Watts News 2009

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  • Words: 14,551
  • Pages: 24
MSE Grad Studies Bridge Collapse, p.17 - Welding to Join MSE, p. 18 - Grad Serves in Congress, p. 21


Materials • Science • and • Engineering

Fall 2009

Watt s N e ws

T he O h i o S t a te Un ivers i t y • D epar t ment of Mater ials Science and Eng ine er ing

Contents Chair’s Letter, p. 2 Cutting-edge research, new faculty, innovative recruitment, and top-quality academics.

Research, p. 3 Titanium alloys, sensing toxic chemicals, nanoflowers, micro-caterpillars.

Faculty & Staff, p. 13 Padture receives AAAS membership, Rapp lectures in Iran, staff receive service awards.

Alumni, p. 15 Ezis & Hughes honored by College, alumna studies bridge collapse, alumni updates.

Items of Interest, p. 18 Welding Engineering to join MSE, OSU moves to semesters, Humpty-Dumpty MSE-style.

Student News, p. 20 Service in Honduras, awards, internships, business plan competition winner.



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Chair’s Letter but a number of important initiatives

couple of large programs and the end

were set in motion. After years of debate

of significant Third Frontier research

and a number of false starts, the Board of

investments from the State of Ohio. To

Trustees moved this past April to approve

fill the gap, there has been a significant

the implementation of a semesters-based

influx of core program, basic science

calendar. The University will begin its

support from federal funding agencies.

new semester format in Autumn 2012.

We had a very strong proposal-writing

The faculty is well into defining new

season, and a number of new programs

undergraduate and graduate curricula.

have now begun, some of which are quite

On another front, after discussions that

substantial. The largest new-starts this

have also unfolded over some time, the

year include research in multimaterials

faculties of Welding Engineering and

systems with adaptive microstructures

Materials Science and Engineering have

(Fraser, Mills, Wang, Williams, Zhao),

voted to realign into a single department.

lightweight hydrides for hydrogen storage

edition of Watts News! I invite you to

The new department will operate under


peruse this year’s issue to learn about

the Materials Science and Engineering

corrosion inhibition (Frankel, Buchheit),

all the activities and accomplishments

banner and will support both MSE

and ductile and fracture resistant bulk

going on in Materials Science and

and WE undergraduate and graduate

metallic glasses (Flores, Windl).

Greetings and welcome to the 2009


degree programs. This alignment will

To be sure, the changes in front of us are

As was the case everywhere, our year

the mid-30s range, expand our research

exciting and challenging. I think it is fair

unfolded against the backdrop of a

base, and move our undergraduate and

to say that we will have to be at our best to

significant economic downshift. I am

graduate populations to 250 and 170

manage them successfully. To learn more

often asked how this affected MSE. Some

students respectively. It will also add

about these and many other activities

consequences have been prompt. The job

significant new lab and office space

going on in MSE, I invite you to browse

market for BS degree holders went from

on west campus. Additional details on

this issue of Watts News or visit our

all-time best to all-time worst in a matter

these major changes can be found in the

website at mse.osu.edu. We are primed

of a very few months. Opportunities for

following pages.

for an engaging and rewarding year and hope the same awaits you. As always, if

graduate degree holders have remained

Colorized SEM micrographs of the dendritic structures resulting from the hydrothermal conversion of TiO2 nanostructures to BaTiO3. Image by Ben Dinan, MSE graduate student.


immediately push our faculty size into

Our faculty and student researchers have

your travels bring you to campus, please

positions to find them. Other impacts are

had a focused and productive year. At the

stop in and say hello.

still in front of us and not well defined.

close of 2008, we counted 104 graduate

strong enough for all those seeking

On the cover:


Notable in this regard is the potential

students in the program, up from 86 in

decrease in the state subsidy to the

2007 and we welcomed an incoming pool

University due to continued weakness

of 25 new graduate students this fall. This

in state tax revenues. How this will play

past year, faculty researchers and their

out within the University in the next two

groups authored 170 publications, up

Rudy Buchheit

years is not known, but MSE was fiscally

from 130 a year before. A demographic,

Professor and Chair

conservative during the good times, and

I am especially pleased with is our PhD

we are positioned well should cuts come

degree production; 17 in 2008, up from

our way.

6 in 2007. Our research expenditures were down from $13.4 million in 2007

The economic picture created much

to $8.9 million in 2008. This drop was

uncertainty and distraction this past year,

associated with the conclusion of a


Materials • Science • and • Engineering

Research Titanium Research Titanium and Titanium alloys (hereafter titanium) are attractive because of their structural efficiency and their resistance to degradation in a wide range of environments. Titanium also is expensive. Nevertheless, it has gained wide acceptance for aircraft, aircraft and rocket propulsion systems, and for chemical processing applications.

members who have complimentary skills from Drexel University, Carnegie Mellon University, The University of Michigan, and Cornell University. In case you are wondering, we have some excellent faculty member colleagues at “Big Blue” but none of them play football. (Maybe they should?) Some specific research activities include the following:

Computational methods for representing the three dimensional microstructure of titanium in digital form are being developed. This will enable incorporation of microstructure directly in micromechanics models of mechanical properties such as strength, fracture toughness, and fatigue. An integral part of this effort has been development of Bayesian neural networks ha phase in friction alp the of for correlating properties with p ma re figu Inverse pole (EPSP images) specific microstructural features. stir processed Ti-6Al-4V. OSU is broadly acknowledged as a world MSE at Ohio State has by far the most leader in applying these methods to comprehensive academic titanium titanium. research program in the US and most likely the free world. The major thrusts of Another project is studying the root our program are computational modeling cause of dwell fatigue in titanium. of many aspects of titanium behavior, Some titanium alloys (e.g. Ti-6Al-2Sndetailed studies of microstructure 4Zr-2Mo) exhibit a large reduction property relationships, mechanisms that in fatigue strength when the load is govern microstructure evolution, and held at maximum value rather than mechanisms of environmental attack. continuously cycled. Our research at The faculty members that are most OSU has been able to account for this active in this effort include Professors effect qualitatively by coupling mechanics Fraser, Mills, Wang, Williams, and modeling and detailed characterization. Frankel. Professor Somnath Ghosh from In essence, room temperature creep leads Mechanical Engineering also is involved to internal load re-distribution which in several of these projects. Currently, triggers early crack initiation with an there are active research projects on attendant reduction in fatigue life. The some aspect of titanium funded by The dwell effect can lead to non-conservative Office of Naval Research, The Air Force designs which affect product life. Research Laboratories, The Federal Aviation Administration, The Defense The use of metastable β titanium alloys Research Project Agency and The Air is growing. For example, alloys from this Force Office of Scientific Research. Total class are now used in the landing gear of external funding is ~$2M. In order to the Boeing 777 and 787. Studies at OSU leverage our expertise, we have active are focused on understanding the basic ongoing collaborations with faculty mechanisms of microstructure evolution

and the effects of microst r uc tur al variation on strength, ductility and fatigue resistance. These studies combine our expertise in phase field modeling with our characterization capability which utilizes the world class Campus Electron Optics Facility (ceof.ohiostate.edu) housed in the basement of Fontana Labs. If you have not seen this facility, you are invited to schedule a tour.

Microstructures of β processed (top) and α+β processed (bottom) Ti-6Al-4V. (BSE images)

Still another activity involves the use of friction stir processing of cast and hot isostatically pressed Ti-6Al-4V to refine the surface microstructure, thereby improving the resistance to fatigue crack initiation at lifetimes of 104 to 106 cycles to failure. As part of this study, detailed fractographic studies of failed specimens has shown conclusively that the facets seen on fatigue fracture surfaces are the result of cyclic crack progression, not cleavage as had been reported in the literature. This result has major implications for estimating the number of load cycles after crack initiation. This can be critical during failure analysis of titanium components. Studies to understand the effects of microstructure on corrosion susceptibility also are being conducted. These studies couple our considerable expertise in corrosion with our microstructural characterization capabilities. Contact: Prof. James Williams, 614-2927251, [email protected]



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Electrochemical Microscopy: Mapping Electrochemical Behavior onto Microstructurally Complex Metallic Alloys

Researchers in the Fontana Corrosion Center (Prof. R.G. Buchheit and students) and at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia (Dr. N. Birbilis and students) have collaborated over the past several years to measure the electrochemistry of intermetallic particles in high strength aluminum alloys to understand their role in localized corrosion and to develop predictive Figure 1. The electrochemical microcell at Ohio corrosion damage State used for measuring the electrochemical accumulation behavior of small discrete phases in alloys. Inset: View of probe measuring electrochemistry of a discrete alloy phase.

In the newest line of work, methods are being developed to map the measured electrochemical properties of intermetallic compounds onto real or simulated alloy microstructures to understand and predict spatial patterns of localized corrosion in an approach that amounts to “electrochemical microscopy”.

Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray microchemical analysis, and electron backscatter methods, it is possible to image and identify the intermetallic compound particles in a microstructure. In Z-contrast SEM images, the gray-scale contrast of an intermetallic compound is often distinct from that of the other phases present (Figure 2). As a result, it is possible to associate electrochemical characteristics such as electrochemical potential, or reaction rate with a gray scale contrast level. Once electrochemistry has been associated with contrast level , an image representing the spatial variation in electrochemical reaction rate across the microstructure can be constructed.

Current A/cm2

Alloying enables strengthening and toughening of metallic materials for all manner of structural engineering applications. In fully processed alloys, alloying additions are often concentrated into discrete particles, either intentionally by thermomechanical processing, or unavoidably due to low solid solubility of inherent impurity elements. The properties of particles are different because their composition differs radically from the majority phase of the alloy. In the case of electrochemical properties, differences lead to susceptibility to localized corrosion. Indeed, many microstructurally complex, high-performance alloys are often saddled with a localized corrosion vulnerability that must be managed in service through coatings, inhibitors, or environmental controls.

models. An electrochemical microcell has been used to measure the electrochemical behavior of naturally occurring particles, or phase-pure intermetallic compound crystals specially synthesized for electrochemical work (Figure 1). To date, over 40 unique intermetallic compounds found in aluminum alloys have been characterized.

