Wn 23 Febrero 09

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Vincent, TerryHenry, Takeshi y Paulonovich en el ring Marco Perez: wao.. los de mas peso en la LWC están en frente nuestro desde el comienzo Loko95: y no es para mas.. es que han logrado retener el titulo máximo y ahora tienen a el unico invicto de esta federación GG Vincent: es un placer haber arreglado el problema con mi hermano y es que todo esto fue planeado… Público: buuu!!! Marco Perez: ya sabia yo porque Terry dijo tan normal que prefería el titulo que a su hermano.. Loko95: si claro GG Vincent: ahora estamos aquí para darle la bienvenida a el mas grande y único invicto de esta federación… SUPER!!!! VILLANO!! Público: buuuuuu!!!! Cuando los buenos se vuelven villanos. Cuando la Fe más pura se vuelve oscura como el carbón. Cuando ya no queda nada de compasión en los corazones. Entonces... Empieza a sonar EL ANTIHÉROE - Dogma Crew. <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jU-Kmo75rbI&hl=es&fs=1"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jUKmo75rbI&hl=es&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"> Publico: BUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH Empieza a salir lluvia negra de las cuatro torres situadas en las esquinas.

En el suelo se puede leer ...

Sale Supervillano. Su aspecto es terrorífico y sádico. LLeva el cuerpo negro en su izquierda y en el derecho plateada. También sus piernas son negras y plateadas , pero estas cambian , siendo las negras las de la derecha y plateadas las de la izquierda. Su máscara es fría y tétrica también plateada. Hace a este personaje más lúgubre, siniestro y aterrador. En su mano derecha lleva un machete bastante grande, con un mango de marfil negro.

Loko: ¡Dios bendito!. Este ya no tiene salvación. Y dudo mucho que alguien quiera que le salve este tipo. Marcos: Lo que nos faltaba otro sádico-loco-perturbado. Luego que la empresa se va al garete. Hay un velatorio, sale un nuevo maniaco, el jefe tiene un hermano al que apoya, otro grupo de locos forman un nuevo stable. Loko: Si te refieres a Conflagración, creó que no van a ser un stable más. Y no estan locos. Marcos: Ya veras al tiempo. Ya me lo dijo mi madre si andas con locos, te acabas volviendo loco.

Las luces se encienden y se apagan. La música empieza a sonar. Y aparece Gilberto Marley, el cual lleva una camisa con la foto de Bob Marley, jeans cortos y micrófono en mano. Marco: Parece que dirá algo importante

Gilberto Marley: Como todos ustedes vieron hace 2 semanas, me mandaron a luchar contra un perdedor, que tubo suerte de vencerme en mi debut. Pero ahora, vengo aquí a decir que seré la revelación de la LWC en 2009 y estoy muy contento de representar a Brasil en una de las mejores federaciones en América Latina. Público: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Gilberto Marley: Quizás todavía no se capaz de conseguir un título, pero lo digo y lo repito a mí mismo, quien se opondra a la voluntad del ring... Marocco hace su entrada Público: BOOOOOOOOOO Marocco: Disculpe, pero creo que estás equivocado. En primer lugar, usted no está ni cerca de ser la revelacion del 2009, porque no es lo suficientemente fuerte ni para vencer a Luilli. Y en segundo lugar me avergüenzo de que un gusano como usted represente a un país maravilloso, como Brasil. Creo que todos los brasileños tienen vergüenza de ver como denigran la imagen de Brasil contigo. Gilberto Marley: ¿Quién eres tú para hablarme de esa manera? Si te crees tan fuerte porque no vienes aqui, y veremos quien es la desgracia de Brasil. No tienes ni el más mínimo logro para hablarme así. Saldras de aqui llorando como un bebé y despues pensaras antes de hablar. Marocco: Entonces vamos a ver quién es el hombre ... Entra el árbitro y la lucha comienza

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway: "Introducing first, Marocco"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Marocco makes his way to the ring a light shines over him on the ring Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, Gilberto Marley"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Gilberto Marley makes his way to the ring Marocco gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Marocco approaches Gilberto Marley

and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Marocco gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick Gilberto Marley gets down to dodge an Overhead Kick and counterattacks Gilberto Marley prepares his arm and falls on Marocco with his fist executing a light Fist But!! [Special Submission activated for Gilberto Marley] Gilberto Marley jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco gets up and resolutely fights back Marocco grabs his opponent's head Gilberto Marley easily avoids a Knee on Head and gains the initiative Gilberto Marley gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with the palm with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! Gilberto Marley leaps toward the opponent Marocco doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative Marocco grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him tryes to strike him with a powerful heading performing a light Hard Headbutt!! [Special Damage activated for Marocco] Marocco gains speed bouncing against the ropes and knocks Gilberto Marley down while running, performing a light Rope Drop Clothesline!! Marocco approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! Marocco pulls Gilberto Marley still groggy, by his hair Marocco tightens his opponent's head taking him on his knees to connect a series of fistbuts, performing a light Head Lock & Punch!! Marocco grabs Gilberto Marley's hair Marocco grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Marocco runs toward Gilberto Marley and leaps and crushes him with his own body pinning him with a strong Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Gilberto Marley kicks out Marocco springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Marocco gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and throws himself toward Gilberto Marley hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!! Gilberto Marley interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Gilberto Marley charges his arm Marocco dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Marocco gets ready to hit Gilberto Marley and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!

Marocco brings his foot up Gilberto Marley dodges the a Modified Axe Kick taking the initiative Gilberto Marley charges his arm and connects with a light Big Punch!! Gilberto Marley shoots his right leg and uses the sole of the foot to strike his opponent's chin, delivering a light Super Kick!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Marocco has fallen out of the ring!!!! Gilberto Marley leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Gilberto Marley while the referee is distracted, wraps some cable chords around his opponents throat executing a light Choke with Electric Chords!!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Gilberto Marley lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Gilberto Marley lifts the adversary on a shoulder to crash the adversary on it with a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Gilberto Marley is about to perform his taunt Gilberto Marley Plays With The Opponent As If He Was His Son executing A Vai Filhinho Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Gilberto Marley removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections Marocco avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Marocco removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Marocco is about to perform his taunt Marocco executing The Dragon's Dance Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Marocco goes up again in the ring Gilberto Marley goes up again in the ring Marocco approaches his rival loading his arm Gilberto Marley droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Gilberto Marley gets ready to hit Marocco and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! Gilberto Marley leaps toward Marocco and performs a light Bicycle Kick hitting Marocco with two kicks!! Gilberto Marley shoots his right leg and then lands a sole blow on his opponent's jaw, performing a light Super Kick!! Gilberto Marley blocks one of his opponent's legs locking it between his thighs Marocco breaks free from his opponent's clamp just in time, regaining the initative! Marocco swings his leg to hit his opponent with a violent Kick to Back!! Marocco is about to perform his taunt

Marocco executing The Dragon's Dance Marocco grabs Gilberto Marley's leg Gilberto Marley avoids an a Argentine Leg Lock and takes the initiative Gilberto Marley puts his own hands under Marocco's armpits, who is prone on the mat and locks them behind his back performing a light Butterfly Lock!! Gilberto Marley keeps his ruthless submission hold Gilberto Marley keeps his ruthless submission hold Gilberto Marley releases his grasp Gilberto Marley grabs one of Marocco's legs, and places Marocco's ankle between his thighs, lays on top of Marocco's back and locks his arms around Marocco's head. The wrestler then pulls back stretching Marocco's back and neck, submitting him with a light Modified STF!! Gilberto Marley keeps his ruthless submission hold Gilberto Marley keeps his weak submission hold Gilberto Marley releases his grasp Gilberto Marley pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair Gilberto Marley twists his rival's arm over his shoulder and turns behind him Marocco avoids the a Modified Cobra Clutch Suplex and gains the inititative Marocco performs a backflip, using the top rope as a springboard and leaps on him, landing on him and covering him with a strong Springboard Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Gilberto Marley kicks out Marocco is about to perform his taunt Marocco executing The Dragon's Dance Marocco grabs Gilberto Marley's hair Marocco grabs one Gilberto Marley 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Marocco charges his elbow Gilberto Marley dodges the a Back Elbow Smash and counterattacks Gilberto Marley stands behind Marocco striking him with an elbow performing a light Back Elbow Smash!! Gilberto Marley grabs Marocco's hair Gilberto Marley grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Gilberto Marley grabs Marocco's legs and locks them and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco gets up and resolutely fights back Marocco grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! Marocco stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! Marocco lifts Gilberto Marley on his shoulders

and slams him on the mat executing light Dragon's Force!! Marocco grabs Gilberto Marley's hair Marocco charges a knee to hit Gilberto Marley executing a strong Knee Smash!! Marocco grabs his opponent's head and embeds it against his own and slams his jaw on his head with a light Modified Jaw Breaker!! Marocco rises on the turnbuckle Gilberto Marley dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and takes back the initiative Gilberto Marley climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and jumps toward Marocco quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe Handle!! Gilberto Marley is about to perform his taunt Marocco capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Gilberto Marley off guard! Marocco goes towards his rival Gilberto Marley droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Gilberto Marley puts a outstretched hand on Marocco's forehead and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!! Gilberto Marley quickly lifts his left leg Marocco dodges the a Karate Kick and counterattacks Marocco lifts Gilberto Marley on his shoulders horizontally throwing him over his head performing a light Fireman Carry making him fall in front of him!! Marocco grabs Gilberto Marley's hair Marocco grabs one Gilberto Marley 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Marocco runs toward Gilberto Marley and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Marocco gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and leaps toward Gilberto Marley quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! GILBERTO MARLEY HAS A CUT!!! Marocco knocks Gilberto Marley out Marocco tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Gilberto Marley gets his shoulder up somehow Marocco gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Marocco approaches Gilberto Marley and grasps Gilberto Marley's head with a light Brain Squeezer!! Marocco keeps his weak submission hold Gilberto Marley can't resist anymore and taps out!! MAROCCO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS GILBERTO MARLEY !!!! Marco Perez: creo que a Gilberto no le a gustado perder hoy Loko95: a cualquiera Marco, a cualquiera

Aparece GM BBM GM BBM: hemos tenido grandes peleas, grandes historias, grandes luchadores, y hoy tengo que darles una mala noticia El público llora GM BBM: un compañero nuestro falleció ayer en camino al hospital por las heridas sufridas en el PPV.. esa gran persona es Killer Montxo.. Por favor señoras y señores un minuto de silencio -un minuto despuésGM BBM: ahora y no queriendo parecer frío ante esta situación se realizará una batalla real donde se estará en juego el titulo hispano de la LWC… -GM BBM se va con lagrimas en los ojosDespues del anuncio ofrecido por BBM, acerca de la muerte de Killer Montxo, SERGINHO irrumpe en el despacho del GG Vincent. GG Vincent: Lo normal es llamar antes de entrar... SERGINHO aparece vendado de pies a cabeza, y toma un asiento, poniendose cara a cara con el GG Vincent SERGINHO: (Reprimiendose el dolor de las heridas que los vascos le infligieron) Vengo a reclamar el tutulo Hispano, que esta en manos del difunto Killer Montxo por... GG Vincent: Vale, es tuyo... SERGINHO: por... Un mommento, ¿Ya esta? ¿No hay truco? GG Vincent: La verdad es que si... El Killer esta en una sala, creo que se esta produciendo el velatorio... SERGINHO: ¿Y a mi que mas me da eso? GG Vincent: Te da, porque los titulos los tiene el, agarrados. Hemos intentado quitarselos, pero no hay manera, parece como que se los quiere llevar a la tumba, aun asi... SERGINHO se pone en pie, y sale tan rapido como su cuerpo le permite, con direccion al velatorio... Nada mas llegar alli, ve a casi todos los miembros de la LWC presentes, y vestidos de

negro... Hasta las dos chicas que acompañaban al Killer la noche en la que comio el pez globo... Chica1: No es justo... ¿Por que? ¿POR QUE? Chica2: Debemos de ser fuertes, el no querria vernos asi... SERGINHO avanza un poco hasta ponerse en una cola. En ella estan una gran lista de luchadores, ansiosos por quedarse alguno de los titrulos del muerto. SERGINHO esta justo detras de FN-Shocko... La cola avanza, y todos lo que lo intentan se rinden antes o despues, ya que no hay manera de quitarle los titulos... Llega el turno de FN-Shocko, que lo intenta desesperadamente, con el mismo resultado que los demas. FN-Shocko: I give up, it's impossible... SERGINHO: Callate y dejame a mi, anda... Entones, Santo Angel se abre paso hasta el feretro, y se queda mirando un rato al Killer Santo Angel: .... (Le escupe a la cara) ... Me gustaria ver como me timas ahora, Killed Montxo. (Santo angel se va) SERGINHO: (Mirando mal al Killer) Bien, chavalin, esto es entre tu y yo... SERGINHO empieza a tirar del titulo Hispano, sin obtener ningun resultado... Poco a poco, se va desesperando, y le suelta alguna que otra ostia en la cara al Killer... Despues de 10 minutos intentandolo, se harta definitivamente, y coge su moleta, con la que empieza a propinarle severos golpes al muerto. Despues de un rato, decide usarla como palanca, hasta que se oye un, ¡¡CRASH!!, Serginho consigue su titulo y se aleja con direccion a la puerta, pero... GG Vincent: ¿A donde te crees que vas con ese titulo, eh? SERGINHO: Esta bastante claro, me lo llevo porque lo he conseguido y soy el nuevo campeon... SERGINHO: Nos lo llevamos porque si, y punto. GG Vincent: ¿Estas bien? SERGINHO: ¡¡¡¡DEJA EN PAZ A MI PERRO!!!

