Workplace Terrorist Attack Protection, Prevention & Response

  • April 2020
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Workplace Terrorist Attack - Protection, Prevention & Response James David Joseph: Karnataka State INTUC Armed Terrorist Attack at the Workplace - WHAT TO DO 12th, April 2009: More than 100 Nalco employees were kept hostage but they were not harmed. Over 100 armed Maoists laid siege to the bauxite mine at Panchpatmali. The open pit mine is owned by the National Aluminium Company Ltd (NALCO) in Orissa's Koraput district. About one hundred night shift workers were stuck at the mine during the nine hour gun battle. The attack was aimed at affecting the upcoming 2009 Lok Sabha polls and to loot weapons and explosives. The heavily armed Maoists, formed different groups and looted Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) armoury in the mining area and took away at least a dozen rifles and light machine guns. A cache of explosives kept in a vehicle was stolen. What Unions and Management Should Do? Prepare/Revise the written “Emergency Preparedness and response Plan” (EPR) to include Terrorist, armed attacks and sabotage.  Identify: Vulnerable points and sources. Utilize services of a security expert.  Prioritize: Rate Probability and Impact as High Medium and Low in a matrix.  Brainstorm: All levels of employees, management and contractor


representatives.  Develop: Written Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for each event. The SOPs

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should be in the local language and English. Train: All employees on SOPs. Prepare a Call Down list of phone numbers. Display list at all telephone points. Eg. Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Hospital, Electricity, Water Supply and Management. Emergency Responders should have these numbers stored on their “Cell Phones.” Prepare: Guidelines for visitor’s response. Do’s and Don’ts. Perform: Periodic Drills to test the SOPs and correct deficiencies. Review and Audit the “Emergency Preparedness and response Plan” (EPR) annually, and after an event has occurred.

The EPR should be suitable to the type of organization/industry and region of operation Emergency Preparedness and response Plan (EPR) could include the following aspects:  Armed Terrorists attack to capture armaments and explosives. Eg. NALCO 2009 attack. 

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Workers caught in the cross fire and held hostage. Armed attack by Cross Border Terrorists - Mumbai, 26/11/2008, Taj, Oberoi, Trident, Leopold, CST Train Station, CAMA and Albless Hospital, Nariman House, etc. Indiscrimate killing. Sabotage of vital installations in the workplace. Eg. Incoming power station/cable, transformer, Fuel (Petrol/Diesel) storage in above and below ground storage tanks, LPG or other inflammable gas storage and transmission, IT Server room, Primary and Backup Fire fighting systems, etc. (Note: Sabotage may be resorted to by workers during an acrimonious industrial dispute.) Armed attack on workers transport vehicle. Eg. 3rd, March 2009 attack on Sri Lanka Cricket Team bus at Lahore. Armed Intruder - armed with a gun, sharp weapon (knife) or grenade. Intruder may be:

Disgruntled employee. Eg. Missing promotion, suspended from duty etc. o Dismissed employee. o Mentally challenged non employee. o

Some general practices to be followed: TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS --if your body tells you something is wrong, it probably is. When you hear the sound of gunfire or explosions:  Remain calm and silent.

 Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Stay away from the windows or sheet glass partitions.  Notify and summon assistance.  Move away from the area of disturbance.  Avoid being taken hostage.  Evade. Hide, bolt and barricade door if in a room. Keep window/s open to allow smoke to exit in the event of fire.  Shelter behind physical barrier.  Mobile phone to be switched to vibration mode.  Do not agree to come out if commanded. (Guests at Trident came to the lobby on 26/11)  Constantly assess the situation and plan. In the event of being held hostage.  Remain calm and conserve strength.  Follow instructions of the Terrorist/Attacker.  Note location of exit ways.  Accept all food & beverages.  Carefully weigh chances of successful escape.  If no reasonable opportunity for escape, do not resist.  If rescue or shoot-out occurs, stay down stomach flat on the floor. Cover head with hands.  Be aware that stun grenades could be used by rescuers. (Impairs sight and hearing)  Understand that rescuers may initially treat you as a terrorist. Armed Terrorist Attack at the Workplace - WHAT NOT TO DO  Attempt to disarm or attack the intruder.  Display authority, disdain or arrogance.

 Make eye contact with terrorist.  Withhold any personal item demanded.  Ask special permission to smoke or use lavatory.  Offer opinions or comments on hijackers’ cause.  Address senior colleagues as “Sir”. Terrorists will target these employees.

What Management can do?  Provide smart ID card for all employees for entry and exit to the location and also for   

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restricted areas. Mandatory that ID to be on person at all times. ID SIM cards to have Global Positioning GPS to identify/locate authorized personnel during shootout or hostage situation. Tracking device to be implanted. Contractor, service and visitors to be allowed entry on issue of smart ID cards. Install perimeter/fence intrusion detection system. Enforce the procedures by initiating disciplinary action for subverting the system. Install Close Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras at entry and vulnerable points. Scanner at entry points to detect presence of explosives and armaments. Adequate nighttime lighting. (NALCO attack took place at 9.30 pm.) Reduce the number of entry points to the premises. Provide exit fire proof doors with crash bar to meet evacuation needs at exit points. Biometric (finger print or retina scan) ID to access firearms and explosives storage.

What Government can do?  Post Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) at sensitive installations.

 Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to CSIF personnel.  Incorporate embedded GPS tracking devices in armaments.  Develop a strategy to track and recover stolen armaments and explosives.  State law enforcement agencies (Police) to have modern armaments and training.  Strengthen cooperation between state and national security agencies.  National Security Agencies (NSA) to quickly deploy forces in the event of attack. (NALCO attack: Roads were blocked with trees and land mined to delay reinforcement)  Attack helicopters/gun ships to be part of NSA.  Incorporate technology to deal with crisis situations. Eg. Reorient the all-weather Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT) to provide real time intelligence.  Adopt a “Zero Tolerance” policy on political parties and states supporting armed conflicts. INTUC salutes the CISF Personnel. There were only about 28 CISF personnel in the area despite the fact that the region had witnessed a series of similar attacks in recent years. At least 10 Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel were killed and 15 injured in the nine hour gun battle. The courage of this small band of CISF workers has prevented several major disasters from happening in the future. The nation, the populace of Orissa the workers and management of NALCO and INTUC salute these brave men who gave their lives so others may live. Only about four Maoists were killed in the incident. These statistics show that the CISF workers main objective was the security of their armaments and the company explosives they were deputed to protect. Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) it can save your life. Times of India, Bangalore Friday 17th, April 2009: Officials in the home ministry said majority of the casualties occurred due to BSF’s failure to follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Ten troopers lost their lives in a landmine blast in Latehar in Jharkhand as they preferred to travel in a bus even on the landmine-prone-tracts -- against the usual practice of walking through such areas. Officials mentioned how such a precautionary step taken be the CRPF men saved their lives a day before when they got down from their vehicle while passing through the vulnerable area in Jharkhand.

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