Who Is The Original Man

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The Laborers must Speak and Use grammatic pronunciation of words and syllables in Past, Future, Present and Perfect Tense. the Laborer's answers to All Lessons must be in the above Language. Others will not be considered. Note:The Dumb must speak plainly. The Stammering Tongue is speaking Clear. (He covers the Prophecies of the Bible and, also, the Holy Qur'an in a word). NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that cannot speak, Clearly, the People's Language. But there is more to be understood in the words. That the Laborers' Pronunciation of words and syllables must be in the Past, Future and Present Perfect Tense - Otherwise will not be considered. What is meant by the Laborers' answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending if the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH). PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! There is No God but ALLAH. How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS. Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us. For this is OUR SAVIOUR'S Desire - that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us.

o·rig·i·nal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(Ã rijÆÃ nl), adj. belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding. new; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising. arising or proceeding independently of anything else: an original view of history. capable of or given to thinking or acting in an independent, creative, or individual manner: an original thinker. created, undertaken, or presented for the first time: to give the original performance of a string quartet. being something from which a copy, a translation, or the like is made: The original document is in Washington.

–n. 7. a primary form or type from which varieties are derived. 8. an original work, writing, or the like, as opposed to any copy or imitation: The original of this is in the British Museum. 9. the person or thing represented by a picture, description, etc.: The original is said to have been the painter's own house. 10. a person whose ways of thinking or acting are original: In a field of brilliant technicians he is a true original. 11. Archaic. an eccentric person. 12. Archaic. a source of being; an author or originator. [1300–50; ME < L orginlis (adj.) and ML orginle original document (n. use of neut. adj.), equiv. to orgin- (see ORIGIN) + -lis -AL1] —Syn. 1. primary, primordial, primeval, primitive, aboriginal. 7. archetype, pattern, prototype, model. —Ant. 7. copy.

From the Department Of The SUPREME WISDOM


Who is the Original man?

The original man is the Asiatic black man, the maker, the owner, the cream of the planet Earth, god of the universe. He is the first and the last and from him comes all- brown, yellow, red, and white. By using a special method of birth control law, the black man was able to produce the white race. We have an unending past history of the black nation and a limited one of the white race. We find that history teaches that the earth was populated by the black nation ever since it was created, but the history of the white race doesn’t take us beyond 6,000 years. Everywhere the white race has gone on our planet, he either found the original man or a sign that he had been there previously. Allah is proving to the world of the black man that the white race actually doesn’t own any part of our planet. The Bible as well as the Holy Quran bears witness to the above fact, if you are able to understand it. It is Allah’s will and purpose that we shall know ourselves; therefore, He came Himself to teach us the knowledge of self. Who is better knowing of whom we are than God Himself? He has declared that we are the descendents of the Asian black nation and of the tribe of shabazz. You, might ask who is this tribe of Shabazz? Originally, they were the tribe that came with the earth (or this part of it) sixty trillion years ago when a great explosion on our planet divided it into two parts. One we call earth, the other moon. We, the tribe of Shabazz, says Allah (God), were the first to discover the best part of our planet (earth) to live on, which is the rich Nile Valley of Egypt and the present seat of the Holy City, Mecca, Arabia. The origin of our kinky hair came from one of our dissatisfied scientists, fifty thousand years ago, who wanted to make all of us tough and hard in order to endure the life of the jungles of East Asia (Africa) and to overcome the beasts there. But he failed to get the others to agree with him. He took his family and moved into the jungle to prove to us that we could live there and conquer the wild beast and we have. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad


Olmec Civilization

The first signs of complex society in Mesoamerica are that of the Olmec civilization who were prominent in Mesoamerica from as early as 1500 BCE through 100 BCE, although there is evidence that the Olmec culture existed into the Common Era.

A HISTORY OF THE AFRICAN-OLMECS: BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF AMERICA FROM PREHISTORIC TIMES The truth about the ownership, settlement and ancient civilizations of Black AfricanAmericans in the Americas before Columbus ANCIENT BLACK AFRICAN CIVILIZATIONS OF ASIA AND THE LONG LEGACY OF MARITIME ACTIVITIES The first people in India, China, SE Asia, Australia, Melanesia, Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, Japan and Indonesia were BLACK NEGRO PEOPLE OF AFRICAN ORIGINS. In fact, Blacks continue to exist in most of these places in large numbers, EVEN THOUGH THE MEDIA IN SOME OF THESE NATIONS DON'T SHOW THE BLACKS LIVING AMONG THEM OR WHO WERE CHASED TO REMOTE REGIONS.

The following nations still have large Black/Africoid/Negroid populations: India - about 600,000,000 people are of the Indo-Negroid Africoid people. About 300,000,000 are Black 'Tribals,' and about 300,000,000 are Black Dalits/Untouchables who are the direct descendents of the original Black race of India and South Asia. India also has Negrito people who were found to have the purest genes in Asia and at an amount of 100 percent of a prehistoric African gene. The Negrito of the Andaman Islands have been in India for over 60,000 years India's Black 'Untouchables' or Dalits have been among the most oppressed people on earth for over three thousand years say some writers ( see 'The Black Untouchables of India,' by VT Rajhekar) Also see, "A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming," pub. by Xlibris.com The Tribals of India are also composed a very large number of Blacks of the NegroAustraloid type, whose relatives still live in parts of Africa today and are related to the 'Anu' ethnic groups such as the Black Negro Anuak (with curly to kinky hair as well as straight to wavy hair, but black skin and Negro features as well as blood type), Anu, Tibbou and others. The Australian Aborigines are also related to the Anu group, who once lived in the Sahara, North Africa and were also found all over Asia, the Americas, Europe, Australia, China, SE Asia, Japan in ancient times. Melanesia, Indonesia, Philippines still have large numbers of Black people of the African Negro type and the Negro-Australoid type, both being of African origins. Australian Aboriginals and SE Asian Austrics are both related to African Negro peoples and were among the first people from Africa to migrate to the East. The Oceanic Negro Papuan/Melanesian, the Tasmanian and SE Asian as well as South Indian Negritoes, as well as the 'Kong' Bushman, were the first people to migrate out of Africa after they developed a strong prehistoric culture in Africa over 100,000 years ago. So, over a period of thousands of years, the original people in Asia were Black African people. They were established in India for thousands of years before the 'IndoEuropeans' arrived (actually, anthropologists say, they were Caucasians from the Altaic who mixed with India's original Black Negro-Australoid race, hence the term 'IndoEuropean'). Yet, despite that mixture, the vast majority of the Indo-Negroid people of India remained pure Black/Negroid and still do today (even if they are not shown in Hollywood movies). The challenge today is the task of rebuilding and expanding the PAN-AFRICAN BLACK RACE, INCLUDING THE BLACK ASIATIC RACE OF ASIA FROM SOUTH INDIA TO SAMOA AND MELANESIA. Due to problems that face Blacks globally, while other groups are HAVING A PARASITIC RELATIONSHIP WITH BLACKS WHERE THEY USE BLACKS PEOPLE TO ENRICH AND MAKE THEMSELVES STRONGER, THE TIME HAS COME TO HELP IMPROVE THE LIVES OF BLACKS GLOBALLY, INCLUDING IN ASIA.