Figure 2. Above: Z-contrast SEM image of polished section of aluminum alloy 7075 showing a dispersion of intermetallic compound particles differentiated by gray-scale contrast. Below: Electrochemical reaction rate mapped onto the microstructure shown in top image. Blue indicates areas of net cathodic reaction, red indicates net anodic reaction.

The spatial variation of electrochemical reaction rate shown in Figure 2 is an example of this approach. These figures capture the polarity (anodic or cathodic) and magnitude of the electrochemical reaction rate measured on the different intermetallic phases present in the alloy in dilute chloride solutions at ambient temperature but different solution pH. When rendered in 3-D, sites of cathodic reaction due to oxygen or hydrogen reduction appear as deep blue wells, and sites of anodic reaction appear as bright red spikes (Figure 3, top). Sites of

Figure 3. Above: Maps showing electrochemical reaction rate on Al alloy 7075 in dilute chloride solution at ambient temperature in solutions of the indicated pH. Below: SEM images of aluminum alloy 7075 exposed to dilute chloride solution at ambient temperature in solutions of the indicated pH.


Materials • Science • and • Engineering intense cathodic activity are expected to sustain attack leading to large pits around intermetallic particles. Sites of intense anodic activity are expected to be short-lived small pits where intermetallic particles are dissolved from the alloy selectively. A comparison of the reaction rate projection from electrochemical microscopy correlates remarkably well with localized corrosion morphologies developed on high-strength aluminum alloy 7075 (Al-Zn-Mg-Cu) samples that were allowed to corrode freely during exposure to aqueous solutions in separate experiments (Figure 3, bottom). The ability of the electrochemical microscopy approach to correctly forecast localized corrosion morphologies illustrates the potential of the method. Ongoing work is aimed at associating the full current-potential electrochemical response on a pixel-by-pixel basis to enable exploration of the effects of changing environmental conditions on alloy electrochemistry and localized corrosion damage accumulation. Contact: Prof. R.G. Buchheit, 614-6883050, [email protected]

New Way to Make Sensors that Detect Toxic Chemicals by Pam Frost Gorder

MSE researchers have developed a new method for making extremely pure, very small metal-oxide nanoparticles. They are using this simple, fast, and lowtemperature process to make materials for gas sensors that detect toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) and biological warfare agents. The researchers described their work in a recent issue of the journal Materials Chemistry and Physics. Patricia Morris, associate professor of materials science and engineering at Ohio State, leads a team of researchers who develop solid materials that can detect

toxic chemicals. The challenge, she said, is to design a material that reacts quickly and reliably to a variety of chemicals, including TICs, when incorporated into a sensor. “These are sensors that a soldier could wear on the battlefield or a first responder could wear to an accident at a chemical plant,” Morris said. The material under study is nickel oxide, which has unusual electrical properties. Other labs are studying nickel oxide for use in batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and even coatings that change color. But Morris, along with Ohio State doctoral student Elvin Beach, is more interested in how nickel oxide’s electrical conductance changes when toxic chemicals in the air settle on its surface. Beach applies a thin coating of the material onto microelectro-mechanical systems (made in a similar fashion to computer chips), with a goal of identifying known toxic substances. The design works on the same general principle as another, more familiar sensor. “The human nose coordinates signals from hundreds of thousands of sensory neurons to identify chemicals,” Beach said. “Here, we’re using a combination of electrical responses to identify the signature of a toxic chemical.” The key to making the sensor work is how the nickel oxide particles are made. Beach and Morris have devised a new synthesis method that yields very small particles-which provide the sensor a large surface area with which to capture chemical molecules from the air --and very pure particles--which enable the sensor to detect even small quantities of a substance. Each particle of nickel oxide measures only about 50 atoms across--that’s equivalent to five nanometers. Beach described the synthesis method in very simple terms. “Basically, you mix everything together in a pressure vessel, pop it in the oven, rinse it off and it’s ready to use,” he said. Of course, for the process to go smoothly,

the researchers have to meet specific conditions of temperature and pressure, and leave the material in the pressure cooker for just the right amount of time. They found they can make the particles in as little as twelve hours, Elvin Beach (left) and Patricia Morris but no more than (right), of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Ohio twenty-four hours. State University, have devised a new “Too short a time, method of creating nickel oxide particles and the nickel oxide for chemical sensors. Photo by Jo doesn’t form, too McCulty, courtesy of The Ohio State long and it reduces University. to metallic nickel,” Beach explained. After he removes the nickel oxide from the pressure cooker, he washes it in a common solvent to free up the nanoparticles. At that point, the material is ready to use. Most other synthesis methods require another additional step, a high-temperature heat treatment. Starting with a microsensor silicon chip array provided by collaborators at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Beach adds a layer of particles using a device called a picoliter drop dispenser (a picoliter is a trillionth of a liter). He describes the dispenser

MSE researchers at The Oh io State University have coa ted these microsensor silicon chip arrays, which were pro vided by collaborators at the Nat ional Institute of Standards and Technology, with tiny par ticles of nickel oxide. Once further developed, this technology could lead to sensors that detect toxic industrial chemicals and biological warfare agents. Photo by Jo McCulty, courtesy of The Ohio State University.



The • Ohio • State • Universit y as a kind of inkjet printer that places a droplet of a liquid suspension containing particles onto a surface--in this case, the chips. According to Morris, this is the first time that nickel oxide nanoparticles have been applied in this way.

Gas Sensor Technology using “Nanoflowers”

But to Beach, the most important “first” to come out of the study is their discovery of the reaction pathway--that is, the various chemical steps that take place inside the pressure cooker during the synthesis of the material. Now that the researchers know the reaction pathway, they can devise ways to add chemical dopants to the nanoparticles. Dopants would change the function of the sensor, for instance, to speed the response rate.

Results from the Sensor Array Technology group led by Associate Professor Patricia Morris, have recently been featured in The Ohio State University’s Research The high surface area pro duced by this technique is advantageous News for methods to for gas sensor devices. fabricate sensors that detect hazardous gases. The goal is to (billionths of a meter) is approximately design a material that responds quickly 50 atoms in diameter. In order to make and accurately to a variety of chemicals the particles, precursors are placed in at very low concentrations. Long-term a Teflon®-lined pressure vessel that is stability is also an important property of heated in an oven. The combination of the sensor device. These sensor devices temperature and pressure involving the are similar to the human nose which correct precursors leads to the formation coordinates signals from hundreds of of nanoparticles. The small particles give thousands of sensory neurons to identify the sensor a large surface area to capture gases. Similarly, the artificial sensor uses molecules from the air which enable the a combination of electrical responses sensor to detect very small quantities of from sensor arrays to identify the a substance. ano-structured materials concentration of a specific gas. including TiO2, SnO2, NiO, and ZnO are also synthesized for sensor devices to The group’s efforts include synthesizing increase the surface area of the material. metal-oxide particles in the form of SnO2 nano-structured particles, nanoparticles, nano-structured materials, sometimes referred to as “nanoflowers” and hollow particles for use as the sensing due to their appearance (see images). material to increase sensor performance. The many surfaces that extend out NiO and SnO2 nanoparticles are created from the material are advantageous for with a particle size between five and adsorption and detection of hazardous ten nanometers. Five nanometers gases. The material is a few microns (millionths of a meter) in diameter, but has nano-sized features. These materials have shown fast response and recovery times (quicker detection) compared to other metal-oxide materials used for sensors.

A one-gram batch of nickel oxide nanoparticles costs about $5.00 to make; one chip carries four nanograms (billionths of a gram) of material, so each sensor costs only pennies to fabricate. Other applications could include exhaust or pollution monitoring and air quality monitoring. Collaborators on the project include Steve Semancik and Kurt Benkstein at NIST. Study coauthors include: Krenar Shqau, an Ohio State postdoctoral researcher; Samantha Brown, then an undergraduate student visitor from Northwestern University who will join Ohio State this fall to pursue her doctorate in Chemistry; and Steven Rozeveld at Dow Chemical Co., who helped Beach produce electron microscope images of the nanoparticles. This work is funded by the National Science Foundation and The Ohio State University. Contact: Assoc. Prof. Patricia Morris, 614-247-8873, [email protected]

Once the metal-oxide materials are synthesized, the particles are suspended in liquids designed to have the proper viscosity and surface tension in order to deposit the materials controllably on sensor platforms. The group uses a sophisticated inkjet printer flowers” ope images of SnO2 “nanoScanning electron microsc research. synthesized for gas sensor


Materials • Science • and • Engineering that dispenses picoliter drop volumes onto very small substrates. The diameter of the orifice for the print-head where the particle-laden suspension passes through is 50 microns. Therefore, the particle size of the material (described previously) is important during deposition in order to not clog the print-head. The microsensor substrate consists of a silicon chip fitted with a platinum heater and gold electrodes to monitor the material’s electrical resistance. The change in the material’s resistance corresponds to a change in the surrounding atmosphere. More research is currently being performed on the metal-oxide synthesis, deposition, and testing of these sensor devices. This work is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Orton Research Foundation. Contact: Assoc. Prof. Patricia Morris, 614-247-8873, [email protected]

Buffer Layer Design For Double Perovskites Associate Professor Patricia Morris and her students are presently studying thin film growth of complex oxides. Using a pulsed laser deposition system, a laser beam is shot at a solid oxide target where it ablates the surface, allowing atomic layers of material to deposit onto a substrate. The complex oxides of interest are known as double perovskites because of their unique crystal structure. Materials in this family have interesting properties like ferroelectricity, superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, and

half-metallicity. These properties are very important when applied to electronics. Until recently, however, these characteristics were not observable unless the materials were kept very cold. New research is being done on materials that display these properties at or above room temperature conditions, which make them far more useful for industrial purposes. One such oxide, Sr2FeMoO6 (SFMO), is of interest for its magnetic properties and possible usage in magnetic data storage. However, because of its chemistry, film growth of this oxide is very challenging. In collaboration with the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), Dr. Morris and her students are studying buffer layer materials as a tool to foster the growth of these complex compounds. Sr2GaTaO6 (SGT) is a similar double perovskite that has similar lattice parameters, is easier to grow, and will not interfere magnetically with SFMO. Films of SGT have been made and characterized with x-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. Work is also being done to design specific buffer layers to match desired perovskites based on the lattice size. Bulk studies have shown that by adding different amounts of Al to SGT, lattice parameters will change systematically, therefore creating a wide range of possible buffer layers.

could enable new kinds of electronics. Until now, most researchers could only create tiny graphene devices one at a time, and only on traditional silicon oxide substrates. They could not control where they placed the devices on the substrate, and had to connect them to other electronics one at a time for testing.

