Virtual University Of Pakistan

  • June 2020
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Virtual University of Pakistan Teaching Schedule Semester Week/ Lecture Week 1 1.

Topics to be covered Communication ¾ Importance of Communication ¾ Process of Communication ƒ Idea ƒ Encoding ƒ Channel ƒ Decoding ƒ Feedback ¾ Noise


Levels of Communication ¾ Intrapersonal Communication ¾ Important Characteristics of Intrapersonal communication ƒ Frame of Reference ƒ Creativity ƒ Self Talk ƒ Risk taking Behavior


Interpersonal Communication ¾ Behavior and Interpersonal Communication ¾ The Contextual View ¾ The Developmental View ¾ Functions of Interpersonal Communication

Week 2 4.

Communication in the Organization ¾ Guiding Principles ¾ Mediated Communication

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Chapter No.

¾ Person to Group Communication ¾ Mass Communication ¾ Downward Communication ¾ Upward Communication ¾ Lateral Communication 5.

Communication Destination ¾ Internal Communication ¾ External Communication ¾ Benefits of Communication to Employees ¾ Benefits of Communication to the Organization ¾ Communication solves all problems


Listening ¾ Process of Listening ¾ Levels of Listening ¾ Types of Listening ¾ Listening Characteristics ¾ Assignment 1

Week 3 7.


Improving your Listening Skills ¾ Tips to become a better Listener ƒ Don’t Talk Listen ƒ Keep an open mind ƒ Don’t jump to conclusion ƒ Ask Questions ƒ Don’t get distracted ƒ Use your brain power ƒ Provide Feedback Non Verbal Communication ¾ Types of non verbal communication ƒ Appearance ƒ Facial expressions ƒ Eye Contact ƒ Gestures

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Week 4 10.

ƒ ƒ

Touching Posture


Characteristics of voice

Barriers of Communication ¾ Over communication ¾ Conflicting information ¾ Language differences ¾ Interests and Attitudes ¾ Tendency to Evaluate Barriers of Communication(continued) ¾ Badly expressed message ¾ Loss in Transmission ¾ Poor Retention ¾ Inattentive Listening ¾ Differing Status ¾ Prejudices ¾ “I” attitude ¾ Resistance to change ¾ Refutations and Arguments


Overcoming Communication Barriers ¾ Listener Barriers ¾ Sender Message Barriers ¾ Physical Barriers


Speech ¾ Audience Analysis ¾ Demographic Factors ¾ Distraction Assignment 2

Week 5 13.

Selecting a Topic ¾ Guidelines for selecting a Topic ¾ Rules of finding a Topic ƒ Researching your Topic ƒ Gathering Material ƒ Periodical Indexes

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Thesis Statement ¾ Defining Thesis Statement ¾ Purpose of Thesis ¾ Appropriateness of thesis ¾ Scope of the Thesis ¾ Correctness of Thesis ¾ Development of Thesis ƒ Clarity ƒ Logical ƒ Equal in Value ƒ Central to Issue


Introduction of Speech ¾ Purpose of Introduction ƒ Getting attention ƒ Introduce the Thesis ƒ Adapting to audience ƒ Establishing rapport with audience

Week 6 16.

Body of Speech ¾ Construct an Outline ¾ Organizational Patterns ƒ Spatial ƒ Chronological ƒ Topical ƒ Logical ¾ Concluding the Speech ƒ Summary ƒ Quotation, summary or example ƒ Statement of personal Intention ƒ Call to Action


Modes of Delivery ¾ Reading from Manuscript ¾ Presenting from Memory ¾ Speaking extemporaneously ¾ Impromptu speech


Strategic Oral Delivery ¾ Vocal Cues

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ƒ Pitch ƒ Volume ƒ Rate ƒ Tone ƒ Speech Patterns ƒ Articulation ƒ Filters ƒ Pauses ƒ Accented Speech ¾ Visual Cues ¾ Avoid Distracting Factors

Assignment 3 Week 7 19.

Making a Good Speech ¾ Guidelines for making good speech ¾ Overcoming stage freight ¾ Types of Speech ƒ Informative speech ƒ Persuasive speech ƒ Ceremonial speech


Handling Questions and Answers ¾ Anticipating ¾ Answering ¾ Revising ¾ Rehearsing ¾ Inviting Questions & comments


Responding Questions & Answers ¾ Essentials for effective Response ƒ Listen ƒ Discern ƒ Affirm ƒ Answer ¾ Appropriate Disruptive Responses ¾ Disruptive incidents ¾ Disruptive behavior Assignment 4

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Week 8 22.

Significance of the Setting ¾ Psychological Reasons ¾ Perceptual Reasons ¾ Speaker concentration ¾ Complementary characteristics ¾ Seating consideration and room Arrangements ¾ Types of seating arrangement



Visual Aids ¾ Why visual aid in necessary? ¾ Popularly used Visual Aids ƒ Computer based presentation ƒ Video ƒ 35mm Slides


Visual Aids(continued) ¾ Overhead Transparencies ¾ Flip Charts ¾ White boards ¾ Handouts ¾ Guidelines for choosing and creating visual aids Assignment 5

Week 10 25.

