Washington Federation Of State Employees

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  • Pages: 60
Washington Federation of State Employees



Biennial Convention

October 3-4, 2009

DoubleTree SeaTac, Washington



Visit early and often!

Find us in the Convention Hall foyer.

Merchandise for Sale • WFSE PEOPLE Fleece JacketsMen’s & Women Sizes AvailableLimited Quantities • WFSE PEOPLE Ball Caps • WFSE PEOPLE Beanie Hats • WFSE PEOPLE Scarves • AFSCME PEOPLE Women’s ¾ Length Sleeved • AFSCME PEOPLE Men’s Polo Shirts • AFSCME PEOPLE Water Bottles • AFSCME PEOPLE Socks • Blow-Out Sale--Miscellaneous Merchandise Available

Live & Silent Auctions • Silent Auction: Visit the PEOPLE Booth to view Silent Auction items. Bidding is open all day Saturday and Sunday until 11:30 am. Winners will be announced at lunch on Sunday. • Live Auction: PEOPLE is also holding a Live Auction during the lunch on Sunday. View Live Auction items at the PEOPLE booth and get ready to bid! Proceeds benefit the PEOPLE Program.

[PAGE 8 for more info]


We accept:

Friday Noon - 5:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm CHECK



Contents Vision, Mission & Core Values.................................................................... 4 Convention Call............................................................................................ 5 Important Information for Delegates/Alternates.................................. 6 Helpful Hints for Effective Participation ................................................ 7 Special Events................................................................................................ 8 Guide to Facilities & Services.................................................................... 10 How the Convention Works..................................................................... 12 Guest Speakers............................................................................................. 21 Convention Committees .......................................................................... 23 Workshops.................................................................................................... 25 Exhibit Hall ................................................................................................... 28 Awards............................................................................................................ 29 Agenda Highlights......................................................................................... 30 WFSE Locals.................................................................................................. 34 WFSE Staff..................................................................................................... 36 WFSE Executive Board............................................................................... 38 Rules & Order of Business (DRAFT) ..................................................... 39 WFSE Constitution...................................................................................... 43 WFSE By-Laws.............................................................................................. 54 AFSCME Constitution Appendix D, Elections Code .......................... 56 SeaTac DoubleTree: Floor Plans............................................................. 58


Vision, Mission & Core Values Vision WFSE is an efficient dynamic, member driven, and diverse organization that supports and empowers public service employees. We achieve this through organization, training, and education in all public forums, political levels with activism, integrity, pride, and coalition building. We build public support and trust. Our membership is inclusive in nature, seeking uniform fairness with strong ethical standards to protect public interests.

Mission WFSE’s Purpose Is: • To organize and empower individuals to create a powerful collective voice. • To respond to the needs and directions of the membership. • To achieve and maintain excellent wages, benefits, and working conditions. • To ensure the union is a positive force in workers’ lives, families, and communities. • To unite the WFSE Locals of AFSCME for mutual protection and advancement of workers.

Core Values DEMOCRATIC - Membership driven, members connected, and essential to the process. RESPECT - Ideas, diversity, perspectives, public respect, dignity, compassion. INTEGRITY - Honesty, ethical, courage, doing what’s right, mean what you say, trust but verify. FAIRNESS AND EQUITY - Representation without bias including political action. Diversity in ideas, behavior, and differences. PROFESSIONALISM - Mentoring, responsiveness, accountability, continuous improvement, education and training. BETTERMENT OF WORKERS’, LIVES AND FAMILIES - Wages, benefits, working conditions, healthcare, and safety. 4

Convention Call This Convention is called in accordance with Article VII - Meetings, Section 1, of the Council Constitution, which states: “The Council biennial Convention shall be held in odd-numbered years and on a Saturday and Sunday in September or October but may also be convened on the preceding Friday. The call to the biennial Convention shall be issued at least 120 days preceding the commencement of the Convention. The Convention city shall be selected by the Executive Board.” The 43nd Biennial Convention of the Washington Federation of State Employees, Council 28 AFSCME AFL-CIO, will be held in Sea-Tac, Washington at DoubleTree Hotel (18740 Pacific Highway South, Sea-Tac, WA 98188) on October 3 and 4 2009 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Committee meetings will be held on Friday, October 2, 2009, beginning at 9:00 a.m. All Committee members shall be notified fifteen (15) days prior to the convening of the Convention in writing of committee appointments made by the Council President. REPRESENTATION Our Council constitution, ARTICLE VIII, provides for the number of delegates and votes to which each Local is entitled. Page 46 CREDENTIALS Credentials for Delegates are covered under ARTICLE VI of the By-Laws. Page 55 RESOLUTIONS See ARTICLE III of the By-Laws for information about Resolutions. Page 54 AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS See ARTICLE XVII for Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws. Page 53 NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Elections Code, Appendix D, of the International Constitution (Page 56), as supplemented by ARTICLE XIII of the Council 28 Constitution. Page 51


Important Information More than 500 delegates, alternates and guests are expected to participate in the WFSE’s 43rd Biennial Convention. Your Delegate/Alternate bag contains the materials that will help you participate fully in the convention’s proceedings. Delegate Resources includes: • reports of the Officers; • copies of proposed constitutional amendments and resolutions submitted prior to the convention; • list of Delegates/Alternates, Delegate Strength and Voting Lists • Convention Committee roster; • this Delegate Guide. Your Delegate Guide includes: • information about the events, facilities, and services available during the Convention; • Convention Call, Rules & Order of Business, the Democratic Rules, and procedures that govern Convention business; • Agenda Highlights; N TIO N E NV • descriptions and locations of LY CO I A committee meetings, caucuses, D E S WF workshops and booths; • Executive Board & Staff rosters. • • • • • •


Highlights of previous day Speakers & Special Guests Upcoming Events Committee Meetings Workshops Games, puzzles

Helpful Hints for Effective Participation • Read the materials in your Delegate bag. • Wear your badge at all times while in SeaTac DoubleTree • Attend “New Delegate and Alternates” workshop on Friday, October 2, at either 1:00 PM or 2:45 PM in NORTHWEST 2 • Attend all business sessions.

Mbr Name Local# DELEGATE

• Understand the procedures for introducing and acting on resolutions and constitutional amendments. Page 17, 18 • Read the WFSE Daily. It’s your best source for up-to-minute news and information on Convention activities. WFSE Daily will also be posted online at WFSE.org > 2009 Convention. • Find out when and where committees are meeting, and make yourself heard on issues important to your local and bargaining unit. • Place your cell phone on vibrate/silent mode during all Convention activities. • Please refrain from wearing perfume or aftershave during Convention activities. Many of your brothers and sisters are sensitive to certain scents. • When you have a question, ask a WFSE staff person.


Special Events, Meetings Delegates/Alternates Reception and Banquet Friday evening from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM in the GRAND BALLROOM. Reception begins at 6:30 PM, with a Banquet program to follow at 7 PM. Delegates/Alternates will dine on Prime Rib and enjoy an inspiring program. [Vegetarian and Diabetic meal options are available. Ask your server]

Our special guest speaker is Bill Lucy, AFSCME’s International Secretary-Treasurer, and a long-time friend of Washington Federation of State Employees. Also scheduled are presentations for the Howard Ocobock PEOPLE Award, and the George Masten Courage Award.

Next Wave Social Gathering Friday evening at 9:00 PM, in EVERGREEN 1. This social gathering is intended for Delegates/Alternates who are age 35 and under.

PEOPLE Events • PEOPLE Booth - Visit the PEOPLE booth in the Convention Hall foyer to purchase merchandise and view items up for bid in the Silent and Live auctions. • PEOPLE Reception - Saturday evening from 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM in Maxi’s Ballroom. The Reception is open only to PEOPLE Gold and Platinum MVP’s. • PEOPLE Auctions & Luncheon - PEOPLE will conduct a Live Auction at lunch in the Convention Hall on Sunday. Winners of the Silent Auction will be announced during lunch also. For more information, see front cover. 8

Find a map to the meeting rooms on Page 59

WSECU-hosted Briefing

Saturday morning at 7:30 AM in NORTHWEST 2. Financial advisors from WSECU will provide information and resources that you can use to strengthen your finances. Breakfast Buffet - attendance restricted*

CWS Privatization Pilots - Update Meeting

Friday morning at 11 AM in CASCADE 13. Find out what’s been happening since the passage of 2SHB 2106. Coffee service

Candidate Forum

Saturday evening at 7:00 PM in NORTHWEST 2. Hear from the candidates who are seeking your vote for Council Officer. Voting will be conducted on Sunday morning.

Conservative Caucus Meeting

Sunday morning at 7:30 AM in CASCADE 13 Attendance restricted to Conservative Caucus members. Breakfast Buffet

Women’s, Equal Partners Breakfast

Sunday morning at 7:30 AM in NORTHWEST 1 Program: Washington Women Win the Vote in 1910 Shanna Stevenson is a graduate of Gonzaga University with a BA in history and holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from The Evergreen State College. After a 20-year career as a historic preservation professional, she joined the Washington State Historical Society in 2006 as Coordinator of the Washington Women’s History Consortium. Breakfast Buffet *The meeting is open to 2 delegates from each local. The Chair of each Local Delegation will distribute the tickets. 9

Guide to Facilities & Services Registration & Information booth The Registration & Information booth is located in the foyer outside the Convention Hall (see facility map on Page 59). WFSE Staff members are there to answer your questions. *******Validate your parking ticket here. Registration & Information will be open: • Thursday, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm • Friday, from 8:00 am - 5:30 pm • Saturday, from 8:00 am - Recess (Convention Registration ends at 11 am)

Convention Daily News For information on upcoming activities, committee meetings, caucuses, special events and highlights of the previous and upcoming day’s events, read Convention Daily. Copies will be available each morning in news stands located in the foyer and Exhibit Hall. Convention Daily will also be posted online at WFSE.org > 2009 Convention > Daily News.

Cyber Cafe Check your email at the Cyber Cafe in the Exhibit Hall. Four terminals will be available for delegates and alternates to use.

Wi-Fi Lobby areas and the foyer area outside of the Convention Floor are equipped with free Wi-Fi. Meeting rooms are not equipped with free Wi-Fi.

Business Center Campaign-related or local business needs can be done at the Business Center, at local or personal expense. Hours: 7:30 am and 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday; located on the second floor of the tower building. Available 24 hours by key card access. Please contact guest services for more information. 10

Food Options Meals are provided to Delegates/Alternates at the Friday evening Banquet; and on Sunday at the PEOPLE Lunch/Auction. See Page 8 for event details. All other meals are “on your own.” Food options include the Expresso Bar, the Coffee Garden, and Seaport’s. • Expresso Bar - expanded “food to go” options. • The Coffee Garden is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. HOURS: Friday, 6 am - 2 pm; Saturday 6 am - 10 pm; Sunday, 6 am - 2 pm.

• Seaport’s Restaurant offers a lunch menu from 11 AM - 5 PM; and a dinner menu from 5 PM - 10 PM.

Meeting Rooms Delegates or constituency group caucuses who wish to gather and use hotel meeting space can make the request at the Registration & Information booth. Requests will be accommodated only if space is available.

Message Board A message board will be located at the Registration & Information booth. Please check it from time to time for individual messages and Convention announcements.

Lost & Found The Registration & Information booth serves as the Lost & Found. Please do not leave your personal belongings unattended.

Automated Teller Machine There is an ATM conveniently located adjacent to the front desk. 11

How the Convention Works The following is important information on how work is conducted at the WFSE Convention. We also have included answers to frequently asked questions on speaking at the Convention, voting and taking action on resolutions and amendments.