Blacks in Asia, from South India to SE Asia to New Caledonia ARE VICTIMS OF A PARASITIC RELATIONSHIP WITH THE OTHER RACES WHO USE, EXPLOIT AND CONTRIBUTE TO BLACK DESTRUCTION AS THEY HAVE DONE FOR CENTURIES. The attacks and destruction of the Black civilization of India and the Black Shang of China as well as current attacks on Blacks in West Papua AND THE ATTEMPT TO EXPLOIT AFRICA'S RESOURCES WHILE CONTRIBUTING TO STRIFE AND GENOCIDE IN AFRICA, TO CLEAR LANDS OF AFRICANS -- IS ANOTHER OF THE RACIST POLICIES THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN ASIA ITSELF. Hence, UNITY AMONG BLACKS IN AFRICA, ASIA, THE AMERICAS, EUROPE AND ELSEWHERE IS VITAL AND CRUCIAL. It begins with knowing who the Pan-African world is and the history of the Pan-African/Pan-Negro people in Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia. The rebuilding and numerical expansion of the original Negroid race of Asia, Africa, Melanesia/Pacific, India and the Americas means that THE BLACK RACE FROM SOUTH INDIA TO MELANESIA MUST ESTABLISH POPULATION EXPANSION PROGRAMS TO INCREASE THEIR POPULATIONS. It means making tricks like abortion illegal. It means uniting to create strong economies and strong means of defense to stop enemies from whatever source. Survival of Pan-Africans mean POPULATION INCREASE in the face of many attacks and obstacles like malaria, AIDS, economic depression, exploitation by parasite nations, unfair trade and other problems including racist trickery used to cut down on the population growth of Pan-Africans/Pan-Negroes. Hence, the global Black communities must organize to take measures to help development as well as to ensure the future of the original race. These links above as well as the ancient presence of Blacks in the Americas, Europe, China, India, North Africa, and other places -- as well as the attacks on them and their present plight. HISTORY CLEARLY SHOWS THAT AFRICANS, BLACKS GLOBALLY MUST BE CAREFUL WHEN DEALING WITH ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE AND SHOULD KNOW THEIR HISTORY AS A RACE, SO THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST ARE NOT REPEATED, EVER WHEN DEALING WITH OTHER GROUPS OF PEOPLE. There is no doubt that Africa's solution to solving its problems is creating larger, stronger and better nations. It is also unifying Blacks in Asia into regional superpowers (LIKE THE MELANESIAN UNION) who have strong relations with Pan-African nations (as in the ACP GROUP - AFRICAN, CARIBBEAN, PACIFIC GROUP) and good relations and alliances with the global community. This union-of-states idea of making small states into larger ones will help make small African, Pacific and Caribbean nations stronger and larger, while helping these nations survive and thrive in a changing world where large, emerging nations cannot be trusted and cannot be depended upon.

MORE ON THE ANCIENT AND PRESENT BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ASIA, SEE: "Susu Economics: A History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," published by AuthorHouse.com A FACINATING AND WORLD-FAMOUS BOOK 'A HISTORY OF THE AFRICAN-OLMECS: BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF AMERICA FROM PREHISTORIC TIMES TO THE PRESENT ERA," Published by AuthorHouse, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, Indiana 47403 USA VARIOUS IDEAS ON THE ORIGINS OF THE AFRO-OLMECS There are various theories about the origins of the Afro-Olmecs. However, one thing is certain; THE OLMECS WERE BLACK AFRICANS/NEGROID OF THE MANDINGSHI GROUP. That group of Africans were the original Sahara CIVILIZATION THAT BEGAN OVER 20,000 YEARS AGO AS THE AQUATIC CIVILIZATION. Hence the Mandingo-Shi or Mandingo-Congo, Mandingo-Cush people who originated in the Sahara are related to Black Africans of the Americas of pre-Columbian origins as well as those who were brought to the Americas during slavery. The Mandingo-Shi, Mandingo-Cush and Mandingo-Congo are also related to various groups of Africoid people from South India all the way to Melanesia/Australia. The core civilization was protohistoric Saharan and it was from the Sahara that many aspects of Olmec culture began. IT WAS ALSO FROM THE SAHARA THAT PREHISTORIC EAST INDIAN, SE ASIAN, MELANESIAN AND EAST ASIAN CULTURE ORIGINATED. Furthermore, the Black Mandingo-Cush were the first people to established a civilization in Southern China. They were Black African people and spoke a Black African language related to the Melanesian and Austric languages. That prehistoric Black Chinese culture also included Southern 'yellow' Mongoloid people whose prehistoric ancestors were in fact Africans. That group of Black Africoid/Oceanic Negro and Yellow southern Mongoloid were the creators of the Xia and Shang Dynasties. After the overthrow of the Shang Dynasty by the Northern Mongoloid Chou, a sudden migration of Black and Yellow Shang migrated into the Pacific. The Polynesians of today (who look like a combination of Mongoloid and Oceanic Negroid) may in fact be

