Who Is The Wicked Man?

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1l\.Jho Is the Wicked Man?" (Proverbs 6:12-15)

Introduction: Today. the standard of righteousness within the church is not much different than that outside the church. So often VJe trade the pure morality of the Bible for that of the world. So often we substitute an ethic of our own for that holiness which the Lord calls us to. It seems to be too easy for us to justify away the requirements of Scripture to meet our own desires, our own agendas. We substJ.tute for the holy heart of Christian obedience, a stony heart \<>i'hich does not uphold biblical righteousness. But God, in His Word, will not a11m,. us to do this. The Bible ts not a blank book \.vhich God gives lIS to \vxite into it our own commandments, our own standards. It is already filled with His express requirements for every child of God. In each passage of the Bible. He calls us to godliness. His standard is far from that of the world's; it is far from our own personal standard. His standard is nothing less than perfection, tQnd His means to cause us to reach it~""'Ris Word and Spirit. He wants to" impress His truth upon onr hearts and minds, unt:i1 they glO\¥ ,,,ith the same fire of holiness which burns upon His altar in heaven. It has that power, if it is energized by the Spirit of God. Jesus said, "YOU ARE ALREADY CLEAN BECAUSE OF THE WORD WHICH I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU" (John 15:3). Christ came to sanctify His church, to cleanse "HER BY THE WASHING OF WATER WITH THE WORD" (Eph. 5:26). If you have believed on Christ, then you are already clean through His imputed r:i~ghteousness. But since your practice does not match your perfect standing before Christ, and since perfection is the standard to which He calls you, you yet have need of the Word of God and His Spirit to wash you as gold. from the filth of the world, until you come forth Thi.s morning, Solomon to us a picture of a wicked rnan, a man who is good for nothing, a man whoi"'characteristics we are to avoid. He is very different from the sluggard whom he had described to us last time. The sluggard :is one who loves his rest, who loves his sleep. He is the one \"ho is headed s traiglrt for poverty and for destruction. But the wicked man, unlike the sluggard, is relentless in his pursuiL,..•Jiiiiftrt of wickedness. He is relentless because his heart is full of evil and malice. He delights in bringing forth the fruits of unrighteousness. And Solomon tells t~ that he, as well, is headed straight to his own destruction. This obviously describes a man whose traits we should do all in our power to avoid. It is the sinful corruption of man freely unleashed. Yet none of us here are completely free from these characteristics, because we are not free from the corruption of sin within us. And so th:is serves as a warning to us to put to death that sin which remains in us, and to beware lest we should fail, and that sin overcome us. For if we share in the characteristics of the wicked man, we wi 11 also share :in his destruction. This morning I \¥ant you to see that, I[ you follow the f.ray of the wicked, you win one day be destroyed in the Lord's judgment. I, The FIrst a.nd Host Obviolls Thing Whic1:1 Solomon Gives Us Here Is a Description of the Wicked Man (vv. 12-14), A. Tlw Wicked Han Is tl1e One Who W,:dks f1~ith a False Mouth. 1. The language here Literally says, "A WICKED NAN IS ONE rv7fO flAl,KS WITH CROOKEDNE.'SS OF MOUTH." a, Walking has to do li>1_ith h-is daily practice. (i) We sometimes say to each other, 'Wmv are you do~ing in your walk with the Lord?" We mea.n by this, hm.;! :is your relationship with the Lord going from day to day.

2 (ii) It is used the same "'ay in the Scripture.

Solomon says, God "IS A SHIELD TO THOSE WHO WALK IN INl'EGRTTY" (2: A man (vho walks in integrity is one who Lives a life at' complete uprightness and truth. ( i i i ) Again, we retid, "HE WHO WALKS BtAMELESSLY WILL BE DELIVERED, BUT HE WHO IS CROOKED WILL F~LL ALL AT ONCE" (PrOTrerlis 28: 18). Walking does not describe how you move on your legs, but how you live from day to day.


b, Crookedness of mouth has to do with not speaking st·raight. (j) It has perhaps a litera.! reference to the distorted lips of the one who speaks Lies. (ji) But i t also refers to thelieB l:v.hich come from his mouth.

