Tables whichintersect to formcells.Inthesecells,you Tablesconsistof rowsandcolumns format. easy-to+ead enterinformation andharreit appearin anorganized, A. To inserta table: 1 . Insert- Table Selectthenumberof rowsandcolumns thatyouwantin yourtable. o"remember, rowsrun horizontally andcolumnsrunvertically 3 . ClickOK andthenenterthe information as youwish. The tab keyallowsyou to movefromone cellto the next.
B. Makingchangesto a tablethatalreadyexists: 1. Right-click on the tableandselect"fabletromthe drop-downmenu. 7 Yntrwillrhenssp a vr,ride youcan+naketo yrrurtaL'!c.Serne varietyof cha-nges examDles are: . changeyourbordersize . verticalalignment(putinformation to the top,middleor bottomof the cells) . cellwidth . adda background color
c. Makingchangesto a cell or a selectionof cells : 1. Highlight the cell(s)thatyouwantto format. 2. Rightclickand choosetheformaftingaspectthatyou wantto changefromthe dropdownmenu.Someexamples are I . alignthe information in yourcellto the left,right,or center(thisis in alignment) . bold,underlineor italicizeyourtext(thisis in sVle) . cellalignment D. To add a row or column : 1. Putthe cursorin the rowor columnbeforethe placeyouwantthe insertion to go. 2. Clickon the iconwiththe yellowrowor columnin yourtop toolbar.
E. To deletea row or column : 1. Putthe cursorin the rowor columnthatyou wantdeleted. 2. Clickon the iconwiththe red rowor columnin Vourtop toolbar.