Room 3 Homework Term 2
Week 8
[email protected]
SPELLING 1. Spelling. Learn your spelling for our spelling test on Friday. 2. Each night choose 2 or 3 of your spelling words and write an interesting sentence for each word. 2. BASIC FACTS and TIMES TABLES Learn 2 basic facts and x tables you got wrong every night so your score improves. .
3. Read every night for at least 10 minutes.
Citizenship is everyone’s business
4. Maths
Survey members of your family and friends at least 10 in total to find their favourite breakfast. Draw up a tally chart in your homework book (use a ruler!) and record the results using tally marks. Remember to provide a title for your chart, write at least 5 possible breakfasts down the left side for them to choose from, and have a totals column at the right. FAVOURITE BREAKFASTS
Porridge Cocopops Toast Weet bix Ricies
Tally Total lll 3 llll 5 ll 2 lll 3 llll 4
Dear Parents, • Most of the children are really doing well in times tables and basic facts. The weekly testing continues to show a big improvement which reflects the work they are doing at home and what we have been doing at school. Well done and keep it up everyone! • This week we are studying Matariki – the Maori New Year. Last week a notice went home advising of our Syndicate wide celebration of the event with a shared kai on Wednesday June 24. • I am sure you are all aware of the potential for swine flu (or any other contagious diseases) being spread easily at school. If your child is unwell please keep them at home. • The choir are practising hard at present for their mid winter performance. Please support the raffle the organisers have arranged. Sue