Web Easy 7 Manual

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  • Words: 38,269
  • Pages: 228
User’s Guide

3132 Dwight Road, Suite 500 Elk Grove, CA 95758-6469 USA www.avanquestusa.com

Web Easy Professional Copyright © 2003–2007 Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Web Easy is a registered trademark and C-Clearly is a trademark of Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Verdana are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, and Flash are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. eBay is a registered trademark of eBay, Inc. Yahoo! is a registered tradmark of Yahoo! Inc. Arial and Times New Roman are trademarks of The Monotype Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc. Documentation by D. Leatherman, L. Bridgeman, and D. Gundlach SW7000 Document Number 120-0000-7

AVANQUEST END USER’S LICENSE AGREEMENT The software that is subject to this End User’s License Agreement (EULA) is licensed, not sold, to the Licensee by Avanquest USA. IF LICENSEE DOES NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS EULA, THEN WITHIN 30 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER ACQUIRING THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, LICENSEE MAY RETURN IT TO THE PLACE WHERE LICENSEE OBTAINED IT FOR A FULL REFUND (LESS, IF APPLICABLE, SHIPPING, HANDLING, AND ANY TAXES), BUT ONLY IF LICENSEE HAS NOT INSTALLED, ACCESSED, OR USED THE LICENSED SOFTWARE. Installing, copying, accessing, or using the Licensed Software constitutes Licensee's acceptance of, and promise to comply with, all of the terms and conditions of this EULA.

LICENSE TERMS CONTENTS. The “Licensed Software” includes all of the contents of the files, disk(s), CD-ROM(s), DVDs, or other media for which this EULA is provided, including: (1) third-party computer information or software that Avanquest USA has licensed for inclusion in the Licensed Software; (2) written materials or files relating to the Licensed Software (“Documentation”); (3) fonts; and (4) upgrades, modified versions, updates, additions, and copies of the Licensed Software, if any (collectively, “Updates”).

INSTALLATION. Licensee may install one copy of the Licensed Software on a single computer. If Licensed Software includes multiple licenses, Licensee may install the number of copies licensed to Licensee by Avanquest. Licensee shall be solely responsible for all expenses incurred in Licensee’s installation of the Licensed Software.

ACTIVATION. The Licensed Software contains technological measures that are designed to prevent its unlicensed or illegal use. The Licensed Software may contain enforcement technology that limits Licensee’s ability to install and uninstall the Licensed Software on a machine to no more than a finite number of times, and for a finite number of machines. The Licensed Software may require activation as explained during installation and in the Documentation. If any such applicable activation procedure(s) is not followed, then the Licensed Software may only operate for a finite period of time. If activation is required, and not completed within the finite period of time set forth in the Documentation and explained during installation, then the Licensed Software will cease to function until activation has been completed, at which time functionality will be restored. If Licensee has any problem with the activation process, Licensee should contact Avanquest USA customer support.

COPIES. Licensee may make one copy of the Licensed Software for backup or archival purposes only, except that the Documentation may not be duplicated.

TRANSFER. Licensee may not sell, assign, or transfer the Licensed Software or the License granted by this EULA without prior written consent of Avanquest USA.

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End User’s License Agreement • 3

USE. The License granted by this EULA is non-exclusive.

PROHIBITED USES. (1) Licensee may not modify, adapt, translate, sublicense, rent, lease, or loan all or any portion of the Licensed Software or Documentation; (2) Licensee may not create any derivative works from all or any portion of the Licensed Software or Documentation; (3) Licensee may not reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Licensed Software except, and then: only to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law; after notification to Avanquest USA; upon payment of a reasonable fee; and execution of a confidentiality agreement to protect the code from disclosure to any third parties; (4) Licensee may not use a previous version of the Licensed Software after receiving a media replacement or upgraded version as a replacement to a prior version (in such case you must destroy the prior version); (5) Licensee may not use the Licensed Software in the operation of aircraft, ship, nuclear facilities, life-support machines, communication systems, or any other equipment in which the failure of the software could lead to personal injury, death, or environmental damage; (6) Licensee may not remove or obscure Avanquest USA’s copyright or trademark notices, or the copyright and trademark notices of third parties that Avanquest USA has included in the Licensed Software or Documentation; and (7) Licensee may not use the Licensed Software to host applications for third parties, as part of a facility management, timesharing, service provider, or service bureau arrangement; and (8) Licensee may not use the Licensed Software in any manner not authorized by this EULA.

CONTENT. Licensee may use any clipart, photographs, icons, fonts, shapes, animations, sounds, music, video clips, and all other graphic content (collectively, “Content”) included with the Licensed Software, if any, only as stated in the Documentation. If the Documentation does not permit Licensee to use the Content, then Licensee may not display, modify, reproduce, or distribute any of the Content; and even if the Documentation permits Licensee to use the Content, Licensee may not distribute the Content on a stand-alone basis such as where the Content constitutes the primary value of whatever Licensee is distributing. Certain portions of the Content may consist of the copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, or other intellectual property of third parties. Avanquest USA has provided these portions of the Content for Licensees’ convenience in using the Licensed Software, pursuant to authorization of their owners. Except for this limited use, Licensee may not use any third-party intellectual property identified as belonging to others without the owners’ express authorization. Furthermore: (1) Licensee may not sell, license, distribute (commercially or otherwise), or make available the Content as standalone images or sounds, or in catalogs, design books, compilations, collections, templates, designs, stock engravings, products, services, or the like; (2) Licensee may not sell, license, distribute (commercially or otherwise), or make available electronic copies of the Content to third parties in any manner, including without limitation, via the Internet, on any tangible media or by broadcast, that is intended or designed to enable a third party to copy the Content for its own use;

4 • End User’s License Agreement

Web Easy

(3) Licensee may not sell, license, distribute (commercially or otherwise), or make available electronic copies of the Content that includes representations of identifiable individuals, governments, logos, initials, emblems, trademarks, or entities that expresses or implies any endorsement or association with any product, service, entity, or activity; and (4) Under no circumstances may the Content be used in the production of defamatory, fraudulent, infringing, lewd, obscene, or pornographic material, or in any otherwise illegal manner. Licensee is solely responsible for Licensee’s use of the Content. Licensee may only use the Content responsibly, in a manner consistent with the exercise of good judgment. If Licensee is having difficulty deciding whether Licensee’s intended use is appropriate, or whether Licensee needs written permission, or whether other legal issues should be considered, Avanquest USA strongly encourages Licensee to seek competent legal counsel. Avanquest USA will not assist Licensee in making this determination, nor can Avanquest USA provide Licensee with legal advice as to intellectual property rights. If Licensee or Licensee's attorney determines that Licensee is required by law to obtain written permission to use portions of the Content, Licensee must request permission for reproduction, redistribution, or modification of the Content from the appropriate owner of the subject materials (as may be cited in the Licensed Software). If, on the other hand, Licensee or Licensee's attorney determines it is permissible to proceed and include Content from the Licensed Software, Avanquest USA asks Licensee to correctly designate Avanquest USA’s trademark(s) when referring to the Licensed software in the notice or copyright portion of Licensee’s paper, project, or product. Licensee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Avanquest USA and Avanquest USA’s suppliers from all claims, damages, attorneys’ fees, costs, and lawsuits that arise from, or result from, Licensee’s use or distribution of Content.

SOFTWARE UPDATES. If the Licensed Software is an Update to a previous version, Licensee must possess a valid License to the previous version. Any Update provided to Licensee is made on a License-exchange basis such that Licensee agrees, as a condition for receiving an Update, that Licensee will terminate all of Licensee’s rights to use any previous version of the Licensed Software. However, Licensee may continue to use the previous version only to assist in transitioning to the Updated version. Once an Update has been released, Avanquest USA may cease support for prior versions, without any notice to Licensee.

CONTENT UPDATES. Avanquest USA provides updates to the content of some of its software from time to time, including but not limited to, virus definitions, URL lists, rules, and updated vulnerability data. These types of updates are collectively referred to as “Content Updates.” Licensee may obtain any such Content Updates during the initial period provided for by the applicable software without additional charge. Licensee may purchase a separate subscription for a specified period of time to continue to receive Content Updates after the initial period expires. Avanquest USA reserves the right to designate specified Content Updates as requiring purchase of a separate subscription at any time, and without prior notice to Licensee, except that any such change will only become effective at the earlier of the expiration of the initial period provided for by the applicable software, or the expiration of the term of a separately paid for subscription.

SUPPORT. Avanquest USA is not obligated by this EULA to provide Licensee with any technical support services relating to the Licensed Software; however, Licensee may order additional support services for an additional charge as Avanquest USA may offer from time to time during the term of this EULA.

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End User’s License Agreement • 5

LIMITED WARRANTY ON MEDIA. Avanquest USA warrants that the media on which the Licensed Software is distributed will be free from defects for a period of 30 days from the date the Licensed Software is delivered to Licensee. If Licensee discovers a defect in the media during this 30-day period, Licensee must then return the defective media to Avanquest USA within 10 calendar days of discovering the defect, and Licensee’s sole remedy is to have either the defective media replaced, or at Avanquest USA’s sole option, a refund of the money that Licensee paid for the Licensed Software.



ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR BETA SOFTWARE. If the Licensed Software that Licensee receives with this EULA is pre-commercial release or “BETA” software (“Pre-release Software”), then, to the extent that any provision in this section is in conflict with any other term or condition in this EULA, this section supersedes such conflicting term(s) and condition(s) as to the Pre-release Software, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. Licensee acknowledges that the Pre-release Software does not represent the final product from Avanquest USA, and may contain bugs, errors, and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss. Consequently, Avanquest USA disclaims any warranty or liability obligations to Licensee of any kind whatsoever. IN APPLICABLE JURISDICTIONS WHERE LIABILITY CANNOT BE SO EXCLUDED FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, BUT MAY BE LIMITED, AVANQUEST USA'S LIABILITY, AND THAT OF ITS SUPPLIERS, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE TOTAL OF FIFTY DOLLARS (U.S. $50.00). Licensee acknowledges that Avanquest USA has not promised or guaranteed to Licensee that the Pre-release Software will be announced or made available to anyone in the future, and that Avanquest USA has no express or implied obligation to Licensee to announce or introduce the Pre-release Software. Avanquest USA may decide not to introduce a product similar to, or compatible with, the Pre-release Software. Accordingly, Licensee acknowledges that any research or development that Licensee performs regarding the Pre-release Software, or any product associated with the Pre-release Software, is done entirely at Licensee’s own risk. During the term of this EULA, if requested by Avanquest USA, Licensee will provide feedback to Avanquest USA regarding testing and use of the Pre-release Software, including error or bug reports.

6 • End User’s License Agreement

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If Licensee has been provided the Pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, then Licensee’s use of the Pre-release Software is also governed by that agreement. Notwithstanding anything in this EULA to the contrary, if Licensee is located outside the United States, Licensee will return or destroy all unreleased versions of the Pre-release Software within 30 days of the completion of Licensee’s testing of the Pre-release Software if that date is earlier than the date scheduled for Avanquest USA’s first commercial shipment of the publicly released (commercial) Software.

SURVIVAL OF DISCLAIMERS. The exclusions of warranties and liability limitations shall survive the termination of this EULA, howsoever caused; but this survival shall not imply or create any continued right to use the Licensed Software after termination of this EULA.

EXPORT RULES. Licensee shall not ship, transfer, or export Licensed Software into any country or use Licensed Software in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions, or regulations (collectively the “Export Laws.”) If the Licensed Software is identified as export controlled items under the Export Laws, Licensee represents and warrants that Licensee, and Licensee's employees who will use the Licensed Software are not a citizen, or otherwise located within, an nation embargoed by the United States (including without limitation: Iran, Syria, Sudan, Cuba, and North Korea), and that Licensee, and Licensee's employees who will use the Licensed Software, are not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the Software. All rights to use the Licensed Software are granted on condition that Licensee complies with the Export Laws, and all such rights are forfeited if Licensee fails to comply with the Export Laws.

GOVERNING LAW. This EULA is subject to, and will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws in force of: (1) the State of California, if the Licensed Software is obtained when the Licensee is in the United States, Canada, Mexico, or Chile; or (2) the applicable law of any other jurisdiction if the Licensed Software is obtained in any location not described in (1), but only to the extent the law of the other jurisdiction conflicts with California Law. Unless prohibited by law of an applicable jurisdiction, the courts of the State of California shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes relating to this EULA. This EULA will not be governed by the conflict of law rules of any jurisdiction, or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP. The Licensed Software and any authorized copies that Licensee makes are the intellectual property of, and are owned by, Avanquest USA, and by third parties whose intellectual property has been licensed by Avanquest USA. The structure, organization, and code of the Licensed Software are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of Avanquest USA and such third parties. The Licensed Software is protected by law, including without limitation, the copyright laws of the United States and other countries, and by international treaty provisions. Except as expressly provided in this EULA, Licensee is not granted any intellectual property rights in the Licensed Software.

RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Avanquest USA reserves all rights not expressly granted to Licensee by this EULA. The rights granted to Licensee are limited to Avanquest USA’s intellectual property rights, and to the intellectual property rights of third parties licensed by Avanquest USA, and do not include any intellectual property rights.

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End User’s License Agreement • 7

COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This EULA constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensee and Avanquest USA relating to the Licensed Software, and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous representations, discussions, undertakings, communications, agreements, arrangements, advertisements, and understandings regulating the Licensed Software.

MODIFICATION. This EULA may only be modified or amended by a writing signed by an authorized officer of Avanquest USA.

SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this EULA is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining provisions of this EULA will remain in full force and effect.

WAIVER. No failure or delay by Avanquest USA in exercising its rights or remedies shall operate as a waiver unless made by specific written notice. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy of Avanquest USA shall operate as a waiver or preclude any other, or further, exercise of that, or any other right, or remedy.

U.S. GOVERNMENT USERS. The Licensed Software and Documentation are “Commercial Items,” as that term is defined at 48 CFR §2.101, consisting of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation,” as such terms are used in 48 CFR §12.212 or 48 CFR §227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 CFR §12.212 or 48 CFR §§227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users: (1) only as Commercial Items; and (2) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc.; 3132 Dwight Road, Suite 500; Elk Grove, CA 95758-6469, USA. For U.S. Government End Users, Avanquest USA agrees to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws including, if appropriate, the provisions of Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (38 USC 4212), and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations at 41 CFR Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 60-250, and 60-741. The affirmative action clause and regulations contained in the preceding sentence shall be incorporated by reference in this EULA.

PROOF OF COMPLIANCE. Within 30 calendar days after request from Avanquest USA, or Avanquest USA’s authorized representative, Licensee will provide full documentation, and certify under penalty of perjury, that Licensee’s use of any and all Licensed Software is in conformity with this EULA.

TERMINATION. If Licensee breaches this EULA, and fails to cure any breach within 30 calendar days after request from Avanquest USA, or Avanquest USA’s authorized representative, Avanquest USA may terminate this EULA, whereupon all rights granted to Licensee shall immediately cease. Furthermore, upon termination, Licensee shall return to Avanquest USA all copies of the Licensed Software, or verify in writing that all copies of the Licensed Software have been destroyed.

8 • End User’s License Agreement

Web Easy


Getting Started Installing Web Easy


Introduction...............................................................................................................................17 Upgrading from an Earlier Version...........................................................................................18 Installing Web Easy ..................................................................................................................19 Starting Web Easy.....................................................................................................................19 Getting Updates ........................................................................................................................19

Exploring Web Easy


Overview...................................................................................................................................21 Using the Web Easy Tools ........................................................................................................25 Where to Find Clipart, Images, and More ................................................................................26

Learning Web Easy


Overview...................................................................................................................................27 Understanding Web Sites ..........................................................................................................28 Learning the Basics...................................................................................................................29 Using Web Site Templates ........................................................................................................32

Web Easy

Contents • 9

Getting Help


Overview ...................................................................................................................................37 Using Online Help ....................................................................................................................38 Viewing and Printing the User's Guide .....................................................................................39 Using Web Easy’s Activity Center............................................................................................39 Using the Web Easy Assistants .................................................................................................40 Using the Inspector ...................................................................................................................40 Using the Interactive Tutorial ...................................................................................................42

Create Documents Making a Web Site: A Tutorial


Overview ...................................................................................................................................45 Selecting a Template .................................................................................................................46 Customizing the Web Site Document .......................................................................................48 Previewing Your Site ................................................................................................................52 Building the Web Site ...............................................................................................................53 Publishing the Web Site ............................................................................................................54 Summary ...................................................................................................................................57

Using Web Site Assistant


Overview ...................................................................................................................................59 Creating a Web Document Using the Web Site Assistant.........................................................60

Using a Template


Overview ...................................................................................................................................67 Step 1: Open a New Document.................................................................................................68 Step 2: Choose a Template ........................................................................................................69 Step 3: Edit and Save the Document.........................................................................................70

Creating Your Own Design


Overview ...................................................................................................................................71 Using Style Designer.................................................................................................................72 Designing a Web Site from Scratch ..........................................................................................75 Importing an Existing Web Site or Page ...................................................................................76

10 • Contents

Web Easy

Creating a Dynamic Web Site


Overview...................................................................................................................................79 Adding Rollovers ......................................................................................................................80 Adding Page Transitions...........................................................................................................82 Adding Effects to Objects.........................................................................................................83 Animating Objects ....................................................................................................................84 Creating a Slideshow ................................................................................................................85

Creating a Photo Web Page


Overview...................................................................................................................................91 Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant....................................................................................92 Step 2: Starting the Photo Album Wizard.................................................................................92 Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Document File.....................................................................93 Step 4: Adding Your Photos......................................................................................................94 Step 5: Naming and Describing Your Photos ...........................................................................95 Step 6: Entering Your Contact Information ..............................................................................96 Step 7: Choosing Your Page Layout .........................................................................................97 Step 8: Finishing Your Page......................................................................................................98

Creating an eBay Auction


Overview...................................................................................................................................99 Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant..................................................................................100 Step 2: Selecting an Auction Template ...................................................................................100 Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Auction Document ............................................................101 Step 4: Entering Your Auction Text and a Photo ....................................................................102 Step 5: Choosing Your Page Layout .......................................................................................104 Step 6: Finishing Your Auction Page......................................................................................105 Step 7: Building Your Auction Page.......................................................................................106 Step 8: Saving Your Auction Document.................................................................................107

Working with Your Documents


Overview.................................................................................................................................109 Saving Your Document for the First Time..............................................................................109 Saving Changes to Your Document ........................................................................................ 110 Closing Your Document.......................................................................................................... 110 Opening Your Document ........................................................................................................ 110

Viewing Your Document


Overview................................................................................................................................. 111 Moving Around in Your Document ........................................................................................ 112 Previewing Your Document in a Browser .............................................................................. 113 Web Easy

Contents • 11

Edit Documents Adding and Changing Pages


Overview .................................................................................................................................117 Adding a Page .........................................................................................................................118 Adding a Page Background.....................................................................................................119 Changing the Size of Your Page .............................................................................................120 Deleting a Page .......................................................................................................................121

Adding and Editing Items


Overview .................................................................................................................................123 Selecting Items ........................................................................................................................124 Moving an Item .......................................................................................................................124 Resizing an Item......................................................................................................................124 Grouping Items .......................................................................................................................126 Cutting Items...........................................................................................................................127 Copying Items .........................................................................................................................127 Pasting an Item........................................................................................................................128 Changing the Layer Position of Items.....................................................................................128 Adding a Shadow to an Item...................................................................................................129 Choosing a Custom Color .......................................................................................................130

Inserting and Editing Images


Overview .................................................................................................................................131 Adding an Image Using Drag and Drop .................................................................................131 Adding an Image by File Name ..............................................................................................132 Replacing a Placeholder with an Image ..................................................................................133 Changing an Image to a Placeholder.......................................................................................134 Rotating Images ......................................................................................................................134 Cropping Images .....................................................................................................................135 Adding a Pop-Up Menu of Links to an Image........................................................................137 Framing Images.......................................................................................................................141 Adding Border or Wash Effects to an Image ..........................................................................142 Applying Image Effects ..........................................................................................................143 Deleting an Image ...................................................................................................................144

12 • Contents

Web Easy

Working with Text


Overview.................................................................................................................................145 Types of Text...........................................................................................................................146 Inserting a Text Frame and Text .............................................................................................147 Editing Text Content ...............................................................................................................147 Changing Text Properties........................................................................................................148 Changing Text Using the Rich Text Toolbar ..........................................................................149 Deleting a Text Frame.............................................................................................................149 Adding a Pop-Up Menu to Text..............................................................................................150

Adding and Modifying Tables


Overview.................................................................................................................................155 Inserting a New Table .............................................................................................................156 Changing a Table Using the Rich Text Toolbar......................................................................157

Drawing and Editing Shapes


Overview.................................................................................................................................159 Drawing Boxes, Ovals, and Circles ........................................................................................160 Drawing Lines and Polygons ..................................................................................................160 Adjusting the Line Thickness and Style of a Shape ...............................................................161 Changing the Border Color of a Shape ...................................................................................161 Filling Shapes .........................................................................................................................162

Working with Links


Overview.................................................................................................................................163 Creating a Link Within Your Web Site ...................................................................................164 Creating a Link to Another Web Site or to Email...................................................................165 Adding a Pop-Up Menu to a Link ..........................................................................................166 Viewing Links Using the Site Map Assistant .........................................................................170 Removing a Link From Your Web Site...................................................................................172

Adding Enhanced Features


Overview.................................................................................................................................173 Adding Sound .........................................................................................................................174 Adding Changeable Scenes ....................................................................................................176 Adding e-Commerce Capabilities...........................................................................................180 Inserting a Dynamic Link .......................................................................................................183 Inserting an Object..................................................................................................................184 Inserting Multimedia Items.....................................................................................................185 Adding RSS to Your Web Site ................................................................................................186 Building and Publishing Your Web Site With RSS Content...................................................190 Adding Podcasting to Your Web Site......................................................................................190 Web Easy

Contents • 13

Build and Publish Building a Web Site


Overview .................................................................................................................................193 Building Your Document into a Web Site...............................................................................194

Publishing Your Web Site


Overview .................................................................................................................................197 Step 1: Preparing to Publish....................................................................................................198 Step 2: Opening the Publish Assistant ....................................................................................198 Step 3: Connecting to the Remote Host ..................................................................................199 Step 4: Choosing the Package to Publish................................................................................202 Step 5: Checking the Transfer Settings ...................................................................................202 Step 6: Transferring the Package to the Remote Host ............................................................203 Step 7: Viewing Your Remote Web Site .................................................................................203 Maintaining Your Web Site.....................................................................................................203

Reference Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting


Tips..........................................................................................................................................207 Shortcuts..................................................................................................................................209 Home Taskbar and Toolbars....................................................................................................210 Edit Taskbar and Toolbars.......................................................................................................211 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................212 Uninstalling Web Easy............................................................................................................216

Glossary of Terms




Complimentary Technical Support


14 • Contents

Web Easy


Web Easy

Installing Web Easy


Exploring Web Easy


Learning Web Easy


Getting Help


Getting Started • 15

16 • Getting Started

Web Easy

Installing Web Easy

Introduction With Web Easy®, you can easily create web sites without any knowledge of HTML programming. You have full What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) control over the content and layout of each page of your web site.

