Work Of Pvchr

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  • Pages: 8
Hunger situation of Dhannipur, Varansi Varanasi, a north Indian city is well known for its finest Banarasi Sari. This sari is predominantly woven on handlooms by high skilled weavers. Entire family of weaver is involved in weaving. Lohata, Bazardiha, Dhannipur, Saraimohana , Lallapura, etc. have the dense population of weavers. However after 1992, the conditions of weavers are deteriorating year after year and now days the weavers have come at the edge of hunger death and starvation. Their children are malnourished and they are committing suicide. Even some weaver sold their infants as they are incapable to foster them. Dhannipur weaver’s locality is more deteriorating. Approximately fifty percent weavers of Dhannipur are living below poverty line. Following are the list of five children who had died due to malnutrition and starvation: Sr. no


. 1. Shabeena 2.


4 month





Date of death





Mohammad Rahim

Father's Ration job



Card Red Card Red Card

Job car



d Small room no

for handloom and residence Single room


for residence and handloom Living in


No land No land

rented room, Imran

2½ years




White Card






initially he was weaver Small room

4 Shaheena







Red Card


for handloom


and a


residence Small room

5. Shahabuddin

2 years


Mohammad Idrish


Red Card


for handloom


and a



Shahabuddin case: Shahabuddin had died on 31st May, 2008. One week before the death of Shahabuddin Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi and Ms Shruti Nagvanshi from PVCHR visited Dhannipur along with Mr Siddique Hasan (FRWA). As soon as he had been detected as malnourished, he had been admitted to district hospital by PVCHR with the permission of his parents. The doctor told that the water of his body is dried up. He put dip for glucose. His body developed swelling. Doctor told that there was no blood in his body. Ms Shruti of PVCHR donated blood to save the life of Shahabuddin. The people of PVCHR begged outside the hospital to arrange for the medical treatment and medicine as the administration was not heeding on the plight of the community and the hospital authority were neglecting them. At the same time mother of Mohammad Idrish fell ill. He took out his son from hospital home so that he could look after his mother. The condition of Shahabuddin was he was well in night and he was recovering and, but in morning his health became worse. The neighbors helped very much and they collected contribution to provide him medical treatment this time they could not succeed in saving the life of Shahabuddin. However after the death of Shahabuddin the administration provided some assistance like red ration card, cereal and Rs 1000/ financial assistance under emergency fund. At the time of death of Shahabuddin 14 other children of the locality have been found malnourished. This had been emerged in a survey conducted in hurry by the administration. All these children were in the age group from six month to two years. The worker of ICDS provided written receipt to provide medical treatment at primary health centre. However the guardian took their children to community health centre. On 1st June, 2008 District Magistrate and Chief Medical Officer had visited Dhannipur. The PVCHR has reported the case of Dhannipur to Asian Human Right Commission (AHRC)







issue. . A campaign has been started to save the life of othermalnourished children, but till 26th December, 2008 four other children had been died. The PVCHR continued its advocacy to many authorities. However after the death of Mohammad Isharak 8th November, 2008 the administration had awaken and realized its responsibilities towards these community. Again the AHRC has issued the hunger alert update in Dhannipur case

