Vip Brochure For Armenia

  • Uploaded by: Andrey Filimonov
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 18,815
  • Pages: 52
Sbjuuruh '1J nLU fl G Sw 6 w ll D

Houston Texas Temple

3nLUlWJr UnLl:~ LtiJQ Urflr S w 6 WIl [1

Salt Lake City Utah Temple


PllwqrLrwJr 4w tlLljr Gwu Sw 6 Wll D

Campinas Brazil Templ e

Unll unGr QrIlQ[1 hWJtill ti G

The Book of Mormon in Armenian '1w~wJ w G ~fl.qrG bllr LWJrb Sw 6Wll D

Laie Hawaii Temple


OPbPfl UPl!bPfl blIb'lb5fl





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Table of Contents Introduction


Key Information


Essential Church History and Beliefs


History of the Church in Armenia


The Book of Mormon


Temples and Families


Family History


Family History Center in Armenia


Humanitarian Services


The Welfare Program


Relations with Governments


Relations with Other Churches and Confessions


The Nature of Missionary Work


Missionary Program


Mission Policies




Profile of Church Activities


Meeting Houses


Source of Income


The Tabernacle Choir


Brigham Young University


The Articles of Faith


The Family Proclamation



The Living Christ Incorrect Opinions About the Church




Further Information


Church Branches in Armenia


Church communities in Europe


~pumu .Qppumnup \.{bp2pu Ophp]: Uppbp]: bI.J.bflbgm uilirjunifihpp (Unp­ unuubp[!) n'Z ruqnunhumfihp hfi, n'Z pnnnpuiqunitibp, n'z tl 4mf)nL}1I.J.ubp, WJl .Qppumnup hfiurqmjfi ilhjuulputiqfiunlui« b4bflbgpu t: bI.J.bflbgpu huitiuiju ujuuquunip !1l1mtlmu t upwJu npiqhu wUbpP4JwU uip­ unuquipq hpl.rujp. wJuPUZ 1996 f). uI.J.qppg P ilbp, ~J1Umu .Qppumnup -Lbp­ 2Pu Opbp]i Upphph b4bflb9pu wllbL}1 zwm uifirjunifihp mfi]: UlJU-pg J1DlpU, puif upw uurhuurfifihp]i Iihpunui : UJu !1wpabl t up huniuigjuuiphuijhf !1W­ tlwuwut! , wtlbL}1 puif 12 ulu urfiruuutihpru], nfl2 wZtuwphp wtlbL}1 puui 160 hpljpfihpnui: ~pumu .Qppumnup 1..f.bp2pu Opbp]i Upphph b4bflb9pu umurohf uifiquni ~wJwumwu t huiuh] 19-PI1 rpup]i tlbp2mu ,: 2006 f). uqqphfi uni­ pnfl2 ~wJwumwumu I.J.wJpu 2000-pg wtlbL}1 tufinunifihp: UJu hunlunnp]i qnpofiuilnuf urprjjmfipfibpp mjurqpun] bu. uw up hljh­ flb9p t, npuihn uwp!1l14 , puui hpl.mjphfl , ppnt! bp2wuPI.J. hf L qinh] hf ppbug I.J.Jwut!P ruqrn PUWUU1[!: lrpnuD GwL [!GrNGnlu t umopjui 4JwGt!p qnpnfiuiquif I.J.nflubp[!' urqfhlntpjmfip, uitiuiruujunrnpjmfip, uhpin [!GmwGb­ ljuifi huipuiphpmpjrufifihpp, o-luwtunmpg L nqhjjiq luupWpg, pupwuJmf)bppg [umuunhnuip Zbzmwl1Pblntl DGmwubI.J.wu 4JwGt!P qurpl.npmpjmflp: UJu hnl1tlwo-wZWP[! fiuijuunnbuthuc t' pfiphpqnqjifi oqfib] wtlbL}1 [un] ow­ uwzbl ~pumu .Qppumnup \.{bp2pu Ojthp]i Uppbp]i bI.J.bflbgpG: Lpwgmgpz tnbqbljtupjmfifihp]: huniuip , lnupnq bI2 4wUJ. hunnnunnhj hn!1tlwo-wzwpp 4.bp2mu mptlwo- qjuuuhfijuiljfihphf 4wu UpwGwl wZluw[lhwut.j1Jmn quifiqjif

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Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) - are not Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic, but claim to be a restoration of the ancient Church of Christ. The Church is often mistakenly viewed simply as an American phenomenon; however, since early 1996 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had more members outside the United States than within its borders. It has become a global faith with over 12 million members found in over 160 nations worldwide. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints first arrived in Armenia at the end of 19th century. As of the year 2006, there are more than 2000 members throughout Armenia. The practical results of this belief are remarkable-a Church where people seem truly happy and fulfilled, with a sense of direction in their lives. The religion also emphasizes practical aspects of daily living-honesty, integrity, close family relationships, avoidance of tobacco and alcohol and an extraordinary emphasis on family life. This media packet was designed to help the reader better understand The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . For more information, please contact the office listed in the back of the media packet or log on to the world wide web at .

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints



<,]1Umu .Qppumnup "ll.bp2pG Ophp]i Upphp]i b\.tbllbgm uifiruuulihphfi huiriui]u uifitluifinui bG «Unpiinfifihp »: Uui up uuilnufimfi t, npl1 mp­ tlbl t WjG ujunnriumm], np Iipuifip Unptinfi]i Q.PPPI1 I1GIlll1.Gmu hf npujhu Uumtlwo-wzGW G hunluiuuipuiqnp Umpp Q.ppp: QwGqtlWo-WjpG lflwmtlwuP2ngGbflpG [upuijununlnui t PflbGg humnprpuqprnpjnulfibpmu b\.tbllb9pG njuqhu hunnnunnmpjmfi tl\.twjw\.tn;.bWu oquuuqnpobj tipui l.l.lwzmnGw\.twG uifiihufinuip, L [umuunhlq «Unpunfiuiquif b\.tbllbgp » uifitluifinuihq: Uhq urfiquni bljhqhqrn 6zqflpm uifiihufinuip npujhu wnw2pG hqnui Gztlblmg hhinn , hph unpm­ pjrufifihp]; pnquipqtiunl huniurp unllq]i \.twp6 uifhlurfiutufi \.twflPP t lllGmu, [ujuujununlnui t qnpcurotq «b \.tbllbgp» L «<,pumu .Qflpmnnup b\.tbllbgp » urfirluninuifihpp: UGllwuGbppG uiq­ Gwp\.tblllu, [upurjununlnui hf «<,pumu .Qflpumn­ up "ll.bfl2pG Opbp]i Upphp]i b\.tbllbgm uifinuni­ Iihp» \.twu «<,JmnlU .Qflpumnup bljhqbqru WU­ qunifihp » urpuuuhuijinmpjmfifihpp:

b\.tbllbgm wUbGw6wGw;.tlwo- hunnljuifihgfih­ flP9 ub\.t11 Iipui rudhn zbzmwllPmuG t I1 Gmw­ Gb\.twG 4JwGpp L PWflOP puipnjuiquif uqq­ pmfipflhp]; ljpw: UjG GwL uhounqhu huipqtlnui t pp umnqompjurf ophfip]i huniuip, nfll1 fihpui­ nnui t hpuiduipnui nqhjjiq tuupWpg, o-tuwtun­ tnjiq, uniprihq, }}bjP9 L }}upwGjm}}bppg:

UUllwuGbPI1 [unpuuqbu pfirpuflnui hf puipn­ juiquifi uiqunnntpjuifip' huipqtqm] jmpwpwG;.­ jmp uifihunn]i pfimphjnt [ipunlmflpp, ph pGwG hunlunnun L pGm 1.tJ1pwnbl: Uhujmfihpfihphfi hpurhurfiqihuc t hpphp uiphuniuiphuiqtufi­ purpbjuinuip qrujq ;.mwl Wjl ljpnfifihphfi L rpu­ tlwGwGpGbppG, n;. tl hurpljumpuiquul npbl; up­ 2n9 oquuuqnpoh] unpunpupcfihp obnp pbptqm huniuip:

<,pumu .Qppumnup "ll.bp2pG Ophp]i Uppbp]i bljhqhqm uifinunifihpp ophfiunquih L hunlunnui­

ppu puimupurqhfihp hfi: upwGI2 bG}}wp\.ttlmu hfi ophfipjiti, uurufiurqqnui L w2w\.tgmu hfi pztuw­ fimpjuifi pnlnfl UW\.tWPIlW\.tGbpp qnpohphfi, ptlb­ wp\.tmu hfi pfnnpmpjnuluhpnui L oumurjnui bG PflbGg uiqqhp]i qpGtlwo- ntdbpnui : <,pumu .Qppumnup "ll.bp2pG Ophp]i Upphp]i b\.tbI1bgpG pp UWPllwuPPW\.twG L puipopm­ }}JwG 2wGpbpp uP2ngntl [ipuiljuifiurqfinui t uWPIl\.twJPG uiumunquifipp phplnuqfilqm L pn­ [np uWPIl\.twGg pGpGwwl.l.lwl.j}1Gmul} purpopuiq­ Gblm zwpmuw\.tw\.twG qnpcpupurqp:




purpcpuiqfilqm uljqpmfipp, zwm ljuniunlnp uurufiuiqlnntihp' petpZ\.tGbfl, prudpmjpbp, mum­ gp;.Gbp, qjmnunnfitnhufihp L uijjnp , ourmujnui hfi npiqhu upupnGbpGbfl wztuwphp zwm hpljp­ (ihpnui:


Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are often referred to as Mormons. This is a nickname, which comes because of their acceptance of the Book of Mormon as a companion scripture to the Bible. Media Organizations are encouraged to use the official name when referring to the Church as an institution in their reporting, and avoid references to "Mormon Church. Once the correct name of the Church is mentioned as first reference, and a shorter reference is -needed for news reporting, the terms" "the Church and "the Church of Jesus Christ are encouraged. When referring to members, the terms "members cf the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or "members of the Church of Jesus Christ are encouraged. One of the most recognized characteristics of the Church is its strong emphasis on family life and high moral principles. It is also highly regarded for its health code, which includes abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and harmful drugs.

Members have a profound respect for moral agency-the right of every individual to choose what he or she will believe and practice. Missionaries are instructed never to disparage other religions or faiths or to use any coercive method to gain converts. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are law-abiding and loyal citizens. They obey the law, support and participate in the affairs of government at all levels, vote in elections, and serve in the armed forces of their respective nations. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, through its humanitarian and welfare efforts, has a continuing commitment to relieve human suffering and to promote self-reliance among all people. In line with this principle of promoting self-reliance, volunteer specialists such as doctors, nurses, teachers, farmers, and others, serve as missionaries in many countries throughout the world.

b~bfl.b8nt-~uuun.ns "lUSUnt-ra3nt-'L~ bl.[ ~I"U'LU~U'L ~UUn!lUnt-'Le'Lbr~




~tlUmu .Qp!lUmnUp Ll..hp2pG Ophp]i Upphp]t blIh11h9pG pppumnGbwlIwu IlwtlwuwGp t L uni­ Pllll2n4.J1u huniunqunnuiujuuninui t 'Gnp lImwlIw­ puifi]; nunirufiphfi, npI! hpuGtjwo- t ~pumu .Qppu­ innu]i o-GGrijl, luwGpp, [uuijbpupjurfi L huiprupjuif t{pw: ~wtlwmpu wn ~pumu .Qppumnup unnmlui­ ouijfimpjmfip ~pumu .Qppumnup Ll..hp2pu Opbp]i Uppupp blIb11bgm t.J.wPllwlllbmmpJwu l.ntpjntfif t: blIb11h9m uifinunifihpp hunlunnnui hfi, np ~p­ umu .QppumnuI! Iluuion Oprijlu t , wZluwphp
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a Christian denomination, wholly committed by faith to the New Testament account of the birth, life , crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ is the core doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Church members believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God , the Savior of the world, the promised Messiah, who lived, died and was resurrected, and is the Mediator between God and His children. Members of the Church love and worship Christ and tty to honor Him by living good and virtuous lives. This is reflected in a strong commitment to principles of honesty, morality, hard work, strong united families, and to the service of others.

UUllwuGbpt! hunluunnui hfi, np ~pumu .Qppu­ umu]i uqqpfiuiquif blIh11b9pu, pp L}1wlIwmwp pz­ [uuifimpjuifi hlnn UpWU!1G, uifihlnnuiqun] bplIP!1g wnw2pG tunuipjuqfihp]; iiuihhq lIwp6 duniuniuilj uifiq: 'Gpwug uuihhq hlnnn, tifiuiquro hunlunnuiq­ JWl hlnnlmpnfihpp ujuijpuiph] hfi n112 ufiuqrn hui­ uuip qurphntpbj]i 6GzuwG iquijuurfifibpnui : 'GpwGg . hunnnunnmf hunlunnp]i zunphpt.J. pphu­ umfihmpjmtip upuhujuifhlhq L u.J3. bpqjmprj rpu­ pp t.J.bp2pU ruupcun] ~pG wZ)uwphp PZlun11 qpn­ ut!: Iljfinnuuhfiuijfijn], umuifiq Suiufihplpu Ilnuip­ juqfihp]; Ionphpq]i pzluwGmJ3Jwu L qhqunhuprn­ J3Jwu, uwprijllI uljuhqhfi hhinl.h] wJl w11PJmpGb­ pp ' rjunhufiuipuifiurljuif I!upnuuwu huniuip, L np­ ujhu uipnjnuip, zwm iquipq L puifiljuiqhfl 6zuwp­ mmpjnuifihp qnpuifi: '1-wphpp I!upwgpmu Ilnuip­ juqfihp]: pzluwGmJ3JwG ujuiljuiu]i iqunnriumm], uljqpfiuiquifi blIb11b9pu uuiufiunrnlhj t qwGwqwG puiquurpju] 6Jm11bpP: ~pumu .Qppumnup blIb11hgpG hplIpp t{pw ilh­ t uuuufihfihpnprj rpup]: wnw2!1G lIb­ ujifi, uljqpfiuiljurf pzluwGmJ3Jwu, ohuhp]; L quiq­ uurljhjuqmpjunl hlnn U!1WUpG, GbpwnJwl qhfiruu­


,tlUnLU !2fltlUtnnujl '-lbfl2jlu Ophph Uflpbfljl ~


Members believe that the original Church of Jesus Christ along with its full authority was lost from the earth not long after the death of the early apostles. After their deaths, the remaining faithful followers struggled for survival in the face of horrifying oppression. To their everlasting credit, Christianity was preserved, and by the end of the second century A.D. it became a dominant religion in the Old World. However, without the authority and direction of the Council of Twelve Apostles, men began looking to other . sources for doctrinal understanding, and as a result many plain and precious truths were lost. Over the centuries, given the lack of apostolic authority, the original Church split into many different branches. The Church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth in the first half of the nineteenth century, along with its original authority, ordinances and organization including a living Prophet and apostles. To distinguish it in time . from the original Church of Jesus Christ , the restored Church was named "Too Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. The term

up Uurpquiphjifi L umuipjuquhphfi: crwuwuwl.j]l ub2 WjU uuupphpbjm huniurp <,pumu .Qppumnup uqqpfiuilpuf hqhqhqruq, tjbpwlIwuqutlwa hqhqb­ gpu wutjwutlbl t « <,pum u .Qppumnup '-lbp2Pu Ophp]i Upphp]i blIbllbgp »: «Upphp » pump oq­ unuqnpoilnni t PP uqqpfiuiquifi, uiuuuluimugfijui­ jPU [uiunnnm], tiunnfiuifighpu] hljhqhqm uiflnuni­ (ihphfi, mlphp w2luwmmu hfi ppbug unihfiopjui ljjuifipnui htnnl.hj <,pumu .Qppumnup oflpuwlIpu: <,pumu .Qflpumnup hqhqhqm tlbpwlIwuquuwu qnflauufw9D uiun]i t rufihqtq up purfi]: uuuphfih­ flP DUf w912m u : UjU ulIutlbl t 1820 p. , hpp up bphunuuuiprj qjmnuiq]i mrpu lJl2npbu umnphq, npujhuq]i [unphmprj uunufiuip, ph puiquuiquifi blIbllb9pubppg nppf t ujbinp upwuwr 1).pwu hW2npIlwau unihfiuihmqjij L huijinfim­ pjmfifi tp <,pumu .Qppumnup hpljpuijjif 4jwu12pg [i tlbp, WjU t ' huipmpjmfi umuio .Qppumnup uifi­ owup hurjmfhltqp <,WjP Iluinon hlnn upwupu: l-l-uuiju; umuijhfi ' Qnqb~ Uupphfi, uunlhq, np­ iqhuq]i qnjmpjnui ntfihqnq blIbllbgpubppg n~ iih­ lIpu ~up w u w : upwu unnlhq , np PU12D iqlnnp t iPup up qnpap12 Iluinon obn12pu , np]: uP2ngntl puilnufiurjmpjurfl P2lu w umfjmuD, tlwPIlwUjbmm­ pjmfifihpp L abubpD ujjun]i tlbpwhwumwmtlbu : <,bmn hnuif Wjl huijmfimpjrnufihp L uijqhjm­ pjmfiuhp huicui]u tllIwjtlwa mPP2 ubpP lInlluP9 , (ibpumjun unipp puihuniurjmpjuui tlbflwlIwuqum­ UD L 2unphmuD ppbu , npD Iluinon uifimfiru] qnp­ abLm p2luwumpjmuG t: <,pumu .Qppumnup '-lbp­ 2pG Ophp]i Uppbp]i blIbllbgpG , tlbg unirjunlfihprn] iquigumuunqbu quiquunlnjnllq t 1830 f· wUJ11PWu , .bWjbfmU, ujm 3np12 , Ulfl.,: b4bllbgpG uipuiqnphfi uirinui tp, puijq 2w pm ­ GW4tlnll DGwumfjmGD L hlnnuuqfirjnuip uuih­ tqhqjifi upwu 2wpatlbl IlbUJl1 uipl.ununp: 1844 f . Qnqb~ UUPPD uiquifitlhq Pwunjumu, huiquninp­ unfiuiljuifi [uuidunimd]i lInllupg: b4bllbgm uifi­ IlwuubPD 122llbgpu [tphfiq 12wllw12P9, [iul] upwug mfihpp wjptlbgpu : Uhc quiqmpuipurp L Unw12­ juqfibp]; umurgtinpn 12ppqwu Buifiq]t umurofinp­ rpnpjunip upwu12 ppwlIwuwgpbgpu up qjmquiq­ liuiqurf wP2wtlw u12 IlbUJl1 uipl.ununp , Ghp4wjpu Uhuiqjuij uwhwuqGhflP uP2ntl, IlbUJl1 Uho UnW Lhjp]i hruljnn : Iljfimbn GpwG12 ljummqhqpfi UnW Lhjp Uhpjifi, bljhnhqru hunuujjuuiphuijhf qLtuw­ tlnp tlwp~wlIhumrnGD:

