What Is The Difference Between A Republic And Democracy?

  • April 2020
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Being a brief consideration of the distinctions between the great Biblical principles of civil·government on which the American Constitutional Republic was founded and the malignant doctrines of "democracy" into which our nation has fallen.





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Bible is textbook of govt. Law based on God's law. Constitution guarantees individual freedom, defines proper functions of govt. Minority rights upheld. (Ex 20:1-17, 24:3; Dt 4:1-9, 17:18-19; I.a 33:22; Gal 5:1.)

State is "god," "vox populi" is sovereign. Majority rule, minority rights suppressed. God's law denied, humanism is state "religion." (1 Sam 8:7; 2 Chron 7:19-22; I.a 1:21-28; Mk. 7:20-23; Rom 1: 21-25, 8:7.)

REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT Power flows from God to citizen to representatives. People elect legislators, executives, judges. Officials accountable to electorate. Rights & due process upheld. (Ex 18:19-25, 19:5-8; Lev 19:15; Dt 1:13-18, 18:18-20; Rom 13:1-8; Tim 3:1-13.)

The people rule by emotion; legislate on impulse, judge by vote. No absolutes. Reason replace righteousness; majority decrees "justice." (Gen 11:1-9; Ex 23:1-2; Judg •• 21:25; I•• 59:1-15.)






Federal govt. unrestrained; local govts. mere appendages. Controls and bureaucracies sap nation's resources. Caesar is arbiter of morals, "truth" is what serves State. (1 Sam 8:14-18; I.a 3:1-15; John 19:15.)

PROPERTY RIGHTS SECURE All property is God's, entrusted to individuals as His vice regents. Man has property in self, in rights & estate. Govt's function is to protect person and property. (Ex 20:15-17, 22:3, 30:15; Lev 27:30-33; Num 5:6-8; PI 24:1; 1 Cor 10:26.)



Taxation an instrument of social control; citizens made servants of State. Personal property progressively taxed to support Caesar's excesses. (Lev 19:13; 1 Sam 8:1118; 1 KlngI21:1-19.)





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LIBERTY (Freedom)

Liberty is gift from God to be exercised within His laws. Basic law of liberty is Ten Commandments, Mt 22:37-40, and to be conscientious toward God. (Ex 20:2; John 8:36; Actl 24:16; Gal 5:13; 1 Pet 2:18.)


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God created man to glorify Him & to tend His earth. Man is God's steward; to be fruitful, to fulfill God's dominion charter and to obey His work rules. (Gen 1:18; 3; Lev 27:30-33; Dt 25:4; Mt 8:21,33; 25:14-20; Eph 8:5-9.)

Liberty licensed by ~ajority; minority must conform. "Broad public policy" is "god;" constitutional guarantees. give way to concensus and "divine right" of public officials. (2 Pet 2:17-19; Jude 4,5; Rev 17&18).



Materialism is worshipped. Govt controls production & distribution. Man must serve State, not God. Property a privilege conferred or cancelled by State. (Lk 12:1321; Rev 13:16-17.)

THE ROOTS OF OUR AMERICAN REPUBLIC The roots of our American Republic grew not from the glories that were Greece or the grandeur that was Rome; they were planted at Mt. Sinai. The brilliance of our Constitution stems not from the gods of Mt. Olympus or the philosophers of Rome; it flows directly from the The Holy Bible, the written word of the Living God. Thus, as Rev. Louis DeBoer has written: "Our national existence as a republic of free men is contingent on a national faith, faith in the word of God, and presupposes the necessity ofperiodic reformation to bring us back to that word and its requirements." ((if My people) which are called by My name) shall humble themselves) and pray) and seek My face) and turn from their wicked ways) then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin) and will heal their land. ))(II Chron. 7: 14 -- see also II Chron 7: 19)

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