Webtop General User Guide Final Posted To Websites

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,878
  • Pages: 31
Docu me ntu m W ebtop Gen eral Use r G uide

Wha t is We bto p? •Webtop is a web-based interface to Documentum.

•Utilizes standard browser •Point and click ease of use •Standard platform for future Documentum enhancements

•Why are we replacing the WorkSpace interface to Documentum?

•WorkSpace is no longer supported by the vendor •Maintenance and support is costly •Does not utilize IT standard infrastructure components •WorkSpace is impeding our ability to upgrade

Objecti ves            

Accessing Webtop Creating Links to Webtop Webtop Look and Feel General Documentum Info Simple and Advanced Searches Saving Searches Subscriptions Customizing Screen Preferences Viewing Attributes Viewing Content Files Creating Automated DRLs Questions

Accessing Webt op Launch internet browser and type in the address of the Webtop application listed below.

Webtop addresses Plant Farley - http://alfnpnd02/webtop Plant Hatch – http://gahnpnd02/webtop Plant Vogtle – http://gavnpnd02/webtop Corporate – http://alxapnd03/webtop

Accessing Webt op Enter userid, password, and select your site’s docbase (also referred to as the repository).

Docbase (repository) Plant Farley - dmfpdb Plant Hatch – dmhpdb Plant Vogtle – dmvpdb Corporate – dmapdb

Select checkbox if you want the system to remember your id and password. NOTE: When your password changes, you will be prompted to login

Creating Webt op Link/ Shor tcut

 Drag to desktop, email, or document to create link  Right click - Copy Shortcut to add to desktop  Right click, Add to Favorites

Webtop Look and Feel 1. Folder List Area – This area contains cabinets that are available to the user. Each cabinet, when expanded, can contain additional cabinets and folders. It is very similar in behavior to the folder view in Windows Explorer.

Initial Screen Layout and Definitions

2. Menu Bar – This area contains any functions that are available to a user. These functions are context sensitive, so depending upon what is selected or how many objects, various actions will be available depending upon the state of what the user has chosen. 3. Object List Area – This area contains the contents of the folder or object selected in the Folder List Area (1). For example, if a user selects their Home Cabinet, they will see a list of all folders and files that have been created in that cabinet. Note: Due to customizations in Webtop you may obtain unexpected navigation results if you use the BACK or FORWARD buttons. Proper navigation is to use the Webtop controls and not the BACK or FORWARD buttons.




Webtop Look and Feel 1. Current Docbase

2. Home Cabinet

3. Inbox 4. Advanced Search

See Next Slide for Definitions

5. Simple Search


7. Toolbar Subscription s

8. Logout 9. Object Type Filter 10. Object Item Display Limit 11. Object Display Preference s 12. Sort by Column

Look and Fee l Screen Def in iti ons 1. Current Docbase – A docbase is a Documentum database (1 per site). The Docbase name where a user is currently logged in is displayed. Users can log into multiple docbases simultaneously. 2. Home Cabinet –By default, all users begin in this cabinet, with the items contained within this cabinet displayed on the right hand side of the screen. 3. Inbox – Displays the tasks and notifications sent to the user. Any notifications from workflows are located in the Inbox. 4. Advanced Search – Searches property (attribute) fields similar to Find screen in Workspace. Search is not case sensitive. See Advanced Search slides for additional information. 5. Simple Search - Conducts search against Object Name and Title as well as full-text search against indexed content. Search is not case-sensitive. Allows use of * character as wildcard. See Simple Search slides for additional information. 6. Subscriptions – Files or folders that a user has subscribed to will appear in the Subscriptions list along with notification sent to user’s Inbox when the object is updated. See Subscriptions slide. 7. Toolbar – Lists the menu options available to the user such as viewing properties, creating new documents, etc. 8. Logout – Logs the user out of the currently logged in Webtop application. 9. Object Type Filter – Filters list to display only files, folders, versions, etc. 10. Object Item Display Limit – Limits number of objects (documents) displayed. 11. Object Display Preferences – Allows users to select which columns to

General Do cumentum Inf o Documentum conducts searches using this hierarchy. Search on specific document type if known, otherwise search on SyncDocument. Sync Document

Sync Autogen Record

Sync Change Notice

Sync Procurement

Sync Record

Sync Procedure

Sync Specification

Sync Rounds Sync Rounds Data

Sync Calculation

Sync Drawing Sync Domestic Drawing

Sync Vendor Drawing

Document No. (called Object Name in Workspace) = procedure, drawing, or document number

Adding D ocbases to Search Select EDIT on the Advanced Search Screen to view the screen to add or remove docbases for search query. Then, use > < buttons to add/remove docbases. Docbases can be set as default for searching

Simp le Search Logi c/ Inst ructi ons Simple Search • Searches Object Name, Title, and Comments Attribute fields AND performs full-text search against indexed content. Full text search does not search scanned images unless they are OCR (optical character recognition) scanned images). • Searches are NOT casesensitive • Can use the * character as a wildcard.