2. One who walks w.ith a crooked mout.h, therefore, is a person who practices deceitfulness as a pattern o.f li[e. a. You have heard the expression, "Give i t to me s L" b. A wicked man does not tell you how things really are, but instead lw cJocl1(S the truth through his ,,/Oreis in order to some kind of evil advantage. lIe speaks out of both sides of his mouth at once. He speaks with a forked tongue< c. James te11s I1S the same thing. "li1ere he says, "AND THE TONGUE IS A FIRE, THE VERY l-lORLD OF INIQUITY; THE TONGUE IS SET AMONG OUR MEMBERS AS THAT 1i7flICH DEFILES THE ENTIRE BODY, AND SETS ON FIRE THE COURSE OF OUR LIFE, AND IS SET ON FIRE BY HELL" (3:6). d. It is a very handy tool used by the devil to dest.roy the people of the Lord. Language is a very powerful weapon, You have heard i t said, "Stick"; and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. II But the Lord says to you that evil words are very destructive and sinfuJ. B. Secondly, the Wicked NaIl Is One "WHO WINKS WITH HIS EYES, ~!HO SIGNALS WITH HIS FEET, AND WHO POINT'S WITH HIS FINGERS," 1 , To wink wi th the eye _is to someone 3 signal. a. It .is also an act of deception. It is to signa.l someone e.lse for their help, or to keep them from stepping in and nunnzg the.iT plan. b, Solomon says, "HE WHO WINKS THE EYE CAlTSES TROUBLE" (10:10); IIHE WHO WTNKS HIS EYES DOES SO TO DEVISE PERVERSE THINGS" (16:30), c. And so the Psalm.is t says, "DO NOT LET THOSE WHO ARE' WRONGFULLY MY ENEMIES REJOICE' OVER ME; NEITHER LET THOSE WHO HATE ME WITHOUT CAUSE WINK K1LICIOUSLY" (Ps, 35: 19) ,

2. TI1ey have other signals

8S well. a. They draw their foot back and forth. They point \.7~ith the.ir fingers to signal and to blame. b. They literally do what the apostle Paul forb.ids us in Rorllans 6:.12-13, ,,,here he ,.rrites, "'I'HEREFORE DO NOT LET SIN REIGN IN YOUR MORTAL BODY 1'H4T YOU SHOULD OBHY ITS LUSTS, AND DO NOT GO ON PRESENTING THE MEMBERS OF YOUR BODY TO SIN AS .INS TRUMENTS OF UNRJ GHTEOlJSNESS. " c. Oar members, r1'h.ich are our mouths, our eyes, our .feet itnd our hands a.nd f:ingers, are a1l to be sancti.fied. They CIre to be presented to God "AS INSTRUMENTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS r , (Rom> 6: 13 ) •

3 d. But the w:icked 111a11, out of the w.ickedness of his heart, bYings forth a treasure of {,licked actions and gestures to br,ing evi.l 011 the righteous.


This Bdngs Us to the Third CharacierisUc: He Is One "WHO liTITH PERVERSITY IN HIS HEART DEVISES EVIL CONTINUALLY." 1. His heart Js [illed [t7ith a ma.licirnls 1,\!jcJecdnf:!ss {,;Jithin, a, JUs heart is Like the temple in Jerusalem at tile time of EzekieJ> where h7hen he ente.redit, he [ound a.l1 kinds o[ idolatry and t·,ickedrwss. b, His heart is fun o[ perversity, that evil which tw:ists tbe right ways of the [.ord into the pati1s of sin.

2. And so he devises e1ril, and not good, continually. 3. The beayt :is the source of all of our act:ions.

So.lomon exhoyted his son, "WATCH OVER YOUR HEART WITH ALL DILIGENeE, FOR FROM IT FLOW THE SPRINGS OF LIFEH (Prov, 4:23). b. When i t is full of evil, then i t bears ev.i1 fruit. Jesus sa:id, "FOR OUT OF THE HE-ART COME EVTL THOUGHTS, MURDERS. ADULTERIES. FORNICATIONS. THEFTS, FALSE WITNESS, SLANDERS" (Ma t t. 15: 19). c. He might be rlescribed as those who lived at the time of Noah, "EVARY INTENT OF TilE THOUGH1~) OF /lIS HEART WAS ONLY EVIL CONTINUALLY" (Gen. 6:5).


