Windows-trics-tips By Amit Sharma

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  • Pages: 96

This collection of Tweaks & Tricks would certainly not Exist today were it not for my Loving friends. Special thanks must go to my many friends for letting me crash their computers several times in order to get Every Trick Tested. By: - Mr. Amit Sharma [email protected]

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1. H ow to take back up of Registry. Registry . 2. H ack XP Pirated to XP. 3. W here does W indow 's Product Identification get stored? 4. W hen you start Com puter, M icrosoft W indow s XP Start up Screen appears & then Com puter Restart. 5. Custom ize Internet Explorer Title Bar. 6. Speedup Boot up sequence by defragm enting all key boot files. 7. D isabling display d isplay of drives in M y Com puter. 8. H ow to m anually open ports in Internet Connection Connecti on Firew Fi rew all in W indow s XP. 9. H ow to pop system s ystem Policy w indow on Start up. 10. H ack to turn your W indow s H om e E dition CD into Pro. 11. Boosting System D ialup Speed. 12. Speed up Your Acrobat Acrob at Reader (A lm ost like notepad). 13. Speedup Broadband cable Internet C onnection. 14. To Lock a Folder: Sim plest W ay. 15. Increase Increas e Internet D ow nload Connections. 16. Private inform ation about w ho is logged lo gged on your com puter at a time. reason? n? Launch it in its ow n Process. 17. Troubled by IE crashing unexpectedly for no reaso 18. Create Cr eate a H idden U ser A ccount. 19. Change Ch ange som eone's W indow s Passw ord. 20. Restrict certain users us ers from running an application. 21. A re you annoyed by XP asking for registration Again & Again? 22. E nable 5th Z one setting s etting in Internet E xplorer 6.0. 23. H ow to disable dis able unread m essage count from W elcom e Screen. 24. H ow to restart W indow ind ow s w ithout restarting com puter. Page 2 of 96

25. A utom atically kill non Responding application at shutdow n. 26. H ow to install the M icrosoft W indow s Recovery Console to your H ard D isk. 27. H ow to delete the Recovery Console. 28. Custom ize Logon Box M essage. 29. A faster Start M enu. 30. E nable/D isable isabl e N otification A rea Ballon Tips. 31. 31 . Rename M y Com puter on D esktop. 32. Sort M enu A lphabetically. 33. E nable/D isable Recycle Bin. 34. Faster Brow ser in W indow s E xplorer on N etw ork Com puters. 35. E nable na ble /D isable Logon Screen Saver. 36. Change the Registered Organization/ Organization / Ow ner of W indow s XP. 37. Change the Location of Special Folders. 38. E nable/D isable is able Local G roup Policy Objects. 39. E nable /D isable Task Ta sk M anager. anag er. 40. E nable /D isable Run Comm Co mm ands Specific to the Registry. 41. 41 . A utom atic Logon to W indow s XP. 42. W elcom e Screen Sc reen Logon versus Classic Logon. 43. Changing the default D ow nload D irectory of I E xplore. 44. W hy do Install Program s ask m e to close e verything E lse? 45. V irus Rem oval G uide.  D etect & Remove Remo ve the M i.M ail.C/M i.M ail.D .W orm  D etect & Remove the Sobig.E.w orm from your XP System  Rem oving W in32.Blaster W orm 46. H ow can i configure TCP/IP settings from the Comm and Prom pt? Page 3 of 96

47. H ow to use the N etsh.exe et sh.exe Tool and Comm and line sw itches 48. W idow s XP Reset the TCP/IP stack 49. H ow to D eterm ine & Recover from W insock 2 Corruption 50. M anual Steps to determ ine w hether the W insock 2 key is corrupted 51. M anual Steps to Recover from W insock 2 corruption corrupti on 52. G et the extra Perform ance from your sam e old com puter 53. H ack the Step of entering serial in office 2K - XP - 2003 54. Breaking W indow s 95/98 in 10 sec 55. Rem oving genuine check at Start of W indow s 56. H ow to crack any type of softw are Protection 57. Steps to clear D N S cache and all A ssociated Com m and Line 58. H ow to install a N etw ork A daptor 59. FAT32 or N TFS: - M aking the choice 60. Change Text on XP Start Button 61. H ow to get som e non required Program s out of Start U p. 62. Secure your D esktop e sktop Icons and Settings:Settings: 63. D eleting System Options from the Start menu:menu: 64. Cleaning Recent D ocs M enu and the RU N M RU 65. Rem ove Internet E xplorer Branding Logos 66. Reinstall or Repair Internet E xplorer & Outlook E xpress in W indow s XP 67. H ow to Remove Content A dvisor Passw ord in Internet E xplorer 68. H ow to Fix Problems w ith Content A dvisor M issing Inform ation 69. H ow to fix Cipher Strength of the Brow ser w ithout reinstalling it K 70. U se N ETSH Comm and to Change from Static IP A ddress to D H CP 22K 71. U seful W indow s Run comm ands Page 4 of 96

How to take back up of Registry O pen R egedit>H ighlight m y com puter>right click>export>save it w ith E xtension (.reg). To R estore registry > double click on .reg file and click Yes on the pop up ...R eboot com puter. N ote: - Som etim es W indow m ay return w ith the M essage “N ot all data w as successfully w ritten to registry. Som e keys are open by system or O ther Process.” D oesn’t w orry click ok & reboot.

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Hack XP Pirated to XP Legal 1. G o to Start, R un, and type regedit brow br ow se to 2. H K EY_L OCA L_M A CH IN E \ SOFTW A RE \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow sN T \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ W PA E vents 3. In the rightright - hand pane, double click on the value "O O B E Tim er" 4. Change one of these characters to another random character (it really doesn't doesn't m atter w hich, the idea is to to corrupt corr upt the key so that w e deactivate our copy of W indow s) and press O K 5. Then U se any of the follow ing K eys

























6. G o to Start, R un, and type C:\ C: \ w indow s\ s \ system 32\ 32 \ oobe\ oobe \ m soobe.exe /a, obviously obv iously replace replac e C: w ith the drive

letter that W indow s is installed to. 7. Select the option to activate by phone, and press next. next . 8. Click the button at the bottom labeled "Change Product K ey" 9. E nter the new n ew product key and click U pdate. 10. W hen the key is updated, do not continue continu e w ith the activation process, process , close the activation w indow !

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Where does Window's Product Identification get stored? There are tw o places at least w here Product Id gets stored. To see the first place, open Registry by going to: STA RT-RU N and entering RE GE D IT and N avigate to [H K EY_LOCA L_M A CH IN E \ SOFTW A RE \ M icrosoft \ W indow s N T \ Current V ersion] In right pane, look for key by the nam e "Product Id". This is Your W indow s Product Id alternatively you can navigate to [H K EY_LOCA L_M A CH IN E \ SOFTW A RE \ M icrosoft icroso ft\ s \ Current V ersion] ft \ W indow s\ A nd still find sam e Field w ith the nam e Product Identification. W hen you start your com puter, the M icrosoft W indow s XP start up screen appears, & then the Com puter Restarts. The CAU SE : This error can occur if the K ernel32.dll file is m issing or dam aged To resolve this issue, use the W indow s Recovery Console to extract a new copy of the K ernel32.dll file from the original W indow s XP Com pact disc (The CD ). To do this, and follow these steps:Follow these steps to install Recovery Console:1. Start the Recovery Console. If you do not have the Recovery Console installed, start it from the W indow s XP com pact disc (The CD ). Follow the a. b. c. d. steps to install Recovery Console:  Insert the W indow s XP CD in your CD drive and restart your com puter. If prom pted, select any options required to boot from the CD .  W hen the text-based part of Setup begins, follow the prom pts; you need to choose the repair or recover option by pressing R.  If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot system , choose the installation that you need to access from the recovery console.  W hen prom pted, type the A dm inistrator passw ord. 2. A t the comm and prom pt, type cd system 32, and then press E N TE R. Page 7 of 96

3. Type ren kernel32.dll kernel32.old, and then press E N TE R. 4. Type m ap, and then press E N TE R. 5. N ote the drive letter assigned to the CD -ROM drive that contains the W indow s XP CD . It is displayed in a form at sim ilar to the follow ing: D : \ D evice\ evice \ CdRom 0 6. Type expand drive \i386\kernel32.dl_ (w here drive is the drive letter of the CD -ROM drive that contains the W indow s XP CD ), and then press E N TE R. For exam ple: E xpand d:\i386\kernel32.dl_ N ote the underscore character after the "L" in K ernel32.dl_ The follow ing m essage appears: K ernel32.dll 1 file(s) expanded. 7. Type in exit, after the com puter restarts rem ove the W indow s XP CD and start the com puter norm ally.

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Customize Internet. Explorer Title bar This tip w on't m ake your com puter any faster but m ay help personalize your com puter experience. O pen R egistry by going to STA R T-R U N and typing R E G E D IT. N avigate to H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft \ Internet E xplorer\ xplorer \ M ain. In right hand panel look for string "W indow Title" and change its value to w hatever custom text you w ant to see.

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Speedup boot up sequence by defragmenting all key boot files

O pen R egistry by going to STA R T-R U N and typing R E G E D IT. N avigate to H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ SO FTW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ D frg\ frg \ B ootO ptim izeFunction. In right hand look for E nable. R ight click on it and set it 'Y' for enable. It w ill help speedup boot tim e.

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Disabling Display of Drives in My Computer:-

To disable the display of local or netw orked drives w hen you click M y Com puter go to: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \Softw are\M icrosoft\W indow s\CurrentV ers ion\Policies\E xplorer N ow in the right pane create a new D W O R D item and nam e it N o D rives. N ow m odify its value and set it to 3FFFFFF (H exadecim al) N ow press F5 to R efresh. W hen you click on M y Com puter, no drives w ill be show n. To enable display of drives in M y Com puter, Sim ply delete this D W O R D item .

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How to manually open ports in Internet Connection Firewall in Windows XP 1. Click Start and then click M y N etw ork Places. 2. U nder N etw ork Tasks, click V iew N etw ork Connections. 3. R ight-click the connection that you use for the Internet, and then click Properties. 4. Click the A dvanced tab and then click Settings. N ote: ote : - If the Settings button is unavailable, ICF is not enabled on this connection, co nnection, and you do not have to open any ports (because they are all already open) open).. 5. Click A dd to open a new port. 6. In the D escription box, type a friendly nam e. F or exam ple, type File Sharing: Port 445. 7. In the N am e or IP address of the com puter hosting this service on your netw ork box, type N ote: - You can specify speci fy the IP address of an internal com puter. B ut you typically w ill use 8. In the E xternal port and Internal port boxes, type the port num ber. G enerally, this num ber is the sam e. 9. Click either TCP or U D P, and then click O K . 10. R epeat steps 1 through 9 for each port that you w ant to open.

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How to pop system Policy window on Start Up

To pop a banner w hich can contain any m essage you w ant to display just before a user is going to log on, go to the key:H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E \ SO F TW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow i ndow sN T\ T \ CurrentV ers ion\ ion \ W inLogon. O n the R ight Side of the W indow Look For "LegalN oticeCaption" open it . N ow w hatever u W ant as a H eader of Policy Type that Text. O n the R ight Side of the W indow Look for "L egalN oticeText" open it. You can type the W hole policy of your com pany.