"saints is used in its original, biblical sense to denote members of the Church who stri ve to follow the example of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives . The process of restoration of Jesus Christ' s Church occurred over a period of several years. It began in 1820 when a young farm boy prayed earnestly for guidance as to which of the many churches he should join. What followed was the most dramatic and important revelation since the earthly life of Jesus Christ the personal appearance of the resurrected Christ, together with God the Father. The 14-year-old boy, Joseph Smith, was told to join none of the exi sting churches. He learned that he would be used as the instrument of the Lord through which priesthood authority, doctrines and ordinances would be reestablished. Other revelations and visitations followed often witnessed by others including the restoration of the holy priesthood itself, which is the authority to act in God 's name. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints wa s formally organized at Fayette, New York, in the north-eastern United States in April, 1830, with six m embers. The Church grew rapidly, but contmumg opposition and persecution forced it to move westward. In 1844, Jo seph Smith was murdered in Illinois by an antiMonnon mob. Church members were driven from their city and their homes were burned. Under the leadership of the great colonizer and Leader, Brigham Young, they accomplished an epic trek westward across wh at is now the United States ; to the valley of the Great Salt Lake. There, they built Salt Lake City, world headquarters of the Church.

b14bflbsnt- "lUSunt-rasnt-'L(! ~USUUSU'Lnt- u

b1.}hllhgm umuiohfi upupnGhpGhpI! <,wJwumwG hfi h1.}hl 19-pl} I}WPP tJ.hp2pG: (J}wmuw1.}wG Llplnitnjuifi <,wJwumwGp uuupuiopnui hpuGtJ.hl t b1.}hllhgm 6Jmll, npI! qnpo-hl t tlpG2.L Unw2pG UZIuwphwuwpmp u4}1qPI!: 1991-pG upupnGbpGbPI! 1.}p1.}pG hquifi <,wJwumwG: Unw2pG wGIlwUI!, uhp duniurfiuiqfihpnui, u1.} t 1991-p uhujinlnipbph 3-pG: (J}wzmnGwUlbu b1.}bllbgpG <,wjunnnuiflnui 6wGW2.tJ.hl t 1994 }}t!w1.}wGp llh1.}mlnipbp]: 22-pG: Iljdu <,wJwumwGmu 1.}w 2000pg Wt!bl wGI}WU, npnfip hunliuptlnui hf up puifi]; o-Iubpmu: Brupurpuifijjmp o-mIu «<,pumu .Qppumnuh 4.bp2pG Ophp]i Uppup]i <,wJwumwGlI lqmGw1.}wG <,wuwJGl1lI » uuiufi I: b1.}bllbgm o-Iubp 1.}wG bpt.unimu, Q.JmuplImu, vluniuicnpnui, Upunujunnnui, Uzmwpw1.}mu L WJl ptiuiljunluijphpnui: 1998-lIg uljuuic b1.}bllbgpG hnuifirpufi ljhpujm] Gbpqpwt!tJ.wo- t bllbl uuiprpuujipuiquif wz[uunnunlpflhpnui nI12 <,wJwumwGntJ. «4.0U purpbqnpompjnuifibp» quiquuiljbpujntpjiufi uP2ngntJ.: bp1.}plIG oqfimpjmf t hunnlnuqtlhj uGGI}}1, huiqnunnp, hpqphGp1.} unupuiqtuflhp]i mhupru], pG2.ujhu GwL oduifiruuqmpjmfi t unquihmhlhj umnq2wUlwhm}}JwG, qjnujuunfnnbumpjuif L ljppm}}JwG rqnjunfihpnui:

The first missionaries came to Armenia at the end of the 19th century. On the territory of historical Western Armenia a Church branch was established which was functioning until the beginning of the First World War. In 1991 missionaries again came to Armenia. The first member in our times was baptized September 3 of that year. Officially, the Church in Armenia was recognized on December 22 in 1994. Presently there are more than 2000 members in Anne ni a, who gather in several branches. Each branch is a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints Religious Community. There are branches in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Artashat, Ashtarak and in other places. From 1998 the Church was actively involved in humanitarian activities all over Armenia" through the organization "LDS Charities. Help to the country has been provided in the form of food, clothing, and hygiene kits. Support was provided also in the spheres of health care , agriculture and education.

unounu- Q.t"re(!. b4U Ub14 414USnt-rasnt-'L ~t"unt-u ert"usnut" UUUt"'L


<,pumu .Qppumnull h1.}hllhgm tJ.bpw1.}wGqGuwG ljhfitnpnfiuiljuif [ipuirpupcmpjmfip Unpunfi]i Q.pl1lI hWJmGtJ.hLD L hpunquipuiljnuifi tp: ').w up uppui quif umpp q}1pp t 1.J Uumt!wo-wZGW I!G4bpw4}1gI!: Unpunfih Q.PPl1I! npujhu Umpp qpntpjmfifibpp ub4 WJl hunnnp I!Gl}mGblG t iqunnriump, np umlnpuipurp qnpouimlnq «Unptinfi » uW1.}wGmGI! t!bpwpbpmu t <'lIumu .Qppumnull 4.bp2pG Opbp]i

Central to the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ was the coming forth and publication of the Book of Mormon. It is a sacred book of scripture and a companion to the Bible. It is from the acceptance of the Book of Mormon as another volume of scripture that the commonly used nickname of Mormon is applied to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members. In September of 1827, Joseph Smith was led by a heavenly messenger to a hill where he found an ancient record engraved on metal plates , which was buried in a stone box. By revelation, the young man translated this record over a period of a few months . It is an account of God's dealings with the people who lived in the ancient Americas between 600 BC and 421 AD. The record's most important sections tell of

Upphp]i bljhqhqmf L tlpui urflnunifibpjifl:

1827}}. uhupnhuphphfi .2nqb.'p UUP}}I! bp4GwJpG uruphuifiruuq]i 4nqupg wnw2GnPlltJ.hg I}bULlI up pjrup, njnnbn Gw qinun] ulnnumjui }}p}}hqGhpp tlPw tlInpwqptJ.wo- up htiuiqmjf uipcuniuiqpm}}JmG, npp }}wqtJ.wo- tp puiph wp41l1I ub2: bp]iinuiuuipnp hurjuiflmpjunip puipquuifihq WJU hpzwtnuiljuipunip up puifi]: uniuihu pfipuiqpnui: ').w up qpumnui t Lluinon hurpuipbpmpjmfifihp]i uuiuhf wJG ch1rlnt!PllP hlnn, npf unqphj t hfnuqrnjf UUhPP4wJmu u.p.ui. 600-pg u.p. 421 }}}}. I!G}}wgl1mu:



'l~umu j;?fl~ul11nu~ 4.bfl2~(j Opbph UflPbfl~ t 4b'1bg~


Ilpouifluiqprupjunl quipl.npurqmjfi pwdpuubP!! iqunminui hf huipmpjmfi uimuo ~lmmu .QpJ1Umnup ququmjuui L uijn dnrpnlprjjifi L,PW uujuiuunlnpuuifl uuiuhfi: OLUmp q}1pP!!, Uumtlwo-ruzuw hlnn upwupu, huifiqhu t quqjiu npujhu .Qppumnup unnmlurouijfirnpjuifi up tlqwjmf)jmu: ~wmnpp LPPtl uifitlurfinuif t « Unpunfi]i q.pPP!!. btlu ubq
UWU umol., Unpnfihfi wtlblw9pbg [ip 4Jwupp duiuwuwqwuP2n9p [ipuiruupcntpjmfifibp]i tiuiuhf uhihurqurf hwztlbmtlmrjmuD:, [iul] uijfiruhlnnl, purllbg umpp ujunmimpjmfip up PLPP 4.Pw, npinbn WjU uuwg ~hwjmuwqnpo-tlwo- 14 rpuphp]; D:uf)wgpnui, upu~L UW huifidfihq WjU Qnqb.'P Uuhphfi ' purpquurfilqru: [c)-wpquwumrjWU wtlwpmpg hlnnn Qnqb.'P UuprD: tlbpwT}-wpopbg hfiuiqnijf uipcur(iuiqpntpjmfip Unpnfiphfi: ~uwqpmwqwu huijintnuqnpompjnuitibpp ubpljurjnuiu hunnnunnhj hfi ,

np npnz hfiuiqnijf uzwqmwubp qpuimlh] hf uhtnumjui rprbllUbpp 4.Pw qphpu]: '-lbp2pu uuup]iubppu, U1J.2pu Ilpl.lqpnul up puiph uipljq]; ub2 qmuLlbl hfi mppz f)prbllUbp , npnfip [uhum Iiuuifitlmu hfi Qnqb.'P Uupp]: (iljuipuiqpuiojiti : lJnpunup q.pppl.! wupnll2mrjWUp 4wu D:umptlwo- hunmlurofihpru], UbpqWjDlUU puipqiiuifitlwo- t unlhj]i puif 100 [hqrnfihptn]: UjU uunnjhLlI t 'huijhphf L nmuhphfi [hqmfihpm]:

Unpt.lnGp qPPQ[!, Uum4.w6w2mG~[! l.< «4.Wpl'\wlljbmmf:lJnLGGbp l.< nLtumbp[!» npuibu tllb'lbgm Urupp qpnLf}jmGGbp

The Book of Mormon, Bible and Doctrine & Covenants as scriptures of the Church

the visit of the resurrected Jesus Christ and his ministry to that people. The book stands, therefore, with the Bible as a witness to Christ's divinity. The full title of the volume is: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. The name of the book comes from the prophet Mormon, who abridged the writings of the earlier record keepers before entrusting the record to his son Moroni shortly before his death. As his people faced annihilation in the final wars, Moroni added his own account of events in his lifetime and then buried the sacred history in a hill, where it lay undiscovered for 14 centuries until he delivered it to Joseph Smith to be translated. After having finished the translation, Joseph Smith returned the ancient record to Moroni. Archaeological discoveries have now confirmed that some ancient cultures engaged in writing on metal plates. In recent years , other plates , closely resembling those described by Joseph Smith, have been found in a stone box in the Middle East. The Book of Mormon, either in complete text or in selected passages, has now been translated into more than 100 languages. It is available in Armenian and Russian.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints




UGllWI.HibpJ:! [unp huiqunnp mfihf pfiuuufi]» J;!r hunljnnhfiuiquifi pGmJJ3p hunintnq, nunn]i ilhpuiphptlnui bG unuriuipfihphfi hunnrnlj uiqtiuimufipm] L huipquifipm]: <-pumu .QpllUmnup \..f.bp2pG Ophp]i Upphp]i b4bllbgm unuriuipfihpJ:! tluijuunnhutluro ~bG qunlntiunlnp 2wpwJ3w4wG bp4J1UJ.wqmJ3JmGGbpp huniuip: l).pwGJ;! hunnrulj qumruqthuo bG J:!GmwGpj2p 4.Pw ljbfimpnfiuiqiluio ohuhp]; huniuip, npnfip fiui[uunnbuihuo hf J:!GmwGpJ;!p uifinuiufibppfl npiqhu hunlhpduiqurfi opwtlnp opwgGblm huiuuip : \..f.bp2pG Ophp]i Uppbp]i 4nlloP9 pfiunuGpJ;!p ljuipbnpmpjuni 2b2mmoJ:! n~ op inhn wtlblP tlwn oLntl W urpunuhuijuulnui, J;!wG unuriuipnui: <-pumu .Qppumnup \..f.bp2pG Ophji]i Uppbp]i b4bllbgpG qtiuihunnnui t puiqurpuiqjnulnuf unlmufimpjrnfiflhp]i uipdhpunlnprupjmfip, L fl.l1mnui t 11PwGJ;! .4I1JlObpp tiurhljuifiuiqm 4JwGJ;!p J:!GJ3wgJ;!mo npiqbu ophfiuiqurf] L puipnjurlnuf unupuiunlnphqfinq ujuijuuifiuiqphp: <,pumu .Qppumnup \..f.bp2pG Opup]t Uppbp]i b4bllbgrG luujuuujnupnui t , np unimufimpjmfin L J:!GmwGpJ;!J:! ljuipnq t 2wpmGw4tlbl hurfinlipcjuu llJwGj2nul, bpp qrnjqhpf ppbGg uniniufinrpjrnfiGbpJ:! L J:!GmwGpj2GbpJ:! 4GJ;!bL hf hunlhpdrnJ3JwG hunnup: 'GuwG hunnmlj unimuurupjnuiGbpJ:! UJ.bmJ;! t ljunnuipiluf umpp uuuriuipnui, hunnntl] lPwqnPtlwa J;!whwGwJmJ3JmG qpnnfihpp llnllupg : 'GpwGj2 GwL hunlunnnui hfi, np 4GJ;!uwG abubpp tlwtlbpwguwG huniuip uniruupGGbPJ:! UJ.bmJ;! t puiqurpcuilj Gt{l1ptlwOnlJ3JmG hurfinhu pbpbG ob4J:! ujmuh hurfinhu] [iphfiq unimufirupjuif nll2 J:!GJ3wgJ;!nu) L oumuijmJ3JmG m GllPPtlwOnI.J3JmG 11PuLnpbG :


'rumu $1rr uLIl nur 4br21l(j Ophph Urpbrll b~bllbgr


Members have a profound belief in the eternal nature of the family and therefore view temples with special reverence and respect. Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are not intended to be places for regular weekly worship. They are erected for specific, family-centered ordinances designed to unite family members as an eternal unit. Nowhere is Latter-day Saint emphasis on the importance of the family better exemplified than in the temple. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recognizes the validity of civil marriages and regards them as legally and morally binding contracts during the mortal lifetime of the parties. This church proclaims that it is possible for marriages and family life to continue beyond the grave, when couples have their marriages and families sealed for eternity. Such special marriages must be performed in a sacred temple, by authorized priesthood holders. They also believe that for such sealing ordinances to be valid, husbands and wives must show total fidelity to each other throughout their marriage and lead lives of service and commitment.

4w zrUCll·nnur l.Jnlwuprw I1rL/brr LIlw(iwro Columbia River Washington Temple

ULlbLIlWrWUr I1lUI1lu(jwurrI1l~JI1lUU OULIlWUrl1I1lU Gospel Study in Family

(!'LSULbliUL lJIuSUntraant'L bl}bIlbgm uifirjunifihpp hunlunnnui hfi, np uppwqwG L uuuriurpuijhfi ophfiru~JmGGbpD nl opwJG GpwGg huniuip hfi, ntl12bp wJOO wUJ11mO hfi , uijj GwL owhuiquiofihp]i huniuip, npnGg tlmjuwpbG ljunmupmu hf o-bubp: QGmwGp12p wUJ11nIl wGI1woGbPD huiriui]u qnpo-mo bG npujhu ppbGg GG2b9JWlGbppG ihnjuuiphfinnGbp, ujuijuuifirn], hpp GpwG12 DGI1mGbG I1w: .QwGp np DGmwGp12p hurfiqruqjuu rufinunlfihp]i pGpGm~JmGD hunnnunnh] t w2Ujbmp uuuriurpurjpf

[uunnuifipp ljunnuiptqmq umuio, wGI1wOGbPD [upui[ununlnui hfi hnurfirjmfi o l.m] tnhqhljrupjmfifihp tllGmpbL ppbGg GwjuGpGbpp uuiuhti : Ilpujhu hurfiqruqjuq fiuijufijifibp]: huniuip tnurriuipuijhfi wJu w2juwmwGpp uifipuiduifihW puinurqp]», bl}bIlbgpG qnpouronui t w2[uuiphnui wobGwoboourqnuifiuipuifiuiljuif qpuiruujuufip ' QGmwGbl}wG ujunnumpjuul qpWI1WpwGD Suiriuiph hpunquipurlj]i unin , 3mmwJp Unjp Lbjp Up~11p qnpouipuip 2P2wGmo: UJuoP umljui hfi huipjmp opwnGwljnp uuifijnudunqunlhfiuijhf uipcurfiurqprnpjmfifihp huifipuijhfi wGtlowp hhunuqmnm~JmGGbp11




uifldfiuiljurf qurmnuhmpjmup L [uruuunhhf uiju uuljuqfihp], UjuWL oqunuqnponuihq, hui tlwpwo-mG Ijhfnnpnfiuifinui t qjjuunlnpuuqbu huifiqrnqjuij uifiobp]: imljuqfihp]: ilpu; (Iiui]upuifi 1920 p.): flnLnp tupnuifiuiqpntpjmfifibpp obnp hf phPtlbL ophfiuiljuif owGwUJ.wphntl unupphp Ijumunhuptnpjmfifihp]i L tnlrqurljuif hhqjifiuiqmpjmfifihp]i hunlunimpjunip L qnpourljqrupjunlp, npnGg [ipunluiurupjuif lihppn bG qinfiilh] uipctufiuiqprupjrnfifihpp: QGmwGbljuifi iqunmimpjuifi ljbfhnpnfifihpp utllntlwohfi w2juwphntl uhlj, 2wm hpljpfibpnui, np]: 2Gnphplj b qhnhqjifi 2whwqnpo-mo t huniuil}wpqlwJPG quifiq]: QGmwGbl}wG ujunnuru~JwG unihliuniho t2D '





(p. trbL..wu)