Researchers Find Better Way to Manufacture Fast Computer Chips

In a paper published in the March 26, 2009 issue of the journal Advanced Materials, SEM image of graphite stam p (top) and OSU Professor Nitin optical image of site-specific ally stamped Padture and his pattern of few layers graphe ne (FLG) on a silica substrate (bottom colleagues describe ). D. Li, W. Windl and N.P. Padture, a technique for The Ohio State University stamping many graphene sheets onto a substrate at once, in precise locations. “We designed the technique to mesh with standard chipmaking practices,” said Padture, College of Engineering Distinguished Professor in Materials Science and Engineering. “Graphene has huge potential; it’s been dubbed ‘the new silicon,’” said Padture, who is also director of Ohio State’s Center for Emergent Materials (cem.osu.edu). “But there hasn’t been a good process for high-throughput manufacturing it into chips. The industry has several decades of chip-making technology that we can tap into, if only we could create millions of these graphene structures in precise patterns on predetermined locations, repeatedly. This result is a proof-ofconcept that we should be able to do just that.”

MSE engineers at The Ohio State University are developing a technique for mass producing computer chips made from the same material found in pencils. Experts believe that graphene-the sheet-like form of carbon found in graphite pencils--holds the key to smaller, faster electronics. It might also deliver quantum mechanical effects that

Graphene is made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern resembling chicken wire. In graphite, many flat graphene sheets are stacked together. “Think of a stack of graphene sheets in graphite as a deck of cards. When you bring it contact with the silicon oxide and pull it away, you can ‘split the deck’ near the point of contact, leaving some layers of graphene behind.”

Contact: Assoc. Prof. Patricia Morris, 614-247-8873, [email protected]

by Pam Frost Gorder

structure Double perovskite crystal



The • Ohio • State • Universit y Researchers have shown that a single sheet, or even a few sheets, of graphene can exhibit special properties. One such property is very high mobility, in which electrons can pass through it very quickly, a good characteristic for fast electronics. Another is magnetism: magnetic fields could be used to control the spin of graphene electrons, which would enable spin-based electronics, also called spintronics. Yet another characteristic is how dramatically graphene’s properties change when it touches other materials. That makes it a good candidate material for chemical sensors. In this method, Padture and his Ohio State colleagues carved graphite into different shapes--a field of microscopic pillars, for example--and then stamped the shapes onto silicon oxide surfaces. In this first series of experiments, they were able to stamp high-definition features that were ten layers thick, or thicker. The graphite stamp can then be used repeatedly on other locations or substrates, potentially making this a mass-production method. They used three different kinds of microscopes--a scanning electron microscope, optical microscope, and atomic force microscope--to measure the heights of the features and assure that they were placed precisely on the substrate. They eventually hope to stamp narrow features that are only one or two layers thick, by stamping on materials other than silicon oxide.

Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The $17-million center is one of only 27 MRSECs around the country, and its main research focus is magnetoelectronics. Partial funding was also provided by Ohio State’s Institute for Materials Research. Contact: Prof. Nitin Padture, 614-2478114, [email protected]

Photovoltaics Researchers Join Forces to Improve Solar Cells Ohio State engineers are taking advantage of advancements in materials for electronics to develop more efficient and affordable solar technologies. Solar cells, generally made of silicon, currently are not efficient at harnessing solar energy. Now, however, engineers are investigating how indium, gallium, and nitrogen could be used to make wide bandgap semiconductors for solar cell production.

This work was partially funded by the Center for Emergent Materials at Ohio State, which is a Materials Research

“Advanced semiconductor materials are capable of using a much higher fraction of solar energy than silicon and are, in fact, already being used to power space vehicles,” Rajan says. “However, they are more expensive than silicon and are, therefore, not used for terrestrial applications yet. Our work aims to come up with new innovative ways that would reduce the cost of these solar cells but still ensure that they provide high efficiency.” Myers and Rajan worked together to procure a new molecular beam epitaxy system, which allows them to grow the various layers of III-Nitride semiconductor crystal structures with nanometer-scale control. They also use another new tool, a metal organic chemical vapor deposition system, to enable epitaxial growth of semiconductors and nanostructures based on arsenides, phosphides, antimonides, and dilute nitrides.

Siddharth Rajan (left) and Roberto Myers collaborated to procure this new molecular beam epitaxy system for Ohio State’s Semiconductor Epitaxy and Analysis Laboratory. The system enables them to grow new materials that could be used to create more efficient solar cells. Photo by Jo McCulty

In computer simulations, they found that each material interacts differently with the graphene. So success might rely on finding just the right combination of substrate materials to coax the graphene to break off in one or two layers. This would also tailor the properties of the graphene. Padture’s co-authors on the paper include Dongsheng Li, a postdoctoral researcher, and Wolfgang Windl, associate professor of materials science and engineering.

in electrical and computer engineering and in materials science and engineering, enabling them to take advantage of resources provided by both departments and by the university’s Institute for Materials Research.

“The key to success is being able to grow the semiconductor crystals without generating defects that drop the solar conversion efficiency,” says Assistant Professor Roberto Myers, who collaborates on photovoltaic work with Siddharth Rajan, also an assistant professor. Both have dual appointments

Rajan brings expertise in electrical measurement to the project, while Myers conducts the optical measurements. Together, the two can explore the potential of these lesser-known materials to determine how the materials’ properties could be harnessed for solar energy.


Materials • Science • and • Engineering “We need people with skill sets in processing, materials growth, optics, and electronics, and to integrate those skill sets to solve this problem,” says Steven Ringel, professor and Neal A. Smith Endowed Chair in Electrical Engineering and director of the Institute for Materials Research, adding that Rajan and Myers, who joined Ohio State in autumn 2008, have extensive experience in collaborative efforts. Ultimately, the two will collaborate with Ringel, a world leader in high performance photovoltaic materials, to integrate extremely thin films of these promising ultra-efficient materials to a variety of alternative substrates through which ultra low-cost and highly efficient solar energy conversion can be achieved at high production rates.

New Cluster Tool for Combined Diamond and Nitride Crystal Growth

A team of OSU researchers has won a National Science Foundation award for the acquisition of a hybrid crystal growth tool for synthesis of both electrical quality diamond and III-Nitride semiconductors. The team of researchers spans two colleges and three departments including Physics (Prof. Johnston-Halperin, CME, principal investigator on the proposal; Prof. Fengyuan Yang, CME; Prof. Harris Kagan, HEPX), Electrical and Computer Engineering (Prof. Siddharth Rajan; Prof. Stephen Ringel) and Materials Science and Myers and Rajan also are among faculty Engineering (Prof. Roberto Myers). This members whose work is central to the $48 cluster tool will allow for in situ sample million state-, industry- and cost share- transfer of substrates between diamond funded Wright Center for Photovoltaics and nitride growth chambers, giving Innovation and Commercialization, it the unique capability to grow high which enables collaboration with the quality wide-bandgap semiconducting solar industry at large-scale and start-up heterostructures. Diamond exhibits levels. world record hardness and thermal conductivity and its large band gap “Solar energy by photovoltaics,” Myers makes it favorable for certain electronic says, “is one of the strongest technologies applications. Recent developments in for renewable energy. Since photovoltaics synthesis of diamond by microwave contain no moving parts, have low plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) maintenance costs, and are based on have resulted in artificial diamond with solid-state materials, they can last engineered electronic properties useful indefinitely.” for a wide range of applications. Unlike diamonds found in nature, grown at Contact: Asst. Prof. Roberto Myers, high temperature and pressure over 614-292-8439, [email protected] and eons, plasma CVD grown diamonds are Asst. Prof. Siddharth Rajan, 614-292- produced using a mixture of methane 7596, [email protected] and hydrogen plasma incident on a heated substrate. If a diamond substrate is used, a single crystal diamond film is possible. In addition to diamond synthesis, the tool contains a separate growth chamber for growth of wide band gap GaN using a molecular beam of Ga atoms reacting with ammonia (NH3) on a heated substrate. These systems will be used to explore heterostructures Photon counting device in Roberto Myers’ Optical combining diamond and Characterization Lab which is used to measure the lifetime nitride nanostructures. of optically excited electrons and holes, a key parameter in This research activity will photovoltaic materials.

support local, national, and international collaborations including the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM, an NSF funded MRSEC at OSU), the RD42 collaboration (located at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland), the Wright Center for Photovoltaic Innovation and Commercialization (PVIC, a state of Ohio funded research center at OSU) and the Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymeric Biomedical Devices (CMPND, an NSF funded NSEC at OSU). Critical assistance in preparing the proposal was provided by the Institute for Materials Research at OSU. Contact: Asst. Prof. Roberto Myers, 614-292-8439, [email protected] and Asst. Prof. Siddharth Rajan, 614-2927596, [email protected]

Ferrous Induction Furnace Advances Foundry Studies A 150 lb capacity ferrous induction furnace (Inductotherm 3000Hz 75kW) was installed in the OSU Casting Installed and working wel Laboratory. This is l in the Casting Lab , an Inductotherm 3000H an exciting addition z 75kW furnace. to the facilities. The furnace allows students to melt steel and cast iron by reaching temperatures as high as 1600ºC, a capability that has been unavailable in the Lab. Steel and cast iron account for more than 80% of all metals that are cast; casting such metals provides our students invaluable experience and expands the research capabilities of the MSE department. Such a furnace is a basic component of a well-rounded casting laboratory. The funds were provided by private entities including the Central Ohio American Foundry Society (AFS) Chapter, the Southwestern Ohio AFS Chapter, the Wisconsin AFS Chapter,



The • Ohio • State • Universit y the Central Illinois AFS Chapter, Cummins, and the Foundry Educational Foundation. The melting furnace was installed through the admirable efforts of two of the department technicians, Ken Kushner and Ross Baldwin, which saved the MSE department a significant amount of money. The time donation by Michael Nutts (Inductotherm) is also gratefully acknowledged. The equipment will be used for teaching and research.

