Wichita/hutchinson Working Families Voting Guide

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We build your planes. We construct your buildings. We process your mail. We teach your children. We staff your call centers and maintenance shops. We build America. We are union and we vote.

WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 A Voter Guide for those who earn a living. Produced by the Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation of Central Kansas, AFL-CIO


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Letter from Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation Judy Pierce The 2008 election will likely be the most important election of our lifetime. When it comes to the issues that face working families, never before has so much been at stake. Obviously we must work to elect a President and Congress that can not only undo the damage caused in the last 8 years but carry forward a progressive agenda to protect workers rights, make health insurance accessible to millions of uninsured Americans and insure millions of Americans, and protect our national security. At the state level, we must elect candidates who will vote to raise our shamefully low state minimum wage, expand workers compensation, fix our public schools, and restore fairness to our tax system. At the county level, we must ensure that any new County Commissioners or Sheriff would support the right of county employees to form unions. The Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation represents over 30,000 union members, their families, and the unions to which they belong. We are tasked with an awesome responsibility to screen hundreds of candidates for state and local races across the seven counties we represent. We do not take this responsibility lightly. Many weeks of hard work went into researching, surveying, interviewing, debating, and ultimately endorsing candidates. We have assembled this voter guide to assist union members and any other voter who cares about the issues facing working families in picking the right candidates this November. You can rest assured the candidates that the Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation has endorsed are the best choice in that race to represent working families. On your right you will see a table of contents to help you navigate the guide. First we discuss the National level candidates, and get you familiar with the issues that will face the next President and Congress. Then we proceed to lay out in depth the issues we face in Kansas, present our recommendations for Kansas Senate and House, and show you how the candidates stack up on the issues. Finally, we turn our attention to the local level and which candidates for County Commissioner, Sheriff, Judge, Board of Education, and District Attorney carry our endorsement. At the end of the guide, we have summarized all the endorsements into a quick reference guide that you can cut out and take with you to the polls. To truly make a difference in this historical election, you need to do much more than vote. If you find a candidate that you like, consider volunteering a couple hours or donating even a small amount. We have provided contact information for every endorsement. Finally, we ask that you consider helping out with our 2008 Labor Votes program. We will be sending letters and making phone calls to union members to educate them on what is at stake in this election and how they can help elect labor-friendly candidates. If you can volunteer even a small amount of time, please contact our Executive Director, Jake Lowen at 316-941-4061 or [email protected].


Table of Contents





I hope this guide assists you with the many choices you will have to make this November. If we can be of any assistance please to do not hesitate to contact us.


Kansas Senate


Senate Survey Responses



Kansas House


House Survey Responses


County and BOE races


Quick Reference Guide

Judy Pierce President





striking workers.”

United States Senate

Endorsed candidate: Barack Obama (D)

AFSCME President Gerald McEntee, chairman of the AFLCIO Political Committee, pledged to “work our hearts out for Barack Obama.   Our program is going to be worker to worker and neighbor to neighbor. Weʼre ready to mobilize. Weʼre ready to rock and roll. This country and our people are ready for change.” 

Endorsed candidate: Jim Slattery (D)

Says Electrical Workers (IBEW) President Edwin Hill, “We want to engage our members and all working people on the need for action on the issues that make a difference in our daily lives. It is time to move beyond name calling and division so that our country can take positive action on the challenges we face.”

CONTACT: 785-232-6800

CONTACT: (866) 675-2008 www.barackobama.com The AFL-CIO has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) for president. The AFL-CIO General Board, which voted to endorse Obama, includes presidents of all 56 unions in the AFLCIO, as well as Executive Council members and representatives of state and local federations, trade departments and constituency groups. Said AFL-CIO President John Sweeny, “Obama has vowed to fight for working families and for an economy that works for all—and he has the record to prove it. As a church-based community organizer, Obama assisted those affected by closing steel mills. As a state senator in Illinois, he sponsored legislation to expand health care and protect overtime pay. As a U.S. senator, Obama has earned a 98 percent lifetime rating from the AFL-CIO. And all along, heʼs marched on picket lines and rallied with

United Steelworkers (USW) President Leo W. Gerard said, “Sen. Obamaʼs plan to revitalize American manufacturing and his commitment to make workers the top priority in any trade agreement gives our members hope that his election will lead the country in a new direction thatʼs long overdue, and inspire us to work as never before to secure his victory.”


