Work Script Km & Process Platform 6_09

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  • Words: 3,655
  • Pages: 18
Knowledge and Process Platform

Real-World Wizards for Process-Driven Organizations from

Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Table of Contents INTRODUCING WORKSCRIPT ...................................................................................................................... 1  WORKSCRIPT FOR PROCESS IMPROVEMENT ....................................................................................................... 3  WORKSCRIPT FOR TASK MANAGEMENT AND JOB SUPPORT ............................................................................... 6  About Wizards ............................................................................................................................................... 6  Supporting Documentation Resources .......................................................................................................... 7  WORKSCRIPT PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................. 10  WORKSCRIPT FEATURES ............................................................................................................................ 14  Workflow ........................................................................................................................................................... 14  Alerts and Messaging......................................................................................................................................... 14  Events Calendar and Task Scheduling ............................................................................................................... 14  Web Forms ........................................................................................................................................................ 14  Annotations ........................................................................................................................................................ 14  Application Integration ...................................................................................................................................... 14 

WORKSCRIPT ADVANTAGES ..................................................................................................................... 15  GREATER VALUE FOR YOUR INVESTMENT ....................................................................................................... 15  FAST IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................................... 15  NO PROGRAMMING INVESTMENT REQUIRED .................................................................................................... 16  USER-FRIENDLY ............................................................................................................................................... 16  LEVERAGES EXISTING SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................... 16  BENEFIT METRICS ............................................................................................................................................ 16  GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................... 16 

Copyright © Wordware Pty Ltd 2009, Page ii

Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

IInnttrroodduucciinngg W WoorrkkS Sccrriipptt The WorkScript Knowledge and Process Management Platform addresses three key corporate problems: 1. Process Improvement. It helps in-house staff design, capture, streamline and maintain business processes and their associated organisational know-how. 2. Task Management and Job Support. It automatically creates a Wizard with easily followed, interactive steps for each process, to enable staff to complete each task as competently as the expert. 3. Performance Management. It provides timely, credible operational metrics that can be used by management to make a difference to the performance of the business. The WorkScript Knowledge and Process Management Platform has other advantages beyond those set out above. It allows an organization to codify and centralise its hard-won knowledge in a concrete and easily transferable form, so it stays put when the experts move on. Wizards can teach newcomers, in part by explaining the individual steps that lead to a given choice, but more importantly, by guiding them through the step sequence required to produce the organisation’s desired outcomes. It is also faster than people alone, immune to fatigue and gives staff more time to work on the real value adding task: thinking.

Figure 1 – WorkScript Overview Copyright © Wordware Pty Ltd 2009, Page 1

Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

For process owners, loading WorkScript with your processes is quick and simple. WorkScript not only creates easy to use, web-based wizards, it enables you to track and analyse the processes, audit and test for gaps. Each wizard is supported by full audit trail, data capture and performance measurement, and role based workflow notification and routing. Depending on the complexity of the process, an in-house analyst can use WorkScript to map, test and release a typical wizard within a few days, by: •

Using the Visio-based Process Map Designer (PMD) to create each process flowchart; dragging steps, interconnections and supporting resources (content and applications) onto the mapping page. The PMD then automatically creates the wizard.

Testing the page for logic, handover controls and correct links to resources and applications, and reworking as appropriate.

Releasing it for use.

For users, WorkScript wizards simplify the performance of even the most complicated business procedures, so that results are consistent and errors are eliminated or dramatically reduced. It does this by taking each user through each scripted step in a process. •

Each wizard provides the user with fully scripted process, complete with in-context support for the task being performed. Wizards access the relevant forms, tools and supporting information automatically to enable the user to perform the task as well as an expert.

All tasks are routed via a powerful workflow engine. This approach ensures that each task is completed by following agreed steps, using nominated tools. It also reduces the amount of rework due to errors and increases compliance while providing a detailed transactional audit trail of every process performed.

For managers, the WorkScript is a valuable management-reporting toolkit for: •

Defining process goals and deliverables

Measuring the process performance

Analysing and determining the cause(s) of defects and errors

Improving the process by eliminating defects and errors

Controlling future process performance improvement.

The critical success factor in most business process improvement initiatives is not how well the process has been improved (which is a relatively simple exercise), rather how effectively staff behaviour has been changed to follow the new process. WorkScript is a powerful agent for promoting behavioural change because it creates an interactive environment that makes the new process the easiest way to do the job. Staff buy-in is high because their ongoing contribution to the evolution of the process directly influences the way they work.