Family History Center in Yerevan , Armenia

FAMILY HISTORY Church members believe that these sacred and essential temple blessings are available not only to those who are now living, but also vicariously for those who have died. Living family members often act as proxies for those who have passed on , in the hope that such temple blessings will be accepted by those for whom they are done. Since deceased family members must be identified before the temple work can be done, members are encouraged to actively seek information about their ancestors. As an integral component of this temple work for deceased ancestors, the Church operates the largest genealogical library in the world, the Family History Library, next to Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. Today, hundreds of millions of microfilmed records are available to the public for research at no cost. In order to safeguard personal privacy and avoid misuse of this information, the collection concentrates mainly on records of deceased persons (pre-I nO). All records are obtained legally and with approval and cooperation of the various governments and local authorities who have jurisdiction over the records. Family History Centers have been established in many locations worldwide and The Church also operates the largest Family History website at


'llUSUrn-raaU'L i.4b'LSrn'L =lUaUUSU'LrU-U

~l1Umu .Qptmmnup 'L[bp2P(i Ophp]i Upphp]; bljhqbqm bpl.uifi Uhuhuij]i I!(imw(ib4w(i ujunnunipjurfi ljhfiinpnfifi pp qnpomfiumpjmfip uquhj t 2002~.: Q(imw(ib4w(i ujunnurupjuni ljhtitnpnfifihPI! umbllbtjntu hfi otuqruufnupuifnuqurfi wzluwuuuflpfihp ljunnuiptqm huniuip L oqfihpn p(i~U\bu b4bllbgm w(illwu(ibppu, uijfiujhu tl pnlnp UWPll4wug, m.tpbp 44wubuwu munulfiuruhphj [iphfiq uipuunnuhpp, lpuquh] mnhuuioumbp, qpbl I!(imw(ibljurfi hpzwmw4wpw(i(ibp, hunhuphj ouiqnuifiuipuifiurljuif tnhqhlpupjmfifihp L tinunpurqphj ununwpwjp(i wzluwmw(ipp huniuip : Uzluwmw(ilm finp punh uunuqun] 2005 J3.: b4bllbgm uwluwquih Q.npI}ll(i P. ~p(il2iP(i L bljhqhqm Wjl llb4wtlwp(ibp hunnruq mzwllPmJ3jm(i llwpopbgp(i I!(imunibljuif ujunmintpjuif qhfimpnfiflhphfi ' mpuiuuiqphpu] wtlbiP zwm wzluwmnll(ibp, LPwgmgp~ uuippunlnpnuifihp L mhjufihqui uijn wz[uunnuifipp umuip uuufihpu huiiiuip: Upl.tqjurf btJ.pnU\wjmu bplnufi]i ljhfiinpnfif umuiohfifl t , np mfi]; 3 unp huniuiqurpqjnflhp, up4Pn:pplu L uP4pn:ppz ljuiprpuqnn uuipphp, ISO uP4Pn:pplubpp dnqmhuorn, L puiquuipju] qPl2bp: lizluwmw(ipI! hbzmwg(iblm (iU\wm w4ntl ljuif hunnrulj uzw4tlwa huniuiquipqjuijhfi opuiqpbp, hfltnhpfiuuujhfi t2, p(i~U\bu ophfiuiq Family

Search-p: 4b(impn(iD pwg t unihf op ' ubpumjuq 4ppuilj]: 0PI!: liJ(i ntfi]i 8 oumuijnquhp G hpljm lnuuunlnpfibp, n4.l2bp 0PI! 3-w4w(i duni inpuitiurrjpnui hf huruiupuiqrupjurf oumuijmpjuifip : 4b(impn(iI! pwg t prqnp hlnnuipppptlnntihp]; huiiiurp L mpuijurupjunip 4w2w4gp jmpuipuifijjntphfi: ~wugh(i' ~bn.'

'4.pwgw4w(i 5, bpl.unl , 3741-25-32-06



['uUlwubljwu ~WUlum~JWU ljbUUlrnur QrwubuJwlj[1 brbL.wumu The office of Family History Center in Yerevan


'rumu f1rruUlnur Llbr2ru Ophph Urpbrr bljb'1bgr


FAMILY HISTORY CENTER IN ARMENIA The Family History Center of the Church of Jesus Chri st of Latter Day Saints in Yerevan has begun its work in 2002. Family History Centers are established by the Church throughout the world to help the Church members and all people who would like to search their roots , create pedigrees, write family records, and gather genealogical information and submit them for temple ordinances. From 2005 effort has acquired new force. Church President Gordon B. Hinkley and other Church leaders have increased the emphasis on Family History Centers by providing more workers, additional equipment and techniques to further this important work. The Center in Yerevan is the first in Eastern Europe which has 3 new computers, microfilm and microflche readers, 150 microfilm collection, and many books. To facilitate the work there are computer programs especially designed for creating temple files, access to internet programs, such as Family Search. The Center is open every day including Sunday. It has 8 workers and 2 volunteers who provide of three hours daily service to the public. The Center is open for everyone interested in family history and visitors are always welcome. Address: Vratsakan 5, Yerevan, Armenia 375051 Tel. 3741-25-32-06

HUMAN ITARIAN SERVICES 'GmJG hnqurqnqrupjnuip OWPIl4.wG9 huuinhu], npG I}G4.wa t ~pumu .Qppuwnup Ll..bp2PG Ophp]i Upphp]i b4.hIlh9m opupnGhpw4.wG L pWpOflI1lPJwG WZ}uwwwGpp hjnipnui, 0Ilnul t GwL OWJll1WUPPW4.wG oqfirupjuif WZ}uwpbp umpunnfibp]; L lnup]ipunlnpfihp]i hunirjlnq, umuifiq mzwllPmpJmG rjuipofihpu fipurfiq ljpnfiuiquif ujunnljuifllqjimpjurUl}: bljhqhqm OWPllWUPPW4.WU oqfimpjrufip nlIlll-



Ulnw2PG hhpppu Gpwug, mlpbp b4.bIlh9m uifinuni ~hu: Iuruuunhhjm] npl.l, tlwwuqpg, ph

Iitiuifi pjmfip


tp U}uW10UlOP I}Ullmutlbl npiqhu [upurf urfirjunimpjuifi oquitqm huiuuip, UlJU uuip rjuiujip uiljuif oqGm-

The same concern for people that underlies the missionary and welfare work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also motivates humanitarian assistance to the poor and needy of the world without regard to their religious affiliation . Church humanitarian aid is intended primarily for those who are not members of the Church. To avoid any risk that such aid might be misunderstood as an inducement to seek membership , this h umani tari an aid is not distributed by missionaries or through the Church's mrs.


sionary orgam-

zation. Rather, the Church operates through a separate but related organization , Latter-day Saint Charities, III distributing vast quantities of food , clothing, medical equipment, and materials, as

pJmGI} ~p pwzJutlmo opupnGhpuhpp 4. nIloP9 4. UlO b4.bIlh9m UpupnGbpubpp llwqoW4. hp14mpJwG OP2 nqrn]: Utlhw OWflWlIlm04 OwtuWqtHJ[l bpluufirnu, W1.4rrl 2005 6pzw, b4.hIlhThe project of Tree Planting in Yerevan, April 2005 gpu qnponui t ui n ur Ii c h Ii , PUlJg pphG well as financial assistance. wnG~tlllil 4.wqOW4.hP14mpJwu' ~hp2Pu Ophp]i UpThis humanitarian work extends across the php]i PwpbqnpampJmuubpp op2ngntl, pwz}ublm earth in dozens of countries where assistance huniuip uha puifiuiljmpjunip ufinuin, huiqnunn, with food, clothing, shelter, health, sanitation, petZllW4.WU uumpunlnpnuifihp L Iijruphp , pU~14bu and other basic personal care items are GwL llPWUW4.UlU oqfimpjmfi: desperately needed. In the immediate wake of Ilju uuquuuuhpuiquif WZJuWWUlUpl} muipuioearthquakes , hurricanes, typhoons, floods, tlmu t bpljjuuqfirpu] Ob4., I}Ullqp4.blntl puiquuiphi] famines, wars, and other disasters, the Church hpljpfihp, npinhn ufifirjm], huiqnunnm], W14UlUU1Whas distributed cash contributions and large puifim], umnqounqurhrnpjunip, petZ4.Ul4.WU [ufiuniquantities of needed commodities and supplies. pm] L WJl hjnifiuiljuif uifiofiuiljurf) [uflunip]i Since 1985, the Church has been involved umuipquifihpm] oqfimpjuif [uhuui 4.wppp lpu: in over 3,000 humanitarian projects in 137 bP4.l1UlzWpetGbpp , OPPP4. uhpp, tllnpnpP4. ubpp , 2Pcountries. Since 1988, over 52 million US hbIlbllUbpp, uml]i, ujunnhpuiqufihp]t L UlJl umlnnDollars in humanitarian aid have been donated Gbpp llbUWmo, b4.bIlb9pG pWlJubl t llPwOW4.wG to Eastern and Central European countries. oqfimpjrufifihp L Obaw12wGW4. uifihpuidhgin W14Where possible, humanitarian projects are piufipfihp m uphpp: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints



1985 pl{wllwGpg P I{bp, bllbIlb9llG (ihpqpun]I{wa t bIlbl 137 bpllpGbpp 300-pg wl{bW iiurpruuuhpuilnuf) Gwjuwqabpmu: 1988-pg uljuuio' 52 ulG UlTG l}l1lwpP9 wl{bW uuiprpuuhpuiquni oqllmpjruf t GtlPpwpbpl{bl urpt.tqjuif L llbGmpnGwljuifi btlPnU}wJP bplJ.pGbppG: <,Gwpwl{npm?JwG I1bUW mu ujuipquuqhu nnnpumpjmf unujru ihn[utuphfi, uurprpuuhpuiquui Guijuuiqobp hfi quiquI{bl oqfilqru qnpuiqfih] tufihunnfihp]i L I}GmwG!lpGbpp pGpGwwU}wtlPGmul} L tnhmuquif pGpGwI{wpmpJmGI}: f}.pw I{wn oppGwlll} llwpnil t WGbl tiuiprpuuhpurljuif oqfirupjmf qmquipbpbjrn hwiiuip upupnGbpGbp mIlwpllbw hlnnuiqnmbjnt fiujunnuiqm] qiufiuiquifi pfiuiqunlumfibp ,


upp ufi petzllmpJmG, ljppmpjnui , qjmqunnfhnhunipjmfi L wJlG: Ilju upupnGbpGbpl} ppbGg duiuuifiuilj]; uba UWUI} urfiqljuiqfinui hf mumgwGb[m] tnhquiljuif uurufiuiqlnnfihphfi, oqunuqnpotqru] mhnuiqurf up2n9Gbpl}: Ophuuiq ' qlnnjluijufidnph w6bguwG up ihnpcurqlnn, pp llGn2 hlnn, pfirpuGbl t 2 uuujnlui upupnGbpwllwG llwGz uipl.lqjurf bilpnujuijnui uWPll11wGg qtnnfnujuucnp]; uzwllmPJwG ub2 huunuqfihpn huniuip: Oqunuqnpotqm]

upwJG inhruulnuf U}wzwpGbpl}, upupnGbpGbpl} L inhquiquifi ihnpcuiqtnnfihpp quipnruuqh] hfi purpopuiqfilq uuupuquif phpp]; uipuuunpnquilnuIirupjmfq; 8 innfifiuijhq, upG~L 60 mnGGw hbll-

uuuphq: Q.npa!l I}Gf}wgpmu upupnGbpl} inhmuquifi tl1npowqbmGbppg umlnph] t puifihp, npnfip hjniiu ppbGp ljuipnmuunui hfi llPpwnbl ppbGg uhihtuljuifi uiqurpuiljnui, lJl1w9JWl L,whwGqGbpmu: 1998-pg [i I{bp, bllbllbgpG GwL uba ~wtl1nl{ GbpqpWl{l{bl t uuiprpuuhpuilpuu 2wGpbpp ub2 <,wJwumwGmu: bpqppG unquihmltlh] t ufirufirpn],





uuippunlnpnuifihpm], uijqhqnpmuljurfi, qjntqunnfiuihuuiquifi, petzllwllwCi muruqiiunip: bllbIlbgpG GwL inpuniumpbj t UpwnGwl{np rpuuipfihp]i U}WZuipfihp <,wJwumwGmu wzjuwmnll puiqiiuipjn] puiphqnpouiquif ljuiquuiqhprqmpjmflubp]i uP2ngnl{:

UWflllwuPflWl.jwO oqOmPJmO llphqnfnu liurhurliq]: (UlJ1J) lllmdLtw60bflPO Humanitarian Help to the Victims of State of Arizona , USA


'lpumu ~IlPUlllnUp L[ bfl2pOQllbllP UIlPbllP til.jbrtbgp ~

designed to help strengthen individual and family self-reliance and local autonomy, instead of merely providing a handout. An example of this would be sending out humanitarian missionaries with expertise in various fields such as medicine, education, farming, etc. These missionaries spend most of their time training local specialists, using local resources. An example is an expert in potato farming, who together with his wife, accepted a two year mission call to train people in potato farming in Eastern Europe. Using only local resources, the missionaries and the local experts were able to increase annual crop yields from 8 tons to up to 60 tons per hectare. In the process the missionary learned things from the local experts which he is now able to apply on his own farm in the United States. Since 1998, the Church has also been heavily involved in humanitarian efforts throughout Armenia. Food, clothing, educational materials, medical equipment, gardening, farming and medical training have been provided throughout the country. The Church has also provided millions of dollars of supplies through charitable organizations working in Armenia.

pupopntraau'L 5PUQ.I"P(!


<,l"lUmu .Qpl1UUmUp ~bp211U Opbp]i Uppbpp blJ.bllbgpG uuuuhnqtlurc t pp uuinunifil.p]: :ppqJllJ.WlJ.WG L fijmpurljuifi puiphljhqmpjunip, pUlUlbu L fipuifiq puipopmpjunip: blJ.bqhqru puipoprupjuiu opuiqppp hpuut.J.wo- t pG~­

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned with the temporal and physical welfare of its members as well as their spiritual well-being. The Church welfare program is based on the concept of self-reliance and maintaining dignity and self-respect. The Church receives no money from any government for its welfare program. While providing assistance, it encourages members to develop self-reliance in several aspects of their lives: • Literacy and education • Career development • Financial management • Home production and storage • Physical health • Social, emotional and spiritual strength The purpose of the Church is to help members become self-sufficient. Work is to be enthroned as the guiding principle in the lives of Church members. (President Heber 1. Grant, 1936) Despite these preventative efforts, members sometimes have economically hard times. When that happens, the Church teaches that the responsibility for dealing with adversity lies first with the individual, then with the family or extended family. Only when these resources have been used does the Church provide further help . Welfare assistance from the Church is always regarded as temporary-to help people once again stand on their own feet.

fiurunqunlhlhluifi, tupduifiunqunmlmpjuifi unuhunufitiurf L [ifipfiuihurpqtufip]i quipquiquuif huijbquiquipqp blJ.bllbgpG ljumunluipmpjmfifihphq LlInll LP utnuifinui pp puipoprnpjuifi opurqp]i huniuip: Spuniurqplqm] oqfirupjmfi, uijf ~w2wLbpmu t uifinunifihphfi [ifipfiunuujuitJl1umu quipquiqflh] [iphfiq 4.JwG~p uuuppbp pfiuiqunhunfihpnui . • Q.pwqpmm}}jwG L qppmpjuif • Uuiufiuiqjnmuljurf qurpquiqtiuif •
:>GwJwo- WjU lJ.wutuwpqbWl 2wG~bppG, wGI1wuGbPD hpphufi infitnhuunqhu ouifip duiuurfiuiqflhp hfi uuqpnui: bpp I1W ujunrnuhnui t , blJ.bllbgpG umlnphqfinui t, np ujunmuujuurfiunrnlmpjmfip 6wtunpI1m}}jwG I1bu ujuijpuiphpu huniuip, DGlJ.linui t fnu]u uiflhunn]i , uijfinthlnnl, DGmwGp~p wGuP2wL



uifinunifihp]: UPWjG WjU hfiuipunlnpmpjmtlfibpp utqumiltqmp hlnnn t bl.jbllbgpG uipuniuinpnui [puiqm-

gPl cqfimpjmfi : bl.jbllbgmg mpt.J.nll puipoprnpjuif oqfimpjnuip upzm rijlmt.J.bL t npujbu duniuifiuiljunlnp' uurpqquuiq oqfilqm hw-

uuip ,




Ijuiflqfihfi: 4wpp~wljnp


hfi ppbGg o-tup fiuijuuiquihp lJ.wu hujjiuljnujnu]i hlnn: 'Gw LWt.J. qjnnh mhquilnufi


huniuijfipp ,L hunluifiurpuip uip-





lijntpuiljurf , IlPm}}jw u hlnn: 'Gw [unluiqmjf I1J1p~bPJ1g ljuipnrj


t qfiuihunntq




UWflflwul1flW4wG oqfirupjurli 4wquwljbflUjnLUO. -lbfiburubjurjnui

Organizing Humanitarian help in Venezuela

mnp]i quifiqfih]: Uztuwphp The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints



npn2 uuruhpnni, njunhq wGllwuGbPt! ubawpwGw4 hfi, b4bllb9pG qnpcuronui t lnqhuqnujnup iqurhhutnfihpp, npnGp GuwG hf htufipuijuuitlmptlhpji, PWjg wnwGg hW2tlP~ llPWUWP411WjpG uhphfiuijh: llwpppwljnpt! lnupnn t qfiuq uijtnnhq lnqpulpuqnuh uumpuiqjuuo iqunml]ipuiqpm], qunmuptqrn qflnuifihp pp 4wpppGbpp huniuip: lijl ihujphpnni tnqjiuljruqnup mpwuWllPmu t pfiinurfihp]: iipbpiujhf iquihurpuiflp huiuuqptqm WjillGmpwGpWjpG ruqjifibp, pG~­ ujhu ophfnul] qfinuifihpp inhnuiljuifi [uuifimpGbppg: Inqjruqmqnuhf 4wu ajup Iiurjuurquihhf [unphmpq t mPtlmu ~oqGbl iquipqunqbu qmiiuip muqm]: Umlnpuipurp, oqfimpjnui uunugnllGbppG juGllPtlmu t pG~-np w2juwmwGp qunnuiph], ppbGg quipnrpnpjnulflhp]i hunihiiunn: Uinmjq hunlunmupunipjmf t gmgwpbptlmu mhruuquif opjifiuiljuif 14whwG2GbppG, bpw2juwtlnpblntl [jnuljunnuip huniurcuijfintJ)JmG ophfip]: hhin: PwpopmJ)jwG apwqpPt! uuiufiurqhnphf ~p­ fiurfiuunlnjnlnul t quniunlnp umcnuiflhp], 2Gnphju], b4 bllhgm urfinunifihp]: 4nlluP9, npnGp anu hfi ujuihnui wuput! uh4 op, L GtlPpwpbpmu hfi uifnnhuuio uGGqp uipdhpp uinpunnfihpp L 4wpppwtlnpGhpp [ufiunip]: huniuip:

Members who are in need consult their bishop or branch president. He knows the local congregation well, and probably is already familiar with the family circumstances. He is in the best position to be able to assess needs and help the family recover. In some parts of the world where there are large numbers of members, the Church operates bishops storehouses-similar to supermarkets but without cash registers. There, the needy can go with a signed Bishop's Order to shop for their needs. In other locations, altemati ve means are provided for replenishing the family's food cupboard such as buying from local stores. The bishop or branch president is advised not to simply hand over money. Generally, those receiving help are given a work assignment tailored to their abilities. Careful adherence is given to local legal requirements to assure complete compliance with the law. The welfare program is, in part , financed through voluntary contributions by members of the Church who fast one day each month and donate the value of the meals missed for care of the poor and needy.