Committee Roberts ensured there was no serious investigation into how the administration fixed the intelligence that took the United States to war in Iraq or the fabricated documents used as evidence to do so. Because of all this we wholeheartedly endorse Jim Slattery for the U.S. Senate. Kansas 4th Congressional District Endorsed candidate: Donald Betts (D)

www. slatteryforsenate.com

2008 presents a unique opportunity for Kansas to elect a United States Senator who will put the people before corporate interests. Jim Slattery ably served in the Kansas legislature and the United Sates Congress from 1983 to 1995 and received the endorsement of the labor movement in each of those elections. Incumbent Senator Pat Roberts has an extremely poor voting record. In his Congressional career he has voted with working families only 12 percent of the time and only 26 percent in 2007. In 2007 Roberts voted against increasing the minimum wage, against the Employee Free Choice Act, against collective bargaining rights for federal employees, against the Davis- Bacon prevailing wage act, and to ban majority sign-up for union recognition. As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence

Page 3 of 16 employees, against the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage act, and to ban majority sign-up for union recognition. State Senator Donald Betts has demonstrated leadership and a commitment to progressive values in the Kansas legislature. A Wichita native, state Senator Donald Betts is a young man who overcame early obstacles to become a leader in the Kansas legislature. In 2004 Betts became the youngest person ever elected to the Kansas Senate. He has served his state legislative districts in both the Kansas House and Senate. Therefore, the Wichita/ Hutchinson Labor Federation endorses Donald Betts for the US Congress from the 4th District.

CONTACT: (316) 312-7777 www.betts4congress.com

Incumbent Fourth District Congressman Todd Tiahrt has an extremely poor voting record, consistently voting against working families and for flawed trade treaties that harm American workers. In his Congressional career he has voted with working families only 10 percent of the time and only 13 percent in 2007. In 2007 Tiahrt voted against increasing the minimum wage, against the Employee Free Choice Act, against collective bargaining rights for federal


WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 VOTER GUIDE The Kansas Senate will present some unique opportunities this year. In 2008 we can continue to turn the tide in favor of working people. The Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation has surveyed, researched, and interviewed all the Kansas Senate races and recommend the candidates on the following pages as the best choice to represent working families. Please see page 6 for our endorsed candidateʼs stance on the issues.

District 27 Contest between Incumbent Les Donovan (R) and Melissa Flower (D).

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Kansas Senate District 16

Kansas Senate District 25

Kansas Senate District 26

Kansas Senate District 28

Endorsed candidate: Peter DeVries (D)

Endorsed candidate: Jean Schodorf (R)

Endorsed candidate: Pam Frieden (D)

Endorsed candidate: Shala Perez (D)

Occupation: Educator CONTACT: 316-204-6549 [email protected] devriesforkansas.com

No Endorsements: The Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation chose not to endorse any candidate in the following KS Senate races:

As a house member, Republican challenger Ty Masterson has a horrible voting record on our issues and must not be allowed to carry his anti-labor agenda to the Kansas Senate. In the last House Session, Ty Masterson voted against an amendment that would make the Misclassification of workers a crime that would include a criminal penalty. As a union member and educator Peter DeVries marks a clear contrast and is the clear choice for the 16th Senate district.


Occupation: Speech/ Language Pathologist CONTACT: 316-259-0912 [email protected] Jean Schodorf has a proven track record of supporting working families. As a Republican she has shown a willingness to work with Democrats to develop and pass solutions to problems facing working families.

