Vision, Iran, Ahmadinejad's Mission

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Ahmadinejad's mission was to restore the cleric’s credibility Reza Hossein Borr

Ahmadinejad was elected to restore the credibility of the disgraced Iranian clerics and he has succeeded in doing so. The recent elections proved that. An old Baluch master told his students that strategy is about saying something, doing something else, meaning something else to confuse and disorientate your opponent. This master advised his students that never allow your opponent to understand your true intentions. To completely conceal your true intentions you need to create at least four layers of disguise at beliefs level, interests level, needs level and news level. He added that you will be only defeated when your opponent clearly understands what you think, what you do, what you say, and what you intend. For the right decision always comes from the clarity of understanding of an issue, therefore, never allow clarity of understanding of your intentions to reach the opponents. This strategy has worked for ages and it is working now for the Iranian regime. The Iranian regime concealed its main mission of restoring the cleric’s credibility under the tree layers of internal beliefs, regional needs and international interests; saying what it did not mean and meaning what it did not say. The concealed intention of bringing Ahmadinejad to power was to restore the lost credibility of the disgraced clerics. The Iranian clerics lost their complete popularity after 26 years of mismanaging the country and misleading the people. They impoverished the country, sponsored terrorism and brought disappointment. The Iranian clerics were completely hated by the Iranian people by the time Ahmadinejad became the president. They were internationally recognised as terrorists and criminals who had supported terrorist activities. The conviction of the supreme leader and Rafsanjani in Mikonos case (the assassination of KURDISH Leaders), Argentinean case (Bomb blast in the Jewish Centre) and the recent judgments of an American court regarding Khobar Towers of Saudi Arabia clearly prove their criminal background. These cases explicitly blamed the Iranian leaders who were clerics at the times of these terrorist activities. The clerics who faced internal and international isolation had to do something to restore their credibility. Helping Ahmadinejad to win the fraudulent election was to bring somebody on the scene of Iran who was known in Iran as a butcher and ideologically an extremist. He had strong views that he expressed with a rude language. He had the stupidity to say the kind of things that no politician had said in the history of Iran before. He was encouraged to say what he said in order to scare the Iranians inside and the international community outside. Nobody expected a person of Ahmadinejad's nature to become the president of Iran if it was not for saving the old rulers. The Western culture divides people in bad guys and good guys. The Iranian Ayatollahs were bad guys before Ahmadinejad. Somebody should have

appeared in Iran to make the Ayatollahs appear good guys. That was Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad never knew why he was chosen as the president. When he was elected he expressed his views. That made him appears the bad guy while in fact he is better than many Ayatollahs. He was made so bad that the previous clerics who were convicted criminals looked good. In the recent elections Ahmadinejad's supporters did not win. They were not meant to win. They were meant to scare. The people were so much scared of them that they voted for the less scary ones. How elections were conducted, how the votes were cast and counted indicated a lot of fraud and negotiations behind the scenes to decide who must win and who must lose. Obviously the supreme leader and few other clerics who had devised the strategy of restoring their capabilities through demonising Ahmadinejad wanted to test the pulse of Iranian people and international community. The results of elections were not of any significant importance. The local councils in Iran are powerless institutions which have no any authority to make major decisions. The Council of the Experts which is responsible for appointing a leader and supervising his work does not have anything to do with managing and leading the country. These elections therefore did not have any significance. But they did serve a purpose. They demonstrated that the strategy of restoring the credibility of the disgraced clerics had been effective. These elections showed that Ahmadinejad has been so bad that international community expressed happiness about the elections of the previous clerics like Rafsanjani. The Iranian people also showed some satisfaction. Ahmadinejad has been used quite effectively to restore some credibility to some clerics. He had to do the kind of things that made the Iranian people and international community aspire for the old days of Khatami and Rafsanjani although ALL serial killings in Iran and all terrorist activities of the Iranian regime have happened under these two clerics. In fact since Ahmadinejad has come to power, less terrorist activities have happened. Ahmadinejad who is very remote from wisdom and knowledge said the kind of things that scared everybody but in fact he did not do anything worse than the clerics had done before. In fact no major terrorist activity has happened during Ahmadinejad's presidency but his talks were so rude and rough that made Rafsanjani and Khatami look like good guys. If it was not for Ahmadinejad, Khatami and Rafsanjani would never look good. As the recent elections generated some satisfaction internally and internationally, Ahmadinejad will be persuaded even more to escalate war of words against the world until he demonises himself so much that everybody would be happy for Rafsanjani or Khatami or somebody like them to be elected in the next presidential elections. His rude talks will expand until he makes the old disgraced clerics quite electable in the coming elections of Parliament and presidency. The Iranian people as well as the international community will be pleased to see Ahmadinejad disappear and the old guard return with a new spirit and revitalised character.

The regime would be safe. The clerics will be safe. Amadinejad will get another big job. The Iranian people will continue to suffer. The international community will be happy for few months to be fooled again to hear nice talks while the regime will continue the policy of harbouring terrorism and exporting revolution in the Middle East. It seems that international community has no in-depth understanding of the Iranian regime. The mind of Iranian clerics is more complicated than the capability of ordinary political figures and analysts to comprehend. One of the Iranian leaders has recently said the West never understood the Iranian people or the Iranian regime. He was right. When I hear the Western experts talk about Iran I conclude that they would never understand the complexity of strategies the Iranian regime has used to confuse them for over 28 years. Even the most well-known thinkers of the West have very superficial understanding of the Iranian situation. When the Iranian regime applies strategies that the West does not understand, formulating credible policies for encountering Iran would be very difficult. For 28 years the West thought they did understand the Iranian mind and therefore, took different measures to either change the Iranian regime or contain it. They failed in both. None of their policies worked. The Iranian regime moved from strength to strength and used all the resources of the Western world to make itself No 1 power in the Middle East. The West not only failed to limit the increasing power of the Iranian government but whatever they did was used by the Iranian government to make itself stronger and more powerful in the Middle East. From not having any influence in any part of the Middle East, the Iranian regime has become the most powerful government in the region. Whatever the West did was somehow in the favour of Iranian regime. Whether the Western countries formulated and implemented these policies deliberately to turn Iran into the major Middle East power or they were confused so much that their policies unwittingly helped the Iranian regime to become the most important power in the region. The regime said something, did something else and meant something different. It created the right conditions for the governments of the region and the international community to believe its propaganda as truth. It will be a long time before confusion ends and clarity of thoughts emerges. Reza Hossein Borr is a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs. He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by email: [email protected] ©Copyright, Reza Hossein Borr, 2006, London, UK

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