~urUPbrn~~8n~LLbr~ ~Ufl.Ul.[urn~~8n~LLtirt" ~tiS


OpbGppG hfiuiqurfirulbjm, huipqtqm L uuiunuphjm iquiptnunlnprupjmfi <.wtlwmn tnuiufihpqmhpnpn huifiquniuiljp, b4bllbgm unihfiurhhufiuijnup huninqumfipfihppg ub4t!, uiunui t. « Ubfip hunlunnnui bGp ophfiphfi hfiuiqtuflrullqrnfi, WjG huipqtqmf m 14W2m14wGbLmG , purquit1.npGbppG, uuijuurquihGbppG, llb4wtlwpGbppG rn ujmu P2juwGwtlnpGhppG hujunnuiuutqnul »: <.pumu .Qppumnup Ll..bp2pG Opbpp Upphpp b qhnhqm uiflnunifihpp oppfiunquih L wGaGtlbp

A Commitment to Obey, Honor, and Sustain the Law The Twelfth Article of Faith, one of the fundamental beliefs of the Church, states: We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and

bljbl1bgm 1..JLU~LUqLUh ' qp "lrugLru It UU1..J uLU~LUqLUh s. Pm2[l President of the Church G.B. Hinckley and US President G. Bush


"lr um u j:lPr uUlnu/1 <.J.bp2/1(j OJlbp/1 Uppbp/1 tljbl1 bg/1


punuupuiqhuhp hfi: upwGp uuiufiuiqqruu hfi L w2wl}gmu qumunlmpjuiu qnpohpjifl prqnp uuiljuiprpuljfihpnui, ptlhwpl}mU hfi DGmpmPJmGtihphfi L oumurjnni hfi pphGg hpl}pp q}1Gtlwa ntdhpnui: 02 up ljumunluipmpjmfl ujunnrium 2mGp quiulpuouniprn] tjhpwphptjhlm -<,pumu .Qppumnup -cJ.hp2pG Oplip]i Upphp]i bl}hllhgm huniuijfipfihphfi pp uurhutufifihp]i (ihpunui: QGl}hwl}wnwl}D, ljumunhupmpjrufifihpp quipnn hfi iluunuh WGhl, np pphGg pWllwpwgpGhppg n2 np wllhW 2wm UJ.wpmwtjnptjwa 2t «hfiuiquifirpllq, huipqh] L uunnuiph] ophfipp», nppuifi bl}hllhgm wGl}wUGhPD:

sustammg the law. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are law-abiding and loyal citizens. They participate in and support the affairs of government at all levels, vote in elections, and serve in the armed forces of their respective nations. No government has reason to view with suspicion congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints within its borders. To the contrary, governments can be assured that none of their citizens are more committed to obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law than the members of the Church.



U8L bltb'1.bBt"ubPt" bl.J. llUl.J.uuuueubPt" ~bS

Another fundamental belief of the Church of -<,pumu .Qppumnup -cJ.hp2pG Ophpp Upphp]i Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is summarized bl}hllhgm Uhl} wJl hjuifiuipuip huninqiimfip in the Eleventh Article of Faith. It states: We wUl}1mptjwa t tmuufiubljhpnprj hunlunnn huificlaim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God quniurqnui: liJG uiunui t. «Uhfip pfirpufinui according to the dictates of our own conscience, hfip unihtluiqnp Ilumomfl hpljpujuiqtqm ubp and allow all men the same privilege, let them urjnnnflmpjmfip, huniuiouijf uhp Jull6p ptquirjpunipji, L GmJG uijnnnfimpjmfip tjhpwUJ.whmu worship how, where or what they may. Members have a profound respect for moral hGp pnjnp UWPlll}wG9. PllJ1 GpwGp hp4PUJ.wagency, the right of every individual to choose qhfi nui, L njnnhn qljunihfiuui»: what he or she will believe and practice. Despite UGllwuGhpD [unpuuqbu huipqnui hfi pwpnits independence and some differing beliefs, the JWl}wG uiqunnmpjuifip jrupuipunijjrnp wGhwChurch regards other churches and religions with in]; DGmphlm [ipunlmfipp, ph pGWG hunlunnuq goodwill. Although the state of Utah is L pGm l}ppwnhr ~GwJwa [ip uifiljuijuntpjurfip predominantly Mormon, the Church over the years L hunlunnp]i npn2 uuuppbpmpjnultihppu, bljbhas provided substantial support and assistance to llhgpG puipjtuqurljuni t ujmu hl}hllhgpGhpp L the local Orthodox, Jewish, Roman Catholic, and ljpnfifihp]i luufirjhuj: 0-hL Bnunuij]t (iuihuifiqp Protestant congregations. When representatives of Uhawuwuwup Unpunfiuiqurfi t, bl}hllhgpG uuuother denominations come to Utah, the Church's ppGhp 2wpmGwl} Luiquni uiouiljqntpjntfi L oqattitude is as expressed recently by the current (intpjmfi t qmquiphph] inhnuiljuif Ilupjunhum, President of the Church, President Gordon B. -<,phwl}wG, -<,nnuhwl}wG l}wpnwl} L PnllnpwHinckley, "We are going to welcome them. We ljuifi huniuijfipfihphfi: bpp mPP2 rjunhufiuifipare going to -do everything we can to make them Ghpp Ghpl}wJwgmgp2GhPD qwwu hfi Bnnnur, bl}hllhgm tjhpwphpUmGpG wJGUJ.l1upG t, pG2- 'feel at home . iqhu tjhp2hpu uipuuuhuijunlh] t bl}hllhgm (ihpquijhu GwJuwqwh Q.npqnG P. -<,pGPLPG. «Uhfip nll2mGmu hGp GpwGg: Uhfip uifinui hfip unihfi pG2' np quipnn hGp, npujhuq]i GpwGp pphGg qqwG [rphfiq uuufip»:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



ut"ut"n'LbPUliUL uttuUSU'Let"



The commandment to witness

4.lfwjbLnL UlWUlq.WOn Urnnhfiuqm] pp bp\.jjlwjpG oumuijmpjuifi unluijnnhfi, Shp <,pumu .Qppumnu~ ujunmljiphq hp w2wybpmGbppG. «Ihphufi qfiuiqhp pnjnp urqqhpp w2wybpmbgh12, GnpwGg uypmblml <,np L Ilprjru LUmpp <,nqm uifintfimln» ( pl2.l9): <,wpm13JmGpg hlnnn pp umuipjuqfihphf urjqbpupjnuifibphq ublJl1 ~G­ 13U1912mu , <,pumu~ tlbpwhwumwmbg, np GpwU12 14bm12 t «pp tl1.}wGbp~ LJ1uhu bpmuwnlninul, nll2 <,pbwumwGmu m Uuniuiphurjnui, upGzL hjiljpuiqflq]i pnjnp awJpbp~ » (uih'u Q.npa12 U.8): <,pumu .Qppumnup '-lbp2PG Ophpp Upphpp b1.}bllbgm uifinunifihp]i huniuip, WJU Urnpp Q.P12P iqunnqunip uppuiquif ujuipinunlnprnpjmf t llGmu b4b'lbgm tufinuniflbp]; tlJ1w' tl4WJ bl pnjnp uiqqhph, gbllbpp, [hqnifihpp L dnqmlmprjfihp]; ub2:

As he neared the end of his earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded his disciples, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Mt. 28: 19), During one of his appearances to his apostles following his resurrection, Jesus reaffirmed that they should be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8) To members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this scriptural commission imposes on Church members a sacred duty to witness among all nations, kindred, tongues, and people.

Proselytizing: Extending an invitation

ew I1I1Q1.11 L~ j nL(j. h11 un] bl1 ~

«blfbe L. mhuhp » ~OwuUlwu~l1nL~jnL(jn

b4 bllbgm





inhuhp » [nuuuuuuuhprnpjuifl unihfiunlum rjpul.npnuitl t: np2m WJGUlbu, pUZUlbu
Young Missionaries in Armenia

The Savior's gentle summons to come and see (John 1 :39) guides the formal missionary work in the Church . What do you know about the Mormons? Would you like to know more? These two simple questions are at the heart of sharing the gospel. Missionaries are instructed never to criticize other religions or faiths or to use any


urnlnphqfinui tp, pb' «ppbGg unnmnfihphq 1I6wGw~hp fipuifiq» (intiu t.16), uijnujhu tl l{bpwlIwGqGljmo- Ihllnrnupurfi]i l{wP'lwUjbmmpjuif «unn m qtihpp » hjnunhuo hf ~pumu .QppUUlnUp \.l.bp2pu Ophp]i Upphp]i blIbIlbgm WUIlWU' mnuniuipnlpufiq, ljuifiuifiq, hphuuuuuiprjubpp L hphjuuifihp]i lIjwGpp qnpotluiop]: ub2:

"VpwGp q}3WUPPUl, 'lbUlJ1 DGUlWUPPD lIniluGnp n2l{wo-, pppuUlnGjW uwpf\l1lI hfi: "VpwGp ubIlunpbG hnpnnpnui bG pnjnphfi «quq L tnhufih] »: UjuUlJ1urn], urfiqunifihp]; huniuip, ppbQg hunlunnrn] lIpul{bm uifiqfinui t blIbIlbgm L ppbQg lIjwQpp jmpwpwGDmp pfiuiqunlumm]: Qum Lmpjurfi, rjui ujuipqunqbu unlhj]; 2WUl umlnptqm Ul1 hpunlhp t : Lhuiduniljlnn upupnGhpGbPD, [iphfiq hunihum huiqnunnm] L ppbGg wGmGD qpnr] lIpo-pWQ2wuubpm], WjU hpunlbp]i uiljfihuijtn ophfiuiljfi hfi:

sort of coercive or argumentative method, or offer any economic incentives to gain converts. They simply extend an invitation to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those not interested can easily decline and the missionaries will courteously respect their wishes. Missionaries do not seek to take others away from the valuable truths they already have, but desire only to add to their knowledge, happiness, and peace.

Come and See Philosophy The lives of Church members themselves are the most compelling manifestation of the come and see philosophy. Just as the Savior taught that Aye shall know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16), so the fruits of the doctrines of the restored gospel are woven into the fabric of the lives of men, women, youth and children, who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are gracious, family-oriented, Christian people. They gently urge all to come and see . Thus, for members, sharing their faith permeates every facet of the Church and their lives. In essence it is simply an invitation to learn more. Full-time missionaries, with their conservative apparel and distinctive name tags, are a visible example of this invitation.

:q'lUnLU ,Q1l/1ulllnu/1 LiljlllllnLj:}jnLU[l . The Baptism of Jesus Christ

UI"Ul"n'LbPUliU'L oPUql"P ~pumu

.Qppumnup '-lbp2pG Opbp]t Upphp]i bqhnhqrn upupnGbpGbPD ouiqnuim] uuupphp u2w4mj}3Gbppg L bPlIPGbppg hfi: fluwQp G2WGwlIl{mu hf oumuijtqm ppbQg huijuuqunn bpllpnui, ujmuGbPD oumurjnui bG pphQg hWJPbGp hp4,ppg hhnm: b4hIlbgm upulmQbpQbpp ubo- iiurup hppunuuuiprj innuniuiprjjil; L qurfiuijp bG , 19-26 uuuphljurfi]i uuihuuififihpnni , }3bL qqwLll }3l{nl{ uuuphq qnijqhp fimjfiuihu oumuijnui hf upuhuijnui: "VbplIwjmuu umnunlnpuuqhu 50000 upupnfibpfihp oumurjnui hfi unllq]: puif 330 w2[uuiphunnhjnm upujnufibpmu: .Pnlnp uhuhnfibpfibPI! oumuijnul hfi umuifiq l{DWPP: "VpwQg ubouuiup ouijuunui t pp ulnhuiljuifi [ufiuijnrpupjmfi-

. MISSIONARY PROGRAM Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints come from many lands and cultures. Some are assigned to serve in their own lands ; others serve far from their home country. Most of the Church's missionaries are young men and women between the ages of 19 and 26, although substantial numbers of older couples are also serving missions. Currently about 50,000 missionaries serve in over 330 missions worldwide. All missionaries serve without pay . Most of them rely upon their own savings and family support to sustain them during the mission period of 18 months to two years. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



UbPTI L TIUmwuppp mtlma oduifirpuqrupjmfip , uiouiliqh[m huniuip ppbug ' 18 uniujiq upU~L bp'-!m tnuip]i inl.nq

upupnubpw,-!wu duniuifiui'-!wuP2n9p TIUrwgpmu: Uhuhnfihpfihpp «,-!wu~t.!.mu » hfi bljhqhqm liuihnuquih]i '-!nllupg, otunuijlqnt

wZtuwphp gwu,-!wgwa tlwJpnui L huiriui]u umpUJ.t.!.wa hfi Wumti unqnphj mppz tb-

qm: upwup ~bu TIumpmti ppbug uzwuw'-!uwu tlwJPTI: Uubpp,-!wgpu ,-!wpnll t Gzwuw'-!tlbl, ophfiuil], Uubpp'-!wjnui,


.bpwGupwJmu, Il-rnuunnnurfinui ljuni ~wJwumwGmu: ~w.m quipnq t ournuijh] ~wJwumwGp q.Jmupp purquipnui '-!wu UUL,-p ~wzpGqrnG Iiuihuifiq]; Upbrl pumuipnui: Uhuhnfibpuiquif L lbqt.l.P muruqiiurfi ljhfimpnfinul ub,-! '-!wu bp'-!m wupu iifiuipuq hlnnn upupnGbpGbpU DwGwUJ.wph bG uG,-!Gmti

IlbUJ.l1 [iphfiq GzwGw,-!uwG upupnGbpmrJwG t.!.wJPU: p.pbGg awnwJmrJwG 18-24 uniputihp]; uGrwgpmu Gpwup uP2pG hwztlnt.!. 4-6 uniquni inhnunhnhnlnui hfi unupphp puiquipfihp ppbGg upupnGbpmrJwG uurhuunifihpnui: DpupnGbpGbpTI untlnphqfinul hfi L' IluuuluiawZGWg, L' Unpunfi]i qpppg: ~bp2pGu hwuwpt.!.mu t UumtlwawzuwG UG,-!bpw,-!pg umpp qppp up hunnnp: DpupnubpGbpU GwL tihpqpwtlt.!.wa hfi mhruuljuifi huniuijfip]i awnwJmpjuifi fitujuurqoupnui, wJuUJ.l1upp hfi ' oqfinipjmfip hPt.!.wGIlwGngGbpmu, nppurfinqfihpnui '-!wu npuihq np ,-!wppp ljui : UJu wztuwmwGPU npnzw'-lPnpbG ,-!bGmpnGwgtlwa t oumurjh[m L n~ up rjhiqpnui W mllb'-!gt.!.nu) 12Wpnqjrupjunip: bpljm wn bplpu umuig qfiuqm] ppbug qnpau qunruupbjru' upupnGbpubpu unqjmui bu dnllnt.J.pIlJ:1 ub2 L uurhnui . [ununui Iijnu [hqilm] m 19t1mu huipquifipm] IlbUJ.p tijuu uzw'-!mJrU: upwGp uhp hfi abnp phpnui dnnmlprj]: L bP4pp hurfintnq, njunhn ouinuijnui hfi: UhujinfihPW4WU ouimujmpjnulhq uiju qquiqruufihjip upwup mruf bG uuufinui ppbGg hbm guwh , hpp tlbpwIlwnGmu hf [iphfiq uumwuppubpp m puiphljunifihp]i iimn, L uijuiqjium] uipduifiunlnp «rjhuujui fi fihp » rpunfiuipu] uijfi bP4.Pp, npuihq





,~umu j;![l~UUlnU~ 4.b[l2~G Of1bf1~ U[lpb[l~ tljbllb91l


j;!m)[l utlU~nGb[lGb[lO ruuruquitlruu bG UL[bUlW[lWGO

Sister Missionaries teach the Gospel

Missionaries are called by the President of the Church to serve anywhere in the world and are frequently required to learn another language, They do not select where they will be assigned. An American may be assigned, for example, in America, Australia, France or Armenia. An Armenian might serve in Gyumri, Armenia, or in Seattle, Washington, USA. After one or two months in a missionary and language training center, missionaries proceed to their assigned mission location. During their service of 18-24 months, they will , on average, be transferred to var ious cities within the mission boundaries 4 to 6 times. Missionaries teach both from the Bible and from the Book of Mormon. The latter volume is regarded as a companion volume of scripture to the Bible. Both of them testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Missionaries are also involved in local community service projects such as help ing in hospitals, orphanages or wherever there are needs . This work is strictly focused on service and does in no way entail proselytizing. Going forth two-by-two in their labors, missionaries reside in the midst of the people and become fluent in their language and respectful of their culture. They grow to love the country and people where they serve. They carry these lifelong feelings home with them at the conclusion of their missionary service. Throughout their lives they are valuable Ambassadors of the country in which they served.

UI"Ul"n'Ll:irU4UL q.nront'Ll:intfCJant'L[!