With Web Easy, you can have a great looking web site without the hassles, time, and cost of conventional “programmer” style HTML editors. You can start with one of our over 135 professionally designed templates, import an existing site, or unleash your creative talent to deliver your message. This user’s guide describes the basics for using Web Easy. Detailed information is also provided in the online help, cue cards, and online tutorials that are included with the program. For more information about the available help options, see “Getting Help” on page 37 and “Using the Interactive Tutorial” on page 42.

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Installing Web Easy • 17

Upgrading from an Earlier Version If you’ve already been using a previous version of Web Easy, this latest version is more powerful than ever. New features give you more control in creating the most professional looking sites, while still maintaining the simplicity of creating a site by dragging and dropping objects onto your page. With its many new features, Web Easy is still the most impressive and easy-to-use web site builder available today. Here is a partial list of what’s new in this version of Web Easy: •

Works with Windows Vista: This new version is Vista compatible.

Enhanced Web Site Assistant: Use the larger preview area that’s provided in the Web Site Assistant. For more information, see “Using Web Site Assistant” on page 59.

Photo Web Page Wizard: Create web pages of your favorite photos.

Use the Photo Web Page Wizard to easily organize them and display them in an attractive layout. For more information, see Creating a Photo Web Page (see page 91). •

Additional Web Site Templates: Choose from the many new

templates that are included with Web Easy to create professionallooking web pages. For more information, see “Using a Template” on page 67. •

Style Designer: Apply hundreds of possible color and style changes

to most templates to create a unique web page style that’s all your own. For more information, see “Using Style Designer” on page 72. •

Additional Multimedia Support: Use additional multimedia formats, such as Adobe Flash Video, on your web site. For more information, see “Creating a Dynamic Web Site” on page 79.

eBay Auction Page Wizard: Design eBay auction descriptions using

styles, templates, and your personal digital photos. For more information, see “Creating an eBay Auction” on page 99. •

Pop-Up Menu Wizard: Easily define the appearance and content of

pop-up menus on your web page. For more information, see “Adding a Pop-Up Menu of Links to an Image” on page 137. •

Image Transparency: Make a portion of an image transparent, to

provide a framing effect for images or text behind it. For more information, see “Applying Image Effects” on page 143. •

Podcasting: Add enclosures such as music, video, or other media within Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds on your site. For more information, see “Adding Podcasting to Your Web Site” on page 190.

This new version is of Web Easy is fully compatible with documents produced by the earlier version. 18 • Installing Web Easy

Web Easy

Installing Web Easy Make sure that no other programs are running. Insert the Web Easy CD into your CD drive (or start the downloaded executable file if purchased via download). Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If the Installer doesn’t start automatically from the CD, follow the steps below: 1.

Click the Windows Start button and choose Run.


Click Browse to locate and select the Install.exe file on the program CD.


Click Open.


Click OK.


Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

During the installation, you’re given the option to copy all the clipart and image files to your hard disk. Doing so will use about 350 MB of additional disk space and might take 15-25 minutes to install. To save disk space, you can use Web Easy to access all the clipart and image files directly from the CD, without installing them.

Starting Web Easy To start Web Easy, double click the Web Easy 7 icon in your Windows desktop, or click the Windows Start button and choose All Programs > Web Easy Professional 7 > Web Easy Professional 7. You can also access the user’s guide, help, and other utilities from this menu.

Getting Updates Periodically, Avanquest makes minor updates available. To check if a new update is available for Web Easy, establish an Internet connection, and then open the Help menu and choose Check for Updates to access the latest updates, information, or resources from the Avanquest web site.

Web Easy

Installing Web Easy • 19

20 • Installing Web Easy

Web Easy

Exploring Web Easy

Overview When you start Web Easy, the Activity Center appears to get you started. For more information, see “Using the Activity Center” on page 31. The Web Easy interface includes Taskbars, Toolbars, Menus, and Buttons. The Taskbar appears at the left of the screen and the Toolbar and Menu bar appear along the top. For each topic selected on the Taskbar, the related buttons appear on the Toolbar. Web Easy File Browser appears at the bottom of the screen and provides visual access to your files. Use the picture below to identify the different parts of the interface. Each part of the interface is explained on the following pages. Navigation Menu Bar Toolbar Taskbar


File Browser Status Bar

Web Easy

Exploring Web Easy • 21

Taskbar The Taskbar column at the left of the screen displays either the Home taskbar or the Edit Taskbar, depending on what you’re doing. Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar or click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar. Each of these Taskbars is a special pane that contains a related group of buttons. When you click one of the buttons on the Taskbar, either a Toolbar appears along the top of the screen with corresponding buttons or a dialog opens to perform a task.

The Home Taskbar When Web Easy starts, the Home Taskbar appears, letting you design documents, build and publish them on the Internet, import images, or display the Activity Center. For a view of the Home taskbar and its toolbars see “Home Taskbar and Toolbars” on page 210.

The Edit Taskbar After you design or open a document, the Edit Taskbar contains Toolbars that allow you to work with items in your document. It provides options to edit pages, images, text, and shapes, or to arrange the items. It also provides access to a selection of Tools (or Assistants) and Multimedia controls. If you try to select the Edit category before you have an open document, Web Easy prompts you to open a document. For a view of the Edit taskbar and its toolbars see “Edit Taskbar and Toolbars” on page 211.

Menu Bar The menu bar contains the menus. Click a menu heading to display a list of options. Choosing an option performs an action, displays a dialog, or opens another list of options.

22 • Exploring Web Easy

Dimmed items in a menu are options that are not currently available.

If an arrow follows a menu option, choose it to open a list of further options.

Web Easy

Toolbars A toolbar is a set of buttons, arranged horizontally below the menu bar. The button clicked in the taskbar controls which toolbar appears. In addition, as you select items in your workspace, the appropriate taskbar automatically appears. To display a toolbar, click the corresponding button in the taskbar. For example, in the Edit taskbar, click Image, and the Edit Image toolbar appears along the top of the screen.

Clicking a button either performs an immediate action or displays a dialog. If there is a small downward-pointing triangle beside a toolbar button, click it to display a list of further options for the tool. Choosing an option from a menu can also perform most toolbar actions. However, not every menu option has a corresponding toolbar button. For a view of all toolbars see “Home Taskbar and Toolbars” on page 210 and “Edit Taskbar and Toolbars” on page 211.

Workspace The workspace is the large area where you work on your document. It’s sometimes called the canvas because this is where you construct your masterpiece. Your document only becomes a web page after you Build it (create HTML files) and Publish it (post it to a host provider).

File Browser The File Browser displays the contents of the currently selected folder or catalog. It is continuously open, however it can be minimized to save screen space when you aren’t using it.

The File Browser is used for much more than just photos. You can drag and drop images, clipart, frames, textures, movies, pre-built objects, and other items from the File Browser onto your document. To drag-and-drop an item, click it with the left mouse button, hold the mouse button down, and drag the item by moving the mouse pointer onto your document. Then, drop the item where you want it by releasing the mouse button. For more information about the File Browser, see “Using File Browser to Select Files” on page 33. Web Easy

Exploring Web Easy • 23

Navigation Tools The navigation tools appear in the top right corner of the toolbar and are permanently displayed. Use them to navigate within the current document to specific pages or to the previous and next page. Previous page

Go to page Next page Help


The Zoom button enables you to view the document at different magnifications so you can work at the appropriate document size. Click the Zoom button and select a zoom option.

Cue Cards Many features display a Cue Card dialog that provides you with information on the next step. 3 To prevent a specific Cue Card from appearing, uncheck the Show again box. To make the Cue Cards appear again (or turn off all cue cards), open the Tools menu and choose Options. Then, in the General page check the Show cue cards box (or uncheck the box to turn off all cue cards).

Status Bar The Status bar displays information about selected items or about the tasks Web Easy performs.

Selected Item is an image with a link

24 • Exploring Web Easy

Position of the item (X,Y coordinate of the top-left corner)

Size of the Item (height x width)

On the left side, it displays information about items when they are selected. It also provides information about current tasks.

The right side of the status bar displays position on the page of the selected item’s top-left corner and the size of the item in pixels. When no item is selected, the size of the web site (in pixels) appears.

Web Easy

Using the Web Easy Tools You can use the tools in Web Easy by clicking a toolbar button or choosing a menu option

Clicking a Button on a Toolbar 1.

Click a category button to display a Taskbar. For example, click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click a button on the Taskbar to display the related Toolbar. For example, click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click a button in the toolbar. For example, click the Insert button to insert a page.

Choosing a Menu Option You can perform the same action using the menu options. For example, to insert a new page from the menu, open the Insert menu and choose Page.

Web Easy

Exploring Web Easy • 25

Selecting Items Using the Arrow Buttons Web Easy uses a vertical panel of arrow buttons in some of its dialogs for selecting which items to include in a web page. Single Right Arrow selects a single item from the list on the left by moving it to the list on the right. Double Right Arrow selects all items from the list on the left by moving them to the list on the right. Single Left Arrow deletes a single item from the list on the right by moving it to the list on the left. Double Left Arrow deletes all items from the list on the right by moving them to the list on the left.

Where to Find Clipart, Images, and More In addition to your own photos and art, when you install Web Easy, a small portion of the Avanquest library of clipart and photos is copied from the program CD to your hard drive. The Web Easy program CD contains additional clipart and images. During the installation, you’re given the option to copy all the clipart and image files to your hard disk. Doing so requires about 350 MB of additional disk space and might take 15-25 minutes to install. To save disk space, you can access all the clipart and image files directly from the CD without installing them. To access the CD clipart using File Browser, insert the Web Easy CD into the CD-drive. When the introductory installation message appears, click Exit. In Web Easy’s File Browser, select your CD drive. Additional clipart and photos are in the Installs folder in two sub-folders: Clipart and Clipart1. Browse to find the additional clipart or photos you want to use. Avanquest also provides additional clipart and photos online at Avanquest’s web site. To access these items, open the Help menu and choose Visit Avanquest Web Site > Art Online. The first time you use Art Online you’re asked to enter your email and password from when you registered Web Easy.

26 • Exploring Web Easy

Web Easy

Learning Web Easy

Overview Web Easy is an easy-to-learn web design program. Even beginners can create web sites—both regular HTML and dynamic HTML web sites. As you become familiar with Web Easy, we encourage you to take advantage of Web Easy’s many advanced features. Before beginning the creation of your first document, you should have a working knowledge of your computer and your operating system. The software is designed to operate in Windows 2000/XP/Vista. You should know how to use a mouse, the keyboard, the standard Windows menus and commands, and how to open, save, and close files. For more information, consult your Microsoft documentation.

Web Easy

Learning Web Easy • 27

Understanding Web Sites Web sites are formatted using HyperText Markup Language (HTML) commands. A typical web site consists of a number of web pages, each of which contains text and images. Some also include sound and video. Web pages typically contain links to other pages within the site, as well as links to other web sites. You don’t need to know or understand HTML when using Web Easy—it does all the hard work for you.

Dynamic Web Sites Dynamic web sites are formatted using Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML) commands and many templates also use a newer version of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Dynamic web sites display special effects such as animations, moving messages, page transitions, rollover images, and more. Using Web Easy, you can create dynamic presentations and slideshows. All current browsers support DHTML, so you can be sure that your web site looks great on anyone’s computer.

Advanced Web Site Features Advanced users can create exciting components for their web sites such as scenes, e-commerce, and animated GIFs. See the online help for more information and instructions about using Web Easy’s advanced features.

Creating a Web Site

28 • Learning Web Easy

Drag and drop photos, objects, and other items exactly where you want them.

Give your pages backgrounds, sound effects, and custom sizes.

Add text and enhance it with shadows, colors, texture, or gradient fills.

Apply special photo effects to your images.

Draw shapes, adjust their line thickness, fill, and color.

Create links to other pages, to other web sites, or to email.

Embed sound, video, Flash™, and more.

Exclusive C-Clearly® technology lets you see and work on your new web site exactly as it will appear when published.

Web Easy

Creating a Dynamic Web Site •

Add special effects such as moving text, page transitions, rollover images, animations, and more.

Create on-screen presentations and slideshows.

Create scenes that change text or images automatically at different dates or times.

Learning the Basics There are three major steps involved in creating a web site using Web Easy: •

Step 1: Designing a Document (see page 29)

Step 2: Building the Document into a Web Site (see page 30)

Step 3: Publishing on the Web (see page 30) NOTE: A site must be Built (all pages and graphics converted into a web-compatible format) before it can it can be Published (transferring of files to your ISP or web host provider).

Step 1: Designing a Document A document refers to the source document that you first design in Web Easy. It contains one or more pages and all the text and graphical items that you want published on your web site. When you’ve finished designing the document, it must be built into a web site. While it is still in the form of a document, you cannot publish it on the web. Web Easy documents are saved with an .alb file extension. There are two ways to create a document using Web Easy: •

You can use the Web Site Assistant to help you create your document in a few easy steps (see “Using Web Site Assistant” on page 59).

You can design a document using the Style Designer (see“Using Style Designer” on page 72 ).

You can design a web document that starts as a blank page (see“Designing a Web Site from Scratch” on page 75 ).

A Web Easy template is a pre-designed sample document for you to use as a style for your own document, with most of the text and graphics already positioned. Personalize any template by adding or altering the text and images.

Web Easy

Learning Web Easy • 29

Step 2: Building the Document into a Web Site Each completed document must be converted to a web-site format that enables people to view it with their Internet browsers on the World Wide Web (www). Web Easy does this for you in the Build process. When you build a document into a web site, Web Easy creates the required HTML files, and converts all included graphics to web-compatible formats. After building the document, you can view the result in an Internet browser on your computer. For more information, see “Building a Web Site” on page 193.

Step 3: Publishing on the Web After you have chosen an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a web-hosting provider for hosting your web site, you can then Publish your local web site files. This involves transferring the set of HTML files (that you created in the Build process) from your local computer to your ISP’s remote computer on the Internet. Use the Publish Assistant, which guides you through the complete file transfer process using the Internet’s file transfer protocol (FTP). For more information, see “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197. More advanced users can publish their web site using FTP Max, the builtin FTP-client utility supplied with Web Easy. For more information about FTP Max, see the online help.

30 • Learning Web Easy

Web Easy

Using the Activity Center The Activity Center provides you with a handy choice of activities to get you started quickly. With experience, you’ll be familiar enough with Web Easy to perform the same tasks using the menus and toolbars.

The Activity Center appears automatically when you start Web Easy, unless you’ve previously turned the option off. If the Activity Center has been removed from the program startup, you can still view it at any time. To view the Activity Center, open the Tools menu and choose Activity Center or display the Home taskbar and click the Activity button. The following buttons are available in the Activity Center: Web Site let’s you design a web site using the Web Site Assistant. For more information see “Using Web Site Assistant” on page 59. Open Document let’s you browse for documents that have been previously created. For more information see “Opening Your Document” on page 110. Recent Document opens your last web site document. Blank Site let’s you design a new document with or without a template. Replace the text and images with your own in the template, or choose a blank page and create your own design. For more information see “Using a Template” on page 67 or “Creating Your Own Design” on page 71. Interactive Tutorial shows you how to complete many basic and advanced tasks. Just follow the steps. For more information see “Making a Web Site: A Tutorial” on page 45. Publish Web Site let’s you uploading your files to your remote web host site on the Internet with the Publish Assistant. For more information see “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197.

To prevent the Activity Center from opening when Web Easy starts, uncheck the Show at Startup box.

Web Easy

Learning Web Easy • 31

Using Web Site Templates Get started by using one of the many professionally designed templates that are provided with Web Easy. Just replace the existing text and pictures in the template with your own.

The templates also have many handy hints suggesting items to include in your web site.

Avanquest Preferred Web Hosting The process of publishing your web site can be greatly simplified by using Avanquest’s Preferred Web Hosting provider. To preview the iEasySite service, open the Help menu and choose Visit Avanquest Web Site > Preferred Web Hosting. iEasySite offers economical web hosting and a wide range of hosting options, such as domain name registration, traffic reports, search engine submission, etc., while automating the technical aspects of File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

32 • Learning Web Easy

Web Easy

Using File Browser to Select Files File Browser makes it easy to find, display, and select files. The process of inserting items into your document is simplified as File Browser displays graphic thumbnails of your files, and you just drag and drop them onto your documents. It supports over 150 file formats including images, web files, animations, audio, video, and documents. Location Bar

Tree Pane

Display Pane

To Browse for Images File Browser provides access to all kinds of images, objects, buttons, forms, gadgets, and other items of pre-written code. You can drag or drop any of these items onto your document. •

The Tree pane on the left allows you to browse to the required folder to find the images that you need.

The Display pane on the right displays thumbnails of files.

The Location bar above the Display pane has shortcuts to graphics in commonly used catalogs such as clipart and images. To view additional options, click the double-arrow button on the right side of the Location bar.

Web Easy

Learning Web Easy • 33

To Locate Items Using File Browser There are several ways to locate, view, and select items using File Browser. •

Click a button on the Location bar, such as Photos. A group of folders appear in the Display pane. Double-click a folder to view the photos within it.

Similar to a web browser, use the left and right arrow buttons to move among previous selections. Back


Up One Level

Click the Up One Level button to move up to the parent folder.

Click the Folders button to view folders in the Tree pane. Browse through the folders on your computer and click a folder to display its contents in the Display pane.

Click the Favorites button or the History button and browse through the previously viewed folders.