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Hack to turn your Windows Home Edition CD into Pro. N ow M icrosoft is going to be pissed about this! LO L !

N ote: ote : - If you’re W indow s XP CD does not contain Service Pack 2, you m ight w ant to Slipstream Your W indow s XP CD first as you w ill not be able to upgrade an installation after using the CD . 1. Copy the root directory and the i386 directory of the W indow ’s CD to your hard drive. 2. E xtract the Boot sector of your W indow s XP CD . You can use BBIE to do this. 3. Click STA RT-->RU N -->REG ED IT 4. H ighlight H K EY_LOCA L_M ACH IN E 5. Click FILE -->LOA D H IV E and select the file this file is located in the i386 folder. U se the one you extracted to your hard drive from your W indow s XP CD . 6. Locate the follow ing registry key: H K E Y_LOCAL_M A CH IN E \ H om o m ekey\ ekey \ ControlSet001\ ControlSet001 \ Services\ Services \ setupdd 7. E dit the D EFAU LT key and change the follow ing values: 01 to 00 02 to 00 8. Change the name to the value H OM E K E Y to anything. 9. Locate the follow ing registry key: H K E Y_LOCAL_M A CH IN E \H om ekey\ControlSet001\Services\setupdd D E FAU LT key and change the follow ing values: 01 to 00

E dit


02 to 00 10. H ighlight H OM E K E Y and select FILE -->U N LOA D H IV E You can now burn the data on your hard drive to a CD to m ake a new W indow s XP CD . Then use the CD to install W indow s XP. Be sure to m ake the CD bootable. You can use the instructions here to help you do that. The w eird thing is your W indow s XP H om e serial w ill still be valid.

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Boosting System dialup speed Below is the script for the Sam e Copy Paste it on notepad and save it as Tw eak.reg and now double click on the Reg file. [H K EY_LOCA L_M A CH IN E \ SYSTE M \ CurrentControlSet\ CurrentControlSet \ Services\ Services \ Tcpip\ Tcpip \ Param eters] "SackOpts"=dw ord:00000001 "TcpW indow Size"=dw ord:0005ae4c "Tcp1323Opts"=dw ord:00000003 "D efaultTTL"=dw ord:00000040 "E nablePM TU BH D etect"=dw ord:00000000 "E nablePM TU D iscovery"=dw ord:00000001 "G lobalM axTcpW indow Size"=dw ord:0005ae4c

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D o you get irritated w hen acrobat reader takes 5/10 seconds to load w hen you w ant to open a PD F document? There is a w ay to speed up the loading. 1. G o to the installation folder of Acrobat Reader (C:\ (C: \ program files\ files \ adobe\ adobe \ acrobat\ acrobat \ reader\ reader \ ... w hatever) OR 2. M ove all the files and folders from the "plug_ins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat... cut and paste the files N OT copy & paste).A lso m ake sure that acrobat reader is not open. Some different versions (like A crobat6.0 Professional) follow (C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\acrobat). Create a folder and renam e it “Optional”. M ove all the files and folders from the "plug_ins" directory to the "Optional" directory. N ow your acrobat reader w ill load very fast and alm ost as w ell as notepad.

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Speedup broadband cable Internet connection A . In the "M y N etw ork Places" properties (right click on the desktop icon and choose properties) H ighlight the connection then at the m enu bar choose “A dvanced" then "A dvanced Settings". U ncheck the tw o boxes in the low er half for the bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for M S netw orks. Click O K . B . Continue as indicated below steps: 1. From the W indow s XP CD in the support directory from the support cab, extract the file netcap.exe and place it in a directory on your hard drive or even in the root of your C:\ drive. 2. N ext, open up a com m and prom pt w indow and change directories to w here you put netcap.exe then type "netcap/?” It w ill list som e com m ands that are available for netcap and a netm on driver w ill be installed. A t the bottom you w ill see your adapters. You should see tw o of them if using a 3Com card. O ne w ill be for L A N and the other w ill be for W A N som ething or other. 3. N ext type "netcap/R em ove". This w ill rem ove the netm on driver. 4. O pen up control panel / system / dev m an and look at your netw ork adapters. You should now see tw o of them and one w ill have a yellow ! O n it. R ight click on the one w ithout the yellow ! A nd click uninstall. YE S! You are uninstalling your netw ork adapter, continue w ith the uninstall. D o not restart yet. 5. Check your connection properties to m ake sure that no connection exists. If you get a w izard just cancel out of it. 6. N ow restart the m achine and go to your connection properties again and you should have a new connection called "Local area connection 2". H ighlight the connection then at the m enu bar click "A dvanced" then "A dvanced Settings". U ncheck the tw o boxes in the low er half for the bindings for F ile and Printer sharing and Client for M S netw orks. Click O K . 7. Choose connection properties and uncheck the "Q O S" box. Page 17 of 96

8. R eboot & E njoy increased responsiveness of IE , faster page loading, and connection speed boost.

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To lock a folder: Simplest Way!!! First select a folder for exam ple I’ll use a folder nam e m ovies in D drive D :\m ovies\in the sam e drive you Create a text file and type: ren m ovies m ovies. {21E C2020-3A E A -1069-A 2D D -08002B 30309D } and save it as loc.bat A gain you type in a notepad as ren m ovies.{21E C2020-3A E A -1069-A 2D D 08002B 30309D } m ovies A nd save it as key. bat. N ow in D drive u can see tw o batch files loc and key. W hen u double click loc the m ovie folder w ill change to control panel and w hen u double click key the control panel w ill change to norm al folder. You can also Custom ize the look by using these:{20D 04FE 0-3A E A -1069-A 2D 8-08002B 30309D } - Turned to E xplorer {0D F44E A A -F F21-4412-828E -260A 8728E 7F1} - Turned to start m enu properties {6D FD 7C5C-2451-11d3-A 299-00C04F8E F6A F} - Turned to Folder O ptions {7007A CC7-3202-11D 1-A A D 2-00805FC1270E } - Turned to N etw ork Connections {D 20E A 4E 1-3957-11d2-A 40B -0C5020524152} - Turned to Fonts Folder {D 6277990-4C6A -11CF-8D 87-00A A 0060F5B F} - Turned to Schedule tasks {E 211B 736-43FD -11D 1-9E FB -0000F8757FCD } - Turned to Scanners & cam era {645FF040-5081-101B -9F08-00A A 002F954E } - Turned to recycle bin {2227A 280-3A E A -1069-A 2D E -08002B 30309D } - Turned to Printers Folder

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Increase Internet Download Connections.

[Start] [R un] [R egedit} egedit } H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft V ersion\ ersion \ Internet Settings

\ W indow s\ s \ Current

M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D M axConnectionsPer1_0Server

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

Setting for V alue D ata: [0000000a] M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below .D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D [D w ord V alue] // V alue N am e: M axConnectionsPerServerSetting for V alue D ata: [0000000a] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Private information about who is logged on your computer at a time XP stores certain inform ation about you as and w hen you are logged on in follow ing places in registry: Logged on U ser: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ers ion\ ion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ LogonU serN am ePersonal H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ers ion\ ion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ ShellFolders\ ShellFolders \ Personnal D efault D ocum ent folder: [H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ V olatile E nvironm nvir onm ent\ ent \ H O M E D R IV E ] .N et em ail account: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ M essengerService\ essengerService \ List Cache\ Cache \ .N E TM essenger\ essenger \ Service\ Service \ IdentityN am e N um ber of O pen program s: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Session Inform ation\ ation \ Program Count

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Troubled by IE crashing unexpectedly for no reason? Launch it in its own process. If you have seen it happening, you m ust hate it. Y ou are w orking on som ething im portant and out of no w here an error is reported in iexplorer.exe and all instances of Internet explorer close . Isn't this painful? W ell sure it is, but w hat can you do (???) W ell you can do som ething. That’s not the perfect solution but m ay be a good w orkaround till w e achieve perfection. O pen registry (by going to STA R T-R U N and entering regedit) and navigate to: H K E Y_CU Y_ CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft V ersion\ ersion \ E xplorer

\ W indow i ndow s\ s \ Current

& add a new string by the nam e "B row seN ew Process" and set its value to "yes". That’s all. D oing this w ould open your Internet Explorer B row ser in a separate process area of its ow n, and this w ould not Shut dow n just because there w as a problem w ith another instance of Internet E xplorer. H ey this takes m ore m em ory but for those w ho can afford it offers a solution.

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Create a Hidden User Account This tw eak allow s an account that is norm ally displayed on the W elcom e screen to be hidden from view . To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log O n To W indow s dialog box sim ilar to the one in W indow s 2000. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ SO FTW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow sN T\ T \ Cu rrentV ersion\ ersion \ W inlogon\ inlogon \ SpecialA ccounts\ ccounts \ U serList M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D [D w ord V alue] // V alue N am e: Type N am e of A ccount to be hidden Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = A ccount is H idden / 1 = E nabled] E xit R egistry and R eboot W hile the account is hidden on the W elcom e screen, note that the account profile w ill be visible in C:\D ocum ents and Settings or w herever user profiles are stored as w ell as in Local U sers and G roups

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Change someone's windows password & it’s not hacking its Cracking This hack w orks if you are at som eone else's hom e & you are logged into the account of the person O perating System account you w ant to hack. This also w orks if you w ant to hack som eone else's account O n your pc bit do not know his/her passw ord. Click on STA R T-->R U N . Type com pm gm t.m sc & press enter. In the left pane, select CO M PU TE R M A N A G E M E N T--> SYSTE M TO O LS-> LO CA L U SE R S A N D G R O U PS--> U SE R S. Then in the right pane, select the user nam e account you w ant to hack. R IG H T CLICK and then click on SE T PA SSW O R D from the pop-up m enu. E nter the new passw ord. Click on O K .There you have it. You have changed the user's passw ord. N O TE : - If use this hack Cracked A ccount M ay be locked out after som etim e. Then go to A dm inistrator A ccount, follow the sam e procedure till selecting the users nam e. Select the user nam e. R ight Click. Click on properties. U ncheck the checkbox that says “A ccount is locked out”. Click O k. It’s O k N ow .

