Water Quality Unit - Learning Set 2 (nov. 09)

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LEARNING SET 2: WHERE IS OUR RIVER LOCATED? What is the Water Like in Our River?

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Page 21


Page 23

Lesson 4: Exploring Watersheds

Page 30

Lesson 5: Where is Our River On the Map?

Page 34

Teaching Strategy: Formative Assessment with Concept Maps

Page 37

Lesson 6: Building a Model of the River - Part 1

Page 39

Teacher Resource: Setting Up Stream Tables

Page 42

Lesson 7: Building a Model of the River - Part 2

Page 44

Lesson 7a: Optional Version of Building a Model of the River - Part 2

Page 49

What is the Water Like in Our River?

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SCIENCE UNDERSTANDING FOR TEACHERS Purpose In this learning set, students develop an understanding of their local watershed. Utilizing physical models, students visually observe the flow of water across the watershed and the forces that naturally shape a river and its watershed, erosion and deposition. Further exploring their observations from the river walk or video, students identify the land uses in their watershed, and investigate the effect of different land covers on the water cycle and non-point source pollution. The concepts explored in this learning set are integrated through computer modeling.

Watershed A watershed is an area of land that drains into a river system. Any water entering the watershed will travel from higher elevations to lower elevations due to gravity. Streams and rivers form as the water moves downward along the slope of the land. The shape (i.e. physiography) or topography of the land determines the channeling and pooling of the water. Water continues to move downward as rivers join with lakes or other rivers heading toward the ocean.

Schematic drawing of a watershed (Watershed Information Network, 2001)

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Rouge River

Lake Erie

Great Lakes

Land drainage area

686 sq mi

30,140 sq mi

201,460 sq mi

Receiving waters

Detroit River

Niagara River

St. Lawrence River

Population (1990)




Unfortunately, public enjoyment is limited by the many problems associated with urbanization. The Rouge River suffers from untreated sewage, unstable river flows and the naturally slow flow of the river because of the nearly level slope of the land. The biggest environmental problems of the river include thick mats of sewage blanketing the streambed, fluctuating oxygen levels, massive log and debris jams, contaminated sediments and severely undercut banks. As a major population center, the Rouge River Watershed contains the most densely populated land area in the state. In fact, only 25% of the watershed remains undeveloped. More than 50% of the remaining land area is considered ‘urbanized’, mainly in the southeast of the watershed.

Nested Watersheds The land that drains or seeps water into a small stream is its watershed. When this stream empties into a larger stream that area, plus the land drained directly by the second stream is another, greater watershed. The smaller watershed is “nested” within the larger watershed. watershed and can be referred to as a sub-watershed of the larger watershed. The Rouge River watershed has many smaller watersheds nested within it. In turn, the Rouge River watershed empties into the Detroit River and is therefore a sub-watershed of the Detroit River watershed. By the same logic, the Detroit River watershed is nested within the Lake Erie watershed. As part of the Great Lakes, Lake Erie ultimately discharges into the Atlantic Ocean through the St. Lawrence River and is part of the larger Great Lakes/ Laurentian watershed. The Rouge River watershed is a major watershed in the state of Michigan. There are 4 major sub-watersheds within it. In turn, there are many more watersheds nested within each of these sub-watersheds. (Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project, 2001)

The Rouge Watershed The Rouge River watershed, located in southeastern Michigan, drains approximately 438 square miles of land in parts of 48 municipalities and three counties. The river itself has a total of 126 river miles and four separate branches, the Main, Upper, Middle, and Lower. The Rouge River empties into the Detroit River, a connecting channel between Lake St. Claire and Lake Erie. As a result, the entire Rouge River watershed influences the lower 20 miles of the Detroit River and Lake Erie. The Rouge River watershed presents tremendous opportunities for public enjoyment. More than 50 miles of the Rouge River flow through public parkland, making the Rouge River one of the most publicly

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accessible rivers in the state. In addition, there are over 400 lakes, impoundments, and ponds in the watershed. These aquatic features present a great opportunity to the more than 1.5 million people that live within the watershed.

