What Is Color?

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  • Words: 1,348
  • Pages: 31
What is color?

By: Zeeshan Bhatti 1

History of Color Color came into experience of Human mind

because of its frightening nature when it sees huge mammals, earth and other things around it. Knowing strange about things…to become powerful by get ride of…. Create pictures to controls beast and wild animals…so called black magic through images.




Ancient Egypt

Mesopotamia, the Far East

Based of religion Light and Shadows Unaware….Unconcern Flat Color sculptors For them sun and Moon is the important



Color in Ancient Crete Style was free Color was always Cheery Specially in interior of House flying fish spiral patterns


Color in Ancient Greece Strong hand in architecture and sculptor Renowned Vases with three colors painting their stone, bronze, and marble

statues realistically


Color in Ancient Rome magnificent temples, palaces, and luxurious

villas with strong interiors painted with mosaics. encaustic, pigments mixed with hot wax to create mosaics like a paintings


Color in Ancient Christianity Work with glass mosaics rather than stone

and marble chips



(High Voltage, I am Available, Only you can

see, I will tease you, don’t touch me)

Fire Blood Energy War Danger Strength

• • • • •

Power Passion  Love Desire Anger Light red represents joy, passion, sensitivity, and love.  Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes  feminine qualities and passiveness. Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger,  leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.  Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities. Reddish­brown is associated with harvest and fall.  8


(Creativity, Attraction, success you

will get, Young)

 Joy  Sunshine  enthusiasm  Fascination  happiness  Creativity  determination

• • • •

attraction  success  encouragement  stimulation 

Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust. Red­orange corresponds to desire, pleasure, domination,  aggression, and thirst for action. Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is  illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes  high quality.



(Sunshine, New Dawn, Intellect, Happiness)

 warming effect  arouses cheerfulness  generates muscle energy  honor  loyalty  cowardice

Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness,  and jealousy.  Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and  joy. 



(Nature, healing power, hope )

• Pure Money Growth • hope  Harmony Freshness Fertility Emotion Safety Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and  jealousy. Yellow­green can indicate sickness, cowardice, discord,  and jealousy. Aqua is associated with emotional healing and protection. Olive green is the traditional color of peace.



(Future, Dream, Depth Stability)

trust Loyalty Wisdom Confidence intelligence faith

• • • • •

Truth Heaven Sea Sky Ocean Depth

Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility,  understanding, and softness. Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and  seriousness. 


Purple  Wealth  Extravagance  Wisdom  Dignity  Independence  Creativity

(Power, Nobility, Luxury, can’t beat me)

• Mystery • Magic • Royalty • Artificial


Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings. Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause  frustration. 


White  Goodness  Innocence  Purity  color of


(God, Pure, Truth, Mother, I will be there for you)

• Safety • Cleanliness • Spirit • Coolness • Hospitals • Doctors • Sterility



What ever it takessss , whatever heart breakssss, I will  be right there waiting for you. La..la.lala……lalalala  (a song…)


Black  Power  Elegance  Formality  Death  Evil  Mystery

(Death, Evil)

• Fear • Black holes  • Negative strength and   authority  • Grief


• Sorrow • Pain

I will destroy you, break you, give you pain, not leave you  alone


Colour Light source, object, observer Electromagnetic spectrum


The Eye Rods and Cones  Rods perceive luminance only 

Highly sensitive

 Cones perceive colour   

Require bright conditions Red, Green, Blue pigment 3 million behind fovea, 1° - 2 ° of accurate vision Absorption not even distributed 40:20:1 (RGB) Better tuned to see red, yellow, green cyan range


Additive colour RGB Full amounts of each light produce white

Like a TV or Monitor


RGB model is additive Red=Green=Blue=0 is black     (no color)

Add some blue

Add Red only

How to make pure white?


HSB model Based on human

perception Hue: color reflected

from or transmitted through an object Saturation: strength of color (% grey) Brightness: relative lightness from black (0%) to white (100%)


CMYK model Based on light-absorbing quality of ink printed on

paper  As light is absorbed, part of spectrum is absorbed and part

reflected back to eyes  So CMYK is a subtractive model (RGB is additive)

4 channels: Cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y),

black (K)  In theory, pure colors should produce black, but printing

inks contain impurities  So combining 3 pure colors produces muddy brown  Therefore pure K is needed to produce pure black 


Color gamut Eyes see more

than screens or printers can show Gamut is the range of a color model RGB and CMYK show different subsets of colors 22

 Alpha channel stores mask information  A mask lets part of an image be transparent so that other  layers show through  

 8­bit mask value determines degree of transparency

 So Photoshop files have 3 channels for color and 1 alpha  (32 bits per pixel) 


= 23

CLUT or Palette 8-bit color is low-cost, limited gamut GIF and web-safe colors are 8-bit Indexing millions of colors to 256 is arbitrary Here are some standard and custom palettes

Macintosh CLUT (Color Look­Up Table)

Web­safe palette (216 colors)


Palette issues What happens when converting from 24- to

8-bit color depth?

Dithering: finding closest possible color in


Why might a custom palette be useful? Matching colors of a photograph What happens when switching palettes? Screen flashing Avoid it by fading images to white or black


Bitmap compression .bmp, .pict or .psd files can be large CODEC (compressor/decompressor)

algorithms reduce file size GIF codec removes repetition E.g., if there’s a string of 100 pixels with the

code 196, GIF encodes one 8 bit number to represent the color then two numbers that repeats that value 196 times


Bitmap compression (2) JPEG uses a more complex codec: Since most neighboring pixels have similar

colors, group them into blocks of 4 to 16 pixels. Then determine average values for a block. E.g., for pixels 459BF0, 459BF2, 459BED and 459BF0, the average is 459BF0. Then encode the average, plus differences for individual pixels. Next, quantize the blocks, by calculating the average of a group of adjacent blocks. 27

GIF or JPEG? What rules of thumb do you infer about when

to use GIF vs JPG? GIFs work best large areas of the same color and a moderate level of detail JPEG works best for continuous tone images, such as full-color photographs


Vector-drawn images Created from lines, rectangles, ovals,

polygons using mathematical formulas RECT 0,0,300,200,RED,BLUE says: 

”Draw a rectangle starting at 0,0 (upper left corner of screen) going 300 pixels horizontally right and 200 pixels downward, with a RED boundary and filled with BLUE.”

How can vectors be smaller than bitmaps? Macromedia Freehand, Corel Draw &

Adobe Illustrator are vector-drawing applications Flash puts vector-drawing on the Web


Drawing vs. painting Drawing tools feature tools for drawing

rectangles, polygons, ellipses, lines, freehand, plus reflect and scale Convert bitmaps to vector formulas by

autotracing shapes E.g., in Flash 5, Modify > Trace BitMap

Paint/image processing feature tools for

paint bucket, sharpen/blur, magic wand (to copy pixels) Convert vector-based drawings to bitmaps by



3D graphics Extend vector-drawn graphics in 3

dimensions x, y and z Objects as a whole have properties such as shape, color, texture, shading & location. Extrusion and lathing. Modeling also deals with lighting: set camera view to project shadows A 3-D applications lets you model   To create Toy Story, Pixar used a farm of 117 SparcStations, an object’s shape, then render it completely    each with 192­384MB RAM plus swap space, running Pixar’s    proprietary Renderman software. 


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