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Restrict certain users from running an application You can selectively restrict access to few apps and file names. To do this, open registry by going to STA RT-RU N and entering regedit. N avigate to: [H K EY_CU RREN T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft \ Policies\ Policies \ E xplorer]

\ W indow s\ s \ Current

V ersion

& a sub-key by the nam e "D isallow Run”. W ithin this key, add m any string keys you like each m apped to an application or file that you w ant to be restricted. N oD eletePrinter: D isables D eletion of already installed Printers N oA ddPrinter: D isables A ddition of new Printers N oRun: D isables or hides the Run Comm and N oSetFolders: Removes Folders from Settings option on Start M enu (Control Panel, Printers) N oSetTaskbar: Rem oves Taskbar system folder from the Settings option on Start M enu N oFind: Rem oves the Find Tool (Start >Find) N oD rives: H ides and does not display any D rives in M y Com puter N oN etH ood: H ides or rem oves the N etw ork N eighborhood icon from the desktop N oD esktop: H ides all item s including, file, folders and system folders from the D esktop N oClose: D isables Shutdow n and prevents the user from norm ally shutting dow n W indow s. N oSaveSettings: M eans to say, 'D on't save settings on exit' D isableRegistryTools: D isable Registry E diting Tools (If you disable this option, the W indow s Registry Regis try E ditor (regedit.exe) too w ill not w ork.) N oRecentD ocsH istory: Rem oves Recent D ocum ent system folder from Start M enu (IE 4 & above) ClearRecentD ocsOnE xit: Clears the Recent D ocum ents system folder on E xit. N olnternetlcon: Removes the Internet (system folder) icon from the D esktop Page 25 of 96

U nder the sam e key: H K EY_CU RREN T_U SE R/Softw are/M icrosoft/Current icro soft/Current V ersion/Policies You can create new sub keys other than the already existing E xplorer key. N ow create a new key and name It System . U nder this new key, system w e can create the follow ing new D W ORD values (1 for enabling the particular option and 0 for disabling the particular option): N OD ispCPL: H ides Control Panel N oD ispBackgroundPage: H ides Background page. N oD ispScrsavPage: H ides Screen Saver Page N oD ispA ppearancePage: H ides A ppearance Page N oD ispSettingsPage: H ides Settings Page N oSecCPL: D isables Passw ord Control Panel N oPw dPage: H ides Passw ord Change Page N oA dm inPaqe: H ides Rem ote A dm inistration Page N oProfilePage: H ides U ser Profiles Page N oD evM grPage: H ides D evice M anager Page N oConfigPage: H ides H ardw are Profiles Page N oFileSysPage: H ides File System Button N oV irtM em Page: H ides V irtual M em ory Button. Sim ilarly, if w e create a new sub key named W inOldA pp, w e can add the follow ing D W ORD values U nder it (1 for enabling the particular option and 0 for disabling the particular option): D isabled: D isable M S-D OS Prom pt & N oRealM ode: D isable Single-M ode M S-D OS.

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Are you annoyed by XP asking for registration Again & Again? First of all, this trick m ust only be used by the O perating System w ho have legal copy of XP and are troubled by registrations rem inders every N ow and then. B efore you begin, m ake sure PC m ust not be connected to the netw ork. D uring XP setup answ er no w hen setup asks you to use W indow s D ynam ic U pdate. D ynam ic update connects to M icrosoft to register XP. O nce the installation is com pleted, reboot to Safe m ode. G o to W indow s E xplorer and renam e % system root% \System 32\regw izc.dll and % system root% \ System 32\ 32 \ D llcach\ llcach \ regw re gw izc.dll w hatever. B y renam ing the regw izc


regw izc.dll.bak


D LL, it blocks other w indow s com ponents from registering XP to M icrosoft N ow , navigate to [H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ SO FTW A R E \ M icrosoft icrosof t \ W indow sN T\ T \ Current V ersion] A nd look for the data key "R egD one" and set its value to 1 to m ake XP believe that it’s registered.

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Enable 5th zone setting in Internet Explorer 6.0

There a fifth setting in Internet E xplorer 6 called m y com puter w hich is disabled by default. If you w ant to enable this, open registry by going to STA RT-RU N and entering regedit and then navigate to [H K E Y_CU RRE N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ InternetSettings\ InternetSettings \ Z ones\ ones \ 0] & look for the data value called "flags". Its default value is 33 ("Flags"=dw ord: 0X00000021). 0X00000021) Change It’s V alue 1 & reboot. N ow you should see an option called M y Com puter in Internet E xplorer 6 Z one Settings.

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How to disabling unread message count from Welcome Screen?

To stop XP from displaying count of unread m essages, O pen registry and navigate to [ H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ U nreadM ail] & look for the data key "M essageE xpiryD ays". If you do not see this key, create one D W O R D key by the nam e "M essageE xpiryD ays".Setting its value to 0 w ould stop W indow s XP from displaying the Count of unread m essages.

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How to restart Windows without restarting your computer W hen you click on the SH U TD O W N button, m ake sure to sim ultaneous press SH IFT B utton. If you hold the Shift key dow n w hile clicking on SH U TD O W N button, you com puter w ould restart w ithout restarting the Com puter. This is equivalent to term “ H O T R E B O O T". T"

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Automatically kill non-responding application at shutdown R em em ber this! It happens to all of us invariably som etim e or the other no m atter w hat you do. D on't you hate w aiting for the O perating System ’s extra seconds and then sim ply responding yes to the w indow s query. W ell you have a rem edy. You can tell W indow s XP to autom atically close all non responding w indow s. O pen registry by going to STA R T-R U N and entering regedit. N avigate to [H K E Y_U SE R S\ S \ .D E FA U LT\ LT \ Control Panel\ Panel \ D esktop]. In this look for value of "A utoE ndTasks". If available, do one of the follow ing: If you w ant to enable autom atic killing of non responding tasks, set its value to 1. To disable it set it back to 0.

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How to install the Microsoft Windows Recovery Console to your hard disk.

If you w ant to install the W indow s R ecovery Console after W indow s is already installed Com puter. Start > R un, CD -R O M drive letter assum e its E . E :\i386\w innt32.exe /cm dcons in the O pen box, w here CD R O M drive letter is the drive letter A ssigned to your CD -R O M drive. Click on O K ; now follow the instructions on the screen to finish Setup and then restart you need to your com puter.

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How to delete the Recovery Console Open M y Com puter, & then double-click the drive on w hich you installed the Recovery Console. On the Tools m enu, click Folder Options, and then click the V iew tab. Click Show hidden files & folders, click to clear the H ide protected operating system files check box, and then click OK . A t the root folder, delete the Cm dcons folder and the Cm ldr file. A t the root folder, right-click the Boot.ini files, and then click Properties. Click to clear the Read-only check box, and then click OK . W A RN IN G : By m odifying the Boot.ini file incorrectly m ay prevent your com puter from restarting. Be sure to delete only the entry for the Recovery Console. A lso, it is recom m ended that you change the attribute for the Boot.ini file back to a read-only state after you com plete this procedure. Open the Boot.ini file in N otepad, and rem ove the entry for the Recovery Console. It looks sim ilar to this: C:\ C: \ cm dcons\ dcons \ bootsect.dat="M icrosoft W indow s Recovery Console" /cm dcons N ow save the file and close and Reboot.

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Customize Logon Box Message This is the m essage displayed on the Classic L ogon box, not the XP ‘W elcom e’ logon screen. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ SO FTW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W i ndow s N T\ T \ Current V ersion \ W inlogon M odify/Create the V alue N am e [Logon [ Logon Prom pt] according to the V alue D ata listed below . D ata Type: R E G _SZ [String V alue] // V alue N am e: Logon Prom pt V alue D ata: [E nter the text of the m essage] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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A Faster Start Menu I see no reason for there to be any delay w hen I click on the Start M enu. E ffects are pretty, but I w ouldn’t click on it if I didn’t have business inside, so let’s get it open and get m oving. The default speed can be adjusted w ith a quick registry entry. The default value is 400. Set it to 0 and the delay is gone, but it w ill be nearly im possible to m ove the m ouse fast enough not to activate [A ll Program s] if you m ouse over it in route to your final selection. It's easy to train yourself to m ove the pointer to the right after clicking Start to avoid activating A ll Program s. Pick a num ber that suits your style and m ake the change, then test it until you find a good com prom ise betw een speed and usability. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Control Panel\ Panel \ D esktop M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: String V alue // V alue N am e: M enuShow D elay Setting for V alue D ata: [D efault = 400 / A djust to Preference] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Enable/Disable Notification Area Balloon Tips This tw eak disables the annoying balloon tips that appear adjacent to the N otification area. The [N otification A rea] is on the right side of the Taskbar, adjacent to the Clock display. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] R egistry K ey: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow ind ow s\ s \ CurrentV ers ion\ ion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ A dvanced M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D E nableB alloonTips

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = B alloon Tips D isabled / 1 = B alloon Tips E nabled] E xit R egistry and R eboot.

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Rename My Computer on Desktop This tw eak allow s you to have a personalized nam e instead of the generic M y Com puter. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_CLA SSE S_R O O T\ T \ CLSID \ 08002B 30309D }

{20D 04FE 00 - 3A E A - 10691069 - A 2D 88-

D ata Type: R E G _E XPA N D _SZ [E xpandable String V alue] // V alue N am e: LocalizedString R enam e the value [LocalizedString] to [LocalizedString.old] M odify/Create the V alue N am e [LocalizedString] according to the V alue D ata listed below . Create a R E G _E XPA N D _SZ [E xpandable String V alue] and nam e it [LocalizedString] V alue D ata for [LocalizedString]: % CO M PU TE R N A M E % ]

[% U SE R N A M E %


E xit R egistry & R eboot “M y Com puter” icon w ill now reflect the current user and com puter nam e.

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Sort Menus Alphabetically For those that are annoyed by new entries in the Start M enu being appended to the bottom of the list instead of being autom atically integrated alphabetically, this tw eak w ill force XP to perform the sort function autom atically. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ S oftw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ers ion\ ion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ M enuO rder R ight click M enu O rder in the left pane, click Perm issions... then click advanced button R em ove the checkm ark from the "Inherit from parent the perm ission entries that apply to child objects. Include these w ith entries explicitly defined here" entry. In the Security dialog box that opens, click Copy and you'll be taken back to the A dvanced Security Settings for M enuO rder w indow . Click O K and you'll return to the Perm issions for M enu O rder w indow .Clear the checkm ark next to Full Control in both your account and all security groups w here you are a m em ber. D o not change the R ead perm ission. E xit R egistry and R eboot To verify that the tw eak has com pleted successfully, log off the system and log back in then open Start and A ll Program s m enu. Click on one of the item s and try to drag it to a new location w ithin the order of the folders. If all w ent w ell you w ill be unable to reposition the item . The black line that norm ally appears show ing w here the selected item w ould be repositioned w ill either be m issing totally or appear as a faint shadow .