Occupation: Social Worker CONTACT: 316-259-7311 [email protected] www.PamFrieden.com Republican Challenger Dick Kelsey was unresponsive to our survey. He voted against raising the minimum wage in Kansas in the last House Session. Democratic Challenger Pam Frieden shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and would be a solid representative for working families in the 26th.

Occupation: Law Enforcement CONTACT: 316-518-8118 shala@perezforkansas. com www.perezforkansas.co m Incumbent Republican Mike Peterson was unresponsive to our survey. Democratic Challenger Shala Perez shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and would be a solid representative for working families in the 28th.



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Kansas Senate District 29

Kansas Senate District 30

Kansas Senate District 31

Kansas Senate District 32

Kansas Senate District 33

Endorsed candidate: Oletha Faust-Goudeau (D)

Endorsed candidate: Elizabeth Bishop (D)

Endorsed candidate: Gene Marsh (D)

Endorsed candidate: Greta Goodwin (D)

Endorsed candidate: Ruth Teichman (R)

Occupation: Retired from non-profit work

Occupation: ER Physician

Occupation: Legal Assistant

Occupation: Banker/ Farmer

CONTACT: (316) 841-5173 elizabeth@bishopfor kansas.com bishopforkansas.com

CONTACT: 316-835-3435 [email protected]

CONTACT: 620-221-9058 [email protected]

CONTACT: 620-234-5159 [email protected]

Incumbent Republican Carolyn McGinn was unresponsive to our survey. Democratic Challenger Gene Marsh shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and would be a solid representative for working families in the 31st

Greta Goodwin has a proven track record of supporting working families. She has worked with Republicans to develop and pass solutions to problems facing working families.

Ruth Tiechman has a proven track record of supporting working families. As a Republican she has shown a willingness to work with Democrats to develop and pass solutions to problems facing working families.

Occupation: Photographer CONTACT: 316.652.9067 [email protected] olethaforsenate.com

As a house member, Oletha Faust-Goudeau was a proven leader for working families. In the last House session, she voted correctly on all critical labor votes. She presents a clear choice to replace Senator Donald Betts in the 29th Senate district.

Incumbent Republican Susan Wagle was unresponsive to our survey. Democratic Challenger Elizabeth Bishop shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and would be a solid representative for working families in the 30th.



WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 VOTER GUIDE Kansas Senate District 34

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Survey Responses of Endorsed Senate Candidates


in im um Pu W ag bl ic e Em Pr pl ev oy ai ee lin s g Fa W ir ag Sh e ar Li e vi ng W ag Fo e od Sa l es W or Ta ke x rs C tr om ai ni p ng ? /v he oal te th ch ca ? re ta x fa irn e “B ss uy A m e ric Im an m ig ” ra t Pa io n id Fa m M ily is Le cl as av si e? fy Si in gn g ed em pl W pl ed or oy ge ke ee rs s Fr ee do m

Endorsed candidate: David Inskeep (D)

Occupation: Banker CONTACT: 620-665-7655 daveinskeep@ sbcglobal.net daveinskeep.com David Inskeep is running an extremely competitive campaign to replace incumbent Terry Bruce. David possesses a strong knowledge of the issues facing working families and is a solid choice to represent the 34th.

16 Peter Devries

               

25 Jean Schodorf

               

26 Pam Frieden

               

28 Shala Perez

               

29 Oletha FaustGoudeau

We did not send a survey due to an early endorsement

30 Elizabeth Bishop

               

31 Gene Marsh

               

32 Greta Goodwin

Endorsement based on voting record.

33 Ruth Teichman

Endorsement based on voting record.