GG Vincent: Esto ya se pasa de rosca, se acabo. Si quieres el titulo, pelearas por el, en un Battle Royal, contra otros contricantes... Y ahoira, dame eso (Le quita el titulo) ... Ademas... Tu estado mental me preocupa... Vas a ...... SERGINHO: ... (se va corriendo) GG Vincent: ... O te iras a la calle... no quiero ver mas muertes que se podrian evitar en esta federation... A si que... vaya, se ha ido... El GG Vincent pide silencio, y habla por encima de los demas GG Vincent: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ATENCION!!!!!!!!! ... bien, hoy, se decidira al nuevo campeon hispano en un Battle Royal. Los que se vean dignos de llevar este titulo, los queiro en el ring ¡¡¡YA!!!... Con el titulo HardCore, ya vermos que se hace... lord evil está en su camerino viendo la tele el pasado PPV loko95: y el ganador es BLOODREDMAN lord evil: jajajajajaja no me canso de ver como pierde este palurdo no gana ni a ese BLOODREDMAN. estoy cansado de ver la tele... suena - rise against (survive) - y luilli sale microfono en mano con un cabreo asombroso loko95: parece que no está muy contento con las declaraciones de su compañero que no le respeta marco pérez: aquí no le respeta nadie... loko95: yo si marco pérez: pues eso , no le respeta nadie luilli: eh tio estoy cansado de que se me tome por un idiota en esta compañia y no voy a consentir eso asi que voy a... Cae un rayo en la rampa de entrada y suena Limp Bizkit - My Generation: aparece Lord Evil quemando rueda sobre una Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 esta quemando rueda, y sale disparado haciendo un caballito casi vertical hacia el ring: jejeje no me hagas reir que vas a hacer, llamar a tu papá

PÚBLICO: te has pasao marco pérez : no se ha pasado, le ha dejado en su sitio loko95: vale que ha perdido todos los combates pero creo que el chaval va a majorar luilli:para los creidos como tú ya dije una frase PÚBLICO: que te den luilli: tengo el apoyo de público, cosa que tu no tienes lord evil: el público no te ayuda a ganar combates luilli:voy a ganarme el respeto de todos... empenzando por tí ¿seguro que quieres luchar o tienes miedo de que te gane ? lord evil: acepto perdedor luilli:chavalada no quieran ser como lord evil porque serán unos borrachuzos que insultan a la gente como servidor ! dios no lo quiera ¡ y antes de patear tu trasero tengo que deciros algo niños y niñas señoras y señores: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSS PREPARADOS? PÚBLICO:SSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lord evil : menos palabrería y al tema perdedor luilli : calla que te voy a dar hasta en el carné de identidad luilli tira el micrófono marco pérez: espero que marco perez gane pronto y no me duerma

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway: "Introducing first, Lord Evil"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! lord evil's short video appears breakdancing in bc red bull championship. suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘tron was set to fire! Lord Evil makes his way to the ring

wearing a raper clothes and a chainsaw in his back and mounting a green kawasaki zx-14 with grey and black tribal vinyls, two pyrotechnics green and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, luilli"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves luilli makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort luilli prevails luilli prepares the back of his hand hitting Lord Evil with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! luilli charges the leg Lord Evil gets down to dodge an Overhead Kick and counterattacks Lord Evil draws back his arm rocking his body and with a great strength punches luilli's face performing a light Big Punch!! Lord Evil grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under his arm luilli avoids the Capture Suplex, gaining the initiative luilli rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on Lord Evil while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Twisting Body Attack!! luilli gets close to his grounded opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! luilli grabs his opponent's leg then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!! Lord Evil escapes from the hold Lord Evil quickly gets up and counterattacks! Lord Evil open his arms with a light Mongolian Chop!! Lord Evil turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!! Lord Evil while luilli is bent he hooks his arms behind his back throwing him behind and pinning him, performing a strong Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... luilli gets up and resolutely fights back luilli grabs Lord Evil's hair luilli grabs one Lord Evil 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well luilli bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! luilli grabs his opponent's leg and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a light Koji Clutch!! Lord Evil escapes from the hold Lord Evil quickly gets up and counterattacks! Lord Evil grabs luilli's hair

Lord Evil hooks the adversary from the groin and the arm, lifting him to crash him with an extreme power on the ground perfroming a violent Pump Handle Slam!! Lord Evil gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! Lord Evil grabs luilli's hair Lord Evil grabs one luilli 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Lord Evil stretches in flight with his feet held togheter and hits him with a violent Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!! Lord Evil pulls luilli still groggy, by his hair Lord Evil bounces off by using the top rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards his opponent luilli moves out the way just in time, dodging the Springboard Crossbody and retaking initative luilli grabs Lord Evil's hair luilli locks Lord Evil's head under his arm forcing Lord Evil to dive onto his head with a light Modified DDT!! luilli grabs Lord Evil's leg and sits on Lord Evils back and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! luilli keeps his weak submission hold Lord Evil escapes from the hold Lord Evil quickly gets up and counterattacks! Lord Evil prepares his arm to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Lord Evil lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary executing a light Powerful Knee Strike!! Lord Evil falls on his knees, and hits is opponent with a strong Low Blow!! Lord Evil jumps on his bent opponent with the help of the ropes and strikes him on the nape performing a devastating Scissor Kick knocking him down face first!! Lord Evil grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a devastating Extreme Two Handed Face Destruction!! LUILLI HAS A CUT!!! Lord Evil is about to perform his taunt Lord Evil Se Sienta En El Suelo Y Empieza A Hacer Unos Signos Misticos Con Las Manos De Forma Que La Salud De Su Oponente Se Va Debilitando Y Transfiriendo executing The Mistic Death Position Lord Evil tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... luilli kicks out Lord Evil climbs the top turnbuckle raising his elbow and jumps toward luilli hitting him with a violent Diving Elbow Drop!! LUILLI IS BLEEDING!! Lord Evil is about to perform his taunt

Lord Evil Lord Evil Get Up And Put His Arms Down Then Do A B-boy Move The Handjump Puting His Legs Up And Jumping With Only One Hand executing The Handjump-23 Lord Evil tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... luilli kicks out luilli pulls himself together and fights back luilli approaches the opponent Lord Evil droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Lord Evil dives into luilli with a clothesline knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!! Lord Evil gains speed bouncing against the ropes and performs a violent Rope Drop Clothesline hitting luilli with a clothesline!! Lord Evil climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and throws himself toward luilli hitting him with a devastating Tfo!! Lord Evil tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... LORD EVIL WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS LUILLI !!!! Loko95: cuando ganara Luilli? Marco Perez: ya hasta a mi me da pena Marco Perez: hablando de dar pena aquí viene otro Loko95: pero el si a ganado grandes cosas como la Wolrd Cup Marco Perez: pero nada más asi que no digas nada -Soul of the vagabondy la LWC esta de regreso en Lima!!.. que estadio es? monumental .. ohm.. interesante esperemos que no se valla la luz .. Publico: jajaj pero no e venido para hablar sobre la infraestructura del estadio.. y tampoco que soy fan de la U!!.. y Ñol rulz!! Publico: saaaabe.. Marco PereZ: parece que el publico aqui en lima si quiere a Cruscifer.. por cierto Loko de donde eres?? Loko95: bueno yo soy de...

Marco Perez: ya calla que no importa mucho.. -cruscifer calla a la gentevengo a retar a Terryhenry a una lucha titular hoy en mi pais.. en mi ciudad.. con mi gente!!.. Publico: weeee yeee! Marco Perez: pero este tipo esta loco.. esta bien que estemos en su ciudad pero pedir esto es... Terry, para todos es claro que en una pelea entre mi persona y tú, yo ganaría.. pero el caso es que nunca nos hemos enfrentado, y quiero que la primera vez que nos enfrentemos sea por el titulo mundial!! asi que ven para comensar con esto!!.. Suena la canción "Inmortal" de Savia mientras aparece S-PAIN inmóvil en la parte de arriba de la rampa. La canción llega a estribillo: "In-mor-¡¡TAL!!"... ¡¡KABOOOOM!! una explosión pirotécnica atrona el escenario mientras S-PAIN alza los brazos haciendo el gesto del heavy metal. Sube al ring. Marco Perez: Ya está aquí S-PAIN, creo que no le ha gustado que se interpongan en su camino. Loko95: Creo que va a haber gresca. Público: ¡¡¡S-PAIN, S-PAIN, S-PAIN, S-PAIN!!! S-PAIN: Oye un momento, creo que te olvidas de alguien: de mí. Ahora yo soy el primer contendiente por el título mundial y tengo derecho de retar a TerryHenry por él. Así que, será mejor que te olvides del título una temporada si no quieres que yo te haga sentir... ¡¡EL VERDADERO DOLOR!! Público: ¡¡¡WEEEE!!! Cruscifer: No quiero. Además, no sé por qué eres el retador nº 1 si incluso yo puedo ganarte. Público: ¡¡¡WOOOO!!! S-PAIN: Ah, ¿sí?. Cuando te haya ganado en esta pelea espero que recapacites y cuando tenga el cinturón en el próximo PPV puede, sólo puede, que te deje pelear por él. Cruscifer: Eso ya se verá. Público: ¡¡¡WEEEE!!!

Ambos se miran con rivalidad.

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway"Introducing first, S-PAIN"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena Sparks are showering S-PAIN makes his way to the ring with his lover who kisses him burning with passion smoke hides the whole ring Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, Cruscifer"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow Sparks are showering Cruscifer makes his way to the ring Con su pantalon negro y un saco del mismo color con una calavera atras botando fuego de los ojos followed by his nurse smoke hides the whole ring S-PAIN gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! S-PAIN opens wide his arms and hits Cruscifer on the face with the palms of the hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! [Special Damage Resistance activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an light Augmented Fireman Carry!!!!! S-PAIN grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat to perform a light Head Lock!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Cruscifer grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! Cruscifer swings his whole body back and hits S-PAIN's face with a light Big Punch!! Cruscifer grasps S-PAIN and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!! Cruscifer keeps his excruciating submission hold Cruscifer keeps his excruciating submission hold Cruscifer releases his grasp S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back S-PAIN approaches his rival loading his arm Cruscifer droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust Cruscifer puts a outstretched hand on S-PAIN's forehead

and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Cruscifer charges his arm S-PAIN dodges the Fist But and takes the initiative S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's arm and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's head while standing at his side and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down back first!! S-PAIN gets besides the laying opponent Cruscifer avoids the Knee Stomp and counterattacks Cruscifer approaches his laying opponent and performs a light Head Lock!! S-PAIN escapes from the hold Cruscifer kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands S-PAIN avoids the Choke Hold, gaining the initiative S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's hair S-PAIN grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN runs toward Cruscifer and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! [Special Blocking activated for Cruscifer] S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's hair S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's head while standing at his side and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down back first!! S-PAIN gets close to his grounded opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's leg flipping him onto his stomach Cruscifer avoids an Argentine Leg Lock and takes the initiative Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Resistance activated for Cruscifer] S-PAIN prepares the back of his hand Cruscifer dodges a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack [Special Mortal Submission activated for S-PAIN] Cruscifer gets ready to hit the opponent S-PAIN dodges a Low Kick and retakes the initiative S-PAIN takes the Cruscifer's arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he lifts Cruscifer up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a devastating Tiger Suplex!! S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's hair

S-PAIN and lunges himself on the ropes S-PAIN throws his opponent over his head straight up Cruscifer rolls over his opponent's shoulders, evading the Back Body Drop and taking the initiative Cruscifer awaits his running opponent and spins in a circle while spinning, he extends his arm hitting S-PAIN with a light Discus Clothesline!! Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Cruscifer is faster and is not caught off guard! Cruscifer gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand S-PAIN ducks and evades the Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat Cruscifer bends dodging the a Pain Kick Cruscifer quickly lifts his left leg and hits him right between the eyes with a light Karate Kick!! Cruscifer easily moves behind S-PAIN and pins him with a Roll Up!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back S-PAIN open his arms Cruscifer moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Cruscifer gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with the palm with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! Cruscifer charges violently the leg and hits his opponent with a light Karate Kick!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent from his side, and wraps his arm around the head slamming him on the mat flipping himself backwards, executing a violent Rock Lee!!!! Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's hair Cruscifer charges the movement raising the elbow S-PAIN shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking S-PAIN uses the right hand to grab Cruscifer's head, and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a light Snapmare!! S-PAIN climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and throws himself toward Cruscifer hitting him with a violent Tollina En La Cepa La Oreja!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The Time To Pain S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer's leg and sits on Cruscifers back and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN approaches his laying opponent tightening it with a light Head Lock!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Cruscifer prepares his arm hitting him with a light Punch!! Cruscifer stands firmly on the mat and hits S-PAIN with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent from his side, and wraps his arm around the head and pulls him on the mat, landing on the back, by falling backwards with a strong Rock Lee!! S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back S-PAIN hits the opponent with the back of his hand Cruscifer dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Cruscifer grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! Cruscifer is ready to hits the rival with an extreme power performing a light Powerful Knee Strike!! Cruscifer raises his opponent on his shoulder and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder Breaker!! [Special Damage activated for S-PAIN] Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's hair Cruscifer grabs one S-PAIN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back S-PAIN points to the opponent with decision Cruscifer avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Cruscifer charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! Cruscifer draws back his arm rocking his body and connects with a light Big Punch!! Cruscifer lifts the opponent S-PAIN skillfully moves sideways dodging a a Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker and starts to counter-attack S-PAIN lifts Cruscifer showing great strength and throws him backwards performing a violent Back Suplex!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort S-PAIN prevails S-PAIN grabs Cruscifer standing up, and raises him on his shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an strong Augmented

Fireman Carry!! S-PAIN rises on the turnbuckle Cruscifer dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and takes back the initiative Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's hair Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Cruscifer makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, stretching his arm hitting his back with a light Clothesline to Back!! Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's legs and locks them and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but S-PAIN is faster and is not caught off guard! [Special Blocking activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN gets ready to hit Cruscifer and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits Cruscifer with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a devastating Pain Kick!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Cruscifer has fallen out of the ring!!!! S-PAIN leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" S-PAIN positions Cruscifer with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing powerful Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" S-PAIN grabs his opponent's head and crashes it repeatedly on the ground, with a devastating Head Pounds outside the Ring!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a devastating Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a powerful Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder to crash the adversary on it with a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"

S-PAIN removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections to crash the adversary on it with a devastating Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" S-PAIN goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Cruscifer goes up again in the ring S-PAIN points to Cruscifer with decision and gives him an strong Ear Slap!! Cruscifer pulls himself together and fights back Cruscifer prepares the back of his hand S-PAIN dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack S-PAIN gets ready to hit Cruscifer and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! S-PAIN charges his arm Cruscifer dodges the a Elbow Smash and counterattacks Cruscifer holds his opponent's head and hits it with a dreadful series of knee strikes by executing a light Knees Lift!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent from his side, and wraps his arm around the head and falls backward dragging him on the ground back first, connecting with a powerful Rock Lee!! Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's hair Cruscifer hooks S-PAIN's neck as making him fall with great strength perfoming a light Neck Breaker!! Cruscifer grabs S-PAIN's hair Cruscifer grabs his opponent S-PAIN moves and dodges the a Irish Whip, gaining the initiative S-PAIN puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a powerful Snap Suplex!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but S-PAIN is faster and is not caught off guard! S-PAIN goes towards his rival and executes a light Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat Cruscifer bends dodging the a Back Spinning Wheel Kick Cruscifer jumps placing his own feet beneath the opponent's shoulders S-PAIN gets free from a a Rolling Crutch Pin taking the initiative S-PAIN stretches out his arms, opening his hands and grasps Cruscifer's head with a light Brain Squeezer!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold Cruscifer can't resist anymore and taps out!! S-PAIN WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS CRUSCIFER !!!! Marco Perez: te dije que no ganaría Loko95: pobre Cruscifer tambien esta en una debacle después de tentar el título mundial de la LWC