Local Elections Once the Convention Call was received, Locals held elections by secret ballot to choose delegates and alternates to represent them at Convention. These delegates and alternates had their credential papers certified by their local officers and sent to the Council Secretary at Council Headquarters at least sixty (60) days before the start of the Convention.

Locally Sponsored Resolutions and Amendments Over the past several months, Locals, policy committees and executive board members have taken the time to discuss issues and determine their position with respect to those issues. Some of these discussions and decisions resulted in resolutions and proposed amendments to the WFSE Constitution. Signed by the Local President and Secretary, these were sent to the Council Secretary at Council Headquarters. The Council made copies of all resolutions and amendments received. You have a set of them in your Delegate Kit.

A copy of the WFSE Constitution is included in this booklet - Page 43. 12

Convention Committees Convention committees are appointed by the Council President. These committees - Credentials, Resolutions, Rules, Sergeant-at-Arms, Constitution & Bylaws, Elections, Legislative and PEOPLE - meet on Friday, prior to the opening of the Convention and will make reports during the Convention as needed. • Convention Committees Schedule, Page 23 The Credentials Committee’s major responsibility is to make sure that all the credentials received before the Convention have met the requirements for participation. A delegate whose credential is received by the committee after the 60th day prior to the Convention is considered an irregular delegate and is not included in the committee’s initial report. Shortly after the adoption of its initial report, the Credentials Committee will make a second report and will move to seat any irregular delegates. The Committee on Rules and the Order of Business recommends the rules of procedure for the Convention. A copy of the new rules proposed by the committee is provided at the opening session and you will have an opportunity to vote on their adoption. Read DRAFT Rules on Page 39. The Sergeant-at-Arms Committee assists the chair in maintaining order and decorum within the Convention hall. Members of the committee assist delegates who want to be heard during discussions. Sergeants-at-Arms also ensure that only persons with approved credentials are on the Convention floor. In addition, they are responsible for counting delegates on standing votes. The Constitution & Bylaws Committee A/B considers all proposed amendments to the WFSE Constitution. Proposed amendments have been divided between Committee-A and Committee-B. Each Committee will give a report to the full Convention with recommendations on each submission. • Read more about Convention Committees, Page 24 13

Admission to Convention Registered delegates receive a Delegate Kit and badge that admits you onto the floor of the Convention every day. Alternate delegates are also given a Delegate Kit and a badge that admits them to the section of the Convention hall set aside for Alternates and Guests.

Convention Rules Rules of order are necessary to conduct business in an organized and democratic way. Becoming familiar with and following the rules of the Convention will make your participation more effective. Although the official rules of WFSE’s 43rd Biennial Convention are not adopted until the opening session, the following general rules will help you prepare to take an active role. WFSE uses Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, as its guide for setting Convention rules. However, the WFSE Constitution takes precedence, and all rules must be consistent with the Constitution. Read Rules & Order of Business on Page 39.

Addressing the Convention How do I get to the floor when I have something to say? If you want to address the Convention, go to a microphone near you. In turn, the Chair will recognize you and inquire your purpose for rising. What do I do when I have the floor? First, give your name and the local you represent. Then state why you wish to speak. When speaking on a motion, you will have a fixed time to speak, unless a majority of the delegates vote you an extension of time. The fixed time limit is set by the Rules Committee. What if I am interrupted by another delegate? Delegates may not interrupt one another except when they have a point of order. If the Chair decides the interruption is indeed a point of order, you 14

may be asked to be seated until the question is decided. After that, you may resume speaking. What if I think the Chair was wrong in determining the point of order? The decision of the Chair can be appealed, but the appeal must have the support of 25 percent of the delegates. What if I want to speak again on the same issue? You may do so, but only after all other delegates wishing to speak on that issue have done so. What if I think the debate has gone on long enough? You may go to a microphone and when recognized by the Chair move the previous question to close debate. Once your motion is made and seconded, the Chair is required by the rules to put your motion to a vote. If the ayes have it, debate is closed by a decision of the Convention, and the delegates must proceed to vote on the issue. If the previous question is moved and only one side of an issue has been heard, the Chair shall recognize additional speakers prior to the vote on the previous question, alternating between those in favor of and in opposition to the pending motion, until three speakers on the opposite side of the issue have been heard or until no speakers on the opposite side of the issue are seeking recognition, whichever comes first. How do I make a motion to reconsider a vote the Convention has already taken? If you voted on the winning side of the issue, you may move to have the decision of the Convention reconsidered. You must make the motion to reconsider no later than the meeting following the meeting in which the original vote was taken. Is it possible to amend a motion made as part of a committee report? Yes. This may be done in the same manner as amending other motions and resolutions and requires a majority vote of delegates voting. However, any 15

proposed constitutional amendment that needs only a majority vote of the Convention requires a two-thirds vote for revision. If this is done it then takes only a majority vote to pass the revised amendment.

Voting at the Convention Who can vote at the Convention? Only accredited delegates who are properly seated by the Convention can vote. When and how do delegates vote? Delegates vote for resolutions, amendments and committee reports. Most decisions are made by voice vote, with the Chair exercising his or her best judgment on the decision. However, decisions can be challenged from the floor. How do I challenge the Chair’s decision on a voice vote? A delegate who wants to appeal the announced result of a voice vote can request a standing vote (division of the house). When a standing vote is taken, the delgates voting for the motion are asked to stand. If the result is not apparent from viewing the standing delegates, the Sergeants-at-Arms count the number standing in support of the motion and report their count to the Chair. Those who oppose the motion stand and are counted. The Chair announces the result. How do I challenge the result of a standing vote? A delegate who wants to appeal the announced result of a standing vote can do so only by requesting a roll-call vote. Before the roll-call vote can go forward, this request must be supported by 15 Locals. When a roll-call vote is requested, the delegates who supported the request are asked to stand. If the result is not apparent from viewing the standing delegates, the Sergeant-at-Arms count the number standing in support of the motion and report their count to the Chair.


How does a roll-call vote work? Once the Chair has ordered a roll-call vote, no adjournment or recess or special order is possible until the roll call is completed. The Treasurer calls each local by number and announces the number of votes to which each is entitled. Each delegate answering must stand, give his or her name and cast the vote. Three official tellers, appointed by the Chair, record the votes and announce the results after the final tabulation.

Resolutions What happened to the resolution submitted by my local? If your resolution was submitted to the Council prior to 45 days before the opening of the Convention, it was assigned to a committee for discussion and recommendations. Copies were made available to all delegates and when the committee reports it to the full Convention, your resolution will be acted on. Is it possible to submit a resolution during the Convention? Yes. Once the Convention has convened, a resolution may only be submitted by the Executive Board at any time up to the afternoon recess on the first day of Convention. At that time it is assigned to a committee for its recommendation and is acted on subsequently by the full Convention. May I attend committee meetings to discuss resolutions? Yes. Any delegate may attend any committee meeting to speak on resolutions. Committees have the authority to designate times when non-committee members may speak and set time limits on their statements. In addition, committees may, by majority vote, exclude delegates who are not members of the committee during deliberations and/or voting. How does the Convention vote on resolutions? Resolutions are acted on by voice votes of the full Convention. The same general rules apply to voice votes on resolutions that apply to other voice votes. 17

Constitutional Amendments The WFSE Constitution is a living document that must be amended from time to time as changing circumstances demand. Constitutional amendments can only be adopted by the delegates to a WFSE Convention. How are amendments to the WFSE Constitution introduced? Amendments to the Constitution that were submitted to the Council Secretary no later than 45 days before the Convention - except proposals to change the Council’s per capita tax, which require submission 90 days prior to Convention - and mailed to all locals at least 30 days prior to the Convention may be passed by a two-thirds vote. All amendments to the Council 28 Constitution, including amendments to change the per capita tax require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the delegates voting for adoption. When is the amendment effective? Amendments shall be subject to the approval of the International President in accordance with Article IX of the International Constitution.

Electing WFSE Officers Delegates will elect the WFSE President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. On Saturday morning at 10:30 am, nominations will be taken from the Convention floor for WFSE’s four officers. In cases where there are more nominees than offices to be filled, elections will be held. The Elections Committee will conduct the elections on Sunday from 9:00 am until voting is completed. Delegates are required to show Convention badges to cast a vote. If any runoffs are necessary they will take place immediately after the vote is announced by the Elections Committee. A candidate forum is scheduled for Saturday evening at 7:00 PM in NW2. 18

The Roles of the WFSE Officers All WFSE Officers promise and pledge to perform faithfully and with honor the duties of their office and to deliver to their successor all books, papers and other property of the union in their possession at the close of the term. WFSE President is the presiding officer of the Convention and will chair the general session, but at any time may call on the Vice President to preside temporarily. The President will report on the Union’s activities since the last Convention. The President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees except Credentials and Elections. The President is responsible for enforcing the rules of order and has the assistance of a parliamentarian throughout the Convention, and as Convention Chair makes judgments on voice votes, recognizes persons who wish to speak, calls on committee chairs for reports, introduces guests and speakers and guides the delegates through the demanding business of the Convention. WFSE Vice President serves to assist the President in conducting the business of the Council. WFSE Secretary serves as secretary of the Convention and issues the Convention Call to all locals, and at the opening session, reads that Call, thus initiating business. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to receive the credentials of delegates and alternates and to submit them to the Credentials Committee. The Secretary, with WFSE staff, work with the committee to provide the necessary information as to whether locals meet the constitutional requirements for representation at the Convention and to assign to each local the number of votes to which it is entitled under the WFSE Constitution. The Secretary also receives proposed resolutions and constitutional amendments, and distributes them in accordance with the WFSE Constitution. During the Convention, the Secretary reports on activities and maintains a record of the proceedings. Proceedings are distributed to all delegates and locals following the Convention. 19

WFSE Treasurer has the responsibility to submit an audit report to the Convention covering the two preceding fiscal years and to present the budget for the new biennium.

Committee Reports, and Special Guests/Speakers Committee Chairs report throughout the Convention on the business of their committees. They are called upon as their committees present items for action by the full Convention. Various guests and speakers address the Convention on topics of state and local interest, and appear throughout the proceedings. See Page 21 for Speaker information.

Distribution of Materials on Convention Floor Distribution of any materials to Delegates on the Convention floor is authorized ONLY with permission of the Council President. All approved distributions will be delivered by the Sergeant-at-Arms.


Guest Speakers Gerald W. McEntee (Via video) AFSCME President Gerald W. McEntee has been AFSCME president since 1981. He’s been a labor leader since 1958 and was first elected as executive director of AFSCME Council 13 in Pennsylvania in 1973 and as an AFSCME International vice president in 1974. As vice president of the AFL-CIO and chair of the Political Education Committee, McEntee is a key leader in the labor movement and its political efforts. President McEntee has long been a leader in the fight for health care reform. He chairs the AFL-CIO’s Health Care Committee and is a co-chair of Health Care for America NOW! He is also a co-founder and chairman of the board of the Economic Policy Institute. For his efforts to improve the lives of working families, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights presented McEntee with its prestigious Hubert H. Humphrey Award in 2004.

