Work Plan Probable Qualitative Result Of Pvchr

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  • Pages: 19

JMN Work Plan, October 08 – September 09 S. No. 1.


Present Status


Birth registration of children between the age of 0-1 year

Not registered F-8, M-12, T-20, the registration is started in Ayar, Bhaithauli. There is no knowledge of certificate in other 18 village, 4 city locality, weaver locality

100% registration of F8, M-12, T-20 + newly born baby in model village. Instead of this the certificate has been issued in other 4 Blocks of PVCHR.

Out Comes 20+100% newly born children in model village.

Probable Qualitative Result •

PVCHR committee will lead for birth certificate themselves.

The issue of birth registration will be raised under Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch.

(Three Village-Aayer, Aura, Khanda in Harhua,



Singwar, Doshipura, Dharkar Basti, Sarang




Chiraigaon, Five Village Committee Raitara, Kharuapur, Ramaipur, Dalit basti





Village Ahirani,

Kuwar, Ghamahapur) will raise the issue of birth registration. •

The member of PVCHR committee and Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch will


Birth registration

T-1151 children in

Certificate has will has

Effective action

make Concept on Birth Registration. The members of PVCHR Village

2 of children between the age of 1-10 years



To assure the vaccination of all the children

model village.

100% vaccination is being done among all children in model village but only polio drop is being given in the name of vaccination in other villages.

To assure the • 100% vaccination vaccination of all is being done in the pregnant model village. women • There is lack of

been issued to children of model village between the age of 1-10 years T-1151. The issue of certificate to children between the age of 1-10 years of 4 blocks of PVCHR and weaver locality, will has been raised. 100% in three model village. stability of vaccination. 6 village committee in Badagaon, 4 village committee in Harahua. 3 village committee in Chiraigaon. 5 village committee in Pindra. The initiation will start on vaccination through understansing. Issue and initiation of vaccination in other PVCHR committee. 100% in three model village. Along with this the awareness will increase on vaccination

will be taken by central and state government on the birth certificate of children between the age of 1-10 years.

committee, block and district level will lead for the demand of registration for children of the age between 1-10 years. The





between the age of 1-10 years will become issue.

100% newly born children.

The member of PVCHR committee will supper vise the vaccination in model village

The understanding for the vaccination will be made in other village.

The member will supervise themselves on the issue of health in PVCHR village committee after knowing about the situation.

100% in model village. In other village there is regular

On the issue of corruption the members will complain and initiate, so that leading role will be established.



Activation of ICDS centres and to raise the demand for new ICDS centres To secure the life of malnouris hed children and to raise the issue in PVCHR village and weaver area

• •

knowledge in other in 17 Village, 4 city PVCHR locality and 3 weavers’ committee. locality. PVCHR committee will initiate on corruption.

There are 7 ICDS centre in model village which are partially active. Demand is being raised for 8 ICDS centres. There are no malnourished children of IV grade. Malnourished children have been marked in other village of PVCHR and the compliance is started with those children. Malnourished children are in grade III, IV in other village of

vaccination and supervision of ANM and ICDS workers. The initiation will start against corruption by PVCHR committee. PVCHR committee • Supervision of will supervise ICDS PVCHR will be centre in model held over 7 village. ICDS centre of model village. The PVCHR committee will take • Initiation will proposal for demand be held on of 8 ICDS centres, demand for 8 they also will initiate ICDS centre. on demand and the • No III, IV protest will be held grade at block level at 4 malnourished Blocks. children will In one block of remain in PVCHR the process model village. will take speed by • The issue of raising demand. malnourishmen Children will be free t will be raised from the in other malnourishment of PVCHR III and IV grade in village. model village.

The practice of gherao and questionanswer in village committee will become faster.

To initiate themselves by PVCHR committee on the issues of supervision of ICDS centre and corruption, and on demand, the demand at block level and, due to public hearing and concept building the understanding for the child death and mother death and the reason of death of the children 0-5 years, will be developed and pressure will be exerted over administration.

The PVCHR committee will be come strong.






malnutrition’s, Janani Suraksha Yojna, NRHM will be expanded. The pressure


• •


To lessen noninstitutional delivery.