Modeling Microstructure Evolution During Phase Transformation and Deformation Phase transformation and deformation in structural materials involve coupled mechano-chemical processes, which impose a difficult challenge to existing simulation methods. At the Center for Accelerated Maturation of Materials (CAMM) new modeling techniques and capabilities have been developed to address these issues.[1] For the first time, modelers are able to 1) utilize directly ab initio calculations in modeling dislocation transmission across heterophase-interfaces; 2) capture atomistic processes at diffusional time

tic processes at diffusional

Fig. A: Modeling of atomis

Current research sponsored by AFS, Ashland, Caterpillar, Cummins, Rio Tinto and Tupi (Brazil) addresses the problem of casting skin formation, effects, and prevention in compacted graphite iron castings. This material has found increased usage in the automotive industry, as it is the only alloy that satisfies the increased pressure and temperature requirements of the motor blocks for the new high mileage diesel engines.

The members of the MSE AFS Student Chapter are very excited about the availability of this new equipment and they have already planned a number of projects that will put the induction furnace to good use.

scales[2] (Fig. A); 3) find critical nucleus in solid-sate transformations and deformation processes[3]; and 4) simulate highly anisotropic  microstructures with strong spatial variation and correlation (e.g., variant selection and micro-texturing as shown in Fig. B), with full incorporation of crystallography and interfacial dislocation structures.

at CAMM will allow for building a quantitative understanding of the microstructure-property relationships. Robust constitutive laws are likewise being developed that capture the effects of heterogeneous distribution of various microtructural features on the macroscopic behavior while minimizing much of the effort that is currently required for applying an existing alloy for new applications as well as for developing new alloy systems.

Advanced materials for structural applications are known to exhibit pronounced anisotropic properties due to the presence of various microstructural heterogeneities and the inherent anisotropy of deformation mechanisms. Current modeling approaches utilize highly simplistic descriptors of the microstructure that are empirically correlated to the properties. Such an approach is utterly inadequate for addressing design needs. The new modeling capabilities being developed

time scales.

Contact: Prof. Doru Stefanescu, 614292-5629, [email protected]

Contact: Prof. Yunzhi Wang, 614-2920682, [email protected] Y. Wang and J. Li, “Acta Materialia Overview: Phase Field Modeling of Defects and Deformation,” Acta Mater. (2009-in press); [2] W. Cox, S. Sarkar, T. Lenosky, E. Bitzek, J. Li and Y. Wang, “Diffusive Molecular Dynamics” (to be published); [3] C. Shen, J. Li and Y. Wang, “Finding Critical Nucleus in Solid State Phase Transformations,” Met. Mat. Trans. 39A (2008) 976-983 (Editor’s choice, available on-line). [1]

Fig. B: Simulation of highly

anisotropic  microstruc tures.


Materials • Science • and • Engineering advantage of high volumetric density. The key is to develop reversible and high gravimetric density metal hydrides that will meet the Department of Energy FreedomCAR 2010 hydrogen storage targets. Substantial progress has been made in synthesis, characterization, and mechanistic understanding of complex metal hydrides, especially high-capacity borohydrides. His team, in collaboration with Sheldon Shore, professor of chemistry, has already synthesized four new compounds and is testing their properties to explore their suitability for hydrogen storage.

TiO2 nanohairs form on the


oxidized surface of Ti filin

A Micro-sized Caterpillar with Nano-sized Hairs Titanium alloy debris, prepared by mechanical filing, were oxidized to produce TiO2 nanohairs on the surface of the filing. The size of the debris was approximately 100 µm having a wavy surface that mimics the shape of a caterpillar without any hairs. TiO2 nanohairs were grown on the surface of the alloy debris by heat treating at 700°C under a limited supply of oxygen (flowing Ar with 500 ppm of oxygen). The length of the oxide nanohairs is in the range of 1 and 2 µm and the diameter ranges from 30 to 70 nm (see inset in image above). With these nanohairs, the debris resembles the shape of a caterpillar with hairs. The oxide nanohairs were identified as the TiO2 rutile phase by electron microscopy. These nanohairs have potential applications in sensors, electronics and optoelectronics, photocatalysis, and biomedical devices. This work was conducted by graduate student Benjamin Dinan and Huyong Lee. Contact: Prof. Sheikh Akbar, 614292-6725, [email protected] and Assoc. Prof. Suliman Dregia, 614-292-1081, [email protected]

Advancing Hydrogen Storage Technology Ji-Cheng (J.-C.) Zhao, associate professor of materials science and engineering, received two U.S. Department of Energy grants for the development of suitable hydrogen storage systems and materials for vehicles. Zhao, a Fellow of ASM International, received

Zhao is a representative U.S. expert serving on the International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementation Agreement Task 22 on hydrogen storage. He has six U.S. patents and 13 patent applications on hydrogen and energy storage materials and systems. “The Ohio State hydrogen storage team, with Prof. Shore’s boron chemistry excellence, is really unique in the world in our synthesis capability.” Zhao says. “We hope to discover new hydrides to advance the hydrogen storage technology.” Contact: Assoc. Prof. J.-C. Zhao, 614292-9462, [email protected]

$1.1 million for “Aluminoborane Compounds for On-Board Vehicular Hydrogen Storage” and $1.2 million for “Lightweight Intermetallics for Hydrogen Storage.” “A grand challenge to the implementation of hydrogen-powered vehicles is the development of suitable on-board hydrogen storage systems and materials that can satisfy the performance targets proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy,” Zhao says. “That is the reason that a substantial effort of my research is devoted to tackle this challenge.” Zhao has seven students and post-doctoral researchers working on hydrogen storage research with funding from the National Institute of Standards and Technology as well as the energy department. His research focus is on metal hydrides, a solid storage option that has the

This image illustrates the crystal structure of a new compound, Mg(CH OH)6B12 H12(CH3OH) , synthesized 3 by the Ohio 6 State hydrogen storage rese arch team led by professors J.-C. Zhao and Sheldon Shore. The team is synthes izing similar compounds for hydrogen storage for on-board fuel cell powered vehicular applications.



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Research on Materials Aspects of Sliding Friction and Wear



It is now well known that materials in sliding contact exhibit dramatic changes in structure and chemical composition adjacent to the sliding interface. These changes influence the evolution of both friction and wear as sliding proceeds. Sliding tests, combined with an array of complementary characterization techniques (XRD, OM, SEM, EDS, AES, FIB, TEM, Microhardness, Kelvin probe, etc.), have demonstrated the involvement of severe plastic deformation and mechanical mixing leading to the formation of nanocrystalline or amorphous tribomaterial. The results depend on the materials, the environment, sliding velocity, temperature, and other sliding conditions. Typical sliding wear debris particles have the same structure and composition as the tribomaterial. In recent years, Prof. Rigney’s research group has combined experimental work with 2-D and 3-D molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. An example, from the work of S. Karthikeyan, is shown in Figure 1. MD simulations help to explain effects of relative hardness, crystal orientation and defect content. They also suggest that the interacting materials flow like a fluid, complete with development of vorticity associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The presence of vorticity accounts for mechanical mixing, composition profiles and the disappearance of markers near the interface. Vorticity also contributes to amorphization and the formation of nanocrystals. This work has revealed much about the dynamic processes contributing to sliding behavior. Development of a predictive model for sliding wear remains elusive. It will undoubtedly require incorporation of the fracture characteristics of the tribomaterial produced by sliding.

Below: Finite element analysis results from LS-DYNA on electromagnetic actuator and expanded AA 6061 tube. Image by Yuan Zhang, PhD student in Prof. Glenn Daehn’s research group.

Fig. 1: (a.) Initial configuration for an MD simulation of a bicrystal of Cu sliding against an Fe crystal of orientation x, y, z: [100]Fe[010]Fe[001]Fe. This uses a right-hand coordinate system with x to the right and y pointing toward the top of this page. The presence of the grain boundary in the Cu crystal strongly influences the development of deformation and structure during sliding. (b.) Nanocrystalline structure produced by sliding for the initial configuration shown in (a.). All of the following are involved: propagation of shear bands, formation of epitaxial Cu on Fe and dynamic recrystallization. Ref.: Karthikeyan et al., Wear 267(2009)1166.

Contact: Prof. Emeritus David Rigney, 614-292-1775, [email protected]

Right: A nickel-based superalloy developed for the demanding environments of turbine jet engines. This polycrystalline material gets the majority of its strength at elevated temperatures from the gamma prime precipitate phase and grain boundary morphology. This material has been heat-treated to produce serrated high angle grain boundaries (blue), special twin boundaries (green) and gamma prime precipitates (red). Image by Jennifer Walley, PhD student in Prof. Michael Mills’ research group.


Materials • Science • and • Engineering

Faculty & Staff Mobley Receives ASM Distinguished Life Member Award Professor Emeritus Carroll E. Mobley received the Alpha Sigma Mu Distinguished Life Member award. This award is granted to “an individual who has served the materials community and/or Alpha Sigma Mu over a long career and shall have established an international recognition for his/her service.” The award is ASM’s highest honor and is conferred upon those select few whose technical attainment and contributions to society through leadership in the field of materials science and engineering have resulted in significant benefits to mankind.