Type the path to your images in the Address box window. For example: C:\My Documents\My Photos\Products

As you browse, you can drag-and-drop items from the Display pane onto your document. You can also use File Browser to set up favorite locations, organize files and folders, change the sort order, or select the thumbnail sizes. For more information, see to the online help.

Changing the Size of File Browser You can expand or reduce the viewing area of File Browser to see more items at a time or to increase the workspace above it. To adjust the height of the File Browser window, click and drag the divider line between File Browser and the Web Easy workspace.

34 • Learning Web Easy

Web Easy

Setting View Options The viewing options buttons in the Location bar give you control over how File Browser accesses and displays folders and files. File Properties Options View

To view information about a file that you selected in the Display pane, click the File Properties button.

To choose how the Display pane displays files, click the View button and choose an option from the drop-down list.

To customize the File Browser window and organize your favorites, click the Options button to open the Options dialog.

For more information, see the online help.

Web Easy

Learning Web Easy • 35

36 • Learning Web Easy

Web Easy

Getting Help

Overview Web Easy provides several tools to help you learn the program. These tools include context-sensitive Online Help; a searchable, printable User’s Guide; Web Easy’s Activity Center and Assistants; and an interactive tutorial. For help with advanced techniques, and for assistance with other activities not covered in this user’s guide, see the Web Easy online help.

Web Easy

Getting Help • 37

Using Online Help To view the Web Easy online help, open the Help menu and choose Help Topics or press F1.

The Help window opens showing three tabs: •

Contents contains a list of topics for which help is available. Click a

topic for detailed information. •

Index allows you to look up a specific topic. Type in the first few letters of the topic you want and then choose from the suggested list.

Search offers the quickest way to search for help and is especially

useful when you don’t know topic names. Type in a word (or part of a word), and then select a matching word to show a list of matching topics. The Help menu has additional information and links to assist you.

38 • Getting Help

Web Easy

Viewing and Printing the User's Guide To view or print the user’s guide, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later installed on your computer. If you have an earlier version of Acrobat Reader, you won’t be able to view or print the user’s guide. After installing Acrobat Reader on your computer, Windows automatically starts the Reader program when you open any file with a .pdf extension. To view the user’s guide, open the Help menu and choose User’s Guide. To print all or part of the user’s guide, follow the instructions in the Acrobat Reader program or contact Adobe Technical Support. If you have any questions about installing or using Acrobat Reader, contact Adobe Technical Support online at http://www.adobe.com.

Using Web Easy’s Activity Center The Activity Center is a window that provides a quick start to a range of creating, importing, help, and publishing activities. These activities can also be accessed using the menus and Toolbar buttons. For more information see “Using the Activity Center” on page 31.

Web Easy

Getting Help • 39

Using the Web Easy Assistants The Web Easy Assistants guide you through processes step-by-step. There are Assistants for creating a web site, publishing, and more. Just follow the instructions on your screen.

Using the Inspector The Inspector is a window that lets you view and edit properties about the item you currently have selected. To open the Inspector, click the View menu and choose Inspector. The keyboard shortcut is CTRL+K.

After you have opened it, the inspector updates each time the selection changes as you edit your web site album. Each type of item displays different properties. For example, if you have a text item selected you can change the font in the Inspector. If you have an image selected, you’re able to change image properties, such as brightness.

40 • Getting Help

Web Easy

Viewing the Inspector Tabs •

The Properties tab shows general properties that provide information about the item and allow you to edit settings. You can change the properties for the current selection, the current page, or the complete site. For more information about the attribute properties, see “Inspector Properties” in the online help.

The Style tab allows you to edit the attributes used to create the Style sheet generated with your web site in CSS HTML mode. Some of these attributes are only supported if you are building a CSS HTML page. You can change the properties for the current selection, the current page, or the complete site. For more information about the attribute properties, see “Building a Site with a CSS Style” in the online help.

The Layers tab gives you a list of all the items on your page and allows you to lock, hide, and move layers higher or lower in the view. The layers tab only applies to the current page. For more information about the attribute properties, see “Inspector Layers” the online help.

The inspector bar can be opened as a floating window on top of Web Easy, or docked to the Web Easy window. For more information, see “General Options” in the online help.

Web Easy

Getting Help • 41

Using the Interactive Tutorial Learn about the major activities with the Web Easy Interactive Tutorial. Just click a button to choose an activity and see how it is done. The Tutorial leads you step-by-step through the activity. You can use the Tutorial to learn how to design a web site, publish a web site, create a slideshow, and more.

To Use the Interactive Tutorial 1.

Open the Help menu and choose Interactive Tutorial to open the Tutorial window.

A topic icons appear on the left side of the Tutorial window. To scroll to see more icons, click the arrow at the bottom of the list. 2.

Click an icon to display a Tutorial topic. For example, click Slideshow to open the Building a Slideshow window. Roman numerals appear on the left side of the window.


Click the first number to start the first step. The tutorial shows you how to do it and a checkmark appears over the number after you’ve completed each step.

42 • Getting Help


Continue the steps until you’ve completed the activity.


Click Go Back to return to the main Tutorial page after you’ve completed the activity.

Web Easy


Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial


Using Web Site Assistant


Using a Template


Creating Your Own Design


Creating a Dynamic Web Site


Working with Your Documents


Viewing Your Document


Create Documents • 43

44 • Create Documents

Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Overview This tutorial walks you through creating a customized nature-photo web site in a matter of minutes. You’ll learn the basics, discover some handy tricks, and build and publish a web site to the Internet using iEasySite’s free trial. Before starting this tutorial, you should read at least part of this guide, such as “Getting Started” on page 13 and “Learning the Basics of Web Easy Pro” on page 25. You should also have a basic understanding of the taskbars and toolbars.

Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 45

Selecting a Template To begin our sample web site, open Web Easy. If you haven’t registered, you can register now or choose Later. Choosing the Later option does not restrict your use of Web Easy in any way. 1.

Click the Web Site button in the Activity Center to open the Web Site Assistant.


Click Next to go to the next step of the Web Site Assistant.


Click the Hobbies and Events tab.


Select Plain. This is a six-page template, which you’ll use for your new site. It helps illustrate that a template can be used as a starting point and can be made into something entirely different.

46 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy


Click Next.


Use the default storage location for your new web site but change the name to Nature.


Click Next.

You’re asked to add photos to the template. When you use templates, you might want to skip this step and make your individual selections later. In this tutorial, you’ll add a folder full of pictures.

Web Easy


Click the Browse button at the top-right of the Images list and locate the Nature folder.


Click on OK.

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 47

10. Click the Allocate all images button to move photos into preset positions for this template. 11. Click Next when the photos have all been added to the template.

This template asks for several pieces of information for this web site. You can enter this now, or put this information in later. The questions are there for your convenience in making your web site. 12. Enter the information such as your name, email, and address. For your privacy, consider the information you want to provide on your web site. This information is visible to the public. For example, on a personal site, you might want to only show the city and state and not include a street address. 13. Click Next. The template steps are complete. 14. Click Finish to see your document in the Web Easy workspace.

Customizing the Web Site Document As you customize this web site, you’ll edit some text, change the background, change a photo, navigate the pages, and add a stencil.

Editing a Text Field 1.

Double-click on the word Title above the main photo. A white edit box appears.


Type the word Nature.

You’ll find that most templates already have text in a number of places on different pages. You would normally replace the text with your own or delete unneeded text frames. We’ll skip the text frames on other pages for this tutorial.

48 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy

Changing the Background The background is a bit dark on this template, so this is a great time to see how easy it is to dramatically change the look of your site with a few clicks. You can choose from many custom backgrounds included with Web Easy. 1.

Click the double-arrow button in the upper-right corner of File Browser and choose Textures from the list. Choose Textures from the list.

Choose the Vertical folder.

Choose the first background.

The texture folders include a wide range of custom backgrounds. 2.

Scroll down the folders list on the left side of File Browser and choose the Vertical folder. You’ll see a number of thumbnails of possible backgrounds.


Click the first thumbnail b02back02.gif and, while holding the mouse button down, drag the image to the workspace.


Release the mouse button to immediately change the background. You can try different backgrounds or press CTRL-Z to undo prior changes. You can look in the other folders to find many other designs.


Open the Modify menu and choose Background to open the Page Background Settings dialog.


Click Gradient.


Click OK to see the background change immediately on the page.

You can set the background to any fixed color, a gradient with any two colors and directions, or a texture. You can also choose to set the background for all pages. Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 49

Changing a Photo Next you’ll change a photo on this page. 1.

Click the double-arrow button in the upper-right corner of File Browser and choose Photos from the list.

Choose the Flowers folder.

Choose the fifth photo.


Click the Flowers folder.


Left-click the fifth flower photo p10205.jpg and, while holding the mouse button down, drag the image to the top, smaller picture.


Release the mouse button.

As you drag across other pictures, each picture shows its framing buttons. You can experiment replacing other pictures or press CTRL-Z to undo a selection.

Navigating the Pages Use the navigation controls to move to other pages of your document. Previous page

Go to page Next page Zoom Help


Click the Go to page icon to list all the pages by name.


Choose home.

50 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy

Adding a Stencil Use stencils to add a professional touch to your web site with a few mouse clicks. 1.

Click the double-arrow button in the upper-right corner of File Browser and choose Stencils from the list. Choose Stencils from the list.

Choose the Oval folder.

Choose the third stencil.

The stencil folders include a wide range of border and wash effects.

Web Easy


Click the folder labeled Oval to view various oval effects.


Click on the third thumbnail sofade02 and, while holding the mouse button down, drag the effect on top of the lower picture.


Release the mouse button.

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 51

Previewing Your Site 1.

Press F8 to preview the web site. If a dialog opens, click OK to start the preview process. Web Easy makes a set of temporary files and performs various optimizations to make the web pages load quickly. This might take a couple of minutes depending on the speed of your system and the amount of system memory.


Your browser appear with the web site.


Click the buttons on the left to go into this site. For example, click the home button. Alternate buttons are located at the bottom of the web site. You can explore all the pages. Note that the text on most pages is simply generic text included with the template. Typically, you would’ve spent a little time adding real text to the site that fits your needs.


Close the browser and return to Web Easy.

52 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy

Building the Web Site 1.

Open the Build menu and then choose Web Site (HTML) to open the Build Dynamic Web Site dialog.

You can use all of the standard settings in this dialog. 2.

Click OK.

When the build process completes, it returns to the Web Easy document.

Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 53

Publishing the Web Site Now to publish your web site on the Internet. 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Publish button to open a Cue Card explaining more about publishing.


Click the Use Avanquest’s preferred Web Hosting service option for this demonstration to open the iEasySite wizard.

Web Easy can work with all hosting services, but use this option since the test requires no signup and is the quickest way to create a live test site without any details from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). 4.

Choose the Try iEasySite for free option.

54 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy


Click Next.


Complete the brief form. You are not signing up for any service. This is a free service of iEasySite. It lets you make your site public for 24 hours using a temporary URL address.


Click Next.


Use the default Publish a site created with Web Easy software for your Web site choice.


Click Next.

Step 1 shows the location where the web site resides on your local computer. It’s filled in for you.

10. Choose the web site Nature in Step 2. If you had multiple sites, they would all be listed here. Step 3 is also filled in for you.

11. Click Next.

Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 55

Your web pages are next uploaded to the iEasySite hosting service. Upon completion, the temporary web address appears at the top of the dialog.

12. Click View Site Now button to open the iEasySite Trial page in your browser. 13. Click the View Your Trial Site button to view your site. You can give the iEasySite temporary site address to others so they can view your test web site. It can be opened from any computer anywhere in the world.

56 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy

Summary You’ve successfully opened a web site template and modified some common aspects of this web site document with text, photos, and a stencil. You then previewed the site, built the web site, and published it to the Internet.

Explore other aspects of Web Easy including transitions, effects, animation, adding e-commerce, and other features. This guide and the online help will assist you in creating a fantastic web site.

Web Easy

Making a Web Site: A Tutorial • 57

58 • Making a Web Site: A Tutorial

Web Easy

Using Web Site Assistant

Overview The Web Site Assistant provides a simple way to create a document for your web site. The Web Site Assistant also provides templates to create a web photo album (see Creating a Photo Web Page (see page 91) and create the descriptive contents for an eBay auction (see “Creating an eBay Auction” on page 99 ).

Web Easy

Using Web Site Assistant • 59

Creating a Web Document Using the Web Site Assistant The Assistant guides you through the following steps to create your document: •

Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant (see page 60)

Step 2: Selecting a Template (see page 61)

Step 3: Naming Your Document and Choosing a Storage Folder (see page 62)

Step 4: Selecting the Images for Your Document (see page 63)

Step 6: Adding Finishing Touches (see page 64)

Step 7: Saving Your Document (see page 65)

Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Web site button to open the Web Site Assistant.


Click Next to open the Templates dialog and continue to “Step 2: Selecting a Template” on page 61.

60 • Using Web Site Assistant

Web Easy

Step 2: Selecting a Template 1.

Click a category tab to view a list of pre-designed templates.

Templates that are called wizards make it easy for you to complete a special type of web page such as a photo gallery (see Creating a Photo Web Page (see page 91)) or an eBay auction listing (see “Creating an eBay Auction” on page 99).

Web Easy


Click a template name on the left to view a preview of the template on the right.


Click the navigation buttons below the preview to view different pages of the template.


Click Next to continue to Step 3: Naming Your Document and Choosing a Storage Folder (see page 62).

Using Web Site Assistant • 61

Step 3: Naming Your Document and Choosing a Storage Folder Use this step of the wizard to name your new file and choose a storage location for it. 1.

Type a name for your file in the Name box.


Click the Browse button at the right of the Location on your hard drive box to select a folder to store your document in. Web Easy normally saves your document files in the My Documents\Web Easy\Documents folder, ending the file name in


.alb. If you prefer, you can type the new folder’s location in the Location on your hard drive box. 3.

Click Next. Some templates might ask you to enter information, such as personal or business details. You can enter this information either now or later. Enter any information you want and then click Next to continue to Step 4: Selecting the Images for Your Document (see page 63).

62 • Using Web Site Assistant

Web Easy

Step 4: Selecting the Images for Your Document Replace the placeholders in the template with your own images.

If desired, you can skip this step and add your images later. 1.

Click the Browse button above the list of image files to find the folder where your images are stored.


Make sure that Image files is selected next to Type of files in the browse dialog.


Click Open.


Select the images for your document. You can see a preview of each image on the left side of the Assistant and a preview of the document on the right.


Replace the gray placeholders with individual images by clicking an image name and then clicking the single, right arrow button. Alternatively, load all the images at once by clicking the double, right arrow button.

Web Easy


Click Next to continue.


Click Next to continue to Step 5: Changing Your Web Site Text (see page 64).

Using Web Site Assistant • 63

Step 5: Changing Your Web Site Text 1.

Select a text entry in the Edit the following text box at the left and type your changes to the standard text in the enter name box.

Repeat this process for each of the remaining text entries. 2.

Click Next to continue to Step 6: Adding Finishing Touches (see below).

Step 6: Adding Finishing Touches 1.

Check the Preview Web Site now box to display your site in your Internet browser, or leave it unchecked to view your pages in Web Easy.


Click Finish to close the Web Site Assistant. Your document appears in the Web Easy workspace, ready for editing. You can double-click a text box and start typing to replace the existing text with your own, or drag and drop items such as images from the File Browser.


Click Finish to complete the wizard and view your web page document in Web Easy. Continue to Step 7: Saving Your Document (see page 65).

64 • Using Web Site Assistant

Web Easy

Step 7: Saving Your Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Save button to save your document.

When the document is complete, build it into a web site. For further details, see “Building a Web Site” on page 193.

Web Easy

Using Web Site Assistant • 65

66 • Using Web Site Assistant

Web Easy

Using a Template

Overview Use the Web Easy templates to design professional looking web sites. Choose a template that suits your style, and then customize it with your own images and text. There are three major steps for designing a document using a template:

Web Easy

Step 1: Open a New Document (see page 68)

Step 2: Choose a Template (see page 69)

Step 3: Edit and Save the Document (see page 70)

Using a Template • 67

Step 1: Open a New Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Blank to open the New Document dialog.

You can also open the File menu and choose New > Blank Document to open the New Document dialog. To continue creating your new document, continue to Step 2: Choose a Template (see page 69).

68 • Using a Template

Web Easy

Step 2: Choose a Template 1.

Select a template category tab in the New Document dialog, such as Organizations and Clubs.


Click a template name on the left to view a preview of that template on the right. Templates that have “Wizard” as part of their name provide step-bystep guidance for creating that type of document. For multiple-page templates, you can scroll through to look at each page by clicking the navigation buttons beside the preview.


Browse the different templates until you find the one that you want.


Click OK.

The document opens in the Web Easy workspace ready for editing. To complete creating a document from a template, continue to Step 3: Edit and Save the Document (see below).

Web Easy

Using a Template • 69

Step 3: Edit and Save the Document 1.

Replace the images in the image placeholders with your own images (see “Inserting and Editing Images” on page 131).


Replace the text with your own text (see “Working with Text” on page 145).


Change the page background, if desired (see “Adding a Page Background” on page 119).


Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Save button to save your document.

After your document is complete, build and publish it. For further details, see “Building a Web Site” on page 193 and “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197.

70 • Using a Template

Web Easy

Creating Your Own Design

Overview If you already have a web site design in mind that is different from any of the templates, you can use one of the following methods to create it:

Web Easy

Use Style Designer (see “Using Style Designer” on page 72).

Create your design from scratch (see “Designing a Web Site from Scratch” on page 75).

Import an existing web site design that isn’t copyrighted (see “Importing an Existing Web Site or Page” on page 76).

Creating Your Own Design • 71

Using Style Designer Web Easy’s Style Designer provides a simple way for you to customize a document. Style Designer guides you through the following steps to create your unique document: •

Step 1: Opening Style Designer (see page 72)

Step 2: Selecting a Web Site Design (see page 73)

Step 3: Selecting a Style Design (see page 73)

Step 4: Designing Additional Pages in Your Document (see page 74)

Step 5: Editing and Saving the Document (see page 74)

Step 1: Opening Style Designer 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Design Style button in the Design Toolbar to open the Layout and Style dialog. Continue to Step 2: Selecting a Web Site Design (see page 73).

72 • Creating Your Own Design

Web Easy

Step 2: Selecting a Web Site Design 1.

Click the arrow of the Web Site Design box and select one of the web site design categories from the drop-down list.


Select a design template from the list below the Web Site Design box. Scroll down to view more examples. A preview of the template you select displays in the center of the dialog. Continue to Step 3: Selecting a Style Design (see below).

Step 3: Selecting a Style Design 1.

Click the arrow of the Style Design Template box on the right and select a style category from the drop-down list.

A list of color schemes for the selected category opens below. 2.

Select the color scheme you want to use and a preview of the color scheme appears in the center of the dialog. Continue to Step 4: Designing Additional Pages in Your Document (see page 74).

Web Easy

Creating Your Own Design • 73

Step 4: Designing Additional Pages in Your Document You can use Style Designer to re-design any of the other pages in your Web document. 1.

Use the scroll buttons below the Preview display to select another page in your document that you want to re-design, First Page

Previous Page


Current Page

Last Page

Next Page

Complete Step 1 through Step 3 in this section of the User’s Guide for each page that you want to re-design. After you’ve re-designed all the pages that you want, click OK to exit the Style Designer dialog.

Step 5: Editing and Saving the Document Your document appears in the Web Easy workspace, ready for editing. You can double-click a text box and start typing to replace the existing text with your own, or drag and drop items such as images from the File Browser. 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Save button to save your document.

When the document is complete, build your web site and publish it. For further details, see “Building a Web Site” on page 193 and “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197.

74 • Creating Your Own Design

Web Easy

Designing a Web Site from Scratch There are two major steps for designing a document from scratch: •

Step 1: Opening a New Blank Document (see page 75)

Step 2: Designing and Saving Your Document (see page 76)

Step 1: Opening a New Blank Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Blank to open the New Document dialog.

You can also open the File menu and choose New > Blank Document to open the New Document dialog. 4.

Choose the type of blank document that you want to create, indicating the screen size and number of pages. You can change the size and add or remove pages later.


Click OK.

A blank document appears in the Web Easy workspace ready for you start creating your web site. To complete creating your web site from scratch, continue to Step 2: Designing and Saving Your Document (see page 76).