THE RIVER CONTINUUM CONCEPT The River Continuum Concept attempts to explain the changes in water temperature, volume, bottom consistency, and food sources that occur naturally along the length of a river. This theory is designed especially for streams in forests where the trees shed their leaves annually, such as the Rouge River watershed. Headwater streams are the very beginning of the river network. Streams can originate from the drainage of a wetland, lake or pond, melting snow packs, groundwater coming to the surface or melt-water from a glacier. These small streams are quite often groundwater fed and therefore cold. Also, because they are small headwater streams, they are almost completely shaded by the vegetation along the stream bank. The shade cools the river, and the fall leaf litter provides a primary food source for aquatic organisms. Headwater streams are often in the steepest portion of the watershed and are therefore, quickly moving. The rapidly moving water can easily carry soil downstream (i.e. erosion). As a result, the remaining, larger substrate becomes the main component of the streambed (e.g. boulders and cobbles). Small headwater streams come together to create larger streams in the middle reaches. As the stream volume increases and slope begins to decrease, the body of water begins to slow down and fine sediments drop out of suspension. This process is called sedimentation or deposition. The river becomes too wide to be completely shaded by riverbank vegetation, and more sunlight reaches the river bottom. Using the fine sediment that is deposited, aquatic plants begin to grow in the river. Middle reach streams create much of their own food through plant photosynthesis. However, these streams also benefit from fall leaf litter and down stream transport, which brings food into the system from upstream. When streams in the middle reaches come together, they form very large rivers. These rivers are in nearly flat areas. The river slows down even more, taking time to warm in the sun. The slowly moving water deposits very fine sediment on the streambed. Unfortunately, due to the depth of these rivers, sunlight cannot reach the streambed, and rooted aquatic plants are unable to survive in this area. Larger rivers depend primarily on downstream transport to bring food from upstream sources into the system. Although there is some leaf litter and plant production contributed to the river, it is such a small percentage of total inputs that it is nearly negligible.

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The River Continuum Concept attempts to explain the changes in temperature, food sources, streambed shape and shading that occur naturally along the length of a river

Downstream Transport and Mixing The water in a stream is always moving and mixing, both from top to bottom and side to side. Nutrients, sediments, and toxic chemicals that enter the stream travel some distance before they are thoroughly mixed throughout the flow. For example, water upstream of a pipe discharging wastewater might be clean. At the discharge site and immediately downstream, the water quality can be extremely degraded. Further downstream, in the recovery zone, overall quality might improve as pollutants are diluted with more water or settle out of solution. Well downstream of the pollution source the water may be relatively clean, if no other pollutants enter the river. Unfortunately, most streams with one source of pollution are often affected by many others as well.

Pollution As mentioned in Learning Set One, pollution is anything added to the water that lowers its ability to support stream organisms and human use. Pollutants can refer to any toxic substance in the water or essential substances (naturally occurring) that at increased or reduced levels lower water quality. Water pollution is broadly divided into two categories according to its source. Point source pollution comes from a clearly identifiable point, such as a pipe that discharges directly into a waterbody. Examples of point sources include factories, wastewater treatment plants, and illegal straight pipes from homes. These sources are easily identifiable and fixed. Therefore, their output can be easily monitored and regulated. Non-point source (NPS) pollution occurs when water runs over land or seeps through the ground, bringing pollutants into surface waters or groundwater. NPS pollution is a far-reaching problem because it can happen any time the land or water is disturbed. Plant and animal farming, leaky septic systems, transportation, urban runoff, construction, and physical changes to fluvial and floodplain ecosystems are all possible sources of NPS pollutants. Because NPS pollutants are widespread and often mobile, it is difficult to identify and regulate these pollutants. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency considers NPS pollution “the nation’s largest water quality problem.” Nationally, the pollutants most heavily impacting stream health are non-point source pollutants. The most common pollutants are sediments from eroded land and nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates found in fertilizers and animal wastes.

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Three Leading Sources of Water Quality Impairment Rank







Municipal point sources


Stream / Habitat Changes

Stream / Habitat Changes

Urban Run-off


Municipal Point Sources

Urban Run-off

Atmospheric deposition

(Source: National Water Quality Inventory, 1998 Of;ice of Wetlands Oceans and Watersheds)

HUMAN IMPACTS Effects of Urbanization on the Water Cycle Many watersheds have been altered as a result of human needs for water, food, recreation, transportation, manufacturing, and other amenities. Urban areas are extremely altered regions where humans live together in relatively dense conditions, altering the natural landscape in the process. Urbanization hinders the passage of water into the ground. In urban areas most of the natural vegetation is removed and rain-absorb-ing soils are replaced by impervious surfaces such as roads, buildings, parking lots and side walks. Instead of percolating into the ground, rainwater hits the impervious surfaces and runs over land or into a storm drain designed to move water quickly away from developed areas and into a natural watercourse. As the land area covered by impervious surfaces increases, surface runoff (flow of water over land) increases and groundwater recharge decreases. Urbanization also reduces the influence of evapo-transpiration in the water cycle. Less precipitation is evaporated back into the atmosphere because water is not allowed to stand in pools. The transpiration (e.g. loss of water from plant pores) component also decreases because natural vegetation has been replaced with human made structures. Impervious surfaces hinder groundwater recharge, lowering the water table and altering the flow of the stream. When this happens, water exits the stream to replenish the aquifer. As a result, portions of the stream can become dewatered, especially in the summer when flows are typically low. In short, hindering groundwater recharge creates even lower flows than would be expected during drier times of the year. Urbanization changes the influence of evapo-transpiration, groundwater recharge, and surface run-off in the water cycle. This lowers the water table while altering the river’s When the water table is high, it adds water to the stream. (b) When the water table is low, the stream loses water as it replenishes the groundwater storage (Allan, J. David 1995)

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At the same time, impervious surfaces intensify high flow periods in the stream. In urban areas impervious surfaces and storm drains transport storm water directly and quickly into streams. Consequently, stream flow becomes more intense during and immediately after storms and flash floods become increasingly problematic. These conditions scour out the streambed and banks creating severely eroded, deep channels with very steep stream banks. “Flashy” flows of this sort are detrimental to stream quality and dangerous for human users. When precipitation is absorbed into the soil, it is effectively cleansed and thermally moderated before it reaches the stream. Impervious surfaces hinder this natural cleansing. Instead, the water acclimates to the air temperature, picks up pollutants (e.g. litter, sediments, nutrients and toxic chemicals), and discharges directly into the stream. As a result, increased runoff creates thermal pollution (temperature extremes) and brings waste directly into the stream.