Marco Perez: ya callate que esta el jefe en escena Se ve la cámara entrando a la oficina de el Gerente General Todo el genei ryodan esta reunido en la oficina, y se ve un tablero con varias caras de luchadores. Terryhenry: como ven ya nos encargamos de estos tipos, primero del elemental, kimi, socko y he-man, luego kubit que me hizo muchos problemas y ahora Cruscifer también esta fuera, ahora solo nos queda un problema menor... talvez el más minúsculo que pueda haber... Gg Vincent: te refieres al primer contendiente al titulo S-Pain verdad. Terryhenry: se ese mismo... la verdad es que será una tarea muy fácil y para darle algo mas de emoción, quiero que ninguno... pero ninguno del Genei aparezca en el Evento Principal de Reyes del Ring. Paulonovich: es una broma? Vincent: terry, se que quieres probar que eres el mejor de la LWC pero somos Genei Ryodan, no podemos dejarte solo. Terryhenry: les pido que hagan lo que deseo, QUIERO DEMOSTRARLES DE UNA VEZ A TODOS ESOS INSUBORDINADOS QUE YO TERRYHENRY PUEDO DERROTAR A CUALQUIERA QUE VENGA A INTENTAR QUITARME LO QUE ES MIO POR DERECHO... mi titulo. Takeshi: Es el jefe, dejenlo fighto Supervillano: terry debe demostrar porque es el jefe. Vincent: bueno esta bien… pero si pierdes el titulo no podrás pedir una revancha. Terryhenry: podría preguntar el porque? Vincent: si no perderás no debería importarte no? Paulonovich: exacto. Terryhenry: jaja... JAJAJA excelente... me gusta. S-Pain sabrá lo que es bueno... aunque, dije que nadie se metiera en el PPV pero no dije nada de antes del evento... háganle la vida imposible hasta entonces por el bien del Genei Ryodan Paulonovich, takeshi y supervillano: POR EL GENEI RYODAN!!! todos salen de la oficina menos Vincent y terry. Vincent: era de esperarse de ti terry.

Terryhenry: hermano, ahora tengo todo lo que siempre he querido... pero siento que me falta algo mas. Vincent: terry, abusar de tu poder no nos llevara a algo bueno. Terryhenry: .... hermano no me vengas a decir que es lo que debo hacer. Vicent: terry, debes recordar que gracias a mi eres campeón, y ahora demostraras si mereces ese titulo, por ello te digo que no tendrás una revancha para recuperarlo, dale el prestigio que tanto le deseaste. Terryhenry: .... Vincent: ME OISTE Terryhenry: está bien hermano, es lo que debo hacer... pero por el momento déjame divertirme en estas semanas antes de Reyes del ring, ja... jaja JAJAJAJAJA Loko95: bueno amigos la siguiente batalla sera entre el mexicano prision666 en contra precisamente de otro mexicano jeje Marco Perez:si es cierto sera una batalla de aztecas (comienza la entrada de Prision666, la gente y sus fans le gritan y aplaude, llega a el ring) (comienza el video de entrada de EL_MÉXICANO y entra Angel Arceo seguido de alguien mas) Loko95: quien demonios es ese, ese no es el mexicano (pasan en el titantron lo que paso al terminar el evento de "sed de venganza") "(quien paulo lo acomodo antes de la batlla en contra de spain y mascara chilena )" [(justo en el momento en el que se acaba el show ya cuando se termino la ultima batalle de el evento sucede esto) [se ve a el mexicano y a angel arceo arriba del titan tron] Marco Perez: que es esto?, que acaso nuestro evento no a finalizado? ... o no! EL_Méxicano acaba de arrojar a angel arceo desde la sima de la pantalla titánica, no ay forma de sobrevivir a eso!!!! [Angel arceo ensangrentado y mal herido dice] Angel Arceo: Lo logre, lo logre, LO LOGRE JAJA!!!!! [se apagan las luces y solo una enfoca a el mexicano quien comienza a gritar de dolor]

EL_Méxicano:haaaaaaaaaaa!!! [de repente la piel y el rostro de el mexicano comienzan a cambia es esta apariencia] [img]http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm? fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=170654284&albumID=284898&imageID=14524 125[/img] [img]Magnifico fondo[/img] [y ese ser pronuncia estas palabras] Darkangel3997: el dolor es parte de el amor] Marco Perez:ahora entiendo habia olvidado este gran detalle, parece que tenemos a un nuevo luchador y se nota que no es de por aquí Loko95:parece haber salido de otra dimension (darkangel3997 se queda viendo fijamente a a prision666 sin mover ni un músculo ni parpadear mientras que prision espera que suene la campana para dar comienzo a esta batalla)

Mika Callaway"The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway"Introducing first, El_Mèxicano"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves El_Mèxicano makes his way to the ring Con una mirada decidida entra a el cuadrilatero para esperar a su oponente with his trainer, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, prision666"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves prision666 makes his way to the ring wearing a black shirt with the word !!hell yeeaaahh!!! in the back ,a black pant with a converses driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring prision666 gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! prision666 gets ready to hit El_Mèxicano and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! prision666 lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm El_Mèxicano strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the Uraken and counterattacks El_Mèxicano prepares to hit prision666 hurling his leg and hits prision666 with a light Roundhouse Kick!! El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent by the waist and connects with a light German Suplex!! [Special Blocking activated for El_Mèxicano] [Special Dodging activated for El_Mèxicano] El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 gets ready to hit El_Mèxicano and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm El_Mèxicano's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! prision666 takes El_Mèxicano's head with both hands performing an light Head Butt!! prision666 grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking El_Mèxicano's far leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano kicks out prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes prision666 runs toward the opponent grasping his head El_Mèxicano gets free from the opponent's Running DDT, taking the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El_Mèxicano bounces against the ropes and runs toward prision666 and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El_Mèxicano runs toward prision666 and leaps crushing him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 kicks out

El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El_Mèxicano bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent prision666 suddenly dodges the Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative prision666 runs toward El_Mèxicano and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano kicks out prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a light Snapmare!! [Special Blocking activated for prision666] prision666 pulls El_Mèxicano still groggy, by his hair prision666 lifts his opponent on his shoulders El_Mèxicano climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Prision Samoan Drop regaining the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El_Mèxicano dashes towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano and lunges himself on the ropes El_Mèxicano waits for the running opponent prision666 performs a somersault on the rival's back to avoid the a High Back Body Drop, and gains the initiative prision666 runs toward El_Mèxicano and jumps and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a light Running Arm Drag!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one El_Mèxicano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 hooks El_Mèxicano from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano kicks out prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 clutches his laying rival's head and performs a light Head Lock!! prision666 keeps his ruthless submission hold El_Mèxicano escapes from the hold prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair

prision666 uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, pulling the opponent above his shoulder performing a a Snapmare El_Mèxicano breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative El_Mèxicano bends his opponent's arms on his back while he's bent by hooking them throwing prision666 behind himself and pinning him performing a light Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 gets ready to hit El_Mèxicano and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! prision666 grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm El_Mèxicano escapes from the movement, with an elbow in the stomach, taking back the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's neck firmly prision666 avoids a Abdominal Neck Wrench easily, taking the initiative prision666 grabs his opponent's arms and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one El_Mèxicano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 bounces against the ropes and runs toward El_Mèxicano and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! prision666 gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! prision666 approaches his laying opponent El_Mèxicano evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative El_Mèxicano folds prision666's leg against his calf and grabs his ankle, squeezing it violently performing a light Reverse Achilles Lock!! prision666 escapes from the hold El_Mèxicano grabs the grounded opponent's feet and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a strong Rocket Launcher!! El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking prision666's far leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light El Paquetito!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Mortal Submission activated for El_Mèxicano] prision666 gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand El_Mèxicano ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back El_Mèxicano charge his right arm hurling it against prision666's chest with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!!

El_Mèxicano turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! [Special Increased Pinning activated for El_Mèxicano] El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he raises prision666 and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming prision666 down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a light Tiger Suplex!! El_Mèxicano is about to perform his taunt El_Mèxicano Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's leg then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!! El_Mèxicano keeps his excruciating submission hold prision666 escapes from the hold El_Mèxicano is about to perform his taunt El_Mèxicano Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola [Special Pinning Resistance activated for El_Mèxicano] El_Mèxicano hooks his opponent's arm and turns it to make him fall down performing light Flipping Armbar!! El_Mèxicano keeps his excruciating submission hold El_Mèxicano keeps his excruciating submission hold El_Mèxicano releases his grasp [Special Attack activated for prision666] El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano lifts his opponent above the shoulder and makes his shoulder hit the knee, connecting with a light Shoulder Breaker!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 holds his opponent by the head El_Mèxicano easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative El_Mèxicano turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee prision666 ducks and eludes the a Side Kick, retaking the initative prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Prision Samoan Drop!! prision666 gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one El_Mèxicano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 charges the back of his elbow and hits El_Mèxicano in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!! prision666 pulls El_Mèxicano still groggy, by his hair prision666 grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking El_Mèxicano's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano kicks out

prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one El_Mèxicano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 runs toward the opponent El_Mèxicano suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano flanks his opponent, and grapples his head prision666 with force of will, breaks loose from the a Side Head Lock and starts striking back! prision666 grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Move His Hands As If He Was Playing Guitar executing A Guitar Move prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 uses the right hand to grab El_Mèxicano's head, pulling El_Mèxicano above his shoulder performing a Snapmare and kneels down, throwing El_Mèxicano forward, flipping him down, slamming him on the mat back first, executing a light Snapmare!! prision666 gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! [Special Resistance activated for El_Mèxicano] prision666 grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat and performs a light Head Lock!! El_Mèxicano escapes from the hold prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Move His Hands As If He Was Playing Guitar executing A Guitar Move El_Mèxicano interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El_Mèxicano gets ready to hit prision666 with his right hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! El_Mèxicano rushes drooping sideways to the rival and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with light Forearm On Leg!! El_Mèxicano pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking prision666's far leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light El Paquetito!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 charges his open hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! prision666 moves sideways and charges his right hand El_Mèxicano slips past the a Side Mounting Punch, catching his opponent offguard and regaining the initative El_Mèxicano hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits him on the face with a strong Roundhouse Kick!!

El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking prision666's far leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light El Paquetito!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 kicks out El_Mèxicano grapples one of prision666 shoulders and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!! prision666 escapes from the hold El_Mèxicano is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching El_Mèxicano off guard! [Special Submission activated for El_Mèxicano] prision666 draws back his arm rocking his body and connects with a light Big Punch!! prision666 grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking El_Mèxicano's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano kicks out prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one El_Mèxicano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 charges towards a standing opponent jumps and brings his body parallel to the ground driving their shoulder into El_Mèxicano's mid-section tackling them and forcing them down to the mat executing MORTAL Prision Spear!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt El_Mèxicano capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but prision666 is faster and is not caught off guard! [Special Power Body activated for El_Mèxicano] prision666 charges his open hand El_Mèxicano ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back El_Mèxicano open his hand hurling it against prision666's chest with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! [Special Submission Defence activated for El_Mèxicano] El_Mèxicano gets ready to hit prision666 performing a light Low Kick to his waist!! El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out prision666 evades a a One Arm DDT and counterattacks prision666 approaches his laying opponent tightening it with a light Head Lock!! prision666 keeps his weak submission hold

El_Mèxicano escapes from the hold prision666 pulls El_Mèxicano still groggy, by his hair prision666 puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs his opponent El_Mèxicano moves and dodges the a Irish Whip, gaining the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's head to make him fall on the ground with a somersault, performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! [Special Resistance activated for prision666] El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano while the opponent is bent he hooks his arms behind his back prision666 avoids the a Chicken Wing Suplex Pin with agility counterattacking prision666 puts his hand on El_Mèxicano's head and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! prision666 clutches his laying rival's head to perform a light Head Lock!! El_Mèxicano escapes from the hold El_Mèxicano quickly gets up and counterattacks! El_Mèxicano stares at prision666 and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! El_Mèxicano lifts prision666 on his shoulders horizontally slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!! El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El_Mèxicano throws prision666 to the turnbuckle then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a strong Body Avalanche!! El_Mèxicano is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but El_Mèxicano is faster and is not caught off guard! El_Mèxicano holds his opponent at the ropes performing a light Chop At Ropes hitting his opponent's sternum, followed by a chant of WOOOOOOO!!! El_Mèxicano grabs prision666 from the back and blocks him using the arms rolling backwards to pin prision666 with an Abdominal Stretch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano kicks out prision666 is about to perform his taunt El_Mèxicano capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but prision666 is faster and is not caught off guard! [Special Attack activated for El_Mèxicano] prision666 prepares his arm hitting him with a light Punch!! prision666 grabs his running opponent by the arm El_Mèxicano strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks El_Mèxicano taps on his opponent's shoulder, and delivers a big smash on his neck, performing a strong Standing Clothesline!! El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El_Mèxicano runs to the rival prision666 steps aside avoiding a a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks prision666 runs toward El_Mèxicano and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Move His Hands As If He Was Playing Guitar executing A Guitar Move prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs one El_Mèxicano 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 charges towards a standing opponent jumps and brings his body parallel to the ground driving their shoulder into El_Mèxicano's mid-section tackling them and forcing them down to the mat executing devastating Prision Spear!! prision666 pulls El_Mèxicano still groggy, by his hair prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders El_Mèxicano climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Samoan Drop regaining the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs prision666 from the back rolling backwards to pin prision666 with an Abdominal Stretch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 prepares his arm to strike the adversary El_Mèxicano moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative El_Mèxicano stares at prision666 and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! [Special Damage activated for El_Mèxicano] [Special Submission Defence activated for prision666] El_Mèxicano stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! [Special Power Body activated for prision666] El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he raises him, flipping him and dropsping him on his back while falling to a sitting position, performing a violent Tiger Bomb!! Referee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand El_Mèxicano ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back El_Mèxicano gets ready to hit prision666 performing a light Low Kick to his waist!! El_Mèxicano locks the opponent's head under his arm prision666 avoids the a DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative prision666 grabs his opponent's arms and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 pulls El_Mèxicano still groggy, by his hair prision666 grasps the opponent El_Mèxicano gets free from the a Body Slam, taking the initiative El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent by the waist and lets him fall to the ground with a violent German Suplex!! El_Mèxicano comes close to the lying opponent and locks his arms up executing an light Armbar!! El_Mèxicano keeps his weak submission hold El_Mèxicano keeps his ruthless submission hold El_Mèxicano releases his grasp El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El_Mèxicano bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent prision666 crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative prision666 climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward El_Mèxicano quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's hair prision666 grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and jumps toward El_Mèxicano quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! prision666 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... El_Mèxicano gets his shoulder up somehow prision666 gets up while his opponent is still on the ground prision666 grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat El_Mèxicano evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative El_Mèxicano kneels on prision666's back, grasping his legs and his head rolls on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! El_Mèxicano keeps his ruthless submission hold El_Mèxicano keeps his ruthless submission hold El_Mèxicano releases his grasp El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair

El_Mèxicano grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El_Mèxicano grasps the opponent's neck while running prision666 dodges the a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with mastery, starting a counterattack prision666 makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, stretching his arm hitting his back with a light Clothesline to Back!! prision666 grabs El_Mèxicano's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano gets up and resolutely fights back El_Mèxicano stares at prision666 in front of him and gives him an light Ear Slap!! El_Mèxicano throws the leg prision666 gets down to dodge an a Overhead Kick and counterattacks prision666 grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking El_Mèxicano's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El_Mèxicano gets up and resolutely fights back El_Mèxicano points to prision666 with decision and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! El_Mèxicano gets ready to hit prision666 performing a light Low Kick to his waist!! El_Mèxicano hooks prision666's neck forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker!! El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano and lunges himself on the ropes El_Mèxicano bounces off using the middle rope, leaping towards his opponent with his elbow and delivers the blow on the jaw of his opponent, connecting with a strong Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash!! El_Mèxicano jumps on the turnbuckle while prision666 is knocked out on the ground throws himself closing his arms and legs to his chest and then impacts on prision666 executing a violent Frog Splash!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!! prision666 gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together El_Mèxicano suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative El_Mèxicano rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on prision666 while performing a torsion with the body executing a

light Twisting Body Attack!! [Special Damage activated for prision666] El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's hair El_Mèxicano and lunges himself on the ropes El_Mèxicano waits for the adversary prision666 eludes a a Power Slam and counterattacks prision666 waits for the running opponent lifting him by the arm to make his body fall on the back, performing a light Hip Toss!! EL_MÈXICANO HAS A CUT!! Marco Perez: el Mexicano esta sangrando, pero parece que le esta beneficiando porque se a levantado mas rápido Loko95: esto no es nada bueno para Prision El_Mèxicano grabs prision666's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... EL_MÈXICANO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS PRISION666 !!!! Marco Perez: increible!! el mexicano se recupero luego de empezar a sangrar Loko95: será que nada lo detendra, y que está planeando Angel Arceo??

esta SERGINHO en su camerino con Nikol que le esta haciendo un masaje en las lesiones que sufrio en el PPV debido a la paliza de los vascos. Nikol: es que te lo tomas demasiado en serio, algun dia de estos te pasara algo grave. lo que no entienedo es como pudiste matar al killer... !!!FUE HORRIBLE!!! SERGINHO: mira que es pesada la tia, no se como la aguantamos. SERGINHO: pero yo la quiero. SERGINHO: no la necesitamos para nada. SERGINHO: hombre, yo creo que para algo... si la necesitamos. Nikol: que te estoy oyendo. SERGINHO: encima se mete donde no la llaman, que pesada es. SERGINHO: shhh, callate que te va a oir.

Nikol: (preocupada) me voi a dar una vuelta, que me pones nerviosa cuando hablas contigo mismo. Nikol se va del camerino. SERGINHO: ¿ves lo que has hecho? SERGINHO: calla y concentrate en la batalla real. en eso suena la puerta, SERGINHO abre y es el GG Vincent. GG Vincent: !!!SERGINHO, lo que hiciste en el PPV es intolerable, no volveras a pisar un ring hasta que no vayas al psiquiatra de la empresa!!! y despidete de formar parte en la batalla real si no vas ya. el GG Vincent se va SERGINHO: pero este quien cojo... se ha creido que es, ¿yo a un psiquiatra? ni que estuviera loco. SERGINHO: no le hagas ni caso, no sabe de lo que habla.

Se escuchan disparos en la arena.....suena killing in the name of Fn Socko: Cut The Fucking Music!!!!!!!! Socko-holics:............. Fn Socko: At Sed de Venganza ESB got screwed.......I Don´t fucking understand.......me.the best of the world...the one and only....FN SOCKO....tapped out.........Superheroe......me hizo tapear????.......let's take a look Pasan un video de como socko tapea.....enfocan su cara........ Fn Socko: Ven esa cara?????.......esa cara no es de dolor......es de aburrimiento............creen ke superheore supervillano o como se llame ahora me va a derrotar con un simple fist lock???? Socko-Holics:........ Fn Socko: Respondan Motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!! Socko-holics: HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fn Socko: THat's Right..........I did this because...ESB ya habia destruido a Geney.....y saben k?......no es divertido dejar de patear al Geney.........esto es para que el Geney piense ke nos ha derrotado.......esta noche vernan de lo k Fn Socko esta hecho......Mr. Chica........I challenge you to a Grudge Match......No DQ no interferences.....only los 2 en un ring.........no ESB no Geney Ryodan..........Are you scare?????..........mira el televisor en tu camerino....mira este videito

Fn Socko sale de la arena donde se celebro Sed de Venganza.......con una gran bolsa de basura ?????: ta ta ni mash ska naaa socko yu freak wasabi no party no barney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FN Socko: Takeshi........SHUT HE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!.......tonight...it's my birthday party.....I lost but I have the best piñata of all time.......and.....I hate Fucking Barney....so.........you are done! Se ve en la bolsa un chinito con ropa de dinosaurio morado Takeshi: waaaaaa takeshi no kiere cagar pa adentro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! se acaba el video FN Socko: Ya ves.........eso le paso a Takeshi......x eso ya no le habla a nadie U.U .....esta traumado.llevenlo a terapia.......a y d veras.....pasado mañana es el cumple d miguel.........un amigo de Pedrito k odia a Bob esponja.....Paulonovich.......estoy pensando hacer una nueva piñata........asi k tonight paulonovich is your decision.......Tap Out or Piñata Party??????? Publico: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HE-MAN ELEMENTAL RULZZZZZZ He-Man: Hey Socko, se que deberia salir Mr. Chica, pero debe estar ocupada pues esta "en sus dias" Publico: jajajajajajaja He-Man: Antes de que salga Paulita quiero q seas sincero , bueno , ya pues di la verdad, la prima de Henry te esperaba y quisiste irte rapido de la lucha en sed de venganza , que de una vez sepa ese Super Caradeano, Supermarrano, Superbritanico o como se llame que tuvo mucha suerte. Suerte de que el Elemental se aburra de ganar todas las semanas y suerte que ese dia teniamos SESION PRIVADA CON LAS CHICAS DE LA FAMILIA HENRY. Loko: jajajajaja tiene razon, el dominio del ESB era total y lo de la sesion tambien YO ESTUVE AHI GRACIAS ELEMENTAL Marco: OH POR DIOS MALDITO DEGENERADO He-Man: y bueno asi como tu peleas con mr. chica, que mal que bien tiene nivel, yo voy a tener que pelear CON UN NOVATO QUE HA GANADO TODAS SUS PELEAS DE SUERTE!! pues ha peleado contra puro desconocido, HOY UNO A UNO, TU Y YO, EN ESTE MISMO RING , EN UNA LUCHA DONDE HE-MAN DEMOSTRARÁ TODO LO APRENDIDO EN LAS PRACTICAS EXTRAS CON MI AMIGO SOCKO: UN HARDCORE MATCH , NO PAIN NO GAIN!!! y al igual que la pelea de Socko SIN INTERVENCIONES SINO PIERDES, TU Y YO, PARA DARTE LA VERDADERA BIENVENIDA A LA FEDERACION, PARA ENSEÑARTE QUIEN REALMENTE ES EL VERDADERO AMO Y SEÑOR DEL RING Y QUIEN TIENE LA MEJOR RACHA DE VICTORIAS.... HOY VERAS LO QUE ES UNA LUCHA

HARDCORE Y VERAS QUE ME ENCANTA SENTIR EL DOLOR DE LOS DEMAS, sino preguntale a tu hermana que ya no se peude sentar Publico : jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja Entra Supervillano suena El Antiheroe- Dogma Crew Gente: BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Loko: La gente abuchea por que entra Superhéroe. ¿Va vestido un tanto diferente? Marcos: Que no te enteras, es Supervillano. Ahora forma parte del Genei Ryodan. ¿Parece mentira que estuvieras aquí?. He man: Vamos supermanón, te estamos esperando. Supervillano sube al ring. Hay malos gestos entre He man y Socko a Supervillano. Supervillano: Sois una panda de inútiles. Socko: Whattttttt are you say?????? Supervillano: Como osas retarme a un Hardcore Match.(Mirando a He Man). Yo vivo de la sangre. Lla sangre de la Fe corre por mis venas. Me da fuerza , me da energía para seguir mi camino. [color=green]Marcos: Esto va a ser de los más sangriento que hemos visto en estos últimos tiempos. Supervillano: Acepto tu reto, pero yo pongo una regla más. He Man : No eres tu el que pone las reglas. Pero como eres nuevo te voy a dar ventaja Supervillano: Lucharemos con una maza en lo alto de una escalera. Tu sangre adornara el suelo del ring como un bonito Picaso. Gente : YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Loko: La gente solo quiere ver sangre es increible. A donde hemos ido a parar. Marcos: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Superhéroe"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! A red carpet is laid on the ramp from under the ‘Tron Superhéroe makes his way to the ring Wearing a red shirt and black shorts. And in his head wearing a golden mask a light shines over him on the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, He-Man Show"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron He-Man Show makes his way to the ring with his lover who kisses him burning with passion two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Superhéroe prevails Superhéroe open his arms ready to hit the opponent He-Man Show moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative He-Man Show charges the hand striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! He-Man Show catches the rival's head and crashes him on the mat after an half turn with a light Neckbreaker Cutter!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well He-Man Show runs toward the opponent Superhéroe suddenly dodges the Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Superhéroe runs toward He-Man Show and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Superhéroe approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show kicks out Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's hair Superhéroe tucks He-Man Show's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a light Snap Suplex!!

Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's hair Superhéroe falls on his knees, He-Man Show avoids a Low Blow and counterattacks He-Man Show grabs the opponent's neck Superhéroe escapes from the Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Superhéroe grabs his opponent's arms and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Superhéroe gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and throws himself toward He-Man Show hitting him with a light Double Axe Handle!! Superhéroe gets close to his grounded opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's hair Superhéroe grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Superhéroe stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent and strikes him with a light Shoulder Block!! Superhéroe rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on He-Man Show while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Twisting Body Attack!! Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show blocking his shoulder and submits him performing a light Shoulder Lock!! He-Man Show escapes from the hold He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! He-Man Show puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Modified Samoan Drop!! He-Man Show charges the kick and hits Superhéroe with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show Riendo Y Mirando Al Oponente Que Esta En El Suelo executing An Are You Kidding Peque O Idiota He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's head falling backward slamming Superhéroe's head into the mat with a violent Por El Poder De Grayskull Ddt!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but He-Man Show is faster and is not caught off guard! Superhéroe pulls himself together and fights back Superhéroe approaches his rival loading his arm and executes a light Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! Superhéroe hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits him on the face with a violent Roundhouse Kick!! Superhéroe grasps He-Man Show and slams him down to the mat performing a light Body Slam!! Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Superhéroe off guard! He-Man Show gets ready to hit the opponent Superhéroe dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Superhéroe gets ready to hit He-Man Show and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! Superhéroe turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a strong Modified Mule Kick!!! Superhéroe grabs his opponent's arms and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's hair Superhéroe and lunges himself on the ropes Superhéroe grabs the running adversary by the hands and throws him backwards with a light Monkey Flip!! Superhéroe picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle Hold!! He-Man Show escapes from the hold He-Man Show quickly gets up and counterattacks! He-Man Show hugs his opponent's head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a strong Knee on Head!! He-Man Show catches the rival's head then he crushes him face first to the ground with a violent Neckbreaker Cutter!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but He-Man Show is faster and is not caught off guard! He-Man Show prepares his arm and hits the adversary with a strong Punch!! He-Man Show prepares to strike the rival loading the leg hitting him with a light Middle Kick!! He-Man Show grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out Superhéroe evades a a One Arm DDT and counterattacks Superhéroe moves behind He-Man Show and grasps his head putting it under his arm, he lifts him up over his shoulder and drops him, letting him fall chin first on it performing a strong Rolling Cutter!! Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's hair Superhéroe grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Superhéroe runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's legs and locks them holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show gets up and resolutely fights back He-Man Show prepares his arm to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! He-Man Show catches the rival's head then he crushes him face first to the ground with a light Neckbreaker Cutter!! He-Man Show pulls Superhéroe still groggy, by his hair

He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado corre hacia las cuerdas se impulsa y volando por los aires con sus piernas enganchando la cabeza del contrincante estampandola contra la lona executing light La Marca Del Loco!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching He-Man Show off guard! Superhéroe gets next to He-Man Show bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!! Superhéroe turns giving his shouldres to the adversary He-Man Show eludes the attempt of a a Modified Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative He-Man Show holds his opponent and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado corre hacia las cuerdas se impulsa y volando por los aires con sus piernas enganchando la cabeza del contrincante estampandola contra la lona executing light La Marca Del Loco!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching He-Man Show off guard! Superhéroe catches the rival's head then he crushes him face first to the ground with a strong Neckbreaker Cutter!! Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe Calm The Opponent executing A Super Calm Superhéroe locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show kicks out Superhéroe turns He-Man Show still groggy up pulling his hair Superhéroe is in front of his opponent He-Man Show somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! He-Man Show grasps Superhéroe and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a violent Body Slam!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well He-Man Show charges his elbow to hit Superhéroe in the back of the head with a strong Back Elbow Smash!! He-Man Show pulls Superhéroe still groggy, by his hair He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado Superhéroe somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Superhéroe applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs turns on himself jumping ahead on the rival rotating and pinning He-Man Show with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1....

