Ww2 Table Top

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 9
WW2 Table Top Game is made to be used with 54mm or 1/32 size painted WW2 miniatures. It is made to represent squad based combat.

Point Caps, Squad Caps, and Unit Selection At beginning of game all players set out the unit cap and or point caps for a game. Each unit has a point value and point caps are placed either on a squad or a faction level. Squad caps are caps placed on how many men are in a squad. You may also play with an army cap, however normally you only need squad caps. Games can have equal caps for both sides or can be decided based on the player’s personal preferences. However unequal caps can result in one-sided games. After point caps and unit caps are chosen, then units for each side must be chosen. You can mix allied and axis vehicles but not infantry. And Russian infantry cannot be used in conjunction with allied infantry since they never fought together. Same goes with Japanese and German. However British and American, and German and Italian men may be used together. A normal small game usually has small squad caps, however can have multiple squads for one faction. Left over points can be used for special abilities on certain weapons, purchase of equipable weapons (weapons that do not come with crew, i.e. HMGs, Grenades, mortars, anti-tank guns, and artillery), or for the promoting of officers. All of this must be done before deploying troops and weapons. Unarmed infantry cost 2 points

Deployment After choosing your units, players decide on the terrain that will be played on (this can be done beforehand) and then choose deployment zone on the terrain. After deployment zone are chosen, all units chosen by the players are placed respectively into their deployment zones.

Order of Play Order of play is determined by coin toss or by agreed upon terms by the players. If there are more than two players (odd amounts of player are not recommended, however one player can control two squads as long as a player of the opposite faction has a turn between both of his) then you must rotate from Axis to Allied or vice-versa.

Turns and Actions Turns represent about 3 second’s real time. Each faction can only move one squad per turn. Each squad is only allowed as many actions as it has men, so for instance you have 5 men a squad (standard) then you have five actions. Each unit only gets one action. There are several action types. Move – Move the unit based on its full movement stats. Attack – Attack an enemy unit using its full combat stats. Move and Attack – May move the unit and then attack while applying combat penalties based on the distance moved. If a unit more than half its movement, it may not also

attack, if it moves half its movement, it gets -3 from its accuracy roll. If it moves a ¼ its movement it gets -1 from its accuracy roll. Always round up, for instance if it is more than ¼ it is considered half. Attack and Move – May attack with full combat stats but only move a maximum of 3in. Special Action – This will be explained in later in the rules

Movement A unit moves differently based on if it is an infantry unit, a vehicle unit, or a weapons team unit. If an Infantry unit, it takes the base infantry movement and then adds the weapon it carries special movement modifier to find out its movement. Vehicles and Weapons teams have their own personal movements. Movement is based off of a 12in. ruler, but it is better to use a 60in. flexible tape measure. You place the ruler/tape measure over the head of the infantry unit or middle of the vehicle/weapons team, and then move the unit the appropriate distance, ending with the head of the infantry, or the middle of the vehicle/weapons team. Crossing over terrain works based on how high the terrain is. If the terrain is 2in. or less it costs three movement inches. If it is between 2in. and 5in. it takes a full movement of a unit. Any higher than that and a unit cannot cross or climb it. Base Infantry Movement - 12

Attack Unit must have line of sight on a target to declare an attack action. When an attack is issued, the attacker measures the distance from his unit to the target unit. Then he rolls an 8d. Based on the distance and the weapon used it is determined whether it is a hit. If a hit occurs, you roll a 6d to determine the where the injury took place. Damage is determined by specs on the gun and where the hit is (specs. are below). If a unit is hit twice, the unit is considered dead. When firing at multiple units, you must declare which units you are firing on first, and you may fire upon the same unit twice.