Gupta Receives ACerS Morey Award Congratulations to Professor Prabhat Gupta, the 2009 George W. Morey Award winner. The George W. Morey Award is presented by the Glass and Optical Materials Division of The American Ceramic Society and sponsored by PPG Industries. The award recognizes achievements in the field of glass science and technology. Unofficially, it is the most prestigious honor given to a glass scientist by the Glass and Optical Materials Division of the American Ceramic Society. This year’s award was presented June 1, 2009 at the Vancouver PACRIM8 meeting where Prof. Gupta

Padture Receives AAAS Fellowship

Prof. Prabhat Gupta receives the 2009 George W. Morey Aw ard from Mark Davis, Chair of the Glass and Optical Divisio n of ACerS.

gave the plenary lecture. The award was made with the following notation: “During a remarkably productive career spanning over four decades, Dr. Gupta has published an impressive list of thought provoking and frequently cited articles in several areas of glass science and technology. Specifically, the Morey Awards Committee selected Dr. Gupta for his outstanding contributions in the areas of glass structure, glass transition, phase separation, and the strength of glass fibers....In addition to his fundamental contributions in glass science, Dr. Gupta, during his eight years at Owens Corning’s Science and Technology center, made significant contributions in many areas of glass technology.”

Professor Nitin Padture has been elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Nitin’s Fellowship has been awarded to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of advanced ceramics and nanomaterials, particularly for understanding of processing and mechanical behavior of ceramic composites and coatings. Nitin was presented for Fellowship at the AAAS Forum in Chicago in February 2009.

Padture Named College Distinguished Professor Professor Nitin Padture was named College of Engineering Distinguished Professor in January 2009. This is in recognition of his research excellence and impact, and his leadership in the field of advanced materials at Ohio State and beyond. Associated with this honor are discretionary funds to support Prof. Padture’s research.

Rapp Lectures in Iran, May 2009 Professor Emeritus Bob Rapp received an invitation to visit Iran from Prof. Ahmad Saatchi, who is a National Distinguished Professor and Chairman of MSE at Isfahan University of Technology in Isfahan, (or Esfahan) Iran. Ahmad had been a PhD student in the Metallurgical Engineering Department in the 1980’s, during the Iranian revolution. Following some trouble to get a visa, Bob flew to Iran on May 12, about three weeks prior to Iran’s infamous election and the ensuing demonstrations. Isfahan is the former seat of the government, home of early emperors, site of the famous 400year old Iman plaza, and an extremely interesting and important city of about

A few of the students and faculty who attended one of Prof. Rapp’s lectures at the Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. Prof. (and alumni) Ahmad Saatchi is second from the left in the first row with other Isfahan faculty.

two million. (The April 2009 issue of the Smithsonian magazine presented an article about Isfahan.) During his five-day stay in Isfahan, Dr. Rapp presented three lectures, “Hot Corrosion,” “Complex Fused Salts,” and “Interfacial Phenomena in Scaling Reactions.” Following visits and discussions with students in Isfahan, Prof. Rapp flew for one day to Shiraz, the site of the famous Persepolis, where he again presented a lecture.



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Faculty & Staff con’t MSE Faculty Receive College Awards The College of Engineering held its Annual Engineering Awards Dinner at the Blackwell Hotel, where the following MSE faculty were recognized:

Innovation Fellow “for transformative and pioneering experimental and theoretical approaches to alloys by design, and for exceptional contributions to disseminating knowledge to students and the community.” Heather Powell – Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Powe Junior Faculty Award supporting “Collagen Scaffolds Engineered with Graded Pore Structure for Islet Transplantation”. Doru Stefanescu delivered four lectures on solidification science at the University of Jönköping in Sweden. James Williams Robert Mehl/Institute of Metals Lecture from TMS.

Lumley Research Awards Mike Mills Doru Stefanescu Rudy Buchheit

Innovators Award Glenn Daehn was recognized for development of high velocity and impulse metal forming and its application to a variety of manufacturing and materials characterization problems including forming, joining, welding, springback control, embossing, and strength and ductility testing.

Additional Awards Gerald Frankel visiting Professor at the University of Paris. Gerald Frankel T.P. Hoar Award from the UK Institute of Corrosion, 2008. Prabhat Gupta Fellow of the Society of Glass Technology, UK, 2008.

Cameron Lindsey and Megan Daniels Nominated for Above & Beyond Award The MSE department was pleased to nominate both Cameron Lindsey, Assistant to the MSE Chair, and Megan Daniels, Undergraduate Academic Advisor, for the 2009 College of Engineering Above and Beyond Awards. Cameron’s nomination letter praises her dedication, creativity, enthusiasm, and ability to adapt to the ever-changing environment in the Chair’s office. Megan, too, provides tremendous support for the mission of the department through innovative outreach and application of technological resources. But it is, perhaps, in her role as self-described “momma bear” that she is most appreciated by our students as she watches over them as they advance through the Bachelor’s degree.

Winston Ho Inaugural Innovators Award, College of Engineering, 2008. Recognizes Prof. Ho for major membrane technologies for high purity hydrogen production for fuel cells and energy applications, and for low-cost, high efficiency water purification.

25 Years of Service In September, Geoff Hulse and David Jones were recognized by the College of Engineering for twenty-five years of service to The Ohio State University. Both Geoff and Dave joined the University in 1984, with Dave hired as part of a VAX System Support Group and Geoff hired to oversee the VAX support staff housed in Chemical Engineering. They maintained a large VAX 11/780 “mini” computer which was the size of two home refrigerators and was many times slower than present-day desktops. Geoff and Dave have overseen a great deal of change since those days and, along with Mike Davis (who began working for them as a student employee), have developed the computing infrastructure that supports the research and academic efforts of both the MSE and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering departments. Dave, following an interest in programming, switched from Physics to Computer Science as his college major. In the early 1990’s, he was part of a networking group at the university that developed the directory system used by OSU’s central e-mail system. Helping the university improve the quality of its data during this period was an important accomplishment for the group and has been of great benefit in the subsequent years. Geoff was instrumental in bringing together the (then) three departments— Ceramic, Metallurgical, and Chemical Engineering—to purchase computing resources for the departments’ academic and research pursuits. Beyond his computing expertise, Geoff ’s talents as both a photographer and graphic designer have likewise been a tremendous asset to the departments. One impressive example of his work was the multimedia presentation he developed for the Chemical Engineering department’s Centennial Celebration. Both departments wish to thank Geoff and Dave for their many years of service to the university!

John Morral was named an NSF DMR American Competitiveness and Cameron Lindsey

Megan Daniels


Materials • Science • and • Engineering


Sree Mouli Majji (MS ‘99) is the Senior Consultant with Teradata, Inc.



Edward Dalder (PhD ‘73) is Vice President of Dalder Materials Consulting, Inc. in Alameda, CA.

Santi Chrisanti (PhD ‘08) is a Principal Process Engineer at Formfactor, Inc. in Livermore, CA.

Michael Javaras (BS ‘77) is the Director of Operations at Meyer Products in Cleveland, OH and currently manufactures snow and ice removal equipment.

Andrew Geiger (BS‘05) works as a Technical Sales Representative for Anton Paar GmbH in Ashland, VA.


Brian Guhde (MS ‘09) is working as a Technology Development Manager at Americhem in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. He and his wife are looking forward to the arrival of their first child, a son, in November.

Michael Budinski (MS ‘86) is Chief of the Materials Labor Division with the National Transportation Safety Board in Washington, D.C. He recently published a book titled Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection. Valerie (Balint) Harris (BS ‘80) resides in England and recently completed her MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering. She is working to bring safe, adequate water supplies to the economically disenfranchised in third world countries. Seth Silverman (MS ‘81) joined Hess Corporation in September 2008 as a Senior Engineering Advisor-Materials. He lives in Houston, TX with his wife and daughter, Hayley, who was adopted as an infant from China in 1996.


Edward Herderick (PhD ‘09) serves as a Congressional Fellow representing the Materials Societies (MRS, TMS, ACerS). Ed and his wife Michelle moved to Washington, D.C. in September where Ed will begin his one year fellowship. Congressional Fellows act as a special legislative assistant to a member of Congress (see article in the “Student News” section). Dave Norfleet (PhD ‘07) works as a Staff Consultant for Engineering Systems Inc. in Aurora, IL.

Taking MSE into Biomedical Engineering Justin Koepsel (BS ‘06) is pursuing a doctoral degree in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison. His current research focuses on controlling protein-surface and cell-surface interactions in a very defined manner to explicitly explore how certain factors influence the behavior of different stem cell types. “The knowledge I acquired as an undergraduate in Materials Science and Engineering at OSU has provided me a solid basis for identifying and solving materials related problems in my graduate research,” says Justin. “More specifically, my background in materials science often provides a unique perspective to the widespread knowledge base of the biomedical engineering community that allows us to more efficiently solve problems and advance technology as an interdisciplinary team.”

ASM Awards Howe Medal The Howe Medal, oldest of ASM awards, recognizes the authors whose paper has been selected as the best published in a volume of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. The award for 2008 was granted to the paper titled “Measuring Stress Distibutions in Ti-6Al-4V Using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction” (M&MT, vol 39A, Dec. 2008, p 3120-3133). Adam Pilchak (PhD ‘09) took part in this research directed by Dr. Matthew P. Miller of Cornell University while Prof. Miller was on sabbatical at Ohio State. O-H-I-O! Xi-Yong Fu (PhD ‘01) with daughter Allison, son Brandon, and wife Hanyan show their Buckeye spirit while on a cruise in the South Caribbean.

Donovan Richie (MS ‘08) is an engineer with Kiefner & Associates in Worthington, OH.

Seth Donnelly (BS ‘99) works as a Proposal Engineer at ABB Inc. in Wickliffe, OH.

Jessica (Licardi) Subit (BS ‘03, MS ‘06) works with GE Aviation in Cincinnati, OH as a Materials Development Engineer and as CMC Development Engineer & Technician Team Leader.

Craig Dusek (BS ‘99) is a Manufacturing/ Process Engineer at American Trim, LLC in Lima, OH. Craig and wife Rebecca married in May of 2004 and they now have two sons, Samuel and Joseph, born in October 2006 and October 2008.