remnants of the ancient Negro/Black nations of Southern China. These same types may have entered the Americas about 1000 B.C. Yet, it is noted in African historical writings (and the Popul Vuh) that the founder of Olmec civilization was Emperor 'Ci' (or Meci) who entered Mexico/Central America about 3113 B.C. with 8 - 12 ships of African countrymen and provisions. Emperor Ci established a kingdom in Mexico about two thousand years before the overthrow of the Chinese Black and Yellow, Shang Dynasty. Graham Hancock's observation that the descendents of the Africoid/Negroid people represented by the Luiza Skulls (over 50 found in Brazil, may have also contributed to the creation of the Olmec civilization -- all with distinctly Negroid features), is also the observation of many African historians and writers. That means that an Africoid civilization that emerged out of a prehistoric Negro/Africoid race in the Americas since prehistoric times, established the Olmec civiliztion. Yet,the similarities in language, tribal scarification, facial features, writing patterns and other African appearance can also be traced to the period between 4000 B.C. to 500 A.D. In conclusion, THE OLMECS WERE AN AFRICAN CIVILIZATION CONSISTING OF ABORIGINAL AFRICOIDS AND INDIGENOUS 'INDIANS' OF THE AMERICAS. They also included Africans from the West African, Cushite and Sahara civilizations. Africans who settled in Southern China during the Shang Dynasty along with Southern Mongols were also in Olmec Mexico. Still, the 22 collosal heads of basalt and many ancient Olmec carvings show distinct African Negro features.

GLOBAL AFRICAN AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE FROM PREHISTORIC TIMES TO THE PRESENT ANCIENT AFRO-OLMECS OR MANDING-SHI The ancient Olmecs of Mexico were originally Africans of the Manding-Shi people. These Africans were master seafarers and boatbuilders who had a trade in the Sahara when the region included a giant inland sea. The Manding-Shi (Olmecs) were only part of a great prehsitoric civilization that existed in the South-Western Sahara. This civilization is not generally known, but in many circles it is called the Zingh Empire and included an area from Senegal to Egypt. The Zingh Empire began before the Neolithic age and is known as the Sahara Aquatic Civilization. It was from the Aquatic civilization that Egypt and all other civilizations emerged. In fact the Aquatic Civilization continued in Africa in what became Dafur (Sudan) as well as the Sahara Crescent, an area of fertile highlands in the Central Sahara where the African branch of the Olmecs continued to develop their culture, while the rest of the Sahara was drying up. The ancient Zingh Empire Africans migrated in four regions: The Americas, West Africa, North Africa, Egypt/Sudan. There is strong evidence (red/black pottery, language, customs, artifacts) that some of the ancient

people of the Sahara (the Anu) also migrated to India, Melanesia, SE Asia and Japan (the Black/Negroid ancestors of the Ainu). The Olmecs of Mexico/Central America and the 'Black Giants' of the Mississippi Valley (Waschitaw and other Black 'Indians' who are actually prehistoric Africans) continued a very ancient African civilization in the Americas. That civilization is the MOTHER CIVILIZATION THAT GAVE BIRTH TO MAYA, TOLTEC AND AZTEC CULTURES. BLACK AFRICAN-AMERICANS AND BLACKS OF THE ENTIRE AMERICAS BELONG TO THE MANDING-CONGO-CUSH GROUP WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE AMERICAS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. The above statement is a fact. The Black African race and the African-American and general group of about 300,000,000 people of African descent in the Americas come from the very large and very ancient ethno-linguistic group of Africans called MandingoCongo or Mandingo-Cush. These two groups began in the Sahara over 40,000 years ago. About 30,000 years ago, many from that group continued a global spread (that began over 100,000 years ago as homosapiens, and about 3,000,000 years within Africa itself). The migrations of 100,000 BC to 10,000 BC into South Asia, Melanesia, AND East Asia to the East. The other group sailed from West Africa to the Americas in the West (of Africa). These journeys took place during the 'wet' phase of Africa's history when the Sahara was itself composed of a gigantic inland sea, forests, savannas, cities, towns, villages, meadows, human traffic and trade, commerce, technology and all the aspects of human culture that spread to the rest of the world. The Mandingo-Si composed of Mandingo speaking people and the Si (or Shi) group who were composed of master seafarers, boat builders and traders, began to migrate to the Americas in prehistoric times. Evidence shows that groups related to today's Mandingo peoples have lived in the Sahara for tens of thousands of years. The Mandingo-Si, Mandingo-Cush and Mandingo-Congo groups all lived in the Sahara before 3000 B.C. They began a great migration out of the region due to the drying of the Sahara and the desertification that occurred. This migration was unlike the migrations of 100,000 years ago or about 30,000 years ago. At the time of the 5000 BC to 3000 BC migrations, the African region between Somalia to Senegal and the entire Sahara desert was still a thriving region, however, the stresses of desertification and the depletion of resources led to migrations into the forest regions of West Africa, the Cameroon and Congo Region, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa. One of the most important migrations and the one least spoken about are the migrations from East Africa to Melanesia and the migrations from the Sahara to the Americas.