Web Easy

Creating Your Own Design • 75

Step 2: Designing and Saving Your Document 1.

Insert new pages into the document (see “Adding a Page” on page 118).


Add the required page backgrounds to the document (see “Adding a Page Background” on page 119).


Add images to your page and edit them (see “Inserting and Editing Images” on page 131).


Add text (see “Working with Text” on page 145).


Create links (see “Working with Links” on page 163).


Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Save button to save your document.

When the document is complete, you can preview or build the web site. For further details, see “Previewing Your Document in a Browser” on page 113 and “Building a Web Site” on page 193.

Importing an Existing Web Site or Page You can import an existing web site or page that isn’t copyrighted into a Web Easy document, so that you can take advantage of features that simplify your web development. You also can import a web site that you’ve already created, so that you can use Web Easy to edit, improve, or maintain it. Importing a web site involves converting existing HTML files to the format used by Web Easy. This procedure automatically identifies the basic HTML elements, such as site structure, links, text, and images, and creates a new web site design that includes all the necessary pages and all the recognized items on each page. In certain circumstances Web Easy might not be able to import all the elements and attributes from the existing HTML files. However, you should be able to import and restore all your text and image elements, as well as the position of these items.

76 • Creating Your Own Design

Web Easy

Importing an HTML Web Site 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Blank to open the New Document dialog..


Select the Blank tab, choose the size of your blank page, and then click OK.


Open the File menu and select Import from HTML to open the Import Web Site dialog.


Choose the HTML file that should become the main home page of the Web Site.


Click Open.


Wait until the conversion process is complete.

This might take a while if the web site has many pages or you are using a slower speed system. A new web site design document is created, but not saved. We recommend saving the entire document in a separate folder as an archive, where all the necessary images are copied for future use. Then, save it again in your working folder for editing. Web Easy

Creating Your Own Design • 77

Adding an HTML Page 1.

Open your document.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click Insert to open the New Page dialog.


Click the Import button to open the Import Web Site dialog.


Choose the HTML file you want to import.


Click Open.


Wait until the conversion process is complete.

A new page is added into the design document. We recommend saving the entire document in a separate folder as an archive, where all the necessary images are copied for future use. Then, open your document for editing.

78 • Creating Your Own Design

Web Easy

Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Overview A Dynamic web site is one that uses Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML). DHTML allows animation of items on your web page. A dynamic web site can include any or all of the following features: •

Rollover images that change when you point at them using a mouse (see “Adding Rollovers” on page 80).

Transitions between pages (see “Adding Page Transitions” on page 82).

Objects that fade in or out (see “Adding Effects to Objects” on page 83)

Animated items that move along a path (see “Animating Objects” on page 84)

Web sites that operate like a slideshow (see “Creating a Slideshow” on page 85)

The special features described in this section only work for dynamic web sites. If you use DHTML features in your web site, click the Build As button and choose the Dynamic HTML option when you build the document (see “Building a Web Site” on page 193).

Web Easy

Creating a Dynamic Web Site • 79

Adding Rollovers A rollover image changes to another image when a mouse moves over it. When the mouse moves off the image, it returns to its initial state. You can have numerous rollover images so when you move your mouse over the image the next sequential image appears. When you move off of the rollover it always returns to the initial image. Rollovers only work on DHTML pages. Make sure that you select Dynamic HTML in the Build dialog (see “Building a Web Site” on page 193) NOTE: Do not add shadows to images you want to use for rollovers. Shadows change the size of the image and interfere with the creation of the rollover.

Using the Rollover Image Assistant The Rollover Image Assistant dialog lets you insert or customize a group of items, which are converted to a rollover button when building a Dynamic Web Page.

To Insert a Simple Rollover Button 1.

Make sure nothing is selected in the design page.


Open the Tools menu and choose Rollover Image Assistant or press CTRL-R to open the Rollover Image Assistant.

The title New Rollover flashes four times. 3.

Double-click the image in the top layer to open the Choose Image dialog.


Choose the desired image and click the Open button.


Double-click the image in the second layer to open the Choose Image dialog.


Choose the desired image and click the Open button. To remove a sample link uncheck the Link to Internet Web Page box.


Click OK to insert the new rollover button.

80 • Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy

The new group of items appears at the top of the design page or close to the position of the last edited object. You can move it to the position where you want it. To edit the rollover, select the group and open the Rollover Image Assistant again.

To Create Advanced Rollovers With the Rollover Image Assistant open, click the Advanced button near the bottom of the assistant to show a preview and display icons above the list of buttons. Move Selected Layer Up/Down

Add Image Layer

Add Text Layer

Delete Layer

Click here to test

Click on the Size button below the preview to change the size of the rollover.

Click on the button in the preview pane to see how it operates.

Click the icons at the top of the dialog to change the positions of the layers, add image and text layers, and delete layers. The online help has more details about the advanced features and icons.

Creating a Rollover Without the Assistant

Web Easy


Place two (or more) images on the page.


Make them the same size.


Align them to the top and the left.


Group them.


Build the Dynamic web site.

Creating a Dynamic Web Site • 81

Adding Page Transitions To further enhance your document, add page transitions to the pages in your document. Transitions include page scrolling, page wipes, dissolves, and more. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Transition button to display the Page Transition dialog.


Choose a Page Transition Style. An example of the transition appears in the preview window.


Set the following Page timing options: •

To set a time duration for the transition effect, check the Display page effect for box and enter a time.

To set the automatic starting time for the following transition, check the Advance to next page after box, and enter a time.


Check the Apply to all pages box to apply the same transition settings to all the pages in your document, or check the Random effect box to apply a different randomly chosen effect each time.


Click OK.

Some transitions are supported only by Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. Some browsers, like Mozilla and Firefox, do not support transitions and will ignore them. Transitions don’t work if you create a navigation bar in a separate frame.

82 • Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy

Adding Effects to Objects Web Easy offers a wide choice of Dynamic HTML effects that you can apply to text and items in your dynamic web site. These effects are similar to page transitions, but are applied to individual items. 1.

Select the item to which you want to apply the effect.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Arrange button to display the Arrange Items Toolbar.


Click the Effects button to open the Dynamic HTML Effects dialog.


Click the Effect drop-down list and select an effect.


Choose a Style for the effect from the window.


Click the Advanced tab to fine-tune your Dynamic HTML effect.


Click OK to apply the effect.

Some effects are supported only by Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. Some effects, such as Drop Shadow and Edge Glow, should only be applied to text items.

Web Easy

Creating a Dynamic Web Site • 83

Animating Objects For a dynamic and exciting effect, give an item an animated path. It moves across the page along that path—along a wave, with a swinging motion, flying out from a corner, and more. You can edit the path and decide on the timing. 1.

Select the item to be animated.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Arrange button to display the Arrange Items Toolbar.


Click the Animation button to display the Path Animation dialog.


Click the down arrow and choose a path from the list. The selected path appears on your page as a dotted line.


Click the Edit path button if you want to adjust the path. Handles appear along the path. •

The blue handle represents the beginning of the animation.

The red handle represents the end of the animation.

The green handles represent points along the path.

In the example above, the balloons would follow the wave pattern shown. 7.

Drag a handle to adjust its position or drag the dotted line to move the entire path.

84 • Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy


Enter the duration for the animation in the Display for box. The number to the left of the decimal point represents seconds.


Enter the starting time for the animation in the Start after box. For example, if you enter 1.5, the animation starts one and a half seconds after the page appears.

10. Check the Blink box to give your animation a blinking effect. 11. Check the Loop box to make your animation repeat itself continuously. 12. Click the Fit Start button to make sure that the starting position for the animation is the current location of the item. This helps avoid the jumpy start that can occur with animations if they begin at a different location. 13. Click on the Close button in the top-right corner of the dialog to close the Path Animation dialog and save the settings.

Creating a Slideshow This is a quick look at how to create a DHTML web site that operates like a slideshow. For more detailed information, see the online help. There are seven major steps for creating a slideshow: •

Step 1: Create a New Document (see page 86)

Step 2: Give the Document a Background (see page 86)

Step 3: Place an Image on the Page (see page 87)

Step 4: Insert a New Blank Page (see page 87)

Step 5: Place an Image on the New Page (see page 87)

Step 6: Set Page Transitions (see page 88)

Step 7: Build the Document into a Dynamic Web Site (see page 89)

The following sections explain these steps in greater detail.

Web Easy

Creating a Dynamic Web Site • 85

Step 1: Create a New Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Blank to open the New Document dialog.


Choose a single-page template.


Click OK and go on to Step 2: Give the Document a Background (see below).

Step 2: Give the Document a Background 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Background button to open the Page Background Settings dialog.


Choose a color for the background.


Click OK and go on to Step 3: Place an Image on the Page (see page 87).

86 • Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy

Step 3: Place an Image on the Page 1.

Browse to find the image that you need from File Browser.


Drag the image onto your document and go on to Step 4: Insert a New Blank Page (see below)..

Step 4: Insert a New Blank Page 1.

Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Insert button to display the New page dialog.


Choose Blank page.


Click OK to add a new blank page with the same background to your document and go on to Step 5: Place an Image on the New Page (see below).

Step 5: Place an Image on the New Page

Web Easy


Repeat Step 3: Place an Image on the Page (see above) for the next image.


Continue to add pages and images until complete. Then, go on to Step 6: Set Page Transitions (see page 88).

Creating a Dynamic Web Site • 87

Step 6: Set Page Transitions 1.

Use the navigation arrows to return to the first page.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Transition button to display the Page Transition dialog.


Choose a Page Transition Style, or check the Random effect box to apply a variety of randomly chosen effects to the page.


Enter a time in seconds, for the duration of the effect.


Check the Advance to the next page after box and enter a time, in seconds, after which the site advances to the next page.


Check the Apply to all pages box to apply your settings to all the pages in the document, or leave it unchecked and repeat this procedure, applying a different transition to each page.


Click OK and go on to Step 7: Build the Document into a Dynamic Web Site (see page 89).

88 • Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy

Step 7: Build the Document into a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy


Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Build button to display the Build Toolbar.


Click the Web site button to display the Build Web Site dialog.


Click the Build As box and choose Dynamic HTML.


Click the with button and choose Centered page.


Click OK to build the web site.

Creating a Dynamic Web Site • 89

90 • Creating a Dynamic Web Site

Web Easy

Creating a Photo Web Page

Overview The Web Site Assistant includes a Photo Web Page Wizard that makes it easy to create web pages that are professional looking photo galleries. The wizard lets you choose a style of page and then fills it with thumbnail images of the photos you want to display. The Photo Web Page Wizard uses the following steps to create a photo web page:

Web Easy

Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant (see page 92)

Step 2: Starting the Photo Album Wizard (see page 92)

Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Document File (see page 93)

Step 4: Adding Your Photos (see page 94)

Step 5: Naming and Describing Your Photos (see page 95)

Step 6: Entering Your Contact Information (see page 96)

Step 7: Choosing Your Page Layout (see page 97)

Step 8: Finishing Your Page (see page 98)

Creating a Photo Web Page • 91

Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Web site button to open the Web Site Assistant.


Click Next to open the Templates dialog and continue to Step 2: Starting the Photo Album Wizard (see below).

Step 2: Starting the Photo Album Wizard 1.

Click the Family and Personal tab and then choose Photo Album Wizards.

A preview of the template appears to the right. 2.

92 • Creating a Photo Web Page

Click Next to start the wizard and then continue to Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Document File (see page 93).

Web Easy

Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Document File 1.

Click the Browse button at the right of the Location on your hard drive box and select where you want to store your file.


Click and drag to select the standard text in the Name box, press DELETE, and then type a file name in the Name box.


Click Next and continue to Step 4: Adding Your Photos (see page 94).


Web Easy

Creating a Photo Web Page • 93

Step 4: Adding Your Photos 1.

Click the Browse button at the top right of the Images box and select the folder containing your photos.


Click the Left Double Arrow button at the right of the Images box to delete any standard images that appear in the Photo Album box. Browse Button

Down Button Up Button

Arrow Button Panel


Select a photo file name in the Images box to view an Image Preview of the photo at the left.


Use the arrow button panel to select your photos. The Single Right Arrow button selects a single item from the list on the left by moving it to the list on the right. The Double Right Arrow button selects all items from the list on the left by moving them to the list on the right. The Single Left Arrow button deletes a single item from the list on the right by moving it to the list on the left. The Double Left Arrow button deletes all items from the list on the right by moving them to the list on the left.

To change a photo’s position in the list in the Photo Album box, use the Up or Down buttons. 5.

94 • Creating a Photo Web Page

Click Next and continue to Step 5: Naming and Describing Your Photos (see page 95), after you’ve selected all your photos.

Web Easy

Step 5: Naming and Describing Your Photos 1.

Select a photo in the List of the photos box.


Click to place a cursor in the Description box and then type a description. To clear the Description box, click the Clear Description button.

Clear Description


Click to place a cursor in the Title of the photo box and then type a title To delete standard text from the Title of the photo box, click and drag to highlight the text, and then press DELETE.


Check the Include Image box to show a preview of the photo you’re naming and describing at the left of the dialog. If you don’t want to view a preview image, uncheck the box.


Use the arrow button panel to save your changes, after you’ve finished entering your text.. The Single Right Arrow button adds your Topic Heading and Description to the bottom of the list at the right. The Double Right Arrow button saves your Topic Heading and Description changes to the item that’s selected in the list at the right. The Single Left Arrow button clears the Topic Heading and Description entries for the item that’s highlighted in the list at the right. The Double Left Arrow button deletes all but the Description item from the list on the right.

To name and describe other photos, repeat steps 1 through 5. 6.

Web Easy

Click Next and continue to Step 6: Entering Your Contact Information (see page 96), after you’ve selected all the photos for your photo album. Creating a Photo Web Page • 95

Step 6: Entering Your Contact Information 1.

Click to place a cursor in the Title box and then type a title for your photo page.

E-Mail Address Book Button


Enter the appropriate text in each of the other boxes in the dialog. To select from a list of standard entries for each box, click the arrow at the right of the box. To see if you can choose an address from your email address book to use in the Contact e-mail address box, click the E-mail Address Book button. If your e-mail program is compatible with Web Easy, you can then select and add an address from your address book.


96 • Creating a Photo Web Page

Click Next and continue to Step 7: Choosing Your Page Layout (see page 97), after you’ve added your contact information.

Web Easy

Step 7: Choosing Your Page Layout 1.

Click the arrow at the right of the Color Theme box and select a color theme from the drop-down list..


Click the Font box to open the Font dialog and choose you font settings. •

To select a font, font style, and font size, select your choices in the Font, Font style, and Size boxes.

To add Strikeout or Underline effects to your text, check their boxes.

To select a text color, click the arrow at the right of the Color box and select a color from the drop-down list.

To select a script type, click the arrow at the right of the Script box and select a script type from the drop-down list.

A preview of your selections from the Font dialog appears in the Sample display. After you’re satisfied with the font preview, click OK to return to the wizard. 3.

Click a Text, Border, Background, or Page selection in the Colors field and select a color from the drop-down palette.


Select the Layout of your photo web page as Groups, Simple, or Index.


Check the boxes of any Features that you want to display. If you uncheck a box, that feature won’t appear.


Web Easy

Click Next and continue to Step 8: Finishing Your Page (see page 98), after you’ve completed selecting your options.

Creating a Photo Web Page • 97

Step 8: Finishing Your Page 1.

Check the Preview web site now box if you want to preview your completed photo web page in your browser.


Click the Finish button to complete your photo web page and open it in Web Easy for viewing and editing. If you checked the Preview web site now box, a preview of your photo web page also opens in your browser.

To build and publish your photo web page, see “Building Your Document into a Web Site” on page 194 and “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197.

98 • Creating a Photo Web Page

Web Easy

Creating an eBay Auction

Overview You can use the eBay Web Page Wizard to create a personalized auction listing that you can use on eBay. The wizard guides you through the following steps: •

Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant (see page 100)

Step 2: Selecting an Auction Template (see page 100)

Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Auction Document (see page 101)

Step 4: Entering Your Auction Text and a Photo (see page 102)

Step 5: Choosing Your Page Layout (see page 104)

Step 6: Finishing Your Auction Page (see page 105)

Step 8: Saving Your Auction Document (see page 107)

You need to have an eBay seller account to post auctions on eBay. NOTE: You have to open an eBay Seller Account before you can create an eBay auction. Be sure that you read and understand eBay’s Terms of Service before you post any items for sale on eBay.

Web Easy

Creating an eBay Auction • 99

Step 1: Opening the Web Site Assistant 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Web site button to open the Web Site Assistant.


Click Next to open the Templates dialog and continue to Step 2: Selecting an Auction Template (see below).

Step 2: Selecting an Auction Template 1.

Click the Business tab to view a list of pre-designed business templates.


Select eBay Wizards on the left to view a preview of that template on the right.


Click Next to continue to Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Auction Document (see page 101).

100 • Creating an eBay Auction

Web Easy

Step 3: Naming and Saving Your Auction Document Use this step of the wizard to name your new document file and choose a location to save it in. 1.

Type a name for your auction document in the Name box Web Easy automatically adds .ALB to the end of your file name.

2. Browse

Click the Browse button at the right of the Location on your hard drive box and select a file storage location. Web Easy normally saves your document files in the My Documents\Web Easy\Documents folder.

If you prefer, you can type the new storage location in the Location on your hard drive box. 3.

Web Easy

Click Next to continue to Step 4: Entering Your Auction Text and a Photo (see page 102).

Creating an eBay Auction • 101

Step 4: Entering Your Auction Text and a Photo Use this step of the wizard to customize the text for your auction and add a photo of the item you’re selling.

Entering Your Text 1.

Select the topic in the List of the topics box that you want to create new text for.


Click to place the cursor in the Description box and then type your text for the topic.

If the Description box already contains standard text that you don’t want to use, click and drag to highlight the text and then press DELETE. 3.

Use the arrow button panel to save your changes, after you’ve finished entering your text.. The Single Right Arrow button adds your Topic Heading and Description to the bottom of the list at the right. The Double Right Arrow button saves your Topic Heading and Description changes to the item that’s selected in the list at the right. The Single Left Arrow button clears the Topic Heading and Description entries for the item that’s highlighted in the list at the right. The Double Left Arrow button deletes all but the Description item from the list on the right.

Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each topic in the List of the topics box that you want to add or change. After you’ve made all your text changes, click Next and continue to Adding a Photo of Your Auction Item (see page 103).

102 • Creating an eBay Auction

Web Easy

Adding a Photo of Your Auction Item You can insert a photo into your auction description, if you have a digital or scanned photo of your auction item that’s stored on your personal web site or using a photo-hosting service somewhere on the Web. If your auction photo is stored on your own computer, instead of on the Internet, you need to use eBay’s standard photo hosting services. Their photo hosting allows you to transfer photos from your computer to the eBay servers, for display in your auction. For information about how to use eBay’s photo hosting, see eBay’s online help. 1.

Click to place a cursor in the Internet image URL address box and type the URL for your photo.


Check the Include Internet Image box. A preview of your image appears at the left.


Web Easy

Click Next and continue to Step 5: Choosing Your Page Layout (see page 104).

Creating an eBay Auction • 103

Step 5: Choosing Your Page Layout 1.

Click the arrow at the right of the Color Theme box and select a color theme from the drop-down list..


Click the Font box to open the Font dialog and choose your font settings. •

To select a font, font style, and font size, select your choices in the Font, Font style, and Size boxes.

To add Strikeout or Underline effects to your text, check their boxes.

To select a text color, click the arrow at the right of the Color box and select a color from the drop-down list.

To select a script type, click the arrow at the right of the Script box and select a script type from the drop-down list.

A preview of your selections from the Font dialog appears in the Sample display. After you’re satisfied with the font preview, click OK to return to the wizard. 3.

Click a Text, Border, Background, or Page selection in the Colors field and select a color from the drop-down palette.


Select the Headings layout of your photo web page as Vertical, Horizontal, or Floating.


Check the boxes of any Features that you want to display. If you uncheck a box, that feature won’t appear.


104 • Creating an eBay Auction

Click Next and continue to Step 6: Finishing Your Auction Page (see page 105), after you’ve added your contact information.

Web Easy

Step 6: Finishing Your Auction Page

Web Easy


Check the Preview web site now box, if you want to view a preview of your auction page in your web browser..


Click Finish to open your auction page in Web Easy and continue to Step 7: Building Your Auction Page (see page 106).

