Practice Areas: # Banking Law # Corporate Law # Insurance Law # Admiralty # Project Finance # Foreign Capital Legislation # Competition Law # Trademarks, Patents and Copyright # Execution and Bankruptcy Law # Litigation # Arbitration # Tax # Real Estate & Condominium Law # Medical malpractice/Professional negligence cases # Criminal Law # Labor Law # Entertainment and Media Law # Strategic Planning # Project Development/Finance * Administrative & Commercial Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution * Administrative Law * Anti-Dumping * Banking and Finance * Competition (Antitrust) * Construction and Engineering * Contracts Law * Corporate and Commercial Law * Distributorship and Agency Contracts * Environmental Law * Foreign Investment * Infrastructure Development * Intellectual Property * IT & E-Commerce * Labor and Employment * Legislation * Maritime Law * Mergers and Acquisitions * Mining Projects * Natural Gas/Petroleum * Permitting * Power * Privatization * Project Finance * Public Procurement * Real Estate * Telecommunications # Intellectual Property # Commercial & Corporate # Finance and Insurance
# Competition and Antitrust # Energy # Privatisation # Consumer Law # Internet & E-Commerce # Pharmaceuticals # Foreign Investments # International Assistance # Commercial Litigation General Practice, Arbitration, Banking, Business, Capital Market, Civil, Commercial, Foreign Currency, Foreign Investment Legislations, Corporate Law, International Trade, Labor, Law of Bankruptcy and Enforcement, Law of Obligation, Leasing, Factoring, Defense Industry, Joint Venture, Energy, Environment, Telecommunication, Private International Law and Privatization, Criminal Law, Tax Law, Administrative Law. Antitrust Banking & Finance Capital Markets Construction Corporate E-Commerce Employment Intellectual Property International Trade IT/Communications Ligitation&Arbitration Project Finance Real Estate Sports Law Transport Tourism # TİCARET HUKUKU ( Kara ticaret, deniz ticaret, şirketler hukuku , kıymetli evrak, bankalar hukuku, uluslar arası sözleşmeler-protokol, telif hakları, marka tescil ve sigorta hukuku) # MEDENİ HUKUK ( Aile hukuku, borçlar hukuku, gayrimenkul hukuk, miras hukuku) # İLETİŞİM HUKUKU ( Medya, yazılı basın, telif hakları...vs) # İŞ VE SOSYAL GÜVENLİK HUKUKU # TİCARİ İLİŞKİLERDEN VE EKONOMİK SUÇLAR İLE İLGİLİ CEZA DAVALARI
# KAMU HUKUKU İLE İLGİLİ DAVALAR * Business Law * Communications & Media * Construction Law * Consumer Law * Environmental Law * European Community Law * Financial Leasing Law * Foreign Exchange * Foreign Investment Law * Information Technology * Mergers & Acquisitions * Real Estate Law * Securities Law Ulusal ve Uluslararası Uyuşmazlıklar Ulusal ve Uluslararası Tahkim İş Hukuku Vergi Hukuku Finans ve Banka Hukuku Ticaret Hukuku İcra İflas Hukuku Fikri ve Sinai Haklar Hukuku Aile Hukuku İnsan Hakları
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Ankara Bar (admitted 1991), Reg. No. 10736 EDUCATION Ankara University, Faculty of Law, LL.B (1990) LANGUAGES Turkish, English Email:
[email protected]
Contact Address: Aksu & Savas & Caliskan Law Office Harmanci Giz Plaza Kat: 16, 34330 / Levent İstanbul, Turkey Tel: (+90) 212 284 98 82 (pbx) Fax: (+90) 212 284 98 83 E mail:
[email protected] Başalan Hukuk Bürosu, Av. Ahmet BAŞALAN ve Av. Feriha BAŞALAN tarafından İstanbul’da kurulmuş olup faaliyet gösterdiği alanda Türkiye’nin önde gelen avukatlık bürolarındandır. Kendini, yerli ve yabancı müvekkilleri için yasal konularda hukuki yardımda bulunmaya ve bu suretle kalıcı çözümler elde etmeye adamış olan Başalan Avukatlık Bürosu; özellikle Şirketler Hukuku, Yabancı Yatırımlar, Ticaret Hukuku, Ticari davalar, Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku, Şirket Birleşmeleri, Patent, Marka, Endüstriyel Tasarım haklarının korunması, Haksız rekabet, Copyright, Sınai ve fikri mülkiyet hukuku alanında Domain Name anlaşmasızlıklarının çözümü, Şirket Kuruluşu, İrtibat Bürosu tesisi, Oturma İzni ve Çalışma izinleri konularında avukatlık ve hukuki danışmanlık hizmetleri vermektedir. Başalan Avukatlık Bürosu, yerli ve yabancı müvekkillerine, sahip olduğu geniş kaynak imkanları ve uzman çalışanları ile birlikte yurtdışında temas halinde bulunduğu Hukuk Büroları vasıtası ile de uluslar arası alanda kaliteli hizmetler sunmaktadır. Başalan Hukuk Bürosu, merkez ofisinin, kıtaların buluştuğu metropol kent İstanbul’ da kurulmuş olması ve faaliyet göstermesi sebebiyle gerek Avrupa ve gerekse Ortadoğu ülkelerinde meslektaşlarıyla iyi ilişkiler içerisindedir. Bu
gibi iyi ilişkiler yalnızca bu ülkelerle değil ABD, Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu ülkeleri ve Asya ile de tesis edilmiştir. Established in 1983, Gürcan Law Offices are considered as one of the leading commercial law firms in the Turkish market. The firm was originally established as a niche practice to meet the increase in demand for specialist advice in banking and finance and continues to be held in high regard for its achievements in this sector. The firm has since developed and now represents a broad international corporate and private client base handling an extensive range of corporate, company and commercial matters. It is the policy of the firm to provide a personal service when securing the most advantageous commercial solution on behalf of its clients. The firm is a licensed member of the Turkish Patent Institute. The