Water Cycle

Undeveloped Watershed

Developed Watershed

Water Enters




Water Exits




Surface run-off






Effects of Urbanization on the Water Cycle Taken from The Rouge River Project

Combined Sewage Overflow Underlying much of the metro Detroit area is a very old sewer system that carries both stormwater runoff and sanitary wastes to the same wastewater treatment plants. The present capacity of this combined sewer system is inadequate to handle the increasing volume of urban runoff. As a result, untreated sewage is sometimes released into the Rouge River to avoid overwhelming the system and flooding treatment plants and homes. In the Rouge watershed there are 168 known combined sewer overflow (CSO) outlets entering the river, contributing over 2 billion gallons of untreated sewage and polluted storm water runoff to the river every year. As a result, the Rouge River suffers from unstable flows, contaminated water and thick mats of sewage blanketing the streambed.

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Summary In this learning set, students explore the concept of a watershed and its function. Visually observing physical models of a watershed, students learn about the nature of a watershed and the forces that shape its rivers. Investigating water quality, students examine the influence of changing land use on the processes that occur in a stream. Students discover that urbanization alters the watershed, ultimately leading to the degradation of water quality in its rivers.

TEACHER TERMS TO KNOW Boulder-largest rock classification size; rocks greater than 256 mm in diameter Cobble- second largest rock classification size; rocks larger than 64 mm and less than 256 mm in diameter Combined sewer overflow (CSO)-when a combined sewage system is overwhelmed and untreated sewage is released into an alternative area, quite often a river Combined sewer system-sewer system designed to carry sanitary sewage and stormwater runoff to be treated at the same wastewater treatment plants Deposition-depositing sediments; in hydrology, it is when sediments settle out of solution, gathering on the stream and lake bed Erosion-to wear away soil/sediment by the action of water, wind or ice Estuaries-areas near the coast where seawater mixes with freshwater Evapo-transpiration- the loss of water from a land area through evaporation and transpiration Evaporation-the transformation of water from its liquid phase to a gaseous form. In hydrology, evaporation is this same transformation at temperatures below the boiling point of water. “Flashy” flows- sporadic and extreme variation in stream volume and velocity Headwater stream- the source of a stream; small streams in the beginning of a river network Impervious-not allowing entrance or passage of water Middle reaches- the general region between the small headwaters streams and very large rivers (See the discussion in River Continuum Concept subsection of Learning Set 2) Non-point source pollution- Pollution originating from a large land area, possibly many mobile sources Point source pollution- Pollution discharged from any identifiable point. Pollutant- anything that lowers the ability of land, air or water to support biotic communities and human users, or has adverse effects on users Pollution- environmental contamination Sedimentation-the deposition of material by water, wind or glaciers Subwatershed-a small watershed nested within and contributing to a larger watershed Thermal pollution- temperature extremes that are harmful to the environment

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LESSON 4: EXPLORING WATERSHEDS OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES Learning Objectives Through creating a model of a watershed, students will explain how water flows through a watershed, and characteristics of a watershed.

Assessment Criteria Student explanations and definition will include the terms introduced during class (elevation, slope, absorption, run-off, pooling, river system).

Purpose Students collaboratively build models of their watersheds by placing a large piece of butcher paper over various sized objects in a large pan. As students spray their model watersheds with water, they observe and mark on their map the movement and pooling representing rivers, lakes, and pools.

PREPARATION Set-up Make sure to review the plans for making watershed models before you get the materials for your classes. You will want to decide what size groups should be in your class based on materials and available space, as well as class dynamics. However, we do not recommend more than 4 people and in group, and preferably, just two or three. Be sure that surfaces near where students are going to spray water do not have any items that should not be exposed to water near them, and ideally, that surfaces are covered with garbage bags or drop cloths.

Materials • • • • • • • •

2-3 tall objects and 2-3 smaller objects that can fit in a tray/roasting pan Large sheets of freezer paper (alternately wax paper or butcher paper) Large waterproof tin tray/roasting pan Piece of transparency film or clear plastic wrap Small spray bottle with water Newspaper Tempora paint or food coloring Student worksheets: What is a Watershed?, Evaluation/Observation/Map, What Happens to Water When It Rains?, What Direction Does the Water Flow?