William Lucy AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer William Lucy was first elected AFSCME secretary-treasurer in 1972—Council 28 put his name in nomination. Lucy is a former president of Local 1675 in Contra Costa County, Calif. He joined the AFSCME staff in 1966 as associate director of the Legislation and Community Affairs departments. There, he became a key figure in the 1968 Memphis sanitation workers strike; that victory for decency and fairness was tarnished by the tragic assassination of Mr. Lucy’s colleague Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Sec.-Treas. Lucy’s role in that strike is chronicled in Michael Honey’s 2007 book, Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign. Lucy is a member of the AFL-CIO Executive Council, a vice president of the Maritime Trades Department and Department of Professional Employees, vice president of Public Services International and serves on the boards of directors for the International Rescue Committee, Americans for Democratic Action and the Center for Policy Alternatives. He is a founder and president of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and was one of the founders of the Free South Africa Movement that launched the successful anti-apartheid campaign in the United States in the 1980s. 21

Guest Speakers Lee A. Saunders Sr.

Ken Allen

Executive Assistant to AFSCME President Gerald W. McEntee

Executive Director, Oregon AFSCME Council 75

Lee Saunders is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the activities of the departments of Legislation, Political Action, Public Affairs and Retiree programs. In that capacity, he oversees the most effective political and legislative operation in the history of the American labor movement. He also served as administrator of a number of AFSCME councils and large locals across the country in order to rebuild these unions when they have been placed under the control of the national union. Saunders began his career with AFSCME in 1978 as a labor economist. He has been assistant director of Research and Collective Bargaining Services, director of Community Action and deputy director of Organizing and Field Services. He’s a board member of the Progressive States Network and serves on a number of other boards and commissions.

Ken Allen has been an AFSCME Northwest Regional vice president since 2004 (along with Council 28 Executive Director Greg Devereux). Allen has been with Council 75 for 15 years and has also served as council representative, assistant executive director and chief negotiator. He is also a vice president of the Oregon AFL-CIO and a board member of Inside Oregon Enterprises. He can often be seen on the ground in Washington state supporting job actions and other fights being waged by Council 28.

The Honorable Christine Gregoire Governor of the State of Washington Chris Gregoire has been governor since 2005. She began her state career as a WFSE/AFSCME member while a clerk typist with the Department of Corrections in Spokane. She worked her way up the ranks to social worker, then after law school as an assistant attorney general. In that role, she negotiated the landmark 1985 comparable worth pay equity settlement with WFSE/AFSCME. She’s also been director of the Department of Ecology and, from 1993 to 2005, state attorney general. 22

Convention Committees Friday, October 2 Committee Chairs Meeting Maxi’s Salon 7:30 am This meeting is restricted to the chairs of the Legislative, Resolutions and Constitution & Bylaws committees; assigned staff; and council officers. Committee Meeting Schedule Credentials Committee Constitution & Bylaws Committee-A Constitution & Bylaws Committee-B Elections Committee Legislative Committee Officer Reports PEOPLE Committee Resolutions Committee Rules Committee Sergeant-at-Arms Committee


Time 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Credentials Committee Oversees registration at the Convention; tracks the number of local unions, delegates and alternates registered at the Convention. Reports to the Convention and certifies that a quorum is present. Ensures that the Elections Committee receives the final tally of the number of delegates present. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Reviews, discusses and makes recommendations to the Convention on resolutions and proposed amendments that require a change to the Council Constitution. 23

Convention Committees Elections Committee Responsible for the conduct of the nominations and elections for the four Council officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Committee drafts the rules for the nomination and election procedures and makes recommendations to the body. The Committee conducts the nominations and elections and reports the results of the election to the convention body as each Council officer is elected. Legislative Committee Receives, discusses and makes recommendations to the Convention on resolutions that require legislative action. PEOPLE Committee Raises funds for AFSCME’s political action fund known as PEOPLE (Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality) throughout the Convention. Committee Members encourage delegates/alternates to sign up; increase a contribution and/or buy PEOPLE products and give periodic status reports to the Convention on attaining the goal. Resolution Committee Reviews, discusses and makes recommendations to the Convention on resolutions that do not require legislative action or changes to the Council Constitution. Rules Committee This committee drafts proposed Rules for the Convention. The adoption of the Rules and Order of Business is one of the first actions taken by the Convention. Sergeant-at-Arms Committee Responsible for the Convention hall set up, and for distributing all approved handouts. Assists the Chair with maintaining order and decorum during the Convention. Assists the Elections Committee during the elections on Sunday morning. 24



Friday, October 2 1:00 - 2:30 pm Workshop


New Delegate Training


PEOPLE Because if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu CASCADE 9 & 10 Get Connected - WFSE’s Online Communications


NO on I-1033


How to Run Effective Meetings


National Health Care Reform


2:45 - 4:15 pm Workshop


New Delegate Training


PEOPLE Because if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu CASCADE 9 & 10 Blogging 101 - Building WFSE’s Online Community


Vote No on I-1033


How to Run Effective Meetings


National Health Care Reform





New Delgate Orientation: Learn how to take an active role in the decision-making process NORTHWEST 2 | 1 pm & 2:45 pm | Gladys Burbank Delegates and alternates will learn how the convention works during this workshop. You’ll learn about parliamentary law, the rules of the Convention and how to take an active part in the decision making process. The class is available to all delegates and alternates regardless of how many times they have attended the convention. It’s a good introduction for first time delegates and alternates as well as a good refresher course for experienced delegates and alternates. PEOPLE: Because if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu CASCADE 9 & 10 | 1 pm & 2:45 pm | Al Austin and Gerry Fidler, AFSCME Delegates and alternates will learn the purpose, benefits and operations of AFSCME’s PEOPLE program. You’ll explore some of the feelings and motivations behind giving money and practice having 1-on-1 conversations about the PEOPLE program. Get Connected: WFSE’s Online Communications CASCADE 13 | 1 pm | Tim Welch and Laura Reisdorph, WFSE Online communications are a powerful way to create a community, concentrate a message and amp up a voice. Find out how LaborWeb, WFSE.org, Web 2.0 and syndicated content are being used to channel information to members. Make Every Meeting Matter: How to Run an Effective Meeting CASCADE 1 & 2 | 1 pm & 2:45 pm | Liz Larsen, WFSE 26



Blogging 101: Building WFSE’s Online Community CASCADE 13 | 2:45 pm | Tim Welch and Laura Reisdorph, WFSE What’s a blog and why do people blog? Should I blog? Should WFSE? Find out more about online social profiles and where you fit in. Then join the conversation about how we integrate blogging into WFSE’s communication strategy to create a vibrant online community. Legislative & Political Action NO on I-1033 - What’s Tim Eyman up to now? CASCADE 7 & 8 | 1 pm & 2:45 pm | Mindie Reule, The NO Campaign This latest initiative from Tim Eyman uses the same failed formula as the “TABOR” law passed in Colorado, where it did so much damage to the state’s economy that voters suspended the law in 2005. The national recession has already cost our state thousands of jobs and forced billions in cutbacks. This initiative’s flawed and rigid budget formula will lock in these cuts for years to come – hurting our schools, making the health care crisis even worse, and prolonging the economic downturn. AFSCME Public Policy Get informed and get active on health care reform CASCADE 3 | 1 pm & 2:45 pm | Sally Tyler, AFSCME Join Sally Tyler of AFSCME’s Public Policy department in a discussion about efforts to win health care for all - what are the most important issues for our union, what is in the current legislation and why the next few weeks are critical for our success.


Exhibit Hall

NORTHWEST 1 Friday & Saturday 8 am - 4 pm

Cyber Cafe

Steward Committee Booth

Check your email at the Cyber Cafe in the Exhibit Hall. Four terminals will be available for delegates and alternates to use.

HOURS: Sat. 9 am - 4 pm

• Sign up for Steward in Action trainings • Steward stories and testimonials • RAFFLE: Notebook Computer; Leather Briefcase; The Legal Right of Union Stewards in a trapper-style binder.

Booths scheduled: WFSE LGBTQI booth WFSE Next Wave booth Living History Wall to illustrate our individual labor history experiences. Share your pictures, articles, and stories.

Get Connected!

Benefit for Barb & Friends

WFSE Online Communications

Local 443 is selling seat cushions to benefit Olympia-area charity in memory of Barb O’Neil.

HOURS: Fri., 8 am - Noon Sat., 8 am - 4 pm

Labor History booth

WFSE Connects on LaborWeb with syndicated content from the Hotline, Political Blog, President blog and now, Bargaining Unit blogs. Are you a registered user on your Local LaborWeb site? Stop by to register and learn how you can Get Connected! CONTEST: Register on your Local’s LaborWeb site and wear a button to show support of efforts to improve online communications. The local with the highest percentage of registered users - as of 6 PM, Saturday (10/3) - will win a Flip Video recorder.

Ross Rieder will be here with labor history information and resources.

Health & Wellness booth Stop by to check out your basic wellness. Health screenings and information.

Safety & Health booth LNI representatives with information about workplace safety.

Union Vendors: Meet with vendors who deliver USA and Union-made! • Ablemark • Grays Harbor Stamp • The Frank Doolittle Company


Awards Awarded at the Banquet on Friday evening

Awarded in Convention Hall

Howard Ocobock PEOPLE Award

Rosella Charvet Leadership Award

Howard Ocobock was a passionate advocate of PEOPLE and was instrumental in raising WFSE’s MVP levels. The PEOPLE Award is presented to the Local with the highest percentage of MVP-level members.

The Leadership award is presented to a member, shop steward, local or statewide officer or other activist who demonstrates outstanding leadership skills.

Howard Jorgenson Organizing Award

George Masten Courage Award

The Organizing award is presented to the WFSE/AFSCME member who has demonstrated outstanding skills in the area of organizing.

The Courage Award honors a group or individual who demonstrated the courage to take a stand with labor.

Job Action of the Year Award The Job Action award is presented to the member or members who organized the most creative and effective job action since our last Convention in October 2007.

Medal of Valor Award Medal of Valor Award is presented to WFSE/AFSCME members who have demonstrated bravery and valor. 29

Thursday, October 1



Convention Information & Registration 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Convention Hall foyer Executive Board Meeting 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | NORTHWEST 1 & 2

• • • • • •

Highlights of previous day Speakers & Special Guests Upcoming Events N IO T Committee Meetings EN V N Workshops O C Games, puzzles





Pick up daily at news stands outside the Convention Hall.


Friday, October 2



Committee Chairs Breakfast Meeting 7:30 am | MAXI’S SALON

| Page 23

CWS Privatization Pilots - Update 11:00 am | CASCADE 13

| Page 9

PEOPLE Booth Noon - 5:00 pm | Convention Hall foyer

| Back Cover

Convention Information & Registration 8:00 am - 5:30 pm | Convention Hall foyer

| Page 10

Exhibit Hall / Cyber Cafe 8:00 am - 4:00 pm | NORTHWEST 1

| Page 28

Convention Committee Meetings 9:00 am - 11:30 am

| Page 23

Workshops 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | 2:45 pm - 4:15 pm

| Page 25

Delegates/Alternates Reception & Dinner | Page 8 6:30 pm - Reception & Dinner Program | Grand Ballroom Next Wave Meeting 9:00 pm - Members 35 & Under | EVERGREEN 1 31

| Page 8

Saturday, October 3



PEOPLE Booth 8:00 am - 5:00 pm | Convention Hall foyer

| Back Cover

Convention Information & Registration 8:00 am - Noon | Convention Hall foyer (Information remains open until recess) Exhibit Hall, Cyber Cafe 8:00 am - 4:00 pm | NORTHWEST 1

| Page 28

43rd WFSE Convention Convenes 9:00 am • Call to Order • Invocation - Pastor Alex Schmidt • Guest Speaker - Lee Saunders (Page 22) • Convention Call, Introductions, Nominations, Reports, Awards • Lunch Recess 11:30 am • Reconvene 1:00 pm • Guest Speaker, Governor Gregoire 1:30 pm • Reports, Awards • Recess Candidate Forum 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | NORTHWEST 2 PEOPLE MVP Reception 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm | Maxi’s Ballroom


| Page 9 | Page 8

Sunday, October 4



Conservative Caucus Breakfast Meeting 7:30 am - 9:00 am | CASCADE 13

| Page 9

Women’s, Equal Partners Breakfast Meeting 7:30 am - 9:00 am | NORTHWEST 1

| Page 9

PEOPLE Booth 8:00 am - 2:00 pm | Convention Hall foyer

| Back Cover

43rd WFSE Convention Reconvenes

9:00 AM

• Elections, Awards, Special Guests • Lunch Program - PEOPLE Auction • Reconvene • Awards, Installation of new officers • Adjourn

• • • • • •

Highlights of previous day Speakers & Special Guests Upcoming Events Committee Meetings Workshops Games, puzzles








Noon 1:00 pm

WFSE Locals Locals are the heartbeat of the union.