Danelle Violet (BS ‘07) is currently working in the Advanced Development Program at Schneider Electric in Nashville, TN.

Matthew Magee (BS ‘93) is a partner at Adage Capital in Boston, MA serving as a Portfolio Manager.

Sehoon Yoo (PhD ‘05) works as a Senior Researcher at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology in Incheon, South Korea.

Hong Jin Kim (PhD ‘07) and Ms Jungsuk Song were married November 29, 2008 at the AT Center in Seoul, South Korea. The couple honeymooned in Guam.



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Alumni con’t Ezis and Hughes Receive College Distinguished Alumni Awards The Annual College of Engineering Awards Luncheon was hosted on September 11 in the Blackwell Hotel Ballroom. Present at the luncheon were many past college awardees as well as this year’s honorees and family members. A barbeque was hosted on the Knowlton Patio with Brutus and the OSU Cheerleaders later in the evening as part of the 12th Annual Buckeye Reunion Under the Stars. Two alums from the Ceramic Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering programs were honored for their achievements, Andre Ezis and Ronald Hughes. Andre Ezis graduated from Ohio State with a B.S. in ceramic engineering in 1966. Upon graduation, he worked at Owens Corning Fiberglas in Newark, OH as a production engineer. He later returned to Ohio State n Dea rim Inte and received College of Engineering Ezis during re And h wit gton shin Wa his M.S. in Gregory on. the Alumni Awards Lunche 1969 in nuclear engineering. Ezis is currently CEO of Pyromatics Corp. in Willoughby, OH. Pyromatics is a technology company, focused on the development and manufacture of high-purity, fused-quartz materials and products. Headquartered in the Cleveland area since 1975, the company

services a worldwide customer base. Industries using their diverse fusedquartz products include: semiconductor, solar, metal processing, electronics and aerospace companies. Ezis’ career experience also includes serving as vice president of R&D for Ceradyne Inc. focused on the development and manufacture of structural ceramics for semiconductor processing equipment. He was also cofounder and vice president of Cercom and assisted in the preparation and marketing of a business plan to raise the required capital/investment for the formation of Cercom Inc. Recognitions include the Henry Marion Howe Medal, NASA Certificate of achievement and the Henry Ford Technological Award. Ezis was born in Riga, Latvia. He immigrated to Germany and then later to the United States in 1950. He and his wife, Kira, have five children and reside in Vista, CA. Ronald Hughes, a generous friend of the MSE department and 1970 Ohio State BS/MS graduate in metallurgical engineering, is manager for advanced engineering at Severstal International in Dearborn, MI, responsible for steel product application in automotive and non-automotive designs using advanced CAE simulation tools. Prior to joining Severstal, Hughes worked in hot-dip metallic coatings research at Armco Steel in Middletown, OH. He joined Ford Motor Company in vehicle materials development and planning to promote and to analyze applications of high strength and coated steels to meet CAFE standards and improve vehicle corrosion protection. Active in the American Iron and Steel Institute, he served as chairman for the ground-breaking task force that united and leveraged the resources of ten competitive steel companies for large-scale advanced automotive design projects with Porsche Engineering, showcasing the capabilities of steel. This North American AISI success was critical to, and a template for, launching

College of Engineering Inte rim Dean Gregory Washington with Ronald Hughes during the Alumni Award s Luncheon.

the UltraLight Steel AutoBody family of international consortia of over 30 steel companies to demonstrate the design and manufacturing capabilities of AHSS to produce safe, affordable, fuel-efficient and environmentally responsible vehicles. Additionally, Hughes served as chair of the operating executive committee of Auto/Steel Partnership and continues working with the group restructuring A/SP to reflect the new realities for all vehicle companies. Industrial honors include the Leadership Excellence Award from AISI; Auto/Steel Partnership Instrumental Change Award; and AISI Institute Finalist Medal for co-authoring a paper on the kinetics of aluminum-silicon-iron coating reaction/ diffusion during the hot-stamping of boron steels based on Severstal contract research at OSU.

2008 MSE Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient: D. Scott MacKenzie On November 21, 2008, the MSE department was pleased to award alumnus D. Scott MacKenzie the MSE Distinguished Alumni Award for 2008. Scott received his BS degree in Metallurgical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1981. Later he received MS and PhD degrees from the University of Missouri, Rolla. He is currently a


Materials • Science • and • Engineering Technical Specialist at Houghton International in Valley Forge, PA, where he directs laboratory investigations on new products and solutions to customer problems. Scott is an active member of technical societies and in 2008 2008 MSE Distinguished was named a fellow of Alumni Award recipient ASM International. He D. Scott MacKenzie was cited by ASM for his seminal R&D work on the heat treatment of nonferrous alloys. Scott presented a talk to the faculty and students entitled, “Application of CFD and FEA to Predicting Distortion in Heat Treated Gears”. The MSE department was pleased to host Scott and his wife Pat during their stay, including dinner and an OSUMichigan game.

George J. Theus Presents Keynote at 2009 MS&T Conference Metallurgical Engineering alum George J. Theus (PhD ‘72) will present the 2009 Alpha Sigma Mu Keynote presentation at this year’s Materials Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition (MS&T ’09), held October 25-29 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. George is president of Metallurgical Engineering Ltd. in Aurora, IL. His keynote lecture will be “The Current Status of Nuclear Power Generation.”

Alumni, Maybe You Can Help?

MSE Grad Studies Minneapolis Bridge Collapse The eight-lane I-35W highway bridge in Minneapolis, MN collapsed at about 6:05 PM CDT on August 1, 2007. NTSB investigators identified the U10W truss node was a likely failure initiation site for the collapse[1, 2]. A finite element modeling group team was formed from persons in NTSB, FHWA, SUNY, and SIMULIA Central to study in detail the stress and strain in the gusset plates of the U10W joints. Min Li at SIMULIA Central was a key member of the modeling group team. Working with the team, Min created the detailed U10W local finite element model using View of node U10W looking north, indicating lateral shift many nonlinear modeling west of upper end of L9/U10W diagonal member at point capabilities in Abaqus/ of instability. (For purpose of illustration, the amount of Standard, embedded the lateral displacement, including bowing of gusset plates, is local model into the FHWA exaggerated by a multiple of 5.) structural bridge model, performed most of the detailed finite element analyses, and wrote much of the report[2]. The figure above is one example of the analysis results[1]. Based on the results from the Abaqus model and other investigations, one of the conclusions from NTSB was: “gusset plates at the U10 nodes, where the collapse initiated, had inadequate capacity for the expected loads on the structure, even in the original as-designed condition.”[1] Min graduated in 2006 with a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering. During her study at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, she took courses such as Finite Element Method, Plasticity, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, and Fracture Mechanics. She modeled the constitutive behavior of magnesium AZ31B sheet with strong basal texture and implemented the model into Abaqus/Standard using UMAT routine. These courses and research work prepared Min to conduct the stress analysis for the bridge collapse. References: 1. “Collapse of I-35W Highway Bridge Minneapolis, Minnesota August 1, 2007,” Highway Accident Report NTSB/HAR-08/03 PB2008-916203, National Transportation Safety Board, Washingon, D.C., November 14, 2008. See http://www.ntsb.gov/publictn/2008/HAR0803.pdf 2. “Structural and Local Failure Study of Gusset Plate in Minneapolis Bridge Collapse,” Modeling Group Contractor Final Report, National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, D.C., November 12, 2008.

Min Li (PhD ‘00) was par t of a team of researchers studying the Minneapolis bridge collapse in 2007.

Looking to fill job openings? The Department would be happy to help you connect with potential employees. If we may be of assistance, please contact Mr. Mark Cooper at (614)-292-7280 or by e-mail at “[email protected]”. Help with travel costs to TMS. February’s annual TMS Meeting will be held in Seattle, WA. The conference is a great opportunity for students to learn more about materials and to network with peers and professionals in the field. Planning for the annual meeting has started for the undergraduate MSE Club. The Club would greatly appreciate contributions toward student travel costs. A shape memory alloy Script Ohio will be sent as a thank you for your support. Contact: Jonathan Pham, President of MSE Club ([email protected], 937-554-4592)

Nitinol Script Ohio by the MSE Club. Thank you for helping our students!



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Items of interest... Welding EngineeringMSE Realignment The MSE and Welding Engineering faculties have voted unanimously to bring the Welding faculty, staff, students, and programs to MSE. As of the beginning of Autumn Quarter, the realignment action has been endorsed by the Interim Dean of Engineering, Dr. Gregory Washington, and by a vote of the College Faculty. We await votes by the University Senate and the Board of Trustees and approval by the Office of Academic Affairs, all of which may occur by the end of the 2009 calendar year. The realignment will bring five regular faculty, three staff, 95 undergraduates, 50 graduate students, associated degree and research programs, and many dedicated Welding Engineering alumni from around the world to MSE. Resources to hire three new faculty are also associated with the realignment. The department will still be known as Materials Science and Engineering but will house both the Welding Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering degree programs. The realigned department will include the MSE office and lab space in the Watts-MacQuigg-Fontana complex and the Welding Engineering space at the Edison Joining Technology Center on West Campus. This is a very exciting opportunity for both programs and we look forward to welcoming the Welding Engineers to MSE through the course of the upcoming year.

Semesters Mark your calendars! August 22nd, 2012, will be the first day of class at Ohio State under its new semester-based calendar. The Board of Trustees approved a proposal to move the University to a semester calendar this past April. The

move marks the end of years of discussion and aborted attempts to implement semesters. The move was finally made at the urging of the Governor Strickland and Chancellor Fingerhut, who seek to align academic calendars at institutions across the Ohio University System. While the implementation date may seem far off, the MSE faculty is well along in its efforts to revise the MSE graduate and undergraduate curricula. Draft curricula will be posted on the MSE website later this fall with a request for comment from our students, alums, and external advisory committee.