Time Two fifty-minute periods.

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INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE INTRODUCING THE LESSON Connect back to the driving question or relevant student sub-questions. An example connection might be: “On our walk we observed a small part of the river. Does any one have any ideas of what other parts of the river may look like? Does anyone know what causes a river to flow in a certain direction, or how its shape may be altered? Do you think the land around our river affects the quality of the water?These are some ideas that we need to learn more about.”

CONDUCTING THE LESSON Introduce the term “watershed”. One way to introduce the term “watershed” is to ask the students to separate the word into “water” and “shed” (to pour or cause to pour off; to emit) and discuss what each word means. Then ask the students what around their river might “shed” water? The land around your river. Inform the class that they will be learning about watersheds using a model. • • • •

Introduce the concept of modeling. Ask the class for some examples of models. Discuss with the class what a model is: Models represent a simplification of natural phenomenon All models have limitations Types of models we will use include: -Maps/pictures -Physical models -Dynamic computer models

Explain to the students that when model something you always go through certain steps. • • •

1st Plan-this is to decide what and how you will model something 2nd Build- this is when you actually build or make your model 3rd Test- at this time you test or run your model.

Inform the students their model has already been planned for them. Preview the materials and demonstrate how to Build the watershed model. As you demonstrate, connect the watershed model to the real world by addressing some of the following questions: • • • •

What might be the purpose of the watershed model? What are come of the components of the watershed model? What do these components represent? Are there ways we could vary the components to represent different things, such as using different types of paper?

Have students work in groups and hand out the “Student worksheet: What is a Watershed?” Assign roles to groups. Object Placer, Paper Placer, Taper, Watershed Transparency Map Creator, and Sprayer (you don’t need five people in a group - you can have one person do multiple things, or have groups of 2-3 pair up with one another to help with this activity. Remind students that they are all responsible for creating their individual watershed map, filling out their predictions, observations, and explanations, and taking notes on the concepts they identify. Have students get the materials, but not the waterbottles (yet)!

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Review the setup procedure with students and inform them that this is the Build stage of their model. Monitor students as they set up their watershed. When all groups are complete, refocus class to move on to the next step. Students will now create the elevation map. Hand out the Student Worksheet: Elevation/Observation Map, and describe the procedure for making elevation maps. Students will mark high areas with an “H”, and low areas with a “L” on both their model and the transparency/clear plastic wrap. Monitor students as they create the map, and have groups raise their hands when complete. You should check their work to make sure the map matches the watershed model when they are complete. Students will now make predictions about the water flow on their model. Review steps for making predictions, which should include what they think they will observe, and an explanation for WHY they are making the prediction. Have groups raise hands when predictions are complete, approve groups, and move on to the testing. Remind students that they need to keep detailed notes for their observations because they will be using these to help explain their model. Give each group a spray bottle and have students spray their model to simulate precipitation. Make sure groups make and note observations. Model the explanation phase by previewing the worksheet questions. This should include water branching patterns, lake formation, water absorption, and change in elevation, which creates a slope. Have groups continue with the activity, and make sure students clean up and return materials to the supply area when complete.

Making Meaning of the Models Have a few groups share their transparency elevation maps using an overhead projector or document camera. Prompt groups by asking some of the following questions: • • • • • •

How did the water flow over the surface of the land? What patterns did you observe How did the water accumulate? Where did the water accumulate? In what direction did the water flow? What caused the water to flow that way?

You will also want to discuss the role of the model in this activity. Review the following with students: • What is a model? • What is the purpose of a model? • What aspects of real life were simplified by the model? • How can this model (or one like it) help you investigate a river? • What aspects of real life were NOT included in the model? Finally, you will want to address the following newly introduced concepts related to watersheds from the modeling activity: • Branching patterns of the water flow representing a river system • Wet portions of the paper representing absorption (though this likely won’t happen if you use freezer paper because of the plastic lining) • Flow of the water over the paper representing runoff • Changes in elevation of the land on a part of the model represent slope • The entire model represents one or more watersheds

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Hand out the Student Worksheet: “What Happens to the Water When It Rains?” Use the same overhead to reinforce understanding of runoff, absorption, groundwater, and flow of water from high elevations to low elevations. • As you add terms to the overhead, students take notes on their copy. Using the Student Worksheet: ”What Direction Does the Water Flow? “ask students to describe the direction of water flow within the watershed. Prompt students by asking them how elevation affects the flow of water. (A common misconception is that all rivers flow south, be sure to discuss with students that rivers flow in all directions depending on the change in elevation in the watershed. Use Michigan as an example). Ask students to draw the flow of water on their own copy of the map. Have students come to the front of the room and draw the flow of water for a specific part of the map. Students should explain why the water flows as they predict. Repeat the above step until all map parts are explained. Use the Student Worksheet: “What Happens to the Water When It Rains? “overhead to reinforce understanding of runoff, absorption, groundwater, and flow of water from high elevations to low elevations. As you add terms to the overhead, students take notes on their copy.