THE BEGINNINGS OF THE AFRO-OLMEC CIVILIZATION According to the Popul Vuh (translated by Sahagun), Emperor Ci (or Meci) arrived from Africa with 8 to 12 ships sailored by Africans and carrying African people and provisions. Emperor Ci established a kingdom in the VeraCruz region of Mexico. From Vera Cruz, the Afro-Olmecs spread to Central Mexico, Southern Mexico, the Southern US, down to South America. The Afro-Olmecs also carried genuine African religion and culture with them. Some of that culture still remains in today's Mexico. In fact, two cultural traits unique to Africa, the keloid scarification and cornrow braids were both brought to the Americas and is seen in the art and sculpture of the Olmecs. In fact these very traits were later used by the Maya Indians of Mexico, as one sees in the Movie, "Apocalypto." The mention of African cultural traits among the Olmecs has been dealt with by many writers and authors dealing in research and writing about the pre Columbian people of the Americas, particularly the pre Columbian Africoid peoples. In retrospect, Africans of the Americas are indigenous to the Americas as well as Africa. Africans are a distinct original aboriginal race, first in every continent where humans inhabit and first to spread globally and transfer African culture globally. Hence, in the case of Africans in the Americas, the major group from whom African-Americas culture comes from is the Mandingo-Cush (Niger-Kordofan) cultural and linguistic group spread from Senegal to Somalia. The Mandingo-Congo group (Niger-Congo). It is also these groups that have left the strongest African cultural traits from ancient times in the Americas.

PRECOLUMBIAN MUSLIMS IN THE AMERICAS By: Dr. Youssef Mroueh Preparatory Committee for International Festivals to celebrate the millennium of the Muslims arrival to the Americas ( 996-1996 CE ) INTRODUCTION Numerous evidence suggests that Muslims from Spain and West Africa arrived to the Americas at least five centuries before Columbus. It is recorded,for example, that in the mid-tenth century, during the rule of the Ummayyed Caliph Abdul-Rahman III (929-961 CE), Muslims of African origin sailed westward from the Spanish port of DELBA (Palos) into the "Ocean of darkness and fog". They returned after a long absence with much booty from a "strange and curious land". It is evident that people of Muslim origin are known to have accompanied Columbus and subsequent Spanish explorers to the New World. The last Muslim stronghold in Spain, Granada, fell to the Christians in 1492 CE, just before the Spanish inquisition was launched. To escape persecution, many non-Christians fled or embraced Catholicism. At least two documents imply the presence of Muslims in

Spanish America before 1550 CE. Despite the fact that a decree issued in 1539 CE by Charles V, king of Spain, forbade the grandsons of Muslims who had been burned at the stake to migrate to the West Indies. This decree was ratified in 1543 CE, and an order for the expulsion of all Muslims from overseas Spanish territories was subsequently published. Many references on the Muslim arrival to Americas are available. They are summarized in the following A: HISTORIC DOCUMENTS: 1. A Muslim historian and geographer ABUL-HASSAN ALI IBN AL-HUSSAIN AL-MASUDI (871-957 CE) wrote in his book Muruj adh-dhahab wa maadin aljawhar (The meadows of gold and quarries of jewels) that during the rule of the Muslim caliph of Spain Abdullah Ibn Mohammad(888-912 CE), a Muslim navigator, Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad, from Cortoba, Spain sailed from Delba (Palos) in 889 CE, crossed the Atlantic, reached an unknown territory (ard majhoola) and returned with fabulous treasures. In Al-Masudi's map of the world there is a large area in the ocean of darkness and fog which he referred to as the unknown territory (Americas).(1) 2. A Muslim historian ABU BAKR IBN UMAR AL-GUTIYYA narrated that during the reign of the Muslim caliph of Spain, Hisham II (976-1009CE), another Muslim navigator, Ibn Farrukh, from Granada, sailed from Kadesh (February 999CE) into the Atlantic, landed in Gando (Great Canary islands) visiting King Guanariga, and continued westward where he saw and named two islands, Capraria and Pluitana. He arrived back in Spain in May 999 CE.(2) 3. Columbus sailed from Palos (Delba), Spain. He was bound for GOMERA (Canary Islands)-Gomera is an Arabic word meaning 'small firebrand' - there he fell in love with Beatriz BOBADILLA, daughter of the first captain general of the island (the family name BOBADILLA is derived from the Arab Islamic name ABOU ABDILLA.).Nevertheless, the BOBADILLA clan was not easy to ignore. Another Bobadilla (Francisco) later, as the royal commissioner, put Columbus in chains and transferred him from Santo Dominigo back to Spain (November 1500 CE). The BOBADILLA family was related to the ABBADID dynasty of Seville (1031-1091 CE). On October 12, 1492 CE, Columbus landed on a little island in the Bahamas that was called GUANAHANI by the natives. Renamed SAN SALVADOR by Columbus. GUANAHANI is derived from Mandinka and modified Arabic words. GUANA (IKHWANA) means 'brothers' and HANI is an Arabic name. Therefore the original name of the island was 'HANI BROTHERS'. (11) Ferdinand Columbus, the son of Christopher, wrote about the blacks seen by his father in Handuras: "The people who live farther east of Pointe Cavinas, as far as Cape Gracios a Dios, are almost black in color." At the same time, in this very same region, lived a tribe of Muslim natives known as ALMAMY. In Mandinka and Arabic languages, ALMAMY was the designation of "AL-IMAM"or "AL-IMAMU", the leader of the prayer, or in some cases, the chief of the community, and/or a member of the Imami Muslim community. (12)

