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MANO VERABATHRAN Senior Programme Coordinator Leadership Programme INTAN Bukit Kiara [email protected]

Visionary Leadership If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain, If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees, If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people. - Confucius

Visionary Leadership A successful visionary leader must be able to explain new concepts so others can understand them.

What is Leadership? "Leadership is the art of having people do what you want them to do and go in a direction that you set, willingly or unwillingly. Willingly is leadership. Unwillingly is coercion." -- Major-General Michael Williams, a U.S. Marine Corp. commander from Quantico, Va1. Leadership helps design the 'social architecture' capable of building intellectual capital. It is the main instrument for leveraging that capital.

What is Visionary Leadership? • Visionary leaders are the builders of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. • They present a challenge that calls forth the best in people and brings them together around a shared sense of purpose. • They work with the power of intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. • Their eyes are on the horizon, not just on the near at hand.

•They are social innovators and change agents, seeing the big picture and thinking strategically. Visionary leaders are especially noted for transforming old mental maps or paradigms, and creating strategies that are “outside the box” of conventional thought. They embody a balance of right brain (rational) and left brain (intuitive) functions. Their thinking is broad and systemic, seeing the big picture, the whole system, and “the pattern that connects.” 

•Visionary leadership is based on a balanced expression of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical dimensions.  It requires core values, clear vision, empowering relationships, and innovative action.  When one or more of these dimensions are missing, leadership cannot manifest a vision.

Visionary Leadership increases efficiency by moving decisionmaking responsibility to the frontline. Efficiency is achieved with limited supervision. To make frontline responsibility effective, leadership must give workers opportunity to develop quality decision-making skills and learn to trust them.

Who are Extraordinary, Visionary Lea John F. Kennedy challenged us to send humans to the moon without any roadmap of how to get there. However, Kennedy had a vision so bold, it shook the foundation of what Americans previously thought possible. Nine years later, we conquered a task considered unimaginable had it not been for the remarkable vision of an extraordinary leader.

Visionary Leaders Create specific achieveable goals Initiates action Enlists participation of others

Visionary Leadership is a balanced expression of Spiritual Mental Emotional Physical Dimensions

Visionary Leadership requires : Core values Clear vision Empowering relationship Innovative Action One missing element results in inability to manifest vision


MAHATHMA GHANDI “I must first be the change I want to see in my world.” MARY ROBINSON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF IRELAND & UN COMM. FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Rather than being corrupted by power, visionary leaders are elevated by power and exercise moral leadership.


NELSON MANDELA Visualised a racially harmonious South Africa MARTIN LUTHER KING “I have a dream”


Aaron Feuerstein, CEO of Malden Mills, kept all his employees on the payroll when a fire destroyed 75% of his factories. His employees were so grateful they helped him rebuild and within a year the company was more profitable than ever.

Rita Bailey, Director of Southwest Airline’s University for People, says the secret of the airline’s amazing financial success is living by the golden rule--treating employees as family, with warmth and respect. Employees then treat customers the same way.


CNN founder Ted Turner transformed television news by boldly creating an around-theclock international news network.

Four qualities the modern leader must inspire or exemplify: Purpose, Trust , Optimism and Action (Business Academic Warren Bennis)

Elements of Visionary Leadership The Objective is to increase workplace efficiency by controlling elementary problems with workplace education tools. Workplace education finds efficient ways to get jobs done.

The Goal The goal in any task is to get the job done. Leadership style controls efficiency, which controls competitive value of product or service, which determines the winner.

Leadership Innovation Today, fast growing organizations are built on leadership innovation, that is, they are not built by product visionaries but by social visionaries — those who invent entirely new ways of organizing human effort.

Examples of true visionaries, past and present Alexander the Great Prophet Muhammad Confucius Abraham Lincoln

Contemporary Visionary Leaders Tun Dr Mahathir Nelson Mandela Martin Luther King Mahatma Gandhi

Applying your own lessons from the legends

The short list of truly visionary leaders included above is far from complete. There are many other visionaries – both contemporary and historical – that could serve as models to inspire and encourage. Who would you add to this list? Judging from hindsight, their lives – they were very much like your neighbors, coworkers, friends – even yourself – when faced with the opportunity to set out on the path for which they ultimately became wellknown. They persevered through uncertainty, personal fears about their ability to carry out the mission before them, setbacks and



PILLAR VISIONING What archetypal or passionate vivid mental The 7 Pillars of Visionary Leadership images inspire people in your organization to willingly want to create and sustain something of value?