....2.... He-Man Show kicks out Superhéroe lifts He-Man Show up, still groggy Superhéroe turns giving his shouldres to the adversary He-Man Show eludes the attempt of a a Modified Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative He-Man Show grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it, then he crushes him face first to the ground with a strong Neckbreaker Cutter!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes He-Man Show runs toward Superhéroe driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a strong Running Arm Drag!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show grabs one Superhéroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well He-Man Show runs toward Superhéroe and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show Mirando A Los Ojos Al Oponente Caido executing An It S My Show He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show hooks Superhéroe's neck performing a violent Neck Breaker!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show tucks Superhéroe's head in his armpit then drops backwards smashing Superhéroe's head into the mat performing a violent Por El Poder De Grayskull Ddt!! He-Man Show jumps against Superhéroe hitting him with a light Low Dropkick!! Superhéroe pulls himself together and fights back Superhéroe gets ready to hit He-Man Show and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! Superhéroe droops quickly sideways to his rival and hits the rival with his forearm executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Superhéroe is faster and is not caught off guard! Superhéroe goes towards his rival and gives a blow to his throat executing a strong Throat Thrust!! Superhéroe prepares the leg and connects with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Superhéroe is in front of his opponent He-Man Show somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! He-Man Show rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on Superhéroe while performing a torsion with the body executing a strong Twisting Body Attack!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes He-Man Show waits for the running opponent Superhéroe avoids the a Hip Toss, gaining the initiative

Superhéroe stretches out his own leg towards He-Man Show performing a light Big Boot!! Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Superhéroe off guard! He-Man Show holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! He-Man Show loads his arm chop style and and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! He-Man Show lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a strong Samoan Drop!! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's hair He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes He-Man Show runs toward Superhéroe and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a strong Running Arm Drag!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but He-Man Show is faster and is not caught off guard! He-Man Show charges his arm and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! Superhéroe pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Superhéroe prevails Superhéroe raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead He-Man Show shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative He-Man Show holds his opponent and hits him with the forearm by performing an strong Uppercut!! He-Man Show lifts the opponent showing great strength Superhéroe somersaults falling on his feet, dodging a a Back Suplex and taking the initiative Superhéroe is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Superhéroe off guard! He-Man Show grabs Superhéroe's neck then he crushes him face first to the ground with a strong Neckbreaker Cutter!! He-Man Show approaches his laying opponent Superhéroe avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks Superhéroe grabs He-Man Show's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show gets up and resolutely fights back Marco: What a great performance from SuperVillano demonstrates mastery in their movements

Loko: INCREIBLE!, He-man reacts with tremendous DDT completely bloodied SuperVillano, never before seen He-man in that area, dominating the fight hardcore in a masterly Marco: Poor SuperVillano, He-Man will give you a chair but ........ YES!, Resurrected Loko that? Takeshi save!!! goes with a chair, He-Man has not seen. At that time while running down the ramp Takeshi, a member of the public gets Ringside and intercepting Takeshi with a super tie neck Marco: But what! who is this! loko: I have no idea, but it is a beast, it is big and has a physical fear! Takeshi destroying this The stranger uses a superplex after Takeshi and grab the pole star of the ring, Super Villano low to make the save Takeshi, but He-Man does not leave. Marco: WHY IS UNFAIR THAT INVOLVED! Loco: to talk about, if Takeshi wanted to get into the fight and did not quit. Well known that movement, has shattered Japanese. He-Man: HEY TITO! UNINTERRUPTED OR THAT NO ONE FROM, WHAT I WANT TO WIN THIS CLEANING Loko: Listen friend !!!!, He-Man! ensured that the fight is clean, and if this is a new ally, who is caring, as it notes that conditions have Marco: a KissAss more! what was missing! He-Man Show prepares his arm hitting him with a light Punch!! He-Man Show loads his arm chop style and hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! He-Man Show grasps Superhéroe and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a strong Body Slam!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Superhéroe capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but He-Man Show is faster and is not caught off guard! He-Man Show charges his arm and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! He-Man Show prepares to strike the rival loading the leg hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!! Superhéroe pulls himself together and fights back Superhéroe puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead HE-MAN HAS A CUT!!

SuperVillano agarra una silla, mientras que He-Man tiene la suya y en eso ambos se golpean!! Referee comiensa la cuenta!! ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... ....4.... ....5.... ....6.... ....7.... ....8.... ....9.... ....10.... SUPERVILLANO Y HE-MAN NO PUEDEN CONTINUAR LA PELEA TERMINA EN NO CONTEST!! Publico: buuu!!!! Marco Perez: pero que gran pelea... lástima que ambos no pudieron levantarse Loko95: TIto entra al ring y se lleva a He-Man, que gran persona, no como otras que hubieran golpeado al oponente Marco Perez: si estas hablando del genei!! Loko95: nunca dije nada de ellos

se ve a SERGINHO entrando a la consulta del psiquiatra de la fed. psiquiatra: buenas tardes, debes ser SERGINHO, te estaba esperando. SERGINHO: (murmurando) debes ser SERGINHO, debes ser SERGINHO, parece mentira que no me conozca. SERGINHO: ¿y si lo matas y acabamos antes? SERGINHO: shhhhhh, que nos va a oir. el psiquiatra observa el extraño comportamiento de SERGINHO y sin que se de cuenta llama a seguridad que agarran a SERGINHO, el docor le suministra suero de la verdad y un calmante. doctor: me han dicho que busque el porque de tu locura, ¿hay algun trauma que te ha llevado a esta demencia? SERGINHO: (tiene ganas de negarlo, pero no puede mentir debido al suero de la verdad) si, lo hay. doctor: y ¿cual es?

SERGINHO: cuando era pequeño, iba a clase con el killer. yo tenia una gran capacidad fisica y ahi que pudiera hacer cosas impresionantes que el resto no podian hacer, pero siempre me superaba el killer y me humillaba, hablaba mal a mis amigos de mi a mis espaldas y cuando le presente a mi primera novia me la quito. cuando llegue aqui a la LWC, empeze a tener una gran trayectoria, las cosas habian cambiado, ahora el que estaba a la sombra era el killer y no yo. pero aquel dia en Revolucion Latina marco un antes y un despues, empeze a ver al killer en vez de como a un amigo como a un gilipollas que merecia la muerte... doctor: de acuerdo, te vas a tomar esta pastillita de aqui 3 veces diarias. continua la historia. SERGINHO: ( con una sonrisa malevola en la cara) no. doctor: pero, ¿porque no? SERGINHO: este no lo entiende. SERGINHO:tranquilo, yo se lo explico yo. doctor: (empezando a temerse lo que iba a pasar) pe... per... pero yo soy el medico. SERGINHO: !!!y yo soy MACHACASAURIO!!! (xD) SERGINHO voltea al doctor y lo tira por la ventana, para suerte del doctor era solo un primer piso y salva la vida. SERGINHO se retira y va directo hacia el ring y se encuentra con el GG Vincent. SERGINHO: !!!si quieres hechame, pero a mi no me vuelve a drogar nadie!!! GG Vincent: no, no te voi a hechar y vas a participar en la batalla real. he pensado que un poco de agresividad igual le viene bien a la fed. en eso 3 de seguridad agarran a SERGINHO y el GG Vincent le administra la pastilla. GG Vincent: (ironicamente) !!!ahora al ring a luchar por lo que es tuyo!!! uajajaja SERGINHO se va drogado, pero nada mas pierde de vista escupe... !!!LA PASTILLA!!!

Suena Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr de Trivium mientras el estadio se oscurece un poco, Rey Andrees entra tranquilamente al estadio con un juego de pirotecnia acorde con el ritmo de la cancion, tiene un vestido oscuro y la misma sonrisa sadistica de siempre, entra al ring, va al esquinero sube a la tercera cuerda y se disparan torres fuego azul oscuro desde los otros 3 esquineros, las luces vuelven y pide un microfono.

Rey: bueno bueno bueno, veo que algunos de ustedes no vieron Sed De Venganza, en ese caso quisiera mostrarles esto. *En el titantron se empieza a mostrar el video de como se formo La Conflagracion y la destrucción de Ferroki* Publico: booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Rey: y que les ha parecido?, ya se fue uno de los que ustedes querian, y han llegado ellos.. Suena Entrance Of The Conflagration de Trivium Se oscurece el estadio de nuevo y alrededor del titantron salen llamas, derepente Roxana entra en medio de Hardcore Kno y Juan Olarte, van caminando en medio de un show de niebla con fuego, suben al ring con cara fria y se paran en medio del ring mientras torres de fuego desde los esquineros empeizan a crecer. Cuando esto termina las luces del estadio vuelven, piden microfonos y empiezan a hablar. Juan Olarte: como el lo dijo, llegamos nosotros con firme intención de acabar con todo lo que ustedes, mediocres, llaman luchadores, campeones y demás. Hardcore Kno: jaja campeones, que triste es ver gente con ese concepto de campeones, el único campeon honorable en LWC en el momento es Rey, de resto son una partida de ineptos, campeones de papel y eso es mucho decir. Roxana: por eso ya dentro de poco Rey no será el único, cambios vendran, victimas sobran, el problema es... quien es el proximo? Rey: no quedara uno solo, y el siguiente? lo sabrán pronto... Suena Entrance of The Conflagration mientras abandonan el ring con una sonrisa sadica y vacia, miran a los fans antes de entrar a backstage alzan los brazos y se voltean

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway"Introducing first, paulonovich"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron paulonovich makes his way to the ring Pantalones Rojos con franjas blancas simbolizando a su pais esa es su vestimenta mounting a custom chopper

with his trainer, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, Socko"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Socko makes his way to the ring mounting a custom chopper with his lover who kisses him burning with passion a light shines over him on the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Socko prevails Socko goes towards his rival and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Socko hurls the leg preparing the blow paulonovich bends dodging the Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack paulonovich takes the Socko's arm and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! paulonovich grabs Socko's neck trying to break it executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko approaches paulonovich and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! Socko hurls the leg preparing the blow and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Socko grapples his opponent's head from behind, putting it around his arm and connects with a light Scoop Reverse DDT making him spin and drop down on his head!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich gets ready to hit Socko with his right hand and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!! paulonovich jumps towards the opponent Socko doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative Socko puts his head under paulonovich's arm and lets him fall backward with a bridge cover in a light Northern Light Suplex!! Socko grabs paulonovich blocking his shoulder paulonovich breaks free from the Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative paulonovich kneels on Socko's back, grasping his legs and his head rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! Socko escapes from the hold paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich throws Socko to the turnbuckle then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a strong Body Avalanche!!

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Socko] paulonovich grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat tightening it with a light Head Lock!! Socko escapes from the hold paulonovich puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat Socko easily dodges the Butterfly Lock, taking the initiative Socko grabs paulonovich's legs and turns him sitting down on his back performing a light Boston Crab!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko releases his grasp Socko grabs his rival's legs and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a light Figure 4!! Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold Socko releases his grasp Socko grabs his rival's legs paulonovich dodges the a La Fn' Figura 4 easily, taking the initiative paulonovich gets besides the laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! paulonovich charges the leg Socko rolls over causing paulonovich to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative Socko crosses in a figure 4 paulonovich's legs who's laying prone on the mat performing a light Reverse Figure 4!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold Socko pulls paulonovich still groggy, by his hair Socko grabs paulonovich with his arms and throws him backwards with a violent El Fn' Suplex!! Socko grabs paulonovich's hair Socko grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Socko dashes towards his opponent paulonovich moves to dodge a a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks paulonovich takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent stretching his arm hitting his back with a strong Clothesline to Back!! paulonovich grabs his opponent's leg and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a light Koji Clutch!! Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko approaches the opponent paulonovich droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust paulonovich charges his arm Socko dodges the a Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann, taking the initiative Socko hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits paulonovich with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Socko grabs paulonovich from behind and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a strong Multiple German Suplex!!