CONCLUDING THE LESSON If time permits have a discussion connecting the new terms with what the students saw on thier river walk or video.

HOMEWORK Have students finish their student worksheets.

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LESSON 5 WHERE IS OUR RIVER ON THE MAP? OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES Learning Objectives Using relief maps, students will and explain how water flows through watersheds.

Assessment Criteria Students demonstrate on worksheets or journals the correct flow of water in Michigan, the Great Lakes and out to the Atlantic.

Purpose Students map their local watershed. They also use maps to trace the movement of water within their watershed and through the majorwater sheds in Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean.

PREPARATION Materials Student Worksheet/Major Michigan Watersheds Map is used to map the flow of water from each watershed into the Great Lakes. Student Worksheet/Great Lakes Topographic Map is used to show the varying land elevations in Michigan. At the end of the session, students use this map to draw the flow of water from the Great Lakes into the Atlantic. Student Reader/Where is My River Located?

Time Two fifty-minute periods.

INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE Introducing the Lesson Revisit the key idea of the models and Student Worksheet/What Direction Does Water Flow? Review what the various parts of the watershed model represented. (i.e. spray bottles = rain, etc.) Help the students recognize the reason they are learning about watersheds by making connections back to the DQ. Make sure they understand that the land around their river (watershed) contributes to what goes into the water. These connections may be facilitated by having the class select a representative product to place on the driving question board after a lesson.

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Conducting the Lesson Major Michigan Watershed Map Place a map of the Michigan Watershed on the overhead, place next to it the topographic map of Michigan. Explain to the students that a topographic map that represent the changes in the height of the land (elevation) of a given area. Some of the suggestions below provide information that may be useful in guiding students to understand basic hydrologic concepts and how they apply to a map representation of the state or a local area. • • • • • • • • •

Orient the students to the map by discussing the multiple watersheds in the lower peninsula of Michigan. Note that each watershed feeds into the Great Lakes. The river system of each watershed flows into the Great Lakes. Ask students to name each Great Lake. Have the students think about what each watershed might indicate about the relative land elevations in lower peninsula. Ask students to predict the flow of the water in one or two watersheds to the Great Lakes and to offer reasons for their predictions. Ask students to use the topographic map to help if they need it. Get out the map of the United States and trace water out from your river to Lake Erie out to the Atlantic Ocean. Ask students what must happen to the elevation of the other Great Lakes. Have students discuss how the water flows North East.

Possible Extension Activity for Assessment Constructing the Michigan Watershed Hand out one color copy of the Great Lakes topographic map to groups. Students should not write on this map or take it home. Ask students to think back to their maps they drew of their watershed model. They indicated high and low areas with H’s and L’s. Describe how the different elevations of the land are indicated by the different colors or shading on the map. (If time permits) Based upon the water flow pattern of the Michigan map, have the class or groups of students construct a watershed model that models water flow in Michigan. You can also choose to construct a model of Michigan with clay. Remind the students involved in modeling, Plan, Build and Test. Make connections between this new watershed model and a color coded topographical map. Indicate on the watershed model where the Great Lakes would be and any other locations that you wish to place on it. Spray the model and determine if the water flows in a similar manner as indicated by the arrows on the Michigan map.

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Concluding the Lesson Review major concepts Effect of elevation on water movement A watershed or catchment is an area of land which drains into a river system. Any water entering a watershed usually as precipitation will travel from higher elevations to lower elevations, which creates a slope in the land.

ESTABLISHING LINKS TO THE DRIVING QUESTION Ask the class how the information they gathered from the maps helps them answer the driving question. Ask the class if they have any additional questions for the driving question board.

HOMEWORK Assign Student Reader/Where Is My River Located?

Watersheds Watersheds can be viewed at a number of scales; a local scale such as the Rouge River watershed and at a larger scale like the Michigan Watershed. Watersheds are nested, smaller watersheds which can be found in a larger watershed which empties into a larger body of water. It is important to remember that water always moves from areas of high elevation into areas of low elevation. Maintaining the Driving Question There is a tendency to focus on the specific content of a session with the result that the reason for learning the information is lost. This concern can be addressed by making frequent (2-3 time per week) connections to the DQ.

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TEACHING STRATEGY: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT WITH CONCEPT MAPS FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT One of the major roles for the teacher in an inquiry-based learning environment is to constantly assess student understanding of topics, concepts, and practices, so that the teacher can help dissuade efforts that are going to build misconceptions, and so that teachers can better adjust their facilitation of discussion and investigations to build upon the prior knowledge of students. More information about this section will be sent to you individually.

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Using Concept Maps as an Assessment Tool Strategies Content for this section will be sent to you directly to replace this page in the curriculum guide.

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LESSON 6: BUILDING A MODEL OF THE RIVER (PART 1) OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES Learning Objectives Through interacting with parts and processes of a watershed, students will explain how river systems work and how they change the shape of the land.

Assessment Criteria Student explanations of watersheds will include the connections between the terms absorption, erosion, deposition, runoff, slope, and change in elevation.