Uhuhnfihpfihpp hpuihuifiqtluro hf bfipuipljtlhL otlUlmGhpmpJwG quifinfifihphfi, puimupui gpwlJwG qurpqh fi, hplJpp unun p]i tquihuifiytihppG L wJG hplJpp ophG12GhppG , nptnhn oumui jnui bfi: UJll quifinfifihpf m qnpo-hLwlJhpUlhPI! fihpumnui hG hlnnl.juqp. I Upuhnfihpfihpp hpuihuifiqihuo hf ~ G u h o w g ­ GhL mppz qpnfifihpp L nunluifiuifipfihpp, L blJhllhgpG W thujuunnbunui fijrupuiljurf qpnunqunnoumflhp oWPlllJwG9 blJhllhgm uifirjuni llwpoGhLm huniuip:

M issionaries are instructed to obey mISSIOn rule s, civil regulations, visa requirements, and laws of the land where they serve. I Mi ssionaries are instructed not to disparage other relig ions or faiths and the Church pro vides no monetary incentives to join the Church. I Missionaries are always expected to be polite and to identify themselves at the commencement of any conversation. Missionaries usually wear identifying lapel badges. I Missionaries are required to be clean and tidy in appearance, to dress conservative ly and to adhere to a strict code of moral conduct. I Missionaries are instructed to respect the customs and culture of those among whom they serve, including their religious beliefs, practices , and sacred objects and sites . I Missionaries are usually requ ired to leave their area of work and return to their apartment at a spec ified time in the even ing. No visits are to be made - with or without appointments aft er this time . I Under no circumstances do missionaries ask for monetary donations from the public. I Missionaries are never to become involved in political or commerci al activities.


UlJG t , np opupnGhpGhpI! opzm WGbG 12WllW12wtlwPP L pphGg (ihplnuj urqtihf quifi qurquio qpmjq]i uqqpnui : UhuhnfihpfihPI! unqnpuipuip lJpmo hf rpupcuiouq]i uifi-






tlwGwlJwG lJpo-pwGzwGGbp : lJp.upnGbpGbppg UlwhwG 2tlmo t WGbL ow12 mp L ljn4J1lj Wpmw12PG inhupru], hurqfitlh] hunihuin L hunlunnurpjni oGwL puipnjurquif tlwP12P [uumunqurhuuio opbG12 GbppG: Uhupnfihpfihpp hpuihuifiqquio hf huipqhj GpwGg umlnprnjpfihpp L ozwlJmJ}}I!, nui Op2w tlwj[1mO ppbG12 oumuijnui hfi, lihpumjui] GpwGg ljpnfiuiljuifi huninqumfipfihpp, unhu GI}IlI.}}JmG GbPI!, L uppuiquif ljumrnjqIihpfi m tlwJPbpI! : Uhuhnfihpfihphq umlnpuipuip UlwhwG2tlmo t unluijnnhj urj qtqm pj nui fihpp L hphljnjurf npnztlwo- dunijifi qhjnunum fiuq [iphfiq pfiui lJ wpw GI! : UJ'1 etwowGw4pg hlnnn uijqhpupjntfifihp ~Ulbm12 t quiuuujnlhfi, n~ UlWJUW Iiunlnjnhucrnpjunip , n ~ tL wnwGg njnu: [} ~ up qtnqpnui opupnGbpGbpt:! '1pwowJPG Gt1J1pwmtlm}}JmG ~ h G [ufiqjunu huiuurpuiljmpjmfihq: Uhujmfihpfihpp hpphp ~ ul b m12 t GhP12wZtlhG 12WIlW12wlJwG lJwo umlnnpuijhfi qnponuibm-

}}JwG ob2: bljbllhgm finpuirjurpcfibphfi , uqpmtlhLmg wnw 2, (iuiju GhplJwJwgGmo bf up ZWP12 ruuuhp, huninqilbpu huniuip, np GpwG12 huiuljui Gnu) hfi , ph pG ~ t GzwGwljmu WGhL blJbllbgm urfinuni L pG ~ unupmunlnpntpjntfifihp bf rufih GWLm upwG12 ulJpmllbLmg hlnnn : [}~ ubljt:! W UlJpmtlmu wnwGg huipqurqprujqh , npI! blJhllu gm hj10GWqWG huninqurnfipfihp]: ujnu I!opnIinuip npnjbjru huniuip t: bljullugmg hhmufiur] quifiquiqnn npl.t UhlJ!} lnupnn t wGhL I1w gwGlJwgwo- duniurfiuiq :

1 W]

dtlUpnOb l1 0bl1D Ilmuunnn urfrnul

Armenian Missionaries in Russia

Converts to the Church are first presented with a series of lessons before bapti sm to ensure that they unde rstand what it means to be a member of the Church and the commitment they will make when baptized . No person is baptized without an interview to determine his or her understanding of the basic beli efs of the Church. Anyon e desiring to leave the Church may do so at any time . The Church of Jesus Chrisl of Latter-day Saints




~t"untu ept"usnut" '-I,tiPS!t"'L OPtiPt" UPPtiPt" til.iti'l.tisnt '-I,Up~ntra3nt'L[!


bqbllbgm wZluwphwUl.pJmn I.{wpzm13JmG[! puiqljuiquio t hpljm tnhuuilj]i ljuiquuiljbpujm13JmGGbppg' L wZluwphpq: urGz ljuiquuiljhjnqmpjmfip (imjfitqhu wZ/uWphwUlPJmn t, wZ/uwphPlJ. qWtl [ipunluilpuf lnuquurqhjuqm13JmG[! qurpnn t uiuippbpqtq puin bplJ.pGbpp, lJ.wlul.{wa uiqquijhfi L tnhnuiquif ophtipfihpjiq L lJ.wGnGGbppg:

The worldwide administration of the Church consists of two kinds of organizations: ecclesiastical and temporal. Whereas the same ecclesiastical organization is the worldwide, the temporal or legal organization will vary from country to country, in compliance with national and local laws and regulations.

1. UZt'uWflhwUl.flJI1LO hnqtnn ~wqllw~bfl­ UlnLPJnL[j1]

1. The Worldwide Ecclesiastical Organization

<-pumu .Qppumnup y.bp2pG Ophp]i Uppbp]i bqbllbgm unibfiurruguiqpun] umunicfiuihunnru.q tPwumbppg tlblJ.G wJG t , np Gpw unuufihpljm tlpLPnG urfirpuufihp]i ouimujmpjmfip [ipuilnuGwgl.{mtl t qphph unipnqornljifi uifhluipcuihuimmjq oumuijmpjuif zGnphpl.{: liz/uwphwutPJmn hljhqhqm ljumunlurpnuip, I.{bpwhulJ.nll.mpJmG[! L purqurpuiqurfimpjurf I.{Wpmtl[! bljhnbqm uuijuurquihp L Gpw bpqm [unphpruulpufifihph, npnfip lJ.nZl.{mtl hf Ilnuiyhfi tnujuuiquihmpjmu, L Suiufihpljm Ilnuipjuquhp]; .Ql.{npmtlp ujuijunurljuifintpjrufif t: 'UpwGg (iuuuuI.{wJP[! lim., 3mmw fiuihuifiq]i Unjp Lhjp UP13P pumuipnui t, blJ.bll.bgm huniurjjuuiphurjpf ql.tuwI.{np I.{wpzmpJmGmtl: Unw2pG Iiuijuuiqurhrupjmup L Suiufihplpu Llmupjuqfihpp ljuifinfiunlnp qhjuqni] riuulunqurphnpqnul bG WZ/uwflhmtl, hurflqjnqhjm huniuip inhquiljuifl umuiyfinpnfihp]i L uifiruuufihpp hlnn: Ilnuropf fiuijuuiquihmpjntfip L Suiufibplpn Ilnuipjuqfibp]; .Ql.{npmtl[! [iphfiq wz/uwmwGpnui{mtl bG Bnpuifiuiumfiuiljuififibp]i .Ql.{npmtlp lJ.nll.tlpg: blJ.bllbgpCi lJ.wqtlwl.{npl.{wa t Wtlpnll.2 wzluwph]: mwppbp wZ/uwphwqpwlJ.wG unujuuopfibpnui: Bnpurfiuiumfiuiquiflfihp]i pl.{npmtlGbpp uifinunifihP[! oqfinui hfi I.{ bqbllbgm qnpomfibmpJmG[! WJI1 uuupuropfihprnu : Uju wnw2GnpllGbp[! quqjiu hfi wZluwphp qurfiuiqurfi bplJ.pGbppg: 3mjuupuifijjmp uuupuiop llblJ.wl.{wpl.{mtl t unupuiopp fiuijuuiqtuhrupjuifi qnlltlP9, npfi nn tlb2 [!GqqplJ.mtl t fiuijuuiquih L hpljm [unphprjuiquififilrp, npnfip Bnpurfiurumflurlnufifihp]; pl.{npmtlGbpp uifirjunifihp hfi: Shquiquif uuiquipruuljrn], [!GmwGppGbp[! L urfihunn uifirjunifihpp lutlpwl.{npl.{wa hfi huniuijfip- . ubpnui, npnfip huijtnfi]i hfi npujhu 6/ubfl: 6/up qhqunhupmpjmfip a/up (iuijuuiqurhn L hpljm [unphpruuquififihpfi hfi: 6/ubflP [uupjiq ljwqtll.{mtl t ZP2wCi: CP2wgP qhljunluipm-

One of the most remarkable features about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the fact that the ecclesiastical administration of its eleven million membership is accomplished almost entirely through a ministry serving without compensation. Worldwide Church administration, supervision and policy making is the responsibility of the President of the Church and his two counselors, who are called The First Presidency, and of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. They reside in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, world-headquarters of the Church. The First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles travel regularly throughout the world to meet with local leaders and members. The First Presidency and The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are assisted in their work by members of the Quorums of the Seventy. The Church is organized throughout the world into various geographical areas. Members of the Quorums of the Seventy are assigned to supervise Church activities in these Areas. These leaders come from many different countries of the world . Each Area is led by an Area Presidency comprised of a president and two counselors who are members of the Quorums of the Seventy. At the local level, families and individual members are grouped into congregations known as branches. The ecclesiastical leadership of a branch is a branch president and two counselors. A group of branches form a district. The ecclesiastical leadership of a district is a district president and two counselors. Districts and branches in a defined geographical area are organized into a mission. In areas with greater membership,

,~umu f1[1~UlIlnU~ Lltj[12~(j O[1b[1~ U[1pl;[1~ b~b'1bg~



ZP2wGp fiuijuuiqurhp L hpljm [unphprjur4wGGbpG hfi: Ilpnguilj]i wZjuwphwqpw4wG uuupuiopnui ZP2wGGbp[! L ajubp[! quiqunui hf upupui: Utlbw ubaw12wGw4 urfirjunirnpjunip uuu pwapGbpmu ZP2wGGbpll 4n~tlmu hfi ggbp , [iulj OjmllbPll 4n~tlmu hfi ajubp: Ujuiqjium], ZP2wGp fiuijuuiquih]i ihnjuuiphf 4w ggp (iuijuurquih, [iul] OjmllP thujuuiqurh]: ihnjuuiphf lpu lnqjiuljmqnu, npp llbpwhu4mu t amju[!: Uhujnufi umuiofinprjtlmu t UPUPWjP fiuijuuiquih]; L hpljm [unphpruuljuiflfihp]; 4nlluP9 : Uhujnuj]i fiuijuurquihp, ZP2wGp uuiluuiquihp, ajup fiuijuuiqtuhp, GpwGg [unphp-

districts are called stakes, and branches are called wards. Thus instead of a District President, you have a Stake President, and instead of the branch president you have a bishop who oversees a ward . A mission is led by a mission president and two counselors. The mission president, district president, branch president, their counselors and all officers in districts and branches serve without compensation. Most members B men, women, and youth B receive some form of Church responsibility. This involvement of the whole

I1w4wGGbp[! L ZP2wGGbpmu m ajubpmu pnjnp UIwzmnGjwGbp[! oumuijnui hfi uuluuipcuihuimmjq : Ilfirjunifihp]: uba UWU[!' uinuniurprjhl], quiGWJI2 L hphunuuurpnfihpp, uuuufinui bG b4bllbqnui ujuqumulnuflmpjmfifibp]i npnz inhuuiqfihp: UGl1wuGbpp WjUUIPUP prnluifirpul] Gbpqpwtlm u[! tnhnuiljuif hunitujfip]i ljumunluipuuif ub2 <-pumu .Qppumnup ~bp2pG Ophp]i Uppbp]i b4b'1.bgm GzwGwtlnp pfimpuiqphphq uh4G t : t)wnwjm~JwG ujuipuuuljuifimpjmfifihpp ljuipnq hf fihpumh] nhljunluipnui , [unphprjunmlrnpjmfi, muruqnui (~w­ ihuihuiuflhp, iqunnuifihfihp 4wu hphjuuiflhp), mfiuijjifi uijqhjmpjntfifihp, upupnGbpw4wG w2[uunnuifip , 4wu huiuuipurljuiljuifi qnpomfihmpjuifl ljtuquuiqhjuqnui, ljuni oumuijntpjuif tiuijuurqchp:

buhqbqru Ciwt"uwqwhnLl'JnLCiO ( L. Surufrhpuru UnwflJwlCibllO Presidency of the Church (in front) and the Twelve Apostles

membership III administe ring the local congregation is a marked characteristic of the Church of jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Service responsibilities may include administration, counseling, teaching (adults, teenagers or children) , home visiting, missionary work or organization of social activities or service projects.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



2. UZtuwllhwuLl'1JnLIl wZtuU.lllh~~

2. The Worldwide Temporal (Legal) Organization

UZluwphPlI (hpunhuquifi) lnuquurqhpupnpjuif qnpoummjpf t bljhqhqru w ZluwphPlI qnpotip]; lnununhupnuip, oppfiuil], qpumnuifihp]i unuhiquilinuip, ruunuifiuiljuifi fijmpbp]i pwzluowG tlhpwhu1.}mol!, hlIhll.hgpGhpp qumruqnuip L prqnp inhmulIwG m uiqquijhfi [ipunluiljuifl ujuihurficfihp]i pwtlwpwpowG unquihmlnuip: UZIuwJlhPlI lnuquuiljhpujmpjuifi qnpoumfintpjntfip pmjj t inuqjiu umuicfinpqfihphf qbfimpnfiuifiuq blIhll.hgm uifinunitihp]; hnqLnp puipopmpjuifi tlPw: upG~ bljhqhqm hnqLnp nhuunluipmpjmup oumuijnui t wnwGg tlwpawmpmJ3jwG, b1.}hll.hgpG [ipuiquifluiqIinui t pp wZluwphP4 qnpoummjpp hplpu riuifiuiujuiphm], wptl 4wo iiuiufiuiq]i wzluwmwd1uontl wzIuwmIlJlGhpp, pG~U)hu GwL wnwGg tlwpawmpnipjuif oumuijnq uifirpmifihp]; op2ngm{:

The function of the temporal (legal) organization lies In the management of temporal Church affairs, such as keeping distribution of records, overseeing the curriculum materials, building churches and assuring that all local and national legal requirements are met. The operation of the temporal organization allows the eccl esiastical leaders to focus on the spiritual well-being of the Church members. Whereas the ecclesiastical leadership of the Church serves without compensation, the Church accomplishes its temporal fun ctions through both full- or part-time employees and also members who serve without compensation.

blibt},bsm- qnronr-'Lbnr-raaU'L


(~llwLl.w~w(j) l~wqllw~bIlUlnLPJnL[i1}


l.4~(1W~~ 0(10 uifirjunifihpf m hjmpbpp unlhLP ,RwG 160 urqqhp]i iimnunlnpunqbu 30000 huiOWjG,RGhpmo uurufnuqqnui hG ~wGquumlPJwG optlw hphpdunijui oumuijmpjmfltihphfi: UjU oumuijmpjmflfihpp Iibpumnui hfi,

dnqru] (70 pnujb) : Pnlnp

Sacrament meeting: (70 minutes) All

wGqwoGhPl! hunhupilnui hf opwupG L owzw4mo huiqnprpnpjmup, npp pumquiquio t hwgpg L 2PP9 , [unphprjurfigtqm] .Qppumnup owpopGG m uipjmfip: Upuifijiq hlnnn GpwG,R mG4Gllpmo hfi fnujuunqunnpunnmhutr purpnqtihp huiOWjG,RP Wjl uifirjunifihpjiq:

members meet together and partake of the sacrament which consists of bread and water symbolizing the body and blood of Christ. Following this they hear prepared spiritual messages from other members of the congregation.


'llll(1ng (50 pruqh): 12 uuuph-

Sunday School. (50 minutes) Members

4wG L wtlhw puipcp unuppp]; wGqwoGhpt! huitlw,Rtlmo hf rpuuuipuififihpnui (opLGmjG rpuup, uifihpuidhgui ozw4mpwjpG huipuiuphqnuifihpm], ruuruqunitlnui t huniuuqunnurujuuifi 4ppw4P opt! unipnqo wZluwphp tufinunifihphfi):

12 years of age and older meet in classes (the same lesson, with ne cessary cultur al adaptati ons , is taught on any corresponding Sunday to members worldwide.)

ewhw[jwjmpjw[j dnqm] (50 pmqb, 12 unuph4wG L wtlhLP mwphg prqnp mnuniurpnljuifiq huniuip): Pnlnp urquniuiprjhl] hunhupilnui hfi opuiuhf L ntumquifnlnui muniqj]i 4n~mo (GzwGwlpnu) uinuiquio L pfirpnfiuirr mqunuuprjlpufiq 4IlJlopg : 12-18 uuuphljuifl hpjnnunnupn mnuniuipqjil] hunluiptlnui hfi uinuifichfi L muruquniqmu GzwGw4tlwa Sruufihp]i urmucfinprjtihp]; 4IlJlopg:

Priesthood meeting (50 minutes, for all males 12 years and older) All men meet together and are taught by men who have received and accepted the calling (assignment) as teache r. Young men between the ages of 12 and 18 meet separately and are taught by assigned Young Men leaders.