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

WorkScript for Process Improvement The WorkScript Knowledge and Process Management Platform reduces the time and cost of developing, maintaining, controlling, managing, delivering and enforcing business processes and their associated documentation by up to 80 percent. Process designers/owners use the drag-and-drop Process Map Designer (PMD) to map, test, revise and publish wizards visually and in plain English: no programming skills are required. Using the PMD, Process designers/owners can: •

Create Process Maps and Wizards. They can design or reengineer a business process by mapping the process, its tasks and associated steps using a simple stencil set of process, step and link icons.

Link to applications and resources. They can link appropriate training, guidance and reference documentation, and specific application screens, templates, etc. to each step as required.

Create and Control Workflow. They can define workflow between users, roles, groups, queues, etc, under a range of customised workflow, access and exception conditions (see Workflow, page 14 for further details). They can also define task turn-around times, and nominate escalations to ensure tasks are completed within set timeframes.

Manage Data Resources. They can define what and when data is to be collected during the process, and if and how it is to be exchanged with applications, other wizards, etc.

Generate Web Forms and Reports. They can generate simple and composite web forms to collect this data and a range of templates to report it.

Generate Process Documentation. They can generate detailed MS Word-format Process Manuals setting out the process, together with all supporting information about people, technology and related content, at call, for review and sign off.

Manage Change. They can modify and update any aspect of a process and ensure that the changes are instantly reflected throughout the organisation, alerting staff to changes in processes by email and/or Alerts within the Wizards.

Track Performance. They can define process timing, scheduling and performance parameters around service level agreements or users at various skill levels, as shown in Figure 3.

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

An example of the development of a wizard using the PMD is shown in Figure 2.

1. Drag and drop stencils to create a visual representation of the process

2. Allocate documentation and application links to each step

3. Publish the interactive Wizards

Figure 2 – Developing Wizards

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Figure 3 shows the use of PMD to define process performance parameters. The Case Report inset shows the level of detail available through the process analysis tools. This type of information may be used for process auditing and SLA and KPI compliance monitoring as well as competency testing.

Figure 3 – Defining Performance Parameters

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

WorkScript for Task Management and Job Support For operational users WorkScript can simplify the performance of even the most complicated business procedures, so that results are consistent and errors are dramatically reduced. Each Wizard provides the user with full, in-context support for each step of the task being performed. This support can be multimedia training, worked examples, policy information, advice/hints on what to do or who to contact (for expert help). More importantly, the appropriate tool to perform each step is automatically launched and loaded with the correct template/ form/ screen. This approach ensures that each task is completed by following agreed steps, using nominated tools. It also reduces the amount of rework due to errors and increases compliance. Wizards are displayed to the user in two panels: task steps and supporting resources. Supporting Resource Area

Task steps

Figure 4 – WorkScript Wizard User Interface

About Wizards Wizards contain task dialogues that each user follows to complete a task (just as an actor follows a play script). It sets out in sequence the steps to do the job. A Wizard can be a series of instructions, questions requiring a simple yes/no answer, multiple-choice selections or ‘type-in’ responses. Once a Wizard step is completed, it: • Moves directly to the next appropriate step based on the response • Processes the user’s typed-in response to determine the next step to be displayed • Electronically flows to the next person in the task queue (workflow routing).

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Each wizard step has linked to it the support documentation (training, hints, guidance, business rules and IT tools) relevant to the specific step in the process (task, transaction). In other words, irrelevant information is sifted out reducing the amount of unnecessary ‘noise’ for your staff. Interactions with IT tools (software applications) are live and in real-time, so changes are effective immediately, giving the user instant response and immediate feedback to enquiries.

Supporting Documentation Resources Supporting documentation resources are linked seamlessly to each step in the Wizards and accessed via four buttons: Show Me, Advise Me, Inform Me and Let Me. The supporting resources appear in the resource display area. Show Me: demonstrates a task or a step using, for example, multi-media (sound and video).

Figure 5 – A Show Me Resource

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Advise Me: provides instant access to guidelines, hints, briefings, etc.

Figure 6 – An Advise Me Resource Inform Me: provides instant access to reference material, e.g. policy, legislation, business rules, and compliance rules, etc.

Figure 7a – An Inform Me Resource (Policy)

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Inform Me: also provides instant access to people through individual profiles (that are treated like any other resource by the system).

Figure 7b – An Inform Me Resource (Expert) Let Me: calls in ‘real-time’ the application, screen or other electronic facility (e.g. PC, ERP system or Internet application) needed to complete the step.