Damage Based on Gun Types: D6 Num Pistol SMG Rifles Assault LMG HMG 50 Cal. Grenade Mortar Antitank 20mm+


2 Neck 2T 2T 2T 2T 2T IK IK 2T 2T



5 Arm AC-1 AC-1 AC-2 AC-2 AC-2 IC IC AC-3 AC-3

6 Leg MV-1 MV-3 MV-6 MV-6 MV-6 IC IC MV-5 MV-5







Key: IK= Unit is immediately killed and removed from play 2T= Unit is incapacitated and will die in 2 turns IC= Unit is incapacitated meaning that the unit will die in five turns if not helped by a medic, and it cannot move or fire NO MV= Unit can no longer move, however can still fire with a -1 from his accuracy roll AC= Accuracy roll minus whatever number behind it MV= Movement gets this number subtracted from his normal movement

Special Movements and Attacks and other Actions Prone and Other Positions You may order your units to go prone. When prone you lay your unit down where it was standing. A unit may have only moved half its movement, however, the unit’s accuracy roll is increased by 1, making it more accurate. A unit may move and then after moving may be put in prone, but it may not come out of prone and move. However a unit may come out of prone and fire, but may not go back into prone. Also may not be put in prone after firing. If you have extra pieces you may replace units with the exact same weapons with other units in a different pose to make use of certain cover better. Blind Fire A unit may blind fire around cover without exposing himself to enemy fire; however his accuracy is terribly reduced. May only blind fire at enemy units that have been seen by the unit. Enemy unit must be within 20in. May only blind fire at one unit. Only Pistols, SMG, Semi-Auto Rifles, and Assault Rifles may Blind Fire. Suppression is not penalized. Must roll a 0 on a 10d to hit. Covering fire Two or more men in a squad can be given the order to give suppression fire to a select area. This order will be like Overwatch and continue until: something blocks the suppression, or 3 turns passes. First a target area is chosen, the area consists of anything within 8in. circumference. All men giving the suppressing fire must be in range of the target. Then the Attacker rolls the same number of d10s as there are men giving suppression fire. Then he divides the number in half and then adds the suppression number’s for his units to his roll. The Defender rolls one d10 plus adds five to his number. If the Attacker’s number is higher then the Defender’s units are suppressed. If the Defender’s number is higher, then his units are not suppressed. This qualifies as an action for each of the Attackers men involved. A suppressed unit is not allowed to return fire and is only able to move half its normal movement on the next turn. Covering fire can be used on an opponents Overwatch units, and the Overwatch cannot fire unless the covering fire fails. Pinning If two or more men are hit and/or killed within 3in. of a friendly unit on the same turn, that unit is now considered pinned. If pinned a unit cannot move or fire on its next turn and is immediately put in prone.