Creating an eBay Auction • 105

Step 7: Building Your Auction Page When you build your auction page, select the option for Simple HTML (see “Building Your Document into a Web Site” on page 194 for more details about building a document). When you build the auction page document, Web Easy automatically saves the HTML code for your page to the Windows Clipboard. After you select your auction category and begin creating your auction on eBay, you click to select the HTML tab of the item description dialog and paste the contents of the Clipboard into the eBay auction creation form.

NOTE: You have to open an eBay Seller Account before you can create an eBay auction. Be sure that you read and understand eBay’s Terms of Service before you post any items for sale on eBay. You can use the editing tools in Web Easy to change your eBay auction page, just like you can any other page or web site that you create in Web Easy. That allows you to use the same auction design each time and only need to replace the description of the item you’re selling. Each time you build your auction page, its HTML code is copied into the Windows Clipboard so that you can easily insert your Web Easy auction description into an eBay auction.

106 • Creating an eBay Auction

Web Easy

Step 8: Saving Your Auction Document

Web Easy


Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click the Save button to save your document.

Creating an eBay Auction • 107

108 • Creating an eBay Auction

Web Easy

Working with Your Documents

Overview Web Easy document files are saved with an .alb file extension. You can save, close, and open Web Easy document files.

Saving Your Document for the First Time 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Save to open the Save As Document dialog.

You can also open the File menu and choose Save to open the Save As Document dialog.

Web Easy


Type a name for your document in the File name box.


Browse to the folder where you want to store the document.


Click Save. Working with Your Documents • 109

Saving Changes to Your Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Save. to save the changes to your document.

You can also open the File menu and choose Save to save the changes to your document.

Closing Your Document To close your document, open the File menu and choose Close. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog to save any changes you’ve made to the document.

Opening Your Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Design button to display the Design Toolbar.


Click Open to open the Open Document dialog.

You can also open the File menu and choose Open to open the Open Document dialog. 4.

Browse for the required document.


Click the name of the document to view a preview on the right.


Click Open to display your document in the workspace.

110 • Working with Your Documents

Web Easy

Viewing Your Document

Overview You can navigate through the pages of your document and preview your document in a web browser.

Web Easy

Viewing Your Document • 111

Moving Around in Your Document Web Easy includes navigation buttons to help you move around within a document. The navigation buttons are located at the upper-right corner of the window. Previous page

Go to page Next page Zoom Help

Click Next page to move to the Next page in the document.

Click Previous page to move to the Previous page in the document.

Click Go to page to display a list of the pages in your document. If you’ve given titles to the pages, these titles are listed. Otherwise, the pages appear as a numbered list. If you have other documents open, these documents also appear on the list. Click an item to go there.

Click Zoom to display a list of zoom options.

Some navigation options are dimmed and can’t be used if you are at the first or last page of your document.

112 • Viewing Your Document

Web Easy

Previewing Your Document in a Browser Web Easy lets you preview your document with an Internet browser before you build it into a web site. You can view your document as it will appear on the Internet and you can also check all your links. When you view a preview, you are creating a temporary web site. It is not a substitute for building, which must be done before you can publish your web site on the Internet.

To Preview Your Web Document 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Build button to display the Build Toolbar.


Click the Preview button to open your default web browser. To view other browsers, you can click the arrow to view the dropdown list. You can also open the Build menu and choose Preview with to open the same list of options.


Choose an option to preview your web site in a web browser.


Click the linked items to test the links and see how your web site works.

You can also open the Build menu and choose Preview Site or press F8 on your keyboard to preview your web site using the last preview option you selected.

Web Easy

Viewing Your Document • 113

114 • Viewing Your Document

Web Easy


Web Easy

Adding and Changing Pages


Adding and Editing Items


Inserting and Editing Images


Working with Text


Adding and Modifying Tables


Drawing and Editing Shapes


Working with Links


Adding Enhanced Features


Edit Documents • 115

116 • Edit Documents

Web Easy

Adding and Changing Pages

Overview You can add and delete pages from your document. Each page can have the same or different backgrounds. You can also change the viewing size of the pages.

Web Easy

Adding and Changing Pages • 117

Adding a Page 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Insert button to display the New page dialog.


Choose a blank page with a background for the new page, or a template. •

To add a blank page, choose a Gradient, Plain Color, or Texture background option in the Blanks tab. Use the navigation buttons below the preview on the right to help you select your desired background. If the current page has a background and you choose a blank template for the new page, the new page is created with the same background as the current page.


To add a page using a template, choose a template style from one of the other tabs. The pages of the selected template appear in the preview on the right.

Click OK.

A new page appears after the current page.

118 • Adding and Changing Pages

Web Easy

Adding a Page Background You can add a variety of backgrounds to your pages, including plain colors, gradients, and textures.

Adding a Background Color, Gradient, or Texture 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Background button to open the Page Background Settings dialog.


Click one of the tabs to choose your options: •

Color to color the page background with a single color.

Gradient to create a graduated background, fading from one color to another.

Choose the Starting and Ending colors by clicking the Color Fill icons to the right of the boxes and choosing a color from the palette. Then, choose a Drawing Angle to complete the gradient. •

Texture to fill the background with a texture based on a selected image file.

Pattern to create a two-color pattern.

Choose the Foreground and Background colors by clicking the Color Fill icons to the right of the boxes and choosing a color from the palette. Then, choose a Pattern. For information on creating custom colors, see “Choosing a Custom Color” on page 130. A preview of your selections appears on the right.

Web Easy


Check the All Pages box if you want the background to be applied to all of the pages in the document.


Click OK. Adding and Changing Pages • 119

Adding a Background to a Page Using Drag and Drop 1.

Click Textures in the File Browser location bar.


Choose any desired folder.


Click on a selection and hold the button down.


Drag the background to the page and release the button.

This procedure only affects the current page.

Changing the Size of Your Page The size option affects every page in your document. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Size button to display the Page Size dialog.


Choose a page size from the Existing dimensions list, or click User Defined and enter the Width and Height. Currently the most popular web sites are designed for screens that are 800 x 600. This allows viewing the web pages without scrollbars on screens that are 800 x 600 or larger.


Check the Refit items box to rearrange the items to fit the new page size.


Check the Refit proportionally box to maintain the proportions of the objects.


Click OK.

120 • Adding and Changing Pages

Web Easy

Deleting a Page The option to delete a page is only available if your document has more than one page. There is no undo for this option, so make sure that you really want to delete the page. 1.

Display the page to be deleted.


Press ESC to make sure that no items are selected.


Open the Modify menu and choose Delete Page to display a confirmation message.


Click OK.

The page is deleted and the previous page appears.

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Adding and Changing Pages • 121

122 • Adding and Changing Pages

Web Easy

Adding and Editing Items

Overview You can work with three main types of items in your documents: images, text, and shapes. This section discusses features that apply to all three. The following sections discuss specific tasks that can only be performed on a particular type of item.

Web Easy

Adding and Editing Items • 123

Selecting Items Before you can edit an item in your document, you need to select it. Select an item by clicking it using the left mouse button. The item is selected if the square sizing handles appear on the corners and sides of the item.

To cancel the selection, click somewhere else on the document. You can select more than one item at a time and edit them simultaneously. To select every item on a page, open the Edit menu and choose Select All. Change your selection by clicking a different item, or press TAB to switch between the items.

To Select Several Items 1.

Click an item.


Hold down the SHIFT key and click another item.


Keep the SHIFT key down and click any other items you want selected.

To deselect an item, hold the SHIFT key down and click a selected item.

Moving an Item 1.

Select the item you want to move.


Click and drag the item to the new position. An outline of the item appears to show you its moved position.


Release the mouse button to drop the item in its new position.

Resizing an Item You can resize an item by dragging a sizing handle. When you drag a sizing handle on a text frame, you resize the text frame, not the text. To size the text along with the text box, hold down the ALT key while resizing.

124 • Adding and Editing Items

Web Easy

Using the Size and Position Dialog 1.

Select the item that you want to resize.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the Size button to display the Image Size and Position dialog.


Check the Keep aspect ratio box to maintain the image’s proportions as you resize it.


Enter the Width and Height for your image in pixels. If you selected Keep image aspect ratio, enter either the width or height and the other is calculated automatically. To undo any previous resizing, click the Original Size button.



Web Easy

Enter the Position in pixels where you want the image placed on the page, relative to the upper-left corner of the page. •

Entering a number in the Left box changes the number in the Right box, based on the size of the image.

Entering a number in the Top box changes the number in the Bottom box, based on the size of the image.

Click OK to apply the changes.

Adding and Editing Items • 125

Grouping Items Two or more items can be grouped together so that they can move together like a single item. You can edit grouped items, simultaneously editing all the items that are in the group.

When group of items is selected, diamond-shaped sizing handles appear on the corners and sides. You can use these handles to resize or rotate the group. Clicking an item in a group switches the handles between diamondshaped for group selection and square-shaped for individual selection. •

When the handles are diamonds, you can edit the entire group.

When the handles are squares, you can edit the individual item.

To Group Items 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Arrange button to display the Arrange Items Toolbar.


Select the items to be grouped.


Click the Group button and choose either Join or Split from the dropdown list. •

Click Join to join the selected items.

Click Split to separate a group of items.

The diamond-shaped selection handles appear around the group of items.

126 • Adding and Editing Items

Web Easy

Cutting Items Cutting an item removes it from its current position and places it onto the Windows clipboard. The item can then be pasted into a different position.

To Cut an Item 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Select the item to be cut.


Click the Cut button.

You can also open the Edit menu and choose Cut to cut a selected item.

Copying Items Copying an item places it onto the Windows clipboard. An identical item can then be pasted into another position. Unlike cutting, copying does not remove the item from its original position.

To Copy an Item 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Select the item to be copied.


Click the Copy button.

You can also open the Edit menu and choose Copy to copy a selected item.

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Adding and Editing Items • 127

Pasting an Item Pasting takes an item on the Windows clipboard and places it in your document.

To Paste an Item 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Paste button.


Move the item to where you want it.

You can also open the Edit menu and choose Paste to paste an item.

Changing the Layer Position of Items Items on a page are arranged in layers. The first item you place on a page is on the bottom layer and the most recently placed item is on the top. If you drag one item over another, the uppermost layer covers the other. You can rearrange the way the layers are stacked. You can take an item and send it forward or back one layer, or send it to the front or the back of the entire group.

To Layer Items 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Arrange button to display the Arrange Items Toolbar.


Select the item to be moved forward or backward.


Click the Order button and choose an option from the drop-down list:

128 • Adding and Editing Items

Bring to Front brings the item to the top of the stack of layers.

Send to Back sends the item to the bottom of the stack of layers.

Bring Forward brings the item forward one layer.

Send Backward sends the item backward one layer.

Web Easy

Adding a Shadow to an Item 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Select the item.


Click the Shadow button to display the Shadow dialog.

More Colors Button


Check the Display shadow box to enable a shadow. To turn off a previously set shadow, uncheck the box.


Check the Convert text to image box to convert a selected line of text or text frame to an image. To convert the image back to text, immediately open the Edit menu and select the Undo Shadow.


Drag the sliders to determine the shadow’s Opacity, Blur, X Offset, and Y Offset. Hold your mouse over a slider to see a pop-up of the selected value.

Web Easy


Click a colored block to choose a color for the shadow, or click the More Colors button to the right of the boxes to choose from more colors from the color selection box.


Click OK to apply the shadow.

Adding and Editing Items • 129

Choosing a Custom Color 1.

Click the More Colors button to display the color selection box.


Click the Color button at the top of the color selection box to display the Color dialog. Color Button

TIP: Hold down SHIFT and click the More Colors button as a shortcut to go directly into the Color dialog. 3.

Choose from the available Basic colors, or click the Define Custom Colors button to display the color palette. Saturation Control Scrollbar

Color Palette


Choose a blank box under Custom colors. If you choose a box with an existing color, that color is replaced by the new custom color.


Click in the color palette to the right to choose a color.


Click and drag the arrow on the Saturation Control Scrollbar on the right side of the palette to adjust the color level. A preview appears below the Color Palette.


130 • Adding and Editing Items

Click Add to Custom Colors to save the color to the Custom colors list.

Web Easy

Inserting and Editing Images

Overview You can add and delete images from your document. Replace the placeholders in a template with your own images, or turn your own image into a placeholder. An image can be rotated, cropped, framed, and have other effects applied to it.

Adding an Image Using Drag and Drop

Web Easy


Click the Photos button in the File Browser or another folder that has your desired image.


Click the thumbnail of the desired image and hold the button down.


Drag the image to your document and release the button.

Inserting and Editing Images • 131

Adding an Image by File Name 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the Insert button and choose Image to open the Choose Image dialog.


Locate one of the many images available within Web Easy, on the Web Easy CD, or select one of your own.


Click a file name to select the image. You can choose and insert more than one image at a time by holding down the SHIFT key while clicking on adjacent file names, or holding down the CTRL key for files that aren’t adjacent.


Click Open. The cursor changes to an insert image icon.


Place the cursor on the workspace in the location where you want to place the image, and click once.

You can also insert images by dragging and dropping them from File Browser. To replace an image placeholder from a template, see “Replacing a Placeholder with an Image” on page 133.

132 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

Replacing a Placeholder with an Image Many Web Easy templates include image placeholders, arranged in position on the page.

All you have to do is replace them with your own images. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the placeholder that you want to replace with an image.


Click the Modify button and choose Replace image from the dropdown list to open the Choose Image dialog.


Browse for an image, and click the file name to select the image.


Click Open.

A preview of the image appears on the right. You can also replace an image by dragging an image from File Browser and dropping it on top of the placeholder. Make sure the sizing handles appear around the edge of the placeholder before dropping the image. The cursor changes to indicate that the image is going to replace the placeholder.

Web Easy

Inserting and Editing Images • 133

Changing an Image to a Placeholder If you no longer want to use an image, but you want to save its size and position for another image, use the Clear Image feature. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the image to select it.


Click the Modify button and choose Clear Image from the list.

The image is removed and a placeholder remains in its place, preserving the size and position of the original image.

Rotating Images You can rotate images either manually with the mouse or using a dialog that specifies precise degrees.

Rotating an Image Using Your Mouse 1.

Select the image.


Position the mouse over the turning handle to the right of the image.

Click and drag the turning handle to rotate an image.

The mouse pointer changes to a rotation pointer. 3.

Click and drag the turning handle to rotate the image. While being rotated, the image appears in low resolution.


Release the mouse button at the correct rotation, The rotated image reappears in its original resolution.

134 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

Rotating an Image by Degrees 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Select the image.


Click the Rotate button to display the Rotate Image dialog.


Choose a rotation option or choose Free Rotate and enter the degrees to rotate the image counter-clockwise. You can also click the preview and use the mouse to rotate the image. You can flip the image by checking the Horizontal Mirror and Vertical Mirror boxes. The preview on the right shows the appearance of the image, based on your selection.


Click OK.

Cropping Images Cropping an image means trimming off unwanted areas. For example, if an image is imperfectly centered, you can crop off the extra background so that the subject is in the center of what remains. The original image is not affected by Web Easy’s cropping. This means that cropping is reversible by dragging the sizing handle the opposite way to reveal the hidden part of the image.

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Inserting and Editing Images • 135

Cropping an Image 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Select the image to be cropped.


Click the Crop button to display the Crop Image dialog.


Drag the handles at the corners of the image up, down, or sideways to select the area to be cropped. The shaded area indicates the parts of the image to be trimmed off.


Click OK.

To Crop an Image Using the Mouse 1.

Select the image.


Position the mouse over a sizing handle.


Hold down the CTRL key. The cursor changes to a crop symbol.


Drag the handle to crop the image.

136 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

Adding a Pop-Up Menu of Links to an Image You can use Web Easy to add a pop-up menu to an image, to text (see “Adding a Pop-Up Menu to Text” on page 150), or to a link (see “Adding a Pop-Up Menu to a Link” on page 166). Using a pop-up menu allows you to have multiple links to a single hot spot on a web page. The pop-up menu opens when you pause your cursor over the image, text, or link that you’ve chosen.

Using the pop-up menu, you can link to another page within your web site, to an external Internet site, to a multimedia file, to email, to another popup menu, or to a custom javascript. 1.

Click on the image that you want to create a pop-up menu for. A frame appears around the image.

Web Easy


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the Link button to view the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box and select Popup Menu from the drop-down list to open the Link dialog.

Inserting and Editing Images • 137

Using the Link Dialog Use the Link dialog to create and customize your pop-up menu.

To Add or Edit a Menu Item Using the Link Dialog 1.

Click the Menu Items button in the Link dialog to open the Editing Menu List dialog.


Double-click an item in the Item Name column and type your changes.

• •

To change the order of the lines in the Editing Menu List, click in a line and then click either the Move Up or Move Down button. To change the number of rows in the Editing Menu List, click the Add Row or Delete Row button.


Double-click an item in the Link column to open the link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box to open the dropdown list and select a link type.


Click the Favorite URLs button to select a link you’ve used previously.


To link to a file, click the Search for Files button and use the Browse dialog to locate the file.

To remove the URL in the Web Page URL address box from your Favorite’s list, click the Remove Favorite button and then click OK in the confirmation dialog to return to the Editing Menu List dialog.

Click the OK button after you’ve completed your edits in the Editing Menu List, to return to the Editing Menu List dialog.

To create a style for your pop-up menu, see “To Customize the Style of Your Pop-Up Menu” on page 139.

138 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

To Customize the Style of Your Pop-Up Menu 1.

Click the Pop-Up Style button to open the Pop-Up Menu Settings dialog.


Select an option that you want to change in the Parameter column and then double-click its option in the Value column, to select an option. Scroll down to view and edit all the options.


Click OK to return to the Link dialog, after you edit your options.

To complete your pop-up menu, see “To Finish Your Pop-Up Menu” on page 140.

Web Easy

Inserting and Editing Images • 139

To Finish Your Pop-Up Menu 1.

Click the Main URL button to open the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box to open the dropdown list and select a link type.


Click the Favorite URLs button to select a link you’ve used previously. •

To link to a file, click the Search for Files button and use the Browse dialog to locate the file.

To remove the URL in the Web Page URL address box from your Favorite’s list, click the Remove Favorite button and then click OK in the confirmation dialog to return to the Link dialog.


Click the OK button in the Link dialog to return to the Editing Menu List dialog.


Click the OK button to create your pop-up menu. To verify that your pop-up menu works correctly, select Home > Build > Preview > Current Page and then move your cursor over the image that you’ve made the hot spot for your pop-up menu.

140 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

Framing Images A frame around an image can greatly enhance the look of the image on your screen. Web Easy provides a wide range of frames in a choice of colors and textures.

Adding a Frame to an Image 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the image to select it.


Click the Modify button and choose Add/Replace Frame from the drop-down list to open the Choose Image dialog.


Browse for a frame, and then click a file name. A preview of the frame appears on the right.


Click Open to add the frame to the image.

You can also add a frame by choosing Frames from the location bar in File Browser, and then dragging a frame from File Browser and dropping it on top of an image. Frames are stored in the Frames category.

Removing a Frame from an Image 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the image to select it.


Click the Modify button and choose Clear Frame from the menu.

The image appears without the frame.

Web Easy

Inserting and Editing Images • 141

Adding Border or Wash Effects to an Image Stencils are an effective and simple way to apply border or wash effects to your images. Stencils apply different effects to images such as hide part of an image, fade out parts of an image, place the image inside a cutout shape or border, or apply a texture or colored wash to the image. Experiment with them to find the most suitable stencil for your image.

Adding a Stencil to an Image 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the image to select it.


Click the Modify button and choose Add/Replace Stencil from the menu to open the Choose Image dialog.


Browse for a stencil, and then click a file name. A preview of the stencil appears on the right. The green area in the preview represents the part of the image that is not hidden.


Click Open to add the stencil to the image.

You can also add a stencil by choosing Stencils from the location bar in File Browser, and then dragging a stencil from File Browser and dropping it on top of an image.

Removing a Stencil From an Image 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the image to select it.


Click the Modify button and choose Clear Stencil from the menu.

142 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

The image appears without the stencil.

Applying Image Effects Image effects are special filters that you can apply to your images to enhance them. The effects range from adjusting the color of the image and improving image quality (sharpen and remove noise), to adding interesting and artistic effects such as emboss, invert, or transparency. 1.