Figure 8 – Let Me Resources (3270 and SAP screens)

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

WorkScript Performance Management The WorkScript Knowledge and Process Management Platform creates a case record for each instance of a process or task and, internally or in conjunction with workflow technology, tracks and manages each case to completion. The Wizard also tracks a range of historical and management data about each case. Based on the live and historical data collected, WorkScript provides a range of process measurement and performance metrics in a variety of report formats. These include: •

Metric Types: ¾ Process measures (how many, how often) ¾ Results measures (outcomes achieved) ¾ Efficiency measures (resources required to achieve outcomes) ¾ Yield measures (proportion right first time).

Formats: ¾ Numerical (HTML, MS Excel, etc.) ¾ Graphical (charts, histograms, box and whisker, etc.).

Typically, the measures monitored and reported through WorkScript are designed to support management at two levels: Supervisory level reports (usually live data about current cases). For example, the status of cases, staff resourcing, workload and task levels, etc. (see Figure 9). Supervisors use these reports to: •

Identify and prioritise workload and bottlenecks

Evaluate the quality of process actions and outcomes

Identify outliers and trends*

Review the health of the processes they are responsible for. For example by identifying persistent delays at particular steps or from suggested process improvements, feedback or knowledge base changes from staff, clients, etc. (via the Annotations facility).

Figure 9 – Sample Case Status Report Copyright © Wordware Pty Ltd 2009, Page 10

Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Management level business performance reports (usually historical data about completed processes or process groups). For example, case statistics (see Figure 10), summaries and details by month, by state, audit trails, delegations, staff resourcing, workload and yield levels (see Figure 11), etc. Managers use these reports to: •

Support the evaluation of process changes

Identify outliers, shifts, and trends

Identify and prioritize improvement opportunities.

Figure 10 – Sample Process and Results Reports

Figure 11 – Sample Performance Metrics

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Watch Lists. The Watch List enables users to keep track of tasks that they own (i.e. that they created or had allocated to them) but are not the current user. This enables each user to monitor the progress of each task that they own or have an interest in, without having to do task searches.

Figure 12 – Sample Watch List

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

Task Calendar. Managers and authorised users may define a schedule of tasks to be performed by staff at fixed dates and times, or regularly over weeks, months or years, using the Task Calendar. Once defined, the tasks appear in the user’s In Tray on the day and at the time nominated. If the user is not logged on to WorkScript at that time, the Wizard sends the user an email with a live link to Step 1 of the task. Users and managers may view their calendar at any time and print monthly reports that summarise their workload for that period.

Figure 13 – Sample Calendar

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

W WoorrkkS Sccrriipptt FFeeaattuurreess Workflow

The workflow functionality in a BPM system allows companies to automate many portions of processes that previously took place on paper or via phone, email and face-to-face interactions. WorkScript delivers powerful, process-centric, BPM workflow functionality. Workflow is used to manage the administrative and operational aspects of a business, track project-related action items and track issues and resolutions. Workflow features include: •

Serial workflow: after one person signs off on a request, it goes on to the next signatory in the process sequence.

Parallel workflow: a request can be sent to more than one person at a time.

Event-based notification: often e-mail-based, but can include other forms of communications such as SMS messaging.

Voting: conditional branching based on the responses of a number of parallel reviewers, for example, if a certain number of reviewers respond appropriately, the process is finalized

Graphical interface: for viewing and changing workflows.

Integration with existing legacy systems.

Alerts and Messaging

The WorkScript Alerts and Messaging function provides a simple messaging system for users to send and receive messages and tasks to and from other users. It is also used to facilitate the workflow functionality of the system by notifying users of system related events such as a task assignment or handover. The Alerts and Messaging feature integrates with standard SMTP e-mail and via SMS gateways, allowing users to receive alerts via their standard e-mail client and via SMS.

Events Calendar and Task Scheduling

The Calendar Events and Scheduling feature provides an extensible framework for triggering tasks (via email) and integrating with external systems where actions are triggered based on a calendar of events or tasks within the Wizard. It is also used extensively by WorkScript itself for processing asynchronous and time-based activities.

Web Forms

WorkScript’s Forms and Task Data feature provides a means of creating simple and composite web-based forms for collecting and displaying data. The data collected via these forms can be stored in the Task Data repository that maintains data specific to the task being undertaken. The forms and task data are used to replace paper-based equivalent forms completed prior to data entry into back-end systems.


