 1. First Declare the utlfile. 2. Next give the path to save the .xml file name. This can be stored in the selected directories only. This can be found out using the query SELECT *

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XML REPORTS FROM all_directories The Output is

Let us Use c:\temp to store the xml file.

Don’t forget to give the extension. Ie. Xinv.xml. Here it was not give. In the next step it was correctly given. 3. Now Write the coding to create the procedure and create the xml file. CODING

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xmlproc (errbuf VARCHAR2, retcode NUMBER) IS    myutlfile   UTL_FILE.file_type; BEGIN    myutlfile := UTL_FILE.fopen ('c:\temp', 'xinv.xml', 'W');    UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');    UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');    FOR i IN (SELECT inventory_item_id, segment1, description, creation_date                FROM mtl_system_items_b               WHERE creation_date > TO_DATE ('01­JAN­2008')                 AND organization_id = 204)    LOOP       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile,                             ''                          || i.inventory_item_id                          || ''                         );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile,                          '<SEGMENT1>' || i.segment1 || ''                         );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile,                          '' || i.description || ''                         );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile,                             ''                          || i.creation_date                          || ''                         );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');    END LOOP;

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XML REPORTS UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '
');    UTL_FILE.fclose (myutlfile); END; This was saved as  Now Compile the Program. BEGIN    xmlproc ('a', 1); END; You can check the xml in the c:\temp path.

The Coding is saved in the File. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\Generating XML File.prc Jainullabuddin B

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XML REPORTS Now, Write the Coding to show output in APPS. You have to k\make slight changes in the above coding. Instead of UTL File, Give FND File. Also, Instead of MYUTLFILE give FND_FILE. Also delete fopen and fclose. CODING

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xmloutproc (errbuf VARCHAR2, retcode NUMBER) IS BEGIN    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '');    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '');    FOR i IN (SELECT inventory_item_id, segment1, description, creation_date                FROM mtl_system_items_b               WHERE creation_date > TO_DATE ('01­JAN­2008')                 AND organization_id = 204)    LOOP       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '');       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,                             ''                          || i.inventory_item_id                          || ''                         );       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,                          '<SEGMENT1>' || i.segment1 || ''                         );       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,                          '' || i.description || ''                         );       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,                             ''                          || i.creation_date                          || ''                         );       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '');    END LOOP;    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, ''); END; Compile the Procedure BEGIN    xmloutproc ('a', 1); END;

The Same is Saved in E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\XML Output in Apps.prc Then Create the Executable as Before and follow those steps

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Now Define the Concurrent Program

Now, Find the Request Group Name

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Now, Include it in the Corresponding Responsibility

Now Open MS Word and Create a template

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It is saved as E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\proc_temp.rtf Now, Open the XML Publisher Administrator and define the Data.

Now create the template

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Give the New Template Name Now, Run the Program in Apps

Now, See the Output

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Successfully Completed. • An Important Thing to note here is – It is not necessary to have installed XML in Your system. Without Loading the data You can see the output

LINK BETWEEN RDF AND XML If You open the property Pallete in the Data Model of RDF, You can see the XML SETTINGS Property. This will be helpful in the case of creation of XML Tags.

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XML Tag You can change the name of the XMl Tag while generating the XML Tags. Previously, the tag will be

Now Give the Name as Dates. Save it and Generate into XML File and Save it as

IN the Tag, You can see as Dates


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XML REPORTS Let us Give an Attribute

The XML Output will be

It will just add The Output is saved in E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xinv1.xml EXCLUDE FROM XML OUTPUT As the name indicates, it will exclude that item from the XML tag.


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You can see the absence of description here. The OUTPUT is saved in E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\xinv2.xml.

PLAY WITH INVOICES This part is just a continuation from RTF templates. What we do here is more learning about RTF templates using the in-build given examples from XML Publisher. For this purpose, we write a query to get some details about invoice SELECT invoice_num, invoice_date, a.invoice_currency_code, a.gl_date,        a.invoice_amount   FROM ap_invoices_all a  WHERE invoice_date < TO_DATE ('30-JAN-1996')

Write a Procedure and create the XML code using the procedure CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE invoice_code (errbuf VARCHAR2, retcode NUMBER) IS    myutlfile   UTL_FILE.file_type; BEGIN    myutlfile := UTL_FILE.fopen ('c:\temp', 'invoice.xml', 'W');    UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');    UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');    FOR i IN (SELECT invoice_num, invoice_date, a.invoice_currency_code,                     a.gl_date, a.invoice_amount                FROM ap_invoices_all a               WHERE invoice_date < TO_DATE ('30­MAR­1996'))    LOOP       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '');       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile,                          ''||i.INVOICE_NUM||''                         );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile,                          ''||i.INVOICE_DATE||''                         );       UTL_FILE.put_line          (myutlfile,           ''|| i.INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE||''          );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, ''||i.GL_DATE||'');       UTL_FILE.put_line

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XML REPORTS (myutlfile, ''|| i.INVOICE_AMOUNT||''                       );       UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '
');    END LOOP;    UTL_FILE.put_line (myutlfile, '
');    UTL_FILE.fclose (myutlfile); END; Execute the Procedure using begin  invoice_code('a',1);  end;

The code will be generated in the C:\temp folder. Copy this and paste it in your area and load the data. Insert all those fields Repeatable Row Headers If your invoices break across a page and you want to repeat the column header row this can be achieved using MSWord’s functionality. 1. Highlight the header row 2. Table > Table Properties 3. Under the Row tab select the ‘Repeat as Header row at the top of each page’ If the invoices table breaks across a page the header row will be repeated

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Now You will get the rows repeated.

Splitting Rows across pages You can prevent rows splitting across a page break by using MSWord’s funtionality: 1. Highlight the data row 2. Table > Table Properties 3. Under the Row tab deselect the ‘Allow row to break across pages’ Rows that would normally be split across two pages will now be moved to the second page to preserve the row data

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XML REPORTS Using Groups Let us use groups in the query for this we have created the RDF file . E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ invoice.rdf We have included Vendor_id for this purpose and Group the Query using the vendor_id Now design the template and save as

E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ invoice2.rtf Loaded data is from E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ invoice1.xml Output is Like

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The output is shown after grouping Totals Adding a total at the Vendor level is very straightforward. We add a new table with a single row after the invoices table Write the Query in the template. E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ invoice3.rtf Load the data from E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ invoice1.xml

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XML REPORTS This will give the sum for every Vendor

You can get the total in the report level also

Output is

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Number Formatting You can format the number in the following form field

(#,###.00) is used for negative values. REGROUPING If You want to use Grouping By Currency Code inside the existing group, You can add this. For this ,we have created a template E:\Selvam\Selvam P.S\Materials\XML\XML Tutorial – Selvam\ invoice5.rtf

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The Output will be

It was regrouped using the Currency Code also You have to add a tag,

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ERRORS FACED 1. If we are opting to see the output in Excel Format, the following error occurs, ERR 01403 : No Data Found


SUMMARY 1. Develop the report without layout. 2. Register the report with Oracle applications in normal way. 3. While registering the report select the out put type as xml instead of text (in general we will give as text). 4. Assign to a request group. 5. Once after running the report from the application we will get the out put in the form of xml tags. 6. Save the Out put xml tags in file (this out put file will be the in put for the template generation). 7. Develop the Template and save it in .rtf format 8. Create Data Definition 9. Create the Template in Apps 10. Run the Report in the Apps Jainullabuddin B

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