Wartosciowosci Chemia.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 311
  • Pages: 3
Aktyn Ac III Ameryk Am III,IV,V,VI Antymon Ab III,V Argon Ar 0 Arsen As III,V Astat At I,II,V,VI Azot N I,II,III,IV,V Bar Ba II Berkel Bk III,IV Beryl Be II Bizmut Bi III,V Bor B III Brom Br III Cer Ce I,III,IV Cez Cs I Chlor Cl I,III,IV,V,VI,VII Chrom Cr II,III,IV Cyna Sn II,IV Cynk Zn II Cyrkon Zr IV Dysproz Dy III Einstein Es III Erb Er III Europ Eu II,III Ferm Fm III Fluor F I Fosfor P III,V Frans Fr I Gadolin Gd III Gal Ga I,III German Ge IV Glin Al III Hafn Hf IV Hel He 0 Holm Ho III Ind In I,III Iryd Ir III,IV

Iterb Yb III Itr Y III Jod I I,IV,V,VI Kadm Cd II Kaliforn Cf I,III,IV Kiur Cm II,III Kobalt Co II,III Krypton Kr 0 Krzem Si IV Ksenon Xe 0 Ku IV Lantan La III Lawrens Lr III Lit Li I Lutet Lu III Magnez Mg II Mangan Mn II,III,IV,VI,VII Mendelow Md III Miedź Cu I,II Molibden Mo IV,VI Neodym Nd III Neon Ne 0 Neptun Np III,IV,V,VI Nikiel Ni II,III Niob Nb III,V Nobel No III Ołów Pb II,IV Osm Os III,IV,VIII Pallad Pd II,IV Platyna Pt II,IV,VI,VII Pluton Pu III,IV,V,VI Polon Po II,IV Potas K I Prazeodym Pr III,IV Promet Pm III Proaktyn Pa III,IV,V

Rad Ra II Radon Rn 0 Ren Re II,IV,VI Rod Rh II,III Rtęć Hg I,II Rubid Rb I Ruten Ru III,IV,VI,VIII Samar Sm II,III Selen Se II,IV,VI Siarka S II,IV,VI Skand Sc III Sód Na I Srebro Ag I Stront Sr II Tal Tl I,III Tantal Ta III,IV Technet Tc VI,VII Tellur Te II,IV,VI Terb Tb III,IV Tlen O II Tor Th III,IV Tul Tm III Tytan Ti II,IV Uran U III,IV,VI Wanad V III,V Wapń Ca II Węgiel C II,IV Wodór H I Wolfram W II,IV,VI Złoto Au I,II,III Żelazo Fe II,III

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