Purpose During this lesson, students build physical models of a river using stream tables to explore the following relationships: • • • •

change in elevation (slope) and speed of water water movement and the transportation of land materials land use/cover, run-off and absorption land use/cover, point source and non-point source pollution

Students use stream tables to observe the transport of materials within a river.

PREPARATION Set-up See Teacher Resource Document on Stream Table Setup following this lesson or Student Worksheet/ Exploring Stream Tables-Introduction. Be sure that you review and familiarize yourself with the set up of the various stream tables and feel comfortable with your materials.

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Materials Spray bottles, one with clear water the other with colored water Stream table pan of earth materials * diatomaceous earth can be found at many pool supply stores

Two water supply containers 1 waste water bucket 2 wooden slats (ruler or paint stir stick) 1 wooden angle (to prop up tray) 1 large (2L) pop bottle filled with water 1 package transparency markers 1 tray cover (plexi glass) 1 magnifying glass Paper towels and a lot of newspapers Optional - Stream Table Video Student Worksheet/Exploring Stream Tables-Introduction Student Worksheet/Exploring Stream Tables-Observation Student Worksheet/Exploring Stream Tables-Comparisons Student Worksheet/What Happens to Water When it Rains? (from lesson 1) and a series of note cards andor post-it notes.

Time Two fifty-minute periods.

INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE - Part I INTRODUCING THE LESSON Provide a brief overview of the day’s activity. For example “Today we will explore watersheds in depth. We will investigate and learn more about the processes that occur in watersheds and how these processes can affect rivers and the land around them.” Have students form groups of 2-3 for the stream table activities. If you do not have enough stream tables for groups this size in your classroom, it is still advised to keep groups to a maximum of 4, as it is hard to otherwise have enough space for students to observe the erosion/deposition taking place if too many are trying to see. In that case, you may want to set up stations where students could rotate between using the stream table and planning the investigation or discussing what they just observed. Teacher hands out Student Worksheet/Exploring Stream Tables. Model the stream table set-up while students work in their groups to build stream tables. You can use the video posted on the Investigate the State website to demonstrate this. Demonstrate the set-up one step at a time. Students repeat each step as they build their stream table models. Complete set up. Explain to the class that their stream tables are examples of models. Ask the class what the various parts of the stream table model represent. (eg: earth materials = land, slope = elevation, spray from bottle = precipitation.) Responses should include objects identified in the watershed model.

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Making Predictions Ask the class to predict what will happen to their stream table when they release the water. • •

-What will happen to the water? -What will happen to the earth materials?

Have students share their predictions.

Making Observations Demonstrate the release of water one step at a time followed by the students. Monitor while students conduct procedure and record observations on their worksheets. Stop the class. Have students share and critique their observations. -Are they detailed enough? -Can they describe what they saw from their observations? -What observations were missing? -What else did people observe? Model procedures on the Student Worksheets/Exploring Stream Tables and Observation. • • • •

Students return to the stream tables and continue with observations. Facilitate while students conduct procedure and make observations and take notes on their worksheets. When the students are completed with their the worksheet for the flat stream table have them move on to the “Stream table on a slant” (Step 12 on the Student Worksheet/Exploring Stream Tables Observations). Inform them they will now investigate the stream table on a slant and to complete the “Observations” worksheet for this version of the stream table

CONCLUDING THE LESSON (If time permits move on to explanations - see next page) Teacher stops the class and holds a discussion. • • • •

What happened to the water? What happened to the earth materials? Note how your observations are similar or different from what was observed when the table was flat.

Observations It is important for students to create detailed observations. Observations provide the basis for constructing explanations and building understanding of relationships and concepts. Students will not make detailed and focused observations without encouragement. Support observations by presenting examples and providing opportunities for sharing and critiquing.

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TEACHER RESOURCE: SETTING UP STREAM TABLES Overview Purpose Stream tables are often used to model physical characteristics of rivers and hydrological functions in the water cycle. The stream tables used in this unit help students understand what happens to the water as it moves along or under the land to get to the local stream or river. Stream tables are often used to illustrate erosion, deposition, runoff, absorption, and pollution characteristics. In this unit, stream tables are used in lessons 6 and 7.

Materials Soil Mixture 20-30 lbs play sand (available from home improvement store - use clean, light colored sand) 10 lb diatomaceous earth (available from pool supply stores or some hardware stores - see picture at right) water Large bin for mixing (preferably 6+ gallons) filter mask Stream Table Investigation Large plastic bin (at least 20 x 15 x 6 high) Drill with 1/4 to 1/2 inch bit Spray bottle with water Large beaker with autoflow tap (preferred) or large container with a small hole in the side or bottom Bucket

Setup Procedure Making the soil mix. Wear a filter mast when making this mixture! Using a large bin, pour in the play sand, and then the diatomaceous earth, starting with nearly all the play sand, and 1-2 cups at a time of the diatomaceous earth (to reduce the dust formed when you mix the materials). Mix together using a paddle or paint mixing stick, folding gently at first to avoid airborne dust. Add another 1-2 cups of the diatomaceous earth and mix in a similar manner. Repeat until the mixture is the consistency of flour. Add a cup of distilled water, as shown in the picture at right, and mix with a stick or paddle to remove clumps. Repeat with 1 cup at a time until the mixture feels slightly damp, but is not muddy. This is done to reduce dust, and to limit the absorption that will take place in the stream tables.

