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Beaconhouse School System Qasimabad, Branch, Hyderabad Mathematics Curriculum Weekly Planning Sheet

Class: V


Topic: Polygons and Polyhedra/ Surface Area and Volume

Learning Outcome 

Classify different types of polyhedra (pyramids, cubes and prisms)

Identify rotational symmetry in 2 D shapes. Identify order of symmetry of 2D shapes.

Day 1

Day 2 

Calculate surface area of cuboids (for dimensions in whole numbers).

Calculate volume of cuboids by formula (for dimensions in whole numbers)

Day 3

Day 4

HM/SM/SC: Miss Shamaila Irfan


Date: 17th March, 2018 to 24th March, 2018




Coordinator: _________________________

Teacher: Miss Anza Memon

Beaconhouse School System

Subject: Mathematics Learning Outcome

Students should be able to:

Class: 5

Topic: Polygons and Polyhedra Plan/Methodology


Mental Math (Whole Class): Teacher will paste pictures of two polygons (one regular and the other irregular) and ask class to write as many properties as they can by 5min looking at those pictures on their mini white board.



Students will be assessed on their ability to:

Starter Activity (Individual Work): Students will be writing in their notes what they feel is Classify different types of polyhedra (pyramids, cubes and prisms)

the difference between 2-D and 3-D objects. They are instructed to use drawings and examples to help explain the difference. I chose to do this because I wanted to assess prior understanding or hook them in for today’s learning. I’m going to give students some time to write and think about 2-D vs 3-D objects. Students can then pair up to discuss their thoughts on the subject.


Main Teaching (Whole class): I will be discussing the vocabulary of three dimensional objects. This vocabulary is important because they will need to identify prisms and pyramids by their faces, bases, edges, and vertices. Once we go over the vocabulary we will be doing some practice at identifying the solids by these features. We will also be looking at their nets to help us see the characteristics easier.

15 min

a polyhedron (plural polyhedra or polyhedrons) is a solid in three dimensions with flat polygonal faces, straight edges and sharp corners or vertices. As a class, we will complete the Polyhedra Activity based on students observations. For each polyhedron, I will ask students to share how many edges, faces and vertices they counted. There are several students with each polyhedron who should be able to confirm the count. As we complete the table, students may start to notice a pattern/rule. Can you figure out a relationship between the number of faces, vertices and edges of 3-Dimensional Figures? Students may observe that if we add the number of faces and vertices and subtract 2, we will have the number of edges. This will lead to Euler's Formula. Euler's Formula F+V-2=E



Classify different types of polyhedra (pyramids, cubes and prisms) through hands on activity, class discussion and written work.

Written Work (Individual work): Plenary (Group Work): Where, in the real world, have you seen polyhedrons?

Subject: Mathematics Learning Outcome

Class: 5

Topic: Polygons and Polyhedra Plan/Methodology

Qasimabad Branch, Hyderabad Strand: (1. Number and Algebra) 1.1 Whole Number

Beaconhouse School System Qasimabad Branch, Hyderabad Strand: 2.0 Shape, Space and Measure

Tim e


Day: 1

Day: 2


Students should be able to:

Mental Math (Whole Class):

5 min

Main Teaching (Whole class): If we turn an object round will it look the same? Here is an example: We have put a blob in one corner to show it turning round. 25 min

You see that apart from the blob the shape looks exactly the same in 1 and 3. We say that this shape has got rotational symmetry of order 2. ( That just means that there are two positions in which it looks exactly the same. Here is a letter with rotational order of two. Can you see why?

15 min

25 min

You could turn (rotate) the letter s around to its new position and you would not know it had changed (we have put the blob on to show you). Rotational symmetry is where you can turn an object so that it looks exactly the same. The number of positions in which it looks exactly the same gives you its order of symmetry. By definition, the number of times a shape fits onto itself when rotated is called the order of symmetry. Hence, we can see that the order of symmetry for this triangle is 3.

10 min

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

Now, this shape will only fits onto itself for 1 time after it is been rotated for 360o. Hence, the order of symmetry is 1. However, for any shape that has rotation symmetry of order 1, that shape is considered as not having any rotational symmetry. Hence, this shape has no rotational symmetry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blQjglPb1jw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBSIU-fcDSE tracing paper

Main Activity ( Group Activity):

Written Work (Whole Class): Homework (Individual Work): Plenary (Pair work):

Beaconhouse School System Qasimabad Branch, Hyderabad

Strand: 2.0 Shape, Space and Measure

Subject: Mathematics

Class: 5

Learning Outcome

Students should be able to:

Calculate surface area of cuboids (for dimensions in whole numbers).

Day: 3

Topic: Polygons and Polyhedra Plan/Methodology

Mental Math (Individual Work):



1. Ashley has a polyhedron whose faces are all congruent, and it has 4 vertices. Which solid does Ashley have? 2. Jon has 2 cubes. Henry has a square pyramid. How many faces do they have all together? 3. How many edges does an octagonal pyramid have? Students will have 5 minutes to answer the questions and then they will discuss their answers with their group. If students are unsure about their answers, I will encourage them to use their notes to help them. As a class we will review any unanswered questions.



Students will be assessed on their ability to:


Starter Activity: Students may have difficulty identifying the dimensions of the faces, especially for the triangular pyramids. It is important that they remember that the base and height always form a right angle. Main Teaching: What is area? Can we find the area of a polyhedron? Students should recall that area is the amount of square units needed to cover a surface. Some students may think we can find the area of a polyhedron, so I will pose the following questions. When we had 2 dimensional figures, we were able to find the area. What do you think it means to find the surface area of a polyhedron? Students will share their ideas. They may infer that since there are several faces to a polyhedron, we need to find the areas of those faces. I will explain that surface area is the sum of the areas of all outside faces of a 3-D figure. We will work through some examples together, so students have an understanding of how to organize their work. See Surface Area of Polyhedron Lesson for examples.

Plenary (Individual): To assess students' understanding of the concept of surface area, I will ask a series of questions. When find the surface area of a polyhedron, will you ever be able to find the area of only one face? Students should consider a cube, where all the faces have the same area. How can you organize your work to show the steps of find surface area? Students may suggest drawing a net, labeling the faces, labeling their work, ... When you have congruent faces, what is a shortcut? Students should suggest that you can multiply the area by the number of congruent faces? When you find the area of all the faces, what should you do? Student should remember to add the areas and label their answer square units.




Calculate surface area of cuboids (for dimensions in whole numbers) activity and class discussion.

Subject: Mathematics Learning Outcome

Class: 5

Topic: Polygons and Polyhedra Plan/Methodology

Beaconhouse School System Qasimabad Branch, Hyderabad




Students should be able to:

Mental Math (Whole Class): Starter Activity (Pair activity):

Calculate volume of cuboids by formula (for dimensions in whole numbers)


Students will be assessed on their ability to:

Main Teaching ( Whole class): Written Work (Individual Work): Homework (Individual Work):



15 min

Calculate volume of cuboids by formula (for dimensions in whole numbers) through ICT activity and written work.



Strand: 2.0 Shape, Space and Measure

Day: 4


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