NOTES 4. A renowned American historian and linguist, LEO WEINER of Harvard University, in his book, AFRICA AND THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA (1920) wrote that Columbus was well aware of the Mandinka presence in the New World and that the West African Muslims had spread throughout the Caribbean, Central, South and North American territories, including Canada, where they were trading and intermarrying with the Iroquois and Algonquin Indians. (13) B: GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORATIONS: 1. The famous Muslim geographer and cartographer AL-SHARIF AL-IDRISI (10991166CE) wrote in his famous book Nuzhat al-mushtaq fi ikhtiraq al-afaq (Excursion of the longing one in crossing horizons) that a group of seafarers (from North Africa) sailed into the sea of darkness and fog (The Atlantic ocean) from Lisbon (Portugal), in order to discover what was in it and what extent were its limits. They finally reached an island that had people and cultivation...on the fourth day, a translator spoke to them in the Arabic language. (3) 2. The Muslim reference books mentioned a well-documented description of a journey across the sea of fog and darkness by Shaikh ZAYN EDDINE ALI BEN FADHEL ALMAZANDARANI. His journey started from Tarfaya (South Morocco) during the reign of the King Abu-Yacoub Sidi Youssef (1286-1307CE) 6th of the Marinid dynasty, to Green Island in the Caribbean sea in 1291 CE (690 HE). The details of his ocean journey are mentioned in Islamic references, and many Muslim scholars are aware of this recorded historical event..(4) 3. The Muslim historian CHIHAB AD-DINE ABU-L-ABBAS AHMAD BEN FADHL AL-UMARI (1300-1384CE/700-786HE) described in detail the geographical explorations beyond the sea of fog and darkness of Mali's sultans in his famous book Massaalik al-absaar fi mamaalik al-amsaar (The pathways of sights in the provinces of kingdoms).(5) 4. Sultan MANSU KANKAN MUSA (1312-1337 CE) was the world renowned Mandinka monarch of the West African Islamic empire of Mali. While travelling to Makkah on his famous Hajj in 1324 CE, he informed the scholars of the Mamluk Bahri sultan court (An-Nasir Nasir Edin Muhammad III-1309-1340 CE) in Cairo, that his brother, sultan Abu Bakari I (1285-1312CE) had undertaken two expeditions into the Atlantic Ocean. When the sultan did not return to Timbuktu from the second voyage of 1311 CE, Mansa Musa became sultan of the empire. (6) 5. Columbus and early Spanish and portuguese explorers were able to voyage across the Atlantic (a distance of 2400 Km's) thanks to Muslim geographical and navigational information. In particular maps made by Muslim traders, including AL-MASUDI (871-

957CE) in his book Akhbar az-zaman (History of the world) which is based on material gathered in Africa and Asia (9). As a matter of fact, Columbus had two captain of muslim origin during his first transatlantic voyage: Martin Alonso Pinzon was the captain of the PINTA,and his brother Vicente Yanez Pinzon was the captain of the NINA. They were wealthy, expert ship outfitters who helped organize the Columbus expedition and prepared the flagship, SANTA MARIA. They did this at their own expense for both commercial and political reasons. The PINZON family was related to ABUZAYAN MUHAMMAD III (1362-66 CE), the Moroccan sultan of the Marinid dynasty (11961465CE). (10) C: ARABIC ( ISLAMIC ) INSCRIPTIONS: 1. Anthropologists have proven that the Mandinkos under Mansa Musa's instructions explored many parts of North America via the Mississippi and other rivers systems. At Four Corners, Arizona, writings show that they even brought elephants from Africa to the area.(7) 2. Columbus admitted in his papers that on Monday, October 21,1492 CE while his ship was sailing near Gibara on the north-east coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque on top of a beautiful mountain. The ruins of mosques and minarets with inscriptions of Quranic verses have been discovered in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada. (8) 3. During his second voyage, Columbus was told by the indians of ESPANOLA (Haiti), that black people had been to the island before his arrival. For proof, they presented Columbus with the spears of these African muslims. These weapons were tipped with a yellow metal that the indians called GUANIN, a word of West African derivation meaning 'gold alloy'. Oddly enough, it is related to the Arabic word 'GHINAA' which means 'WEALTH'. Columbus brought some GUANINES back to Spain and had them tested. He learned that the metal was 18 parts gold (56.25%), 6 parts silver (18.75%) and 8 parts copper (25%), the same ratio as the metal produced in African metalshops of Guinea. (14) 4. In 1498 CE, on his third voyage to the new world, Columbus landed in Trinidad. Later, he sighted the South American continent, where some of his crew went ashore and found natives using colorful handkerchiefs of symmetrically woven cotton. Columbus noticed that these handkerchiefs resembled the headdresses and loinclothes of Guinea in their colors, style and function. He refered to them as ALMAYZARS. ALMAYZAR is an Arabic word for 'wrapper','cover','apron' and/or 'skirting' which was the cloth the Moors (Spanish or North African Muslims) imported from west Africa (Guinea) into Morocco, Spain and Portugal. During this voyage, Columbus was surprised that the married women wore cotton panties (bragas) and he wondered where these natives learned their modesty. Hernan Cortes, Spanish conqueror, described the dress of the Indian women as 'long veils' and the dress of Indian men as 'breechcloth painted in the style of Moorish draperies'. Ferdinand Columbus called the native cotton garments 'breechclothes of the same design and cloth as the shawls worn by the Moorish women of Granada'. Even the

similarity of the children's hammocks to those found in North Africa was uncanny.(15) 5. Dr. Barry Fell (Harvard University) introduced in his book 'Saga America-1980' solid scientific evidence supporting the arrival, centuries before Columbus, of Muslims from North and West Africa. Dr. Fell discovered the existence of the Muslim schools at Valley of Fire, Allan Springs, Logomarsino, Keyhole, Canyon, Washoe and Hickison Summit Pass (Nevada), Mesa Verde (Colorado), Mimbres Valley (New Mexico) and Tipper Canoe(Indiana) dating back to 700-800 CE. Engraved on rocks in the arid western U.S, he found texts, diagrams and charts representing the last surviving fragments of what was once a system of schools - at both an elementary and higher level. The language of instruction was North African Arabic written with old Kufic Arabic scripts. The subjects of instruction included writing, reading, arithmetic, religion, history, geography, mathematics, astronomy and sea navigation. The descendants of the Muslim visitors of North America are members of the present Iroquois, Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam and Olmec native people..(16) 6. There are 565 names of places (villages, towns, cities, mountains, lakes, rivers,.. etc. ) in U.S.A. (484) and Canada (81) which derived from Islamic and Arabic roots. These places were originally named by the natives in precolumbian periods. Some of these names carried holy meanings such as: Mecca-720 inhabitants (Indiana), Makkah Indian tribe (Washington), Medina-2100 (Idaho), Medina-8500 (N.Y.), Medina-1100, Hazen5000 (North Dakota), Medina-17000/Medina-120000 (Ohio), Medina-1100 (Tennessee), Medina-26000 (Texas), Medina-1200 (Ontario), Mahomet-3200 (Illinois), Mona-1000 (Utah), Arva-700 (Ontario)...etc. A careful study of the names of the native Indian tribes revealed that many names are derived from Arab and Islamic roots and origins, i.e. Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mahigan, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, Zuni...etc.. Based on the above historical, geographical and linguistic notes, a call to celebrate the millennium of the Muslim arrival to the Americas, five centuries before Columbus, has been issued to all Muslim nations and communities around the world. We hope that this call will receive complete understanding and attract enough support. FOOTNOTES: (1)See ref 4 (2)See ref. 9 (3)See ref. 3 (4)See ref. 1, 2 and 5 (5)See ref. 6 (6)See ref. 14 (7)See ref. 21 and 22 (8)See ref. 15 (9)See ref. 4 (10)See ref. 15 (11)See ref. 15 (12)See ref. 6 (13)See ref. 20 (14)See ref. 16 (15)See ref. 7 (16)See ref. 10 &12 REFERENCES: 1. AGHA HAKIM, AL-MIRZA Riyaadh Al-Ulama(Arabic),Vol.2 P.386/Vol.4 P.175 2. AL-AMEEN, SAYED MOHSIN Aayan Ash-Shia(Arabic),Vol.7 P.158/Vol 8 P.302-3 3. AL-IDRISSI Nuzhat Al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq Al-Afaaq(Arabic) 4. AL-MASUDI Muruj Adh-Dhahab (Arabic), Vol. 1, P. 138

