Windows Remote Assistance Help Guide.docx

  • Uploaded by: Amit Joshi
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 200
  • Pages: 6
Windows Remote Assistance Version 1.0 Date 07/12/2017 Author: Peter Forsyth

1. Open Windows Remote Assistance

2. Select Invite someone you trust to help you.

3. Select Save this invitation as a file.

4. The following box will appear.

5. Compose an email with the invitation file and the password that is shown on the screen as shown in the following screen shot.

6. The person that receives the invitation file should now download the file and open it, they should then copy and paste the password into the password box provided and click OK as shown in the following screen shots

7. The person who wants someone to connect to the terminal will then receive the following prompt, the user should select Yes.

8. The remote connection is now established, to allow the remote control of the users terminal you will need to select the Request Control button in the top left hand corner of the screen.

9. The user will be asked “Would you like to allow *USER* to share control of your desktop, the user should select Yes.

10. The connection now fully established, there is also a chat button that the users a to chat through text.

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