34 David Inskeeep

               

= supports our position


= unsure / no response

= opposes our position


WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 VOTER GUIDE The Kansas House presents the best opportunity to win critical seats and advance an agenda that will help working families. The Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation has surveyed, researched, and interviewed all the Kansas House races and recommend the candidates on the following pages as the best choice to represent working families. Please see page 13 for our endorsed candidateʼs stance on the issues. No Endorsements: The Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation chose not to endorse any candidate in the following KS House races: District 70, 77, 83, 94, 100, and 104

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House District 72

House District 75

House District 78

House District 79

Endorsed candidate: Tom Adrian (D)

Endorsed candidate: Sarah Johnston (D)

Endorsed candidate: Ed Trimmer (D)

Endorsed candidate: Gene Burr (D)

Occupation: Retired Educator

Occupation: Retired school administrator

CONTACT: 620-221-7146 [email protected] www.members.cox.net/ etrimmer

CONTACT: 620-442-5018 [email protected]

Occupation: Attorney Occupation: Physician CONTACT: 316-323-7897 [email protected] www.adrianforstaterep.com

In the 72nd Kansas House district Democratic challenger Tom Adrian is a clear pick over Republican incumbent Marc Rhodes who did not return our survey. The incumbent has voted against raising the State Minimum Wage and an amendment that would provide for a criminal penalty for Misclassification of Workers. Tom has clearly demonstrated an understanding of the needs of working families and will better represent our needs in this district.


CONTACT: 316-377-6313 [email protected] www.electjohnston.com

Sarah Johnston came very close to unseating incumbent challenger John Grange (R) in the last election. With Grangeʼs disappointing voting record on many issues including Minimum Wage, Sarah Johnston is the clear pick in this district.

Incumbent Ed Trimmer has a solid track record of voting to support working families. He voted correctly on all critical votes to organized labor in the 2008 House Session. This includes a raise in Minimum Wage and for Workers Compensation. We believe that he will continue to do a good job in the next legislative session. Republican challenger John Whittington did not return our survey.

Democratic challenger Gene Burr has an excellent chance of unseating Republican incumbent Kasha Kelley. Kelley has an abysmal voting record on issues concerning working families and Burr would make a welcome replacement in this strong union district. Incumbent Kasha Kelley voted against an amendment to fund public education for a 4th year, extending the 3 year school finance plan.



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House District 80

House District 81

House District 82

House District 84

House District 85

Endorsed candidate: Vincent Wetta (D)

Endorsed candidate: Mark Hardison (D)

Endorsed candidate: Anita Hafner (D)

Endorsed candidate: Gail Finney (D)

Endorsed candidate: Billie Knighton (D)

Occupation: Ruminant Consultant

Occupation: Retired

Occupation: Retired Railroad Engineer CONTACT: 620-326-5205 [email protected] Incumbent Vincent Wetta has a solid track record of voting to support working families. We believe that he will continue to do a good job in the next legislative session. Wetta is unopposed in the general election. He voted correctly on all critical labor votes in the 2008 House Session.

CONTACT: 316-777-4894 [email protected]

For many years labor had a friend in Ted Powers (R) who held this seat. After he passed away last year we now have an open seat contest. Democrat Mark Hardison has shown a deep understanding of labor issues and has the leadership necessary to hold this seat.


CONTACT: 316-788-4570 [email protected] AnitaHafnerForHouse.com

Incumbent Republican Don Myers was unresponsive to our survey. Democratic Challenger Anita Hafner shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and could be a solid representative for working families in the 82nd. Incumbent Don Myers voted against a Workers Compensation bill that would help workers get disability benefits.

Occupation: Marketing Consultant CONTACT: 316.689.8113 [email protected] www.gailfinney.com Gail Finney is unopposed in the general election and would make a good representative for working families in the 84th district.

Occupation: Social Worker CONTACT: 316-258-8436 [email protected]


Incumbent Republican Steve Brunk was unresponsive to our survey. The incumbent voted against raising the Minimum Wage in Kansas. Democratic Challenger Billie Knighton shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and could be a solid representative for working families in the 85th.