Sunday : Members and guests In approximately 30,000 con gregations in over 160 nations participate in a three-hour block of Sabbath services. These services include:

,~umu j2fltlUumu~ '-lbfl2~(j Ophp]: U fl P b fl~ ~


UlfmLtmrt U~m~Jmli (50 pmqh , 18 L puipcp UlWPP12P pnjnp ljuifiuifiq huniuip): « q.p01j}J01Gt! W [uunhurtitlnui», UW Uihruhnq Uprupjuif GzwGwpwGG t: ll-w 4wuwGg tuubGtuubo- quiquui­ Ijhpujntpjmfifihphq ub4G t wz]uwph01u: UJG hhu­ t 1842 p., oqfilqm huniuip hjnluifirjfih­ ppfi , umpunnfihphfi L lIwpblIgwG12p oumuijmpjuif lIwPP12 nuihqnq WJl uificuifiq : y:wGwJ12 O1u01gwG­ tJ.o1u hfl O1u01gw 4n~01u (GzwGw401u) t!GI101Gwo­ wJl 4wGwGg lInlluP9: hpphp

bphuuuuurpn ~w(jwJe (50 pruqh): 12-18 UlWpb4wG bppUlwuwPll 4wGwJ12 hunluiptlnui hfi G01JG UlWPpPP [uupbpnui L O1u01gwGtJ.01u O1u01g­ W 4n~01u (GzwGw1101u) uuuuquio L t!GI101Gwo­ quifiuifiq 4n llup9: I::;JlbtuwlibJl~

Young Women (50 minutes) Young women ages 12-18 meet in same-age groups and are taught by women who have received and accepted the calling (assignment) as teachers.

tunulp (110 pruqb,

3-12 UlW­ pb4wG hphjuurfihp]; huniuip): bpbtuwGbpt! hui­ tJ.w12tJ.01u hfi hunnuljurqjiq [uuphpnui L O1u01gwG­ ilnui O1u01gw 4n~01u (GzwGw401u) UUlWgWo- L t!GI101Gwo- UlllwuwPl1lIwGg 01 lnufiuniq 4nlluP9: I::;Jl~m2wp~~ b4 bllb9pG [upuijumunui t t!G­ unufihpfihphfi unuhlq bp401zwpppG (4wu zwpwp­ tJ.w u b4 WJl hphljn) QumwGb4wG SGwJPG bph­ qnj]: huniuip, npfi t!GUlwGP12PG G4.PJltJ.wo- hphqn t. t!GUlWGP12Gbpt! urfiqlnuqfinui hfi up2ngwn01u­

tihp, [uuiqhp, hpqhqnrpnpjmfi, Ihlhunujnufi]i 01­ u01uGwn01pJ01u' WqWUltJ.Wo- LlJ.ublntJ. wJl iquip­ mw4wG01pJ01GGbppg:


Relief Society (50 minutes, for aU females 18 and over) . "Charity never faileth is the motto of Relief Society. It is one of the largest women's organizations in the world. It was established in 1842 to help the sick, the poor , and others in need of compassionate service. Women are taught by other women who have accepted the calling (assignment) as teachers.

Primary (110 minutes, for children from 3 tol2 years of age) Children meet in same-age groups and are taught by both men and women who have received and accepted the calling (assignment) as teachers.

Monday: The Church encourages families to reserve Monday (or another evening at least weekly) for Family Home Evening, an evening for home--eentered devotion: families enjoy activities, recreation, gospel study and singing, free of other commitments.


bphunuuuiprpuquiu (12-18 uuuphquififihph) up2ngwnuwG hphqmjp tJ.bpwhu4­

tJ.illl 4 wq uw4bpUlO1pJ01G01u (bppUlWUWPIl SIlW­ uWPI].P4/bppUlWUWJlll y:wuwJ12): ll}12ngwn01uub­ pt! quipnn hfi t!ul1qp4bC oumuijmpjnul huniuijfi­ 12PU, iiurpquijuurqhp, iquiphp l1wU unupphp plniui­

Weekly: Youth (12-18 years old) activity night in supervised organization (Young Men/Young Women). Activities may include community service, sports, dances, or lessons on a variety of subjects.

Iihpm] ruuuhp:

Uubli Wu~u Utpmhnr; up01pJwG hphqn, hnqLnp 4JwG12P, mfnujfiurqnpompjuifi L uzw401j}wJpu qui­ unuptquiqnpouuni uuiuhfi hbppuiquiu nuiuhpm]:


Wu~u Sfiuijhfi O1u01g01u (Ulllwuwp11P4)

4wu UJgblnll O1u01g01u (4wGwJ12): UJu opurqpm], J01pw12wG~01p uifirjuni]; wJgblO1u hfi 4wu Gpw hlnn 2tlJ.uwu ub2 hf LlJ.G01u bp401 tihplpujurqm­ gp~ubp, mlphp mqhpc hfi phpnui L o-w­ nWJ01u wJI]. t!GmwGp12p/wGhwmp 4wpP12GbppG : ~w~wtu 'llbP2pu ophp]i uppbpp [upuijumu­ tlO1u hf hWQwtubl b4bllbg01 UlwQwpGbppg tih­ 4t!, nP12 w G hfiurpunlnp t huiriuijuurq]»: SWQwpGb­ pt! umuifidfiuiqtluic hfi hwuwJG12wJPG dnrpnlui­ pwGGbppg 4WU etnllntJ.wUlGbppg ppbGg GzwGw­ 401PJwup L 12wGw4ntJ.:

Monthly: Relief Society evening, with a rotating schedule of lessons on spiritual living, homemaking and cultural refinement. Monthly:

Home Teaching (men) or Visiting Teaching (women). In this program, every member is visited or contacted by two representatives who bring a spiritual message and serve the needs of that family/individual. J


Latter-day Saints are encouraged to attend one of the Church's temples as often as possible. Temples are distinct from congregational chapels or meeting houses in both their purpose and their number.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints





~tlUmu .QpllUmnUp 'Lf..bp2pG Opbp]i Upphp]i bI.Jbll.bgm uunufidfluihunnltmpjmflfihpjiq ubI.JI!, npp uba huniuipjuuiphuijhfi uiri t pbptq, hui­

One of the greatest challenges for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, given the strong worldwide growth, is providing adequate meeting facilities for the increasing number of Church members. There are approximately 30,000 congregations spread over more than 160 countries. Approximately 400 new meeting houses are built every year. Meeting houses for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are often called chapels, but technically the chapel is a special part of the meeting house in which worship services are held. Meeting houses are multipurpose facilities. They contain many facilities for religious, social, and cultural events. Buildings are often shared by two or three congregations. Members are responsible for routine upkeep of the building and grounds. When the Church first arrives in a country, meeting places are usually rented or leased for Sundays only or on a permanent rental agreement. Once the Church is more firmly established, meeting houses are built for the members. These are either built, or existing structures are remodeled to meet the needs of the local congregation. Currently there are approximately 1,600 Church-owned meeting houses throughout Europe, 27,000 across the world.

tiunqunnuiujuurf dnqnquurfi hfiuipunlnprupjntfi­ Gbpp unquihmlnuifi t bljhqhqrn uifiqunifihp]i uirinq pwGwI.JJ:1 huniuip: y:wG umnunlnpunqhu 30000 upwpwGmf)JmGGbp, mlmt.J.wa wt.J.bfll puif 160 bpl.JpGbpmu: Umnunlnpunqtiu 400 Gnp dnnmlunnfihp hfi ljumruqtlnui unibfi uuup]i: ~p­ umu .Qppumnup 'Lf..bp2pG Opbp]i Upphp]i bljh­ nhqm uifiqunifihp]; dnrpulunnfihpp huicuiju I.Jn­ ~mu bG dnnmhupuififihp, uwI.JwJG iiuiufiuiqh­ uuuqunl puwumnt.J. dnqnqurpuuip dnrpnlunnuif uJ:1 hunnru.q uuiufi t, npnui bG

bpI.JpUIWqTIlf)JWG o-wnwJ m13JmGGbPD: chrrtn­ t.J.wmGbpI! puiquurfiguifiuil] huipuurpmpjnuiflhp ntfihfi : 'UpwGp Zwm huiptiuiprupjmfifihp hf UIwpmGwI.JmU I.JpnGwI.JwG, I!GI.JbpwJpG L uzw­ qmpuijhfi [ipuiruupcrupjntfifihph huniuip : CbG­ pbPD huiriuiju hfi hpljm I.Jwu hphp huniuijfipfihp]i I.Jnll.Upg : UGI1wuGbPD unu­ unuujuuifiunnrn hfi ZbGpp L tnfiunihpd hnqui­ uuiu]i umopjui UIwhUIwGuwG huniuip : bpp bI.Jbll.bgpG umuiyhf uifiquni dunluninui t Up bp4J:1p, hunluiprnjp]i t.J.wJpbpI! umlnpui­ pwp hfi uJ:1wJG l.JJ:1pw4J:1GbpJ:1 huniuip I.Jwu uzmwI.JwG t.J.wpowl.JwluwG UIWj­ tiurfiuiqpm]: ~bGg np bI.Jbll.bgpG wllbfll unimp t huiuinunmlnui, dnqmlunnfihp hfi qumruqtlnui uifinunifihp]i huniuip: Upuifip ljuni ljummqilnui hfi, ljunl bll.wa quinntjqflhpp

bG inhrjuiquifi ujnupurfimpjuif I.JwpJ:1pGbpD pur­ t.J.wpwpblm huniuip: 'UbpI.JwJmuu btJpnUIwJml) I.JwG urun 1600 hljhqhqunqunnljuifi dnrpulunn­ (ihp, [iul] IlIl2 wztuwphmu' 27000:

--.. >


ywuwug Utjlntjlnfl Ul1nLl3Jwu dnqru] U2wtjlUJwlj olunul Women 's Relief Society Meeting in Ajapnyak Branch


itlUnLU f1fltlUUlnul1 '-lbfl2l1u Opbph Uflpbfll1 Gljbflb911 ~

GflL.wu olul1 hWflnflfjnLl3JWU ubuJwljO The Chapel of Yerevan Branch


lJl1G L UlWpWOpI! quipnq t nulbuuq puiquiup]u] dnqmlunnfihp, Sw6wPI! , un­ t.J.npwpwp unlhj]i ubo- t L puifilnupdhp, ~M~$~t~~G~G~~~,~

uuiruuumpjuif L b4bl1bgw4wG qnpornfib­ mpjuni unupunruigpouni]: uw4 wpllw4I! punluipuip t urpduuiunlnprnpjuifip

ml1l1t.J.wo- 2wG~bppG L qGpG: 'Gbp4wJmuu wzluwphnt.J. ub4 4wG 120-pg unllq]i qui­ nmgllwo- unuriuipfihp, [iul] unltq]: ZWUlb­ PI! Gwluwqo-uwG t}1nqmu hfi: Sw6wpGb­ PI! qhfiinpnfiuiljuif inhn hfi qpumhqfinui '-lbp2pu ophp]i uppbp]: huulunnpnui:

brL.wO dnnnqunrnuf Llr2wOgj2nLll In the corridor of Yerevan Meeting-house

Temples While an area may host numerous meeting houses, a temple - usually larger and more costly is constructed only when the regional level of membership and church activity is sufficient to merit the effort and expense. There are currently over 120 completed temples and many more in the planning stage throughout the world. Temples are central to the faith of Latter-day Saints. Church Members are encouraged to attend one of the Church's temples as often as possible, Latter-day Saint temples are not places of regular Sunday worship, but rather sanctuaries for the performance of marriages and other ordinances, which unite and strengthen the family. Only members of the Church in good standing may attend the temple.

C~bgwrrwJr PbnO Sw6wr[l

Bern Switzerland Temple

b4bl1bgm uifirjunifihphf [upuijununlnui nppuifi hfiuipunlnp t quifinfiunlnp hw­ riuijuh] b4bl1bgm tmuriuipfihphq npLt iih­ 4I!: '-lbp2pG ophp]i uppbp]i tnuiriuipfihpp


ljuifinfiunlnp 4ppw4uoPJw hpljpunuqm­ pjuif t.J.wJPbp LbG, wJl wt.J.bLlt zmm up­ punluijpbp unimufirnpjmfifihp]i L uij] oh­ uhp]: ljunmupuuif huniuip, npnfip hui­ uuijuupnul L qnphquiqfinui hf pfiunufi]» ~I! : lJl1WJG b4bl1bgm urpduifiunlnp uifi­

llwuubpI! 4wpnll bG wJ9blbl mw6wp :

P[lwqrlrWJr ywLlUjtJOwu Sw6wr[l Campinas Brazil Temple

~ I"un t u

efll"USnUI" llbflS2I"'L Oflbfll" UflPbfll" blfbflb8nt blfUUSI" UflPSnt fl(!

<'llUmU .Qppumnup "Lf.bp2pG Ophp]i Upphph blJ.bI1bgm IlPwuwuP2n9GbPP lJ.wnmgtlwo-pP GUJ.wmwlJ.G t unquihnqtq wJG qnuiuipfihpp, npnfip uifihpuidhgui hfi <.pumu .Qppumnup Ihlhunupuifip WUPllIJ.2 wzluwphntu umlnphqfitqm L uuujuuotqm huniuip: Iljfi GwL tihpumnui t hpuIhulnufi uP2n9GbpP atnp pbpnuip L UJ.whUJ.wGmul!, uijfhnhq, npmhq tlpui wGl}wuGtPl! bpl.J.piquiqnui hf L umlnpnui Ihllnnuijnufip: blJ.bI1bgpG hlnnuninun W WGmu rjpuniuiquifi zwhntJ~p lJ.wu uipdhpqphp]i ljnunuiquuifi: Iljfi W ui]ipnui, nl tl 2wGmu t zwhbp rufihfiuq npl.l; utouiqquijhf quni uP2wqqwJPG l!GlJ.bpm~JmGmu : .<.pumu .Qppumnup "Lf.bp2pG Ophp]: Uppbp]i blJ.tI1bgm IlPwuwuP2n9GbPP uinpjmpp hjnifitlwo- t uuuuuifinprj]i wumtlwo-wzGlWJpG uqqpmfip]i !lPw, l!um np]i urfihunn uifirjunifihpp L l!GmwGppGbpl! ljuniunlnp Gtl}1pwpbpmu hfi [iphfiq uuuphquif hljunim]i ublJ. uuuufibpnpqp blJ.bI1bgm wzluwmwGpp huniurp: 'vtl}1pwptpmuGbpl! umlnpuipurp ljunmuptlnui hf iquipphpuipuip L tnpilnui hfi QJmIJ.P fiuijuuiqtuhjifi (Irqhqhqm tnhquiqutfl umuiofinpqjifi), L

hwztlwntlmu hf (ipui 4nI1upg: 'vtl}1pwptpmuGtPl! hunlunn]i unidfiuiqtuf qnpc hfi Gtl}1pwtnnt]r L Sppn2 up2L L tnpilnui hfi puiqumurujhu quniunlnp qhpujni]: liGl}wuGtPl! huniuipnui hfi uijq IlPwuGtPl! uppuiquif qnuiuipfihp, [iul] wnw2Gnpl}Gbpl! qqrnjnphf bG ljunnuipnui [iphfiq



ljuiquuiljhpujm~JwG jmpuipunljjmp uuiqtupmuqnui: b4bI1bgm hljunnn]i unihfiunihc UWUl! qwLPU t quniunlnp untonnifibpjiq: ~4wG hunnupuiqrnpjmuhq Gtl}1punmlmpjmtifihp]i hunluipuuif unhuhfihp: ~4wG qumunhupuiljuifi urqpjmpfihphq pfirpnfitlwo- qnuluipfihp : d'uniuifiuiljunlnpunqhu 4wPPPP ub2 I! u4wouninunifihpp, oqfirnpjmf hfi uunufinui up

nqbzGl4wo- hquniuiqru], npp lJ.nl4mu t anup Gtl}1pwmtlm~jwG unhufirjfihp: b4bI1bgm uifinunifihphf luGllPtlmu t unihfi uniutlui umuiohfi 4ppw4}l 0Pl!, onu tquihhpu], hpuiduiptlhj uGGIlP hplpn l!Gl}mumupg: IuGwJtlwo- IlPWUI!, npujhu Gtl}1pwm4mrJmG, inptlnui t uinpunn uifinunifihpjifi w2wqgblm huniuip: Cunnhpp muilltu hf nl upwJG hpqm uifiquniilui uGGI}}1G huiiiuipdhp qnuiuip, wJl wtlbWG, npiqhu iibouihn-


unluifiq, lpuphpunlnpfihp]; purphqhqmpjuifi huniuip:


"l~UnLU Qr~umnu~ -.[tr2~(i Ortr~ Uppbph t4t'lbg~


SOURCE OF INCOME (OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS) The purpose of the financial structure of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to provide the funds necessary to teach and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. It also includes acquiring and maintaining basic facilities where its members worship and learn the gospel. The Church does not operate to pursue financial gain or to accumulate holdings. It does not own, neither does it seek, controlling interests in any major national or international companies. The financial source of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is based upon the biblical principle of tithing, whereby individual members and families voluntarily donate one tenth of their annual income for the work of the Church . Donations are usually made periodically and are given to and accounted for by their Branch President (the local ecclesiastical church leader). The donations are a private matter of faith , between the donor and the Lord, given strictly voluntarily. Members consider these funds to be sacred monies, and leaders carefully administer their expenditures at each level of Church organization. The greatest share of the Church's income comes from voluntary contributions. There are no public collection plates. No funds are accepted from government sources. Members temporarily without basic needs are helped through an inspired method called fast offering contributions. Church members are asked to fast from two meals on the first Sunday each month. The money they save is given as a donation to assist the poor members. Many give not only the equivalent amount of two meals but more, as a generous contribution to the welfare of those in need. In Armenia, all of the tithing funds and other donations given by the members are used to operate the Church's programs and facilities in Russia. The fact that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints operates without a salaried clergy enables it to use the funds for important ecclesiastical, educational and welfare purposes.