5. AL-ASFAHANI, AR-RAGHIB Adharea Ila Makarim Ash-Shia,Vol.16,P.343 6. CAUVET, GILES Les Berbers de L'Amerique, Paris 1912,P.100-101 7. COLUMBUS, FERDINAND The Life of Admiral Christopher Columbus, Rutgers Univ.Press, 1959, P.232 8. DAVIES, NIGEL Voyagers to the New World, New York 1979 9. ON MANUEL OSUNAY SAVINON Resumen de la Geografia Fisica...,Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1844 10. FELL,BARRY Saga America, New York 1980 11. FELL,BARRY America BC, New York 1976 12. GORDON,CYRUS Before Columbus, New York 1971 13. GYR,DONALD Exploring Rock Art, Santa Barbara 1989 14. HUYGHE,PATRICK Columbus was Last, New York 1992 15. OBREGON ,MAURICIO The Columbus Papers, The Barcelona Letter of 1493, The Landfall Controversy, and the Indian Guides, McMillan Co., New York 1991 16. THACHER,JOHN BOYD Christopher Columbus, New York 1950,P.380 17. VAN SETIMA,IVAN African Presence in Early America, New Brunswick, NJ 1987 18. VAN SETIMA,IVAN They Came Before Columbus, New York 1976 19. VON WUTHENAU,ALEX Unexpected Facts in Ancient America, New York 1975 20. WEINER,LEO Africa and the Discovery of America, Philadelphia, 1920,Vol.2 P.3656 21. WILKINS,H..T. Mysteries of Ancient South America, New York 1974 22. WINTERS,CLYDE AHMAD Islam in Early North and South America, Al-Ittihad, July 1977,P.60

BLACK CHINESE DYNASTIES by John R. Moore A recent international study carried out by Shanghai scientists and international academics has confirmed that the Chinese did not originate from Peking Man in northern China, but from Black East Afrikans who migrated through South Asia to China some 100,000 years ago. The people of that era practiced the Afrikan ritual of single burials, and the skeletal remains from Southern China clearly shown them to be Negroid.

Jin Li of Fudan University in Shanghai along with an international research team comprised of Russians, Indians, Brazilians and researchers from other nations, have found that modern humans evolved from a single Afrikan origin as opposed to the multiple origins theory still accepted by some experts. These findings therefore challenge the theory held that different groups of humans evolved separately at the same time in diverse locations around the world. School textbooks in China have been teaching that the Chinese race evolved from Peking Man, but Shanghai scientists and international researchers have dismissed this theory after discovering that early human families evolved in East Afrika some 150,000 years ago. This claim is based on the DNA analyses of 100,000 samples collected from around the world, which prove that the 65 branches of the Chinese race share similar DNA mutations with the people of East and Southeast Asia, and have originated in Afrika. Micro-satellites or bits of DNA which are short, repeating pieces of DNA that provide information about the genetic variation among people were examined, and they revealed that all Chinese have a great deal in common genetically. This recent research nullifies the theory that Peking Man was the ancestor of the Chinese people and also dispels the Chinese myth and beliefs once held by modern Chinese scholars that the Chinese race had descended from the Yellow Emperor, and evolved separately from other the races. These findings also add more weight to the Afrikan concept that all human life began in Black Afrika from one race, which was the original and aboriginal Black Afrikan race from the tropical regions of Afrika, in particular the Omo region of Ethiopia. Archaeology and forensic tests confirm that China's first two important dynasties, the Xia and the Shang/ Chang, were Black Afrikan, with an Australoid type known as the Madras Indian present in smaller percentages. The Black Afrikan race is therefore the only original and pure race that exists today; all other so-called races are mere variations of this original Negritic race. Besides, the appearance of other races is a recent occurrence in world history, taking place after the migrations of Blacks from Afrika into Europe and Asia, some 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. These Black, original, oriental people of China were known in historical literature as Negro, Austroloid or Oceanean by the Europeans, however, not a single shred of evidence concerning the thousands of years of Black occupation in China can be found in any Chinese Museum, - except for a few Chinese documents which report that some major kingdoms there were ruled by Blacks until around 1000-700 BC.

