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Web Application Frameworks in Future Frameworks A framework is usually a set of libraries and tools that help to build a web app. There are tools that can make web application development easier, and not through explanations but by providing a profound basis to build a web app on. A web application framework is one of such tools.

Types of Web Application Frameworks There are two groups of web application frameworks: one helps to set up app logic on the server, the other on the client. To create a powerful web app, you can use both of them simultaneously.

1. Server-side web application framework Although front end has evolved, it’s first and foremost job is to display an interface, and without app logic any UI/UX is irrelevant. That’s why server-side frameworks are important. By using either of these server-side web application frameworks, you let it handle HTTP requests, database control and management, as well as URL mapping. Among the most popular MVC-based server-side web frameworks are:

1) Django It is a high-level Python web application development framework that provides a clean and pragmatic design to the database-driven websites. This open-source framework is based on the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture, that makes it reusable and enables components to plug-in seamlessly.it allows administrators to develop, update, and delete users easily. This back end development framework is known for its bundled applications, including a dynamic administrative interface and tools to generate Google sitemaps.

Features: - Highly customizable: This web application development framework is in itself a highly customizable web framework. The template framework, ORM, and database can all be swapped out.

- Top-notch documentation: The Django documentation is well written, thorough and explained everything in detail.

- Popular tool: Django is also a very popular tool, with an extensive community and a lot of experienced developers that have been using it for years.

- Clear and defined MVC organization: Django follows some fairly well established MVC patterns. With everything in place and where requests follow a clear path through urlresolvers, middleware, view and context processors.

Technical specifications: Default ORM: Django ORM Default Template Engine: Django (Jinja2) Multi-Language Support: Excellent 2) Ruby on rails This is one of the most popular web frameworks written using the Ruby programming language and executed on Linux. It offers developers a comfortable coding environment, with easy compilation and testing. A special thanks to the MVC architecture with which developers can add their code for views or models in a concurrent environment. It also allows a smooth transition from back end development and testing to the final stages of the development lifecycle. It has built-in security-related functions and uses a set of add-ons before the launch of the web app.


- Good conventions: MVC is a great starting point, and perfect for APIs. - A number of plugins available: There are many third-party add-ons (Ruby gems) available for the development of Rails. The largest and those with many downloads and users are very well documented and easy to use.

- VPS hosting service: This web application development framework is compatible with all the major cloud hosting services today. There are also countless

tutorials that help developers to implement their Rails applications if there is any problem along the way.

- Massive community: The large scale and a lot of developers using Rails have produced a lot of guides, tutorials, add-ons, documentation, videos and everything that can help the developers of new and old Rails.

Technical specifications: Default ORM: ActiveRecord Default Template Engine: ERB 3) Flask Flask is the most popular and lightweight Python web app development microarray that does not use tools or libraries. It is one of the most ideal web frameworks for running web applications through integrated devices. With Unicode-based support and extensive documentation, it reduces tasks for programmers and project analysts. It has a RESTful request dispatch that offers an advantage to the framework by providing inter-network interoperability. The current state of the framework can be modified by virtue of code extensions, to add desired features. Applications that use the Flask framework include LinkedIn, Pinterest and the community website.

Features: - Very flexible: This web application development framework gives developers a lot of flexibility in how they develop their web apps. - Maximum resources: It is one of the most popular Python web app development frameworks. It has a plenty of guides, tutorials, and libraries available for its users.

- Great documentation: Its official documentation is very thorough and complete. Everything is deeply explained and followed by extremely well-explained tutorials that tackle real-world problems.

- Build quick prototype easily: It provides all the necessary tools to build a quick prototype for a web application right after a fresh install.

Technical specifications: Written in: Python License: BSD License 4) Phoenix (Elixir) The Phoenix back end development framework works with Erlang’s Virtual Machine (VM), that makes better use of resources. It is capable of handling a large number of users simultaneously, by virtue of its high speeds. Like Ruby on Rails or Python’s Django, it is written in Elixir and follows the MVC pattern on the server side. The fastest virtual machine in Phoenix reduces latency time and boosts the performance of an API series. A large JSON request that takes between 1.5 and 2 seconds in Rails takes only 400 ms with Phoenix. The “cost per 1000 active users” in Phoenix is much lower than the other back-end platforms.

Features: - Beautiful and well-designed: With this web frameworks, you can easily develop beautiful applications.

- Very fast: You can get sub-millisecond response times for simple requests. - Great documentation: The community forums, official website, and GitHub community are polite, friendly, and excited about the technology.

- Real-time streaming: With its soft real-time API, it works well with mobile, web and embedded devices.

- Fault tolerant: It has maximum reliability since a process can have a supervisor that can restart the process when it fails.