Activation of SC,PHC,CHC, Ayurvedic sub center, district

PVCHR. • The compliance and The card is made initiation will start in available to the PVCHR and family of weavers area for malnourished malnourished children in children. weaver’s locality after compliance. Child death is found in 2 model village. The administration has been made aware about malnourishment in weaver locality. 40% Non institutional delivery being taken place in model village in the presence of trained nurses. Janani suraksha yojna is being available on the birth of 10 infants. Doctor, ANM are • The public sitting regularly compliance will be on baghwanala held to repair the sub center but the threadbare building

at block, Tahsil and district level will be increased. •

The pressure on the workers and assistants of ANM, ICDS and ASHA will be increased.





children of weaver area, the struggle will be strengthen on issue. •

The malnutrition will be come the issue at state level.


The awareness in PVCHR committee on Janani Suraksha Yojana will increase and the compliance on the matter of corruption will increase. The activity of ASHA will increase.

2 SC, 1 Ayurvedic, 2 PHC 1 District hospital and 1 Divisional hospital

Against the corruption rampant in SC, PHC, government





increase resources (doctor, and material),

5 hospital and divisional hospital.


Activation of Panchyat Health

building is threadbare. The demand for • allopathic medicine is being raised at Shivrampur Ayurvedic centre. ANM sits at Belwa Sub Centre • once in a month but there is no resources. The pressure has been increased due to public hearing and public struggle on Pindra, Lohta(KVP), • Badagaon, PHC, Distrioct hospital and divisinol hospital. It has become partial active.

of sub centre in Baghwanala. Demand of allopathic medicine at Shivrampur Ayurvedic centre. The PVCHR committee will compile on demand. Doctor must sit once in a week at Belwa sub centre and resources must be increased. The PVCHR committee will raise compliance on this issue by exerting Block and district level pressure. The pressure and compliance will be increased by PVCHR committee on Pindra, Badagaon, Kashividyapeeth,har ahua, PHC, district hospital and divisional hospital. The process will start in other 2 village of

will remain in the process of activation.

It is partially active in

2 model village will become

the compliance will be strong and concept will increase due to knowledge of PVCHR about weaver area. The access of deprived community will increase and question will be raised accountability. •

Along with the health of infant child, pregnant the general right to health will be protected.

The issue of health will be expanded for all.

The question of budget of health centre will be raised.

There will be discussion on the Ritghts

6 committee.


Activation of ration card

• •

Shivrampur. The member of committee are the member of PVCHR committee. The member of Belwa fear to talk PVCHR members due to pressure of village head. Interaction is not possible due to pressure of village head. There is no awareness among the members of other village of PVCHR. Ration being available regularly at fix prise and fix weight in 3 model village. Grains are not available at instalment. There is irregularity in

PVCHR. • Harahua-Aura • Pindra-1 • Chiraigaonsaraimohana • BadagaonLakhmipur,Kunwar


of Gram-Sabha, Gram-Panchayat. •

The question will be raised on the accountability of panchayat members, improving





about will



The supervision and pressure of PVCHR committee will remain in three model village and the compliance will held to make available the grains on instalment. To speed up the supervision and compliance by

Supervision will be held on activation of three model village. Initiation will be held on activation in 9 other PVCHR area and one area of BDAM.

The issue about the great haste in ration distribution system and irregularity will be strengthening widely.

The pressure will be made on the issue of PDS at block, Tahsil, and district level.






members of PVCHR committee and


• •

Ration distribution system in 9 other village of PVCHR. There is irregularity in a city locality. BPL Antyoday Card had been made one month ago in Dhannipur.

PVCHR members and members of Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch in 9 village and 1 city locality (ayar, Puari, Bhaitauli,Dharkar Basti (city), Saraimohana, Pindra, Lakhmipur, Ghamhapur, Kunwar, Nathaipur, Dhannipur)

weaver-artisan right forum will be come faster.

Right of development 10.

Activation of primary school and middle school.

• •


Compliance to open school in

two primary school has become active in Shivrampur. There are two primary school in Belwa. The schools of Belwa are partially active and there is irregularity also.