And Lastly, He Is One "WHO SPREADS ,s'TRIPE." L One of the dearl.liest evils tvhich p1 agues tlle church .is disuni and this is exact1y what the evi.l man does, a. The HebreTi/ is ins truc tive here where it says "HE SHOOTS FORTH VARIOUS STRIPES AT ALL TIMES." b. w'hLle the godly man rejoices in the unity of the brethren around the Word of God and His truth the wicked man contirmally seej,s to unde.rm.ine theLr peace and purity by his

.lies. c. For one reason or another he likes turmo.U. Perhaps things ayen't going the way he wou.lcl l.ike, so he cretltes a smoke screen to try and overturn the way things are. 2. Thisi8 one of those sins which is particulaYiy hateful to God. a. It is listed as one of the seven things which He hates. b. Solomon writes, "THERE ARE SIX THINGS WHICH THE LOR]} HATES, YES, SEVEN WHICH ARE AN ABOMINATION TO HIN: HAUGHTY EYES, A LYING TONGUE, AND HANDS THAT SHl!,'J) INNOCENT BLOOD, A HEART THAT DEVISES WICKED PLANS, FEET THAT RUN RAPIDLY TO EVIL, A FALSE WITNESS WHO UTTERS LIES, AND ONE WHO SPREADS STRIFE AMONG BROTHERS" (Prov. 6: 16-19). c. And so we see the wicked man speaks Lies, signa1s others with his eyes, hands and feet, continually devises evil p.lans in his heart, and spreads disuni ty among the brethren.

II. Secondly, To Serve as a Warn.ing to Us, Lest We Should Follow in His Footsteps, Solomon Also Declares God's Puypose to Utterly Destroy All Who Will Live in This Way. "THEREFORE HT,'-; CALAMITY WILL. CONE SUDDRNLY; INSTANTLY HE f,olILL. BE BROKEN, AND THERE WILL BE NO HEALING" (IT. 15). A. His Destruction Will Be Quick and Comp.lete • .I. fiflJen once the day of God's forbearance .-is over, He wi1.1 bring His punishment upon them fully, and sw.i.ft ly. "Jk v.d.t .... 01.1&..<.,"'1" ,,~~ 2~ He stal1ds and lIe ca"lls out to t.hexn, "TllRiV TO M~Y REP.ROOF~ BEHOL..D, I WILL POUR OUT NY SPIRD' ON YOU; I WILL HAKE MY WORDS KNOfifN TO


4 YOU" (l'rml. 1: 23) •


l:Us Judgment} There I-li11 Be No Means of B. When Once the Lord Recovery. 1. 5'01omol1 says, "INSTANTLY HE WILL BE BROKEN, AND THERE WILL BE NO HEALING, If 2. When once the door of His mercy is closed, then those s tand.ing outside will come and knock on the door, saying, "Loyd, Lord, open to us. n But He will say, "TRULY I SAY TO YOU, I DO NOT KNO~1 YOU" (l1att. 25: 11-1


Are Here This Morning, I III. Lastly, Lest This Should Fan Upon Wou.ld Point You to the Only Remedy tOY This Wickedness, the Only Way to l!void Its Punishment. A. I t Any Evil that Is ~lithin You Is Not Dealt T-litl1 in This L.ife, then You Win Be Destroyed Eternally. 1. J mentioned at the beginning that the corrupting _influences of sin are in each one of you. a. I f you are a Christian here this [l1orning, this in[luence :is in you, but i t is mort_ified in Christ, that is, i t .is put to death. ) And this means all of it, The par-ley of 8.1n 11.0 longer reigns in your heart in any area, Tl1is does not mean that you no longer struggle w.ith S_111 , but i t does mean that you are no longer enslaved to any sin. (ii) It aLso means that you are put on obedience to an of God IS commandments. Your behavior is becoming increasingly godly and righteous. You are becoming more like Chris t. b. But i f you are 110t a Chr.isUan lleJ-e this morning, then sin re igns in your heart, and no t Chris t • (1) This reveals itself through a pattern of contirnling sin. You may be able to restrain .it temporarily, or to channeJ _it ill different directions, but you cannot put i t to death. You are its slave.


2. The Lord warns YOl! this morning that iF there ] 8 any s:in .in you whicl1 .is not mort.ified, then you win be Sfvept away in His judgment. a. I f any of these Si11S wlrich Solomon Lists, or any other sin, even .Lfit is just aIle, has dominion over you, you will be lo,st. b. Your obedience to Christ must be universal, and your turn.ing from all sin must also be unive.rsal,