53 Locals Local 53 - Tacoma area (not UW Tacoma)

Local 1208 - Davenport DOT

Local 304 - Seattle area

Local 1020 - Everett area

Local 308 - King Co. Community Corrections

Local 1060 - Northwest Washington area

Local 313 - Vancouver area

Local 1181 - Kitsap

Local 330 - Central Washington University

Local 1221 - Spokane area

Local 341 - Fircrest/DD/SOLA

Local 1225 - WSSB/WSSD

Local 378 - Seattle DOT

Local 1253 - Tri-Cities area

Local 396 - Walla Walla area

Local 1290 - Chehalis DOT

Local 435 - King/Snohomish ES

Local 1291 - Pasco DOT

Local 443 - Olympia/Thurston/Mason

Local 1299 - North Central Washington

Local 476 - Sedro Woolley area

Local 1300 - Whitman & Clarkston

Local 482 - Veterans Home, Retsil

Local 1301 - Ellensburg area (not CWU)

Local 491 - Rainier/DD/SOLA

Local 1326 - Yakima area

Local 504 - Spokane DOT

Local 1381 - WWU/Whatcom CC

Local 573 - Lakeland Village/DD/SOLA

Local 1400 - Longview/Kelso area

Local 716 - Skamania/Klickitat

Local 1463 - Clallam/Jefferson

Local 782 - Medical Lake

Local 1466 - Parks & Recreation (statewide)

Local 793 - WSH/CSTC/Oakridge/SCC

Local 1488 - Univ of WA/Harborview

Local 843 - King Co. Human Services

Local 1556 - Port Angeles DOT

Local 862 - Chehalis area

Local 1681 - Echo Glen

Local 881 - F&W (statewide)

Local 1926 - Maple Lane

Local 931 - Eastern Washington University

Local 1984 - Raymond DOT

Local 948 - Snohomish Co. Human Services

Local 2263 - Naselle Youth Camp

Local 970 - Grays Harbor/Pacific/Long Beach

Local 2559 - Vancouver DOT

Local 976 - King Co. L&I

Local 2753 - Fish Hatchery SP1/2 (statewide)

Local 1054 - Colville area

Local 2964 - Fish Hatchery SP3/4 (statewide)

Local 1066 - Washington State University


| WFSE/AFSCME Council 28

Vancouver Tacoma Olympia (360) 735-1115 (253) 581-4402 (360) 786-1303 (800) 967-9356 (800) 924-5753 (800) 624-0256 Local 313 - Vancouver Local 53 - Tacoma Local 443 - Oly/Thu/Mason Local 482 - Retsil Local 881 - F&W Local 716 - Skamania/Klick Local 491 - Buckley Local 970 - GH/Pacific Local 862 - Chehalis Local 793 - Lakewood Local 1463 - Pt Angeles Local 970 - Long Beach Local 1181 - Kitsap Local 1556 - Pt Angeles Local 1225 - WSSD/WSSB Local 1290 - Chehalis DOT Local 1466 - Parks Local 2753 - FishHat 1,2 Local 1984 - Raymond DOT Local 2964 - FishHat 3,4 Local 1926 - Maple Lane Local 1400 - LongView/Kelso Local 2263 - Naselle Local 2559 - Van DOT Field Supervisor Bob Keller 800-624-0256


Seattle/King Smokey Point (206) 525-5363 (360) 659-4333 (800) 924-5754 (800) 967-3816 Local 304 -Seattle Local 476 - SedroWooley Local 308 - Sea CC Local 948 - Sno HumSrv Local 341 - Fircrest Local 1020 - Everett Local 378 - Sea DOT Local 1060 - Skagit/Whatc Local 435 - King ESD Local 1381 -WWU/WCC Local 843 - King HumSrv Local 976 - King L&I Local 1488 - UW/HMC Local 1681 - EchoGlen Field Supervisor Brenda Williams 800-924-5754


WFSE/AFSCME Headquarters 1212 Jefferson Street SE, Olympia WA 98501 800-562-6002 www.wfse.org [email protected]

Field Services Director: Laurie Merta



Spokane (509) 326-4422 (800) 442-8618 Local 504 - Spokane DOT Local 573 - Lakeland Vlg Local 782 - Medical Lake Local 931 - Cheney Local 1054 - Colville Local 1221 - Spokane Local 1300 - Colfax Local 1066 - Pullman Local 1208 - Davenport DOT Field Supervisor Randy Lorello 800-442-8618

Yakima (509) 452-9855 (800) 439-9855 Local 330 - Ellensburg Local 396 - Walla Walla Local 1291 - Pasco DOT Local 1253 - Tri-Cities Local 1299 - Wenatchee Local 1301- Ellensburg Local 1326 - Yakima


WFSE/AFSCME Staff Executive Director

as of 9/2009


Greg Devereux


“It’s our job to ensure that we have our eye on the vision; answer to the mission; and conduct the work according to our core values.”




ADMIN ASST Jean Backman

ADMIN ASST Shari Coffman

ADMIN ASST Bobbie Reed

OLYMPIA COUNCIL REPS Judy DeVoe Joan Gallagher Tana Gann Perry Gordon Amy Murphy Dave Pardy Robyn Steacy Judy Lumm (t) ASSOCIATES Nancy Agan Cam Nguyen Marlene Rucshner

SPOKANE COUNCIL REPS Kandys Dygert Electra Jubon Rick Nesbitt Dale Roberts (t) ASSOCIATES Sharon Etheridge Judy Hines

SEATTLE COUNCIL REPS Anne-Marie Cavanaugh James Dannen Britt Kauffman Joe Kendo Robin Ledbetter Phedra Quincey Addley Tole ASSOCIATES Meghen Elliot Tesia Roland Leeanna Shaw

TACOMA COUNCIL REPS Amy Achilles Steve Chenoweth Sean Dannen Gary Hill ASSOCIATES Dawn Dearinger Valerie Wilson VANCOUVER COUNCIL REPS Lynnette Knight Becky Stephens 36

YAKIMA COUNCIL REPS Sue Bottorff Marcelo Garcia Gus Gonzalez Robert Masters (t) ASSOCIATES Linda Hancock Joeann Pulliam

SMOKEY POINT COUNCIL REPS Phyllis Alexander Phyllis Naiad






DIRECTOR Cecil Tibbetts


DIRECTOR Gladys Burbank

ATTORNEY Anita Hunter

ADMIN ASST Gena Anderson



LABOR ADVOCATES Debbie Brookman Sherri-Ann Burke Desiree Desselle Banks Evans Kurt Spiegel






DIRECTOR Dennis Eagle

ASSISTANT Laura Reisdorph

ADMIN ASST Diana Whitmore

DESKTOP SUPPORT Mike Dyson SENIOR PRINTER Brandon Day (a) DATA SPECIALIST Tiffany Korn ASSOCIATES Dawn Baker Angelina Clement Brandon Day Christine McGill Mary Nelson Tom Wharton


FINANCIAL MGR Susan Hughes (a)

ORGANIZERS Diane Blowers Ann Dietz Tim Tharp Elizabeth Turnbow (t)



ASSISTANT David Snellgrove ASSOCIATES Lorena Hagan Nevin O’Donnell 37

LOBBYISTS Matt Zuvich Alia Griffing FIELD COOR April Sims


Carol Dotlich (WSH), President William Copland (DOC), Vice President Lee Novak (DOC), Secretary Rosemary Sterling (WCC), Treasurer

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Corrections Tim Foley (NE Reg) Iris Peterson (WC Reg) Alice Rogers (SE Reg) Employment Security Philip Huber Mason Petit Steve Pointec Human Services Gayle Chamberlain-Smith (R2) Daniel D Haem (R4) Marci Douglas-Bumgarner (R3) Cheri Garrett (R1) Tim Hughes (HQ) Reidun Inman (HQ) Jacqueline Jones-Walsh (HQ) Kandy Kraig (HQ) Ron Kuchler (HQ) Randall Kurtz (R3) Steve McGillis (HQ) Karen Mork (R6) Katie Nelson (HQ) Dan Petruso (HQ) Ursula Petters (R5) Thomas Tveit (HQ)

Institutions Olusegun Adeyemi (Fircrest) Greg Davis (ESH) Adrienne Fraley-Monillas (Fircrest) Craig Gibelyou (WSH) Brian Gralapp (ESH) Gabe Hall (JRA/GHS) Sue Henricksen (Rainier) Lyn Hofland (Retsil) Mike Holyan (Rainier) Lee Malinda (Lakeland) Stephen Marll (CSS) Julianne Moore (YVS) Mike Murphy (Rainier) Michele Stelovich (HQ) Institutions of Higher Education Paul Bentsen (UW) Richard Clapp (WSU) Lin Crowley (TESC) Rodolfo Franco (SSC) John Frazier (UW) Rick Halverson (CCSpok) Steven Hanson (UW) Todd Henderson (GR) Tom McArthur (EWU) Betsy McConnell-Gutierrez (SCC) James Ritter (UW) Claude Theard (UW)


Labor & Industries Thornton Alberg Donald Cline Terri Hall Joe Nilsson Claudia Sealock Miscellaneous Marsha Ballentine (DEL) Ingrid Hansen (DOH) Lorana Myers (WSSD) Natasha Pranger (WSP) Bruce Ridley (BIAA) Shellie Savage (OIC) Cheryl West (DOL) Natural Resources Brenda Calico (AG) Mischa Cowles (Parks) Mark Fuchs (ECY) Don Hall (Parks) Doreen Merrill (FW) Timothy Young (FW) Transportation Gordon Elley Larry Flue Don Hewitt Spencer King Sue Tellesbo

Rules & Order of Business - DRAFT meeting upon completion of convention business. Rule 4. Before being granted the floor, delegates shall proceed to a floor microphone and be recognized by the Chair. Delegates shall state their name and the local(s) represented before expressing views. Rule 5. No questions shall be subject to debate until it has been made, seconded, and stated from the Chair. Rule 6. Should two or more delegates rise to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which one is entitled to the floor. This decision is not subject to appeal. Rule 7. No delegate shall interrupt another’s remarks, except to rise to a point of privilege. The Chair shall determine whether the point raised is a question of privilege. Delegates shall be respectful when another delegate is speaking Rule 8. Speeches on matters of business shall be limited to three (3) minutes, but the time may be extended by a vote of the majority of the delegates present and via a request to the chair. Rule 9. If the previous question is moved and only one side of an issue has been heard, the Chair shall recognize addi-