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Enable/Disable Recycle Bin For those confidants enough that you w ill never need a deleted file or folder, this tw eak w ill disable the R ecycle B in and perm anently delete item s w ith no chance of recovery. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E \ SO F TW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ B itB ucket M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: D W O R D // V alue N am e: N ukeO nD elete Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = U se R ecycle B in / 1 = Perm anently D elete] E xit R egistry and R eboot To avoid the inherent danger of editing the registry, the sam e results m ay be obtained by using the procedure detailed below . R ight click the R ecycle B in icon on the D esktop and click [Properties] Check the box for [D o N ot M ove Files to the R ecycle B in] Click [A pply] and [O K ]

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Faster Browsing in Windows Explorer on Network Computers B y default, a W indow s XP m achine connecting to a W indow s 95/98/M e com puter w ill search for scheduled tasks or enabled printers on the rem ote com puter. Tw o sub-keys control this behavior. D eleting them w ill speed up brow sing on the rem ote com puter. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft icrosof t \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV e rsion\ rsion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ R em oteCom puter\ puter \ N am eSpace M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D isable Scheduled Task Checking, V alue N am e: {D 6277990-4C6A -11CF-8D 87-00A A 0060F5B F} D elete the sub-key in the left pane of R egistry E ditor, D isable Printer Checking V alue N am e: {2227A 280-3A E A -1069-A 2D E -08002B 30309D } D elete the sub-key in the left pane of R egistry E ditor E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Increase Internet Download Connections Increases the num ber of allow ed sim ultaneous connections to ten (10). [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ Inter net Settings M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D M axConnectionsPer1_0Server

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

Setting for V alue D ata: [0000000a] M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D M axConnectionsPerServer

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

Setting for V alue D ata: [0000000a] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Enable/Disable Logon Screen Saver N ote:ote: - This applies only to the default Login [login.scr] screensaver and is not the sam e as screensaver selections m ade in the [D isplay Properties] property sheet accessed by right clicking on the desktop and selecting [Properties] from the context m enu. [Start] [Run] [Regedit] Registry K ey: Panel\D esktop

H K E Y_U SE RS\.D E FA U LT\Control

D ata Type: RE G _SZ ScreenSaveA ctive


V alue]


V alue

N am e:

M odify/Create the V alue N am e [ScreenSaveA ctive] according to the V alue D ata listed below . V alue D ata: [0 = ScreenSaveA ctive ScreenSaveA ctive E nabled]

D isabled




E xit Registry and Reboot

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Change the Registered Organization/Owner of Windows XP This tw eak allow s m odification of the registered ow ner and organization of the W indow s XP softw are. N ote: ote : - This tw eak has nothing to do w ith W indow s Product A ctivation (W PA ) and w ill not allow you to register illegal XP softw are. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E \ SO F TW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s V ersion er sion

N T\ T \ Current

M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: String V alue // V alue N am e: R egistered O rganization D ata Type: String V alue // V alue N am e: R egistered O w ner Setting for V alue D ata: [M odify the V alues to R eflect Current Inform ation] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Change the Location of Special Folders Tw eak allow s changing the location of special folders on the system . A ny of the folders listed in the registry key m ay be m oved. H K E Y_CU RRE N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft icros oft\ oft \ W indow s\ s \ Curr entV ersion\ ersion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ U serShell Folders M odify/Create the V alue N am e [V arious Folder N am es] according to the V alue D ata listed below . D ata Type: RE G _SZ [String V alue] // V alue N am e: Consult Regedit for Folder N am es V alue D ata: [M ove the folder to the new desired location using explorer, and then edit the m atching folder in Regedit to reflect the new folder location] E xit Registry and Reboot

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Enable/Disable Local Group Policy Objects In a non-netw orked environm ent (or in a netw orked environm ent that does not have a dom ain controller), the local G roup Policy object's settings are m ore im portant, because they are not overw ritten by other G roup Policy objects. You can open the G roup Policy snap-in to edit the local G roup Policy object that is stored on your local com puter. Click G roup Policy to open the local G roup Policy object. This tw eak allow s you to disable Local G roup Policy O bjects. [Start] [R un] [R egedit] H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ SO FTW A R E \ Policies\ Policies \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indo w s\ s \ System [In m ost cases, this registry key is not present and w ill need to be created] M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: D W O R D V alue // V alue N am e: D isableG PO Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = D efault (E nabled) / 1 = D isabled] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Enable/Disable Task Manager This tw eak disables user access to Task m anager. It m ust be applied on a user by user basis. R egistry K ey: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ers ion\ ion \ Policies\ Policies \ System M odify/Create odify /Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: D W O R D V alue // V alue N am e: D isableTaskM gr Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = E nabled (D efault) / 1 = D isabled] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Enable/Disable Run Commands Specific to the Registry This tw eak controls the use of the R un com m and on the local m achine. H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ Pol icies\ icies \ E xplorer Create a D W O R D value for each R un function that w ill be disabled. M odify/Create the V alue N am e [D isableL ocalM achineR un] according to the V alue D ata listed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D D isableLocalM achineR un

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

M odify/Create the V alue N am e [D isableLocalM achineR unO nce] according to the V alue D ata listed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D D isableLocalM achineR unO nce

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

M odify/Create the V alue N am e [D isableCurrentU serR un] according to the V alue D ata listed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D D isableCurrentU serR un

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

M odify/Create the V alue N am e [D isableCurrentU serR unO nce] according to the V alue D ata listed below . D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D D isableCurrentU serR unO nce

[D w ord

V alue]


V alue

N am e:

Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = D isabled / 1 = E nabled] E xit R egistry and R eboot

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Automatic Logon to Windows XP Convenience is one of the m ajor reasons this tw eak has becom e so popular. H ow ever, w ith convenience there is a price, and in this case that price is a lack of security. D ue to the w ay it is implem ented, anyone w ith local or rem ote access to the com puter can easily navigate to the registry key and find out your passw ord since it's stored as a plain text string. You've been w arned. H K E Y_L O CA L _M A CH IN E \ SO F TW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s N T \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ W inlogon M odify/Create the V alue D ata Type(s) and V alue N am e(s) as detailed below . D ata Type: String V alue // V alue N am e: D efaultU serN am e Setting for V alue D ata: [E nter the account nam e to be autom atically logged on] D ata Type: String V alue // V alue N am e: D efaultPassw ord Setting for V alue D ata: [E nter the account passw ord] D ata Type: String V alue // V alue N am e: A utoA dm inL ogon Setting for V alue D ata: [0 = D isabled / 1 = E nabled] E xit R egistry and R eboot A nother secure m ethod to accom plish the sam e result is at B ypass The W indow s XP L og O n Screen B ypass The W indow s XP L og O n Screen To m ake logon an unattended process: Click [Start] [R un] and type control userpassw ords2 Click [O K ] The [U ser A ccounts] Property Sheet displays. O n [U sers] tab, clear the [U sers m ust enter a user nam e and passw ord to use this com puter] check box. Click [A pply]. E nter a user nam e and passw ord that should be used to logon autom atically in the dialog box that appears. Click [O K ]. G o to [Control Panel] [U ser A ccounts] [Change the W ay U sers L og O n and O ff]. U ncheck [U se the W elcom e Screen] and [U se F ast U ser Sw itching] Page 48 of 96

Welcome Screen Logon versus Classic Logon This tw eak specifies w hether the W elcom e screen or the Classic logon w ill be used to access W indow s XP. H K E Y_LO CA L_M A CH IN E \ SO FTW A R E \ M icrosoft icro soft\ soft \ W indow s CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ W inlogon

N T\ T\

D ata Type: R E G _D W O R D [D w ord V alue] / V alue N am e: Logon Type V alue D ata: [0 - Classic M ode / 1 - W elcom e Screen] M odify/Create the V alue N am e [Logotype] according to the V alue D ata listed above. E xit R egistry and R eboot CH A N G IN G TH E D E FA U LT D O W N LO A D D IR E CTO R Y O F IE XPLO R E R G o to Start -> R un -> regedit >O pen H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ Internet E xplorer. Find the key "D ow nload D irectory” and edit to the location of your choosing. N ow , IE w ill B y default show that location w hen saving new files from the Internet.

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WHY DO INSTALL PROGRAMS ASK ME TO CLOSE EVERYTHING ELSE? W hen you install softw are on your m achine, you are usually asked to close the other running. 1. Som e install program s require you to reboot your operating system w hen the install is done. So, you w ould have to close the other program s dow n anyw ay. 2. Som e install program s m ay m odify parts of the program s currently running, and m ay even m odify part of your operating system . You m ay think, "H ey, I'm running a w ord processor. W hy should installing a spreadsheet require m e to close m y docum ent?" U nfortunately, w ith today's w orld of program s consisting of dozens, perhaps hundreds of pieces, there m ay be code shared by your w ord processor and the spreadsheet that you are trying to install. 3. W hat if the install program crashes? Installer program s are notorious for m odifying key O perating system com ponents. They m ight m odify som ething that causes your system to Crash and any w ork you m ay have done in your currently open applications w ould be lost. So play it safe close dow n other applications before running installers.

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Virus Removal Guide Disclaimer: Your antivirus softw are m ay report these scripts as potentially m alicious, or a possible virus. This is because these scripts w rite to the System Registry and the file system to rem ove the w orm . D etect & Remove the M i.M ail.C/M i.M ail.D W orm V isit the Follow ing Link and dow nload the V B based Patch N am ed "m im ailc_remove.vbs" and Run the E xe it w ould rem ove the V irus. http://w w w /security/scripts/m imailc_rem ove.vbs D etect & Remove the Sobig.E Sob ig.E w orm from your XP System To use: D ow nload the xp_sobig_remove.vbs file and save it to your hard drive (you m ay w ant to right click and use Save Target A s). D ouble-click the xp_sobig_remove.vbs file to run it. The script w ill tell you w hen it has com pleted. Link http://w w w /xp/scripts_desc/xp_sobig.htm RE M OV IN G W IN 32.BLA STE R W ORM … H ere is the solution to your problem. First set the clock 1 hr slow after u get that error m essage, so that you can w ork 1 hr w ithout any trouble. I U se W indow s XP W hile w orking, i get a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) error and m y PC starts a Shutdow n procedure by show ing a count dow n of 1 m inute, after w hich it actually restarts! This happens quite often. Yikes! It’s the W in32.Blaster W orm that’s infected your system . H ere's how you m anually rem ove this w orm from your system . Press [Crl] + [A lt] + [D el] to bring up the task m anager and rem ove any currently running instance of m sblast.exe. E nable the Internet connection Firew all in W indow s XP. Go to Control Panel > N etw ork>Connections. Right click your Internet connection and select properties. In the advanced tab, under Internet connection Firew all, check ‘Protect m y com puter and netw ork by lim iting or preventing access to this com puter from the internet’ enables the firew all. N ow , apply the security patch available for this w orm at the M icrosoft w eb site. http://support.m /default.aspx?scid=/directory/w orldw ide/ja/kblight/t009/7/02.asp N ote: - Start>Run>”shutdow n –a”. Click on Ok .This w ill abort the Shutdow n caused by RPC and w ould give you the tim e to correct all Settings Back to norm al.

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How can I configure TCP/IP settings from the Command Prompt? Configure interfaces Configure routing protocols Configure filters Configure routes Configure rem ote access behavior for W indow s-based rem ote access routers that are running the Routing and Remote Access Server (RRA S) Service D isplay the configuration of a currently running router on any com puter. U se the scripting feature to run a collection of comm ands in batch mode against a specified router. W hat can w e do w ith N etsh.exe? 1. netsh interface ip show config W ith N etsh.exe, you can easily configure your com puter's IP address and other TCP/IP related settings. The follow ing comm and configures the interface nam ed Local A rea Connection w ith the static IP address, the subnet m ask of, and a default G atew ay of N etsh.exe can be also useful in certain scenarios such as w hen you have a portable com puter that needs to be relocated betw een 2 or more office locations, w hile still m aintaining a specific and static IP address configuration. W ith N etsh.exe, ets h.exe, you can easily save and restore the appropriate netw ork configuration. First, connect your portable com puter to location #1, and then m anually configure the required settings (such as the IP address, Subnet M ask, D efault G atew ay, D N S and W IN S addresses). N ow , you need to export your current IP settings to a text file. U se the follow ing command: netsh - c interface dum p > c:\ c: \ location1.txt W hen you reach location #2, do the sam e thing, only keep the new settings to a different file: netsh - c interface dum p > c:\ c: \ location2.txt Page 52 of 96

You can go on w ith any other location you m ay need, but w e'll keep it sim ple and only use 2 exam ples. N ow , w henever you need to quickly im port your IP settings and change them betw een location #1 and location #2, just enter the follow ing comm and in a Com m and Prom pt w indow netsh - f c:\ c: \ location1.txt OR netsh - f c:\ c: \ location2.txt and so on. You can also use the global EXEC sw itch instead of -F: netsh exec c:\location2.txt N etsh.exe can also be used to configure co nfigure your N IC to autom atically obtain an IP address from a D H CP server:server: netsh interface ip set address "Local A rea Connection" dhcp W ould you like to configure D N S and W IN S addresses from the Comm and Prom pt? You can. See this exam ple for D N S:netsh interface ip set dns "Local A rea Connection" static This one for W IN S: netsh interface ip set w ins "Local A rea Connection" static Or If you w ant, you can configure your N IC to dynam ically obtain it's D N S settings: netsh interface ip set dns "Local A rea Connection" dhcp A s you now see, N etsh.exe has m any features you m ight find useful, and that goes beyond saying E ven w ithout looking into the other valuable options that exist in the com m and.