Swptr(iW~L~ trq~wtunll.'iPQ UnLI) Lbjp U~I)~nll.'i

(LltrL.nll.'i) L. Unu4LlwJnLLi

The Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake Sity (above) and in Moscow



Ultj.llia- munnuflnprj]i pnpip qrutiurpfihpp L wJl Ut{l1pWUltjntf3JmUubPI! oqunuqnpmlnui hfi [ipuiqnpa-blm huniuip bltbIlbgm OpwqpbPI! L hfnupunlnpmpjntfifihpp ~w­


JWUUlWUmU: UJG tPWUUlI!, np ~p­ umu .QppUUlnUp '-lbp2Pu Opbph Upphp]i bltbIlbgpG qnponui t umuifiq tj.llipaWUlptjnIl hnql.npuiIjunirnpjurfi , pruj] t UlWLPU OqUlWqnpotq tPnIlwuP2n9GbpI! hnqLnp, ltPf3wltwG L puipoprupjuif GUJ.lliUlW4UbpP huniurp:




fchupbpuwy.LP bpq~wjumuPI! 325 aWJGpg pumljuiqum [unuip t , npp quiquuitjnpllbl t y'wpo duniuifiuilj uifiq, uijfi ujuihpq, bpp 1847 p. '-lbp2PU ophp]i uppbp]i uimuofihl] nwht{l1pwubPI! duniuifihqhfi Uqp lOP hmljun: bltuIlbgwy.wU bpq~wjumuPI! wUUUWZWUlI! hWJUlUP t Ul.JV-mu pp « bpuidginmpjmf L [unup» lJ.PpwltuoPJw nuirjjm L hhnnunnunnhuuijpf hhnuipouiqnuim], npI! uqjiqp t umfinui UnW Lhjp Upf3PP Suiriuip]i hpunquipuiljjiq: UJu OpwqpPI! unhutirpupuip hhmupcurlnllq t nunjjmjm] 1929 f3lj.lliltwupg, [iul] hjuiui t Iiuil, ZWUl hhnnunnurljuijuififihpm]: bpqjurjumupp Iiuih hWJUlGp t pp ouijfiuiqpmpjnuifihpm] wZjuwphp op purfi]: uba- utl.wqwjuupbpp hlnn, uijr]' l>Plwllbl~pwJP utl.wquijunuipp, L,Jm 3nppp l>plhwpunGplt utl.wqw[unuipp, Lnfirjnfl]i Ujui~nuplt Gtl.wqwtumupI! L bpnunuqhu]i Upu~n­ upy. utl.wqwtumuPI!: bpq~wtumuPI! ulWppGbpp I!Gf3wgpmu hjmpuijuumhpru] ZP2bl t nIl2 wzjuwphntl. iihl], nip

hpqjuijuup]; uifinunifihpp hpqh]

bG btJ.pnUJ.wJp, Ubpupy.wJP, PpwqpL}1wJP, 4wGW'lwJP, uWUJ.nGpwJp, Utl.UUlPWLPWJP, Ivupuijtqji, Il-ruuunnnuifi]i L UlJL,-p uba- hunihpquiupuihfihpnul : bpq~Ul­

[unuipp GwL hpnjpfihp t mfihqhj Ul.JV up purGp fiuijuuiquihfihp]i huniuip, L hpruifiuiljuqntf3JwG uipuipnqmpjnuirihp]i duniuifiuilj, L UUJ.l1uuulj UlUlGI!:

THE TABERNACLE CHOIR The world-renowned Tabernacle Choir is a 325-voice group that began shortly after the first Latter-day Saint pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. The Tabernacle Choir is best known for A Music and the Spoken Word, its Sunday radio and television program broadcast in the United States. This program, which originates on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, has been a radio broadcast tradition in America since 1929 and is also carried on scores of television stations. The choir is also known for its recordings with some of the world=s great orchestras, including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic The Orchestra, London Symp h 0 n y Orchestra and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra. Concert tours over the years have taken the choir around the where choir world members have sung in the great concert halls of Europe, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Australia, Israel, Russia, and the United States. The choir has also performed for several United States presidents, both at inaugural ceremonies and in the White House.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



PPI"q.uu aULq.1"



1875 p., Pppqwu 3lOuqp hlOUlOlulOPWUD hmlurfiunlnpuh] t ~pumu .Qppuumu]i '-lbp2pu Ophp]i Upphp]i bljbl1bgm ljnl1upg : l).lO lOztuwphmu unibfiuruho uuiufiunlnp huniuquuipuififihphq Ublju t' zmp2 30000 rnuuifinqfihprn]: Iljf ZlOpmulOljmu t uiqquijhfi 6lOulO~mu uuuufiuu [ip npuiqjuq puipcjuuqrnjf L qpuiunnnp6lOun!.J. opuiqphp]i huniuip: liljuljlOl! t, np npiqhu uitiofiurquifi ujuipunulnufimpjmfifihp]i up Luiquif iiuiu, P3~ muuifinnfihpp, lOztuwmwljpgubpD L rpuuuijunufihpp ruuuuinqurquifi unluifi]i ZP2lOGuiqfihpnui ppbug umopjui ljjuifipnui rjpul.nphfi ~pumu .Qppumnup Ihllnmupuifinul ujurprufiuilnlnq puipnjuiquif umuiphfirupjmfifihpp: Ilju uiqfnhupurpn opbtiuqpppp uhpumnui t uiqfijn] iPubl[!, nJ12lOtunh L UjlOpljbzm qjuifipm] lOUJPbl[!, ophfipjif hulOqwUIl![!, mPPzubppu huipqhjp, L nqbjjiq tuuPwubppg ru lOJl uifiophfiuiquifi pUpwuP2ngubppg hpuiduipnuip:

PppqlOu 3lOuqp hWUlO1UWplOuD \.1.0U bljbl1bgm 4pplOljlOu ~lOulOljlOpqp up uuiufi t , nip unipnJ12 lOZtulOphpg wllbiP puif Ublj UPiPnu UlOPIl

PrrqwLl 3wuqr "lwLlwluwrWuo 3mUlW uwhwuqmLl Brigham Young University in Utah

BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Founded in 1875, Brigham Young University is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is one of the largest private Universities in the world with around 30,000 students. It continues to receive national recognition for its strong undergraduate and graduate programs. As a matter of personal commitment, students, staff, and faculty of BYU are expected to demonstrate in daily living on and off campus those moral virtues encompassed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This Honor Code includes being honest, living a chaste and virtuous life, obeying the law, respecting others, and abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs . Brigham Young University is part of the LOS Church Educational System, which serves more than one million people worldwide in higher education, seminaries and institutes, elementary and secondary schools, and continuing education and

t ouimujnui

pwPOPWqnlJG ljppmpjuifi, 6buwpuififihph L [ifiumjnnnunfihph, uuuppuiljurfi L uP2 Gw4.wpq 11UlPngGbpp, zwpmGw4. w4.w G 4.Pprupjuifi L qpuiqjunmpjuifi Upwqpbpp ZP2wtiuiljfihpnui: ~wuw4.wpqG t g3~ muurfinmulnufl unlurfip 3mmw Iiurhurflq]i fTlpntln puiqurpnui, g3~ ~wtlwJwG muuifinquitlwGn ~wtlwJGbpp Lhjhnui, f23~ UJ11whnJP muuiflnquiquif unluifip UJ11whnJP Il-hpupmpqnui, ~OU q.npO-Wpwpnl~JwG pnlb2 UnW Lhjp Uppprnu, L uuuppuiquifi m up2Gw4.wpq 11uUm9Gbp zwm hpljpfihpnui, Iihpumjuq Ubpuhquifi, ~P2pG,unp QblWGfll:1wG, Snfiquifi L LlplnnnJwG Uuninuifi:



literacy programs. The system includes the BYU campus in Provo, Utah; the BYU-Hawaii campus in Laie, H awaii; BYU-Idaho campus in Rexburg, Idaho ; the LDS Business College in Salt Lake City; and elementary and secondary schools in many countries, including Mexico, Fiji, New Zealand, Tonga, and Western Samoa.


1842 ~tlw4.wGpG Qnqb.

In 1842, Joseph Smith was asked to summarize the faith of the Latter-day Saints. He did so in a few simple points that have become known as "The Articles of Faith of -The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

1. Uhfip hunlunnnui hfip Iluinonul ~wllbpaw­ 4.wG ~npn, upw Ilprpnfi ~pumu .Qppumnujifi, L Umpp ~nqmG:

1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2. UbGp hunlunnnui hfip, np uWPfll:14. 4.111wmatlbG ppbGg pu4. qnpcuio ubllPbpp, uij] n~ ph Ilnuni]; uhqutuqnpompjunl huniuip:

2. We believe that men will be punished for not for Adam's their own sins, and transgression.

3. Uhfip hunlunnnui hfip, np .Qppumnup .Qwtlm~JwG zGnphptl nll2 uuiprjlpupjmfip 4.4.wpnquului tPP4.tlb l huuiquifirplhpu] Ihllnnuipuifi]; opbGpGbppG m uquupnnmpjnulfibphti:

3. We believe that through the Atonement of

4. Uhfip hunlunnnui hfip, np Ihllnmupurfi]i wnw2GwJPG uljqpnuipfihpfi m uipuipnnm~JmGGbpG hfi. umurojifi' hunlunnp wn Sbp ~pumu .Qppumnu, hpqpnpq' unqurjjuuipm~JmG , bppnprj nG4.IlUWUp uljpuuupjnui UbllPbpp pnqmpjurfi huniuip, ~nppnp11' o hntiuiqptluiup Umpp ~nqm zGnphmu:

4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth , Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5. UbGp hunlunnnui hfip, np Ihllnnurpunip puipnqbpn L npui uipuipnrpupjmfifibpp uunuuunlnphpu huniuip, UWP11n iqlnnp t 4.wG~tlwo-[}1.Gp Iluinon 4.Ill1Upg , tiuipquiphmpjunip L obnGwllPuwup , LPwqnptlwouwpl14. w G9 up2 ng ntl:

5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands, by those who are in authority to preach the Gospel and adm inister in the ordinances thereof.

Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



6. Ubu12 hunlunnnui bU12 (irujf quiquuiqbpiqrnpjunip, np qnjmpjmfi t ntfihqtq Uljqp liuilnufi bljhqhqnui' [ip umuipjuqfihpm], uurpquipbfihprn], hmUnlnbpml, mumqhjfihprn], unlhunupuifihjfihpru] L wJlG:

6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, viz., apostles, prophets, pastors , teachers, evangelists etc.

7. Ubu12 hunlunnnui bG12 [hqrnfihjt]i [niuiqrnpjuifi, uuipquipbmpjuiu, huijuifimpjnuifihph, mbupwGbpp, pa2l}muutpp , [hqmfihp]; puipquuifimpjuif L wJl ujuipql.Ilbph:

7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation , visions, healing , interpretation of tongues, etc.

8. Ubu12 hunlunnnui tG12 Uumt.J.wbw2uW Iluinan tunu12[! Lllutlmu, nppurfiru] uijf ap2m t puipquuifnhuo. utU12 hunlunnnui tU12 liuilr Unpunfi]i Q.P12P Ilumon [unupp jputqnul:

8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God,

9. Ubu12 hunlunnnui bU12 uijf unibfihfi, np Iluunhuc huijinfitq t, uijf unihfihfi, pu~ (iur wJGU hurjtnfinui t, L hunlunnnui tU12, np liur rjhn 2wm uta m puifihp ljhtujtnfi]i Ilumon fchuqwljnpmpJwu ljtpwptPJWl:

9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that

10. Ubu12 hunlunnnui tG12 pum]i mrpuuq]: [niuiutnm] pupwJtLll hunhupuuifip, Iipui unuup gtlltpp t.J.bpwl}wuqGuWUI!. np Ujmfip (Lnp bpmuuiqlnip) l}l}wnmgt.J.l1 Uutppl}Jwu uWJPgwUW12P np .Qppumnuu urficunip 4J3wqunlnp]i tp4PP L, np tPlIPPt! qfinjnuUW m l}t!uIlmup [ip rjpuijuunujhf t!Iwn12[!:

10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11. Ubu12 lljwhwU2mu tG12 uhp ulnhuiquif lvnap {}tlwIlPwU12P huniuiduijf Lluhfiuiqnp

11. We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience , and allow all men the same privilege , let them worship how, where or what they may.

Iluuiornf bpljpunuqbjrn uhp uiptnnfimpjmfip, L (irujf uijnnnfirnpjmfip t.J.tpwlljwhmu tG12

pnjnp uuipnljuifiq. pnq upwu12 hpqpunuqhfi PU~lljt'u,

He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

njnnhn L n'ul UpwG12 l}l}wutuwG:

12. Ubu12 hunjunnnui bU12 opbu12pu hfiuiqurfirjlltlmu, uijfi huipqtqnui m iquiguuqurfllqnul, puiqunlnpfihphfi, tiuihnuquihfibphfi, Ijumuit.J.wpp~ubppu m iijmu P2tuwGwt.J.nputppu hujunnurqqbpufi :

13. Ubu12 hunlunnnui bU12 uiqfiht], 62uwp!lm, uuippuipuipn , puipjuiquiljuni

WGtlm G,

as far as it is translated correctl y; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.







tquipqhhjmfi. [ipun], utu12 ljuipnn tU12 uiuhj,

np hlnnlmui tU12 rTlnllnup hnpnnpunippfl , Ubu12 hunlunnnui bG12 pnjnp puifihphfi, ubu12 unqunljiflnui bU12 pnjnp purfihphfi, ubG12 huniphphj bU12 2wm punlhp]i L hniju mfibfip huniphphj unihfi pGw: UbG12 oqumnt bG12 uijfi unihfihfi, pU~G wnw12PUP t , qhnhqhl], puiphhunipun] qunl qmlhuui]i uipdunih:

12. We belie ve In being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates , in obeying , honoring, and sustaining the law.

13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent , virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul we believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

THE FAMILY =lWJLnWflWfln tpJntU w2fuwfl hl1u

A Proclamation to the World

=i!wnw 12f1!wLnnu/J Libf1p/JD Of1bf1/J Uf1pbf1/J bubnbqn: Ul2wp/JD uwfuwqwhnLf]JnLD lJ. Siuutitmun: UI2WJ2JWl Dbf1/J tuntitmuu;

The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Uh fip' ~llUmu .Qllpumnup \.(h1l2pG Ophph Upphph o 4hllhgm Unw2pG 'btuju tuquihm pj ruflp L Suiu uhplpu

We; the First Presidency and the Council of t he Twelve Apostles of The Church of Ilrnupjuqtlhp]: Iu nphrupnp, huijimuJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly puipnui hfip , np mnuniuiprjm L 4Gn2 unirnufi mpjmproclaim that marriage between a man and GD muu uuu uulb j t Ihnnon 4nlluP9 L, np DGmwGppG a wo man is ordained of God and that the llhllG m fi]i Ull Wll ~P opurqpnui 1>11 family is central to the Creator' s plan for qunhuljfihp]; hunl hp durlnu f 6wllwmwqllP huniurp : the eternal destiny of His children . Uurprjquijhf t w4GhllD' tnquni uipnhl] L quifi uijp, All . human beings- ma le and femalepnjnpfi wllwllt!.hl hfi Iluuion iqunn qlipm] : Bmpuiare created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of pw G~ mllD h1l4GwJPG o-GnllGhllP 4 n lluP9 uPllt!.Wohnqlmp nllllpG 4wU rpu umpf t , L, npujhu wJllUJ.Pheavenly parents, and, as suc h, eac h has a uh fi, j m p urp ui fijjm p np rufi]r uiuuuhuourj p f pGmJ13 divine nat ure and destiny. Gender is an L rituljunmuqhp : UbnG ui fihunn]i hhufiurlj uifl pfimessentia l ch aracter istic of individual puiqhp f t fiurjuuihpljpuij jifi, bp411wJPG L hunl hp d ui premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and 4w G 4Jw Gpp L (iujunnur lj]: huniuip : purpose. uWluwhll4PWJPG w2luwllhmu nllllp GhllG In the premorta l realm; spirit sons and m rjnunnphpp 6wGw ~n ll.l L hjiqprquiqnui t pG Uumdaughters knew and worshiped God as orn fl, npujh u PllhGg ~wt!.hll ow4 wG ~n llD L DGI}Ilttheir Eternal Father and accepted Hi s plan finui t pG ullw o-llwqPllD, Dum nph ujhmp t ~pqp. ­ by . which His ch ildren could obtain a 4w4w G uWllUpG Ghll obnp phphji fi L w2luwllhp4 physical body and gain earthly experi ence tPnllo ljnunui qhh fi qlnq]i qunnuiptqmpjmf DG13w Gw to pro gress toward perfection and [m L PllbGg uiuuulurouij hf 6w4wmwqpllD ultimately realize his or her divine destiny hunl hp duilnuf 4JwGpp dumuifiqfihp puiqumhq 4hll': as an heir of etern al life. The divine plan ujru] qhunuqq tqm huni uip : 0 1l2wG4m13Jw G uiuuul uiof happiness enables family relationships o-wJp G o-llwqPllD hfiuipunlnpmpjmfi t ui uqh u, rip to be perpetuated · beyond the grave. w DGmw Gh4 G 4WUJ.hllD 2tUllmGw4t!.hG uwh l1g hlnnn : Sacred or dinances and covenants available Umpp unu riuip fibpnui qunn uqulnr; urupp tupuip nrpu in holy tem ples make it possi b le for 13Jm GGbll G m m jumhpp h fiurpunl np hfi llwlloGmu individuals to return to the presence of ui fi hunn fi hp]i huni uip t!.hpwllWPOD llbUJ.p Ilum on God and for families to be united Ghp4wJm13JmGD, [iul] DGmw Gpp GhllP hunnup hwetern ally. t!.hllow4 w G Up w uGm 13JmGD: The first commandment tha t God gave Ullw upG L o ljwJpG Iluui on 4nlluP9 tnpi[uio to Adam and Eve pertained to their wnw211G ujunnqjipui fq; t!.hllwpbpljmU t p , potential for parenthood as husband and unim uh f L 4pG Iipui fiq ofinr] numtiuqm hfi uipunl nwife. We declare that God's comm andment pmpj ui fip: Uh fip hui jimupui pnui hfip , np nhnl.u mfor His children to multi ply and replenish op Uh2 t I>p qunl urljfihph fi mt{wo- 2wmw Gwlm L the earth remains in force . We further h1l41111D 19Ghlm t!.hpWpbllJwl Iluinon UJ.wmtll1pw GD: declare that God has commanded that the Uhfip huijunupur pnui hGp uuil. Iluin on wJG ujuun sacred powers of procreation are to be 4.PllwGD, np ofim fir] inuqm umpp qnprupj m fip em ploye d only between ma n and woman, ujh mp t oqunu qnpou]i upwJG wJG mnuniurprpu L lawfully wedded as husband and wife. 4Gn2 UP2L, npn fip oph fiuiq uif oLnt{ unim ufiui quic We declare the mea ns by wh ich mo rtal hG npiqh u uniruuhti L 4pG : life is created to be divinely appointed. We Uhfip huijunujuupm u h fip , np hlllllll1 4.llW qjuiflaffirm the sanctity of life and of its