Enter search query (word or phrase) by enclosing the “search phrase” in double quotation marks Press Go

Simple S ear ch I ns truct ions Simple Search query can also be typed in the CONTAINS field on the Advanced Search screen. Enclose the search word or phase with double quotes. The search functionality is the same as described on the previous page.

Advanced Search In str uctions

Use drop downs fields for Object Type and Attributes for search query. Select Add Another Property for additional search lines. This is similar to the FIND

Hidden objects are only visible to users with Read or Write permissions for the object. SNC will not use this feature of

Advanced Search In str uctions Select EDIT to add or remove docbases to search simultaneously. "Current Location" allows user to specify location to search (i.e. Chemistry Procedures Selectfolder) () to find all versions

Select Edit to change docbases

Advanced Search In str uctions

To search for zero size content documents (objects without a content file) select ‘Format’ ‘is null’ from the properties drop down lists instead of using the size search feature.

Date field allows you to search for items during a specific time. Select type of date (approval, create, modified, etc.,) and then select the time periods.

Adv anced Sear ch L ogic Select the properties to search by: In the first field, select the property to search. In the second field, select the relationship of your search value to the property value. In the remaining field, enter the search value. To search based on another property value, click Add another property and then select one of the following: AND – Returns search results that match this property value AND the property value on the previous line. OR - Returns search results that match either this property value OR the property value on the previous line.

Additional searching information: • Wildcards, quote, and Boolean values cannot be used for searches when properties are being used for searching. • Use ‘begins with’, ‘contains’, ‘ends with’, etc., rather than wildcards. • When there are two or more values, the order of operations follows the order of definition. Each time you add an operator (AND or OR) the previous operators are grouped together. • To remove a property from the search criteria, click Remove.

Unders ta nding Search Res ults

Indicates docbases searched and where results were located

Webtop functionality does not allow search results to be exported to an Excel worksheet (which can be done in Workspace.) We are working on a solution for exporting data but recommend continued use of Workspace

Unders ta nding Search Res ults Shows “Processing” until search is complete. Click on “Processing” indicator to see total number of documents to be displayed when search is complete. (Search Status window shows a total of 822 hits will be displayed when search is complete).

Select 10, 50, or 100 items per page for display Shows total number of search results pages when complete.

Unders ta nding Search Res ults

Number of hits returne d

Select to Save Search Query (see next screen). Search results are not saved, only the query.

Current and total number of search results pages returned

Sav ing S ear ches Create Search Query Name and Descriptio n

Docbase where search query will be saved (search results are not saved)

Rev iewing Saved Searches

Select My Saved Searches tab in Advanced Search to see a list of your saved searches.

Select All Saved Searches tab to see ALL saved searches for this docbase

Creat ing S ubscript ions Subscriptions are similar to a shortcut. Notifications are sent to your Inbox when the object is updated. Select () Object(s) for which you want to subscribe, then select Tools / Subscribe. Select Subscriptions folder to view current subscription list. Note: NMPs and some other documents are maintained in the corporate docbase and replicated to the site docbases. The subscription feature under Tools will be grayed out in these instances and can only

Cust omiz ing Screen Pref er ences

Select Column Preferences to change column display (see next screen)

Cust omiz ing Screen Pref erences This changes (defaults) your search results presentation until changed again. Select Sync Type & choose available attributes. Add or remove attribute columns and the order in which they are presented by selecting the appropriate buttons.

Viewin g Document Att ribut es Select or select checkbox and then “View / Properties ” to see attribute tabs The words “Properties” and “Attributes” can be used interchangeably.

View ing Document At tribut es Safeguards indicator shows the document has been identified as Safeguards Information (SGI) (SGI documents will not contain content or will only contain NonSGI correspondence only. Not all SGI documents

Review additional attributes using tabs (similar to Workspace) Only users with permissions have EDIT capability. General users will not see the EDIT option indicated by

Opening C ontent Files Select checkbox then “File / View” or click on Document No. to open content file

Automated DRLs (document resource locators) can be emailed or placed on your desktop. Creating email DRL: Select () document checkbox. Select File / Email as web-link. Outlook will open with link in the email body. Note: DRL will open current version of document regardless of

DRL - Email

Automat ed DRL - D eskt op Creating Desktop DRL: View document properties. Click the document icon (circled), hold mouse button, and drag to desktop. Note: DRL will open to current version of document regardless of what version placed on desktop.

Ques tions • Use this material as future reference (save in your Internet Favorites or print hardcopy) • Seek guidance from ‘power users’ in your department • Contact the IT Help Desk, 1-888-999-9110, to open a case for: •Permissions requests •Issues using Webtop or initiating workflows • Access the IT Self Help Knowledgebase and search on key words “SNC Webtop”

https:// helpdesk.southernco.com/OwnerMaintained/HomePage.asp

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