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How to Use the Netsh.exe Tool and Command-Line Switches N etsh.exe is a tool an adm inistrator can use to configure and m onitor W indow sbased com puters at a com m and prom pt. W ith the N etsh.exe tool, you can direct the context com m ands you enter to the appropriate helper, and the helper then carries out the com m and. A helper is a D ynam ic Link Library (.dll) file that extends the functionality of the N etsh.exe tool by providing configuration, m onitoring, and support for one or m ore services, utilities, or protocols. The helper m ay also be used to extend other helpers. MORE INFORMATION You can use the N etsh.exe tool to perform the follow ing tasks:  Configure interfaces.  Configure routing protocols.  Configure filters.  Configure routes.  Configure remote access behavior for W indow s-based rem ote access routers that are running the Routing and Remote A ccess Server (RRA S) Service.  D isplay the configuration of a currently running router on any com puter. • U se the scripting feature to run a collection of comm ands in batch m ode against a specified router. The syntax for the N etsh.exe tool is:

netsh [-[ - r router nam e] [-[ - a A liasFile] [-[ - c Context] [Com m and | - f ScriptFile] To display a list of sub contexts and comm ands that can be used in a context, type the context nam e follow ed by a space and a ? at the netsh> comm and prom pt. For exam ple, to display a list of subcontext and commands that can be used in the /routing context, type routing? at the netsh> comm and prom pt, and then press E N TE R. Contexts Page 54 of 96

Context strings are appended to the N etsh.exe tool comm and and are passed to an associated helper. The helper m ay have one or m ore entry points that m ap to contexts. Som e of the contexts available in the N etsh.exe tool are: Context Comm and: /dhcp Result: Changes to the D ynam ic H ost Configuration Protocol (D H CP) context. Context Comm and: /ras Result: Changes to the Rem ote Access Server (RAS) context. Context Comm and: /routing Result: Changes to the routing context. Context Comm and: /w ins Result: Changes to the W indow s Internet N ame Service (W IN S) context. Contexts m ay also nest w ithin other contexts. For exam ple, the follow ing contexts operate w ithin the netsh>ras context: Context Comm and: /ip Result: Changes to the Internet Protocol (IP) context. Context Comm and: /ipx Result: Changes to the Internetw ork Packet E xchange (IPX) context. Context Comm and: /netbeui Result: Changes to the N etBios Enhanced U ser Interface (N E TBEU I) context. The follow ing sub contexts operate w ithin the netsh>routing ip context: Context Comm and: /autodhcp Result: Changes to the autodhcp subcontext. Context Comm and: /dnsproxy Result: Changes to the dnsproxy subcontext. Context Comm and: /igmp Result: Changes to the Internet G roup M em bership Protocol (IG M P) subcontext. Page 55 of 96

Context Comm and: /m ib Result: Changes to the M anagem ent Inform ation Base (M IB) subcontext. Context Comm and: /nat Result: Changes to the N etw ork A ddress Translation (N AT) subcontext. Context Comm and: /ospf Result: Changes to the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) subcontext. Context Comm and: /relay Result: Changes to the relay subcontext. Context Comm and: /rip Result: Changes to the Routing Inform ation Protocol (RIP) subcontext. N etsh.exe Comm ands The follow ing additional com m ands can be used w ith the N etsh.exe tool: N OTE : Optional param eters are show n in brackets ([ ]). A lternative entries are show n w ith a pipe (|) Character betw een them . Context Comm and: /? Result: D isplays help. Context Comm and: /abort Result: D iscards any changes m ade in offline m ode. N o effect in online mode. Context Comm and: /add helper D LL-nam e Result: Installs the helper .dll file in netsh.exe. Context Comm and: /alias [alias-nam e] [string1] [string2 ...] Result: If /alias, lists all aliases. If /alias alias-name, displays the equivalent string. If /alias alias-nam e string1 string2 ..., sets alias-name to the specified strings. Context Comm and: /bye Page 56 of 96

Result: E xits the program . Context Comm and: /comm it Result: Comm its any changes m ade in the offline m ode to the router. N o effect in the online m ode. Context Comm and: /delete helper .dll file name Result: Rem oves the helper .dll file from N etsh.exe. Context Comm and: /dum p -file name Result: D um ps or appends configuration to a text file. Context Comm and: /exec script file name Result: Loads the script file and executes comm ands from it. Context Comm and: /exit Result: E xits the program . Context Comm and: /h Result: D isplays help. Context Comm and: /help Result: D isplays help. Context Comm and: /offline Result: Sets the current m ode to offline. Any changes m ade in this m ode are saved, but require a "com m it" or "online" comm and to be set in the router. Context Comm and: /online Result: Sets the current m ode to online. Any changes in this m ode are imm ediately reflected in the router. Context Comm and: /popd Result: Pops a context from the stack. Context Comm and: /pushd Result: Pushes current context onto the stack. Page 57 of 96

Context Comm and: /quit Result: E xits the program . Context Comm and: /set m ode [m ode =] online | offline Result: Sets the current m ode to online or offline. Context Comm and: /show alias | helper | mode Result: If /show alias, lists all defined aliases. If /show helper, lists all top-level helpers. If /show m ode, show s the current m ode. Context Comm and: /unalias alias nam e Result: D eletes the specified alias. H elper D ynam ic Link Libraries Files A vailable Routing & Remote A ccess IP Configuration - Ipm ontr.dll Routing & Rem ote Access IPX Configuration - Ipxm ontr.dll Interface - Ifm on.dll RA S - Rasmontr.dll D H CP - D hcpm on.dll W IN S - W insm on.dll A ssociated Registry E ntries for H elper D ynam ic Link Libraries Files H K EY_LOCA L_M A CH IN E/Softw are/M icrosoft/N etSh/ et Sh/ RE G_SZ : Ipm ontr.dll RE G_SZ : Ipxm ontr.dll RE G_SZ : Ifm on.dll RE G_SZ : Rasmontr.dll RE G_SZ : D hcpm on.dll RE G_SZ : W insm on.dll N OTE : If attem pts to use N etsh dum p - to dum p configurations to a file does not w ork, try U sing the syntax: netsh dum p >filenam e or path\filenam e, from a com mand line. Page 58 of 96

Windows XP Reset the TCP/IP Stack From comm and prom pt, type the follow ing netsh int ip reset log.txt Other W indow s XP netsh comm ands include: netsh diag connect m ail W ill connect to the default incom ing and outgoing m ail server then drop the connection. E asier for customers than trying to telnet to the m ail server ports netsh int ip show config Show s the current IP address and additional config info netsh int ip delete arpcache D eletes the arp cache entries for all available adapters (including the dial up adapter) W orks w ell w ith D SL if you are able to ping the loop back address, and your ow n IP but nothing else. netsh diag gui Launched the GU I N etw ork D iagnostic Program netsh diag show m ail Show s default m ail servers W indow s 2000 From a comm and prom pt, type the follow ing: netsh <enter> interface reset all routing reset all routing dum p bye exit Page 59 of 96

NETSH Command to Change from Static IP Address to DHCP in Win 2K You can use the netsh com m and in W indow s 2000 to script the process of changing a com puter from a static Internet Protocol (IP) address to D ynam ic H ost Configuration Protocol (D H CP) or vice versa. The netsh com m and accom plishes this task w ithout the need to restart the com puter. This feature is particularly useful for laptops that m ove from one environm ent to another, w hen it is necessary to use statically assigned IP addresses at one location and D H CP assigned IP addresses at another. M ore Inform ation: atio n:n: To sw itch the specified adapter from a static address to D H CP, type the follow ing com m and: netsh interface ip set address "Local A rea Connection" dhcp N O TE ::Typing this com m and changes the interface nam ed "L ocal A rea Connection" to D H CP. To display all of the adapters in the com puter w ith their current IP addresses to determ ine the correct A dapter nam e, type the follow ing com m and: N etsh interface ip show config To change to a static address, type the follow ing com m and: netsh interface ip set address "Local A rea Connection" static ip address subnetm ask gatew ay m etric N ote:ote: R eplace ipaddress w ith the static IP address, subnet m ask w ith the subnet m ask, gatew ay w ith the default gatew ay and, if necessary, m etric w ith the appropriate m etric. The follow ing exam ple changes the interface "L ocal A rea Connection" to a static address of w ith a subnet m ask of, and the interface has Page 60 of 96

a default gatew ay of w ith a m etric of 1: netsh interface ip set address "Local A rea Connection" static

Page 61 of 96

How to determine and recover from Winsock2 Corruption Sym ptom s W hen you try to release and renew the IP address by using the Ipconfig program, you m ay receive one of the follow ing error m essages. 1. A n error occurred w hile renew ing interfaces 'Internet': A n operation w as attem pted on som ething that is not a socket. 2. A n error occurred w hile renew ing interface Local A rea Connection: the requested service Provider could not be loaded or initialized. 3. W hen you start Internet E xplorer, you m ay receive,” The page cannot be displayed.” 4. W hen you use your com puter, Initialization function IN ITH E LPE RD LL in IPM ON TR.D LL failed to start w ith error code 10107 A dditionally, you m ay have no IP address or no Autom atic Private IP A ddressing (A PIPA ) A ddress and you m ay be receiving IP packets but not sending them . ingg error messages: W hen you use the ipconfig /renew comm and, you m ay receive the follow in 1. A n error occurred w hile renew ing interface local area connection: an operation w as A ttem pted on something that is not a socket. U nable to Contact driver Error code 2. 2. The operation failed since no adapter is in the state perm issible for this operation. 3. The attem pted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced. 4. W hen you create a dial-up connection, you m ay receive “E rror 720: N o PPP Control Protocols Configured.” In D evice M anager, w hen you click Show H idden D evices, TCP/IP Protocol D river is listed A s disabled under N on-Plug and Play drivers, and if w e try to enable it w ould give the error M essage E RROR 24.