The Rules Committee will meet on Friday and move to accept the rules as they appear here, or offer amendments. Rule 1. The first order of official business at this Convention following the opening ceremonies shall be certification by the credentials committee that a quorum is present for the transaction of business. The second order of official business shall be the adoption of an agenda for the Convention. Rule 2. All questions of a parliamentary nature not otherwise specifically covered by these Rules or by the Constitution of the Washington Federation of State Employees, Council 28, AFSCME, shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised. Rule 3. The meetings of the Convention shall be called to order as follows: Saturday, day one, 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; the 9:00 a.m. meeting shall terminate not later than 12 noon and the 1:00 p.m. meeting not later that 5:30 p.m. If business necessitates a Saturday evening session, the Convention Chair will set its starting time and termination. Sunday, day two, 9.00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; the 9:00 a.m. meeting shall terminate not later than 12 noon and the 1:00 p.m. 39

tional speakers prior to the vote on the previous question, alternating between those in favor of and in opposition to the pending motion, until three speakers on the opposite side of the issue have been heard or until no speakers on the opposite side of the issue are seeking recognition, whichever comes first. Rule 10. A delegate may not speak a second time on the same question until all delegates wishing to speak have had an opportunity to do so. Rule 11. A delegate may not move the previous question immediately following speaking on a motion. Rule 12. In order to be entitled to a vote, a delegate must have been properly seated by the Convention. Rule 13. Any delegate who wishes to question the announced result of a voice vote may rise and call for a Division of the House (standing vote). At the discretion of the Chair, division will require support of at least fifty (50) delegates. Rule 14. Any delegate who wishes to appeal the announced result of a Division of the House may request a roll call vote. Rule 15. A roll call vote shall require the support of at least fifteen (15) locals. In order for a local to support a roll call vote, a majority of its delegates must concur. If a roll call vote has been ordered, no adjournment or recess or special order of business shall be in order until the

vote has been taken and the results announced. Rule 16. Whenever a roll call vote is to be taken, the Treasurer shall call each local by number and indicate the number of votes to which each is entitled. The delegate answering for the local shall stand, state his/her name and cast the votes. If a delegate from such local questions the accuracy of the vote cast by the local, the Treasurer shall poll the delegates from such local individually, and such local’s votes shall be recorded in accordance with the votes cast by the individual delegates. The number of votes shall be divided equally among the delegates, with any remaining votes to be cast by the chair of the delegation. No fractional votes shall be permitted, per Article VIII, Section 1, Constitution and By-laws of the Washington Federation of State Employees, AFLCIO. Rule 17. Whenever a roll call vote is to be taken, the Chair shall appoint three official tellers who shall record the votes cast by each local. Rule 18. After a roll call vote has been taken and all delegates present have had an opportunity to cast their votes, the ballot shall be declared closed. Announcement of the vote shall be made as soon as the results are tabulated. Rule 19. A motion to reconsider shall 40

not be entertained unless made by a delegate who voted with the prevailing side, and it shall be made and voted upon not later than the next following session in which the vote to be reconsidered was taken. Rule 20. An appeal from the decision of the Chair shall not be entertained unless it has the support of 25 percent of the accredited delegates. Rule 21. Motions pertaining to reports of committees shall be subject to amendment from the floor of the convention in the same manner as other motions and resolutions. Rule 22. A committee may revise, reword, amend or combine two or more resolutions containing the same general subject matter, or draft a substitute resolution. Rule 23. When a committee chairperson is reporting the action of the committee, the committee chairperson may give a brief explanation as to why the committee took the action it did, prior to the Chair recognizing any other delegates. Rule 24. Late resolutions from affiliated locals (those received later than fortyfive (45) days prior to the regular meeting of the Council), except constitutional amendments, may be dealt with at the meeting provided that, during the first day’s regular morning meeting, the delegates vote by a two-thirds majority vote

to do so. Rule 25. The Council Executive Board may introduce resolutions for consideration by the Council at any time up to the afternoon recess on the first day of the Council meeting. The President shall assign such resolutions to the appropriate committees. Rule 26. A special order of business for nominations of officers shall begin at 10:30 a.m. on the first day of the convention. The Chair of the Elections Committee shall call for nominations for each office and immediately after nominations are closed for each office, the Chair of the Elections Committee shall offer the opportunity to each nominee to accept or decline the nomination by stating yes or no. Any challenge concerning the eligibility of any nominee shall be filed in writing with the Chair of the Elections Committee prior to the noon recess on the first day. The Election Committee shall report on the eligibility of the nominee not later than 4:15 p.m. on the afternoon of the first day. In any situation where there is only one nominee or where all nominees decline except for one, that nominee shall be declared elected. Any nominee who subsequently wishes to withdraw may do so by announcement from the floor or by written communication to the Council Secretary, who shall announce to the convention the receipt of such communication, at any time pri41

or to the termination of the afternoon meeting on the first day. Rule 27. Nominating speeches shall not exceed three (3) minutes. Seconding speeches shall not exceed three (3) in number and shall not exceed two (2) minutes each. Rule 28. Should elections be required, a special order of business for election of officers shall begin immediately following the start of business on the second day of the convention. The election shall be conducted under the supervision of the Elections Committee in accordance with the election rules adopted by this convention. Rule 29. If an accredited delegate is absent from the convention and does not register, an accredited alternate delegate may be seated in the absent delegate’s place as an accredited delegate. Rule 30. If an accredited delegate is away from the convention floor on other than convention business, an accredited alternate from the same local may be seated while wearing both the alternate badge and the absent delegate’s badge. Rule 31. Any member in good standing of an affiliated local, who is not a delegate or alternate, shall have the right to attend the convention as a guest. Rule 32. All persons, with the exception of special invited guests, attending the convention in any capacity other than an

accredited delegate, shall be seated in a section marked “Guests.” Members of the Council 28 Executive Board, who are not elected delegates, may sit with their respective Local delegations. Such Council Executive Board members may not vote on any question before the convention. Rule 33. Council officers, council staff and members of the council executive board are not entitled to vote by virtue of their office. They can vote only if serving as delegates, or alternates serving in the absence of a delegate, but may take part in all discussions. The President may cast a vote only to break a tie vote. Rule 34. Literature may be distributed on or about the Convention hall only with prior approval of the President. Rule 35. Displays shall be permitted in or adjacent to the Convention headquarters or meeting site only after authorization by the President. Rule 36. No smoking will be allowed in convention committee meetings or in the convention hall. Rule 37. Electronic communication devices will not be audible on the Convention floor; only the chair may make exceptions to this rule.


WFSE Constitution grievances and negotiating of agreements. H. To respond to the needs and direction of the membership.

PREAMBLE To protect and advance, through united action, the welfare of public service employees, and to ensure the union is a positive force in worker’s lives, families, and communities, we therefore adopt this Constitution.

ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The membership of this Council shall consist of all AFSCME State Employee Local Unions and all AFSCME Private Sector Local Unions whose members perform services which were previously performed by, or are similar to those performed by state employees in the State of Washington chartered by the AFSCME.

ARTICLE I - NAME AND HEADQUARTERS Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Washington Federation of State Employees, Council No. 28 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME).

Section 2. If the AFSCME should revoke the charter, suspend, or expel a local union affiliated with the Council, it shall automatically cease to be a member of the Council. Any local, whose membership is thus terminated, shall be automatically reinstated as a member of this Council upon reinstatement by the AFSCME.

Section 2. The headquarters of this Council shall be in Olympia, Washington. ARTICLE II - AFFILIATIONS This Council shall be affiliated with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO and with the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO.

Section 3. The Council 28 President is authorized, with the approval of the Council 28 Executive Board, to establish alternative forms of membership, including special rules governing the rights and obligations of such members, for groups of workers for whom regular membership is determined to be inappropriate based upon the nature of the workers’ employment relationship or limitations on their legal rights in the workplace. Any special rules governing the rights and obligations of such members shall, to the extent required by law, be subject to the approval of the next Council biennial convention provided that, such special rules shall not be inconsistent with the International Constitution and shall not operate to diminish any rights of membership protected by the International Constitution unless such rules have been approved by the International Executive Board pursuant to Article III, Section 1H of the International Constitution.

ARTICLE III - PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be: A. To organize and empower individuals to create a powerful collective voice. B. To unite the Washington State Employee Local Unions of Council 28, AFSCME for mutual welfare, protection and advancement. C. To achieve and maintain excellent wages, hours, benefits, working conditions, and job security. D. To coordinate state legislative programs of Washington State Employee Local Unions of Council 28, AFSCME. E. To represent local unions before appropriate legislative bodies, boards, commissions and committees. F. To assist local unions with organizational, educational, publicity, and promotional programs. G. To work with local unions in the processing of



a new Policy Committee. No such petition shall be considered unless it contains the signature, address, and local number of each petitioner; the reasons why the new Policy Committee is desired; and the community of interest of the members who would be included in the proposed new committee. The Executive Board, after careful investigation, shall have the power to either grant or deny the petition, and its decision shall not be subject to review except by the delegates to a biennial Convention or special meeting of the Council.

Section 1. The Council shall be divided into Policy Committees representing the employees with a community of interest within a single division or multiple divisions of an agency, a single agency, or groupings of agencies, a single bargaining unit, groupings of bargaining units, or employees with a community of interest due to the performance of similar job duties. These committees as of October 2005 are: A. B. C. D.

Institutions Policy Committee Public Assistance and Health Policy Committee Transportation Policy Committee Institutions of Higher Education Policy Committee E. Department of Labor and Industries Policy Committee F. Employment Security Policy Committee G. Miscellaneous Code Departments and Elective Officials Policy Committee. (This committee shall represent all local union members not under the jurisdiction of an established Policy Committee). H. Corrections Policy Committee I. Natural Resources Policy Committee (Washington State Departments of Agriculture, Ecology, Fish & Wildlife, Natural Resources, and the Parks and Recreation Commission and Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation). J. Any new Policy Committee established by the Executive Board as provided in Section 2 of this article.

Section 3. The purpose of the Policy Committees shall be to develop and carry out such programs as are peculiar to employees within their jurisdiction, and on other matters to develop recommendations for consideration by the Council’s Executive Board. They shall also elect and designate representatives to the Council’s Executive Board as hereinafter provided. Section 4. The draft minutes of the Policy Committee shall be submitted to the Council headquarters office within fifteen (15) days following any meeting. ARTICLE VI - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Section 1. The monthly membership dues rate of all locals affiliated with this Council shall be 1.50% of each member’s actual salary, each pay period, computed on each individual’s salary range and step, exclusive of overtime, callback and penalty pay, shift differential, standby pay, equipment premium pay, holiday premium pay, terminal leave pay, sick leave cash-out pay, or commute trip reduction payments, up to a maximum of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) effective January 1,2008, provided the maximum dues payable shall be increased in direct proportion to the weighted average percentage of general salary increases for all bargaining unit members effective the month the majority of members receive the salary increase.

The Council Executive Board shall have the authority to review and modify the name and jurisdiction of any policy group between Conventions. Such action shall require a two-thirds vote of the members of the Executive Board. Section 2. After the biennial Convention of each odd-numbered year, and before the next biennial Convention, twenty-five or more of the members in good standing of one or more locals affiliated with this Council may file a petition with the Secretary requesting the Executive Board to establish

Section 2. Effective January 1 2008, all locals affiliated with this Council shall receive a monthly per capita tax as follows: 44

A. For Members: four dollars and eight cents ($4.08) per member per month from total dues collected for each member unit. This amount shall be referred to as the “local member per capita tax.” B. For Representation Fee payers: three-quarters (3/4) of the local member per capita amount less the non-chargeable percentage for each fee payer unit. The local member per capita tax shall be adjusted as follows: C. Dues rate increase/decrease: the local member per capita tax will be increased/decreased by ten percent (10%) of the increase/decrease in the average dues resulting from a dues rate adjustment, rounded to the nearest cent effective with the month the dues increase is effective. D. General salary Increase: the local member per capita tax will be increased by the same percentage as the maximum dues payable. E. AFSCME annual International per capita tax increase: the local member per capita tax will be reduced by 10% of the AFSCME annual International per capita tax increase amount effective with the next General Salary or Dues increase.