One of the Wizard’s key success factors is its ability to capture user-generated feedback and suggestions by way of its Annotations facility. This allows a system user to annotate a process task or step. The annotation may be a suggestion on how to improve the process, guidance to other users, notes about a client, etc. The process owner is notified of new annotations and can update the process map or resource information accordingly.

Application Integration

A key driver of the system is its ability to integrate with an organisation’s existing tools. It is not possible to provide packaged integrations for every tool available; therefore WorkScript has an extensible interface via the WorkScript Application Programming Interface (API).

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

W WoorrkkS Sccrriipptt A Addvvaannttaaggeess The WorkScript Knowledge and Process Management Platform is a powerful, do-it-yourself Business Process Improvement tool that: •

Does not mandate major capital outlay

Can be deployed quickly (3-4 weeks)

Supports disruption-free, constant process improvement

Delivers a full return on investment within the first few months and

Continues to provide increasing bottom-line benefits for years to come.

Greater Value for Your Investment In the initial instance you may choose to pilot WorkScript as a point solution to solve a specific problem (e.g. to shorten the new product development cycle, to streamline the tendering process, to gain better control of procurement, etc.). The gains you will make from this first project may then by used to fund improvements in other key process areas, from capital expenditure to HR, from customer contact centres to network design, at no additional software costs. This will multiply the benefits from your investment. In particular, where there is a requirement for temporary staff or in an area of high staff turnover, having processes loaded into WorkScript means that new staff can, with a minimal amount of faceto-face training and support: • Operate at a higher rate of productivity and efficiency more quickly • Maintain high quality standards • Ensure compliance, with WorkScript, staff are no longer required to be technology literate or fully competent with numerous software applications.

Fast Implementation WorkScript is quick to learn and fast to implement. In around three to four weeks, your staff and the processes they work with can become dramatically more effective, and more importantly, they can continue to operate confidently and effectively as circumstances change. System set up involves the one-off installation of a WorkScript server (Windows) and technology linking, where interactive links are established between the wizard and relevant databases and applications in the enterprise. The WorkScript server acts as an Intranet that delivers the wizard technology and resources, in the context of each process, to all users. The WorkScript Knowledge and Process Management Platform can be likened to Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools. These types of tools have graphical front-ends that end-users (people with the knowledge of the business) can use to draw business processes at the lowest level of details (i.e. steps in a procedure) with all the business rules and governance constraints. The tool is then used to validate and simulate the process end to end. Once the business process owner is satisfied with the new process, the CASE tool is used to generate code that can be run on a computer without manual intervention. WorkScript works in the same way. Visio is the user-driven front-end design interface and through its Process Map Designer (PMD) the executable production-ready Wizards are generated. This method can be likened to implementing a business system through the configuration of an ERP package without modifications.

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Wordware’s Knowledge and Process Management Platform

No Programming Investment Required WorkScript is a visual package that uses plain English to set up processes and maintain them. There is no requirement for any programming skills. Wordware developed WorkScript so that our clients have total control of the system, unlike some solutions that require in-house programming investment, and/or an ongoing dependency on programmers or consultants.

User-friendly If you know what ‘click, drag and drop’ is and you understand your business processes, you’ll find WorkScript extremely fast and easy to set up to deliver your processes. Additions, changes, up-dates and delegations to processes can be made within minutes of a decision being made, using the PMD. This level of flexibility means that the system information can be kept current and meaningful to the organisation’s employees. Users can get up to speed on using the wizards within a couple of hours. This has obvious benefits in an environment where temporary staff or new employees are required.

Leverages Existing Software While ERP solutions offer many benefits to an organisation, the other side is that added complexity often eliminates these benefits (e.g. new, non-intuitive processes, multiple screens per transaction, numerous key strokes or acronyms to remember to navigate and use the application, etc.). Through the ‘Let Me’ function, WorkScript significantly reduces the level of training required to operate these applications. With the development of a simple interface, WorkScript can already link into most applications.

Benefit Metrics WorkScript performance improvement metrics based on measurements for other clients include: • Broader span of management control • Compliance up 80% • Classroom or face-to-face training down 80% • Work inaccuracies down 90% • Performance at all levels up 22% • Deployment rate of new products, services, policies and processes up 30% • Cost and time in the deployment of new or altered processes down 80%.*

Getting Started Prove the value of WorkScript to your organisation by conducting a proof-of-concept trial with the system in a critical or complex area of your business. A proof-of-concept trial is inexpensive, and may be one of the most important decisions you make about the future of your business. For more information, contact Wordware at the address on the website:

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