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Manual steps to determine whether the Winsock2 key is corrupted To determ ine if the sym ptom s are caused by a problem w ith the W insock2 key, use the follow ing. U se the M sinfo32 program N ote: - U se this m ethod only if you do not have a W indow s XP Setup CD and you do N ot have Support Tools installed. 1. Click Start; click Run, type M sinfo32, and then click OK . 2. E xpand Com ponents, expand N etw ork, and then click Protocol. 3. You w ill have ten sections under Protocol. The section headings w ill include the follow ing nam es if the W insock2 key is undam aged: • M SA FD Tcpip [TCP/IP] • M SAFD Tcpip [U D P/IP] • RSV P U D P Service Provider •RSV P TCP Service Provider •M SA FD N etBIOS [\D evice\N etBT_Tcpip... •M SA FD N etBIOS [\D evice\N etBT_Tcpip... •M SA FD N etBIOS [\D evice\N etBT_Tcpip... •M SA FD N etBIOS [\D evice\N etBT_Tcpip... •M SA FD N etBIOS [\D evice\N etBT_Tcpip... •M SA FD N etBIOS [\D evice\N etBT_Tcpip... If the nam es are anything different from those in this list, the W insock2 key is corrupted, or you have a third-party add-on, such as proxy softw are, installed. If you have a third-party add-on installed, the name of the add-on w ill replace the letters "M SA FD " in the list. If there are m ore than ten sections in the list, you have third-party additions installed. If there are Few er than ten sections, there is inform ation m issing. N ote: - These entries represent an installation w ith only the TCP/IP protocol installed. You can have a w orking W insock and see additional entries if another protocol is installed. Page 63 of 96

Manual steps to recover from Winsock2 corruption W indow s XP w ith Service Pack 2 instructions To repair W insock if you have W indow s XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed. N ote: - Follow ing com m and w orks perfect from Comm and Prom pt so it should not be executed from Run w indow netsh w insock reset Restart the com puter after you run this comm and. W arning: Program s that access or m onitor the Internet such as A ntivirus, Firew all, or Proxy clients m ay be negatively affected w hen you run the netsh W insock reset comm and. If you have a program that no longer functions correctly after you use this resolution, reinstall the program to restore functionality. Follow ing steps should only be tried if the W insock com m and w as unable to fix the concern. W indow s XP w ithout Service Pack 2 instructions To repair W insock if you do not have W indow s XP SP2 installed, delete the corrupted registry keys, and then reinstall the TCP/IP protocol. Step 1: D elete the corrupted registry keys 1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK . 3. In Registry E ditor, locate the follow ing keys, right-click each key, and then click D elete: H K E Y_LOCAL_M A CH IN E \ System \ CurrentControlSet\ CurrentControlSet \ Services\ Services \ W insock H K E Y_LOCAL_M A CH IN E \ System \ CurrentControlSet\ CurrentControlSet \ Services\ Services \ W insock2 4. W hen you are prom pted to confirm the deletion, click yes. N ote: - Restart the com puter after you delete the W insock keys. D oing so causes the W indow s XP operating system to create new shell entries for those tw o keys. If you do not restart the com puter after you delete the W insock keys, the next step does not w ork correctly. Page 64 of 96

Step 2: Install TCP/IP 1. Open Control Panel and D ouble Click on N etw ork Connections.

2. Right Click on LA N and select “Properties”.

3. Click on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and then Click on “Install”.

4. Select the option “Protocol” and Click on the “A dd” Button. Page 65 of 96

5. Click on the “H ave D isk” Button.

6. In the Text Box, Type in “c:\w indow s\inf” and Click “OK ”.

7. N ow Select the First Option W hich W ould Say “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and Click “OK ”.

8. Finally Click on

“Close” and Restart the PC.

Page 66 of 96

If Internet Inter net Protocol (TCP/IP) does not appear, follow these steps A . Click Start, and then click Search. B. In the Search Com panion pane, click m ore advanced options. C. Click to select the follow ing three check boxes: • Search system folders • Search hidden files and folders • Search subfolders D . In the A ll or part of the file name box, type nettcpip.inf, and then click Search. E . In the results pane, right-click N ettcpip.inf, and then click Install. Restart the com puter. Supported Platform s: - M icrosoft W indow s Server 2003(Standard E dition, E nterprise E dition), W indow s XP (H om e E dition, Professional). G et the extra perform ance from your sam e old com puter. Click on: Start M enu G o To: Run & Type: Regedit Look for the K eys:H K EY_LOCA L_M E CH IN E \ SYSTE M \ CurrentConrolSet CurrentCo nrolSet\ nrolSet \ Control\ Control \ SessionM anager \ M em ory M anagem ent\ ent \ PrefetchParam eters N ow Look For the D W ORD K EY: E N A BLE PRE FE TCH E R Its D efault V alue Is: 3 Change the V alue To: 6 N ow Close the Registry E ditor and Restart Your Com puter N ote: If u Change its V alue to 1 It'll b very Slow and those w ho already have 3 then nothing to w orry. Page 67 of 96

N ote: - By changing the V alue w e are M aking W indow s to U se the Prefetch for Better Speed. This is a sim ple hack u can skip entering serial in office 20002000 - XpXp - 2003. Procedure: Procedure : 1. Copy entire contents of the office CD (2K or XP or 2003) in any folder of your com puter. 2. N ow brow se for setup.ini file and open it in notepad. 3. N avigate to

; [Options] ; If a value is present, the [Options] section gives the values of properties to apply to ; this installation. Specify them in the form at; PropN am e=PropV alue ; Remem ber to uncomm ent both the section name and the value names. ; ; U SE RN A M E =Custom er 4. H ere add just add one line as below ; [Options] ; If a value is present, the [Options] section gives the values of properties to apply to ; this installation. Specify them in the form at: ; PropN am e=PropV alue ; Remem ber to uncomm ent both the section name and the value names. ; ; U SE RN A M E =Custom er PID K E Y="A BCD E FGH IJK LM N OP" 5. W here "A BCD ...." is ur serial key w ithout "-". 6. save the file. 7. w rite office in a CD 8. start the setup U can see the serial is already in the appropriate fields there. E njoy...

Page 68 of 96

Breakings Windows 95/98 in 10 sec H ave you ever forgotten your w indow s passw ord and never been able to retrieve those files you longed? W ell here is how to change your passw ord w ithout know ing the old one. 1. W hen the com puter boots keep pressing F8 until you get to a boot screen. 2. Select boot in D O S. 3. G et yourself into the w indow s folder by typing "cd w indow s" 4. N ext type "dir *.pw l". This w ill display the login passw ord files. 5. A fter you found out the one that’s yours type del usernam l 6. R eboot the com puter 7. W hen you have to login, put in the usernam e you deleted, & enter new passw ord you like. 8. The com puter w ill say som ething like "N o passw ord.W ould you like to use this one? Confirm ? 9. Put your passw ord in. Sit back and w atch all the Com puter geeks try and open their w indow s boxes w ith the w rong passw ord

Page 69 of 96

R em ove genuine check at start of w indow s 1. Just rem ove these files... \W IN D O W S\system 32\W gaLogon.dll ,\W IN D O W S\system 32\W gaTray.exe & \W IN D O W S\system 32\LegitCheckControl.dll R enam e them and like abcd w ithout any extension like (.txt, .dll) and after that u can delete then restart u w ill not get any genuine problem legitcheckcontrol.dll and w gatray.exe can be easily rem oved w galogon.dll can be deleted in safe m ode. 2. B row se to C:\D ocum ents and Settings\A ll D ata\W indow s G enuine A dvantage\data folder.

U sers\A pplication

3. D elete data.dat file. N ow create a new text file the original .txt extention of the text file N eed to be changed. 4. The extension of text file can be changed by opening it and go to "save as" in file and renam e it to data.dat and set "save as type" to all files and save it  The new data.dat file has been created now go back to the W indow s E xplorer, at folder C:\D ocum ents and Settings\A ll U sers\A pplication D ata\W indow s G enuine A dvantage\data, Check that data.dat exists.  D elete the text file you created previously. W indow s G enuine A dvantage validation check has been disabled.

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How to crack any type of software protection Identifying the protection Run the program , game, etc., (Softw are X) that you w ant to crack w ithout the CD in the CD reader. Softw areX w ill not run of course, how ever, w hen the error w indow pops up it w ill give you all of the vital inform ation that you need to crack the program , so be sure to w rite dow n w hat it says. Cracking the protection N ow , run W in32D asm . On the file menu open D ISA SSE M BLER > OPE N FILE TO D ISA SSE M BLE. Select Softw are X’s executable file in the popup w indow that w ill appear (e.g. Softw areX.exe). W 32D asm m ay take several minutes to disassem ble the file. W hen W 32D asm finishes disassem bling the file it w ill display unrecognizable text; this is w hat w e w ant. Click on the String D ata References button. Scroll through the String D ata Item s until you find Softw are X’s error m essage. W hen you locate it, double click the error m essage and then close the w indow to return to the W in32D asm text. You w ill notice that you have been m oved som ew here w ithin the Softw are X’s check routine; this is w here the error m essage in generated. N ow com es the difficult part, so be careful. To crack Softw are X’s protection you m ust know the @ offset of every call and jum p comm and. W rite dow n every call and jum p@ offset num ber that you see (You have to be sure, that the OPBA R change its used color to green). You need the num ber behind the @ offset w ithout the “h.”N ow open H IEW , locate Softw are X’s executable, and press the F4 key. A t this point a popup w indow w ill appear w ith 3 options: Text, H ex, and D ecode. Click on “D ecode” to see a list of num bers. N ow press the F5 key and enter the num ber that w as extracted using W in32D asm . A fter you have entered the num ber you w ill be taken to Softw are X’s check routine w ithin H IEW . To continue you must understand this paragraph. If the comm and that you are taken to is E 92BF9BF74, for exam ple, it means that the comm and equals 5 bytes. E very 2 digits equal one byte: E 9-2B-F9-BF-74 => 10 digits => 5 bytes. If you understood this then you cans continue. Press F3 (E dit), this w ill allow you to edit the 10 digits. Replace the 5 bytes w ith the digits 90. In other w ords, E 92BF9BF74 w ill becom e 9090909090 (90-90-90-90-90). A fter you com plete this step press the F10 key to exit. Congratulations! You just cracked Softw are X! D on’t panic if Softw are X w ill not run after you finished cracking it. It only m eans that som ething w as done incorrectly, or perhaps Softw are X’s protection technology has been im proved or created after this tutorial. Sim ply reinstall Softw are X and start over. If you’re sure that you com pleted all steps correctly and the program still w ill not run then tough nuts… ..! Page 71 of 96

Steps to clear DNS cache and all associated Command Line Start>Run>Cm d>Open C:\D ocum ents and Settings\U sernam e> ipconfig/flushdns W indow s IP Configuration Successfully flushed the D N S Resolver Cache. C:\D ocum ents and Settings\ U sername >ipconfig/? U SA GE : ipconfig [/? | /all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter] | /flushdns | /displaydns | /registerdns | /show classid adapter | /setclassid adapter [classid] ] w here adapter

Connection nam e (w ildcard characters * and? allow ed, see exam ples)

Options: /?

D isplay this help m essage


D isplay full configuration inform ation.


Release the IP address for the specified adapter.


Renew the IP address for the specified adapter.

/flushdns Purges the D N S Resolver cache. /registerdns Refreshes all D H CP leases and re-registers D N S names /displaydns D isplay the contents of the D N S Resolver Cache. /show classid displays all the dhcp class ID s allow ed for adapter. /setclassid m odifies the dhcp class id.