However, these facts are recorded in the Afrikan, East Indian and Black-American history books. Africoid people from Kush in Afrika began entering China and Central Asia via Iran while other groups reached China by sea. This two migration route of Blacks to China led to the development of the southern Chinese branches of Africoids called Yi, li-man Yueh and Man, while the northern Chinese branches of Africoids were called Kui-shuang (Kushana) or Yueh-chih. Blacks also lived in Turkestand, Mongolia, Transoxiana, the Ili region and Xinjiang Province, in addition to the Yueh Tribes along the north east coastal region. By the way Afrika has the tallest and shortest people in the world, and the socalled Asian or slanted eye is a trait which came from the Afrikans. This facial type is typical Negritic, with the eyes that seem to slant, representing a common, racial characteristic generally found in West Africa, the Sahara and in South Africa among the Kong-San Bushmen (right) and other Africans. The Kong-San people are one of the most ancient pure Afrikan groups on earth. The features of the Kong-san (left) include Mongoloid eyes, high cheekbones, small stature, very kinky hair and brown to yellow-brown complexion, but, these Kong-sans and a number of groups in Southern Africa with similar features have not mixed with Asians of any other race, but remain pure African Blacks. The earliest occupants of Asia were described as small Black pygmies, and Chinese historians also described the Fou Nanese people of China as small and Black. The Ainus, Japan's oldest known inhabitants traditionally refer to a race of Black dwarfs who inhabited Japan long before they did. The Ainus people originated in Black Egypt and are recorded as having made large migrations to the Asian continent, taking with them thousands of years of Afrikan-Egyptian knowledge and influence. These migrations would explain the existence of man-made pyramids in China and Japan which were built by Afrikans of the Nile Valley, of which the Chinese have no idea as to how they got there. China's pyramids are located near Siang Fu city in the Shensi province. The Japanese pyramids were built during the time of Mu, were made of stones not indigenous to Japan and are often mistaken for hills because of their eroded appearances. The three major empires (first civilizations) of China were the Xia Dynasty (c.2205-1766 B.C), the Shang/ Yin Dynasty founded by the Yi tribe headed by the Afrikan-

Mongolian King T'ang, or Ta (c.1700-1050 B.C), and the Zhou Dynasty, the first dynasty founded by the Mongoloid people in China called Hua (pronounced Who-aa). The founders of Xia and Shang came from Afrika via Iran, and according to Prof. Shunsheng Ling, the earliest documented ruler ship of China known as the Xia and Shang dynasties, were governed by emperors called Xuan Di or Black Emperors, who introduced farming and writing to China. Under their leadership, trade cities and travel developed, and by 3500 B.C., Blacks in China were raising silkworms to make silk. The fundamental structures of a stylish calligraphy which is still present today was perfected by the Chinese under this Black dynasty, but in addition to writing, the Blacks of the Xia and Shang dynasties introduced bronze working to China and invented the pounded earth architecture associated with early Chinese city-states. These Black Afrikans also took the art of fighting known today as the martial arts, (Tai Chi, Kung fu, Judo and Tae Kwon Do and so on), developed in the Horn of Afrika into China. (This is a picture of Teguai, the Black martial artist, from china's golden period around 1000 A.D.) In other words, the martial arts originated in AFRIKA, not Asia, and it was the ancient Kemetics (Black Egyptians) who discovered very early that the movements of animals could be used effectively to develop their fighting skills. They also incorporated the concept that "animal principles" could be isolated within the consciousness and manifested into an unconquerable fighting force. Inside the tomb of Imhotep are stone wall carvings of warrior scientists displaying a number of wrestling holds, kicking, throwing, punching and other fighting techniques. Also inscribed in the Tombs of many Kemetic (Egyptian) Governors who lived 4,200 years ago, are diagrams of more than 500 pairs of wrestlers and other warriors demonstrating weapons usage including the lance and short sticks. This diagram shows a section of the wrestling and martial arts moves that were sketched into an ancient Egyptian tomb wall of Governors at Mahez or Beni Hasan, some 2800 years before the birth of Christ. This type of wrestling was copied and practiced by the ancient Greeks and is still practiced in Nubia and West Africa today. These carvings constitute the ancient records and laid the foundation of the world's first martial arts system. Furthermore, these Black Egyptians had developed an understanding of the vital energy of the soul called chi in Chinese, ki in Japanese and ka in the netjer writing of ancient Kemet.

The martial arts practice presently recognized as Chinese started around 500 CE under the influence of a Black Dravidian and Buddhist Priest from India, named Bodhidharma. Also known as Dharuma in the Japanese archives, Bodhidharma founded Zen Buddhism in China and taught the monks at the Shaolin Temple a set of exercises, movements, and breathing techniques which became known as the Shaolin ch'uan fa, temple boxing, or the 18 Hands of Lo Han, which formed the foundation of Chinese Shaolin Kung-fu and Japanese Karate. Afrikans on the continent still practice their own ancient martial arts styles, and continued practicing even when enslaved in the Western Hemisphere. This tradition continues to thrive in the Black Brazilian martial arts style called Capoeira. “A Samurai, to be brave, must have a little Black blood". The first Chinese emperor, the legendary Fu-Hsi, (Son of Heaven) 29532838 B.C., was a woolly haired Black man who is said to have originated the oracle of the I Ching, or The Book of Change, which is the oldest most revered system of prophecy and known to have influenced the most eminent philosophers of Chinese medicine and thought. Ancient Chinese medicine dates back to the Shang Dynasty founded by the Afrikan King T'ang around 1500-1000 B.C. The Shang (Chiang) and the Chou dynasties were credited with bringing together the elements of Chinese medical concepts. The Shang was given the name of Nakhi. Na means Black, Khi means man. Many of the great principles of Chinese medical science compiled during the Shang period were later developed during the Han Dynasty (168 B.C. to 8 A.D.), which began to fuse Shang medical concepts with views from the philosophical ideas of Confucius (551479 B.C.). In this way a system was produced which explained all phenomena in relation to the whole, and under this system, everything including the human body and the organs were organized within the system of "Yin" and "Yang," and the "five elements", or what is also known as the five phases theory. Chinese medicine uses the logic of the Ancient Egyptians who viewed the universe as process-oriented where no boundaries between rest and motion, time and space, mind and matter, sickness and health exist. The Chinese looked at reality as a unified field or an interwoven pattern of inseparable links in a circular chain called the Tao, from which all things and events in nature such as the seasons, colour, sound, organs, tissue, emotion, climate, matter and energy flowed. The culture hero Huang Di, whose name was pronounced in old Chinese as Yuhai Huandi or Hu Nak Kunte, shows a link directly out of Afrika. He arrived in China from the west around 2282 BC, and settled along the banks of the Loh River in Shanxi. This