Public interest litigation has been

• • •

To activate • completely the school in Shivrampur. To activate a primary school in Belwa • badepur. PVCHR member will come in full role and • supervise and compile.

A compliance will be held to open a primary

Two completely active primary school in Shivrampur. One active primary school in Belwa. 4 child labour (F-2,M-2)of Belwa will be associated with education.

Primary school will be accepted

The leadership of PVCHR members will increase.

All the children will remain annex with education.

Child leadership and child participation will become drastic.

The access of governmental scheme will be assured in the school.

The committee will be strengthen on

the complaint about violation. Making the issue non aviability of land

8 Baghwanala




filed in High Court for demand of primary school in Baghwanala. To annex the The right to child labour with education of children education under will be assured under special campaign. the fellowship programme of AHRC. 100% enrolment • All children are and retention in nominated in primary school. Shivrampur • Nomination processor for new children is being continued in all the three village. Activation of • It is partially Panchyat active in Education Shivrampur. The committee. member of committee are the member of PVCHR committee. • The member of Belwa fear to talk PVCHR members due to pressure of village head.

school and district magistrate will be surrounded(Gherao) by PVCHR committee.

for governmental primary school in city, will be policy wise interference. 13 children

At least the marginalized children of last door mat will annexed completely with education. So that the child rights of children will be protected.

• •

100% enrolment and retention in model village. Initiation among PVCHR committee on this issue.

The process will start in village of PVCHR. • Harahua-Aura • Pindra-1 • Chiraigaonsaraimohana • BadagaonLakhmipur,Kunwar • Activation in Shivrampur and Belwa.

100% enrolment and retention in primary school of model village.

On the issue of qualitative education, PVCHR committee will make pressure directly on school, BRC, Tahsil and district level.

Active committee in Shivrampur.

There will be discussion on the rights of Gram-Sabha, Gram-Panchayat.

The question will be raised on the accountability of panchayat member. I am proving knowledge about the accountability. expanded.







Assuration of governmental development scheme.

Interaction is not possible due to pressure of village head. There is no awareness among the members of other village of PVCHR. Due to corruption, politics, influence of anti public policy in all the schemes, it is not assessable to deprive. The compliance has been started on broad level demand by PVCHR committees and Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch for Red card, residence, pension, road and hand pump.

The struggle of deprived will be speeded up on corruption and anti people policy at Village, Block, Tahsil and District level.

The committee will be active due initiation on collective and personal collective and demand by members of PVCHR and Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch. Along with strengthening result the






expanded with self experience. •

The struggle against the corruption, question-answer will become drastic.

Right of Protection 16.

Child labour free • village

Shivrampur village became

Shivrampur village became child labour


Two model areas will completely free from child labour.





Strength of community organization.

Extension of community organization.

child labour village. • 4 children in Belwa are still associated with child labour Due to meetings and initiatives of total 105 PVCHR village committee, 21 Local Committee and 4 Block committee the effort for leadership practice is increasing. There are of total 105 PVCHR village committee, 21 Local Committee and 4 Block committee.

Demand for • allotment of land to landless people. • •

There are 42 landless family in Belwa. There are 153 landless family in Shivrampur. Demand for allotment of land (residential and agricultural

• •

village. Belwa will become completely child labour free village. Complete activation of PVCHR committee at village level. To bring into activation process to PVCHR committee of Araziline block.

20 new PVCHR committee will be set up in 4 Blocks. • The committee of Araziline will be strengthened. The pressure will be exerted on administration through Gherao on demand for land allotment.

105 village committee and 4 Block committee will become strong and active.

Child right will be protected.

Due to making fast practices of leadership




members, the organizational strength and independence of committee will start to make.

20 village committee

The member of new deprived group will be attached with organizational structure.

Along with compliance by PVCHR members

and other members


demand for allotment of land to landless family, the pressure will be exerted for demand.




Demand to declare skill wages to agricultural work along with minimum vages, farming, NAREGA, to inforce the law relating to divisnal agriculture, to strengthen the demand to increase subsidy, to increase struggle and compliance on the problem of lively hood of weavers. Compliance for fundamental right of most deprive group.

board) has been increase in PVCHR committee. The initiation has been started. The livelihood is in danger due to non availability of work and minimum wages and anti public policy, which directly violets all children’s right. Children are insecure and it results into infant death, child death, malnourishment, illiteracy, child labour and child marriage.

