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VOCR Weekly Newsletter(Vol. 1, Issue 1)

A Chin asylum seeker died in front of UNHCR office Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia December 24, 2008 Ye Thew, a Chin refugee in Malaysia died in front of Malaysia-UNHCR office on December 22, 2008. He was arrested and detained in Malaysia 4 times for his illegal stay in Malaysia. He suffered from a mild mental illness since his last detention. VOCR reporter had visited relatives and friends of Ye Thew. According to his close friends, he had been suffering from mental illness. UNHCR office had referred him to a mental center once. But it was known that he refused to be treated as a mental patient. He was unemployed for many months. He was robbed and his UNHCR card also was cheated a week before he died. After that he claimed to his friends that he wanted to have fasting and prayer. He did not have food for a bout a week. His room mates saw that he was vomiting with blood and there were blood in his faeces. He was then taken to Kalang Hospital which is the nearest hospital from his resident. But apparently, because he did not have UNHCR card and could not communicate properly, he was not registered by the hospital. He approached UNHCR office on December 22, 2008 in order to re-issue a new UNHCR card.

Image: Funeral service at Seramban Cemetery According to the eye witnesses; the UNHCR security guards and those who came to the office, he arrived to the UNHCR office at around 3:00 pm in the after noon. He waited the officer who would meet him in front of the office about 10 minutes; unexpectedly he fall down and stopped breathing. The immediate cause is not known. It was believed that he died right there. His body was then immediately carried to the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital where his death was officially confirmed.

December 28, 2008

Ye Thew (34 years old), is from Nga Leng village, Matupi township, Chin State, Myanmar. He had claimed in the UNCHR office that he left his country of nationality Myanmar and came to Malaysia in 1998 because his life was threatened. He remained in Malaysia illegal as he was afraid of returning home as he could be arrested and tortured upon his return. He was feeling serious depression since he was rejected in US-DHS interview in early this year. He went to Alliance of Chin Refugee Center several times and told them that he was bewitched by someone who fought him in the detention and his dreams were unusual. Matupi Christian Fellowship, Malaysia buried his body at Seramban cemetery in Christian custom on December 24, 2008.

A meaningful Christmas for the desperate Chin refugees in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia December 25, 2008 Chin refugees celebrate Christmas in their respective places of worship services on December 25, 2008-the Christmas Day. There are different places of Chin Christian worship service in Malaysia where the desperate refugee community members get spiritual strength and comfort. The worship services differ according to the different dialects and places. The following were list of Chin-refugees worship services in Malaysia. 01. Chin Christian Fellowship (There are 3 CCF services) 02. Dai Christian Fellowhsip 03. Falam Christian Fellowship 04. Hriphi Christian Fellowhip 05. Lai Christian Fellowship 06. Lautu Christian Fellowship 07. Matu Christian Fellowship 08. Mara Christian Fellowship 09. Mindat-Kanpetlet Christian Felloship 10. Mizo Christian Fellowship 11. Senthang Christian Fellowship 12. Zomi Christian Fellowship (12 different places) 13. Zophei Christian Fellowship 14. Zotung Christian Fellowship VOCR collected the information that about 500-600 Chin refugees in average were celebrating Christmas in those different places of Christian fellowships. On Christmas day even those who had never been to worship services came and enjoy with the communities. A Chin asylum-seeker who came from Jahor Bahru after hearing a message Christ for the Refugees said, "I have been here in Malaysia for 2 years, I have never been to worship services even though I am a Christian. It is really happy and meaningful for me because I am reminded again that Jesus was born also for refugees. I am really enjoy" The Chin pastors, a post graduate Chin theological student who visited Malaysia and a few evangelists who came to Malaysia to preach the gospel were also present in this year Christmas. The Christmas celebration is wholly held in Christian worship service.