transliteration of Huan Di, to Hu Nak Kunte should be of interest to Black people who should recognize that Kunte is a common clan name among the Mandingo speakers. These Black Afrikans who founded civilization in China were often called Li Min "Black headed people" by the Zhou dynasts, which is similar to the Sumero-Akkadian / Babylonian term Sag- Gig-Ga also meaning "Black headed people." Currently, Blacks are very rare in China because of the genocide of blending the races, which may be a racist tool applied there and throughout the world to eliminate the Black skin. (Add a cup of milk to jet Black coffee and see if you can still identify the Blackness.) This is exactly what took place in Argentina, a nation which had more Blacks than whites during the 1700's, and it also occurred in Mexico and most parts of Latin America, where the Blacks are still severely oppressed. In sections of North Afrika, the Middle East and Southern Europe, the genocide of mixing was successful in eliminating all the Black populations from these regions except in India, where the racist caste system preserved the purest of India's original Black Negros to this day. These include the Black Dalit or Untouchables (Negro-Australoids) who were kept segregated and isolated for thousands of years by the Indo-European invaders who migrated from Central Asia/North-Eastern Europe. The original or first people of India were also Black Afrikans, in fact, the Latin word India comes from the Greek word Indus (Indos) which means Black. These Black Afrikans, many of whom came from Ethiopia and called Dravidians (afro-Australoids), founded the great Indus Valley Civilization around 3000 B.C., bringing many spiritual sciences that originated in Afrika like Yoga, Kundalini and Reflexology with them. Also, being masters of urban planning and architecture, their homes and cities had running water, toilets, and an underground sewage system as seen at the Mohenjo Daro ruins around 2000 B.C. It is also believed that the Ganges, the sacred river of India, was named after an Ethiopian king by that name who conquered Asia up to this river. Buddha, Krishna, (two of the world's best known Black deities outside of the western world), the great King Asoka and other great Black sages emerged from these successive civilizations. But in the western world nothing is mentioned that India was once a part of the great Black Ethiopian Empire, but this is verified in the Ethiopian sacred text known as The Kebra Negast which regarded West India as a part of the Ethiopian or Kushite Empire. In biblical times, Afrika included much of what European maps refer to as the Middle East, but it was the European mapmakers who determined that regions on the top of Afrika should be divided, based on distances from Europe to the Near East, Middle East and Far East. The name Afrika was imposed on this great continent by European

explorers who have this knack for renaming and degrading everything they come across to suit themselves. A replica of an ancient Chinese map which included a recognizable outline of Afrika was made public in November 2002 in South Afrika's Parliament. This Map of the Great Ming Empire Da Ming Hun Yi Tu which dates back to 1389, was created decades before the first European voyages to Afrika, but this presents another problem, as European scientists could not explain how the Chinese possessed such a map that was dated decades before Europeans had sailed to Afrika. The normal response when something surfaces in an area that cannot be linked back to Europe, their scientists will come up with some statement like, "We have our team of experts working on that." This is a carefully constructed drawback which suggests that everything documented in history is supposed to be measured to and from Europe, - a baby civilization. Recommended Reading:

- Message to the Blackman- Elijah Muhammad ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

Echoes of the Old Darkland -Charles S Finch Ancient Egypt the Light of the World - [2 vols.] Gerald Massey Gerald Massey's Lectures - Gerald Massey African origins of the Major "Western" Religions - Yosef ben-Jochannan Black man of the Nile and His Family - Yosef ben-Jochannan African origins of the Major World's Religions - Amon Sakaana [Ed] Civilization or Barbarism - Cheikh Anta Diop African Origins of Civilization: Myth or Reality? - Cheikh Anta Diop Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth - John Jackson Man, God & Civilization - John Jackson Pagan and Christian Creeds - Edward Carpenter World's 16 Crucified Saviors - Kersey Greaves The Passover Plot - Hugh Schonfield African Presence in Early Europe - Ivan Van Sertima African Presence in Early Asia - Runuko Rashidi, Ivan Van Sertima Egypt Revisited - Ivan Van Sertima Rituals of Power and Rebellion - Hollis Liverpool Who is this King of Glory? - Alvin Boyd Kuhn Forgery in Christianity - Joseph Wheless The Dark Side of Christian History - Helen Ellerbie Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets - Barbara G Walker Sex and Race [vol. 1] - J A Rogers When God was a Woman - Merlin Stone Gods of the Egyptians - Sir E A Wallis-Budge From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt - E A Wallis-Budge Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani - E A Wallis-Budge The Golden Bough [13 vols.] - James Frazer Black Athena [vol. 1] - Martin Bernal



called "The Black Spaniard." His teacher, the immortal Joseph Hayden, was also a mulatto! (Khamit-Kush: What They Never Told You In History Class) In The Five Negro Presidents , J.A. Rogers documents the mulatto identity of five American presidents! (Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Warren Harding, Andrew Jackson & Abraham Lincoln)

_______________________________ Suggested Readings for an excellent overview of suppressed African history: "What they Never Told You in History Class" , by Indus Khamit-Kush "Stolen Legacy"by James, G.M. George "The Destruction of Black Civilization"by Chancellor P. Williams "From the Browder File"by Anthony Browder "The African Origin of Civilization"by Cheikh Anta Diop "100 Amazing Facts About the Negro" and other books by J.A. Rogers

Olmec Statue Head , Nubian Tribal Chief


NOW ASK YOURSELF, WHO IS THE ORIGINAL MAN? Prepared By: William 2X Freeman Muhammad Mosque 55 Memphis, TN

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