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Small hole drilled in bottom centered on one end for

Stream Table Setup Get a large flat plastic bin that is approximately 6-8 inches high. Minimum length and width should be 20 inches and 15 inches respectively (preferably, with a cover for storage after use). At one end of the bin, drill a small hole (between 1/4 and 1/2 inch in diameter) in the bottom of the bin, centered on that end of the bin, as shown. Scoop in the soil mixture using a cup or beaker into the bin, making the soil deeper on one end, as shown in the picture at right. The mixture should be about 4 inches deep on the far end (away from the hole), down to nothing on the other, with about 3-4 inches of no soil mixture on the side with the hole. Pat down the soil mixture so it is firm.

You should “cut” a river into the soil for water to flow during the use of the model. Use your fingers and push into the soil, and then pull through to make a small ravine in the soil mixture until you get to the shallow end of the stream table. Try to make sure there is at least 1 curve in the river, as this will help illustrate erosion and deposition more easily than a straight line. Get a board or ruler and lay this across the top of the bin at the deep side, or simply hold the container that has the water in it over the river at the deep end of the stream table. Release the valve (or pour slowly at a steady rate) to first saturate the river bottom, and then pour consistently to show water flowing in the river. You should have enough water in the container to keep the water flowing in the river of the model for about 20 seconds. Water that runs through the river will flow out to the “lake” at the end of the stream table, and will drain to a bucket that you should place below the hole that you drilled. This will allow drainage. After all water is drained and the activity (as described in the lesson materials) is complete, press paper towels or newspapers into the soil to soak up remaining water. Cover and store for future use.

Safety Considerations Teachers should consider the following when setting up the stream tables for classroom use: • It is best to wear a filtering mask of some sort when mixing the diatomaceous earth, as the very fine particles can be inhaled and cause respiratory problems. • For the same reason as above, do not mix the soil mixture in a closed area - use a large tub to mix the materials in an open area for easy cleaning (preferably outside) • DO NOT pour diatomaceous earth, even in small quantities, down a drain. It is extremely absorbent, and will harden if it cannot easily drain, forming a concrete like substance. Trust us in this one - you don’t want to remove plumbing.

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LESSON 7: BUILDING A MODEL OF THE RIVER (PART 2) OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES Learning Objectives By investigating and experimenting with different versions of the stream table, students will explain the affects of different land uses and cover on streams. Optionally, students identify variables associated with a particular feature that is represented in the stream table, and create a

Assessment Criteria Explanations will include the effects of land covers and uses such as residential, urban, agricultural, commercial, natural areas and recreation and how such landcovers create non-point source pollution.

Purpose Student change their stream tables to explore how different land covers change their river system.

PREPARATION Special Considerations Be sure to familiarize yourself with the set up and materials in order to answer student questions and prevent confusion.

Materials • • • • • • • • •

Stream table materials (see Teacher Resources and previous pages) Optional- Stream table video Additional spray bottle filled with water dyed from food coloring. SW/Land cover Effects on Stream Tables SW/Landcover Effects on Stream Tables/Rural Observations SW/Landcover Effects on Stream Tables /Urban Observations SW/Landcover Effects on Stream Tables /Residential Observations SW/Landcover Effects on Stream Tables /Making Meaning Student Reader/Landcover and Uses: How Do They Affect Our River?

Time Two fifty-minute periods.

Jig Saw Strategy One strategy to utilize for this lesson is to have different groups construct tables for only one setting. These “expert” groups then share their findings with the rest of the class. This sharing can be linked to the Stream Table videos. The expert groups explain to the class what is happening in the video sequence.

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Rural Setting Water flows down hill from the top of the river to the bottom of the river and enters the lake. Earth materials are transported into the lake from the run off and begin to fill the lake. The land at the edge of the river is eroded and the buildings fall into the river.

Fertilizers and pesticides The colored water will be absorbed by the soil and will run off into the river and/or lake. When the clear water is sprayed more run-off forms carrying more colored water into the river and/or lake. When the water passes down the river into the lake, the colored water is carried the length of the river.

INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE INTRODUCING THE LESSON Briefly review with the class the previous day’s activity. Reinforce the following concepts and how they relate to the driving question as well as the stream table activity. • • • •

Run-off Deposition Erosion Effects of change in elevation (slope)

Describe today’s stream table activity. Today we will explore how land use/cover affects water quality.

