(J) form prea110a
,, surface rouahncu (5) kinemal 1c pred11011 (6) surface layer al1cra11oru
Nole dw some 11an,, 1uch as -.an !IOI be disc:uued in Ihas book.
1 'ate not •ndudcd m 1h11 1111 and will
U The four prlncfpl11of meeau,...,ent ,_ n
Althou g h OUISlde
When measuring 1he dimensions of an object, one mus1 know iu temperature. Temperature affects the length of aU objects and malerials. The codftdmt of lina; expansion, which indica1es lhe CXlenl of Ibis c:han,e, iiaivcn in Table 2.1 for a few materials.As Ibis 1able shows, we have yet 10 develop a mMcrial whose lmgth is unaf fected by lernperature fluctuatiom. (This Is #sn1P"d in some detail in Chapter 9.) We must further keep in mind tbal •c:oefflcient of linear expansion iudf varies wilh temperature.It Is tb111 lmponam to teep the object being measured at a c:onstaDt tcmpera&ure O,e. die reference temperature). Althouah measuring imtrumeata ase _.. iD ClCM"•nt-lelllperature rooau around 20 •c, the me•ind 1111 a clffamt ICllllpcnlllre. ffenc!tina will allo C:WI
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