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House District 86

House District 87

House District 88

House District 89

House District 90

Endorsed candidate: Judy Loganbill (D)

Endorsed candidate: Raj Goyle(D)

Endorsed candidate: Jim Ward (D)

Endorsed candidate: Melody McCray-Miller (D)

Endorsed candidate: Jacque Davis (D)

Occupation: Building Aide, USD 262 Occupation: Teacher CONTACT: 316-683-7382 [email protected]

Incumbent Democrat Judy Loganbill is an educator and union member. She voted correctly in all critical votes for organized labor in the 2008 House Session. She has a proven track record of representing the 86th district and is a leader on issues of education and workers rights.

Occupation: WSU Lecturer and Attorney CONTACT: 316-681-8133 [email protected] www.rajforkansas.com Incumbent Democratic Raj Goyle has achieved more in his first term in Topeka than many do in a career. He has gained a reputation as a “rising star” in the Democratic party and we can expect to see big things from him. Fortunately he has a proven voting record in support of working families. Neither Raj or his opponent returned our surveys, but Raj Goyle is the clear choice in this district.


Occupation: Attorney CONTACT: (316) 683-3609 [email protected] jimwardforkansas.org

Incumbent Democrat and Assistant House Minority Leader, Jim Ward is a proven leader on issues of health care, jobs, and many others affecting working families. He voted correctly on all important votes that would impact labor in the 2008 House Session. Jim is one of the most effective advocates we have in Kansas and deserves our endorsement.

Occupation: Small Business Owner CONTACT: 316-744-7516 [email protected] Incumbent Democrat Melody McCray-Miller is unopposed in the general election, but has a proven track record that shows she understands the issues affecting Kanas working families. She voted 100% of the time with important labor issues in the last House Session.

CONTACT: 316-755-9122 [email protected]

Incumbent Steve Huebert has a poor voting record on labor issues and did not return our survey. He voted against all critical votes that would impact labor in the 2008 House Session. Democratic Challenger Jaque Davis shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and could be a solid representative for working families in the 90th.



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House District 91

House District 92

House District 93

House District 95

House District 96

Endorsed candidate: Jinna Jeffery (D)

Endorsed candidate: Nile Dillmore (D)

Endorsed candidate: Joann Keiter (D)

Endorsed candidate: Tom Sawyer (D)

Endorsed candidate: Terry McLachlan (D)

Occupation: Accountant

Occupation: Retired Boeing employee

CONTACT: 316-265-7096

CONTACT: 316-619-7879

tom@ tomsawyer2wayradios.com tomsawyerforkansas.com

[email protected]

Occupation: Nurse CONTACT: 316-838-9526 [email protected]

Incumbent Brenda Landwehr has a poor voting record on labor issues and did not return our survey. The incumbent voted against raising the Kansas Minimum Wage. As a leading conservative Landwehr often votes to erode worker protections. Democratic Challenger Jinna Jeffery is the clear choice in the 91st.

Occupation: Development Specialist at a Credit Union CONTACT: 316-264-2988 [email protected] www.niledillmore.com Incumbent Nile Dillmore has a strong voting record in support of working families and deserves our endorsement. He voted for with labor on all the important votes in the 2008 House Session.


Occupation: Retired school administrator CONTACT: 316-258-3997 [email protected] www.jeannkeiterforhouse. org

In this open seat contest, Democrat Joann Keiter has the experience and the passion to be a great representative in the 93rd district. Republican challenger Dan Kerschen did not return our survey.

Tom Sawyer is a proven leader with many years of experience in the KS legislature. He voted correctly on all critical votes to organized labor. He is a clear choice over challenger Benny Boman who did not return our survey.


Terry McLachlan has been a strong supporter of working families in his first term as office. As a union member, Terry understands labor issues and will continue to be a strong advocate for wages, health care, and labor issues. He voted correctly on all votes that are critical to labor in the 2008 House Session.