Group Communication ¾ Defining group meeting ¾ Steps involved in group formation ¾ Problem solving phases of a group ¾ Purpose of group meeting ¾ Group decision making ¾ Styles of group leadership ¾ Procedure of a group meeting

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Elements of Effective written Communication ¾ Defining Courtesy ¾ Guidelines for courteous Writing ƒ Exclude irritating expressions ƒ Include meaningful apologies ƒ Include courteous wording ƒ Respond in timely manner ƒ Positive wording ƒ Bias free language


Elements of Effective written Communication(continued) ¾ Characteristics of correctness ƒ Right level of language ƒ Accuracy of words ƒ Correct grammar ƒ Check spelling ¾ Conciseness ¾ How to achieve conciseness ¾ How to achieve Clarity

Week 11 28.

Elements of Effective written Communication(continued) ¾ How to achieve concreteness ƒ Include specific information ƒ Use active verbs ƒ Use vivid, image building words ¾ Guidelines for achieving Completeness ƒ Provide all necessary information. ƒ Answer all questions asked. ƒ Give something extra, when desirable

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Preparing for Effective Business Writing ¾ Stages of effective writing ¾ Planning stage ƒ Determine your purpose ƒ Consider your reader ƒ Choose your Ideas ƒ Determine the Appropriate content


Preparing for Effective Business Writing(continued) ¾ Organizing Stage ¾ Method of Developing topic ƒ Direct method ƒ Indirect Method ¾ Determine the appropriate order Assignment 6

Week 12 31.



Preparing for Effective Business Writing(continued) ¾ Drafting Stage ƒ Developing opening paragraph ƒ Essentials of ending paragraph ƒ Body composition ƒ Editing Stage Parts of Business Letters ¾ Essential Parts ¾ Specimen Letter ¾ Non essential Parts ¾ Heading- Letterhead ¾ Salutations ¾ Signature Area ¾ Addressee Notation ¾ Subject line ¾ Mailing Notation ¾ Copying Notation Direct Request Letters ¾ Strategy for Routine Request ¾ Types of Direct-inquiry

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Letters ƒ About Products or services ƒ About People Week 13 34.

Direct Request Letters (Continued) ¾ Requesting information about a person ¾ Indirect inquiry Letters ¾ Claim Letters ƒ Qualities of a claim letter ƒ Structure of a claim letter


Direct Request Letters (Continued) ¾ Letters of Invitation ¾ Reservation letters ¾ Letters requesting favors


Good Newsletters ¾ Types of good Newsletters ƒ Letters replying to inquiries, extending credits, ƒ Letters granting adjustments ƒ Letters acknowledging orders ƒ Letters granting favors ƒ Letters of congratulation ƒ Letters accepting invitations ¾ Characteristics of good Newsletter

Assignment 7 Week 14 37.

Disappointing Newsletters ¾ Strategies for Disappointing Newsletters ¾ Essentials of effective

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disappointing letters ƒ Creating an audience centered tone ƒ Meeting reader’s needs & expectations ƒ Begin with Buffer 38.

Disappointing Newsletters(continued) ¾ Follow with Reasons ¾ Techniques of Refusal ¾ Refusing request for information


Disappointing Newsletters(continued) ¾ Refusal request for a Favor ¾ Refusing a Refund ¾ Refusing a Claim ¾ Rejecting job application ¾ Do’s & Don’ts of disappointing messages

Week 15 40.

Writing Persuasive Message ¾ Planning persuasive message ¾ Developing persuasive message ¾ Strategies for persuasive messages ƒ Framing your arguments ƒ Balancing emotional and logical appeals


Writing Persuasive Message (Continued) ¾ Avoid faulty Logic ¾ Reinforce your Position ¾ Dealing with Resistance


Writing Persuasive Message (Continued) ¾ The Sales Letter ¾ Collection Letter ¾ Memoranda and Short

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Reports ¾ What is a memo? ¾ Memorandum Reports Assignment 8 Week 16 43.



Writing Resume ¾ Fallacies & Facts about Resume ¾ Qualities of good Resume ¾ What do you have to offer? ¾ Essential elements of Resume ¾ Chronological Resume

Writing Resume (continued) ¾ The Functional Resume ¾ Interviewing ƒ Getting Ready ƒ Thinking ahead about questions ƒ Making a good impression ¾ People with high EQ Overview ¾ Tips for effective planning in Communication ƒ Think Smartly ƒ Listen Actively ƒ Speak Effectively ƒ Write Purposefully ƒ Live Happily FINAL TERM EXAM

** Assignment schedule can be changed. ** Pop quizzes or Graded MDB can be announced at short notice by the instructor.

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