According to the report of Sacchar committee at national level the position of minority

To raise question on skillfull work of agriculture, law relating to division, safety for weavers, debt.

To stabilised demand on issue with PVCHR, Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch and other organization at district

The PVCHR members of 4 Blocks will raise campaign along with trade union and other public organization.

There will be initiation on issue in state committee of PVCHR.

To establish a demand with PVCHR, Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch and other organization on the report of

12 community in respect to education, health and basic rights, is worse than Dalit community.




To lessen the incident of community exploitation and discrimination

Interference on the events of child sexual violence. Supervision and compliance over J.J. Act

The members of PVCHR and other organization are suffering from exploitation and discrimination from all around the traditional society and system. The sexual violence against children are being committed but no open discussion can be conducted. There is irregularity and violation in enforcing J.J. Act.

level on nation level report by extending it at village level concept and awareness. Initiation on all the incidents happening in PVCHR district committee and the odd condition of MusaharNut community, community exploitation and discrimination. To lessen the pain of deprived – exploited community through discussion on the events of exploitation and discrimination.

national level by expending the concept and knowledge at village level to district level. The demand will become strong with the compliance of demand at






circumstances of Musahar and nut community, community exploitation, and discrimination. Initiation on all events happening in PVCHR committee.

Communal bitterness will be less. The struggle will be strengthen due to compliance-about matter of violation, discussion, interference. The pressure on administration will be exerted.

To build a concept on the incidents of child sexual violence.

Initiation on all events happening in model village.

To pass a proposal in PVCHR committee from Gram Sabha so that children in need of care will

• •

To extend discussion through awareness on JJ Act in 4 Blocks. To mark the children of odd circumstances. To held compliance

The discussion will be expanded on child sexual abuse.

There will be policy wise interference. The compliance will increase along with QIC-AC.

13 on the matter of violation. 25.

To lessen child marriage

The children below the age of 16 years are being married in Nut, Musahar community. In other communities marriage are being solemnised after 16 years but it could not be done at the ideal age after 18 years.

be looked after in Panchyat at the place of institution. •

To lessen the child marriage events in three model areas. To held discussion in other PVCHR village committee. No marriage will be solemnised below the age of 14 years.

The decision not to marry below the age of 14 years will get strength in three model village.

Right To Child Participation 26.

To build concept on child participation.


Prepration for street play among Bal Panchyat Members and presentation in Panchyat.

Bal Panchyat has been setup in three model village. It is not active in Belwa. There is no clear concept on children participation.

Prospective building of JMN workers and PVCHR secretary.

Three active Bal Panchyat

Three will be discussion on Bal Panchayat between the model village of PVCHR and other committee.

• •

Bal Panchyat of Baghwanala will play 12 street play. Bal Panchyat of Shivrampur will play 12 street play.

24 streat play by children.





children will get recognition. •

The child member will understand election procedure as well as they will under stand practice of competition by

14 in 28.


Publication of child magazine

Strength of Bal Panchyat

A child magazine is published recently by children. Bal Panchyat members are practicing for leadership.

Two magazine of Bal Sansad will be published in this year. Child conference will be held in three working area in which children will elect their representative.

2 Magazine


responsibility. The children

understanding will




situation review of other Panchatyat by 3

analytical exercise. JMN activist will be responsible for Bal Panchayat.

The leader ship capacity of member of Bal





exercise. 30.



Exposure visit of representative of Bal Panchyat.

Children are reviewing the position of their village.

Valuation of JMN Panchyat members workers by are understanding children the work done by JMN workers. Initiation through • leadership by children on their problems. •

Children are marking their problems. The situation of children have

Three members of Bal 3 Panchyat will increase their analysing capacity by going to other Panchyat. The Bal Panchyat 3 member will valuate the works of JMN workers in their working area ad their outlook towards children. The initiation will be held 3 through leadership by children on problems of children in three working area.