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House District 97

House District 98

House District 99

House District 101

House District 102

Endorsed candidate: Dale Swenson (R)

Endorsed candidate: Geraldine Flaharty (D)

Endorsed candidate: Cheryl McFarthing (D)

Endorsed candidate: Mark Treaster (D)

Endorsed candidate: Janice Pauls (D)

Occupation: Retired Boeing employee

Occupation: Retired Teacher

Occupation: OwnerRainbow International

Occupation: Attorney

CONTACT: 316-304-7257

CONTACT: 316-524-8039

[email protected]

Dale Swenson has a proven track record of supporting working families. As a Republican he has shown a willingness to work with Democrats to develop and pass innovative solutions to working problems. He brings an impressive intellect and is considered a national leader in developing progressive policy.

[email protected]

Incumbent Democrat Geraldine Flaharty is unopposed in the general election, but has a proven track record that shows she understands the issues affecting Kanas working families. In the last House Session, she voted for labor on all critical votes.


Occupation: Retired USD 259 principal CONTACT: 316-733-9140 [email protected] www.mcfarthing4kansas house.com

In this open seat contest, Retired USD 259 principal Cheryl McFarthing represents a better choice than Aaron Jack who did not return our survey.

CONTACT: 620-663-8961 [email protected]

CONTACT: 620-665-8151 [email protected]

Incumbent Mark Treaster has a strong voting record in support of working families and deserves our endorsement. He voted correctly on all 2008 votes that were important to organized labor.

Incumbent Jan Pauls has a strong voting record in support of labor and is unopposed in the general election. She voted for all important organized labor issues in the 2008 House Session.



House District 103

House District 105

House District 113

House District 116

Endorsed candidate: Delia Garcia (D)

Endorsed candidate: Derek White (D)

Endorsed candidate: Mike Laudick (D)

Endorsed candidate: Dennis McKinney (D)

Occupation: Farmer

CONTACT: 620-257-2240 [email protected]

Incumbent Republican Jason Watkins was unresponsive to our survey. The incumbent did not vote for an amendment that would make the Misclassification of Workers a criminal penalty. Democratic Challenger Derek White shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and could be a solid representative for working families in the 105th.

Incumbent Republican Bob Bethell was unresponsive to our survey. Bob Bethell voted against raising the Kansas Minimum Wage in the 2008 House Session. Democratic Challenger Mike Laudick shows a willingness to be educated on our issues and could be a solid representative for working families in the 113th.

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Occupation: Teacher/ Counselor at a Juvenile Corrections facility Occupation: Consultant CONTACT: 316-209-8106 reelectdeliagarcia@ yahoo.com


Incumbent Delia Garcia has a strong voting record in support of labor and is unopposed in the general election. She voted correctly on all critical votes for labor in the last House Session.

CONTACT: 316-371-9323 [email protected]


CONTACT: 620-723-2129 [email protected]

Incumbent House minority leader Dennis McKinney is a strong leader and has a solid track record of voting to support working families. We believe that he will continue to do a good job in the next legislative session. McKinney is unopposed in the general election.


Page 13 of 16


Sarah Johnston


Ed Trimmer


Gene Burr


Vincent Wetta


Mark Hardison


Anita Hafner


Gail Finney

Was not sent a survey because she is unopposed.


Billie Knighton


Judy Loganbill


Raj Goyle

Endorsement based on voting record.


Jim Ward


Melody McCray-Miller

Was not sent a survey because she is unopposed.


Jacque Davis


Jinna Jeffery


Nile Dillmore


Joann Keiter


Tom Sawyer


Terry McLachlan


Dale Swenson


Geraldine Flaharty


Cheryl McFarthing

101 Mark Treaster

102 Janice Pauls

Was not sent a survey because she is unopposed.

103 Delia Garcia

Was not sent a survey because she is unopposed.