Page 72 of 96

The default is to display only the IP address, subnet m ask and default gatew ay for each adapter bound to TCP/IP. For Release and Renew , if no adapter nam e is specified, then the IP address releases for all adapters bound to TCP/IP w ill be released or renew ed. For Setclassid, if no ClassId is specified, then the ClassId is rem oved. E xam ples: > ipconfig > ipconfig /all

... Show inform ation. ... Show detailed inform ation

> ipconfig /renew > ipconfig /renew E L*

... renew all adapters ... renew any connection that has its am e starting w ith E L

> ipconfig /release *Con* ... release all m atching connections, eg. "Local A rea Connection 1" or "Local A rea Connection 2"

Page 73 of 96

How to install a network adapter The basic steps necessary to install a netw ork adapter are below . The process of installation depends on the netw ork adapter and the configuration of your com puter so the procedure m ay differ. W indow s 98/M E Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. D ouble click the N etw ork icon. Click the A dd button on the N etw ork Control Panel. Select A dapter from the Select N etw ork Com ponent Type screen. Click A dd. On the Select N etw ork A dapters screen, select have D isk... Insert the netw ork card m anufacturer's floppy in the disk drive and select the A :\ drive from the drop-dow n m enu or locate the path w here the m anufacturer's files can be found on the hard drive. Click OK . A list of available drivers w ill be displayed. Select the appropriate driver from the list and click OK . Rem ove floppy from the A :\ drive if used and restart the com puter. W indow s XP/2000 Right click M y Com puter and select Properties. Select the H ardw are tab on the System Properties w indow . Click the D evice M anager Button. D ouble click N etw ork adapters or click the [+] to the left of N etw ork adapters to expand the tree. H ighlight the netw ork interface card and select A ction -> U ninstall from the menu. Click OK in the Confirm D evice Removal w indow Restart the com puter. W hen the com puter restarts: If W indow s locates the files and registry entries, the drivers w ill be reinstalled. If the files or registry entries are not located, the Found N ew H ardw are W izard w ill launch. If the Found N ew H ardw are W izard appears, click next. Select Search for a suitable driver for m y device (recomm ended) and click next. In the Locate D river Files w indow , place a check in Specify a location and leave the other options unchecked. Click N ext. Click Brow se. Click the dow n arrow beside the Look in box and select the drive that contains your N etw ork Interface Card's driver installation program . A fter the driver is located, select open. The installation path for the drivers w ill appear in the Copy M anufacturer's files from : field. Click OK . The D river Files Search Results w indow and M anufacturer nam e and m odel of the N etw ork Interface Card w ill appear. Click N ext. Page 74 of 96

Click Finish

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FAT32 OR NTFS: MAKING THE CHOICE Choosing the file system to use on a W indow s XP system is seldom easy, and frequently it's not just a onetim e decision. D ifferent factors can blur the decision process, and som e tradeoffs are m ore than likely. N o matter w hat m ethod you choose to adopt W indow s XP, you w ill have to face the FAT32 versus N TFS decision. Clean and upgrade installs both require you to address the situation early on in the process. Later on, if you add a drive or repartition an existing drive the decision process faces you yet again. Circum stances m ay dictate the choice for you, but in m ost cases the options have to be W eighed and the tradeoffs of using each m ethod analyzed. Let's look at the available choices. File System Choices M ost articles discussing file system choices look at FA T32 and N TFS as the tw o available choices. In Reality, there are three system s w hich could be selected. FA T, FAT32, and N TFS. G ranted, FAT32 and N TFS are the prim ary choices, but on occasion you'll still find the need for a FAT volum e. A FA T V olum e has a m aximum size of 2G B and supports M S-D OS as w ell as being used for some dual boot Configurations, but backw ard com patibility is about the only reason I can think of that FA T should ever be used, other than for the occasional floppy diskette. That said; let's m ove on to FAT32 and N TFS. W hich File System to Choose? A s much as everyone w ould like for there to be a stock answ er to the selection question, there isn’t. D ifferent situations and needs w ill play a large role in the decision of w hich file system to adopt. There isn’t any argument that N TFS offers better security and reliability. Some also say that N TFS is m ore flexible, but that can get rather subjective depending on the situation and w ork habits, w hereas N TFS superiority in security and reliability is seldom challenged. Listed below are som e of the m ost com mon factors to consider w hen deciding betw een FAT32 and N TFS. Security FAT32 provides very little security. A user w ith access to a drive using FAT32 has access to the files on that drive. N TFS allow s the use of N TFS Perm issions. It's m uch m ore difficult to im plement, but folder and file access can be controlled individually, dow n to an extreme degree if necessary. The dow n side of using N TFS Perm issions is the chance for error and screw ing up the system is greatly m agnified. W indow s XP Professional supports file encryption. Com patibility

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N TFS volum es are not recognized by W indow s 95/98/M e. This is only a concern w hen the system is set up for dual or multi-booting. FA T32 must be used for any drives that m ust be accessed w hen the com puter is booted from W indow s 95/98 or W indow s M e. An additional note to the previous statem ent. U sers on the netw ork have access to shared folders no M atter w hat disk form at is being used or w hat version of W indow s is installed. FA T and FAT32 volum es can be converted to N TFS volum es. N TFS cannot be converted to FA T32 w ithout reform atting. Space E fficiency N TFS supports disk quotas, allow ing you to control the am ount of disk usage on a per user basis. N TFS supports file com pression. FAT32 does not H ow a volume m anages data is outside the scope of this article, but once you pass the 8G B partition size, N TFS handles space m anagement m uch m ore efficiently than FA T32. Cluster sizes play an im portant part in how m uch disk space is a w asted storing file. N TFS provides sm aller cluster sizes and less disk space w aste than FAT32.In W indow s XP, the m aximum partition size that can be created using FA T32 is 32G B. This increases to 16TB (terabytes) using N TFS. There is a w orkaround for the 32G B lim itation under FAT32, but it is a nuisance especially considering the size of drives currently being m anufactured. Reliability FAT32 drives are m uch m ore susceptible to disk errors.N TFS volum es have the ability to recover from errors more readily than sim ilar FA T32 volum es. Log files are created under N TFS w hich can be used for autom atic file system repairs. N TFS supports dynam ic cluster rem apping for bad sectors and prevent them from being used in the future. The final choice A s the prior versions of W indow s continue to age and are replaced in the hom e and w orkplace there w ill be no need for the older file system s. H ard drives aren't going to get sm aller, netw orks are likely to get larger and m ore com plex, and security is evolving alm ost daily as m ore and m ore users becom e connected. For all the innovations that W indow s 95 brought to the desktop, it's now a virtual dinosaur. W indow s 98 is fast on the w ay out and that leaves N T and W indow s 2000, both w ell suited to N TFS. To w rap up, there m ay be com pelling reasons w hy your current situation requires a file system other than N TFS or a com bination of different system s for com patibility, but if at all possible go W ith N TFS. E ven if you don't utilize its full scope of features, the stability and reliability it offers m ake it the hands dow n choice.

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Change Text on XP Start Button Step 1 – M odify E xplorer.exe File In order to m ake the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:\W indow s needs to be edited. Since explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For this purpose in this article I have used Resource H acker. Resource H acker TM is a freew are utility to view , m odify, renam e, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit W indow s executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script com piler and decom piler and w orks on W in95, W in98, W in M E , W inN T, W in2000 and W inXP operating system s. http://w w w The first step is to m ake a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\W indow s\explorer. Place it in a folder som ew here on your hard drive w here it w ill be safe. Start Resource H acker and open explorer.exe located at C:\W indow s\explorer.exe as show n in Fig. 1. The first step is to m ake a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\W indow s\explorer. Place it in a folder som ew here on your hard drive w here it w ill be safe. Start Resource H acker and open explorer.exe located at C:\W indow s\explorer.exe as show n in Fig. 1. FIG 1

The category w e are going to be using is String Table. E xpand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate dow n to and expand string 37 follow ed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use num ber 38. The right hand pane w ill display the string table as show n in Fig. 2. W e’re going to m odify item 578, currently show ing the w ord “start” just as it displays on the current Start button. FIG 2

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There is no m agic here. Just double click on the w ord “start” so that it’s highlighted, m aking sure the quotation m arks are not part of the highlight. They need to rem ain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry. In my case I used ATU L. Fig 3

Com pare the screen captures in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 and you’ll notice that after the new text string has been entered the Com pile Script button that w as grayed out in Fig. 2 is now active in Fig. 3. I w on’t get into w hat’s involved in com piling a script, but suffice it to say it’s going to m ake this exercise w orthw hile. Click Com pile Script and then save the altered file using the Save A s comm and on the File M enu. D o not use the Save com m and – M ake sure to use the Save A s comm and and choose a nam e for the file. See Fig. 04. Save the new ly nam ed file to C:\W indow s. Fig 4

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Step 2 – M odify the Registry N ow that the m odified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file w ill be recognized w hen the user logs on to the system . If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure this article is for you, but just in case it’s a tem porary m emory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open: field. N avigate to: H K EY_LOCA L_M A CH IN E \ SOFTW A RE \ M icrosoft \ W indow s N T \ Current V ersion\ ersion \ W in logon Fig 5

In the right pane (Fig. 5), double click the Shell entry to open the E dit String dialog box as show n in Fig. 6. In V alue data: line, enter the nam e that w as used to save the m odified explorer.exe file. Click OK Fig 6

Close Registry E ditor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s your preference. If all w ent as planned you should see your new Start button w ith the revised text. Fig 7 Page 80 of 96

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How to get some non required Programs out of Start Up. The E asiest w ay to check w hich A ll Program s are in Startup Start







OK .


w ill



w indow

N ow click on the Last Tab on the Top N am ed as “Startup” & it w ill Show all the Program s w hich are in Startup.

N ow Check the path H ighlighted .This is the location of every Program in the Registry. Page 82 of 96

N ow Lets Start the M ain W ork. Click >Start>Run>type Regedit >Click ok Sim ply N avigate to the Location H K E Y_LOCA L_M A CH IN E \ SOFTW A RE \ M ICROSOFT \ W IN D OW S\ S \ CU RREN TV E RSI ON \ RU N

H ighlight the Program K ey that you w ant out of the startup List and Press D elete and Confirm D elete .A fter these steps m ake sure to reboot the com puter. N OTE : - JU ST M A K E SU RE TH AT TH E E N TRIE S CORRESPON D IN G TO AN TIV IRU S OR FIRE W A LL SH OU LD N OT BE D ELETED OTH E RW ISE TH E Y W ILL N OT PROV ID E TH E ACTIV E SH IE LD EFFE CT.

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Secure your Desktop Icons and Settings:You can save your desktop settings and secure it from your nerdy friend by playing w ith the registry. Sim ply launches the R egistry E ditor go to:

H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ Polic ies\ ies \ E xplorer In the right pane create a new D W O R D V alue nam ed N oSaveSettings A nd m odify its value to 1. R efresh and restart for the settings to get saved. D eleting System O ptions from the Start m enu:You can actually rem ove the Find and R un options from the start m enu by perform ing a Sim ple registry hack. A gain like alw ays Launch the registry editor and scroll dow n to the below key: H K E Y_CU R R E N T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ Polic ies\ ies \ E xplorer R ight-click on the right pane and select N ew , D W O R D V alue. N am e it N o Find. (To rem ove the R U N options nam e it N oR un). D ouble-click the new ly create D W O R D to edit its V alue and enter 1 as its value. This w ill disable the FIN D option of the Start M enu and w ill also D isable the default Shortcut key (F3 for F ind.) To restore the R un or find com m ands m odify the value of the D W O R D to 0 or Sim ply delete the D W O R D value.