Socko catches his opponent's legs and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a strong La Fn' Figura 4!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold Socko grabs paulonovich's hair Socko grabs the opponent's head putting it under his arm, and lifts him up in a vertical position paulonovich easily avoids the a Brainbuster, taking the initiative paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich and lunges himself on the ropes paulonovich stretches out his own leg towards the opponent Socko bends and grabs the opponent's leg driving him down to the mat avoiding the a Big Boot Socko waits for the running adversary joining his fists like an hammer and hitting him on the face performing a light Polish Hammer!! Socko is about to perform his taunt Socko executing The Recatate Socko charges his leg paulonovich avoids the a Kick to Back taking initiative. paulonovich while Socko's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of Socko and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone!! Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko approaches paulonovich and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Socko hurls the leg preparing the blow paulonovich bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack paulonovich grabs a Socko's arm and swings him to the ground with an light Arm Drag!! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, then he lifts Socko up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a powerful Tiger Suplex!! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich throws Socko to the ring's corner then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body Avalanche!! paulonovich gets close to his grounded opponent Socko avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks Socko grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!! Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Socko releases his grasp Socko is about to perform his taunt Socko executing The Recatate Socko grabs paulonovich's hair Socko and lunges himself on the ropes Socko waits for the running opponent and lifts him with unheard strength to throw him high above his head, performing a light High Back Body Drop!! Socko charges his right leg to hit his opponent with a light Kick to Back!! Socko pulls paulonovich still groggy, by his hair Socko Toma un brazo del oponente y lo derriba para darle elbows strikes paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich and lunges himself on the ropes paulonovich stretches out his own leg towards the opponent Socko bends and grabs the opponent's leg driving him down to the mat avoiding the a Big Boot Socko waits for the running adversary joining his fists like an hammer and hitting him on the face performing a light Polish Hammer!! Socko is about to perform his taunt Socko executing The Recatate Socko charges his leg paulonovich avoids the a Kick to Back taking initiative. paulonovich while Socko's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of Socko and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a strong Wish Bone!! Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead paulonovich shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative paulonovich hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! paulonovich takes the adversary's head and Socko lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative Socko turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Socko Locks his oponnet neck paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! paulonovich grabs Socko's neck firmly trying to break it executing an strong Abdominal Neck Wrench!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko raises a hand putting it on paulonovich's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Socko prepares the leg and hits paulonovich with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Socko Toma un brazo del oponente y lo derriba para darle elbows strikes

paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! paulonovich grabs Socko raising him up onto his shoulder so Sockos head is down his back then grabs his opponents head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an incredible height with violent Air Raid Siren!! paulonovich while Socko's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of the opponent Socko easily evades the a Wish Bone and gains the initiative Socko jumps to hit his opponent to hit his face with a light Knee Drop!! Socko grabs one of the opponent's legs, and places the opponent's ankle between his own thighs, paulonovich breaks free from his opponent's clamp just in time, regaining the initative! paulonovich approaches Socko and grasps his head squeezing his temples, performing a light Brain Squeezer!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko approaches his rival loading his arm paulonovich droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust paulonovich charges his open hand and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a strong Slap!! paulonovich stands firmly on the mat and hits Socko with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! paulonovich grasps Socko and slams him down to the mat performing a strong Body Slam!! paulonovich agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano paulonovichito y este le da con el mazo entonces PAULONOVICH executing devastating Zabimaru!! SOCKO HAS A CUT!!! paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Socko kicks out paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Socko kicks out paulonovich gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and jumps toward Socko quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! paulonovich climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward Socko quickly lowering them, performing a powerful Double Axe

Handle!! SOCKO IS BLEEDING!! paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki Socko interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Socko gets ready to hit paulonovich and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm paulonovich's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Socko hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits paulonovich with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Socko tries to take his opponent by surprise from behind and grasps his arms, closing the hold placing his hands behind his rival's head, executing a light Full Nelson!! Socko keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold paulonovich quickly gets up and counterattacks! paulonovich stares at Socko in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! paulonovich draws back his arm rocking his body and connects with a strong Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann!! SOCKO IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! paulonovich puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! Socko interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Socko goes towards his rival paulonovich droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust paulonovich charges his open hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! paulonovich takes the Socko's arm Socko avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival and hits the rival with his forearm executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Socko grabs paulonovich's hair Socko grabs one paulonovich 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Socko jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter paulonovich bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative paulonovich agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano paulonovichito y este le da con el mazo entonces PAULONOVICH executing devastating Zabimaru!! SOCKO IS A CRIMSON MASK!!! paulonovich tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... PAULONOVICH WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS SOCKO !!!!

Publico: buuu!!! Marco Perez: el genei hoy no a perdido!! Que gran dia!! Loko95: esperemos que socko se recupere…

(se ve a Angel Arceo en una biblioteca muy antigua con un libro de evano que no tiene nombre y solo algunas palabras en la primera hoja las demas aparecen en su interior una a una al comenzar al leerlo) Angel Arceo leyendo: Cuando la luna apenas nacía, la muerte comenzaba a tener significado y la existencia del los divinos era todo… En un lugar perfecto los seres eternos coexistían en una supuesta paz, el creador y dios del todo se había convertido en ego, con su palabra y obra tomándola como única verdad creo la vida, en ese lugar, en el que todos eran esclavos de su voz. A un así, había quienes se atrevieron a analizar la situación y comprendieron que esto solo era un acto egoísta de parte de aquel poderoso quien pretendía dar libertad convirtiendo a todos en esclavos de sus caprichos… Pero… la mayoría prefirió callar su pensamiento por temor… Solo uno de ellos decidió hacer lago en secreto, era el mas joven y entusiasta de ellos, quien juro a si mismo cambiar su presente por justicia, al percatarse que todos los antiguos se negaría a seguirlo, reunió a los mas jóvenes Ángeles como el a quien a base de chantajes convenció de iniciar su revolución… -GM BBM aparece en pantallaGM BBM: ante la mala noticia informada antes del show, la junta directive a dado el si para que se realize una batalla real por el titulo hispano hoy y una pelea entre cuatro contendientes el proximo show, ademas se realizara el Segundo torneo mas importante de la federacion, el Rey del Ring, el cual constara de 16 luchadores en una pelea de eliminación que dara comienso el sabado mismo se empieza a ver en el titan-tron un video con todos los batazos y golpes que SERGINHO le propino al killer. se escucha una voz muy grave que dice HERE COMES THE PAIN se oscurece el pabellon y en la pantalla aparece en rojo sangriento sobre fondo negro escrito HERE COMES THE PAIN HERE COMES... THE KILLER HUNTER de repente aparece una figura a la que no se le reconoce en la oscuridad y de repente levanta los brazos aciendo el simbolo heavy con lo que empieza a sonar HERE COMES THE PAIN de SLAYER y se desata una llamarada a ambos lados del luchador y se reconoce a SERGINHO vestido con una chupa negra, pantalones vaqueros ajustados negros, gafas de sol, unas botas negras y una cinta negra

alrededor de la cabeza, que conforme avanza por el pasillo hacia el ring se van encendiendo llamaradas a sus lados. cuando llega al ring se sube a un esquinero y hace un gesto obsceno mediante el cual sale fuego de todas las esquinas menos de la que esta el. luego se encienden las luzes y se corta HERE COMES THE PAIN kubit acompaña a SERGINHO pero no dice nada. VASCOS: !!!ERES UN HIJO DE... antes de que acaben la frase se les tiran encima los maños y se da una nueva batalla campal. PUBLICO: !!!BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Marco Perez: espectacular entrada, si señor. loko95: (con la parte de arriba de la cabeza vendada) eso no excusa lo que hizo. Henry Rojas: ¿que paso, que me perdi? SERGINHO: callaros de una pu... vez. si, por fin mate al killer, no me podran negar que no se lo avise, alla el. he salido a decirle a mis oponentes que por su bien no vengan, porque estoy de celebracion de la muerte del killer y igual alguno le acompaña. Marco Perez: jajaja, que buen chiste. SERGINHO: (mirando con cara de mala ostia a Marco) no es un chiste. ni se molesten en venir porque yo me voi a llevar el cameponato.

RADICALL, Spanish Dream, El Cantante, Tom Bonecrusher, SERGINHO7, Cyclo Dragon, Juan Valdes and Ninja! The eight wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Cyclo Dragon prevails Cyclo Dragon hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Juan Valdes by an arm hurling him on the ground executing an light Arm Drag!! Cyclo Dragon gets besides the laying opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Juan Valdes blocking his shoulder

Juan Valdes breaks free from the Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative Juan Valdes hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs making it strangely twist to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Cyclo Dragon escapes from the hold Cyclo Dragon quickly gets up and counterattacks! Cyclo Dragon prepares his arm to strike the adversary Juan Valdes moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Juan Valdes prepares the back of his hand hitting the opponent with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Juan Valdes draws back his arm rocking his body Cyclo Dragon dodges the Big Punch, taking the initiative Cyclo Dragon grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he lifts the opponent up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a light Tiger Suplex!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Juan Valdes's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Cyclo Dragon runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside Juan Valdes avoids the Lariat and counterattacks Juan Valdes charges violently the leg and hits his opponent with a light Karate Kick!! RADICALL shifts and avoids an European Uppercut, taking the initiative RADICALL stares at the opponent in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! RADICALL loads an arm towards himself Tom Bonecrusher moves and dodges a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back Tom Bonecrusher puts his rival's head beneath his arm grabbing him by his leg and lifts him up executing a light Fisherman DDT and makes him fall head on the ground!! Tom Bonecrusher jumps pointing the knee against opponent and hits him right to the face with a light Knee Drop!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's legs crossing them and turns his opponent holding an ankle under the armpit performing a light Texas Cloverleaf!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp RADICALL interrupts his opponent attacks sequence RADICALL stares at the opponent and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! RADICALL prepares to hit the rival hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! RADICALL grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts so that the opponent is held upside down Tom Bonecrusher breaks loose from his opponent's grap, neutralizing the Spike Piledriver and regaining the initiative! Tom Bonecrusher turns and grabs the opponent's head putting it under his armpit

he lifts him up over his shoulder and drops him, letting him fall chin first on it performing a light Rolling Cutter!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs RADICALL's hair Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he lifts the opponent up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a light Tiger Suplex!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs RADICALL's hair Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Tom Bonecrusher runs towards his opponent RADICALL moves to dodge a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks RADICALL grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts him so that he is held upside down facing in the same direction as him and drops to a sitting position with the opponent's head falling down to the mat, performing a light Spike Piledriver!! RADICALL pulls Tom Bonecrusher still groggy, by his hair RADICALL loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Samoan Drop!! RADICALL lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and closes the arms on his own pressing to perform a light Gory Special!! RADICALL keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold Tom Bonecrusher quickly gets up and counterattacks! Tom Bonecrusher grabs RADICALL executing a backbreaker El Cantante bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a strong Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs RADICALL's hair Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Tom Bonecrusher runs toward the opponent grasping his head RADICALL gets free from the opponent's Running DDT, taking the initiative RADICALL loads an arm towards himself hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! RADICALL bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting Tom Bonecrusher Spanish Dream bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to Tom Bonecrusher's neck performing a devastating Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! RADICALL gets on the top turnbuckle Tom Bonecrusher dodges the Diving Crossbody taking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher holds his opponent wrists while he's laying on his belly pulling them on his back then he twists them in an unnatural way performing a light Chicken Wing!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher lifts his opponent's leg RADICALL moves at last to dodge the Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative RADICALL approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!!

RADICALL grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair RADICALL grabs the opponent's head then drops backwards smashing the opponent's head into the mat performing a violent Spinning Wheel Kick!! RADICALL hooks the opponent's neck Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Tom Bonecrusher hooks his opponents leg with his own legs like executing an head scissors then he turns and grabs his opponent's arm to pull it by performing a light Octopus Hold!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher grabs RADICALL's hair Tom Bonecrusher lift his down-headed opponent and quickly hurls him down to perform a powerful El Destructor!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's head RADICALL avoids the a DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative RADICALL grasps the opponent and slams him down to the mat performing a powerful Body Slam!! RADICALL approaches his laying opponent Tom Bonecrusher avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt RADICALL capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Tom Bonecrusher is caught out! RADICALL stares at the opponent and gives him an light Ear Slap!! RADICALL prepares to hit the rival and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! Juan Valdes grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Juan Valdes grabs the opponent's neck forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker!! Juan Valdes grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Juan Valdes puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and rolls placing himself behind him and letting himself fall down with a light Swinging Neckbreaker!! Juan Valdes grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Juan Valdes and lunges himself on the ropes Juan Valdes bounces off using the middle rope, leaping towards his opponent with his elbow Cyclo Dragon dodges a Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash and retakes the initiative! Cyclo Dragon grabs Juan Valdes's leg and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes escapes from the hold Cyclo Dragon puts Juan Valdes shoulder in a lever Juan Valdes breaks free from the a Modified Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining

the initative Juan Valdes grapples one of Cyclo Dragon shoulders and submits him performing a light Shoulder Lock!! Juan Valdes keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes releases his grasp Juan Valdes springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Juan Valdes grabs Cyclo Dragon executing a backbreaker Cyclo Dragon avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Cyclo Dragon grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking the opponent's leg with his legs and the Juan Valdes gets up and resolutely fights back Juan Valdes grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Juan Valdes grabs his opponent's head and embeds it against his own and slams his jaw on his head with a light Jaw Breaker!! Juan Valdes grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Juan Valdes grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Juan Valdes runs toward the opponent grasping his head and lets himself fall down performing a strong Modified Running DDT!! Juan Valdes runs toward the opponent grasping his head Cyclo Dragon gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking the initiative Cyclo Dragon quickly lifts his left leg to perform a light Karate Kick!! Cyclo Dragon lifts the opponent on his shoulders SERGINHO7 climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent executing a violent Doomsday device!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Juan Valdes's hair Cyclo Dragon bounces off, using the top rope and grabs his opponent's neck wrapping his arm around it, and slams him head first on the mat with a light Springboard Bulldog!! CYCLO DRAGON IS OUT!!!! SERGINHO7 locks Juan Valdes's waist lifting him Juan Valdes avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Juan Valdes grasps the opponent and slams him down to the mat performing a strong Body Slam!! Juan Valdes grabs SERGINHO7's hair Juan Valdes grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Juan Valdes runs toward the opponent grasping his head and lets himself fall down performing a light Modified Running DDT!! Juan Valdes runs toward the opponent and jumps SERGINHO7 bends dodging the a Running Crossbody and starts a counterattack SERGINHO7 grasps the opponent's legs and head, kneeling on him rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 jumps quickly over his laying opponent

to hit him with the elbow by performing a light Elbow Drop!! Ninja leans on the ropes to get the touch! SERGINHO7 swings his leg to hit his opponent with a strong Kick to Back!! SERGINHO7 grabs Juan Valdes's hair SERGINHO7 locks the opponent's head under his arm forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a violent S7 Ddt!! SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out to make his head fall down with a strong One Arm DDT!! SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's legs Juan Valdes breaks loose of his opponent's grap, neutralizing the a Stretch Muffler and regaining the initiative! SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's leg then he tries to cause pain on his back by pulling on it, executing a light One Leg Boston Crab!! SERGINHO7 keeps his ruthless submission hold SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold SERGINHO7 releases his grasp SERGINHO7 gets closer to the opponent laying on the mat and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a strong Elbow Crush!! SERGINHO7 jumps to his rival and hit his legs with a light Low Dropkick!! Juan Valdes interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Juan Valdes hits the opponent with the back of his hand SERGINHO7 dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack SERGINHO7 prepares his arm to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's head and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!! SERGINHO7 grabs Juan Valdes's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent and leaps Juan Valdes bends dodging the a Running Crossbody and starts a counterattack Juan Valdes grabs hold of his opponent's leg and twists it a bit, before slamming it on the mat, performing a light Spinning Leg Crush!! Juan Valdes is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Juan Valdes is caught out! SERGINHO7 prepares the back of his hand Juan Valdes dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Juan Valdes hits the opponent with the back of his hand hitting the opponent across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Juan Valdes jumps at his opponent and kicks him twice performing a light Bicycle Kick!! JUAN VALDEZ IS OUT!! Ninja locks SERGINHO7's waist lifting him

runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a violent 3D!! Ninja grabs SERGINHO7's hair Ninja grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ninja runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Ninja grabs SERGINHO7's hair Ninja and lunges himself on the ropes Ninja waits for the running adversary intercepting and grabbing him to the crash him on the ring with a light Power Slam!! Ninja pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair Ninja grabs the opponent from behind executing a German Suplex, then he connects a second one and in the end he connects also the third one, performing a devastating Ninja X-sentence!! Ninja grabs the rival and puts his own head under his arm and lets him fall backward with a bridge cover in a powerful Northern Light Suplex!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Ninja prevails Ninja dives into the opponent with a powerful clothesline knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!! Ninja grabs the adversary Belly to Back performing a series of three linked German Suplex, executing a MORTAL Ninja X-sentence!! Ninja brings the opponent nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him backwards with a violent Belly to Belly Suplex!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back SERGINHO7 charges his arm Ninja dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Ninja turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a strong Mule Kick!!! Ninja lift his down-headed opponent and quickly hurls him down to perform a devastating Ninja Deathplex!! Ninja blocks the opponent's head under the arm quickly turns his body making the opponent's face slam on the ground with a devastating Twist of Fate!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Ninja prevails Ninja gets ready to hit SERGINHO7 SERGINHO7 shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 charges his arm Ninja dodges the a Hook Punch and counters Ninja turns against the adversary and hits hime with a strong Mule Kick on the groin!! Ninja lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams him on the mat executing powerful Ninjalock!! Ninja keeps his ruthless submission hold