CONDUCTING THE LESSON Define land use/cover and ask students to describe different ways humans use the land. For example : residential urban recreation agricultural commercial natural areas Define land use and prompt students to describe the different land covers associated with the different • • • • • •

land uses. Possible associations may include:

Land Use / Land Cover residential - grass, trees, soil, pavement/cement, houses, buildings, roads agricultural - grass, trees, soil, crops, animals urban - pavement/cement, houses, office buildings, factories, roads commercial - pavement/cement, houses, office buildings, stores, roads natural/recreation - grass, trees, soil, pavement, gravel Ask students to think about what happens to the water when it rains on each of the ground covers.Think back to when you went outside when it was raining. • • •

What happens to the rain when it hits the ground? How does the type of land cover affect what happens to the rain? What kinds of land cover are there in our community?

Hand out Student worksheet/Land cover Effects on Stream Tables.

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Building Stream Tables of Rural Settings Describe an agricultural setting for the stream table. A number of farm houses are located on the land. The crops have just been planted for the coming year so the land is bare with a lot of exposed soil. There is a river running through the area with a lake nearby that many of the families use for swimming. Set up the stream table to represent the setting, see student worksheets and appendix). Be sure the table is on a slant. (This set-up is the same as part two of the previous day.)

Hypothesis Assess whether your students are knowledgeable with making hypothesis. If not review what makes a good hypothesis. Students make and record hypothesis. Students record reason for their hypothesis. Students volunteer to share their hypothesis and reasons.

Testing and Observations Review procedure Monitor class as students conduct the activity. Have students record their observations on their worksheets

Explanations and Concept Identification Have students share their observations with the class. Prompt students with the following questions. How did the water move on the stream table? How does the bare soil affect the amount of water that is absorbed by the ground? How does the bare soil affect the amount of run off produced? What happened to the fertilizer? Work with students to develop the relationship between vegetation and the amount of absorption and run • • • •

off. Be sure to introduce the terms point source and non-point source pollution. Non-point source (NPS) pollution, unlike point source pollution from industrial and sewage treatment plants, come from many diffuse sources. NPS pollution is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over and through the ground. As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries way natural and human-made pollutant and finally depositing them into bodies of water.

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Residential Settings Precipitation is absorbed by grass and vegetation. Eventually water begins to accumulate and flows as runoff into the river and lake. Water moves from high to low areas.

Urban Settings Virtually no absorption is observed on the pavement or buildings. The water accumulates and moves over the surface of the land as runoff. Small amounts of absorption may be observed by the a bare soil around the pavement and buildings. Water will accumulate and run off from the bare soil as well. Water moves from high to low areas.

Building Stream Tables of Residential Settings Teacher describes a residential setting for the stream table. A developer comes in and builds houses along the left side of the river. A lot of grass and trees are planted around the houses. Set-up the stream table to represent the setting. Be sure the table is on a slant. (This set-up is the same as part two of the previous day.) -Place some houses on the left side of the river on top of a layer of grass

Testing and Observations Briefly review procedure Monitor class as they conduct the activity. Have students record their observations and take notes.

Explanations and Concept Identification Have students share their observations with the class. Ask students the following questions. • • •

How did the water move on the stream table? How does vegetative land cover affect the amount of water that is absorbed by the ground compared to the bare soil? How does vegetative land cover affect the amount of run-off produced compared to the bare soil?

Have students call on each other during the sharing phase. Work with students to develop the relationships between vegetation and the amount of absorption and run-off. Provide students an opportunity to brainstorm within their groups and then have a few share their explanations.

Building Stream Tables of Urban Settings • • •

Describe an urban setting for the stream table. A large land developer comes into the area and decides to put in a large number of buildings, streets and parking lots. Set-up the stream table to represent the setting. Be sure the table is on a slant. (This set-up is the same as part two of the previous day.) -Remove the houses and grass. Place a few buildings on your model. Add a few streets and a parking lot using the laminated pieces of black construction paper. Place the buildings and pavement only on the left side of the river.

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Testing and Observations Review procedure. Monitor class as students conduct the activity. Record your observations again.

CONCLUDING THE LESSON Students share their observations with the class. Ask the following questions. • • • •

How did the water move on the stream table? How does urban land cover (streets and parking lots) affect the amount of water that is absorbed by the ground compared to the vegetation or bare soil? How does urban land cover (streets and parking lots) affect the amount of run-off produced compared to the vegetative or bare soil? Which type of pollution would be produced in an area like our setting? (non-point source pollution)

Work with students to develop the relationships between urban land cover (streets and parking lots) and the amount of absorption and run-off. -Provide students an opportunity to brainstorm within their groups and then have a few share their explanations. Have students complete Student Worksheet/Landcover Effects on Stream Tables - Making Meaning.

HOMEWORK Assign Student Reader/Land cover and Uses: How Do They Affect Our River?

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LESSON 7A: BUILDING A MODEL OF THE RIVER INVESTIGATING VARIABLES NOTE This is an optional variation of Lesson 7 that we are preparing for the Investigate the State program. These will be distributed in print form through the Investigate the State website.

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