Select the image you want to apply the effect to.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the Effects button to display the Effects dialog.


Choose the effect you want from the list.


Apply more or less of the effect by adjusting the Fine-Coarse slider.


Click OK when you are happy with the result.

The effects in Web Easy don’t affect the original image. This means that at any time you can remove the effects from the image by opening the Effects dialog and then clicking the Clear All button.

Web Easy

Inserting and Editing Images • 143

Deleting an Image 1.

Select the image you want to delete.


Press the DELETE key on your keyboard, or open the Edit menu and choose Delete, to display a confirmation message.


Click OK to delete the image.

144 • Inserting and Editing Images

Web Easy

Working with Text

Overview Text in Web Easy is contained in a text frame. After typing the text, you can move the text frame around the page and treat it like one of the objects on your page. You can have as many text frames on a page as you like. A text frame has two modes: Object mode and Edit mode. •

In Object mode, the text appears with a transparent background and with handles, like other objects. You move it around, add fills, shadows, and other effects. To select a text frame in Object mode, click the text once.

In Edit mode, the text appears as black on a white background, with a flashing cursor indicating where you can type. In this mode, you can edit the text itself, adding and deleting words. To enter Edit mode, double-click on a text frame. To exit Edit mode, click outside the text frame on the workspace.

Keep your text frames larger than the area taken up by the text. You need this extra space because some Internet browsers might display text in a larger font. Any text that doesn’t fit into the text frame won’t appear.

Web Easy

Working with Text • 145

Types of Text There are three types of text frames you can choose from: Plain Text, Rich Text, and Graphic Text. All of these can use your choice of fonts, styles, sizes, colors, and more. •

Plain Text uses the same style for all the text within the plain text frame. You can choose different fonts, bold, italics or colors, but it applies to all the text in that frame. This is the most efficient text type.

Rich Text allows different styles of text to appear in the same frame. You can also create web links within the frame. The Rich text toolbar lets you create bullets, numbered lists, indents, create and change tables, and more. You can select text and use standard shortcuts for creating bold (CTRL-B), italics (CTRL-I), and underlined (CTRL-U) text.

Graphics Text is used for unusual text effects such as filling the font face with gradients or textures. We recommend that you use this type with larger size fonts, since the text might be difficult to read at small font sizes.

While all three text types support left, center, or right alignment, in Rich Text you can also have left-and-right justified text. You can convert Plain Text to Rich Text at any time. To do so, select the Plain Text frame, and then open the Modify menu (not the Modify button in the toolbar) and choose the Rich Text Formatting option.

146 • Working with Text

Web Easy

Inserting a Text Frame and Text When you insert new text, you open a new text frame. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Text button to display the Edit Text Toolbar.


Click the Insert button for Plain Text, or click the arrow on the right side of the Insert button and choose Plain Text, Rich Text, or Graphic Text.


Click on the page in the location where you want to place the new text.


Type your text.

After you finish, click anywhere on the workspace outside the text frame.

Editing Text Content 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Text button to display the Edit Text Toolbar.


Select the text frame to be modified.


Click the Modify button to switch the text box to Edit mode. The text appears as black on a white background, with a flashing cursor indicating where you can type.


To add to the text, click in the required location and start typing.

To delete part of the text, press the DELETE key on your keyboard to delete to the right of the cursor, or select part of the text with your mouse and type over it.

Click somewhere outside the text frame to exit Edit mode.

You can also double-click a text frame to switch to Edit mode.

Web Easy

Working with Text • 147

Changing Text Properties 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Text button to display the Edit Text Toolbar.


Click once on the text frame to select it in Object mode. Don’t double-click the text frame.


Click the Font button to display the Font dialog.


Select the properties for your text from the options shown: •

Choose a font name from the Font list.

Choose a Font Style such as Bold or Italic.

Choose a font size from the Size list, or enter the size that you want.

Check the Underline or Strikeout boxes, if desired.

Choose a color from the Color list.

A preview of your changes appears in the Sample box. 6.

Click OK.

For Plain Text and Rich Text, we recommend that you limit your use of fonts to Arial™, Times New Roman™, and Verdana™. These are supported by most browsers, while other fonts might not be supported. Graphics text can use any font. Web Easy automatically converts the graphic text to a graphic image when you build your web site.

148 • Working with Text

Web Easy

Changing Text Using the Rich Text Toolbar Use the Rich Text toolbar to control many aspects of an existing rich text frame. To display the Rich Text toolbar, open the View menu and choose Rich Text Toolbar. Indent




Style Dialog

Fill Color

Numbered Items

Font Size

Bulleted Items


The Rich Text Toolbar automatically hides when no rich text frame is selected. When you select any rich text item, the toolbar reappears. For information about the table features in the lower section of the Rich Text toolbar, see “Changing a Table Using the Rich Text Toolbar” on page 157.

Deleting a Text Frame 1.

Click once on the text frame to select it in Object mode. Don’t double-click the text frame.


Web Easy

Press the DELETE key on your keyboard, or open Edit menu and choose Delete.

Working with Text • 149

Adding a Pop-Up Menu to Text You can use Web Easy to easily add a pop-up menu to text, to an image (see “Adding a Pop-Up Menu of Links to an Image” on page 137), or to a link (see “Adding a Pop-Up Menu to a Link” on page 166). Adding a pop-up menu allows you to have multiple links for a single hot spot on a web page. The pop-up menu opens when you pause your cursor over the text, image, or link that you’ve chosen. Using the pop-up menu, you can link to another page within your web site, to an external Internet site, to a multimedia file, to email, to another popup menu, or to a custom javascript.

To Add a Pop-Up Menu to Text 1.

Click on the text frame that you want to create a pop-up menu for. A border appears around the text frame.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the Link button to view the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box and select Popup Menu from the drop-down list to open the Link dialog. To continue creating your pop-up menu, go on to Using the Link Dialog to Create a Pop-Up Menu (see page 151).

150 • Working with Text

Web Easy

Using the Link Dialog to Create a Pop-Up Menu Use the Link dialog to create and customize your pop-up menu.

To Add or Edit a Menu Item in the Link Dialog 1.

Click the Menu Items button in the Link dialog to open the Editing Menu List dialog.


Double-click an item in the Item Name column and type your changes.

• •

To change the order of the lines in the Editing Menu List, click in a line and then click either the Move Up or Move Down button. To change the number of rows in the Editing Menu List, click the Add Row or Delete Row button.


Click the OK button in the Editing Menu List dialog to return to the Link dialog.

To choose the style of your pop-up menu, continue to To Customize the Style of Your Pop-Up Menu (see page 152).

Web Easy

Working with Text • 151

To Customize the Style of Your Pop-Up Menu 1.

Click the Pop-Up Style button to open the Pop-Up Menu Settings dialog.


Select an option that you want to change in the Parameter column and then double-click its line in the Value column, to select an option. Scroll down to view and edit all the options.


Click OK to return to the Link dialog, after you edit your pop-up style options.

To complete your pop-up menu, continue to To Finish Your Pop-Up Menu (see page 153).

152 • Working with Text

Web Easy

To Finish Your Pop-Up Menu 1.

Click the Main URL button to open the Main URL Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box to open the dropdown list and select a link type.


Click the Favorite URLs button to select a link you’ve used previously. •

To link to a file, click the Search in Files button and use the Browse dialog to locate the file.

To remove the URL in the Web Page URL address box from your Favorite’s list, click the Remove Favorite button.


Click the OK button in the Main URL Link dialog to return to the Editing Menu List dialog.


Click the OK button in the Editing Menu List dialog to create your pop-up menu. To verify that your pop-up menu works correctly, select Home > Build > Preview > Current Page and then move your cursor over the text that you’ve made the hot spot for your pop-up menu.

Web Easy

Working with Text • 153

154 • Working with Text

Web Easy

Adding and Modifying Tables

Overview Insert a table to organize your text in a grid of rows and columns.

A Table Object is a rich text item on the design document. Always place the Table Object entirely inside the design page of the Web Site document.

Web Easy

Adding and Modifying Tables • 155

Inserting a New Table 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Text button to display the Edit Text Toolbar.


Click the arrow next to the Insert button and choose Table to open the Insert Table Object dialog.


Choose a Preformatted Style for the table you want to insert.


Click the Size tab and enter the number of the rows and columns.


Click the Style, Text, Column Headings, and Row Headings tabs to further modify the style of the table.


Click the Refresh button in the upper-right corner above the preview to update the preview to match your selections.


Click OK to close the dialog.


Click the mouse at the position where you want to insert the table.

10. Double-click the Table Object to enter the information in the rows and columns. Use the arrow keys to move to an adjacent cell. 11. Click outside the table object to end the editing session. To resize the boundary of the item to fit it to the contents, click the table.

156 • Adding and Modifying Tables

Web Easy

Changing a Table Using the Rich Text Toolbar You can use the Rich Text Toolbar to control many aspects of an existing table. To display the Rich Text toolbar, open the View menu and choose Rich Text Toolbar. Insert Table into Rich Text Frame

Table Aligning

Add Row/Column

Table Padding

Delete Row/Column Border Size

Border Color

Background Color

The Rich Text Toolbar automatically hides when no rich text frame is selected. When you select any rich text item, the toolbar reappears.

Web Easy

Adding and Modifying Tables • 157

158 • Adding and Modifying Tables

Web Easy

Drawing and Editing Shapes

Overview Web Easy provides the tools to draw and edit shapes. You can create shapes from straight lines, curves, polygons, polylines, rectangles, and ovals. For more information about using the drawing tools, see the online help.

Web Easy

Drawing and Editing Shapes • 159

Drawing Boxes, Ovals, and Circles 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Shapes button to display the Edit Shapes Toolbar.


Click the arrow to the right of the Shape button to display a list of shape options:


Click Solid Box to create a box that is filled with color.

Click Box to draw an outlined box.

Click Solid Oval to create an oval that is filled with color.

Click Oval to draw an outlined oval.

Click with your mouse on the spot where you want to begin drawing and drag the mouse in a diagonal direction. To draw a perfect square or circle, hold down the SHIFT button as you drag.


Release the mouse to finish drawing.

Drawing Lines and Polygons 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Shapes button to display the Edit Shapes Toolbar.


Click the arrow to the right of the Shape button to display a list of shape options:


Click Line to draw a straight line.

Click Polygon to draw a closed shape with straight lines.

Click Polyline to draw an open shape with straight lines.

Click Solid curve to draw a closed shape with curved lines.

Click Curve to draw an open shape with curved lines.

To create a straight line, click once and drag. For all other lines, click to create each node and double-click to finish or close the shape.

160 • Drawing and Editing Shapes

Web Easy

Adjusting the Line Thickness and Style of a Shape 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Shapes button to display the Edit Shapes Toolbar.


Select the shape.


Click the Style button and choose a line thickness or style from the drop-down list.

Changing the Border Color of a Shape 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Shapes button to display the Edit Shapes Toolbar.


Select the shape.


Click the Border button to display the color selection box.


Choose a color, or click the Color button at the top of the color selection box to display the Color dialog. Color Button

For information on creating custom colors, see “Choosing a Custom Color” on page 130.

Web Easy

Drawing and Editing Shapes • 161

Filling Shapes A solid shape can be filled with a solid color, a gradient, or a texture. However, if the shape is an outline, your color selection affects the outline. 1.

Select the shape to be filled.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Shapes button to display the Edit Shapes Toolbar.


Click the Fill button to open the Fill Settings dialog.


Click one of the tabs to choose your options: • •

Color to color the shape with a single color. Gradient to create a graduated fill, fading from one color to

another. Choose the Starting and Ending colors by clicking the Color Fill icons to the right of the boxes and choosing a color from the palette. Then, choose a Drawing Angle to complete the gradient. •

Texture to fill the shape with a texture based on a selected image

file. •

Pattern to create a two-color pattern.

Choose the Foreground and Background colors by clicking the Color Fill icons to the right of the boxes and choosing a color from the palette. Then, choose a Pattern. For information on creating custom colors, see “Choosing a Custom Color” on page 130. A preview of your selections appears on the right. 6.

Click OK.

162 • Drawing and Editing Shapes

Web Easy

Working with Links

Overview Web Easy lets you create links from text, images, or any item on the page. You also can create a pop-up menu that allows your web site to offer multiple links from a single hot spot. Links allow you to navigate your web site by moving to other pages, other sites, an email address, or even to an audio or video file that you want podcast (see “Adding Podcasting to Your Web Site” on page 190 ). When users click a link in your web site, they jump to the associated link location. If you forget what type of link you’ve created for an item, you can display link information by right-clicking the item and choosing Link from the context menu.

Web Easy

Working with Links • 163

Creating a Link Within Your Web Site 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Select the item to which you want to add the link.


Click the Link button to display the Link dialog.


Click the Document Navigation tab.


Create a link by selecting a link option: •

First page of your web site links to the home or index page.

Previous page links to the page you previously displayed.

Next page links to the next logical page in the web site.

Last page links to the last logical page in the web site.

Page links to any other page in the web site. Browse to find the

page. •

Document links to another document file. Browse to find the



164 • Working with Links

Program starts another program. Browse to find the program.

None removes a previously set link.

Click OK.

Web Easy

Creating a Link to Another Web Site or to Email To create a link to another web site, you must supply the URL address. When a user clicks the link, the indicated web site opens in their Internet browser. When a user clicks an email link, the user’s email software opens with the email address already displayed. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Select the item to which you want to add the link.


Click the Link button to display the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box and select a link option. •

Internet Web Page links to another web site.

Enter the URL address of the web site. •

E-Mail links to email.

Enter the email address that it’s addressed to. 5.

Click OK.

Make sure that you type the URL or email address correctly. If it’s wrong, the link won’t work.

Web Easy

Working with Links • 165

Adding a Pop-Up Menu to a Link You can use Web Easy to add a pop-up menu to text (see“Adding a PopUp Menu to Text” on page 150 , to an image (see “Adding a Pop-Up Menu of Links to an Image” on page 137), or to an existing link. The popup menu opens when you pause your cursor over the link, text, or image that you’ve chosen. Using the pop-up menu, you can link to another page within your web site, to an external Internet site, to a multimedia file, to email, to another popup menu, or to a custom javascript. Using the following steps allows you to use a pop-up menu to create multiple links to a single object.

To Add a Pop-Up Menu to a Link 1.

Click on a linked image, such as a button, that you want to create a pop-up menu of additional links for. A border appears around the object.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Image button to display the Edit Image Toolbar.


Click the Link button to view the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box and select Popup Menu from the drop-down list to open the Link dialog. To select the items in your pop-up menu, continue with To Add or Edit a Menu Item in the Link Dialog (see page 167).

166 • Working with Links

Web Easy

To Add or Edit a Menu Item in the Link Dialog 1.

Click the Menu Items button in the Link dialog to open the Editing Menu List dialog.


Double-click an item in the Item Name column and type your changes.

• •

To change the order of the lines in the Editing Menu List, click in a line and then click either the Move Up or Move Down button. To change the number of rows in the Editing Menu List, click the Add Row or Delete Row button.


Click the OK button in the Editing Menu List dialog to return to the Link dialog.

To choose the style of your pop-up menu, continue with To Customize the Style of Your Pop-Up Menu (see page 168).

Web Easy

Working with Links • 167

To Customize the Style of Your Pop-Up Menu 1.

Click the Pop-Up Style button to open the Pop-Up Menu Settings dialog.


Select an option that you want to change in the Parameter column and then double-click its line in the Value column, to select an option. Scroll down to view and edit all the options.


Click OK to return to the Link dialog, after you edit your pop-up style options.

To complete your pop-up menu, continue with To Finish Your Pop-Up Menu (see page 169).

168 • Working with Links

Web Easy

To Finish Your Pop-Up Menu 1.

Click the Main URL button to open the Main URL Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box to open the dropdown list and select a link type.


Click the Favorite URLs button to select a link you’ve used previously. •

To link to a file, click the Search in Files button and use the Browse dialog to locate the file.

To remove the URL in the Web Page URL address box from your Favorite’s list, click the Remove Favorite button.


Click the OK button in the Main URL Link dialog to return to the Editing Menu List dialog.


Click the OK button in the Editing Menu List dialog to create your pop-up menu. To verify that your pop-up menu works correctly, select Home > Build > Preview > Current Page and then move your cursor over the link that you’ve made the hot spot for your pop-up menu.

Web Easy

Working with Links • 169

Viewing Links Using the Site Map Assistant The Site Map Assistant makes it easy to keep track of the links in your document. It lets you quickly view the links to and from each page. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Tools button to display the Assistants Toolbar.


Click the Link Map button to open the Site Map Assistant.

There are two working areas in the dialog: •

The Left Pane displays the hierarchy of the links from the primary page.

The Right Pane displays a list of the all links from the selected page.

The following icons are used to represent the pages: There are no links from this page (also used when indicating the starting page for the Site Map). The page is the Primary (Home) Page for the Web Site. It is the first page displayed when users access your web site. A page of the web site document.

You can’t add new links to the Web Site document using the Site Map Assistant. To add a link, see “Creating a Link Within Your Web Site” on page 164 or “Creating a Link to Another Web Site or to Email” on page 165.

170 • Working with Links

Web Easy

Viewing the Links from a Selected Page 1.

Right-click the page in the left pane.


Choose Show Links from page to see the links from the page.

Setting the Primary (Home) Page of the Web Site 1.

Right-click the page in the left pane.


Choose Set page as Primary Page to make this page appear first when you view your web site.

Loading a Page 1.

Click the page icon in the left pane.


Click Show Document Page button above the left pane to load the selected page behind the dialog.

Changing a Link 1.

Click the link in the right pane. To select several links for editing, hold the CTRL key down and click on the pages you want to add to the selection.


Click the Modify Link button above the right pane to open the Link dialog.


Make the necessary change.


Click OK to accept the change.

Removing a Link 1.

Click the link in the right pane. To select several links for editing, hold the CTRL key down and click on the pages you want to add to the selection.


Click the Remove Link button above the right pane.

Deleted links can be restored as long as the Site Map Assistant is open. Web Easy

Working with Links • 171

Restoring a Deleted Link 1.

Click the deleted link in the right pane. To select several links for editing, hold the CTRL key down and click on the pages you want to add to the selection.


Click the Restore Removed Link button above the right pane to restore the selected links to their initial definition.

Showing the Link on the Document Page 1.

Click the link in the right pane.


Click the Show Link on Document button above the right pane to load the page containing the selected link behind the dialog with selection handles around the item with this link.

Removing a Link From Your Web Site

172 • Working with Links


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Select the item from which you want to remove the link.


Click the Link button to display the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box and select None to remove a previously set link.


Click OK.

Web Easy

Adding Enhanced Features

Overview You can add a variety of enhanced capabilities to your web page, including the following.

Web Easy

Sound (see “Adding Sound” on page 174)

Changeable scenes (see “Adding Changeable Scenes” on page 176)

E-Commerce capabilities (see “Adding e-Commerce Capabilities” on page 180)

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) (see “Adding RSS to Your Web Site” on page 186.)

Podcasting (see “Adding Podcasting to Your Web Site” on page 190.)

Adding Enhanced Features • 173

Adding Sound You can add sound to your web page, to specific items on your web page, or both.

Adding Sound to a Page When you add sound to a page, the sound plays in the background when the page appears in an Internet browser. Web Easy provides a collection of audio clips including sound effects and music. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Audio button to display the Background Audio dialog.


Check the Enable page background audio box.


Click the Browse button on the right side of the Audio file name box to search for the audio file, or enter the path and file name in the box.


Choose the required sound file.


Click Open. To test the sound click the Play button. Click the Stop button to stop playing the file before it ends.


Check the Loop box to make the sound repeat on your web site.


Click OK.

174 • Adding Enhanced Features



Web Easy

Adding Sound to Page Items You can link an audio clip to any item on the page such as an image, text, or shape. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Select the item to which you want to link the sound clip.


Click the Link button to display the Link dialog.


Click the arrow at the right of the Link Type box and select Audio File from the drop-down list.


Click the Browse button on the right of the Audio file box to search for the sound file, or enter the path and file name in the box. To test the sound click the Play button. Click the Stop button to stop playing the file before it ends.


Web Easy

Click OK.