Section 4. Monthly per capita taxes will be paid to Central Labor Councils as determined by the Executive Board within thirty (30) days of the end of each month.

Council will remit per capita taxes to the locals within thirty (30) days of the end of each month.

Section 8. The expenses of members of the Executive Board for the purpose of attending Executive Board meetings shall be paid by the Council.

Section 5. Exclusive of per capita requirements referenced in Sections 2, 3 and 4, the Council shall retain, per member, agency fee payer, and representation fee payer per month, the amount remaining to fund the various programs contained within the approved Council budget. Any net income at the end of each fiscal year will be placed in a Reserve Fund. The Reserve Fund may not be expended for any purpose without specific authorization of the Council 28 Executive Board. Section 6. Special assessments may be levied on the members of affiliated locals by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present at a biennial Convention or a special meeting of the Council. Section 7. All union dues/fees payable by members or agency fee payers and representation fee payers in certified bargaining units shall be paid to the Washington Federation of State Employees, AFL-CIO, Council 28 through payroll deduction, except where payroll deduction is not available or applicable.

The Council shall place not more than ten cents ($.10) per member per month of each Local’s per capita tax in the Council’s Travel Fund. In addition, the Council shall place not more than ten cents ($.10) per member per month of the Council’s per capita in the Council’s Travel Fund. The Council Executive Board shall adopt the rules governing the reimbursement for Policy Committee meetings and all other travel reimbursements from the Travel Fund. The Council Executive Board shall have authority to set the specific amount to be contributed to the Travel Fund. Section 3. Monthly per capita taxes established by AFSCME International will be paid to AFSCME International within thirty (30) days of the end of each month.

Section 9. The Executive Board shall have the power to establish such rules, regulations and restrictions, consistent with the Council’s Constitution, as it may deem necessary with respect to expenditures from the Council treasury, subject to such modifications as may be pursuant to a majority vote of the delegates to a biennial Convention or special meeting of the Council. Section 10. The Council is hereby authorized to publish a newspaper for a minimum of 10 months each year, to be distributed to each member of the local unions and to be funded from the regular monthly dues of the members. 45

Section 11. The Executive Board may allow remuneration to the President, Vice-President, Secretary

and Treasurer for services rendered in their elective capacity, but in each instance, except “time loss” and reimbursement of actual expenses, the Executive Board shall notify every affiliated local as to the name of the office of the recipient, the amount allowed, and the nature of the services rendered for which remuneration is allowed. No voucher or check shall be drawn in payment of any remuneration allowed by authority of this section unless the Executive Board then in office first authorized such payment without regard to the action taken by any previous Executive Board.

Section 2. A special meeting of this Council may be called by one-third of the affiliated locals or by two-thirds vote of the members of the Executive Board by filing a request with the President designating the time and place for the meeting which shall be no sooner than fourteen (14) days’ subsequent to the date of such filing and the President shall immediately issue a call to the locals. Section 3. The authority of the organization shall originate in the biennial Convention or special meetings of the Council. Delegates to the biennial Convention or special meetings shall determine matters of policy, and may delegate such authority as they may determine. The biennial Convention or a special meeting of this Council shall be the court of last recourse for all appeals which may be made by any member from any decision of any body or committee of the Council except as provided in Article X of the Constitution of the AFSCME and except for decisions on grievance merit as provided in the Council 28 grievance policy.

Section 12. No check shall be drawn on funds coming into possession of the Council without documentation clearly setting forth the nature and amount of the expenditures. Each check must have the signature of the Treasurer and the President, or in the absence or incapacity of either of them the Vice-President in lieu of the absent person, in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Executive Board may prescribe; provi¬ded, that the Finance Committee may select two Council 28 staff members who may sign each check making payment of the various per capita taxes due and payments of P.E.O.P.L.E. funds to the International Union, provided each check contains two approved signatures. The signatories will approve payments made.

Section 4. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of delegates from not less than one-third of the affiliated locals properly seated at the biennial Convention or special meeting of the Council. ARTICLE VIII - REPRESENTATION Section 1. Locals shall be entitled to delegates to the biennial Convention or special meetings of the Council on the basis of one (1) for each fifty (50) members or fraction thereof. Regardless of the number of delegates, locals shall be entitled to vote on the basis of one (1) vote for each member. Locals entitled to more than one delegate may send fewer than their quota of delegates and the delegates present may cast the entire vote of the local on all recorded votes and elections coming before the Convention. The number of votes shall be divided equally among the delegates, with any remaining votes to be cast by the chairperson of the delegation. No fractional votes shall be permitted.

ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS Section 1. The Council biennial Convention shall be held in odd-numbered years and on a Saturday and Sunday in September or October but may also be convened on the preceding Friday. The call to the biennial Convention shall be issued at least 120 days preceding the commencement of the Convention. The Convention city shall be selected by the Executive Board. A. All Convention committees shall meet prior to the convening of the Convention, if necessary. B. All committee members shall be notified by letter of committee appointments by the Council President fifteen (15) days prior to the convening of the Convention.

Section 2. All delegates and alternates to the bien46

nial Convention or special meetings of the Council shall be members in good standing of their respective local unions.

average monthly member per capita tax for the full period of their affiliation up to the month preceding that of the scheduled meeting. The Council Executive Board shall determine the membership of the locals for the purpose of computing the number of delegates and votes to which each local is entitled for special meetings of the Council.

Section 3. No delegates or alternates shall be allowed representation or recognition at the biennial Convention or special meetings of the Council unless their local union is a member of the Council as provided in Article IV of this constitution.


Section 4. Two or three local unions may unite in sending a delegate to the biennial Convention or special meeting of the Council provided such delegate is a member in good standing of one such local unions. Said delegate shall be entitled to the votes to which the local unions so represented are entitled in accordance with Section 1 of this Article. No delegate shall represent more than three locals, including their own

The officers of this Council shall consist of: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. ARTICLE X - DUTIES AND AUTHORITY OF OFFICERS Section 1. The President shall act at all times in a manner, which will maintain the organization and benefit its members. The President shall preside at the biennial Convention and all special meetings of the Council, at all meetings of the Executive Board, appoint all committees, except the Finance and Personnel Committees and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall have authority to call special meetings of the Executive Board at any time provided that reasonable notice is given to Board members. The President shall have his/her signature on all checks drawn on Council funds, as provided in Article VI, Section 12 of this constitution. At the conclusion of the term, the President shall submit a report to the Council regarding the official acts during that term of office.

Section 5. All delegates to the biennial Convention or special meetings of this Council shall be elected by the respective local unions they represent, and the names of such delegates shall be certified by the president and secretary of the local union to the Secretary of the Council at the Council Headquarters office. This certification must be received at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the biennial Convention. The Council Executive Board shall determine the date of receipt of certification for special meetings of the Council. If such certification includes two or more delegates, the certification shall designate one of the delegates as chairperson of the delegation.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall actively assist the President in conducting the business of the Council in every way possible. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside at all meetings and perform all duties otherwise performed by the President.

Section 6. The membership of locals for the purpose of computing the number of delegates and votes to which each local is entitled at the biennial Convention shall be determined on the basis of their average monthly member per capita tax payments for the twelve-month period ending ten full calendar months before the month of said scheduled meeting; provided, however, that the membership of locals which affiliate or re-affiliate after the beginning of the above-defined twelve-month period shall be determined on the basis of their 47

Section 3. The Secretary in office at the time of each biennial Convention or special meeting of the Council shall be responsible for preparing a record of the minutes thereof within 30 days following adjournment of such Convention or special meeting. This record shall be reviewed by the retiring officers of the Council, and it shall be the responsibility of the President and Secretary currently in office to ensure the final preparation and distribu-

tion of such minutes to the affiliated locals.

ty bonds covering all officers and employees of the Council is submitted to the International Secretary-Treasurer by March 1 of each year, as required by the International. F. Affiliation fees are paid to the AFSCME Central Labor Bodies and affiliated Locals, as provided in Article Vl Sections 2, 3, and 9 of this Constitution. G. Assure the maintenance of the financial records of the Council according to sound accounting practices and shall certify the same, subsequent to each annual audit of the books and records. All financial records shall be retained in their original form for a maximum of six years from the date of such records.

The Secretary shall be responsible, with the assistance of the Council office staff, to prepare and distribute minutes of the Council’s Executive Board meetings. Draft minutes of Executive Board meetings shall be mailed to members of the Council Executive Board and to all locals affiliated with the Council within thirty (30) calendar days after such meetings. These draft minutes shall be sent electronically to any Council Executive Board member or affiliated Local who request an electronic copy. Section 4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds and financial records of the Council. It shall also be the duty of the Treasurer to assure the books and records of the Council are audited annually by a Certified Public Accountant in time to submit the audit report to the biennial Convention, covering the two preceding fiscal years, each running from July 1 to June 30 and that a copy of each audit is sent to the International SecretaryTreasurer.

ARTICLE Xl - THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The Executive Board of this Council shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and representation from each Policy Committee, which shall be based on one (1) board member for each 500 members or fraction thereof, provided that each Policy Committee shall have not less than two (2) Executive Board members. The Council Treasurer will notify the Policy Committees whose membership increased for a period of four (4) consecutive calendar months so as to affect that Policy Committee’s representation on the Council Executive Board. Policy Committees that are entitled to additional Board members as a result of an increase in membership, after the Policy Committee meeting held in accordance with Article XIV, Section 3, and before the next such meeting, may nominate and elect additional Council Executive Board members at any intervening Policy Committee meeting, so long as it is done in keeping with subsections A, B, B1, B2, and B4 of Section 3, Article XIV of this Constitution Executive Board members so elected shall serve until the next Policy Committee meeting held in accordance with Article XIV, Section 3.

Subject to the prior approval of the Executive Board, the Treasurer will assure that funds are borrowed, or Council funds are invested in the name of the Council. In the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, the President or Vice-President may exercise the same authority. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to assure that: A. All funds received are deposited to the credit of the Council in financial institutions approved by the Executive Board B. All checks drawn on Council funds bear his/her signature except those which, in the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, may be signed by the Vice-President, or as provided in Article Vl, Section 12 of this Constitution. C. The Treasurer’s report be provided to the Executive Board members. D. Monthly financial statements are provided with the Treasurer’s report to the Executive Board. E. A statement of assets handled for the purpose of computing the amount of the required sure-


Section 2. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be nominated, elected and installed at the special meeting of the Council in October 2005 and each biennial Convention.

Their term of office shall begin the day they are elected and shall end during the next following biennial Convention on the day when officers of the Council are again elected. All other members of the Executive Board shall be nominated, elected, installed and serve for the term prescribed by Article XIV of this Constitution

Section 2. An executive committee of the Council Executive Board is hereby created and shall be composed of the Council President, who shall serve as chairperson; the Council Vice-President, the Council Secretary, who shall serve as Secretary; the Council Treasurer; and the Council executive director. The executive committee shall meet on the call of the Council President.

Section 3. No person shall be a member of the Executive Board and continue in office unless that person is a member in good standing of a local union affiliated with this Council, and said local union must at all times be a member of this Council, as provided in Article IV of this constitution, provided that the member maintains membership in the Policy Committee he/she was elected to represent.