Page 2 VOCR Weekly Newsletter(Vol. 1, Issue 1) Football match: UNHCR interpreters vs. Chin-Mizo Refugee Community

December 28, 2008

December 27, 2008 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Image 2: Interpreter football team UNHCR interpreters, who say, "we are the bridge that links two different languages", and the Mizo Refugee Community had football competition in the evening of December 27, 2008. The UNHCR interpreters were assisted by the UNHCR security guards and sometimes by a few UNHCR officers. The match began at 4:00 pm in the evening and ended with a victory from UNHCR interpreters in (6:4). UNHCR interpreters also include interpreters from IRC that handles OPE services, and IOM. The interpreter's coach who is also the goal keeper said, "The match is intended just for our physical exercises but it also helps us to have a team spirit and have a new touch with the different refugee communities." There are over 30 Chin interpreters in Malaysia UNHCR office. They are assisting the UNCHR office voluntarily. There were also interpreters from Somali, Afghanistan, Iraq and other ethnic people from Burma. The UNHCR interpreter football team had matches with other refugee communities such as CRC, ACR, KRC etc… The guards are from Nepal and their appearance is similar to the Chin. Burma News:

Basic Information:

The Burmese military-spies sent to Thailand

Basic Facts about Refugees in Malaysia

A secret letter, from the Yangon Division SPDC office to assist the spies, sent to Myawaddy town SPDC office was discovered and posted by The New Era Website; an antiBurmese military website. It was mentioned that the letter was discovered from one of the military officer. The letter is with an official round seal and signature seal of the Chairman from Yangon Division SPDC office.

According to the description of statistic record in UNHCR official website there are over 40 thousands refugees and asylum-seekers registered with UNHCR in Malaysia. There are still thousands of unregistered asylum-seekers yet. "As of end July 2008, there are some 41,400 refugees and asylum-seekers registered with UNHCR in Malaysia. 36,500 are from Myanmar, comprising some 13,400 Rohingyas from the Northern Rakhine State of Myanmar, 13,400 Chins, 4,000 Myanmar Muslims and the remaining are other ethnic minorities from Myanmar. There are some 4,900 refugees and asylum-seekers from other countries, including some 1,900 Sri Lankans, 580 Somalis and 570 Iraqis. 67% of refugees and asylum-seekers are men, while 33% are women. There are some 11,200 children below the age of 18."(unhcr.org.my) In Malaysia there is only one free clinic for refugees called ACTS clinic which is available 5 days in a week. The clinic is closed on Friday and Saturday and opened on the rest days. The clinic is closely co-operated with UNHCR office. There are other humanitarian clinics for refugees that are available only a few days in a week.

Image 3 Yangon Division SPDC letter

According to the letter, 20 spies were sent out of the country to Thailand through Myawaddy town in order to perform important case and they should be assisted in any necessary things. The letter includes their names. The anti-Burmese military blog and web said that they were sent to investigate the underground political activists who come to Burma-Thai border and attend different trainings, and sent the information; such as the place, organization that held the program and place of the office, back to the military office as swiftly as possible. It continued that this military secret emissary program was monitored by a Burmese military General Maung Oo and the team was lead by police officer Than Tun who transferred from the arm force to police. It was also said that the spies were assisted to cross the border by the DKBA(Developed Karen Buddhist Army) and able to come and stay at different places in Mesok town such as clinic and factory. With in this year, Phado Mhanshar a prominent Karen leader was assassinated at his home in near the Thai-Burma border. (Ref: Soneseayar Blog, Dec 24, 08) VOCR weekly newsletter is issued and owned by VOCR news group which is an independent news agency focusing on the Chin refugees in Malaysia.

It is known that the death of Chin refugees and asylumseeker in Malaysia mark the highest number in this year 2008. The HIV/AID and TB patients also have increased. Editorial, A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! The Voice of Chin Refugees Weekly Newsletter has born to you in this wonderful season of Christmas and Happy New Year. May the world and all the readers hear the voices of desperate refugees through this weekly newsletter. You will read the news concern about Chin refugees in Malaysia every week.

Contact Us: VOCR News Agency Email: [email protected], Phone: 006016-9160018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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