105 Derek White


Mike Laudick


Dennis McKinney

Was not sent a survey because he is unopposed.





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Survey Responses of Endorsed House Candidates







WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 VOTER GUIDE Not everything happens in Topeka. There are several critical county and Board of Education races too. The Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation has surveyed, researched and interviewed several of the county races in Sedgwick, Reno, Harvey, Sumner, Butler, Kingman and Cowley counties and recommend the candidates on the following pages as the best choice to represent working families. Where a race is excluded from this guide, it can be assumed that noendorsement was made in that race.

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Sedgwick County 2nd Commission District

Sedgwick County 3rd Commission District

Sedgwick County Sheriff

Sedgwick County District Attorney

Endorsed candidate: NO ENDORSEMENT

Endorsed candidate: Marcey Gregory (D)

Endorsed candidate: Walt Kuykendall (D)

Endorsed candidate: Nola Foulston (D)

This is a very disappointing race for working families. Incumbent Democrat Tim Norton is running for re-election against Republican challenger Craig Gabel. Tim Norton had been previously endorsed by the Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation but has failed to live up to the promises he made. In 2004, Tim Norton signed our “Right to Organize” pledge and then refused to stand up for Sedgwick county workers when they attempted to gain the right to form a union in 2007. Unfortunately neither Norton or his challenger returned our surveys or letters and we can not offer an endorsement in this race.


Occupation: Small Business Owner / Mayor of Goddard CONTACT: 316-794-3554 [email protected] www.gregory4commissi oner.com/

Marcey Gregory is vying for the 2nd county commission seat, currently held by Republican Tom Winters. Winters lost in the primary to archconservative Karl Peterjohn who will face Gregory in November. Marcey Gregory has proven to be an effective leader as mayor of Goddard and if elected would turn the tide of the county commission in favor of working families.

Occupation: Retired WPD, Substitute teacher for USD 259 CONTACT: 316-644-8702 [email protected] www.callmewalt.com

In the race for Sedgwick county Sheriff we felt strongly that both Robert Hinshaw and Walt Kuykendall had the experience and leadership necessary to make a good sheriff. Robert Hinshaw is the current under-Sheriff and Walt Kuykendall is a lifelong member of the FOP. Both bring decades of law enforcement experience and we believe can help to address the Sheriff departments poor morale. In the end, however, the decision was made to endorse Kuykendall because of his willingness to sign our “Right to Organize” pledge without modification.

Occupation: Current District Attorney CONTACT: 316-383-7281 [email protected] www.districtattorneynola foulston.com

While DAʼs cant advocate for union issues specifically, we have found Foulston to be candidate most likely to run the office effectively and keep Sedgwick county working families safe.


WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 VOTER GUIDE Harvey County Sheriff Endorsed candidate: Bruce Jolliff (R)

Board of Education, District 8

Sedgwick County Judge, Division 14

Endorsed candidate: Walt Chappell (D)

Endorsed candidate: Rebecca Pilshaw (D)

Occupation: Judge Occupation: Instructor of Police, Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center CONTACT: 316-253-5608 [email protected] www.jolliff4sheriff.com

Bruce Jolliff has 24 years of experience in Law Enforcement. We feel that he is the best candidate for this race.

Occupation: Business Owner CONTACT: 316-838-7900 chappellhq@chappell4k sboe.com www.chappell4ksboe.co m

Walt Chappell had received our endorsement during a previous campaign for Kansas legislature. He is now vying for the State BOE 8th district seat where he is the clear choice. He will bring moderation and a strong commitment to education and enhancing vocational education. He also wants to reduce the drop out rate and decrease property taxes.

CONTACT: 316-841-2832 [email protected] www.rebeccapilshaw.com

Pilshaw is the current judge in this district, and despite some recent negative publicity, we find that she is the best choice to maintain balance and impartiality to this critical judgeship. Unfortunately, the Sedgwick county judge seats are being taken over by very conservative judges who are eroding the rights of women and workers through activist rulings. Pilshaw is our best hope to maintain fair and impartial judgeship who will rule on the facts, not her ideology.