The executive committee shall have the power to act on all matters on which the Council Executive Board is empowered to act, when, in the judgment of the President and Council executive director, action cannot be postponed until the next full board meeting, subject to the approval of the Council Executive Board at its next meeting, except the power to fill vacancies in the membership of the Council Executive Board. The executive committee shall periodically review Convention actions and make status reports on such actions to the full Executive Board and locals involved, including recommendations for further actions by the Executive Board. The executive committee shall serve as the Council’s legislative committee. Draft minutes of executive committee meetings shall be mailed to all members of the Council Executive Board and to all locals affiliated with the Council within thirty (30) calendar days after such meetings.

Section 4. In the event a Policy Committee sustains a membership decrease that over a period of four (4) consecutive months would affect the Executive Board membership entitlement of the Policy Committee, a reduction in the number of Executive Board members from the Policy Committee shall occur in inverse order of election. The effective date of said reduction shall occur the first day of the month following the four (4) consecutive month period. ARTICLE XII - DUTIES AND AUTHORITY OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The Council Executive Board shall be the highest legislative and policy-making body of this Council except when the Convention is in session. The Council Executive Board shall possess all the legislative and policy-making authority of the Convention except the power to amend the constitution, the power to levy special assessments. The Council Executive Board shall have the authority to make binding interpretations of this constitution, and the rules and decisions of the board shall remain in full force and effect unless reversed by the biennial Convention or a special meeting of the Council. The Council Executive Board may designate one or more of the Council officers to sign documents in the name of the Council. 49

Section 3. The Council Executive Board shall create from its membership a finance committee. The finance committee shall be composed of the Council President, who shall serve as chairperson; the Council Treasurer; and three other members, who shall be elected by and from the members of the Council Executive Board. Except for the Council President and Council Treasurer. Council Executive Board members who are members of the executive committee shall be ineligible to serve on the finance committee. Major expenditures of funds of the Council, other than ordinary operating expenses, and the establishment of new staff positions shall be authorized or approved by the finance committee. The three elected members of the finance committee shall be responsible for

semi-annual review and recommend concurrence or non-concurrence of officers’ expenditures. The sub-committee shall forward this semi-annual report to the Executive Board. The finance committee shall be responsible for the development of a proposed annual budget, which shall be presented to the full Executive Board for adoption and such other financial matters that are referred to the finance committee by the Executive Board. All acts of the finance committee shall be subject to the approval of the Council Executive Board at its next meeting. Draft minutes of meetings of the finance committee shall be made available to the full Executive Board within thirty (30) calendar days following such meetings.

Section 7. The Council Secretary shall give reasonable notice of the time and place of all general meetings of the Executive Board to each member of the Executive Board and to all subordinate bodies. Section 8. A majority of the members of the Council Executive Board shall be required for a quorum to transact business at all general meetings of the board. Section 9. The Council Executive Board shall create from its membership a five (5) member personnel committee (no more than one member from any one Policy Committee). The members of this personnel committee shall be elected by and from the members of the Council Executive Board. The elected members of the personnel com¬mittee will elect their own chairperson. Executive Board members, with the exception of the President, who are members of the executive committee, shall be ineligible to serve on the personnel committee. The personnel committee will develop personnel policies regarding the hiring of Council staff as recommendations for final approval by the Executive Board. The personnel committee will also develop recommendations on the structure and process of union management relations with the Council staff ’s union; and the composition of any committee(s) to negotiate with the Council staff ’s union, for final determination by the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Council Executive Board shall employ an executive director. A joint meeting of the Executive Officers and Personnel Committee shall be held to review the executive director’s contract and prepare a draft proposal that shall be presented to the Executive Board for approval at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the existing contract. The Executive Board may delegate such authority as is not in conflict with this constitution to the executive director. The executive director shall be the appointing authority for all Council staff after the approval of the position by the Executive Board subject to the determination of the availability of funds by the finance committee. Section 5. The Executive Board shall prescribe such general rules as may be necessary to govern the activities of Policy Committees.

Section 10. When charges are filed at the Council level in accordance with Article X of the AFSCME Constitution, a five (5) member trial body subcommittee shall be appointed from the Council Executive Board to conduct the trial. The Council Executive Board shall, by majority vote of the board, appoint the chairperson and other four (4) members of this sub-committee. The sub-committee shall report, in writing, to the full membership of the Executive Board who shall then make the decision and assess the penalty, if any.

Section 6. The Council Executive Board shall hold at least three general meetings in each year. During a biennial Convention year, the Council Executive Board shall hold one general meeting within thirty (30) days preceding the biennial Convention. Additional meetings will be held on call of the Council President or on call of six Executive Board members representing at least four different Policy Committees upon written notice to the Council President. 50


members of the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance with Elections Code, Appendix D, of the International Constitution as supplemented by the following sections:

Section 1. Nomination and election of officers shall be conducted in accordance with Elections Code, Appendix D, of the International Constitution supplemented by the following sections:

Section 2. Each Policy Committee shall elect the number of Council 28 Executive Board members to which they are entitled under the provisions of Article Xl of this constitution.

Section 2. Nomination and election for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer may be conducted and completed concurrently.

Section 3. All Policy Committee Council 28 Board members shall be nominated and elected by their respective Policy Committees in accordance with Article XI, Section 1, within sixty (60) days after adjournment of the October 2005 special meeting of the Council and, thereafter, within sixty (60) days after adjournment of the Council’s biennial Convention.

Section 3. All nominations shall be made from the floor during a general session of the biennial Convention or the October 2005 special meeting of the Council. A member may not be a candidate for more than one office. Nominations shall be taken by a member of the Convention elections committee. Only an accredited delegate or alternate serving in the absence of a delegate shall be entitled to nominate or participate in the election.

A. The chairperson shall issue a meeting call to all affiliated locals having membership employed in the agencies within the jurisdiction of the respective Policy Committees, as defined by Article V, Section 1, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J, at least ten (10) days before the meeting at which the election is to be conducted. Such notice shall clearly indicate that the Board members will be elected, and the number to be elected. Such notices shall be processed through the Council office, in consultation with the Executive Director of Council 28.

Section 4. If more than one candidate is nominated for office, an election by secret ballot must be held. If only one candidate is nominated, the presiding elections committee member shall immediately declare said candidate elected by acclamation. Section 5. The aggregate number of votes to which each affiliated local is entitled shall be determined as provided in Article VIII of this constitution. That number of votes, and no more, shall be divided among the accredited delegates of each local in accordance with Article VLSI, Section 1 of this constitution.

B. The election shall be conducted in accordance with the Policy Committee Constitutions, subject to the following restrictions: B 1. No one who attends a Policy Committee meeting shall participate in the nomination or election of candidates for the Executive Board unless that person is an accredited delegate, or an accredited alternate serving in the absence of a delegate, actively employed in a State Agency within the jurisdiction of the Policy Committee.

Section 6. A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary to elect a candidate. When more than two candidates are nominated for a single office, and none of them received a majority of the votes cast, all candidates except the two who received the most votes cast shall be dropped, and a second ballot shall be cast. ARTICLE XIV-NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OTHER MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD

B 2. All nominations shall be made from the floor.

Section 1. Nomination and election of all other

B 3. Members in good standing of any local union affiliated with Council 28, who are ac-


tively employed within the Agency or Agencies comprising the Policy Committee, shall be eligible to be nominated and elected, provided the nominees are either present at the electionmeeting or have previously given assurance to the nominator that they will serve if elected.

first. In the event the Policy Committee fails to elect members to represent it on the Executive Board within sixty (60) days after the biennial Convention, each vacancy occurring by reason of that failure shall be filled in the manner prescribed by Article XV, Section 3 of this Constitution. ARTICLE XV - FILLING OF VACANCIES AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE

B 4. Nomination and election shall be conducted separately for each Board position. If only one candidate for a position is nominated, the presiding officer shall then immediately declare the candidate elected by acclamation and open nominations for the next position. If more than one candidate is nominated for any one position, a secret ballot shall be cast by each delegate to the Policy Committee who is present. No candidate shall be declared elected by secret ballot unless that candidate receives a majority of all the ballots that are cast. When more than two candidates are nominated for a single position on the Executive Board, and no one receives a majority of all votes cast, then all candidates except the two who received the most votes shall be dropped and a second ballot shall be cast.

Section 1. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President of the Council between biennial Conventions, the Vice-President shall become President. Section 2. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer between the biennial Conventions, such vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Section 3. Should a vacancy occur in the Executive Board other than in the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer, the Policy Committee from which the vacancy occurs shall elect a member to fill the vacancy. If the Policy Committee does not act within sixty (60) days after the vacancy has been announced, the Executive Board shall have authority to fill the vacancy by appointment of a member from the Policy Committee in which the vacancy occurred.

B 5. The Policy Committee Secretary shall forward a copy of the complete minutes to the executive director of the Council within fifteen (15) days after the election. Such minutes shall list the names, phone numbers, home addresses, home email addresses and employer of the duly elected Board members.

Section 4. Should any officer or Executive Board member be absent, without excuse acceptable by the board, from three regular meetings, that position shall automatically be vacated. ARTICLE XVI - OBTAINING APPROVAL FOR LOCAL ACTIONS Section 1. A local wishing to place an elective official or public officer on an official “Unfair to Organized Labor” list shall file an official written request with the Council executive director. This request must be approved by a majority of the Council Executive Board before such action will be permitted. If the Council Executive Board approves the request, Council staff will immediately transmit to Central Labor bodies, the Washington State Labor Council, and the regional offices of the National

Section 4. Members of the Executive Board of Council 28 who are elected to represent the Policy Committee shall take office on the day they are elected. Their term of office shall expire on the day the Policy Committee again elects members to represent it on the Executive Board but, in any event, shall expire sixty (60) days after the next biennial Convention following their election to the Executive Board, whichever time comes 52

AFL-CIO a full statement on why such action has been taken and the Council staff shall ensure that wide publicity is given this action. ARTICLE XVII - AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Section 1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws, except proposals to change the Council’s per capita tax, shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Council at the Council Headquarters office at least forty-five (45) days prior to the biennial Convention at which a vote is to be taken and no less than fourteen (14) days prior to a special meeting as determined by the Council Executive Board. Proposals submitted by a local union shall bear the signature of the local’s president and secretary. The Secretary of the Council shall transmit such proposed amendments, except proposals to change the Council’s per capita tax, to the locals at least thirty (30) days prior to the biennial Convention and no less than seven (7) days prior to a special meeting as determined by the Council Executive Board. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the delegates voting shall be necessary for adoption. Proposed amendments to change the Council’s per capita tax shall be processed in accordance with Article III, Resolutions, Section 3 of the By-Laws and shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the delegates voting for adoption Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall be subject to the approval of the International President in accordance with Article IX of the International Constitution. ARTICLE XVIII Section 1. This Council’s activities shall be subject to the provisions of the International Constitution. Wherever a conflict should occur between the provisions of this constitution and by-laws and those of the International, those of the International shall prevail. Section 2. Except to the extent specified in this constitution, no officer of the Council shall have 53

the power to act as agent for or otherwise bind the Council in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall have the power to act on behalf of or otherwise bind the Council except to the extent specifically authorized in writing by the President of the Council or by the Executive Board of the Council.


possible working standards through contracts and legislation. I acknowledge that it is a privilege to serve this office and I promise that I will deliver to my successor in office all books, papers and other property of this union which in my possession at the close of my official term.”