Adding Enhanced Features • 175

Adding Changeable Scenes Scenes let you create a web site containing pages that change appearance based on the time of day, the day of the month, the month of the year, and more. Visitors to your web site will enjoy a very rich, dynamic viewing experience. The Scenes Assistant enables you to change images, text, or backgrounds on the same web site page based on certain theme conditions being met. A visitor to your web site experiences these themes. For example, the theme called Day of the Week might display different kinds of marketing slogans when visiting the web site on Monday, Tuesday, or Sunday. •

A Theme is a collection of the possible scenes typically driven by the time on the visitor’s computer, such as the day of the week.

A Scene is a web site page design prepared for a particular instance from the theme collection, such as Monday, summer, or Mother’s Day.

176 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy

Viewing Scenes The appearance of the Web Site can be prepared by editing the content or the attributes of existing design items, such as: •



text font

plain text color, gradient or texture

shape color (gradient and texture are not available for scenes)

outlined shape color (gradient and texture are not available for scenes)

page background color, gradient or texture

page background sound

A web site built using scenes can be tested in your Internet browser by reloading the page after you’ve modified the Date/Time on your computer. In preview mode, an option lets you see how each scene appears.

Adding and editing scenes in the web site document is only possible while the Scene Assistant is open.

Recommendations •

When defining scenes for text items, choose only small text items.

Keep consistent coloring for text and use only colors, gradients, or textures.

Don’t create too many scenes, since it might be difficult to maintain and find them later.

You can change the appearance of the web site for only a few scenes from a theme collection. For example you can use the Day of the Week theme to have a different scene on Sunday only. Images with scene definitions must not have crop or image effects applied, and should all be the same size. Scenes are generated only when the Web Site is built as Dynamic HTML. A Web Page with scenes should not include forms, custom script, animation, or effects that might conflict with the HTML code used to activate the scenes. Web Easy

Adding Enhanced Features • 177

Adding Scenes 1.

Open an existing Web Site Document.


Open the View menu and choose Scene Assistant to open the Web Site Scene Assistant.


Select a theme from the drop-down list.


Select a scene from the list. The first time you do this, you might want to skip the first scene in the list since this is the default scene.


Select an item on your page that changes, depending on the scene.


Modify the image, text, color, or font of this item.


Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 as many times as required for each scene you want to use. You don’t have to connect an item to every scene, but the top-most scene is used for any unconnected scenes. If you leave the top-most item blank, then no item appears on dates or times that have no scenes.


Verify that your design is correct by selecting different scenes from the list. The items on the page change depending on which scene you select.


Preview the document in your Internet Browser while the Scene Assistant is open. To see scenes and the Scene Preview Monitor, open the Build menu and choose Preview Page. A temporary Scene Preview Monitor is added to the web site so that you can simulate scene changes. To show the monitor, click on the icon in the top left corner. The Scene Preview Monitor won’t appear if the Scene Assistant wasn’t open prior to starting the preview.

10. Build a Dynamic HTML Web Site and publish your site on the Internet.

178 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy

Removing a Single Scene From a Selected Item 1.

Open the View menu and choose Scene Assistant to open the Web Site Scene Assistant.

Remove Selected Scene


Select the scene item on your page that contains the scene that you want to remove.


Select the specific scene for deletion from the list in the Scene Assistant.


Click the Remove Selected Scene button above the scene list.


Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 as many times as required.


Verify that your design is correct by selecting different scenes from the list. The items on the page change depending on which scene you select.

Removing All Scenes From a Selected Item 1.

Open the View menu and choose Scene Assistant to open the Web Site Scene Assistant.

Remove All Scenes

Web Easy


Select the scene item on your page that contains the scenes that you want to remove.


Click the Remove All Scenes button above the scene list.


Verify that your design is correct by selecting different scenes from the list.

Adding Enhanced Features • 179

Removing All Scenes From a Web Site Document 1.

Open an existing Web Site Document.


Open the Tools menu and choose Scene Assistant. to open the Web Site Scene Assistant.


Select the theme None from the drop-down list.


Close the Scene Assistant and save the document.

Adding e-Commerce Capabilities Add e-commerce capabilities to your Web Site to enable users to purchase your products online. This involves signing up with an e-commerce vendor who handles payment processing. Web Easy includes links to several different vendors that you can choose from. Design your web site using Web Easy, and include the eShop Buy Now or Add to Cart buttons for each product you are selling.

Recommendations When setting up your e-commerce web site, take care to choose a vendor who suits your needs. Check the vendors’ web sites to determine their terms and conditions, and what fees they charge. Please be aware of all rules and requirements your state, your country, and international law imposes on e-commerce business activities. You should delete or edit the e-commerce demonstration objects that have been added to the template documents. These objects won’t work properly on the Internet without the correct settings required by the e-commerce vendor.

180 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy

Creating an eShop Typically, the following steps are required to create an eShop in a Web Site document: 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the E-commerce button to display the E-commerce toolbar.


Click the Vendor button and follow the steps to select the vendor that best suits your needs.


Sign up with the vendor to use their services.


Follow the vendor’s instructions on how to set up your e-commerce service on the Internet. In some cases you must create and populate a Product Database prior to designing your web site. The values entered in the product database are often used when adding the vendor’s objects to your web site as outlined in the steps below.


Create a new page dedicated to selling the products in your web site document putting your product names, descriptions, photos, and prices on this page.


Click the Insert button to insert an Add to Cart or Buy eShop object for each product for sale. You might be asked to enter some details, such as a Product ID, or SKU as defined in the Product Database on the vendor’s server. Some vendors simply require that you supply your email address, and the product name and price. The parameters for the eShop objects vary from vendor to vendor.


Click the Insert button to insert Enter Store, View Orders, or Checkout buttons to complete the eShop design. The list of recommended objects for creating an e-commerce solution might vary from vendor to vendor. In particular, the View Orders and Checkout buttons might not be required.


Build your web site and publish it on the Internet.

10. Verify and test your web site with your eShop solution.

Web Easy

Adding Enhanced Features • 181

To Modify the Properties of an Existing eShop Object 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the E-commerce button to display the E-commerce toolbar.


Select the item on your page that you want to modify.


Click the Properties button to open the Object Script Properties dialog.


Modify the values of the parameters as required by your e-commerce vendor.


Click OK to save the settings.

182 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy

Inserting a Dynamic Link With the help of vendors on the Internet, you can add components to your page that are dynamically updated by third party sites. This could include such things as news, weather reports, stock market prices, or advertising. By inserting a dynamic link on your site, you can also direct your visitors to e-shops and services on the Internet. To create your own eShop, see “Adding e-Commerce Capabilities” on page 180.

Web Easy


Open the Insert menu and choose Component > Dynamic Link to open the Dynamic Link Assistant.


Follow the on-screen instructions to insert a dynamic link.

Adding Enhanced Features • 183

Inserting an Object Web Easy includes a selection of ready-to-use objects that can be inserted into a document. These range from simple design elements, such as colorful page dividers, to advanced elements such as forms, navigation bars, VRML, 3D motion designs, and gadgets. 1.

Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Shapes button to display the Edit Shapes Toolbar.


Click the Object button to display the Insert Object dialog.

You can also open the Insert menu and choose Object to open the Insert Object dialog. 4.

Choose a tab to display an object group, such as: •

Animated elements, such as moving texts that you can replace with your own text to create a dynamic DHTML web site.

Auto links in the form of balls, bullets, or numbers. Web Easy

automatically calculates the number of pages in your document and creates a link to each page. •

Dividers can save you time by using the pre-designed page

dividers, some of which are animated. •

Forms for complete forms or individual fields and modules.

Gadgets are ready-to-use items such as a visitor’s counter, calculator, calendar, status bar clock, shake on load, and more.

Navigation using pre-designed navigation bars with buttons that

you can turn into links. • 5.

184 • Adding Enhanced Features

eShop button objects for e-commerce.

Click OK.

Web Easy

To Add a Visitors Counter A visitors counter counts how many times your site has been visited. Web Easy offers a standard Visitor Counter image. This counter only works after your web site has been built and published on the Internet, and you have linked it to an Internet Service Provider offering such a service. For more detailed information, see the online help.

Inserting Multimedia Items You can easily insert movie, flash, or other multimedia files into your document. The multimedia item won’t run in the document until it has been built. To view a quick display of the Web page with the movie, preview the Web site by pressing F8. Some multimedia items are not supported in browsers other than Internet Explorer.

To Insert Multimedia Using File Browser 1.

Select the item you want to use from File Browser.

You can double-click the item, or right-click and choose Play to both see and play the item at full size in the Web Easy’s Instant View or in your installed media player. To see a thumbnail preview in the File Browser, click once in the blank area of the File Browser, then move the mouse over the file to see a preview.

Web Easy


Left-click and, while holding the button, drag to place the item on your document.


Release the mouse button.

Adding Enhanced Features • 185

Adding RSS to Your Web Site Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a method that allows users of your web site to receive what are called RSS feeds. These feeds allow web sites that frequently change or add content to automatically keep site visitors informed about the site’s latest news and developments. To create RSS content in Web Easy, you have to first create a web page that Web Easy will use to create an XML file (the feed) that contains your site’s latest information. Then, you add a link to that file into one of your web pages, generally the main page. You can create a link to a single line of text, an icon, or an image. When a visitor clicks the link, the XML file opens in their browser or RSS reader and displays the RSS information. NOTE: Not all browsers recognize RSS feeds. Review your browser’s documentation for further information.

Creating a Page of RSS Content Your site’s RSS page is a page of text. The title for each RSS item is a single line of text. The body of each item is a paragraph of text describing the information in the title. When Web Easy builds your web document, each title becomes a link and the text below it becomes the description for the link.

186 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy

Adding an RSS Page to Your Web Document Web Easy will add the new RSS page after the page that you’re currently in. TIP: Making the RSS page your site’s last page will make the page easier to find and change, each time you have something new to share with your site visitors. However, you can place the page anywhere on your web site. 1.

Go to the last page of your web site.


Click the Edit button to display the Edit Taskbar.


Click the Page button to display the Edit Page Toolbar.


Click the Insert button to display the New page dialog.


Choose a blank page template for the new page. If the current page has a background and you choose a blank template for the new page, the new page is created with the same background as the current page. To change the background of your page, use the navigation buttons at the right of the preview to help you select your desired background from backgrounds used in the other pages of your web site.


Click OK. A new page is added after the current page.

Web Easy

Adding Enhanced Features • 187

Adding Text to Your RSS Page Web Easy uses the structure of your text, not its size, to determine which text is a title and which text is a description, so it’s important to follow the following instructions closely. 1.

Type a short single line of text as the title of your first item. When building your web document into a web site, Web Easy recognizes a short single line of text on your RSS page as a title and multiple lines of text that follow it as the description.


Type a paragraph of text about the subject in the title. If you want to add additional titles and descriptive paragraphs, repeat these first two steps until you’ve created all the RSS content for your page.


Click Save to save your changes after you’re typed all of your titles and descriptive paragraphs for your RSS feed.


Edit the font, font size, and font color options for your text. For further details, see “Changing Text Properties” on page 148. TIP: It’s a good idea to use standard Windows fonts like Arial or Times New Roman in your RSS content, so that your RSS feed will display as accurately as possible in your visitor’s browser.

188 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy

Adding an RSS Icon and Link to Your Page

RSS Icon

Web Easy includes in the Favorite Icons folder several different icons that you can use to let visitors to your web site know that RSS content is available from the site. Place this icon on your site’s main page, not on the RSS page you just created. After you add this icon to your web site, you can link it to the location where Web Easy stores the special file (an XML file) that it creates when you build the content of your RSS page.

Preparing to Build Your RSS Page Use these steps to be sure that your RSS feed items build properly. 1.

Open the View menu while viewing your RSS page and select Inspector.


Select the Properties tab.


Double-click Page Settings to view a list of page options on the left and their settings on the right.


Locate the RSS Channel entry on the left and double-click the Value column to the right to view the available options. •

To use the text you just created as your RSS content, select Use Page Text.

To use your text and an icon (for example, the RSS icon) as your RSS content, select Use Page Text and Icon. If you select Use Page Text and Icon, double-click the Value column at the right of the Favorite Icon entry and type the base address URL for your site. For example, you might enter http://www.nature_photos.com into the Enter your Web Site Base URL address box when asked. If you’ve already used the base address URL for the web site somewhere else in the document, click the arrow at the right of the Enter your Web Site Base URL address box and select the address from the drop-down list.

To exclude the page from use with RSS, select Excluded. Use the Exclude option for all web site pages that don’t contain RSS content.


Web Easy

Click OK to save your options, then go on to Building and Publishing Your Web Site With RSS Content (see page 190).

Adding Enhanced Features • 189

Building and Publishing Your Web Site With RSS Content After you set up your RSS page as is described in “Preparing to Build Your RSS Page” on page 189, you build the site using either the HTML web site with CSS option or the XHTML web site with CSS option. For more details about building and publishing your web site, see “Building a Web Site” on page 193 and “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197.

Adding Podcasting to Your Web Site A podcast is providing multimedia files on your web site, such as audio or video, that are available for downloading and use on portable multimedia playback devices. You can use your RSS feed to tell your site visitors about these files and then they can view them on your web site. In our example, we are adding a Flash Video; however, you also can add other types of multimedia files, using a similar process.

To Add Podcasting to Your Site 1.

Open the page of your web document where you want to provide the multimedia file..


Open the Insert menu and choose Object.


Select the Objects tab in the Insert Object dialog.


Scroll down the list and select Flash Video. A preview of the Flash Video icon appears at the right. You can also select any of the other types of multimedia files that are in the list. Each type of file has its own icon.


Click OK to return to your document in Web Easy and a Flash Video insertion cursor appears on the screen.


Click and drag the corner handles of the image until it’s the size you want.


Click on the center of the icon, drag it to its final position on your page, and release the mouse button.

You can preview your site in your favorite web browser to verify that the icon and link work correctly.

190 • Adding Enhanced Features

Web Easy


Web Easy

Building a Web Site


Publishing Your Web Site


Build and Publish • 191

192 • Build and Publish

Web Easy

Building a Web Site

Overview Building a document is the process of converting it into a web site. This process is necessary because you can’t publish it on the web while it is still in the form of a document. Building a document creates a web site package file that contains the files required for the web site on the remote server. You can build your document into four types of web sites: •

A Standard web site (HTML) includes basic features without extras, such as rollover images, page transitions, or animated text and objects.

A Dynamic web site (DHTML) includes extra features, such as page transitions, path animations, and Dynamic HTML effects. For more information, see “Creating a Dynamic Web Site” on page 79.

An HTML web site with CSS includes CSS and style class support, but does not support some of the dynamic effects, such as scenes or page transitions found in DHTML web pages.

An XHTML web site with CSS includes the same features as HTML with CSS, but uses the stricter coding standards not found in HTML

For more information about HTML and XHTML, go to the World Wide Web Consortium at www.w3.org. You need to consult with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to get the required site hosting details prior to using the Publish Assistant. For more information about using the Publish Assistant, see “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197. If you don’t already have a subscription to an ISP, consider using Avanquest’s Preferred Web Hosting solution. For information about this service, open the Help menu and choose Visit Avanquest Web Site > Preferred Web Hosting. Web Easy

Building a Web Site • 193

Building Your Document into a Web Site 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Build button to display the Build Toolbar.


Click the Web site button to display the Build Web Site dialog.


Click the Browse button on the right side of the Folder box or enter the path in the box to define the folder on your computer in which to store your web site package. This includes all the files required to run the web site, such as HTML files, graphics files, etc.


Replace the name in the Package name field with a name of your choice for the web site package. Don’t leave spaces in the name.


Choose the Output range: • •

Current page creates a web site containing only the current page. All pages creates a web site containing every page in the

document. 7.

Choose colors for your hyperlink text. To set or change the color of Standard, Visited, and Active links, click the appropriate color block to display the Color dialog and select a color from the palette or create a custom color for your link.

194 • Building a Web Site

Web Easy


Click the Build As button and choose the type of web site to build. •

XHTML with CSS uses the stricter XHTML coding and allows for the use of most features, with the exception of some special page effects.

HTML with CSS used the traditional HTML coding and allows for

the use of most features, with the exception of some special page effects. •

Dynamic HTML uses the traditional HTML coding and allows for more special effect features than XHTML or HTML with CSS.

Simple HTML is the most basic with little or no support for special effect features.

For more information, see “Should I build as Simple, Dynamic, or CSS?” in the online help. 9.

Click the with button and choose the type pages for your web site. •

Standard Page displays the web site at the top left of the web

browser. •

Centered Page displays the web site in the center of the web

browser. 10. Click the Advanced button to display further options to personalize your web site such as author, keywords, color palette, etc. 11. Click the RSS button to set your RSS channel settings. If you do not have RSS set up, leave this set as RSS Excluded. For more information, see “Adding RSS to your site” in the online help. 12. Check the Publish on Internet box if you are connected to the Internet, have the relevant details from your ISP, and want to publish the web site now. This runs the Publish Assistant immediately after the HTML files have been built, letting you send all the required files to your ISP. 13. Check the Run Now box if you want to display the web site in your Internet browser after the HTML files have been built. 14. Click OK. The build process takes a few moments depending on the size of your web site and speed of your system.

Web Easy

Building a Web Site • 195

196 • Building a Web Site

Web Easy

Publishing Your Web Site

Overview Publishing a web site is the process of transferring it to the Internet so that other people can view it with their Internet browsers. To publish, you need to have an account with an Internet Service provider (ISP), that allocates space for your files on their server (their host computer). The server is also known as the remote host. Publishing involves uploading your web site and any extra elements, such as graphics or sound files, from your computer to your remote host. There are seven major steps for publishing using the Publish Assistant:

Web Easy

Step 1: Preparing to Publish (see page 198)

Step 2: Opening the Publish Assistant (see page 198)

Step 3: Connecting to the Remote Host (see page 199)

Step 4: Choosing the Package to Publish (see page 202)

Step 5: Checking the Transfer Settings (see page 202)

Step 6: Transferring the Package to the Remote Host (see page 203)

Step 7: Viewing Your Remote Web Site (see page 203)

Publishing Your Web Site • 197

Step 1: Preparing to Publish 1.

Design your document (see “Create Documents” on page 43 and “Edit Documents” on page 115).


Build it into a web site (see “Building a Web Site” on page 193).


Contact your ISP to get your connection details, or you can use the iEasySite, which requires no special details.


Connect to the Internet.

Step 2: Opening the Publish Assistant 1.

Click the Home button to display the Home Taskbar.


Click the Publish button to start the Publish Assistant to display a Cue Card where you can choose to use Avanquest’s Preferred Web Hosting service, or use the Publishing Assistant to connect to your own ISP. •

If you choose Avanquest’s preferred Web Hosting service, you start the iEasySite Publish Wizard, where you can try the iEasySite for free, and publish, update, or manage your account.

The iEasySite requires no “special” information and is the easiest way to go. Just follow the Wizard to get your site published. You can skip the rest of the steps in this chapter. •

If you choose to Publish to your existing Web Hosting service or ISP, the following steps will guide you through setting this up. When the Publish Assistant appears, click Next.

198 • Publishing Your Web Site

Web Easy

Step 3: Connecting to the Remote Host 1.

Click the Connect button to display the Connect dialog.


Enter or choose your ISP profile name in the Profile box.


If you haven’t already established a profile, click the down arrow to view a list of popular ISPs, choose the ISP to which you have previously subscribed. The connection details are entered into the dialog automatically, and the Profile is saved on your computer.

If you have already established one or more Profiles, click the down arrow and select a connection profile from the list. The Remote Access details of the selected profile are entered for you.

If your ISP isn’t in the list and you haven’t already established a profile, enter a profile name in the box. You’ll need the connection details from your ISP to continue.

Enter or confirm the Host name or IP address and the User identifier provided by your ISP. You might also need to enter your User password.

Web Easy

Publishing Your Web Site • 199


Click the General tab.


Enter the Initial remote folder (such as /public/citycomputers) provided by your ISP


Enter your Initial local folder, or the path to the folder where you stored your web site package on your computer. If you have the document file open, this path is automatically entered for you.


Click the WWW Site tab.


Enter the World Wide Web site address provided by your ISP. The name after the forward slash ( / ) is the folder name holding your web site files on your ISP’s remote server.


Enter or select the Primary page. This is the first page to appear when your web site is opened.