What new clear thinking do people in your organization do to put passionate visions into practice?

JOURNEYING What are the joys of discovery that people in your organization experience as they implement their shared map? LEARNING

I know where I am going

I know how to get there

I am willing to start

What changes and transformation occur through great ideas that are fostered by people in your organization?

I am open to change

What great expectations are fostered by trusted and experienced people in your organization?

I am open to others


What acts of servant leadership inspire people in your organization?

I will set an example


What ways do people in your organization express gratitude for ROIR: Return-onInvestment/Integrity-in-Relationships?

I will do what is right


(From The 7 Pillars of Visionary Leadership: Aligning Your Organization for Enduring Success

By Michael E. Rock, Ed.D.)

Barriers to Organisations Playing a Visionary Leadership Role There are a number of factors that prevent organisations from exercising the kind of visionary leadership described above. Taken together, these factors provide a checklist for assessing your organisation and identifying areas to target for improvement. Examining these barriers to visionary organisation leadership can be the first step in revitalizing an existing organisation or building a powerful organisation from

Lack of time : to attend meetings, read materials and maintain contact with each other in between meetings. Avoidance of risk-taking. In order to be innovative and creative in its decision-making, members must be willing to take chances, to try new things, to take risks.

Lack of top involvement in strategic planning. Loses the opportunity to think about changes and trends that will have significant impact and devise strategies to effectively respond to challenges. Loses an important opportunity to hone and exercise its visionary leadership skills.

Lack of knowledge in an increasingly complex world. Busy managers frequently lack a deep understanding of critical changes, trends and developments that challenge fundamental assumptions about how it defines its work and what success looks like. Often, this lack of knowledge results in a lack of confidence on the part of organisations to act decisively

Spending untold hours discussing trivial subjects while neglecting major agenda items deserving their more careful deliberation. A habit of organisational micromanagement can adversely affect the morale of staff and it’s own committees as

Holding on to the old ways. In their book, The Accelerating Organization, authors Maira and Scott -- Morgan, state that one principle of survival scientists have observed in natural systems, is the continuous shedding of operating rules that cease to be relevant because of changing environmental conditions.

Lack of clarity regarding board staff roles and relationships.

Sometimes organisations assume that it's the job of the top management to do the visionary thinking. This lack of clarity can result in employees that don't exercise visionary leadership because they don't think it's their job.

Strategies for Becoming a Visionary Organization

Strategy 1 - Focus on the Ultimate Ends of the Organization

Encouraged to focus on the ultimate ends of the organization and avoid the tendency to micro-manage. The mission, vision, goals, and strategies contained in the strategic plan should be the focus of board reflection and decision-making. Clarity regarding the roles and relationships of the board and staff must be maintained.

Strategy 2 - Create a Long-range Plan for the Development of Future Board Leadership In contrast to the typical short-term recruitment process that focuses narrowly on filling anticipated board vacancies for the current year only, boards need a long-range plan for developing future leadership. Such a plan centers on the following questions: Who will be serving on and leading the board over the next five years? What is our plan to scout board leadership talent for the future? How will we go about fostering and developing future board leadership?

Strategy 3 - Develop a Shared Vision of the Organization's Future The key question for boards is the following: "If we could create the organization of our dreams that will have the impact we most desire, what would that look like?" Seek media coverage when strategic plan milestones are reached and use this as an opportunity to promote your vision both inside and outside of the organization.

Strategy 4 - Keep up with the Rapid Pace of Change Provide information that helps the board think about these key questions: What external changes and trends will have the greatest impact over the next three to five years on the organization and the people it serves? How can the organization effectively respond to these changes and trends? How are similar organizations responding to these changes and trends?

Strategy 5 - Stay in Touch with the Changing Needs of Your Customers Provide members with information to enable them to stay in touch with the changing needs of the customer. Key questions include: What do our constituents think of the organization (i.e., What is their perception or image of the organization?) What are the most important future needs and service expectations of the organization on the part of our constituents? For new needs and service expectations of the organization, what other organizations are positioned to meet these constituent needs?

Summary To summarize, an effective top

management that can exercise visionary leadership is built upon a number of key strategies. These processes, structures and practices reinforce each other and lay the groundwork for board and organizational effectiveness in this time of rapid, profound change.

The Strategic Navigation Model

Business Ecosystem

Strategic Issues


Preferred Future

  Internal

Assumed Future

Capability    

Strategic Issues

Hames and Oka, 1998



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