1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Officers 3. Presentation of Credentials Admission of Delegates 4. Reading of Minutes 5. Report of Committees


6. Communications and Bills

Section 1. Members of the Council may bring matters, including constitutional amendments, before the biennial Convention or a special meeting of the Council by means of resolutions submitted to and approved by the local union of which they are members. Such resolutions must be signed by the president and secretary of the local union submitting them. The Council Executive Board may restrict the type and/or topic of resolutions coming before a special meeting of the Council.

7. Nomination of officers shall be a special order of business at 10:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of the regular Council meeting. 8. Election of officers shall be a special order of business immediately following the start of business on Sunday of the regular Council meeting. 9. Unfinished Business 10. New Business

Section 2. The Council Executive Board may introduce resolutions for consideration by the Council at any time up to the afternoon recess on the first day biennial Convention.

11. Report of Delegates 12. Welfare of Union 13. Obligation of Officers

Section 3. Resolutions for consideration at a biennial Convention shall be submitted in writing, to the Secretary of the Council at the Council headquarters office at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date of the biennial Convention, except that proposals to amend the constitution by changing the Council’s per capita tax shall be submitted to the Executive Board ninety (90) day prior to the opening of the biennial Convention. Resolutions for consideration at a special meeting of the Council shall be submitted no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the special meeting except that proposals to amend the constitution by changing the Council’s per capita tax shall be submitted to the Executive Board no less than

14. Adjournment cannot take place until the Special Order of Business has been completed. ARTICLE II - OFFICER OBLIGATION “1,_______, promise and pledge that I will perform faithfully and with honor the duties of the office which I now assume in the Washington Federation of State Employees, AFSCME. I pledge to fight for a society where all workers can seek economic and social justice through participation in their union and our democracy. I will work for these goals by organizing unorganized workers, mobilizing workers to participate in the political process, and fighting to gain and defend the best 54


thirty (30) days prior to the opening of the special meeting. The Executive Board shall submit the proposed change in per capita tax with their recommendation and justification to all affiliated locals sixty (60) days prior to the opening of the biennial Convention. They shall bear the signature of the president and secretary of the local union submitting them.

Credentials for delegates to the biennial Convention shall be submitted to the Council Secretary at the Council Headquarters office at least sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting which the delegates are to attend. The Executive Board shall determine the date of receipt of credential for special meetings of the Council.

Section 4. The Secretary of the Council shall arrange that each delegate to the biennial Convention, and each Executive Board member, shall be sent a copy of the resolutions at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the biennial Convention.

ARTICLE VII - ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER All questions of parliamentary nature not provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws shall be decided by Robert’s Rules of Order as revised.

Section 5. Resolutions from affiliated locals, except resolutions to change the constitution by changing the per capita tax, received by the Secretary of the Council at the Council Headquarters office later than forty-five (45) days prior to the biennial Convention or later than the date specified for a special meeting of the Council may be dealt with at the Convention or special meeting prior to the afternoon recess on the first day if so decreed by a two-thirds majority vote of the delegates at that meeting. ARTICLE IV - COUNCIL BOOKS AND RECORDS All books, records and financial accounts of the Council shall at all times be open to the inspection of national officers or assigned representatives of the AFSCME or any duly authorized representative of any member local union of the Federation. ARTICLE V - DELEGATES TO CONVENTIONS Section 1. Delegates to all Conventions to which this Council is entitled to be represented shall be elected in accordance with the Elections Code, Appendix D, of the International Constitution where such is applicable. Section 2. In the absence of a biennial Convention or special meeting of the Council, representation at such Conventions will be determined by the Executive Board. 55

AFSCME Constitution APPENDIX D, Elections Code Section 1. General provisions. 1. No funds of the Federation or of any subordinate body shall be used to support the candidacy of any member for any elective office within the Federation or any subordinate body. 2. No publication sponsored by or supported by the Federation or any subordinate body shall endorse or support any candidate for elective office within the Federation or any subordinate body. 3. Any nominee or announced candidate for elective office shall have the right once prior to the election to have mailed, through the union office but at private expense, campaign literature. In a local union election, such literature may be mailed to each member in good standing. In an International Union or council election, such literature may be mailed to each affiliated subordinate body and/or to each member in good standing. 4. No member whose eligibility for membership is based upon employment in a position for which another organization is the exclusive representative with regard to wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment shall be eligible to seek or hold office at any level of the union; provided, that any member now serving a term of office shall not be barred by this Section from completing the remainder of such term of office. Section 2. Election of subordinate body officers.

this Constitution and the constitution of the subordinate body. Any challenge concerning the eligibility of any nominee shall be referred to the Election Committee for decision and the decision shall be reported to the subordinate body prior to the election. The Election Committee shall also report, as expeditiously as possible, the results of the balloting, together with recommendations regarding any protests which have been lodged regarding the conduct of the election. No member of the Election Committee may be a candidate for office. 3. The terms of office for officers of subordinate bodies shall be set forth in the constitution of each subordinate body, but may not exceed three years in the case of local union officers or four years in the case of council officers. 4. Not less than fifteen days prior to the holding of nominations for local union officers, a notice of the nominations and elections shall be mailed to each member at the member’s last known address. Notice of nominations and elections for council officers shall be sent to each affiliated local not less than fifty days prior to the election or notice may be given as required by the council’s approved constitution. 5. Nominations may be made at a regular or special meeting by a local union member or by a council delegate. Nominations may also be made by a nominating committee, unless prohibited by the constitution of the subordinate body. Those nominated shall be afforded the opportunity to decline, and the name of any nominee who declines shall not appear on the ballot. Write-in votes shall not be valid for any purpose. 6. In any case where there is only one nominee for office, such nominee shall be declared elected. In all other cases, election shall be by secret ballot. All local union members or council delegates shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to vote. 7. In all cases in which election of officers

1. To be eligible for election, a nominee must be a member in good standing of the local union in which the nominee seeks office or of a local affiliated with the council in which the nominee seeks office, and must meet such other conditions as are stipulated in the constitution of the subordinate body. 2. An Election Committee shall be established and shall have general responsibility for the conduct of the election in accordance with 56

dance with provisions of the constitution of the subordinate body. If no constitutional provision exists, vacancies shall be filled by vote of the executive board of the subordinate body. 12. All election records, including ballots, shall be retained by the subordinate body for at least one year after the election.

is occurring simultaneously for both at-large and district seats, distinct ballots shall be issued, separating the at-large from the district contests. Ballots from at-large contests shall be indistinguishable as to district or constituency, and such ballots shall be cast in such a manner that they cannot be identified as coming from a particular district or constituency. 8. Local union elections may be conducted at the same meeting as nominations or at the following meeting or by referendum, as provided in the local union constitution. Council elections shall be held in accordance with the constitution of the council. 9. Any candidate whose name is to appear on the ballot shall have the right to have present an official observer of the candidate’s own choosing, who must be a member of the Federation, in all places where ballots bearing the candidate’s name are to be cast or counted. 10. Upon completion of the voting, the ballots shall be tabulated and the candidate for each office receiving a majority of the votes cast for that office shall be declared elected. Any remaining unfilled offices shall be filled through a run-off election in which there shall be a ballot bearing two names for each office to be filled, such names being those nominees who received the greatest number of votes in the first balloting and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Those elected shall be installed in office immediately upon the subordinate body’s acceptance of the Election Committee’s general report on the election, at which time the names, addresses and terms of office of the newly elected officers shall be submitted to the International Secretary- Treasurer so that credential cards may be issued in accordance with the provisions of Article IX, Sections 18 and 23, of this Constitution. The preelection incumbents shall remain in office until new officers are installed. 11. Vacancies in office shall be filled in accor-

Section 3. Election of convention delegates. 1. Local unions shall elect council delegates in the manner prescribed for the election of local union officers, subject to the provisions of paragraph C, below. 2. Locals and councils shall elect delegates to conventions of the International Union in the manner prescribed for the election of local and council officers, subject to the provisions of paragraph C, below, and of Article IV of this Constitution. 3. The election by local unions of council delegates and of delegates to conventions of the International Union shall not require a majority of the votes cast unless such requirement is specifically contained in the local union constitution. Section 4. Challenges and protests. 1. Any member of a local union or any council delegate may challenge the eligibility of any nominee by filing such challenge with the Election Committee prior to the holding of the election. The Election Committee shall make a determination regarding the challenge, and shall report its ruling to the subordinate body. The subordinate body shall either accept or reject the ruling of the Election Committee prior to the election. 2. Any protest concerning the conduct of the election may be lodged at the meeting at which the election is conducted or by filing such protest in writing with the subordinate body within ten days following the election. All interested parties shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard. Such protests shall be decided by the 57

subordinate body not later than thirty days after the filing of the protest. 3. If the subordinate body determines that there were violations which may have affected the outcome of the election, it may order such election or any part thereof set aside, and a new election held. Any officers who have been installed prior to such determination shall remain in office pending the outcome of any new election or of a future appeal. 4. Any protestant or nominee adversely affected by a decision on a challenge or a protest may file a written appeal with the Judicial Panel within ten days of the subordinate body’s decision, or, if no decision has been rendered, within forty days after filing the original protest with the subordinate body. Upon receipt of such an appeal, the Chairperson of the Judicial Panel shall designate one or more members of the Judicial Panel to conduct an investigation, affording all interested parties an opportunity to be heard, and such member or members shall issue a decision within forty days after the filing of the protest. If the investigation shows that there were violations which may have affected the outcome of the election, the election or any part thereof may be set aside and a new election held. In such circumstances, the new election may be conducted under the supervision of a representative designated by the Panel member or members who conducted the investigation. 5. Decisions made by a Panel member or members may be appealed to the full Judicial Panel by filing written notice of such appeal within ten days after the decision is issued. Should a decision not be issued within the time limit set forth above, an appeal to the full Judicial Panel may be filed within ten days after the expiration of such time limit. The Judicial Panel shall hear and decide such appeal at its next meeting. The Judicial Panel shall provide an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard, and shall consider all other information obtained in the investigation conducted by a member or members of the Judicial Panel. 6. Decisions of the Judicial Panel under this section may be appealed to the International Con-

vention. Notice of such appeal shall be filed in writing with the International Secretary-Treasurer within thirty days after the decision of the Judicial Panel. Pending the decision of the Convention, the decision of the Judicial Panel will be in effect. 7. No subordinate body funds shall be used to institute legal action outside the union to challenge election rulings. 8. Challenges and protests regarding the election of council delegates shall be handled in the manner prescribed for challenges and protests regarding the election of officers of subordinate bodies. Section 5. Challenges and protests regarding election of delegates to International Union Conventions. 1. A challenge or protest regarding the election of delegates to a convention of the International Union must be filed with and decided by a subordinate body by or on the date of the meeting at which the report of the Elections Committee is voted on. A written appeal from the decision of the subordinate body may be filed with the Judicial Panel not later than the fifth day following the subordinate body’s action on the challenge or protest; provided that the Judicial Panel shall not have jurisdiction to hear appeals filed within twenty (20) days of the opening day of the Convention. The Chairperson of the Judicial Panel shall designate one or more members of the Judicial Panel to conduct an investigation and decide the appeal in the manner provided in Section 4(D) as expeditiously as possible. An appeal from the decision may be made in the manner provided in Section 4(E). 2. If the right of a delegate from any subordinate body to be seated at the Convention is challenged, the Credentials Committee shall review the report and decisions, if any, of any prior appeals before making a decision concerning the validity of the delegate’s credential. Section 6. The provisions of this Elections Code shall conform with applicable law. 58

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