Terror Certain weapons like mortars, artillery, and flamethrowers have terror attributes. These attributes are located next to the weapon type as (t1) or (t4). Terror causes men to run away from battle. A unit that has been successfully terrified retreats for three straight turns its full movement in the exact opposite direction of the attack. If a .unit is within 8in. of an artillery strike or flamethrower attack, or 6in. of a mortar strike then a roll for terror may be declared. Then both Attacker and Defender roll a 10d. The Attacker then adds the terror number for his unit’s weapon to his roll. If the Attacker’s number is higher then the Defender’s, the unit is terrified. If the Defender’s number is higher, then his unit is not terrified. However terror can also be caused by friendly fire, but only if it’s friendly artillery or mortar strike, or a flamethrower on his own team explodes. Terror from machine guns is almost the same. However it only effects units that were missed by the gunfire, and the units within 3in. of someone who has been hit. Overwatch A unit that has not moved the turn before can be placed on Overwatch as an action. Any unit that comes into a unit’s range while on Overwatch will automatically be fired upon by the Overwatch unit at the owner’s discretion. However, a unit on Overwatch may only fire on one unit a turn, unless it is a LMG or HMG which can fire on the amount equal of its target maximum. These may also fire on the same unit multiple times until it reaches its target maximum. An Overwatch unit may only fire on units in the 90 degree angle. If a unit starts out in an unit’s Overwatch, that unit may fire first at the Overwatch unit, however the unit on Overwatch still may respond completely. If this unit is not moved or fired, the Overwatch unit may still fire on it at the end of the opponent’s turn. Quick Firing and Reflex Shots A unit that is completely behind cover may Quick Fire at a target if there is a gap in the cover within 1in. Only units armed with Pistols, SMG, Rifles, Assault Rifles, may quick fire. This is not considered a Move and Fire because the unit will move, fire at the target, then move back to its original spot. This unit may only fire one shot no matter how much its target value is. However, when firing it gets -2 from its accuracy roll. A unit that is on Overwatch within range of a Quick Firing unit may roll to make a Reflex Shot before the unit gets to fire. The Overwatch unit first rolls a 6d, on an even number it may fire one shot at the enemy unit, on an odd number it may not fire. If a Reflex Shot hits the Quick Firing unit, then the unit does not get to fire, and does not get to move back to its original position. Hero If a grenade falls within 1in. in front of a unit, it can, at the discretion of the owner, roll for a Hero action. This would either allow the unit to throw back the grenade or to fall on it to save his squadmates. First you will declare the Hero action, then you roll a 6d tofind out if the unit notices the grenade. On a 5 or 6 you may then roll another 6d to find out if he is going to throw it back, or fall on it. Odd number means he falls on it. Even number means he throws it back. If he succeeds in a dive, then he is instantly killed, but there are no other casualties. If he succeeds in a throw back, you then choose where and throw it

back using the Indirect Fire Method and automatically an 8d no matter what the range. The range may not exceed 20in.

Officer Cost: 4 points An Officer can be any unit in a squad. You may only have one Officer in a squad at one time. You may choose at the beginning of the game which units you purchased with the determined start points. Any unit in the same squad as an Officer cannot be pinned or affected by a terror roll, however suppression still effects all units in the same squad as an Officer. Also their accuracy roll is +1. Merging Squads If two squads have taken casualties (either incapacitated or killed) and a unit in one is within 10in. from a unit in another, they may be declared at the beginning of your turn one squad. The new squad may not go over the squad limit. Smoke Grenades and Mortars Smoke grenades can be equipped or fired from a mortar. It is calculated using the indirect fire method depending on if it is grenade or mortar. When it lands, a smoke screen can be placed on the area with the middle of the smoke screen on the spot hit. A smoke screen can be no more than 8in. long and 5in. wide. Smoke cannot be fired through or at. If a unit is in smoke, it may not fire. Smoke lasts for 3 turns and is removed at the beginning of the users 4th turn. Medics Cost: 4 points An Officer can be any unit in a squad armed with a Pistol, SMG, Rifle, Semi-Auto Rifle, or Assault Rifle. You may only have one Medic in a squad at one time. You may choose at the beginning of the game which units you purchased with the determined start points. A medic may heal units after they have been hit. It takes one turn without any movement to heal a unit. Any unit with an accuracy or movement injury can be healed back to full ability. Any unit that is incapacitated may be healed to -2 accuracy and -3 movement. Neck wounds take two turns as the first turn heals to incapacitation and the 2nd turn heals to -2 accuracy and – 3 movement. The maximum times a unit can be hit after being healed by a medic is 3.

Direct Fire, Indirect Fire, and Equipable Weapon information. The Indirect Fire Method (IFM) The Indirect Fire Method is how indirect weapons are fired in the game. To throw a grenade or fire a mortar or artillery piece, you will use the Indirect Fire Method. First, determine the range of the target, or target area. Then you lay down the tape measure

