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Dear Mrs. Wlad, Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help us learn about the important ways writing helps your life. In preparation of your visit, please collect samples of writing you use in your career. We understand that you are a Probation Officer and that you work with individuals recently released from prison. Also, we are hoping you can answer a few questions we have. We would appreciate it if you could forward your answers in advance in case we have any further questions. The questions are: 1. When you first heard about the Write For Life program, what motivated you to volunteer to take part in it? 2. In your profession, how does writing play a role? 3. Do you have any samples of writing used in your job to share with us and can you explain them? 4. When you became a probation officer, did you think writing was going to be an important part of your job? Please consider your answers to these questions since they will be the basis for the interview we will conduct on Thursday, November 26. If you have any questions for us, please direct them to Mr. Fawcett at
[email protected]. Lastly, please inform us of any technological needs you may have in order to make the presentation possible. We look forward to speaking with you from 2:00 to 3:00 in the 6.4 classroom on the 26th of November. With great appreciation, Simrat, Joelle and Tanner Mr. Fawcett!