Web Gis Application Using Open Source Softwares

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  • Words: 1,344
  • Pages: 32
Final Project Report Submission An Open Source Web GIS Application Showing Dynamic Spatial Object by Simulating Real World Event Submitted By Mr. Pravin Chavan. Ms. Ananya Dutta. Mr. Hemchandra Pawar. Under the guidance of


Outline Introduction  Objectives  Methodology  Result and Discussion  Conclusion  References 

Introduction An attempt to show the dynamic object by simulating the real world event such as vehicle moving on the road by using open source softwares This is a server side application.


To prepare map layers To create web pages in HTML & PHP To create map files To create simulated database To display dynamic spatial object

Study Area The study area is part of Pune city, which lies between latitude 18.441546N to 18.632791N and longitude 73.697868 E to 73.945611 E. Nine major bus routes have been chosen for survey. And the area formed by connecting this stops is taken as study area.

Study Area

Methodology Identification of Study Area and layers required for study Field survey for collecting Data Spatial Data Preparation

Collecting and generation of the spatial and nonspatial data Display of map on web page

VB Coding

Display dynamic object on web page


Generation of attribute data

HTML & PHP Coding Creation of database for Simulation

Data Collection 

Data collection : collection of PMT bus route name & bus stops name.

Spatial Data Preparation : Layers such as bus stops and famous spots near the bus routes are prepared as a point layer, Roads as line layer, and Rivers, lakes, boundary as polygon layer.

  

KML to GML Conversion: Use of OGR tools available with the MapServer

Installation of UMN MapServer OSGeo4W Windows installer downloads and/or updates UMN MapServer http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w

Hardware Used: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 2 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD, Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse

Software Environment Used: UMN Map server, Apache Web Server, KaMap, PostgreSQL, HTML and PHP language.

Creation of map files: Basic configuration file for data access and styling for MapServer. It is made up of different objects such as Map








MapServer parses mapfiles from top to bottom. Layers at the end of the mapfile will be drawn last, It Means they will be displayed on top of other layers

Map files have been prepared as follows: Map Object: MAP NAME VEHI STATUS ON EXTENT 362961.8 2039684.8 388789 2060443.7 SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.sym SIZE 1250 750 IMAGECOLOR 100 255 200 END

Layer Object: LAYER NAME Roads CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "C:/ms4w/apps/test/data/Roads.gml" STATUS ON TYPE LINE CLASS NAME "Roads" SYMBOL 3 COLOR 100 0 0 END # symbol END # class END # layer

CLASS and STYLE Objects CLASS NAME “vehicle" STYLE SYMBOL 2 COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 12 END #style1 END

Creation of web pages: In order to display the map generated by MapServer, we need to embed it into web page. HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) used for creating web pages. HTML files are text files that, unlike completely plain text, contain additional formatting markup— sequences of characters telling web browsers what parts of text should be bold, where the headings are, or where tables, table rows and table cells start and end. HTML is displayed by a visual web browser, a browser that reads the text of the page to the user.

PHP is a server side HTML scripting/programming language.

PHP is a tool that lets you create dynamic web pages

PHP-enabled web pages are treated just like regular HTML pages and we can create and edit them the same way we normally create regular HTML pages

Login page, home page and page displaying moving vehicle have been created by using PHP, HTML

Ka-map Customization It is an open source project that is aimed at providing JavaScript APIs for developing highly interactive web-mapping interfaces. Features: Interactive, continuous panning without reloading the page navigation zooming, panning Zooming to pre-set scales Scalebar, legend

Creation of database in PostgreSQL Table is created in the PostgreSQL to store user records for accessing the web GIS application. When the user logs-in, validation is done at the server end and access is granted to the user. Also registering of new users can be done, which will directly add records to the PostgreSQL users table.

Creation of Database for simulation Each route is divided in small line segments to create the co-ordinate points for simulation. The GML files of the bus routes have been converted into the Excle sheet and then transferred into the MS Access database.

Simulation Application Developed in Microsoft Visual Basic. Global variables have been defined to store the X and Y co-ordinate values. The co-ordinate values are taken from the MS Access database and assinged to the above defined variables by using the Adodc Object. Timer function is used to move the recordset to next record. The Filestream class of Microsoft Scripting Object is used to replace the co-ordinate values of vehicle in the GML file by global variables defined earlier.

Displaying dynamic object on the map The PHP page is accessed by the client to display spatial data which is controlled by Map File of MapServer. The Map file has the vehicle object in a point layer. When the simulation application is started in the server, the client will show the vehicle position. Timer function running in the Simulation application, which constantly updates the GML file, the client shows the vehicle movement in a dynamic style on the Web page.

Testing Testing of login page: Tested for user’s registration and authenticity. Testing of home page: Tested for proper functionalities of differnet tools. Testing of Vehicle display page: Tested for display of map with dynamic object. And also for proper functioning of “logout” and “Home” links. Tetsing of Simulation system: Tested for proper functioning of all “start” and “stop” buttons.

Result and Discussion Login page:


Users can register for this application through this page. After registration he/she can use the login facility for further access.

Map of the study area:


On this page user can utilize the different tools such as zoom in, zoom out, pan. Legend shows the different layers such as road layer, bus stops layer, river layer. user can click on “See Vehicle” link to see the dynamic vehicle.

Simulation system for dynamic object: Click

Once we click on simulation button simulation window opens. Clicking on “start” button start the movement of vehicles from origin towards the its destination. Clicking on the “stop” button disappears the vehicle movement.

Displaying vehicle as dynamic object


Once user click on the “See Vehicle” link, user can see this page. The motion of bus can be seen on web page, as base layers are stationary and the coordinates of moving vehicle changes continuously.

Conclusi on This

project displays successfully vehicle’s position in a dynamic style on a simple HTML / PHP page.

Use of open source software adds advantage as it meets the requirements of projects at a negligible cost. 


This project successfully demonstrated Point data in dynamic style. In future, line and polygon data can also be tested for dynamic display in real time such as … movement of carbon monoxide in an area affected by air pollution,  movement of radioactive plume near nuclear reactors,  movement of water in flood affected areas. 

References Books: 1.

PHP Manual By stig saether Bakken 2. Beginning Visual Basics 2005 By Thearon Willis and Bryan Newsome 3. MapServer manual.

Papers and Presentations: 1.

A Feature-Based Vehicle Tracking System in Congested Traffic Video Sequences By Young-Kee Jung and Yo-Sung Ho


Interactive map for web mapping technology. By Peter Pehani, Marion Landre and Kristof Ostir


Web GIS and its application. By AA. Alesheikh, H. Helali, HA. Behroz


Vehicle Tracking System: Technologies and benefits By Srinivas Manda


GPS based vehicle tracking system By J. Padmanabhan

Web Sites: http://en. wikipedia .org/wiki/ http://www.osgeo.org http://www.mapserver.org http://www.opengeospatial.org http://www.apache.org http://www.opensource.org http://www.pgadmin.org http://www.gisdevelopment.net http://ka-map.maptools.org/  

Map of the study area


Displaying vehicle as dynamic object


Login page


Simulation system for dynamic object back

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