Technical specifications: Written in: Elixir Platforms: Linux, Windows 5) Express.js It is a flexible and fast Node.JS web app development framework which offers a thin layer of core web application features along with the main features of Node.JS. Express, being used by many web development companies, functions to facilitate the process of creating dynamic mobile apps. A large number of known web frameworks of Node.JS like ItemsAPI and Bottr are based on Express. Moreover, it is easy to create a solid API with an Express web app development framework, a special thanks to the presence of several HTTP utility methods.

Features: - Powerful routing API: It allows developers from all web development companies to do tasks from building a rest API to developing the routes for simple web apps and then taking it to the next level by using routing API.

- Good documentation: It is really well documented as it contains everything and also helpful for advanced web application development.

- Mature enough: It has matured quite a lot during all that time. It’s more stable than its competitors and a huge community backing it.

- Supportive community: It has a big community with a lot of tutorials and guides written by expert developers.

Technical specifications:

Written in: JavaScript License: MIT Repository:https://github.com/expressjs/express Platforms:Cross-platform 6) Laravel Being an open source web app builder, Laravel follows the MVC architecture pattern. It is a PHP framework for the development of extensive backend web apps, which facilitates seamless connectivity with the back-end. It is well equipped with effective command line tools and help functions. This backend web frameworks was initially introduced as an open source PHP web framework in 2011. It has become popular thanks to its database migration, intuitive interface, blade template engine etc. The framework has built-in utilities to access relational databases with modular technology. packing system.

Features: - Robust ecosystem: It provides excellent paid services for deployment, provisioning, and learning. It has many high-quality free supported and community packages, blogs, videos and other resources. - Great resources: There are a large number of sources for learning about Laravel and modern PHP. Laracasts.com is one of the best examples which is built using this web app development framework. - Powerful template system: Blade is a perfect example of this. It compiles directly to raw PHP and is processed in the server when a request is made. - Community friendly: Community “leaders” are approachable, helpful and respectful.

Technical specifications: Default ORM: Eloquent Default Template Engine: Blade Written in: PHP License: MIT License 7) Pyramid This web application development framework is based on the pay-per-use model, with only the common basic tools available that are needed for the development of web apps. These include mapping of URLs to the code, security, and the integration of the database. This small, open source framework based on an easy-to-use approach for beginners is known for its speed. It has been extensively tested in various scenarios and conditions and boasts of the extensive documentation and extensive support available.

Features: - Good for small and large projects: This web app development framework was designed to set up quickly and grow elegantly. - Very flexible: It can be used to create small applications quickly and easily, but also power large enterprise-scale applications such as Dropbox. Technical specifications:

Default ORM: SqlAlchemy Default Template Engine: Jinja2

2. Client-side web application framework In the previous article on web app architecture, we discussed the Single-Page Web App concept, where one of the main components of the architecture is a JavaScript client layer. To properly set it up, you need client-side frameworks

AngularJs Angular is a frontend framework that specializes in building rich Single-Page applications. It’s a very rich framework able to build complete client-side applications and there’s so much to do and learn in Angular. Angular 1.x used Javascript, but later releases adopted Typescript, which is a superset of Javascript. Angular’s main cons are its size compared to other frameworks, and the fact it’s not SEO friendly by nature, though it can be SEO optimized. Angular was developed by Google, and it’s used by Google, Microsoft, and Paypal. Here is our detailed post on Angular: Why should you learn Angular in 2018?

ReactJs ReactJS is an open source, JavaScript library maintained by Facebook along with a large developers’ community. This library(Also convertable to a web development framework) is used extensively in developing user interface for web applications. This particular framework was invented with a purpose of building large applications with data that changes again and again over time.

VueJs Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript library for developing user interfaces. Vue.js is adoptable and can also function as a web application framework capable of powering advanced single-page applications. It was first released in 2013 and now it has 59600 starts on Github which makes it one of the best web development frameworks all over

Ember Ember was named the best Javascript framework back in 2015. Today, the Ember community is huge and it’s ever expanding, with new features and releases being added regularly. Ember possesses the two-way data binding that Angular boasts and it comes with a lot of features and components that you can use out of the box. It’s being used by Google, Microsoft, Heroku, and Netflix. Ember revolves around the developer’s productivity and attempts to

maximize it by either eliminating the need for time-wasting activities or adopting some JS best practices in its core design.

Backbone Backbone is an extremely light frontend framework that’s fit for building rich Single-Page applications. It follows an MV* pattern and partly implements the MVC design. Backbone only has one core dependency which is the Underscore library, and it has a rich ecosystem, that when added to Mustache and Marionette, will allow you to build complete client-side applications.

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