Work Life Balance

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 26
Work life balance DESCRIPTION

Presented byNidhi Sharma

Identify with the contribution not task 

 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Input- output rule “ Even if you are on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there”- Rogers Criteria to eliminate tasks & redeploy your timeIf you stop doing this for two weeks will anyone care? Is the reason you began doing this still valid today? Does this take up disproportionate amount of time compared to the result Is there someone else who would love to do this? Can you get better at this & reduce the time reqd?

• 2. 3. 4. •

• 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Leverage Reducing complex to the basics Ask why? Ask for objective information Ask for evidence Working hard & not smart “ Life & work are about success, not perfection. The fact demands that you be willing to live with moderate degrees of ambiguity. Once you are comfortable with that , you’ll be working far smarter and with less effort” How to have more time than what you need? Plan your day, but with flexibility Make a list Eliminate the non essential Delegate Combine downtime with uptime Get tough

• Four choices for Action-


Timing Cause






• “ Seek to remove the causes of problems and prevent future causes from occuring. That’s leverage”

Innovation & Risk “ We’re here to make waves, not to stick our toes in the water” • The time to take prudent risk is when you are having hard times or moderate success. The time to take stronger risk is when you are doing wonderfully well • People who say they’ve never failed are in one of the three positions  They’ve never tried anything worthwhile  They’ve failed and they don’t realize it  They’re lying

Reinventing yourself

• Reinvention doesn’t necessarily replace who you are & what you do, but it provides for new dimensions & attitudes Reinvent yourself with foll in mind• Sincere interest in the new field • Look at it as a

“ Try building on your success, not correcting weaknesses. Correcting weaknesses is hard work & improving on clear strengths is smart work”

Balance at rest Life balance isn’t abt the presence or lack of activity, but rather how that activity is distributed  Success provides  A momentum and habit of learning 

Self esteem

It is the acquisition of skills, the appreciation of that success to motivate us for the acquisition of more skills in a self perpetuating cycle 

External locus of control

Creating personal challenges  The

challenge performance  The challenge  The challenge

to exceed prior to master something to try something new

“ Life is about success, not perfection. A major component of success in your life is to continually create personal challenges that you pursue with relish”

If you don’t reward yourself, you reward no one  Discretionary time  Personal space & soirituality  Finance & health

Short term & Long term personal rewards  The reward of giving  The reward of permission  The reward of a gift  The reward of a change  The reward of a respite  The reward of congratulations

Instantiating your dreams  Positive dreams reflect your aspirations,

unused talents & vicarious needs. Negative dreams are about revenge & vindication. The latter can be positive if they serve to exorcise feelings that will therefore not influence actual behavior. The former are always constructive and can be used to influence behavior.

Making your dreams come true  Recognize the validity of the dream or aspiration  Ask yourself what obstacles are in route to progress towards fulfillment  Strive for progress, not perfection 

How Stress can help you

  

Identify the stress causing situations Evaluate whether the stress is significant enough to take action Estimate what the likely result of you making a different decision might be Select a course of action Act at the next available opportunity Assess the result

There are 2 primary causes of stress in our workplace & personal lives Not knowing what may happen tomorrow The belief that we have no control over what may happen 

“Our need to control is deep seated & emotional & is a combination of fear of the unknown & mistrust of other’s judgments. We must surrender that need & accept that we control very little”

Balance in Relationships Influencing others is an art form   

Power & coercion Normative pressure Enlightened self interest

If you want to influence someone you must determine what is in the other person’s self interest and appeal to it in such a way that both of your interests are served •

Intelligent tradeoffs • Never negotiate away a “must” • Try to never squash someone else’s must • Never make a negotiation about "ego” Another way to view self interest and influence others while maintaining balance in relationships are- values, attitudes, behavior sequence

Avoiding generalizing specifics

The phenomenon consists of taking a single piece of perceived evidence and utilizing it as universal truth The closer we are emotionally to others , the more probability that we will generalize specifics as we ignore the context or proportion

Communicating in the light of the day Cognitive interference

Environmental interference

Key aspects of being honest & authentic in Relationships Show a willingness to listen & accept feedback  Admit it when you are wrong  Never deliberately support a specious argument just to salvage your ego  Keep your mouth shut

Don’t poison the communication with history, biases & precedents Admit it when there is confusion or misunderstanding

Meta talk 

It is a process aimed at reviewing, analyzing & deciphering how you talk to each other. It involve  The Timing of talk  The location of talk  The use of Language

Cause vs Blame 

Its easy to assign blame. It’s difficult to remove it. And it’s impossible to eliminate the blemish you’ve created for yourself by resorting to the tactic to begin with Cause is different from blame in that it is a combination of elements that caused the problem.

Selective openness & receptivity Feedback requires active listening Feedback checklist  Do I have a trusting relationship with the person  Is the feedback specific, timely & useful  Does the feedback contain evidence or supposition?  Is there a major issue involved?

Self possession & control of one’s Fate To balance our lives we need to situation ally & frequently reinforce & renew our “tethers” to various levels of need. It’;s quite possible to be self actualizing while we simultaneously require a need to improve our physical well being or security

The invidious nature of guilt Recognize guilt for what it is Separate guilt from culpability & responsibility Allow yourself temporary emotional guilt, then go to pragmatic zero tolerance

The courage to stand alone “ Many people take refuge in a crowd & solace in the anonymity. This will always mean that you’re driven by the herd mentality. True life balance is about individual choice, not for its own success. At a certain level of success every person is an island

The fallacy of perception

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