Lacuna: the children had been referred to Kabir Choura Hospital from ICDS centre, but there was great carelessness, so the parents and guardian had preferred to take out their children from hospital. Isharak case: On 8th November, 2008 Md Esrak aged two years son of Abdul Rahim resident of village-Dhannipur, police station Lohta, in Varanasi district. died due to malnutrition. His weight was less than four kilograms and he was suffering from fourth grade malnutrition at the time of his death. The village head provided Rs 1000/ as emergency relief to his father Abdul Rahim and ration had been provided to him with immediate effect. The village head told at the occasion that he would provide all assistance which he could do. He also said that he could provide as much assistances as he had been authorized from administration. In this world no one is immortal but death due to death is stigma over the head of the country. In this country where there is plenty of food grains and right to food is fundamental right declared by the Supreme Court in PUCL Vs Union of India and the Apex Court upheld that the person who are victim of famine due to incapacity for not buying food materials, have the fundamental right to get free and subsidize food materials from State under article 21 of the constitution. However, on the other hand the weavers of Varanasi are compelled to live in imperialism driven famine. Dr Darin, a Srilankan Economist has presented his plan for the revival of weavers through Varanasi Weaver’s Trust. He prepared his plan after visiting weaver’s locality around Varanasi. His model is based on the revival model of French Wine and Srilankan Tea. He presented his plan to planning commission of India. It is under the knowledge of UP State Government, but no steps have been taken due to political reason and the plan is still waiting for approval for implementation. Recently in the month of December of this year MP Sri Ali Anwar Ansari raised the pathetic condition of weavers and death due to famine and malnourishment of their children in zero hour in which includes the death of nine children due to malnourishment and 106 children are the victims of malnourishment. Total 36 male and 31 female are the victim of tuberculosis in the concerned Vidyapith Block. They get medicine from the governmental hospital but lack of nutrition again engulfs them to the same disease. In the same way the weavers are committing suicide in many states. From the last six month six weavers have committed suicide, while more than two hundred weavers have committed suicide within two years. He urgently demanded for exemption from loan and to protect the traditional industry. He further added that the cloth minister assured me on my question that

the debts of weavers would be exempted and loan at seven percent would be arranged. Now the tenure of this government is going to be finished and the assurance given from government is not appeared to be met with and the parliament keeps silent on this issue.

Weaver’s Struggle Siddiquilla has been died in morning of 8th February, 2009 at 2:00 am. He was at his nineties. He was a bonded labour and had been working as bonded labour in weaving industries more than fifteen years. In 2001, AD he met with Dr Lenin the convener of people’s vigilance committee of human right (PVCHR) and described him about his pitiable condition and showed his willingness not to be continued as bonded labour. He provided his full support with potential in his case. Recently on 23rd November, 2008 the ADM (Administration) Varanasi has provided him and his son Amirulla Release Certificate from Bonded Labour. After getting release certificate he had taken a sigh of relief and said I will not die as a bonded labour. He always showed his dedication and devotion in his struggle and his poverty and weakness had never causes hindrances. He had also given his significant contribution to eradicate bonded labour and to improve the condition of weavers and to ensure the basic right of weavers. His valuable contribution can not be forgotten. In his sad demise many people have sent their tribute and many members along with convener of Forum for Right of Weaver &Artisan had taken part in his funeral while he was buried in graveyard near Kamalgadha, RaMkatora, in Varanasi. Pvchr has recently taken the testimony of Amirulla the son of deceased Siddiquella to provide him psychological healing, which is as follows: Self suffering story of Amirulla My name is Amirulla aged about 45 years. Sri Siddiquilla is my father. I live at house no. 35/40 Jalalipura,





Varanasi. Apart from my wife I have four son and two daughters. I am a weaver and I adopted this profession when I was twelve years old. Thirty years ago I started this profession from the Gaddi

of Badaruddin Hazi. I earned Rs 17 per sari and a sari was weaved within three or four days. I could manage for two meals a day easily. After two year when I developed skill in weaving, I started to work at the gaddi of Hazi Baqueridu. I earned there Rs 375 for each sari and sari was weaving within four to five days. The owner was honest and used to make payment regularly. I lived in his house. During that period I got married and five children had been begotten I spent there fifteen years. Since the family of the owner growing larger, there was problem of accommodation. So I had to quit his services. I approached to Altafurrahman resident of A-26/2 Hasanpura, police station Adampur, District Varanasi in search of work. There I started weaving at the rate of Rs 500/ per sari, but sari was being weaved within twelve to fifteen days because silk saris were being weaved there. During that period my younger daughter was fallen ill and her condition was gradually deteriorating. So I borrowed total Rs 4600/ from the owner. He asked me to pay back the amount in wages. I paid Rs 50/ per sari to pay back his debt, and he noted down in the account kept for the purpose, but I did not have such account. Since I am illiterate so I can not tell the exact amount but I paid back to him large portion of the debt. I had to work from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm. There was one hour lunch from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm. There was no holiday. Three days holidays for Id-Ul-Juha and Baquerid and one day holiday for Sabebarat and Barawafat was allowed. If I became late by five minutes or go outside for tea/betel, he used to abuse and insult me in front of other worker and my elder son, Zia-ul-Islam, who came along with me to assist me. I had to go for work even at the time of illness. In the mean time he made an agreement of a building adjacent to his house, and arranged my house hold articles in that house to express my rental position on behalf of him. I started to live in that house, but another person had made registry in his favor and compelled me to vacate the house, but Altafurrahman forced me to live in that house. It was a cold night when at 11:00 pm the policemen came in two jeep to vacate the house. Due to fear I returned the house in which I was living earlier leaving my all house hold and valuables the total cost of the articles and valuables is Rs 18000. On the next day Altafurrahman took me to court to file case against the person in whose favour the registry had been made. When I asked about my goods to Altafurrahman, he was feigning. When I could not get my goods till three years I repeated him, he used abusive language and said I lost my house and you care for your goods. I beseeched him that I am very poor and how can I arrange these household and valuable again. At this he started to abuse indicating my mother and sister and slapped three or four times. Every slap spread darkness to my eyes and whistling in my year. I felt that if I were as powerful as he, I could reply for his slap and abuse. But I was helpless and compelled. I felt very insulting from inside. When he was