horizontal to the grenade thrower/mortar man/artillery men with the middle number on the dice as the number on the exact spot. Then you roll the dice and the number that comes up is where you put the middle number on the tape measure when you set it down vertically. Then you roll again, and whatever number it lands on its where the grenade/mortar/shell lands and explodes. For instance if we were to throw a grenade within 10in. you will lay your tape measure down horizontally to your thrower with the spot between the number 2 and 3 on the spot where you want the grenade to land. Then you will roll your dice and lets say get a 3. Then where your three is on your tape measure is where you will lay down your tape measure between 2 and 3 when you put down your tape measure. Then you roll again and say you get a 1. Where your 1 is on your tape measure is now where the grenade lands. A grenade automatically kills any unit within 1in. of it and you roll for injuries any unit that is within 3in. of its landing point. A mortar automatically kills any unit within 2in. and you roll for injuries any unit within 4in. of it. An artillery shell kills any unit within 3in. of it and roll for injuries any unit within 6in. The Direct Fire Method (DFM) The Direct Fire Method is how direct fire weapons are used in the game. To fire an antitank weapon you will use the Direct Fire Method. First determine the range of the target, or target area. Then Lay your tape measure down horizontal to your anti-tank weapon with the middle number on the dice used at the range on the spot you are targeting. Then you roll the dice and the number that comes up is where it lands. If you were targeting the ground then that is where the shell actually lands and does damage. However if you were targeting a raised object, such as a tank or building or terrain piece and it misses, then the shell continues until it hits another object, such as an infantry, vehicle, or other terrain piece, or the maximum range of the gun. Anti-tank Weapons Anti-tank weapons are equipable weapons that are used like less mobile and less protected tanks. They fire using the DFM and have a necessary crew. More descriptions on these weapons are listed under the Faction’s weapon list. Grenades Cost: 2 points Any unit that has a grenade painted on his unit automatically has a grenade. Grenades however are an equipable item that is purchased with points during your army build up. Only men armed with Pistols, SMG, Rifle, Semi-Auto Rifles, or Assault Rifles may be equipped with grenades. A unit can hold a maximum of 3 grenades. Grenades are considered an indirect weapon and may be lobbed over the top of cover and other things. They will also use the Indirect Fire Method. However you must be half the distance from an object as it is high to lob it over, for instance you must be 3in. away to lob it over a 6in. wall. However you may not lob over an object more than 10in. high. However you also subtract how high it goes over something from how far it goes. So if you lob something 10in. up but you are only 5in. away from it, it won’t go 15in. farther, but only

5in. Grenades also bounce backwards, so if it hits where a wall would have blocked it, then it goes backwards from the wall the same amount it was going to go forwards. Range: Minimum: 1in. - 10in. Medium: 11in. – 15in. Maximum: 16in. - 20in. ER: 1in. kill

4d 6d 8d

4in. injure

Destroying Tanks with Grenades You can also destroy tanks with grenades if your infantry are lucky enough. An Infantry unit that is armed with a grenade can charge a tank and use movement to get on top of the tank. If the unit is near a hatch that is open, the unit may drop a grenade into the hole as long as he is armed with a grenade. If the hatch is closed he may fire at the hinge in an effort to blow it open. You must roll a 7-8 on an 8d to accomplish this. Then when the hatch is open you may drop a grenade on the unit’s next turn. If a grenade successfully goes off in a tank, the tank’s crew is eliminated and the tank is derelict. Mortars Mortars are indirect equipable weapons that require two operators to fire. Only units armed with Pistols , SMG, Rifle, Semi-Auto Rifles, or Assault Rifles may fire a mortar. Mortars are fired much like a grenade is thrown, using the Indirect Fire Method. However these are highly lobbed and can go over any terrain. Mortars also do not bounce like grenades. A mortar is only allowed to be fired 2 times consecutively before it has to wait one turn to cool off. Cannot fire while indoors or underneath terrain, i.e. trees. Mortars can also use smoke shells. It takes one turn to switch ammo types and can be switched while cooling off. The ammo is shown either by having a red ammo indicator for HE or a yellow for smoke. Mortars can only fire in a direction where enemy units have been seen before, unless it is a smoke mortar which can be fired on any position. Range: Minimum: 10in. – 30in. 8d with Spotter: 6d Maximum: 31in. – 60in. 12d with Spotter: 8d Maximum AP = Light ER: 2in. kill 4in. injure Movement: 4 (does not add to the weapons already equipped)

