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isiting Drsfr#1 I wokeup at obout5omwhenmy olormclockrong.Beep.Beep'I didn,twontto gef up I wos so tired.ButI knewtodoywos my big doy to go visit with my dod in Delqwore.I got up ond wentto the kitchenqnd ote breokfqst WhenI wos reodymy my mom.I ote somecereolqnd thengot dressed. momsoid"comeon Bennywe qre gonnqbe lote".So,we leftond we took thetrqinto thebusstqtion.Theirweremonypeoplein thetroinstqtionso monyI felttropped.I wqitedwith my momfor the busqnd thenkissedher goodbye.I couldn'twoit to visitmy Dod in Delqwore.Thebuswos crowded ond I listenedto my wqlkmqnthewholewoy. It wos o long ride.I ote the ond sodoond chips.I looked lunchmy mompockedfor me.I qteo sondwich ouf thewindowond sqwlotsof corsond big greensigns.We wentovero $ I olreodymissedmy mom' verybig,widebridge.I wossqdbecquse Thebusfinollygot to Delqworeond whenI got off the busI sowmy woitingfor me.I huggedmy ountqnd soidhi to my ountond two cousins cousinsqnd thenwe got in her cor ond droveto my dod'shouse.I govemy Thenextdoy my ount dod q hugond thenwe wentout to eot to RedLobster. ond two cousinstookmeto the moviesond thenI sleptqt her housefor o slumberpqrty. We hod so muchfun.I reollylovedbeingin Deloworewith my dod. WhenI comehomeI wos hoppyto seemy mombut sodto leovemy dod ond ount.
Scholastic Taachi.ng Res:';;i-