firm offers a full range of legal services for corporate clients with clients mostly from USA, UK, Europe as well as local clients. Firm concentrates on commercial corporate, intellectual property, energy, telecommunications, pharmaceutical law and regulations, and foreign investments. The Firm has an IP investigation department. stanbul�da faaliyet göstermekte olan Hukuk Büromuz ORAL& ORAL dürüstlük, müşteri memnuniyeti ve müşterinin çıkarlarını koruma prensipleri ve gizlilik ilkesi çerçevesinde 20 yılı aşkın süredir müşterilerine hizmet vermekte ve onların hukuki problemlerini en iyi şekilde çözüme kavuşturmaktadır.Bu nedenle değişen ve gelişen dünya düzeni içerisinde hem teknolojik açıdan hem de hukuki bilgilerimizin yenilenmesi açısından devamlı olarak kendimizi geliştirmekteyiz. Av.Deniz Oral başta olmak üzere büromuzda daimi olarak 3 avukat , bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca anlaşmalı olarak dışarıdan çalıştırdığımız avukatlarımız da bulunmaktadır.
Büromuz çalışanları işlerini dikkatle ve titizlikle yaparlarken ; kurucumuz Av. Deniz Oral�ın engin sağduyu ve açık görüşleri ışığında ilerlemektedirler. Bütün çabalarımız ; Borçlar Hukukumuzun kaynağı olan Alman Hukukunu ve Medeni Hukukumuzun kaynağı olan İsviçre Hukuku hükümlerini; Türkiye�de laik ve özgür düşünce ile, yurt dışında ise Uluslararası Hukuk kuralları çerçevesinde uygulayarak müvekkillerimizin sorunlarını çözmektir. Çalışma prensiplerimiz içinde en önemli olanı müvekkillerimize karşı dürüst olmak, gizlilik ilkelerine koşulsuz uymak, işlerin her safhasında onları bilgilendirmektir. Firm Profile OY Law firm is established by Osman Oy whose expertise in the legal profession goes back to 1975 when he was admitted to the Istanbul Bar Association. He began his career as a lawyer, then worked as a legal counsel for banks, leasing companies and insurance companies. The firm is a full service law firm advising Turkish and overseas clients on financial, corporate matters. Our office is located in Maslak, the new financial and business center of Istanbul. We have correspondent lawyers in various cities of Turkey and also in Europe, USA and in the Middle East countries. Paksoy & Co. is an Istanbul based law firm offering a wide range of legal service to domestic and international businesses and financial organisations. Paksoy & Co. has experience and involvement in corporate, commercial and financial matters, securities, telecommunications, dispute resolution, privatisations, competition, trade matters and intellectual property in Turkey. The firm has a large and varied clientele which includes domestic, European, American and Japanese businesses and financiers. The firm gives importance to close partnership with its clients and emphasises practical advice and
creative solutions in complex international transactions. Paksoy & Co. was founded by Serdar Paksoy following his commencement in international business practice in 1988. It represents a legal practice of three generations, having members in judiciary and private practice since 1920. At Pekin & Bayar, we aim to assist our clients in achieving their goals within our philosophy of teamwork, integrity, and service. Through our strong sense of teamwork with our clients and within our office, we seek to assist our clients through the complexities of the Turkish legal system by getting an in-depth understanding of their business objectives and priorities. We provide our clients with legal services in teams, to ensure that there is a continuity in service, and to ensure that clients can benefit from our office's collective knowledge and experience. In this way, we can provide customized service tailored for each client's particular needs, including bringing in our affiliated consultancy firm, Pekin & Bayar, in related fields if necessary. We are very proud of our integrity, where our loyalty to our clients and to our employees has ensured that our clients and our attorneys are of the highest caliber. We work with leading companies around the world, and our lawyers have studied in prestigious institutions in several countries, including the United States, England, France, and Switzerland. We rigorously protect the confidentiality of our clients both within the office, when necessary, and without. Our sense of service to our clients is unsurpassed. We ensure that our clients receive the best legal assistance available, calling in outside counsel if and when necessary. We aim to be able to provide, though our own resources
and our domestic and international contacts with leading professionals, the services that our clients need to conduct and maximize their business, and achieve their goals. Serap Zuvin Law Offices are an international commercial niche practice, employing a young and dynamic team. The firm prides itself on maintaining a fresh and friendly approach with its clients while striving to provide expert and efficient professional advice. This specialist commercial law firm boasts an impressive list of local and international blue-chip corporate clients. The firm also has an associated office, User & User, which is based in Ankara. The work undertaken by both the Istanbul and Ankara offices comprises both contentious and noncontentious matters. Mr. User, Sr. in Ankara, who is widely recognized for his expertise in arbitration, also undertakes international mediation and arbitration services.