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Federation Members: American Postal Workers #735 Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers #2 Communication Workers #6402 International Association of Firefighters #135 IAM&AW District 70 IAM&AW District 70 Retirees IAM&AW Learjet Bombardier L.L.639 IAM&AW #708 IAM&AW Raytheon #733 IAM&AW Cessna #774 IAM&AW Boeing #834 IAM&AW Spirit L.L.839 IAM&AW #1992 IAM&AW York Industries #2799 Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Hands #190 International Brotherhood of Electrical #271 International Brotherhood of Electrical #661 International Brotherhood of Electrical #1523 Chemical Workers Union #188C Iron Workers #606 Kansas Association of Public Employees Laborers International Union #1290 National Association of Letter Carriers Operating Engineers #101 Internatʼl Union of Painters and Allied Trades Plumbers & Pipe Fitters #441 Service Employees International Union #513 Sheet Metal Workers International Union #29 SPEEA #2001 Sherwin Road Sprinkler Fitters #669 United Steel Workers of America #1350 United Steel Workers of America #13417 United Teachers of Wichita #725 AFL-CIO Union Label

Contact us at 316-941-4061 www.ksworkbeat.org




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MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Follow these simple steps.

1 2

Make Sure you are registered to vote, know which districts you live in, and where to vote. Call us at 316-941-4061 or visit https://myvoteinfo.voteks.org/ The deadline to register to vote is October 20th Cut out this Quick Access Guide Stick in your pocket and take to the polls with you on Tuesday, November 4th. Polls are open from 6am - 7pm in most counties.

District Name KANSAS HOUSE 70 NONE 72 Tom Adrian 74 NONE 75 Sarah Johnston 77 NONE 78 Ed Trimmer 79 Gene Burr 80 Vincent Wetta 81 Mark Hardison 82 Anita Hafner 83 NONE 84 Gail Finney 85 Billie Knighton 86 Judy Loganbill 87 Raj Goyle 88 Jim Ward 89 Melody McCray-Miller 90 Jacque Davis 91 Jinna Jeffery 92 Nile Dillmore 93 Joann Keiter 94 NONE 95 Tom Sawyer 96 Terry McLachlan 97 Dale Swenson 98 Geraldine Flaharty 99 Cheryl McFarthing 100 NONE 101 Mark Treaster 102 Janice Pauls 103 Delia Garcia 104 NONE 105 Derk White 113 Mike Laudick 116 Dennis McKinney

District Name KANSAS SENATE 16 Peter DeVries 25 Jean Schodorf 26 Pam Frieden 27 NONE 28 Shala Perez 29 Oletha Faust-Goudeau 30 Elizabeth Bishop 31 Gene Marsh 32 Greta Goodwin 33 Ruth Teichman 34 David Inskeep PRESIDENT Barack Obama / Joe Biden



COUNTY RACES Sedgwick 2nd co. commission Sedgwick 3rd co. commission Sedgwick county Clerk Sedgwick Sheriff Reno 2nd County Commission Reno 3rd County Commission Harvey Sheriff Butler 2nd County commission Butler 3rd County commission

NONE Marcey Gregory NONE Walt Kuykendall NONE NONE Bruce Jolliff NONE NONE

OTHER BOE District 8 BOE District 10 Judge division 14 District Attorney

Walt Chappell NONE Rebecca Pilshaw Nola Foulston

U.S. SENATE Jim Slattery CONGRESS Donald Betts, Jr


WORKING FAMILIES VOTE 2008 The candidates endorsed in this guide have been researched, surveyed, and endorsed by the Wichita / Hutchinson Labor Federation of Central Kansas AFL-CIO, and based on our non-partisan analysis are the best choice to represent working families.


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