
  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 8
Warped Or ‘how to get your students’ work on TV’ ‘What is Warped?’ Local Magazine Arts and Culture Show Under Aegis of BigTV (UoW) Pilot 2007 Teaching Fellow Summer School SMST-207C Crewed by students 60 minutes duration

The ‘Warped’ Pilot Featured: Local artists: Local Filmmakers: Mayor Michael Redman HCAC Local musicians (Area 07 CD release) Auteur House ‘Warped’ 2007: Pilot on AltTV July/August Monthly show on AltTV Studio time UoW Crewed by UoW, Wintec and High School students Charitable Trust Wintec and HCC support Content: Student work: High School UoW student work Wintec student work Local artists – exhibitions and openings Local filmmakers and critics Local musicians ‘CUT 07’ Work that is produced for CUT07 can be submitted for ‘Warped’ Criteria include: - Technical polish - Copyright considerations

- Release forms completed Technical competence means that: Composition

is effective – consider framing, angle, balance, depth, line


and exposure are controlled to good effect


is recorded at a good level with minimal noise or background interference

Polish: Camerawork: - Composition: - Framing centres on subject. - Appropriate shot size, angle. Camerawork - Headroom good, rule of thirds observed. - Complex compositions. - Balance and depth manipulated.

Or where the lines intersect can be points of interest Shot sizes The following illustrations show the standard sizes used in broadcast television. A fluent understanding of these shot sizes is important and will help you plan your coverage.

On Framing The following are some guidelines to consider when framing your shot.

Head Room Shots

of people are usually framed with a small amount of space about their heads, this space is called head room. Shots need to have sufficient head room because when the top of the head is right

against the top of the frame, it can produce a claustrophobic impression. The most common framing error is to put the person too low in the picture, leaving too much head room. This is wasted screen space and can be more productively used.

The eyes Generally speaking you should aim to put the subjects eyes about two-thirds of the way up the screen. The eyes play a very important role in communication. Where the eyes are oriented is closely linked to culture

Looking/talking room When a person is framed so they are looking off screen, there should be more space in front of the face than behind the head. This is called looking room. Similarly when

a person is talking to someone off screen, there should be space in front of them for their words to flow out of their mouths.

Walking room When filming a person walking across the screen, they too need room to walk into. To

maintain walking room requires well-timed panning on the part of the camera operator. The

concept of walking room also applies to other human movements like: skiing, swimming skating etc. Cut aways Crossing the line In any scene you shoot there is an imaginary 180 degree line called the action axis line It

runs along the path of the dominant action.


action could be: moving people, vehicles or the eyeline between characters in a

scene. If the camera shoots the action from one line and then crosses over the line to the other side for a different shot, the subject will jump from one side of the frame to the other when the two shots are edited together.

Focus and Camera Movement: - Focus manipulated for effect at times. - Minimal wobbles, vibrations. - Consistently steady or effective motion. - Movement matches mood/ purpose. Camera movement is controlled Tripod shots are wobble-free; Moving camera shots are well controlled within the limits of the technology used; Handheld action is of an appropriate ‘feel’ depending on audience/ purpose

Shot coverage Ensure planning includes: cutaways, inserts and close-ups of important action. Production design (props, setting, locations) is effective in communicating appropriate ideas to audience Performance is convincing

Lighting: - Consistent exposure control evident. - Lighting consistently pleasing. - Minimal; - Lighting variations - White balance shifts - Over/ under exposure. Sound recording Sound crisp and audible. Excellent Minimal No

SNR (signal to noise ratio).

buzz, hiss, background noise.



balanced from shot to shot SHOOTING: Dramatic ‘The

sequences are shot from a number of angles/shot sizes

line’ is not crossed without good reason


‘takes’ are recorded to allow wide choice in editing (4–5 good takes is


SHOOTING: Heads and tails (spare footage at the beginning and end of each shot) are recorded to allow the complete action to be shot and make editing easier EDITING: Visual: - Cuts flow very well. - Cuts motivated and well timed. - Transitions motivated. - Pace and rhythm very effective. - Story/ idea clear. - Some complex sequences. EDITING Editing shows control which might mean variation in pace and shot size Editing follows continuity style unless jump-cut or ‘MTV’ style is more appropriate for purpose/ audience

GRAPHICS Graphics, images, SFX consistently relevant to story/ idea. Complement Well Have


designed and complex.

impact and professional edge. SOUND EDITING: Sync maintained. Sound consistently complements story/ idea/ mood. Sound mix excellent. Complex soundscape with multiple tracks - voice, effects, music. Transitions consistently seamless.

MUSIC Music polished with impact. Consistently complements mood/ story/ Copyright considerations COPYRIGHT MUSIC: - LOCAL MUSICIANS - Royalty-Free Music - Free Music - APRA/AMCOS

ROYALTY-FREE CDs FOR PURCHASE www.musicloops.com www.soundrangers.com www.royaltyfree.com www.musicbakery.com/TabHome01a.htm

FREE MUSIC www.bitshiftaudio.com/products/bbb/free_bee.html www.looperman.com www.breakbeatsonly.com/preview1.htm www.platinumloops.com/free_loops.html www.samplearena.com/download.htm Wav/mp3/aiff/ogg - Convert to format you need Free downloadeable SFX and Music www.a1freesoundeffects.com/ Unsigned/independent

musicians/groups who make their music available for free download (possibly not royalty-free) Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net)

cross platform free audio recording and

editing programme. Garage Band (OSX) Acid Express (PC) Free to schools Music-looping (readymade loops of music) - Garage Band (OSX) comes with snippets - Super Duper Music Looper for PC Computer needs audio input (or USB)

Mixing desks Microphone quality

Help with making Videos ‘Producing Videos: A Complete Guide’ by Martha Mollison www.usergroups.net/shareware/ - scroll to ‘Software News from Macworld Expo’ to find Garageband music software, Imovie, Final Cut Express etc… CUT07 http://www.wintec.ac.nz/applications/cut/faqs.htm DOCO SHORT FILM DOCUMENTARY Documents our real world and people in it Not ‘Reality TV’ Video-makers POV Ethics SHORT FILM Drama

- Narrative - Fictional - Characters (inanimate or animate)

EXPERIMENTAL FILM Abstract Animation Combination of traditional storytelling & elements of experimentation Structure still necessary, however Not a music video RELEASE FORMS: LOCATION PERSONAL

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