SERGINHO7 IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting Ninja and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! SERGINHO7 takes advantage of the situation! NINJA IS OUT!!! Tom Bonecrusher avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Tom Bonecrusher hugs the opponent to the chest and throws him backwards with a strong Belly to Belly Suplex!! Tom Bonecrusher bends down on Spanish Dream holding his chin with the hands to perform light Chin Lock!! Spanish Dream escapes from the hold Spanish Dream quickly gets up and counterattacks! Spanish Dream performs a really high jump and with a strong push hits the opponent's face performing a light Dropkick!! Spanish Dream grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair Spanish Dream grabs the opponent's head from behind and drives him down on the mat nape first, performing a violent Reverse DDT!! Spanish Dream grabs the opponent tight by his legs and drags him quickly all through the ring executing a powerful Fire Spin!! Tom Bonecrusher pulls himself together and fights back Tom Bonecrusher points to the opponent with decision Spanish Dream avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Spanish Dream grabs the opponent's arm and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! Spanish Dream gets ready to hit his opponent and he raises the knee to hit him with some light Knee Strikes!! Spanish Dream lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Mortal Death!! Spanish Dream loads his opponent on his shoulders horizontally and arches his back with a light Torture Rack!! Spanish Dream keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! EL CANTANTE enters the ring hitting Spanish Dream and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Tom Bonecrusher takes advantage of the situation! SPANISH DREAM IS OUT!! El Cantante releases his grasp El Cantante goes towards his rival and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! El Cantante strongly grabs the head of the adversary El CANTANTE lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative El CANTANTE blocks the opponent's arm tight and drags him to the ground with violent Falling Arm Breaker making him hit badly his arm against the ground!!

El CANTANTE stares down his opponent El Cantante avoids the a Chin Lock, gaining the initiative El Cantante grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out to slam his head on the mat by performing a powerful Death Magnetic!! El Cantante grabs the opponent's head while standing at his side and slams him down to the ground performing a violent Russian Neck Drop!! El Cantante grabs El CANTANTE's hair El Cantante grabs one El CANTANTE 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El Cantante jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!! El Cantante grabs El CANTANTE's hair El Cantante places himself at the opponent's side, grabbing his head with an arm and slams him down to the ground performing a strong Russian Neck Drop!! El Cantante grabs El CANTANTE's hair El Cantante grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El Cantante runs toward the opponent grasping his head and lets himself fall down performing a strong Running DDT!! El CANTANTE interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El CANTANTE open his hand El Cantante dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative El Cantante loads his arm chop style and and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! El Cantante stares at the opponent with the eyes in fury and punches him making El CANTANTE's teeth fly away from his mounth executing MORTAL El Cabron!! El Cantante tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... El CANTANTE kicks out El Cantante loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Samoan Drop!! El Cantante grabs El CANTANTE's hair El Cantante grabs one El CANTANTE 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El Cantante hooks El CANTANTE from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El CANTANTE kicks out El Cantante is about to perform his taunt El Cantante Takes Something From His Pocket And Throws It At The Opponent's Face Saying Take This Coin And Never Show Up In This Ring Again executing The 50 Cent El Cantante slips an arm under the neck of the laying opponent El CANTANTE shifts avoiding the an Rear Naked Choke taking the initiative El CANTANTE grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat and performs a light Head Lock!! El Cantante escapes from the hold and leaps toward the opponent, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming

a strong Diving Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El Cantante kicks out RADICALL is about to perform his taunt RADICALL Vertigo executing A Vertigo RADICALL approaches his laying opponent to hit him with a violent Snap Suplex!! RADICALL lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and closes a light Gory Special by crossing his arms with his own arms!! El Cantante escapes from the hold El CANTANTE leans on the ropes to get the touch! RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL grabs one El Cantante 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well RADICALL hooks El Cantante from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El Cantante kicks out RADICALL lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and closes the arms on his own pressing to perform a strong Gory Special!! El Cantante escapes from the hold RADICALL is about to perform his taunt RADICALL Wizard executing A Wizard El Cantante interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El Cantante gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! El Cantante grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him and strikes him with unheard strength with a strong Hard Headbutt!! El Cantante stares at the opponent with the eyes in fury and punches him making RADICALL's teeth fly away from his mounth executing MORTAL El Cabron!! El Cantante tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... RADICALL gets up and resolutely fights back RADICALL grasps the opponent and slams him down to the mat performing a violent Body Slam!! RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL grabs one El Cantante 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well RADICALL runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! RADICALL is about to perform his taunt RADICALL Vertigo executing A Vertigo RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL tucks the opponent's head in his armpit

forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a violent Spinning Wheel Kick!! RADICALL takes a run-up on the ropes and jumps on his bent opponent hitting his nape with a heel stroke, sending him on the mat performing a violent Scissor Kick!! RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a light Snapmare!! RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes RADICALL dashes towards his opponent then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a strong One Arm Bulldog!! El Cantante pulls himself together and fights back Tom Bonecrusher leans on the ropes to get the touch! El CANTANTE leans on the ropes to get the touch! El Cantante gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! El Cantante loads an arm towards himself RADICALL moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back RADICALL grabs El Cantante's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a violent Falling Neck Breaker!! RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL grabs one El Cantante 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well RADICALL runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! RADICALL lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams him on the mat executing light Factor Rh!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El Cantante firmly pulls a shoulder up RADICALL turns El Cantante up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction RADICALL lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and grabs him by the arms crossing them in a light Gory Special!! El Cantante escapes from the hold RADICALL grabs the opponent's head placing his neck on the ropes El Cantante easily avoids a a Choke At Ropes, counterattacking El Cantante grabs RADICALL's hair El Cantante grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El Cantante bounces off the ropes RADICALL suddenly shifts dodging a Diving Shoulder Block, taking the initiative RADICALL gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! RADICALL gets on the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a violent Diving Headbutt!! RADICALL grabs El Cantante's hair RADICALL and lunges himself on the ropes

RADICALL throws his opponent over his head straight up and drops him backwards on the mat with a strong Back Body Drop!! RADICALL grabs the opponent's ankles putting them under his armpits El Cantante with a kidney's push gets free from a a Rocket Launcher taking the initiative El Cantante loads his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!! El Cantante is about to perform his taunt RADICALL capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking El Cantante is caught out! RADICALL raises his opponent on his shoulder and hurls him, crashing his shoulder on his knee, performing a violent Shoulder Breaker!! RADICALL climbs the top turnbuckle El Cantante dodges the a Diving Crossbody taking the initiative El Cantante is about to perform his taunt El Cantante Tells Good And Old Histories About Opponent's Mother executing The Anedota Del Cantante El Cantante grabs RADICALL's hair El Cantante grabs one RADICALL 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El Cantante hooks RADICALL from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... RADICALL kicks out El Cantante turns RADICALL still groggy up pulling his hair El Cantante stares at the opponent with the eyes in fury RADICALL somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! RADICALL climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a powerful Diving Headbutt!! RADICALL tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... El Cantante gets up and resolutely fights back El Cantante gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump RADICALL suddenly shifts dodging the an Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative RADICALL gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! RADICALL gets on the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a light Diving Headbutt!! RADICALL tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... El Cantante gets up and resolutely fights back El Cantante loads his opponent on his shoulders RADICALL climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the an Samoan Drop

regaining the initiative RADICALL tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a light Snap Suplex!! RADICALL approaches his laying opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! RADICALL stretches out his arms, opening his hands El Cantante gets free from the hold avoiding a an Brain Squeezer, taking the initiative El Cantante grabs the grounded opponent's feet and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a violent Rocket Launcher!! RADICALL IS OUT!!! SERGINHO7 hooks the opponent's neck El Cantante escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative El Cantante grabs the opponent's head putting it under his arm, and lifts him up in a vertical position falling down, driving the opponent on the mat head first performing a light Brainbuster!! El Cantante pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair El Cantante lifts his opponent lifting him over his back to let him fall down with an strong Olympic Slam!! El Cantante gets on the top turnbuckle SERGINHO7 suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 takes a El Cantante's arm and pushes down on the back of the oppenents arm executing an light Arm Lock!! SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 pulls El Cantante still groggy, by his hair SERGINHO7 puts his opponent in a front facelock, hooks his pants, and lifts his opponent up was executing a vertical suplex El Cantante somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! El Cantante grabs SERGINHO7's ankle twisting it in an irregular way executing an strong Ankle Lock!! El Cantante keeps his ruthless submission hold SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 quickly gets up and counterattacks! SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's leg and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!! El Cantante escapes from the hold El Cantante quickly gets up and counterattacks! El Cantante grabs his opponent's legs crossing them SERGINHO7 easily avoids the opponent's a Texas Cloverleaf taking back the initiative SERGINHO7 goes up to the lying opponent and locks his arms up executing an light Armbar!! El Cantante escapes from the hold

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 executing The Thunder Pose SERGINHO7 charges the leg El Cantante rolls over causing SERGINHO7 to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative El Cantante pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair El Cantante grabs his opoonent from behind and hurls him down with an light Olympic Slam!! El Cantante is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking El Cantante is caught out! SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! SERGINHO7 waits for the running opponent El Cantante avoids the a Hip Toss, gaining the initiative El Cantante lif his down headed opponent on his back and slams him down violently with a light Vertabreaker!! El Cantante is about to perform his taunt El Cantante executing The Ninjutsu El Cantante grabs SERGINHO7's hair El Cantante grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El Cantante runs toward the opponent SERGINHO7 suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's leg then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch!! El Cantante escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 executing The Thunder Pose SERGINHO7 rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on the opponent while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Twisting Body Attack!! SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 executing The Thunder Pose SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one El Cantante 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante blocking his shoulder and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Modified Shoulder Lock!! El Cantante escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 hooks his opponent's arm and turns it to make him fall down performing light Flipping Armbar!! El Cantante escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 grapples one of El Cantante shoulders and puts it in traction executing a light Modified Shoulder Lock!! El Cantante escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 gets besides the laying opponent El Cantante avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks

El Cantante grabs his rival's legs and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a strong Figure 4!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante keeps his ruthless submission hold El Cantante releases his grasp El Cantante grabs SERGINHO7's hair El Cantante grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El Cantante makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, SERGINHO7 gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative SERGINHO7 moves sideways and charges his right hand landing an uppercut on his chin, executing a light Side Mounting Punch!! SERGINHO7 puts his opponent in a front facelock, hooks his pants, and lifts his opponent up was executing a vertical suplex El Cantante somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! El Cantante grabs the opponent's ankles, putting them under his armpits and sits down on his back making him turn, performing a light Boston Crab!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante releases his grasp SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's leg El Cantante easily avoids the a Koji Clutch gaining back initiative El Cantante cross his opponent's legs, capsizing him and submitting him with a light Sharpshooter!! El Cantante keeps his ruthless submission hold El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante releases his grasp El Cantante jumps on the turnbuckle while the opponent is knocked out on the ground SERGINHO7 moves at the last moment dodging a a Frog Splash taking the initiative back SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's hair SERGINHO7 and lunges himself on the ropes SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent and jumps driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a light Running Arm Drag!! SERGINHO7 stares down his opponent holding his chin with the hands to perform light Chin Lock!! SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold SERGINHO7 releases his grasp SERGINHO7 grapples one of El Cantante shoulders El Cantante breaks free from the a Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative El Cantante hooks the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat performing a light Reverse Figure 4!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 quickly gets up and counterattacks! SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's hair SERGINHO7 bounces off, using the top rope El Cantante moves out the way just in time, dodging a a Springboard Bulldog and

retaking initative El Cantante puts his head under the opponent's arm SERGINHO7 escapes from a a Northern Light Suplex taking back the initiative SERGINHO7 puts his opponent in a front facelock, hooks his pants, and lifts his opponent up was executing a vertical suplex El Cantante somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! El Cantante folds his prostrate opponent's legs rolling and connecting with a light Sharpshooter!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante releases his grasp SERGINHO7 grabs the opponent's arm El Cantante avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks El Cantante is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking El Cantante is caught out! SERGINHO7 charges the movement raising the elbow El Cantante shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking El Cantante lif his down headed opponent on his back SERGINHO7 evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative SERGINHO7 catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!! SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold El Cantante escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! SERGINHO7 pulls El Cantante still groggy, by his hair SERGINHO7 lifts the opponent up El Cantante dodges the a Rib Breaker, starting the counterattack El Cantante grabs the opponent's head and lifts him up in a vertical position SERGINHO7 easily avoids the a Brainbuster, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Samoan Drop!! SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent grasping his head and lets himself fall down performing a light Running DDT!! SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent and leaps El Cantante bends dodging the a Running Crossbody and starts a counterattack EL CANTANTE leans on the ropes to get the touch! El Cantante crosses his opponent's legs and turns his opponent holding an ankle under the armpit performing a light Texas Cloverleaf!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting El Cantante and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp SERGINHO7 hugs his opponent's head El Cantante easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative El Cantante open his arms SERGINHO7 moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative SERGINHO7 brings his foot up then drops it into the opponent executing an light Axe Kick!! SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's arms while jumping El Cantante dodges the a Victory Roll and counterattacks El Cantante grabs SERGINHO7's ankle SERGINHO7 avoids the a Ankle Lock easilly, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's arm to make it turn executing a light Flipping Armbar!! SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold SERGINHO7 releases his grasp SERGINHO7 climbs the top turnbuckle El Cantante dodges the a Diving Crossbody taking the initiative El Cantante grabs his rival's legs and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a strong Figure 4!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting El Cantante and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! SERGINHO7 releases his grasp SERGINHO7 hooks his opponent's arm El Cantante avoids the a Flipping Armbar easily, taking the initiative El Cantante is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking El Cantante is caught out! SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit the opponent El Cantante dodges a a Low Kick and retakes the initiative El Cantante grabs the opponent's legs and sits down on his back making him turn, performing a light Boston Crab!! El Cantante keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting El Cantante and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! SERGINHO7 releases his grasp SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante by an arm El Cantante performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the a Arm Drag, taking the initiative El Cantante grabs the opponent's head putting it under his arm, and lifts him up in a vertical position and falls down, dropping the opponent on the mat head first performing a devastating Brainbuster!! SERGINHO7 HAS A CUT!!! El Cantante locks SERGINHO7's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!!