200 • Publishing Your Web Site

Web Easy

10. Click the Firewall tab.

11. Choose None if your computer isn’t behind a firewall. If you’re behind a firewall, ask your network administrator for the details to enter. Companies with internal networks typically have firewalls. If you leave it at none and experience problems, return to this dialog and check the Use a passive transfer option. This will often allow access through the firewall. 12. Click OK. The connection is established and the Publish Assistant re-appears. This might take a few moments. If you entered connection and path details for a new ISP profile, the details are saved for the next time you need to access your ISP’s remote server.

Web Easy

Publishing Your Web Site • 201

Step 4: Choosing the Package to Publish After you’ve connected to your ISP server, the Select step appears allowing you to choose the Web Easy package to transfer. The package has the same name as the document you just created.

If your package doesn’t appear in the Web Site packages list, click the Browse button above the list to locate the package and then click Open. The package is the name of your web site with a .TXT extension. After you choose the package, a preview of all included files appears on the right side of the Select dialog.

Step 5: Checking the Transfer Settings Click Next to display the Transfer settings step where you can check the settings, and change them if necessary.

If you want Web Easy to determine which files need to be updated on the remote host, check the Let Web Easy automatically manage the site box.

202 • Publishing Your Web Site

Web Easy

Step 6: Transferring the Package to the Remote Host 1.

Click Next to begin the transfer. Web Easy manages your remote web site. It finds any files at the remote site that are not required for the current package and deletes them. The Cleaning the Selected Site step appears during this process. When the transfer is completed the Congratulations step appears.



Choose from the following options: •

Check the View web site box to view your web site.

Check the View Publish Report now box to display the Publish Report.

Click Finish.

The Publish Assistant closes and the site opens in your Internet browser.

Step 7: Viewing Your Remote Web Site If you previously chose to view either the Publish report or the Web site, it now appears in your Internet browser. If you chose to view both, the report appears for about six seconds before the web site appears. To view the report again, click the back arrow on your Internet browser.

Maintaining Your Web Site After you’ve published your web site on the Internet, updating it is easy. 1.

Open your document in Web Easy.


Make the required changes.


Build new HTML files to replace the previous ones.


Publish your web site again.

Web Easy remembers the information you entered, so the process is quite easy the next time. In addition, Web Easy checks the date and time of each file against those on the server. Only newer files are uploaded to the ISP host.

Web Easy

Publishing Your Web Site • 203

204 • Publishing Your Web Site

Web Easy


Web Easy

Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting


Glossary of Terms




Complimentary Technical Support


Reference • 205

206 • Reference

Web Easy

Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting

Tips Bulleted Lists If you put an asterisk (*) and an empty space at the beginning of each paragraph that you want in a bulleted list, and then when you build your web site, the text appears as a bulleted list. Enter: * Item 1 * Item 2

To produce: •

Item 1

Item 2

You can also use the Rich Text Toolbar to create bulleted and numbered list in a rich text frame. For more information about bulleted and numbered lists, see the online help.

Drag-and-Drop When you are dragging an item from File Browser onto your document, the mouse pointer icon represents the upper-left corner of the location where the item is placed when you drop it.

Large Images Use smaller images in your document to decrease your web site’s upload time. To make a selected image smaller, drag its sizing handles.

Web Easy

Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting • 207

Presentations Use Web Easy to make impressive presentations to show to your colleagues using an Internet browser.

Right Mouse Button Click the right mouse button to display a menu specific to the environment you are working in or the item your mouse is pointing to.

Selecting Multiple Items Select more than one item by holding down the SHIFT key while using the mouse to select each item. You can select all the items on a page of your document by opening the Edit menu and choosing Select All. After you’ve selected multiple items, you can modify them all at the same time (for example, using the Align options).

Text Most Internet browsers support only a limited range of fonts. It’s best to use standard fonts like Arial and Times New Roman if you want your web site to appear correctly in all Internet browsers.

Undo If you make a mistake, open the Edit menu and choose Undo. A Redo option is also available. As installed, Web Easy retains the last 12 steps. You can change this by opening the Tools menu and choosing Options.

Zoom To get a closer look at your document, click and choose a zoom option. You can return to viewing the whole page by choosing Fit.

208 • Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting

Web Easy

Shortcuts The following table shows a list of commonly used keyboard shortcuts:

Web Easy

To do this...

Press this...

Select each item on a page one at a time Select all items on a document Select an image within a frame De-select all Copy a selected item from your document Cut a selected item from your document Paste a copied or cut item onto your document Delete a selected item from your document Open and existing document Create a new document Print a document Save changes to a document Switch between open documents Undo an action Redo an action Open the Activity Center Open the File Browser Open the Custom Script Assistant Open the Object Script Properties Open the Rollover Image Assistant Open the Scene Assistant Open the Search Assistant Open the Site Map Assistant Open the Text Assistant Refresh your workspace Preview your web site View the online help


Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting • 209

Home Taskbar and Toolbars As you click buttons on the Home taskbar, the toolbar above the workspace changes to provide the most useful features related to the selected item.

Opens the Publish Assistant (see “Publishing Your Web Site” on page 197)

Opens the Activity Center (see “Using the Activity Center” on page 31)

210 • Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting

Web Easy

Edit Taskbar and Toolbars As you click buttons on the Edit taskbar, the toolbar above the workspace changes to provide the most useful features related to the selected item.

Web Easy

Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting • 211

Troubleshooting This section is intended to give you answers to the most common problems that might arise. If you don’t see your problem detailed in this section, view the FAQs on our web site at: www.v-com.com/support/intro_web_easy_support.html

Context-sensitive help is available for most features by pressing F1 on your keyboard.

Problems with Items An item on my web site is hidden behind another one Web Easy allows you to layer items from back to front. If you want to move an item to the front, select it and then open the Arrange menu and choose Order > Bring to Front.

My frame won't fit to my image A frame that is dragged from File Browser and dropped onto an image only fits if it’s dropped directly onto the image. Make sure when you drop the frame over the image and that the image first displays sizing handles on the edges. If sizing handles aren’t displayed, the frame and image will not fit together. If you have an image and a frame on your document already that you want to fit together, use the Fit dialog. Select the image and frame and then click the Fit button in the Arrange Items Toolbar. Then, click the Frame tab. For more information, see the online help.

My portrait images are landscape Your digital camera might show all the images you take as landscape. Rotate your image 90 degrees. For more information, see “Rotating Images” on page 134.

When I added an oval frame to my image, it didn't fit Oval frames should be used in conjunction with oval stencils. After you’ve dragged an oval frame onto your image, click the Stencil folder in File Browser and view the Oval folder. Then, drag-and-drop an ovalshaped stencil onto your image.

212 • Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting

Web Easy

When I deleted my frame, my image disappeared as well Web Easy groups images and frames together to make it easy for you to work with them. When you select a frame, the sizing handles show you whether you have selected just the frame or both the frame and the image. If the sizing handles are squares, you have selected just the frame. If the sizing handles are diamonds, you have selected both the frame and the image. If the selection you have made is not the one you wanted, select the item again. The sizing handles should alternate between diamond and square each time you select an item. An easier way to remove a frame from an image is to click the Modify button on the Edit Image Toolbar and then choose Clear Frame.

Problems with Text My text has become an image Text sometimes becomes an image in an Internet browser because the text is overlapped onto another item on the page. To prevent text becoming an image, make sure your text items don’t overlap, or build as DHTML. Text also becomes an image when you apply a gradient or texture fill. In HTML web sites, adding a shadow also causes text to become an image, although this isn’t the case in DHTML web sites.

I can't see all of my text If you enlarge text after you type it in, the text box boundaries might be too small to display all the text. Enlarge the text box by selecting the text box and dragging the sizing handles that appear around the edges.

Web Easy

Use the sizing handles on the sides of the text box to widen it.

Use the sizing handles on the top and bottom of the text box to increase the height.

Use the sizing handles on the corners of the text box to increase the height and width at the same time.

Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting • 213

Problems with Links Some of my links to other sites don't work Web Easy doesn't verify that the Internet addresses you provide are correct. Although, you can use the Link Map Assistant (open the Tools menu and choose Link Map Assistant) to check your internal links from and into each page (see “Viewing Links Using the Site Map Assistant” on page 170). •

Make sure that you haven’t made any mistakes in entering the Internet addresses and that the addresses are still valid.

Make sure that the Internet address that you entered begins with http://, since this is required for links to other sites.

If you can’t find anything wrong with the addresses, see your Internet Service Provider.

Some of the links to other parts of my site aren't working Make sure that you haven’t created links to pages that you’ve subsequently deleted. It’s best to add your links after you’ve completely finished designing your document. Use the Link Map Assistant (open the Tools menu and choose Link Map Assistant) to check your links from and into each page (see “Viewing Links Using the Site Map Assistant” on page 170).

Problems with Publishing The Publish Assistant says required files have been deleted from my local folder This occurs when a package file is missing from the local folder on your computer. If the package file for the web site you are publishing is missing, the Publish Assistant can’t compare local and remote files requiring you to re-publish your entire web site. If the package file for a web site you want to delete is missing, the Publish Assistant can’t delete that web site. Copy the package file from the HTML folder (or the folder in which you stored the HTML files for your web site) into the local folder. Now when you publish, the Publish Assistant is able to delete the web site.

214 • Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting

Web Easy

There’s not enough disk space on my remote host to publish my web site If this is the first time you’re publishing your web site, check that the space your ISP has allocated to you for a web site is greater than the size of the contents of your local web site folder. Your local web site folder is typically at: \\My Documents\Web Easy\HTML\your_web_site_name

If the allocated space on the remote host is smaller, you can either request more space from your ISP or reduce the size of your web site. You can reduce the size of your web site by reducing the size of any large graphics, by removing a page, or by removing large files that are linked to the site. If you have already published a web site, you can make the one you are publishing now smaller, or you can delete the first web site from your remote host. Deleting a web site from your remote host does not remove your local version of it.

Problems with Viewing your Site in a Browser Some of my linked items aren’t visible If your Internet browser isn’t displaying an item on your web site that has a particular type of link (for example, an embedded object link), it doesn’t support that type of link. You might need to upgrade to the latest version of your Internet browser in order to view these linked items. The latest versions of most Internet browsers are free to download from the Internet.

When I view my web site in an Internet browser, it isn’t displayed correctly Because Web Easy enables you to do so much with your web site, the HTML files that you build can be quite complex; some older versions of Internet browsers can’t handle that complexity. Try altering your document design to reduce complexity. One way of doing this is to avoid having items that overlap. If you don’t want to alter your design, you can try viewing your web site in other Internet browsers, or upgrading to a newer version of the Internet browser you are using. You should remember that even though some browsers display your web site without problems, others might not—and a lot of people might be using those other browsers. You should try to create a web site that can be viewed without problems using as many different browsers as possible.

Web Easy

Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting • 215

When I view my web site in different Internet browsers, it looks different Internet browsers function differently and have different capabilities. This variation causes them to display your web site differently. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about the differences. For example, some browsers use different color palettes and this causes them to display colors differently. If you use Large Fonts in Windows some browsers provide improper font sizes that aren’t controllable by HTML. For information about which browsers and browser versions are supported, see the online help.

Uninstalling Web Easy You can easily uninstall Web Easy from your computer. If you plan to reinstall a registered copy of Web Easy after you uninstall it, you might need to register it again. 1.

Open the File menu and choose Exit to quit the program.


Open the Windows Start menu and choose Settings > Control Panel.


Double-click Add/Remove Programs.


Choose Web Easy from the list of programs.


Click the Add/Remove button.

Web Easy is removed from your hard disk. However, work you’ve completed (such as creating a web site) isn’t removed by uninstalling the program. The program can be reinstalled the same way it was originally installed (see “Installing Web Easy” on page 17).

216 • Helpful Hints and Troubleshooting

Web Easy

Glossary of Terms

Build a Web Site Before you can publish your web site on the internet, you need to build your Web Easy document into a web site on your computer. The build process creates the needed HTML files and supporting files (such as images and scripts) from the document file. After you have the HTML files for your web site, you have a local web site.

Catalog Web Easy uses catalogs to group your images, frames, stencils, clipart, and backgrounds. For more information about catalogs, see the online help. Standard catalog names appear in the location bar at the top of File Browser.

CSS Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to control and change the style and layout of web pages. You can create style sheets that define how different elements, such as headers and links, appear on your webpages. By changing the style sheet, you can quickly change the look and feel of all web pages that use the same style sheet.

Double-Click To double-click, click the left mouse button twice in quick succession.

DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML) is the language used to create Dynamic web sites that enable various effects to appear, such as page transitions, animation, and other special effects. Web Easy

Glossary of Terms • 217

Drag-and-Drop To drag-and-drop, click an item using the left mouse button and, while holding the mouse button down, drag the item by moving the mouse so that the mouse pointer moves to the new position. Then, drop the item by releasing the mouse button.

FTP File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard method used to publish web sites on the Internet. FTP is used within Web Easy to transfer your local files to your web hosting service.

HTML HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard language used to create web-based content.

Internet Browser An Internet browser is a software program that allows you to view web pages on the Internet or on your computer. Browsers can be downloaded from the Internet free of charge.

Item An item is anything you can put on your web site, such as text, images, or frames.

Left Mouse Button The left mouse button is the most commonly used mouse button and is typically used to perform actions such as selecting items, choosing menu options, or clicking buttons.

Link A link is a connection that enables navigation through your web site. Viewers can jump to other pages in your site or to other web sites by clicking the item that contains the link.

Local Web Site A local web site is a collection of HTML files that you have built from your document. You can view a local web site using an Internet browser. Local web sites are usually on your computer or company network.

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Podcast To provide multimedia content, such as audio files or video clips, that your site visitors can download to play on personal portable devices such as MP3 players.

Publish a Web Site To publish a web site, use Web Easy’s Publish Assistant to transfer HTML files to a site address. This makes the web site part of the Internet so that people can access it. After you get an address and Host details from your Internet Service Provider, the Publish Assistant helps you do the rest.

Remote Web Site A remote web site is a collection of published HTML files that people can access on the Internet.

Right Mouse Button The right mouse button is most often used to display pop-up menus relevant to what the mouse pointer is pointing to.

RSS Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a method that allows users of your web site to be provided RSS feeds, such as news headlines and weblogs (blogs). The type of sites that RSS is suitable for are those that change and add content often.

Select To select an item, click it using the left mouse button.

Sizing Handles Sizing handles are small squares or diamonds that appear on the edge of an item when you select it. If the sizing handles are diamonds, you’ve selected grouped items (such as a frame and an image). If the sizing handles are squares, you’ve selected a single item.

Stencil A stencil is a partially transparent image you can place over your images to display some parts of the image while hiding others.

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Template A template is a layout3 for a web site that Web Easy provides you with to get you started.

W3C The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops protocols, standards, and guidelines for technologies to allow any hardware and software used to access the Web to work together.

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A activity center 31 adding e-commerce 180 frames to images 141 images 131, 132 multimedia 185 page background 119 page transitions 82 pages 118, 187 rollovers 80 scenes 178 sound to a page 174 sound to an item 175 text 147 adjusting layer positions 128 line thickness and style 161 text content 147 text properties 148 alb extension 29 aligning text 146 animating objects 84 Art Online 26 B backgrounds color 119 blank document 67, 71 Web Easy

borders for images 142 boxes 160 building web sites 193 bulleted lists 207 button rollovers 80 C cascading style sheets 217 catalog 217 changing layer positions 128 line thickness and style 161 text content 147 text properties 148 circles drawing 160 clearing frames from images 137, 141, 150, 166 clipart adding 131, 132 borders 142 cropping 135 deleting 144 effects 143 finding 26 framing 141 rotating 134 stencils 142 closing a document 110 Index • 221

color backgrounds 119 custom 130 links 194 shadows 129 shapes 162 text 148 connecting to a remote host 199 copying items 127 counter 185 create an auction 99 cropping an image 135 CSS 217 cue cards 24 curves 160 custom colors 130 cutting items 127 D deleting frames from images 137, 141, 150, 166 images 144 links 172 pages 121 scenes 179, 179, 180 text 149 DHTML 79 dividers 184 documents building into a web site 193 closing 110 navigating 112 opening 110 pages 118, 187 previewing 113 publishing 197 saving 109 Style Designer 72 templates 67 web site assistant 59 dynamic links 183 dynamic web sites 79

E e-commerce adding 180 buttons 180 eShop 180 vendors 180 edit taskbar and toolbars 211 editing text 147 effects images 143 scenes 176 sound 174 F File Browser 23, 33 flash 185 fonts 148 forms 184 frames adding to an image 141 removing from an image 137, 141, 150, 166 ftp 218 G gadgets 184 graphics text 146 grouping items 126 H handles sizing items 125 help Inspector 40 online 37 tutorial 42 hit counter 185 home page 170 home taskbar and toolbars 210 host site 199 html 218 I iEasySite 198

222 • Index

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images adding 131, 132 borders 142 cropping 135 deleting 144 effects 143 finding 26 framing 141 placeholders 133, 134 rotating 134 slideshows 85 stencils 142 importing web pages 78 web sites 77 inserting pages 118, 187 Inspector 40 installing the program 19 interactive tutorial 42 ISP 197, 198, 199 items copying 127 cutting 127 grouping 126 layer positions 128 moving 124 pasting 128 selecting 124 shadows 129 sizing 125

links color 194 deleting 172 dynamic 183 email 165 external 165 internal 164 site map assistant 170 testing 170 to another web site 165 within a web site 164 lists bulleted 207 numbered 207 M menu bar 22 movies 185 moving items 124 multimedia 185 N navigating documents 112 web sites 163 new document 67, 71 numbered lists 207 O

justifying text (see aligning text) 146

online help 37 opening a document 110 ordered lists 207 ovals drawing 160



keyboard shortcuts 209

pages adding 118, 187 background 119 deleting 121 dividers 184 importing 78 sizing 120 slideshows 85 transitions 82 pasting items 128


L layer positions 128 lines changing thickness and style 161 drawing 160

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Index • 223

pictures adding 131, 132 borders 142 cropping 135 deleting 144 effects 143 finding 26 framing 141 rotating 134 slideshows 85 stencils 142 placeholders for images 133, 134 plain text 146 polygons 160 polylines 160 previewing 113 primary page 170 properties text 148 publishing a web site 197 R really simple syndication 219 rectangles 160 redo 208 remote host 199 removing frames from images 137, 141, 150, 166 images 144 links 172 pages 121 scenes 179, 179, 180 text 149 resizing items 125 pages 120 rich text 146 rich text toolbar 149 rollovers adding 80 buttons 80 rollover image assistant 80 rotating images 134 RSS 219

224 • Index

S saving a document 109 scenes adding 178 deleting 179, 179, 180 themes 176 selecting items 124 shadows 129 shapes color 162 drawing 160, 160 line thickness and style 161 shortcut keys 209 site map assistant 170 sizing items 125 pages 120 slideshows 85 sound adding to a page 174 adding to an item 175 squares 160 status bar 24 stencils 142 Style Designer 72 styles 193, 217 support, technical 227 T taskbar edit 211 home 210 technical support 227 templates for documents 67 text adding 147 alignment 146 color 148 deleting 149 editing 147 properties 148 types 146 themes for scenes 176 toolbars 23 transitions between pages 82 tutorial 42, 45 Web Easy

U undo 208 uninstalling the program 216 unordered lists 207 updates 19 V visitor’s counter 185 VRML 184 W web hosting 197 web site assistant 59 web sites building 193 importing 77 maintaining 203 publishing 197 workspace 23 Z zoom 208

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226 • Index

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Complimentary Technical Support

Before contacting Avanquest technical support, please review the User’s Guide or the Online Help from the Help menu within the program. We are also pleased to offer you 24/7 access to our complimentary web support at: http://support.avanquestusa.com

Here you can access the latest product updates, extensive FAQs, and other information about your product. The FAQs might have information and helpful hints that are more current than the user’s guide and online Help. If the FAQs do not help, you can submit a free email incident from the FAQ page. When reporting a difficulty, please include any information that might help us diagnose the problem. The following details are often the most helpful: •

The version of the software you are using (check Help > About).

The version of Windows that you are running.

The circumstances and sequence of steps that led to the problem.

The text of the exact error messages (if any appeared).

A list of other Windows programs that you were running when the error occurred.

Avanquest is dedicated to quality and fast support. Most email incidents are handled within one business day. NOTE: This technical support policy is subject to change without notice. Support services are provided according to the prices, terms, and conditions in place at the time the services are used.

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