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Cleaning Recent Docs Menu and the RUN MENU:The Recent D ocs m enu can be easily disabled by editing the Registry. H K EY_CU RREN T_U SE R\Softw are\M icrosoft\W indow s\CurrentV ersion\Policies\E xplorer N ow in the right pane, create a new D W ORD value by the nam e: N oRecentD ocsM enu & set it's value to 1.Restart E xplorer to save the changes. You can also clear the RU N M RU history. A ll the listings are stored in the key: H K EY_U SE RS\ RS \ .D efault\ efault \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ RunM R U You can delete individual listings or the entire listing. To delete H istory of Find listings go to: H K EY_CU RREN T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ CurrentV ersion\ ersion \ E xplorer\ xplorer \ D oc Find Spec M RU and delete.

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Remove Internet Explorer Branding Logos There are two ways to fix it (i) Com m and Line Fix

(ii) M anual Registry Fix

Comm and Line Fix Close all brow ser w indow s and applications. Click Start and select Run. In the Open: field, type in rundll32 iedkcs32.dll,Clear. Press the enter key or click OK . M anual Registry Fix Close all brow ser w indow s and applications. Click Start and select Run. Type in regedit Open H K EY_CU RREN T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ Internet E xplorer\ xplorer \ Toolbar. Toolbar D elete the follow ing string values: BigB itm ap

B randBitm ap

Sm allBitm ap

Sm BrandBitm ap

Open H K EY_CU RREN T_U SE R \ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ Internet E xplorer\ xplorer \ M ain D elete the follow ing string values: BigBitm ap

BrandBitm ap

Sm allBitm ap

Sm BrandBitm ap

W indow Title Close regedit. Launch Internet E xplorer. The nam e and logo should be reset to the defaults

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Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer & Outlook Express in Windows XP Setup has detected a new er version of Internet E xplorer already installed on this system . Setup cannot continue. 1. To avoid this error m essage and reinstall the sam e version of Internet E xplorer and O utlook express, follow these steps: 1. w hile you are logged on as an adm inistrator, click Start, and then click R un. 2. In the O pen box, type regedit, and then click O K . 3. Locate the appropriate registry sub key, right-click the Is Installed (R E G _D W O R D ) value, and then click M odify. To reinstall only the Internet E xplorer 6 brow ser com ponent on W indow s XP, H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E \ SO F TW A R E \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ A ctive Com ponents\ ponents \

Setup\ Setup \ Installed

{89820200{89820200 - E CB D - 11cf11cf - 8B 8585 - 00A A 005B 4383} To reinstall only O utlook E xpress 6 on W indow s XP, use the follow ing registry key: H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E \ SO F TW A R E \ M icrosoft\ Setup\ icrosoft \ A ctive Setup \ Installed Com ponents\ {44B B A 840ponents \ 840 - CC51CC51 - 11CF - A A FA - 00A A 00B 6015C} 60 15C} 4. Change the value data from 1 to 0, and then click O K . 5. Q uit R egistry E ditor, and then install Internet E xplorer 6.

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How to Remove Content Advisor Password in Internet Explorer The follow ing steps w ill rem ove any passw ord set in the Internet E xplorer Content A dvisor and allow you to reset the program to its original state. 1. Click on Start and choose R un. 2. Type in R egedit and select O K . 3. H K E Y_LO CA L _M A CH IN E version \ Policies

\ Softw are\ are \ M icrosoft\ icrosoft \ W indow s\ s \ Current

4. N ow click on the R atings folder. 5. R egedit w indow , you'll see an icon called K ey. Click on it and press D elete. 6. E xit R egedit. You've just deleted your original Content A dvisor passw ord. 7. R estart the com puter and run Internet E xplorer again. 8. Choose V iew and then Internet O ptions (or O ptions for version 3.x). For IE 5 or greater, click on Tools, Internet O ptions. 9. Click on the Content tab and click on D isable. W hen asked for a passw ord, don't enter anything; just click on O K . This w ill disable Content A dvisor because there's no longer a passw ord.

Page 88 of 96

How to Fix Problems with Content Advisor Missing Information In m ost cases, this problem occurs w hen the R atings.pol file is dam aged; Fix 1. Q uit Internet E xplorer 2. O pen M y Com puter, click on Tools, Folder O ptions 3. Click on the V iew tab and m ake sure "Show hidden files and folders" is selected, You m ay also uncheck the box next to "H ide extensions for K now n file types" and click O k 4. D ouble click on D rive C in M y Com puter 5. D ouble click on the W indow s folder and then double click on the System folder 6. Search for the file R A TIN G S.PO L and right click on it and choose R enam e. R enam e it to R A TIN G S.O LD 7. Close out of the open W indow s and then reopen Internet E xplorer 8. Click on Tools, Internet O ptions 9. Click on the Content tab, and then click on Settings 10. Type in the Supervisor passw ord if necessary and click O k 11. Select the R atings options you w ould like and click O k and close out of Internet E xplorer 12. W hen you reopen Internet E xplorer, everything should w ork.

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How to fix Cipher Strength of the Browser without reinstalling it Start>>R un>> w w w /3ldpr & Click O K A B lack Screen w ill get displayed and then a patch w ill be dow nloaded. Install the Patch and it should resolve the concern.

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Use NETSH Command to Change from Static IP Address to DHCP 2K You can use the netsh com m and in W indow s 2000 to script the process of changing a com puter from static Internet Protocol (IP) address to D ynam ic H ost Configuration Protocol (D H CP) or vice versa. The netsh com m and accom plishes this task w ithout the need to restart the com puter. This feature is particularly useful for laptops that m ove from one environm ent to another, w hen it is necessary to use statically assigned IP addresses at one location and D H CP assigned IP addresses at another. To sw itch the specified adapter from a static address to D H CP, type the follow ing com m and: netsh interface ip set address "Local A rea Connection" dhcp N O TE : Typing this com m and changes the interface nam ed "L ocal A rea Connection" to D H CP. To display all of the adapters in the com puter w ith their current IP addresses to determ ine the correct adapter nam e, type the follow ing com m and: N etsh interface ip show config To change to a static address, type the follow ing com m and: netsh interface ip set address "Local A rea Connection" static ip address subnet m ask gatew ay m etric N O TE : R eplace ipaddress w ith the static IP address, subnetm ask w ith the subnet m ask, G atew ay w ith the default gatew ay and, if necessary, m etric w ith the appropriate m etric. The follow ing exam ple changes the interface "L ocal A rea Connection" to a static address of w ith a subnet m ask of, and a default gatew ay of w ith a m etric of 1:

Page 91 of 96

Useful Windows Run Commands A dd H ardw are - W izardhdw w iz.cpl A dd/Remove Program s - appw iz.cpl A dm inistrative Tools control - adm intools A utom atic U pdates - w uaucpl.cpl Bluetooth Transfer W izard - fsquirt Certificate M anager - certm gr.m sc Character M ap - charm ap Check D isk U tility - chkdsk Clipboard V iew er - clipbrd Comm and Prom pt - cm d Com ponent Services - dcom cnfg Com puter M anagement - com pm gm t.m sc Control Panel - control D D E Shares - ddeshare D evice M anager - devm gm t.m sc D irect X Control Panel (If Installed)- directx.cpl D irect X Troubleshooter- dxdiag D isk Cleanup U tility- cleanmgr D isk D efragment- dfrg.m sc D isk M anagem ent- diskm gm t.m sc D isk Partition M anager- diskpart Page 92 of 96

D isplay Properties- control desktop D isplay Properties- desk.cpl D r. W atson System Troubleshooting U tility- drw tsn32 D river V erifier U tility- verifier Files and Settings Transfer Tool- m igw iz File Signature V erification Tool- sigverif Folders Properties- control Folders Fonts- control fonts Fonts Folder- fonts H yperTerm inal- hypertrm Iexpress W izard- iexpress Indexing Service- ciadv.m sc Internet Connection W izard- icw conn1 Internet E xplorer- iexplore Internet Properties- inetcpl.cpl I nternet Setup W izard- inetw iz N etw ork Related Commands:Commands: IP Configuration (D isplay Connection Configuration) - ipconfi/all IP Configuration (D isplay D N S Cache Contents) - ipconfig /displaydns IP Configuration (D elete D N S Cache Contents) - ipconfig /flushdns IP Configuration (Release A ll Connections) - ipconfig /release IP Configuration (Renew A ll Connections)Ipconfig /renew IP Configuration (RefreshesD H CP& Re-RegistersD N S)-ipconfig/registerdns IP Configuration (D isplay D H CP Class ID )- ipconfig/show classid IP Configuration (M odifies D H CP Class ID ) - ipconfig /setclassid Page 93 of 96

Java Control Panel (If Installed) - jpicpl32.cpl Java Control Panel (If Installed) - javaw s K eyboard Properties - control keyboard Local Security Settings - secpol.m sc Local U sers and G roups - lusrmgr.m sc Logs You Out Of W indow s - logoff N et meeting - conf N etw ork Connections - control net connections N etw ork Connections - ncpa.cpl N etw ork Setup W izard - netsetup.cpl N otepad - notepad Object Packager - packager OD BC D ata Source A dm inistrator- odbccp32.cpl Outlook E xpress - m simn Paint - pbrush Passw ord Properties - passw ord.cpl Perform ance M onitor - perfm on.m sc Phone and M odem Options - telephon.cpl Phone D ialer - dialer Pow er Configuration - pow ercfg.cpl Printers and Faxes - control printers Printers Folder - printers Private Character E ditor - eudcedit Regional Settings - intl.cpl Registry E ditor - regedit Page 94 of 96

Registry E ditor - regedit32 Rem ote D esktop - m stsc Rem ovable Storage - ntm sm gr.m sc Scanners and Cam eras - sticpl.cpl Scheduled Tasks - control schedtasks Security Center - w scui.cpl Services - services.m sc Shared Folders - fsm gm t.m sc Shuts D ow n W indow s - shutdow n Sounds and A udio - mm sys.cpl SQL Client Configuration - cliconfg System Configuration Editor - sysedit System Configuration U tility - m sconfig System File Checker U tility (Scan Im mediately)- sfc /scannow System File Checker U tility (Scan Once A t N ext Boot)- sfc /scanonce System File Checker U tility (Scan On E very Boot) - sfc /scanboot System File Checker U tility (Return to D efault Setting)- sfc /revert System File Checker U tility (Purge File Cache)- sfc /purgecache System File Checker U tility (Set Cache Size to size x)-sfc/cachesize=x System Inform ation- m sinfo32 System Properties - sysdm .cpl Task M anager - taskm gr TCP Tester - tcptest Telnet Client - telnet U ser A ccount M anagement- nusrm gr.cpl Page 95 of 96

U tility M anager - utilman W indow s E xplorer - explorer W indow s Firew all- firew all.cpl W indow s M anagem ent Infrastructure - w m im gm t.m sc W indow s M edia Player - w m player W indow s System Security Tool - syskey W indow s U pdate Launches - w updm gr

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