SERGINHO7 IS BLEEDING!! El Cantante grabs SERGINHO7's hair El Cantante grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well El Cantante gains power and momentum from spinning in motion and shoots his right leg as he runs SERGINHO7 ducks and dodges a a Spinning Wheel Kick, retaking the initative SERGINHO7 springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! SERGINHO7 grabs El Cantante's hair SERGINHO7 hooks the opponent's neck forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker!! SERGINHO7 espera a que El Cantante se levante y le hace una spear que lo manda a la otra punta del ring executing MORTAL Infernus!! EL CANTANTE IS OUT!!! Tom Bonecrusher locks TOM BONECRUSHER's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!! Tom Bonecrusher alza a TOM BONECRUSHER tirandolo al suelo y echa para atras sus piernas sentandose sobre ellas executing strong El Chimbo!! TOM BONECRUSHER escapes from the hold Tom Bonecrusher goes up the turnbuckle and makes a jump towards the rival hitting him on his back with an arm executing violent Flying Clothesline to Back!! Tom Bonecrusher alza a TOM BONECRUSHER tirandolo al suelo y echa para atras sus piernas sentandose sobre ellas executing strong El Chimbo!! TOM BONECRUSHER escapes from the hold TOM BONECRUSHER takes advantage of the situation! Serginho puts his opponent on the turbuckle grabs his head and falls backwards onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending him and slamming his head on the ground with a violent Super DDT!! Serginho is about to perform his taunt Serginho executing The Hollywood H Serginho grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair Serginho lifts the opponent on his shoulders Tom Bonecrusher somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Tom Bonecrusher hooks his opponents leg with his own legs like executing an head scissors and turns aside him to pull his arm performing a light Octopus Hold!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher lift his down-headed opponent and quickly hurls him down to perform a light El Destructor!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's head while standing at his side Serginho with a kidney's blow avoids the a Russian Neck Drop starting a counterattack Serginho grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out

to slam his head on the mat by performing a violent One Arm DDT!! Serginho is about to perform his taunt Serginho executing A Legend Killer Serginho grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair Serginho grabs one Tom Bonecrusher 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Serginho bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! Serginho applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs Tom Bonecrusher avoid the a Magistrale Cradle taking back the initiative Tom Bonecrusher puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat and starts a light Butterfly Lock crossing them behind his back!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! TOM BONECRUSHER enters the ring hitting Tom Bonecrusher and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Serginho releases his grasp Serginho open his arms in a threatening gesture and grasps the opponent's head with a light Brain Squeezer!! Serginho keeps his weak submission hold Serginho keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO enters the ring hitting Serginho and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's head Serginho easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative Serginho charges his arm to hit his opponent with a strong Hook Punch!! Serginho grabs Tom Bonecrusher by an arm Tom Bonecrusher performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the a Arm Drag, taking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's arms Serginho moves and dodges the a Irish Whip, gaining the initiative Serginho approaches his opponent and hits him with some light Knee Strikes!! Serginho loads his opponent on his shoulders Tom Bonecrusher climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Mortal Death regaining the initiative Tom Bonecrusher grabs both of his opponent's arms and hooks them, places his hands palm down flat against the opponent's upper back, then he raises the opponent and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming the opponent down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a light Tiger Suplex!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's head then drops backwards smashing the opponent's head into the mat performing a light DDT!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's arms and stretches them backwards Serginho avoids the rival's a Mexican Stretch , taking back the initiative Serginho gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

Serginho grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair Serginho turns Tom Bonecrusher up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction Serginho hooks the opponent's neck as making him fall with great strength perfoming a light Spanish Pain!! Serginho puts his arms around his opponent's head and clamps it with strength, trying to submit him in a light Side Head Lock!! Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold Serginho runs towards his opponent and jumps to hit him to the nape with a leg, executing a powerful Leg Lariat!! Tom Bonecrusher pulls himself together and fights back Tom Bonecrusher opens wide his arms Serginho moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Serginho grabs Tom Bonecrusher by an arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! Serginho is about to perform his taunt Serginho executing The Hollywood H Serginho leans on the ropes to get the touch! Serginho grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair Serginho and lunges himself on the ropes Serginho gains momentum by bouncing off the middle rope, and leaps backwards on his opponent and then lands a elbow blow on his opponent's face, performing a light Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash!! Serginho gets on the top turnbuckle waiting for the opponent to stand up and forward executing a strong Diving Rolling Elbow Smash!! Serginho gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Tom Bonecrusher interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Tom Bonecrusher gets ready to hit Serginho Serginho shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative Serginho approaches the opponent and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! Serginho gets ready to hit the opponent preparing his leg and performs a light Big Kick!! Serginho lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams him on the mat executing strong Showstopper!! Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold Tom Bonecrusher quickly gets up and counterattacks! Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and kneels down, throwing the opponent forward, flipping him down, slamming him on the mat back first, executing a light Snapmare!! Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher Prende Sus Ojos En Fuego executing The Unholy Frenzy Tom Bonecrusher pulls Serginho still groggy, by his hair Tom Bonecrusher lifts his opponent up over his head with arms fully extended Serginho breaks free from his opponent's a Slingshot , regaining the initative Serginho grasps the opponent by his belly and lifts him up on his own shoulder and slams him to the ground performing a strong Reverse Powerslam!! Serginho lifts his opponent's leg

Tom Bonecrusher moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Tom Bonecrusher crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat and subdues him with a light Reverse Figure 4!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! TOM BONECRUSHER enters the ring hitting Tom Bonecrusher and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Serginho releases his grasp Serginho stands behind his rival stretching his face to show his dentist's bad work performing a light Face Stretch!! Serginho climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the opponent kicking him at the face, performing a light Diving Big Boot!! Serginho grabs one of his opponent's legs and connects with a light Stretch Muffler!! Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold Serginho turns Tom Bonecrusher still groggy up pulling his hair Tom Bonecrusher pulls himself together and fights back Tom Bonecrusher stares at the opponent in front of him and gives him an light Ear Slap!! Serginho bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting Serginho Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to Serginho's neck performing a violent Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! Serginho turns Serginho still groggy up pulling his hair Serginho gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! Serginho gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Serginho while Serginho's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of the opponent and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone!! Serginho keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! TOM BONECRUSHER enters the ring hitting Serginho and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Serginho takes advantage of the situation! Serginho releases his grasp Serginho prepares the back of his hand hitting the opponent with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Serginho grabs the opponent's head performing an light Head Butt!! Serginho grabs his opponent from the front and throws him on his knee to perform strong Inverted Atomic Drop!! Serginho pulls Serginho still groggy, by his hair Serginho grasps the opponent while running and throws him up in the air with a light Big Toss!! Serginho pulls Serginho still groggy, by his hair Serginho blocks Serginho taking his arm and locking his leg

and twisting the opponent's body executes an light Abdominal Stretch!! Serginho escapes from the hold Serginho pulls himself together and fights back Serginho holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! Serginho turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a strong Mule Kick!!! Serginho locks the opponent's head under his arm then drops backwards smashing the opponent's head into the mat performing a strong DDT!! Serginho grabs Serginho's hair Serginho and lunges himself on the ropes Serginho waits for the running adversary intercepting and grabbing him to perform a violent Power Slam!! Serginho interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Serginho prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Serginho lifts his arm and hits his opponent's neck, performing a light Club to the Neck!! Serginho grabs Serginho's hair Serginho grabs one Serginho 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Serginho bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Tom Bonecrusher leans on the ropes to get the touch! Serginho gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!! Serginho dives into the opponent with a powerful clothesline knocking him down executing a violent 3 Point Stance Charge!! Serginho lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Samoan Drop!! Serginho interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Serginho charges his arm to hit his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! TOM BONECRUSHER bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting Serginho Serginho bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to Serginho's neck performing a devastating Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! TOM BONECRUSHER lifts the opponent on his shoulders Serginho somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Serginho grabs the opponent's ankles putting them under his armpits and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a strong Rocket Launcher!! TOM BONECRUSHER lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and grabs him by the arms crossing them in a strong Gory Special!! TOM BONECRUSHER keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! TOM BONECRUSHER enters the ring hitting TOM BONECRUSHER and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Serginho releases his grasp Serginho puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!! Serginho turns TOM BONECRUSHER still groggy up pulling his hair Serginho gets besides the laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! Serginho is about to perform his taunt Serginho Takes Something From His Pocket And Throws It At The Opponent's Face Saying Take This Coin And Never Show Up In This Ring Again executing The 50 Cent Serginho turns TOM BONECRUSHER up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction TOM BONECRUSHER pulls himself together and fights back TOM BONECRUSHER stares at the opponent Serginho avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Serginho strongly grabs the head of the adversary and hits him with a powerful heading connecting a violent Hard Headbutt!! Serginho lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! Serginho grabs the grounded opponent's feet TOM BONECRUSHER with a kidney's push gets free from a a Rocket Launcher taking the initiative TOM BONECRUSHER grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts him so that he is held upside down facing in the same direction as him and drops to a sitting position with the opponent's head falling down to the mat, performing a violent Spike Piledriver!! TOM BONECRUSHER grabs Serginho's hair TOM BONECRUSHER and lunges himself on the ropes TOM BONECRUSHER runs toward the opponent Serginho dodges the a Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative Serginho loads his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!! Serginho grabs TOM BONECRUSHER's hair Serginho grabs one TOM BONECRUSHER 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Serginho stalks his opponent and with a strong Shoulder Block shows his might, knocking him on the ground!! Serginho slowly climbs the top turnbuckle and jumps down, dropping his buttocks on TOM BONECRUSHER's face performing a powerful Banzai Drop!! Serginho knocks TOM BONECRUSHER out Serginho gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Serginho grabs TOM BONECRUSHER's hair Serginho puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and swings over the opponent and down to the ground, in a semi-circular motion, so that both the wrestlers fall to the ground back-first, performing a strong Swinging Neckbreaker!! TOM BONECRUSHER interrupts his opponent attacks sequence TOM BONECRUSHER points to the opponent with decision and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! TOM BONECRUSHER brings his foot up Serginho dodges the a Axe Kick taking the initiative

Serginho puts his opponent on his shoulder and lets him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a violent Shoulder Breaker Thrust!! Serginho grabs TOM BONECRUSHER's hair Serginho begs his opponent for mercy and hits him with a light Low Blow!! Serginho holds his opponent by the head and smashes it on his knee by performing a strong Coconut Crush!! TOM BONECRUSHER HAS A CUT!!! Serginho lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Samoan Drop!! TOM BONECRUSHER pulls himself together and fights back TOM BONECRUSHER points to the opponent with decision and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! TOM BONECRUSHER brings his foot up then drops it into the opponent executing an strong Axe Kick!! TOM BONECRUSHER puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! TOM BONECRUSHER grabs Serginho executing a backbreaker Serginho bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a devastating Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! TOM BONECRUSHER grabs Serginho's hair TOM BONECRUSHER grabs the opponent's head forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a strong DDT!! TOM BONECRUSHER gets besides the laying opponent Serginho avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks Serginho gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! Serginho grabs the opponent's ankles putting them under his armpits and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a violent Rocket Launcher!! TOM BONECRUSHER IS BLEEDING!! TOM BONECRUSHER takes advantage of the situation! TOM BONECRUSHER grabs Serginho's hair TOM BONECRUSHER grabs one Serginho 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well TOM BONECRUSHER runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! TOM BONECRUSHER grabs the opponent's ankles putting them under his armpits Serginho with a kidney's push gets free from a a Rocket Launcher taking the initiative Serginho loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!! Serginho and Tom Bonecrusher lift TOM BONECRUSHER by the neck TOM BONECRUSHER avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Serginho pulls TOM BONECRUSHER still groggy, by his hair Serginho loads his opponent on his shoulders TOM BONECRUSHER climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Samoan Drop regaining the initiative TOM BONECRUSHER puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with

his arm and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a violent Snap Suplex!! TOM BONECRUSHER grabs Serginho's hair TOM BONECRUSHER grabs the opponent's head forcing the opponent to dive onto his head with a strong DDT!! TOM BONECRUSHER gets besides the laying opponent Serginho avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks Serginho gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! Serginho lifts the opponent on his shoulders Tom Bonecrusher climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent executing a devastating Doomsday device!! TOM BONECRUSHER IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! Serginho grabs the grounded opponent's feet and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a devastating Rocket Launcher!! TOM BONECRUSHER IS A CRIMSON MASK!!! TOM BONECRUSHER IS OUT!!! SERGINHO IS A THE NEW HIPANIC TITTLE!!! *kubit mirra la celebracion de Serginho y entra en el ring Marco Perez : No creo que el asesino se convirtió en campeón , que camino tomará esta federación *kubit se acerca de serginho Loko95 :ahí!! kubit va a celebrar esta victoria con Serginho kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams his column against his knee executing mortal Final Death!! Loko95 : que ??? Que es esto ??? Publico : que ???? *kubit mira de nuevo Serginho caído en el ring con una mirada furiosa

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