Andy Bruening Joins MSE as an Instructor The MSE faculty welcomed Dr. Andy Bruening as an Instructor this fall. Andy is the Lead Science Teacher at the Metro Early College High School. The Metro School (themetroschool.com) is a science, technology,engineering,and mathematics (STEM) focused, intellectually vibrant learning community open to students in Franklin County. Metro Early College High School is designed to serve students who want a personalized and extraordinary learning experience that prepares them for a connected world where math, science, and technology are vitally important. In his role as Instructor with MSE, Andy will be working collaboratively with faculty in MSE, our MRSEC Center for Emergent Materials outreach activity, Battelle, and the ASM Foundation to develop approaches that promote continuity and depth in STEM education at the college-high school interface for students in Ohio and beyond. Andy brings considerable skill and experience to this important activity. He has an extensive background in the sciences with a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Geology from Eckerd College and a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of South Carolina (USC). Over the past 10 years, he has taught extensively both at the high school and collegiate level. He taught high school Physics

and Earth Science classes from 1998 to 2001 before returning to school for his Ph.D. in 2001. As a graduate student at USC, he taught laboratory courses and several undergraduate courses. At Metro, Andy currently teaches Principles of Engineering, Introduction to Engineering Design, and Environmental Science. As faculty advisor to the STEM Club, he has mentored several teams to the National Society of Black Engineers Regional and National Lego Robotics Championships. Andy’s innovative experiential techniques demonstrate his enjoyment of teaching and have provided his students with mastery level concepts and ideas. We are thrilled to have Andy on board and look forward to developing novel approaches for promoting STEM education by redefining how recruiting and training happen at this important junc ture in a student’s career.

Dr. Andy Bruening

Helping Teachers Grow Talent in Materials Science and Technology The Ohio Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Learning Network (OSLN), in conjunction with Columbus-based Battelle and The Ohio State University are working with the ASM Materials Education Foundation through a unique teacher capacity building grant of $150,000. This grant will enable ASM to continue its partnership with Ohio State by offering workshops for Ohio teachers and


Materials • Science • and • Engineering expand the materials science curriculum tools suitable for high schools. The grant will enable the development of a new pilot program which provides materials science “starter kits” of lab equipment and curricular tools to Ohio high school teachers who have been trained by ASM through its Materials Camp program. This pilot program will allow ASM to prepare and launch a stand-alone high school-level materials course. The grant includes OSLN designation of ASM as a “preferred provider” of materials science professional development training for teachers and schools offering courses. The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Ohio State will play a key leadership role in forming a network of high school teachers and schools in Central Ohio focused on offering high quality materials courses. Prof. Glenn Daehn, the Mars G. Fontana Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at OSU will help launch the network. “We are thrilled to be recognized by OSLN and Battelle, who are the leaders in Ohio STEM education innovations, working with a consortium of government, education, and industry leaders,” said ASM Foundation Board Chair, Dr. Raymond Decker. “Our partnership with Ohio State materials science and engineering faculty has proven very productive.” “For organizations such as Battelle, the importance of investing in the education of tomorrow’s scientists can not be overestimated,” said Richard Rosen, Battelle’s corporate vice president for education and philanthropy partnerships. The ASM Materials Education Foundation is located in Geauga County, Ohio, and is the charitable educational outreach arm of ASM International, a non-profit, individual membership organization representing 35,000 global members who are scientists, engineers, and technical experts working in industry, government research labs and education in the high-tech arena of materials science information.

Humpty Dumpty, MSE-style How do you protect a raw egg from a six story drop without slowing it down? Students in Assoc. Prof. Kathy Flores’ “MSE 361: Introduction to the Mechanical Behavior of Materials” were assigned this task as their final project in Spring ‘09. The project requires that the students consider how material deformation can dissipate the energy of an impact, similar to a bicycle helmet or armor plate. Parachutes, wings, or other means of intentionally slowing the descent of the egg are not allowed. To further discourage unintentional “floaters”, the eggs also need to hit a specified target area. A team-building exercise--as Ewww... Jackie Ohmura well as a creative application checks the results of her of classroom concepts--the team’s drop. course fielded eight groups of five students. Each group worked to design, construct, test, and analyze the performance of their protective egg-carrying devices. In order to prove that they had optimized their designs, the teams each constructed and demonstrated two protective devices: one designed to protect the egg, and one with just enough protective Keith Johnson and Holly material removed to allow the egg to break. A portion of n Oliver used Jello to cushio the group’s grade depended on minimizing the weight . fall y the six-stor difference between the “pass” and “fail” designs. Most groups took a highly empirical approach to their designs, developing and testing several prototypes with drops from varying levels of the Arps parking garage. The official “Drop Day” was June 4, 2009, when the students demonstrated their devices with drops from the 6th floor of MacQuigg Labs onto the patio below. Members of the wider MSE community, including several graduate students and faculty members, gathered in the patio to hear students describe their designs and to cheer on the demonstrations. This year’s solutions ranged from encasing the egg in bread slices in a peanut butter jar, to suspending the egg in a flour-and-water mixture in an aluminum can placed in a coffee can filled with water with a brick on the bottom. The MSE 361 Egg Drop 2009 highlights can be found on the Department’s YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/osumaterials.

Assoc. Prof. Kathy Flores explains the rules of the MSE 361 Egg Drop. The contest always draws a big crowd!

Grad School? Save the date! The MSE department will host its annual Graduate Program Open House January 29 & 30, 2010. For details, visit mse.osu.edu/goh.



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Student News

Congratulations 2009 Senior Class! Front row, l-r: Jacob Portier, Amanda Lorenz, Olivia Rumpke, Brian Peterson Second row: Dan Owsley, Kazuhiro Chisaka, Saurabh Sedha, Evan Standish, Meredith Herzog, Berk Gencer Third row: Diandra Rollins, Caitlin Toohey, Mike Shnider, John Sosa, Angel Carrasquillo Fourth Row: Tom Wynn, Steven Woodward, Greg Ebersole, Brad Meibers, Craig Vanderbilt, Jon Scholl

Senior Picture

Photo by Geoff Hulse

Summer Internship Provides Experience for the Coming School Year Keith Johnson, a third-year MSE major, spent his summer as a lab technician at FirstEnergy Beta Labs located in Mayfield, OH. FirstEnergy is “a diversified energy company headquartered in Akron, OH. Its subsidiaries and affiliates are involved in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, as well as

ut tEnergy quizzes Keith abo Jeff Blough (right) of Firs r eate reh a in e igu on Fat Internal Diameter Corrosi urgical tall Me U OS the of m tube. Jeff is an alu S ‘72). Engineering program (M

energy management and other energyrelated services. Its seven electric utility operating companies comprise the nation’s fifth largest investor-owned electric system, based on serving 4.5 million customers within a 36,100square-mile (93,000 km2) area of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey; and its generation subsidiaries control more than 14,000 megawatts of capacity. In 2007, FirstEnergy ranked 212 on the Fortune 500 list of the largest public corporations in America.” (source wikipedia.com) Beta Labs is a lab set up in support for FirstEnergy’s energy production plants and outside companies in the energy, chemical, refining, and automotive industries. It contains water, oil, and coal testing facilities, along with a fire extinguisher lab, metrology lab, and metallurgical lab. Said Keith, “The metallurgical lab always had work and from my short stay there I felt like I gained a great look into corrosion and high temperature metallurgical damage modes. All this, just in time for third year course work!”

Accomplishments Greg Ebersole earned Honorable Mention in the 2009 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. This is a highly selective program and Greg’s honor is rare and distinctive. Lin Li received a $5,000 international travel scholarship from the International Center for Materials Research at Santa Barbara. This will allow Lin to pursue a collaboration with Helena Van Swygenhoven at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Lauren Neufarth, Junior in MSE from Liberty Township, OH, received the TMS Light Metals Division Scholarship. Said Lauren, “This generous award greatly helped me financially, but more so it helped me feel reassured in myself and in my abilities to continue to pursue and reach my education and career goals. I am very grateful for the confidence TMS has shown to have in me, and this honor has encouraged me to continue to work hard


Materials • Science • and • Engineering and challenge myself. Thank you very much.” Daniel Paquet, a Ph.D. student working with Prof. Somnath Ghosh was awarded the Best Poster Award at the Physical Metallurgy Gordon Research Conference held on August 2-7, 2009. The objective of the conference was to explore the recent progress in use of computational materials models to unify the science and engineering of metallic materials. Daniel presented his work on multiscale modeling of ductile fracture of cast aluminum alloys.

Women in Engineering Awards Six MSE students were honored for their academic excellence Februray 19, 2009 at the annual Women in Engineering Banquet:

Top Academic Awards

Sophomore, Jacqueline Ohmura Junior, Stacey Vansickle

Mr. Herderick Goes to Washington Edward D. Herderick was awarded the prestigious 2009-2010 Materials Societies Congressional Science and Engineering Fellowship. Ed will spend one year working as a special legislative assistant on the staff of one of Ohio’s U.S. Senators, Sherrod Brown. Activities involve conducting legislative work, assisting in hearings and debates, preparing briefs, and writing speeches. Fellows attend an orientation program on Congressional and executive branch operations. Ed received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in August 2009. He received his BS (2005) and MS (2007) in MSE from Ohio State as well. His graduate research has been done under the advisement of Prof. Nitin Padture and has been focused on the synthesis, characterization, and property measurement of metal-oxide-metal heterojunction nanowires. During his graduate studies Ed was an NSF IGERT fellow (2005-08) and received a Diamond Award from the American Ceramic Society (2008). In addition to his academic work, Ed has been an active member of the campus community, serving on the OSU Council of Graduate Students and also taking part in many outreach activities. His main area of policy interest is in improving the way we generate, transmit, and consume energy to provide economic growth and strengthen national security in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Student Awards Congratulations to the following students who received department awards at the annual ASMColumbus meeting and Student Awards Night, April 15, 2009.