slapping me, my elder son came and implored that “why are you beating my abba (father)?” At this he turned angry to my son and kicked three four times to my innocent son in his chest. He started groaning. Having seen it I was feeling extreme heartache and blood in form of tears was coming to my eyes. Even today I become terrified by assuming that scene that how a tall well build and muscle man is beating my lean child. I was feeling intolerable pain. I thought that my days are not helping me so this cruel man is insulting and beating me along with my son. I embraced my son and took him out of that place. The grief which I felt at that time can not be expressed in word and in this regard I can say that the weavers only know where the shoe pinches. I was feeling at that time that if I would have another option, I may escape from the jaws of this cruel man and I may save myself and my family from day to day insult. I was in great anguish but What could I do? I borrowed money from him, I could not save myself. In spite of this incident I worked for more than four years in his custody. I told the same to the other Grihastha (the owner of handloom), he became ready to pay my debt and I had to work for that Grihastha, but Altafurrahman was not ready for this. He said “if you will work, work for me only. You can not go anywhere.” I requested him to give my household and valuable and I will manage for your loan. But he was not agreeing for this. The honor and dignity of a man is nothing for him. Abusing daily is very common. I was feeling suffocation. The sun was distant dream for me. When I was living like a slave, Dr Lenin came like God to Kargha (Handloom). He came in year 2000AD. I answered for his question that the Kargha (Handloom) and house belong to Altafurrahman and I am working as bonded labour. I had borrowed Rs 4600/ from him so I am working for him to pay back his debt. I also told him that my father Siddiqueulla is also working as bonded labour in the custody of Altafurrahman. My father had taken some debt from him for his medicine and for some domestic needs. Due to his old age my father was working slowly so Altafurrahman misbehaved, insulted and abused my father before me and other worker. I questioned Dr Lenin “why is he asking this to me?” with smiling face he answered that he would make release us from bonded labour. A ray of hope emerges in our dark life. We got courage form inside. Altafurrahman got notice from the court after two month. When the matter went to the court my father had given statement against Altafurrahman and I was also standing along with him. In last the God paid attention and the effort of Dr Lenin brought color. On 23-11-2008 the SDM of Varanasi had given order to release us from bonded labour. I received a copy of order of court. A copy such order was sent to police station Adampur. So the SHO made a call for Altafurrahman. At this two men of Altafurrahman came to me and took me to his gaddi. By abusing me He forcefully made me to put my signature on stamp. He threatened me he will