Tank and Vehicle Rules Tank Movement Tanks are considered one squad no matter what size the tank, or what size the squad cap. A tank can move anything up to and including its maximum movement, but may not change direction on the same turn. Alternatively the tank may change direction up to and

including its maximum degree, but may not move on the same turn. A tank can fire any and all of its weapons on its turn unless the Info section says otherwise or the tank has been damaged in some way that prevents it. Tanks Fire Tanks and other vehicles have armor, and weapons must be determined whether or not they penetrate certain armors. There are 5 different armor classifications Ultra-light, Light, Medium, Heavy, Ultra-heavy. First a tank must determine if it has hit another tank. This is determined by using the Direct Fire method for tanks and anti-tank weapons. Then you roll a 10d to determine if the hit was successful. A hit can only be successful if the AP (armor penetration) of the weapon firing has the armor it is hitting within its maximum AP. If the Armor is the maximum AP then the attacker must roll a 8-10 to successfully hit. If the Armor is one lower than the maximum AP then the attacker must roll a 6-10. If the Armor is two lower then the maximum AP then the attacker must roll a 4-10. If the maximum AP is lower than two, then the vehicle is automatically hit and plays by the Underling Damage. This does not apply to tanks though, which still roll based on the Tank Damage Chart.

Tank Damage If the shot is successful, then the attacker then rolls an 8d and damage is assessed based on the Tank Damage Chart. A tank that has not been damaged critically can only absorb an amount of hits less than its Maximum Damage number. Once it reaches its maximum damage number, the tank is considered derelict and the crew eliminated. Underling Damage Any unit (not a tank though) that is more than two armor levels lower than the gun it was shot with now plays by this damage chart. The attacker rolls an 8d and then the effect of the hit is then calculated. The vehicle is considered destroyed unless a 1 is rolled, however certain units may survive depending on the roll. Underling Damage Chart D8 Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Effect Of Hit Shell passes through the vehicle (vehicle may continue moving unhindered) Vehicle is hit, 1 unit inside killed (chosen by defender) Vehicle is hit, 2 units inside killed (chosen by defender) Vehicle is hit, 3 units inside killed (chosen by defender) Vehicle is hit, 4 units inside killed (chosen by attacker) Vehicle is hit, 5 units inside killed (chosen by attacker) Instantly destroyed, all units inside killed Instantly destroyed, all units inside killed

Tank Damage Chart (does not apply to other vehicles) D8 Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Key: BO = Bounces off (no effect) DBG = Destroys Bront Machine Gun (if no front machine gun, then bounces off) KD = Kills Driver (can still drive if there is a co-driver however cannot fire FMG on same turn as moving) KBG = Destroys Ball Gun, Kills Ball Gunner/Co-driver DE = Damages Engine, moves tank at half speed / if hit here twice moves at ¼ speed (hatches must be opened) DSE = Destroys Engine, Tank no longer moves, all hatches must be opened KT = Kills Turret Operator (Cannot Fire Main Gun on same turn it moves) DST = Destroys Tracks (May only move on more full move forwards or backwards) DT = Destroys Turret, and kills operator (Cannot fire Main Gun or coaxial machine gun) BH = Blows open all hatches on top of tank (not turret) BTH = Blows open turret hatch (if there is none then KT) DA = Detonates Ammunition cache destroying Tank *top and turret only apply to indirect fire weapons which still must roll 10d to determine if hit was successful. Will also still have to apply shrapnel for units nearby or on top of the Tank. If an indirect fire weapons shell goes into an open hatch of a tank, the tank is instantly derelict and the crew is killed.

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