Outstanding Junior Scholar Award

Outstanding Academic Awards Senior, Amanda Lorenz Junior, Elizabeth Martin Sophomore, Tiffany Ngan Senior, Caitlin Toohey

Foundry Educational Foundation Scholarship Recipients In April, 2008, the Central Ohio Chapter of the American Foundry Society awarded a number of scholarships, totaling $8600, to Ohio students. Angel Carrasquillo Berk Gencer Taylor Hopkins Daniel Owsley Evan Standish Evan Uchaker Craig Vanderbilt Aaron Washburn Adam Young

Recognizing an outstanding junior student. Justin Bennett

Justin Bennett with Prof. Kathy Flores

To the outstanding senior scholar in the Materials Science and Engineering Program. Gregory Ebersole

R.E. ‘Ernie’ Christin Memorial Award

George R. St. Pierre Award For scholarship and professional activities in the MSE department. Evan Standish

Evan Standish with Prof. Em. George St. Pierre

Alan J. Markworth Memorial Award

Caitlin Toohey with Prof. Wolfgang Windl

The MSE Chair Award

To the student who best reflects the personal and professional talents of Prof. Alan Markworth. Caitlin Toohey

Greg Ebersole and Department Chair Prof. Rudy Buchheit

For the student who best demonstrates how industrial experience has influenced his or her educational development. Olivia Rumpke

Mars G. Fontana Award To the outstanding senior scholar conducting research in metallurgy. John Sosa

John Sosa with Prof. Glenn Daehn



The • Ohio • State • Universit y

Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Among 522 students participating in the May, 2009 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, were many MSE undergraduate students. The Forum is an opportunity to showcase outstanding student research and encourage all undergraduates to participate in research as a value-added element of their education. Throughout the day the MSE students displayed posters detailing their research, and answered questions from judges and the university public. Students were judged by faculty, corporate, and external judges, with winners receiving cash awards. Congratulations go to Diandra Rollins, whose project “Hollow Metal-Oxide Microshells for Advanced Gas Sensor Applications” earned third place in the Forum’s Engineering category. Diandra’s project advisors were MSE Prof. Patricia Morris and then doctoral student Elvin Beach. Nikolas Antolin: Structure Determination of Non-Stoichiometric SrTiO3 with Atomic Potentials Advisor: Wolfgang Windl Gregory Ebersole: Mathematical Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Engineered Skin Advisors: Heather Powell, Peter Anderson

Top-bottom: Diandra Rollins, Matthew Snider, Evan Standish, Nikolas Antolin, John Sosa, Greg Ebersole, Stacey Vansickle

Nanofiber Solutions wins 2009 Deloitte Business Plan Competition at Fisher A team presenting a newly patented nanotechnology device won the 2009 Deloitte Business Plan Competition on Saturday, May 16, 2009. The team, Nanofiber Solutions, developed a startup business plan to market nanofiber mats to improve screening and research in biomedical fields. l-r: Steve Karzmer (Calfee Corp.), John McEwan (Deloitte & The winning team Touche), Ross Kayuha (CEO of Nanofiber Solutions), Assoc. Prof. John Lannutti, Jed Johnson, and Michael Camp of the Fisher received $95,000 in College of Business. cash and services to use as start-up funds to transform their idea into a thriving business. The Nanofiber Solutions team included Jed Johnson, a doctoral candidate in OSU’s Materials Science in Engineering; Assoc. Prof. John Lannutti, associate professor in the program; Brian Barnhart, an MBA candidate at Carnegie Mellon and alumni of the Ohio State MSE department (BS ‘05); and Ross Kayuha, CEO at Columbus-based Strategic Thinking Industries. The student members of Nanofiber Solutions are all graduates of Ohio State’s Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Academy offered by the Center for Entrepreneurship at Fisher College of Business. The programs and its leadership have been recognized nationally for its innovative approach to the development of entrepreneurial talent. “Deloitte is pleased to sponsor the business plan competition particularly in this time when innovation and entrepreneurial spirit is so important for our country and communities in stimulating the economy” said John McEwan, managing partner of Deloitte’s Columbus office. “The business plans presented were excellent and demonstrate the wonderful dreams and talent that reside at Ohio State.”

Diandra Rollins: Synthesis and Characterization of Hollow Microshells for Gas Sensors Advisors: Patricia Morris, Elvin Beach Matthew Snider: Sorption Behavior of Amorphous Silica by High-pressure TGA Advisor: Hendrik Verweij John Sosa: Exploration of Kinetic Metallization on Deposited Particles Advisors: Hamish Fraser, Peter Collins

Evan Standish: Solidification Modeling to Predict Dendrite Arm Spacing Advisors: Jerrald Brevick, Doru Stefanescu Stacey Vansickle: Fabrication of Micropillars in the Cortical Region of Bovine Bone Advisors: Katharine Flores, Katrina Altman


Materials • Science • and • Engineering

Engineering Service Learning at OSU by Elvin Beach, PhD ‘09

In the spring of 2008, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of engineering students to Montana de Luz, an orphanage for children living with HIV, in south-central Honduras. The orphanage is built on a hill overlooking the surrounding valleys filled with sugar cane and two small villages. Montana de Luz (MdL) houses between 30 and 40 children and provides a nurturing environment, education, and medical treatment for all of the children living there. It has continued to expand during the past five years and adapt to the needs of both the young and adolescent children living there. A group of engineering students led by Prof. John Merrill from the College of Engineering has been venturing to MdL during spring break for several years. During the winter quarter at OSU, projects are identified with the director and on-site staff of MdL that are implemented by teams of 3-4 students per project during the trip. Our group addressed several needs at MdL. Drinking water quality, specifically high levels of arsenic in the water, was measured and shown to be almost completely removed with a three stage filtration system that also reduced yearly filter replacement costs by several hundred dollars. Water quality for one of the villages located in the valley below MdL was also assessed and an improved chlorine delivery system was designed, built and installed on site to improve drinking water quality in the village where several of the people who work at MdL live. Another group, led by Gabe Moulton from the Office of Information Technology, set-up a computer lab with computers and monitors donated from various computer labs around OSU. The computer team also provided a cost effective solution for satellite-based internet access to the remote location where the orphanage is located. Other projects included construction of a rainwater collection system to help grow vegetables in the gardens, insect and snake-proofing the few on-site air conditioning units (seriously there were snakes in them), and building some durable soccer goals for the annual MdL soccer tournament. No matter the job, the kids were always enthusiastic to help and even more excited when 3:00 play-time came around. The trip was very rewarding and fulfilling from the standpoint of making some improvements around the complex, but even more so just for the chance to meet and spend time with the kids. Overall this was a great opportunity to meet new people, travel to a new country all while making a contribution to an organization which makes a huge difference in these kids’ lives.

Upper left: The Montana De Luz house in south-central Honduras. Upper right: Elvin and Saul, MdL Maintenance Supervisor, in the MdL workshop. Center: View from the MdL Orphanage. Lower left: 3:00 play time! Lower right: Spring Break 2008 OSU Engineers for Community Service Group.

There are plenty of opportunities of this nature at OSU. The Engineers for Community Service (ecos.osu.edu) is a student run organization that works both locally and internationally and is a good place to start looking to get involved. If anyone is interested to learn more about Montana de Luz, please visit their web-site (www.montanadeluz.org). As an aside, another student in MSE, Devin Braun, a Junior in the program, also took part in the MdL work. His focus was primarily on water-related projects. Devin volunteered during Spring Break 2009 and offers his thoughts about the experiences on the MSE department’s blog. Be sure to read his May 7, 2009 entry found at osumaterials.wordpress.com.

Top R-L: Katie Kinstedt, Ben Yeger Bottom R-L: Amanda Verhoff, and Devin Braun

Thank you for your service! The following students gave generously of their time and talents to serve as officers in the department’s MSE Club in 2008-2009: Brian Peterson, President Berk Gencer, Vice Pres.

Caitlin Toohey, Treasurer Olivia Rumpke, Secretary



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Materials Science and Engineering 177 Watts Hall 2041 College Rd. Columbus, OH 43210-1179

Editors: Rudy Buchheit, Heather Parsons

Design: Mark Cooper

Photos: Geoff Hulse, Megan Daniels, University Communications

Development The MSE department wishes to thank each of its supporters for their generosity. It is by means of such kindness that this program is able to provide our students with the high quality education that serves them so well. The generous donors below have assisted the Department at a level of $100 or more over the last year. For more about how you can support the Department’s educational and research efforts, please contact us by phone: (614) 292-2553; e-mail: [email protected]; or visit mse.osu.edu/alumni. Sheikh Akbar Lisa Allen Peter Anderson Joseph Bailey Peggy Barron-Antolin Marjorie Bennett Walter Bennett Burton Brubaker James Clum Hendrik Colijn Connie Cron Thomas & Leslie Croyle Chandrashekhar Damle Richard Daniel Earl Dietz Marie Ellinger William Ellinger Carl Gartner Anne & Robert Geist

Carrie & Le Roy Gordon Joyce Hannon Richard Hannon Jr John & Martha Hirth Ronald Hughes Robert Johnston Jr Linda & Allen Katz Ann & Ronald Kegarise Trent Latimer Dalton Lowe Robert Matz Charles Mayer Dennis McGarry Steven McGinnis William McKinnell Jr Robert Miller Elizabeth Morin Joseph Nachman Howard Pickering

Michael Reidelbach Sr Frederick Roehrig Jay Scharenberg Paul Schasney David Stahl J Christian Stallsmith Donald Stickle Sigel & Mabel Stocker John Varhola Yunzhi Wang Nicholas Warchol S J Whalen James Woolley Peihui Zhang Companies: 3M Foundation AIST Foundation Alcoa Foundation

Altstetter Family Trust UAD American Foundry Society-Illinois Chapter American Foundry Society-Wisconsin Chapter American Foundrymans SocietyCentral Ohio Chapter Ashland Incorporated ASM International Computherm LLC Cummins Business Services DNV Columbus Ecolab Foundation Foundry Educational Foundation General Motors Corp-North American Operations L H Marshall Company QIT-Fer et Titane Inc The Dow Chemical Foundation

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