make me homeless and my family helpless. He also admonished me that I have teenage daughter. He warned me to think about my all family. Hearing this I became afraid and signed over stamp. My statement had been taken in the CO office in Kotwali and police station Adampur. Today I am free. However he threatens me. Presently I am working according to my will. If I got rehabilitation compensation I will set up my own loom and bring raw material, so that I can start my traditional occupation. Now family is feeling very happy. I am feeling unlimited pleasure after telling you my story and I feel internal relief. Now I believe that there is someone who cares for deprived and poor people like me. Bhotu Musahar, aged 55, son of Sukhdev Musahar, residing at Belwa Musahar village, Varanasi district, said that starvation is treated as normal in his village: "We have stayed here for about six generations. For eight months we work at a brick kiln. The kiln is about 10 kilometers from here. But we have no option. There is a kiln which is in the neighboring property. It is run by Rajendar Thiwari, the most powerful man in Belwa village. The property is on Panchayat [council] land. The place from which the clay is collected for this kiln is from the village property. We were told that this property was earmarked for our community to cultivate and build our huts. But we cannot question this since the person who questions Thiwari would not live to see the next dawn. "For about ten years we worked for Thiwari. He never paid us any money. He used to abuse us for everything. If someone failed to turn up for work he would beat that person when he came to work next time. If anyone fell sick and failed to turn up for work, then also he would beat the person. Women faced the same treatment. Thiwari's son used to do the same. His son, Guddu Thiwari, was very young when he used beat us. I was beaten by him when Guddu was only 20. The kiln manager beat us too. "Thiwari would give us some vegetables for our work, once a week, and that was the only payment. This was not enough for us. It would be over in a day and the rest would be easily damaged, since what he gave us was already rotten. Once in a while we would get dead animals. These were Thiwari's animals. However, we were not allowed to take any dead animal. Only when Thiwari allowed us we could take them. We never cared how the animal died; we only cared how fast we could cook it. Sometimes we would dig up buried animals a day after without anyone knowing. We did not have any time to fetch food for ourselves since we were not allowed to leave the kiln. We could not earn anything else from other work since no one would employ us. This was because we are untouchables and even if anyone was willing to employ us Thiwari would intervene and prevent it. "Many people died from starvation and a few from injuries suffered at work and also from beatings. We never dared to complain to anyone. Where could we complain? We had seen police officers staying at Thiwari's house and having dinner with him. Thiwari also used to threaten us that if we ever dared to complain to anyone about this he would get the police to arrest us. He threatened us that instead of the men, he would get the women arrested. So we had no other option. Men, women and children worked for Thiwari. Every child was to work for him. The only concern was whether one could work or not. Young or old, all had to work. Rain or drought everyday we had to work. Even if somebody died and the body was still at home, you still had to go to work or else they would beat us. We were fed up with this situation and the punishments were intolerable. "It was Dr Lenin who came to our rescue. It was his organisation [PVCHR] which helped us from this mess. He advised us to lodge complaints at the sub divisional magistrates court. But there was no action. Soon there was an opportunity for us to speak at a [tribunal]. After that we came to know that it had asked the magistrate to take action upon our complaint. The magistrate came here. We also came to know that Dr Lenin also had filed a separate complaint on our behalf to the same officer. One day we were all free. However, we were never paid any compensation. We were

informed that the magistrate had ordered 20,000 rupees to be paid to us. But when we inquired at the magistrate's office we were told that since the magistrate is a Brahmin, he would never execute the order, and we were asked to be satisfied with our freedom, and that nothing more is to be expected. "We have only five ration cards altogether. The ration shop dealer never opens his shop regularly. It is open only one or two days in a week and that too during evening hours. We work in a kiln about 10 kilometers away. By the time we finish our work and return, the shop is closed. The food grains that are to be supplied for a very low price are also sold at a higher price. We are not able to afford such high prices. We know it is illegal. But we cannot complain. The ones who dare to complain will never live to see the result of the complaints. The police, health officer and district administration officers are all teamed against us. Who cares for us? "Hunger is accepted in our village. It is hard to manage the children. By night they start crying and refuse to sleep [due to hunger]. We have no option. We beat them hard so that they cry for a while and are soon tired and that is how we put our children to sleep. "Many have died of starvation here. Bahru Musahar's family is one example. His wife and two children died within four weeks of one another. His daughter Reena died when she was five-yearsold. Then his wife Kismati Devi died, and soon his other daughter Hasna, who was nine-monthsold: all within about four weeks of this year. Bharu has lost his senses now. This is not strange for us. Every year in July, August, September and October a few children die here due to malnutrition and acute starvation. No one cares for us."

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