c. And so let the Word of God search your heart to see i f there is any w.icked way in you < (j) Are you, .like the w.i.cked man, a person tv!lO speaks out of both sides of your mouth? Do you say one thing to one person and 8.11other thing to someone else for the sake of an advantage? Do you use your words to tear down others, .instead of build:ing them up? A.re you a person who "lith your eyes, or feet. or who pO.illtS the finger at someone else? Do you use the members of' your body to perpetrate l.mrigl1teonsness? (ii.i) Is your heart fiJled f;,7i tl1 the ty of evil, so that you find yourself scheming wHhin to devise rel,renge on those~4ho bave offended you in some way? (iv) "4re you a person who likes to create a pi3rty spirit among brethren? You like to a:ir your opinions so that others 14.il.l ral.ly around yon and confirm that you are right while others are w'rong? Do you divide the brethren and turn them agacinst one another? (v) I f any of these sins in any degree, or any oiher sin, reigns over you and is not broken, tl1en you will be broken by the Lord in His judgment, and that without remedy. (vi) You cannot continually kick against His lafifs and rebel t His authority without the speedy hammer of H_is justice conring down on your head. (vLi) Your sin must be remedied; its power must be broken, 01' you will suffer His Fengeance throughout all eternity, B. But, The Good News Is and Cont.Inues to Be, As long as God's Day of Mercy Continues, that I f You Turn to Christ to Be Cleansed from These Evil Things, You Will Be Saved and Live Forever. 1. You mllst first of an realize that only the Lord can break the pmver of ind('lelling sin. a. Paul writes, "FOR THE MIND SET ON THE FLESH IS DEATH. BECAUSE THE MIND SET ON THE FLESH IS HOSTILE TOWARD GOD; FOR IT DOES NOT SUBJECT ITSELF TO THE LAW OF GOD, FOR IT IS NOT EVEN ABLE TO DO SO; _4ND THOSE WHO ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD" (Rom. 8: 6-8) • b. If YOI1 are i11 the flesh, i f you are outside of Chdst, all you are ABLE TO DO cis 5_il1. You a:re unable to subject yourself to His laws. You cannot please Him. c, "BUT IF BY THE SPIRIT YOU ~4RE PUTTING TO DEATH THE DEEDS OF THE BODY YOU WILL LIVE" (8:13). I f the Spirit of God dwells in you, HeLl bring the power to turn YOll from those sins. d. Do you want to live? Do you want to be free [rom the love of sin? Then you need the Spir:it of God. And only the Lord can ve Him to you.

2. T11e Lord says, "YOU f.fUST BE BORN Al-;AIN" (John 3: 7). a. You stand in need of the new birth fvhich comes 0111y fr01l1 above. Jesus said to Nicodemas, "TRULY, TRULY I ,,11Y TO YOU. UNLESS ONE IS BORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF CrOD" (John 3:3). b. The net" b_irtll Ls not something !;vhich you can give yourself; i t Ls not somethillg that you do; it must come from abO\.Te. You did not cause yourself to bf:! born the first time, and you cannot cause yourself to be born the second time. It comes sovereign.ly [rom God. It ~is bestowed sovere_ig11.1y by His mercy.



d. e.



Pall] writes to Titlls, "FOR WE ONCE ALSO WERE FOOLISH OURSELVES, DISOBEDIENT, DECEIVED, ENSLAVED TO VARIOUS LUSTS AND PLK4SURES, SPENDllV{; OUR LIFE IN MALICE AND ENVY, HATEFUL, HATING ONE ANOTHER. BUT WHEN THE KINDNESS OF GOD OUR S,4VIOR AND HIS LOVE FOR NANKIND APPEARED, HE SIWED US, NOT ON THE BASIS OF'DEEDS WHICH WE HAVE DONE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, BUT ACCORDING TO HIS [>fEBCY, BY THE WASHING OF' REGENERATJON AND RENEWING BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, ftfHOI1 HE POURlW OUT UPON US RICHLY THROUGH JESlTS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR, THAT BEING JUSTIFIED BY HIS GRACE WE NIGHT BE MADE HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE" tus 3:3-7) > If you have not enced this new b.irtl1, i f you .have not been .freed .from your slav~ery to sin, however s1'aa11 your sin may appear to you, then you must be born Have you received the nevI bir'th? Are you a new creature .-£n Christ? Does your 1.ife demonstrate that you are through your universa.! obed,ience to all of God IS commandments and the away fyom all your sin? If not, then come to the Sav,ior 110117 and plead for His mercy. Ask Him to change your heart. Ask Him to take away the evi.! of your heart. Ask Him to give you a love fo.r H,im, and for all men. Ask Him to ve you a love even foy your enemies that you might be called His child. If the love of God is not wi thin your heart, then corne to Christ now. He _is the only One who cal1 it. Don't play games w,itl1 God. One day your door of opportuni ty will be fureyrey c.losed, and then His fvrath wi.ll come and you fviLl be destroyed fuyever. Come to the SaFior a.nd .live. MflY God grant that you m:ight see, and tUYll to Him. Amen.

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