• •

Bal Panchayat will become strong. The representative of bal panchayat will understand the situation of other Panchayat by exposure visit.

Along with analysis and evaluation the leadership




children. •

The child leadership will come in focus in three working area.



Activation of workers.

been changed after the initiation of children in some special cases. The capacity among All workers will become workers to valuate active and skilful to 90%. their work, to make advance scheme and to present their work, is undeveloped.

All JMN workers

The quality of work will increase due to work review, evaluation, capacity of next plan.


Target based work plan October 08 – September 09 Strategic Milestone for one year Sl.

Right to Survival

No. 1.

Birth registration on 0-10 years


100 % birth certificate for the children of 0 – 1 years in three model village and will be started in 10 village of 4 block of PVCHR.

The birth certificate of the children between the age of 1–10 years will start.

The proceedings running in the model village will be continued. The demand will be raised after discussion among committee in 10 villages of 4 block of PVCHR and a public compliance and public campaign will be raised in relation to wide issues of citizenship along with Bunkar Dastkar Adhikar Manch.

17 2.

Vaccination of children and

Assuring 100% vaccination of pregnant women and children the initiation will be taken in 17

pregnant women and activation

villages. The Aanganwadi and ANM which are associated with health centre, are directly

of ICDS and ANM

responsible, in the same time due to finishing of livelihood then is malnourishment of child and children and mothers are dying due to delivery by untrained nurses. In a report of stat planning commission and UNICEF the position of U.P. is deteriorating and dangerous in the world in the matter of death by malnutrition. In this scenario to raise the demand about the analysis coming from work of model village, at other organization, PVCHR committee and weaver artisan right forum and in last to raise the public struggle to activate the dibber ant program of health and Aanganwadi by public hearing so that the health committee of village can be held accountable for this. The procedure will be carried completely by gathering of self governance, administration and


Activation of Ration Shop

government in public hearing. • To activate by supervision of ration shop by PVCHR committee in three model village on the basis of indicator and to carry it in other PVCHR committee (index is annexed). Having made understanding on ration distribution system, the activation of procedure and supervision committee to be made by them.

Right of development 4.

People initiative for qualitative education

Having assured 100 % enrollment in the next series of procedure for activation of middle school will be continued along with the activation of two primary Schools. Due to not opening of school after filing a writ petition in September for demand of government school in Bagwanala, the people of Bal Panchayat and PVCHR committee will run a campaign on “Ghera Dalo - dera dalo” (to besiege – to encamp), the public initiation will be started on the issue of education in the other PVCHR committee. The trust has Observed that the position of

18 Muslim on the issue of education is more deteriorating than Dalits. A workshop of PVCHR, weaver Artisan right forum, JMN and vision, will be organized to make understanding over the report of Sacchar committee.

Right to Protection 6.

Demonstration on livelihood of

The livelihood of weave and artisan is being snatched due to attack on imperialism. On which the


struggle is being increased by making PVCHR committee with deprived group in condense area. And in other areas the weaver artisan right forum in being raised as a trade union. Who will raise struggle in collaboration with PVCHR. A district wide protest will be organized by developing the outlook of imperialism attack in the meeting of PVCHR and weaver-artisan after finding out their


Demonstration of unorganized

problem. The members of PVCHR are mostly landless, farmer, weaver, and the person working for share.


Due to problem of livelihood their children have to do work. In the same time most of the people of proletariat are suffering from communal exploitation due the communal residue of Indian landlord system. The people will be organized on the issue of land and the people working for share (Bataigiri) by protesting communal exploitation. By making the issue of completely successful implementation of Narega enforced by central government and improving the unity of deprived and proletariats, child right will be assured.

Right of Participation Strengthen of Bal Panchyat

There will be block level conference by attaching all the children of village actively with Bal Panchayat made in three model village. So that other children may associate with child parliament and the understanding on participation procedure may be developed. BY extracting the issue from out look of children through Bal Panchayat, and for expanding the problems and issues through street play, cartoon and magazine, they will send their magaxine to

19 administration and meet with the district level officers. To raise their leadership by the children of Bal Panchayat and to strengthen the Panchayat, they will go to in dude their issues in PVCHR Committee.

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