12P umh11o-OWU mllPuhp~ 11hljml{wpljmo hfi Iluuion ljn11opg: UbU12 hunnnunnnui hU12 4JWU12P umpp uhm L fipui lnuplmpmpjmflfl Ilumon hunlbpduilnufi opuiqpmu: Uomupu~ L 4PU~ umpp ujunmuujuuniunnqmJ3Jmu hfi qpnui uhplqm L hnq uuufihjnt opuJwug L hphjuuifibp]i huniuip: « O PllP12 ~ Sppn2 dumuifiqmpjmfifi hfi » (UW11. upt.3): t)un11uhpp umpp rquipmW4WUmJ3Jmuu · t' rjunnnhuipuiqtq hphjuunlbphfl uppn L umuippfimpjuifi upfinjnpumui, unqurhmltq upwug uJmJ3W4WU L hnqLnp 4WPP12Uhp~, mumgwuhl Iipuifiq uppbj L oumuijh] oh4~ ujruuhfi, ujuihh] Ilumon UJ.wmtlPpwuuhp~ L oph fiunqumn 12w11w12wgpuhp wUht, npuihq tl, np unqphfi: Ihimujififihpfi m 4WUWJ12' uuijphpfi m huijphpp hWZl{hmm 4wuhu Iluuion umol, uiju unuptnuiljuifintpjntflfihp]i [ipuiIjuifluiqtitufi huniuip: QumwuP12~ hunnnunmluio t Iluinon 4n11oP9: Squniuiprpn L 4un2 unimufimpjrnfip hpOUW4WU uuiufi t 'bpur hunljnnhfluilpnf opuiqph: bphjuuifihp~ UJ.hmp t o-ul{hu unimufiuiqurc o-un11uhppg L ruuutnjnupuilnlhfi onp L hnp ljn11opg , n4.12hp pfirpuIinui hfi uniruufimpjurf [unuumui p 1, hfiurqunirulnui llPWU n112 hunlunnuipumpjunip: Qumwuh4wu qjui fipn ui hp2wu4mJ3JwU hui ufihjru unih tnuu uo huil{wuwljwumJ3Jmuu uijfi rjlnqpnui t, hpp I:!UmwUP12~ hpo ul{wo- t Shp

. ..

importance in God's eternal plan. Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. "Children are an heritage of the Lord (Psalms 127:3) . Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to . provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the comm andments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wivesheld mothers and fathers-will be accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations. The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. C hildr en are entitled to "birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared bya father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to. be achieved when found ed upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Success ful marriages and .families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compa ssion, wo rk, and who lesome recreational activities. By divine design , fathers are to preside over their famil ies in love and righteous ness and are responsible to provide the necessiti es of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners . Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed. We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsib ilities will one day stan d accoun table before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will . bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets. We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to unlhjjifi, ubG12 qqmguiqfinui bG12 , np TIGmwGp12P 12Wj12WjmUTI unihunnfihphfi , hWUWj G12 GbppG L uiqqhppf qujunnrium]i WjG ndpuijuinmpjmfifihPTI, npnGg uuiuhfi l}wGtuwqmlwl}bl tpG hhfi m Gnp uuipquiphflhpj): UbG12 IlPumu bG12 tqunnuiujuuifiunnm pumui12w9pGbppG L lnununluipmpjuifi UJ.wlmnGjwGb-

promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.

phfi unibfirup, njuqhuq]i ujuijuuififlhp umhqohfi L uP2ngwnmuGbp uifiqljuiqfihfi mlllltlwa TIGmw-

Salt Lake City, Utah.

This proclamation was read by President Gordon B. Hinckley as part of his message at the General

Relief Society Meeting held September 23, 1995, in

GP12GbpP, npujhu huiuuijuuljmpjuui hjnifiuiljuifi upwtlnpGbpp, upuhujuifluuififl m WUPWUJ.GlluwGTI: Ilpiqbu PP mllbpap up uuiu' WJU huijuuupuipmpjmut! I.jwpqwgtlbl t "Vwtuwqwh Q.npqnu 12. <'PUI2U1P I.jnllupg 4WUWUg Uihmhnq U11ll1~JWU qbpuiqmjfi anllmU1U 1995~.

uhunnhuphp]i 23-pCi, UnW lbJI2 Upphnui:

U '1) r n 'l


Qr t"' u s nu ~ UnwEJWL[ibPf1 Ll~WJnLPJnL[i[! ~flunLU

el1flumnufl '-lbl12tl[i 0l1bl1fl Ul1p bl1fl t~bl1b9fl


hpljm huiqurpunijuiq umuio inhn]i mfihquio ~pumu .QppuUlnup t)GmGIlTI, ubG12 pbpnui bG12 uhp tll}wJmpJmGI! 'Upw tufiqntquilnufl 4JwG12P [ipurlpufirnpjuif L 'Upw uba punlnn qnhuiphpmpjuif urfiuurhuuifi qnpruPJwG uuiuhfi: n ~ n12 ~p mfihqh] wJIlUJ.puP [unpp urqrjhqrupjmfi prqnp]i 4.Pw, n4.l2bp unqph] bG L nqpbp rjhn ljuiujphfi hpl}pp 4.P w : uw Uta bhruluif tp ~pG LIUlwl}wpwGp L Uhujnufi 'Unp quuuquijuufih: f"lp ~np qhljunluiprnpjuif (ihppn 'Uw tp bpl}pp wpwPP~I!: «Lluhfi pG~ Iipuifim] hnun], L wnwGg Iipuifi n~pG~ ~b ­ nun], pG~ np hnun] » (~ntlh. U.3) : 'Uw uifiuhr] l.p, uurquijfi Ul}pmtlbg , np unihfi uipruupmpjnui quiuuupilji : 'Uw « tiui fi hqun] puip]; uifilqm]»

The Testimony of the Apostles The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth. He was the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Messiah of the New. Under the direction of His Father, He was the creator of the earth. "All things were made by him; and without bim was not any thing made that was made (John I :3). Though sinless, He was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. He "went about doing good



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(Q-npo-p &.38), phl, iuphuniuiphilhq llpw huniuip : upw unllnnuipuitip [uumumntpjuif m purpjurquiljunimpjuifi mTlbpo tp: 'bur 4n~ wpbg pnlnppG hlnnubj Pp OPpGw4PG: UW 12WJlbg I1lwTlbumpGJwG riunnuupuphfihpm], pnidtqrn] hPtlwGllGbppG , tnhunrpupjmf zGnphblntl ljrujphphfl, IjhfiruuflurqIilqm] uuihuiquiofibphfi: UW umlnphqfinui tp huitlbpetm~JwG 6zuwpmm~JmGGbp~, uhp IiuijuuihpljpWJPG 4J w G12P [ipnnmpjmfip, bp4PP tlPw ubp 4J w G12P tiujunnuiqp L qwLJ112 4JwGpP huniuip Iluinon npllpGbpp m rpnumpbp]i llhprudp: UW hpuGbg hurqnprpnpjuif uipuipnnmpjnulp ' npiqhu hpzbgmu Pp ubo- punlnn qnhuiphpmpjurfi: UW obppw4wltlbg m rjunnunquipunlhq 4bTlo- ubqurqpunipfihpm], uhqunlnp 6wGw~tlbg unipnjujif punluipuiptqm huniuip L uuihtlurf qunnunquipuitlbg Q-wqw~p tuww tlPw: 'btu qnhbg Pp 4JwG12~ punlh[nt huniuip nTl2 uWPIl4m~JwG ub!1l2bp~ : UW ubo- t)1p4wqGnTl iqurpql, l.p hoqnun pnjnp GpwGg , ntl12bp bppLt 4wuWbG bP4PP hphuhfi : UbG12 unlhfiuijf LP2wtunhmJ3Jw15p LjLlwJm15 hfip , np upw 4JwG12~, npfi wnwGg12wJPG t nTl2 uuipr]4m~JwG ujunmirupjuifi 15b2 , u4J1qp ~Il umbj PbJ3[hhlninui, n '~ tl unluipunlh] t Q-wqw~mu : uw Iluuion Unw2Gb4G tp , Uhuiohf OpIJpG uwpuGm15 , wZtuwphp .Qwtlpm: uw huipmpjmfi umun] qhphquuifihq ' «GG2wo-Gbpp umuicfihl] hqun]» (U lInpGJ3. &b.20): Opiqhu huipmpjruf umuio Shp, UW wJgblbg GpwGg , nui uhpnui tp 4JwGpP duniurfluilj : uw GwL uimuptqmpjunip wJ9blbg hGwIJwPJwG UUbpP4wJP Pp « m p pz n~tuwpGbppCi» (';'ntlh . &.16): ubp4WJPU wztuwphm15 Ltu L upw ,;,wJP~ hurjinfnlhgpG ujunnurfl]i Qnqb:p U15pJ3pG ' u4J1qpl.! IJGbl0tl bP4 WP [unuuuuqiluio « duniui fituqflhp]i LPm~JwG mfiinhuntpjuifi » (bihbu. U.10): Ilujjmq .Qppumnup uuiuhfi tiuipquipb 52nqb:p~ qptq t . «L pui wWbp~ ljuipohu 4PW4P pngbp GbpG, 'Upw qLtup uwqbp~ 6bpuw4 tpG , pG~tqbu uuipmp oJmG~, 'Upw IJbup~ t)1w,llmu tp, qhpuiquifiqtqru] uipl.]i unujoummpjmfip, L upw oWJG~ ljuipotiu zwnw~mG 15bo- 2pbpp hGDmG LJ1Gbp, uijuhfipfi ' bhmhujp oWJCi~, uiubjm], bu bu wnw2PCi~ L tlbp2PCi~ . hu Ciw hu , m] uuqpnui t , hu Ciw tni, m] utqwGtlbl Lp. bu obp puiphjunufi bu ~np umn» (inh'u \.f.LOl 110.3--4): Uuipqurphfi CiwL uruh] t. « Pwquw~ptl tl4wJm~JmCiGbppg hlnnn, np mptlbl hfi Gpw uuiuhfi, uui t tl4wJm~JmCi~ , np ubGp unujjiu bGp Gpw uwupG. Ilp, Gw uuqpnui t: .QwCiq)1 ubG12 inhuuifip Iipuifl, GmJGpu4 ';'np w2 qnruinui. L ubGp. lubgpGp oWJG~, np~


(Acts 10:38) , yet was despised for it. His gospel was a message of peace and goodwill. He entreated all to follow His example. He walked the roads of Palestine, healing the sick, causing the blind to see, and raising the dead. He taught the truths of eternity, the reality of our premortal existence, the purpose of our life on earth, and the potential for the sons and daughters of God in the life to come. He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. He was arrested and condemned on spurious charges, convicted to satisfy a mob, and sentenced to die on Cal vary's cross. He gave His life to atone for the sin s of all mankind. His was a gre at vicarious gift in behalf of all who would eve r live upon the earth. We solemnly testify that His life, which is central to all human history, neither began in Bethlehem nor concluded on Calvary. He was the Firstborn of the Father, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer of the world . He rose from the grave" to " become the firstfruits of them that slept (1 Cor. 15:20). As Ris en Lord, He visited among those He had loved in life .s.He also mini stered among His "other sheep (John 10: 16) in ancient America. In the modem world, He and His Father appeared to the boy Joseph Smith, ushering in the long-promised "dispensation of the fulness of times (Eph. 1:10). Of the Living Chri st, the Prophet Joseph wrote : "His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters, even the voice of Jehovah, saying: "I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father (D&C 110:3--4). Of Him the Prophet also declared: "And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all , which we give of him : That he lives! " For we saw him , even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father"That by him, and through him, and ' of

tlJlwJmu tp, np Gw ~np upwo-pGG t, np fipuiflm], Gpw uP2ngntl L GpwGpg w2tuwphGbPD ltwG m umb11o-tltl tG L I1pwGg pGwltp~GbPD o-Gtlwo- npnjifihpf m rpuuinpbpf hfi Iluuion » (mhu \.f.LOt 76.22-24): Uhfip uiqnurpurpnui bGp unihfiuijf [unhtnimPJwuP , np 'Gpw puiluufiuijmpjmfip L 'Gpw bljh11bgpG tlbpwltwGqGtlbl bG bpltpp hphuhfi. « Lln uip JW1Gbpp L uuipquiphflbph hpupp ilpu; 2PGtlwo-. np]; wG4JmGp qlmtuD ~pumu -eppumnuG t » (bihbuuiqhu l2.20): UbGp tlltwJmu tGp, np up op 'Lui lttlbpwl1wnGw bPltPP: «btl ujhtn]; huijmfiuh Spp n2 tlIwnPD, L unihfi uwpupG uhuiuhf ujjun]: tnhufihfi» (buwJpwJP 1v.5): lTW lt11bltwLJ.wpp pG ~l.l.ltu [c}wqwtlnpGbpp [c}wqwtlnp L ltltwnwLJ.wpp pG~l.l.lbu Sbphp]: Shp, L unihfi ornfil; tqjnn]: o-Wl'-lP m unihf [hqrn [unutnmhufl]i I1w upw umol,' hpljjuquiqmpjunip: Ubquifihq jntpuipuuljjrnpp tqlnnp t ljuifiqfi]; nunmllqm 'Gpw ltn11upg ' huniurduijfi uhp qnpohp]; m uhp upin]i qtufiqmpjmfifihph : Uhfip tlltwJmu bGp, npujhu 'Gpw ujuun juiri hunununmhuo Ilnuipjuqubp, np ~pumut! uiujpnq -eppumnuG t' Iluincn urfiuuih Op@G: UW t dbo[c}wqwtlnp tuuwGmtm, npt! quifiqfiunr t iujuop Ilumon w2 ltnllPpG: lTW t [mjup, 4JwGPD L hrujufi w2tuwphp: 'Gpw owGwUJwphG wJG wpwhlnnfi t, np inuifinui t I1buW bp2wG4mPJmG uiju ljjuifipnul L hunljnnhfiurquui 4JwGp' qwWp w2[uuiphnui:
him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof" are begotten sons and daughters unto God (D&C 76:22-24). We declare in words of solemnity that His priesthood and His Church have been restored upon the earth-"built upon the foundation of . . . apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief comer stone (Eph. 2:20). We testify that He will someday return to earth . " And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together (Isa. 40:5). He will rule as King of Kings and reign as Lord of Lords, and every knee shall bend and every tongue shall speak in worship before Him. Each of us will stand to be judged of Him according to our works and the desires of our hearts. We bear testimony, as His duly ordained Apostles-that Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light , the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.

uausn. uuououvueenn.

SUUlJbrt,nruf"l e.uumnr



~nLut/W(1f11, 2000 p. January 1, 2000



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rasntf' ~Uf'ot"e'Lt;f'




1. iWfl9' <,pumu .Qppmnnup ~bp 2pG Ophp]i Upphp]i b4bllb9pG pphuumtitnuqui'f b4bllb9p t:

1. Question: Is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a Christian church?

tT)wmwut'uw[i' <,pumu .Qppuumup Ophp]i





Answer: The very foundation, history, and


name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bear ample testimony that God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ are the center of Church theology and worship. Its theology is centered on Jesus Christ, who atoned for the sins of mankind, died on the cross and was resurrected. Indeed the Book of Mormon is, itself, another testament of Jesus Christ.

ujunnumpjmfip L wGmGI! twmu bG upwGqwuwJG

punluipiup tj4wJmpJmG, nil <,wJP Uumtjw<Jr! L pp OpI)]1G' <,pumu .QllpumnuI!, npp pwtjbg uWIlI14mPJwG ubrwbpl! L iiuihurqun] [uuij]i tjpw L hwpmpjruf umun], b4b'l.bgm unnmhuourpuuimpjunl L upugunuuruflp]t qhfnnpnfifi hfi:

2. iWfl9. U'npunGp Cl-PPPI! wpI1Jn"'p unltquiqnui t Ihnnon [unuphfi:

2. Question: Is the Book of Mormon an Addition to the Bible?

tT)wmwut'uw[i. UJu 4WIlOPPl! quqpu t urupp

Answer: This opinion comes from an

qppbpp ujuWl ub4GwpwGmpJmGpg : fllbmp t hpZtq, np Uumtjwo-wzmG~l! W 4 wqullbl ub4 unlqunihq 4wU 6pzm duniuniuiljuiqpuiquif hhppuiquifirupjunip : duiuuniuiq]; l!Gpwgpmu unuppbp tiuipquiphfihp]; qpwoGbPI! hwtjwptjbl bG, np]; iuprjjmfipnui wJchl ubGp mGbGp GbP4W Uumtjwo-wzmG ~I! : UnpunGp Cl-PPPI! ujuipmfiurqnui t hfluirpnpjuifi unihPP4JwG iiuijpquniuip]; uuipqurphfllqi]; qpwoGbllI!, nJlllGgpg up pwGpUl! upLGmJG duniuifiuilj GwL wumtjwo-wzG~wG uuipquiphfihp bG L nwGp~ ~bG wtjblwgGmu Uumtjwo-wzGwG, WJl tquipntfiurqrnti bG Lu ub4 tj4wJmpJmG <,pumu .Qllpumnup tiuiupfi: Ihumquuiqnq uuiprjunqtnnrupjnunlbpu m uqqpnuipGbpI! lPw4WmwP hunhuouijfimpjuif ub2 bG IluuitjwO-WZGW nunimfipfihp]; hlnn, puijq ujuipqunqhu wutPmptjwo bG umurficjifi urnpp qppp hunnnpnui: Unjninfi]; Cl-PPPl! W puipnqnui nwG~, npl! ~4w UumtjwowzG~mu, Unpunfi]i Cl-PPPI! W mumgwfinui nwG~, npp huiqumuiq t UumtjwowzGWG: bpqm umpp qppbpG tl qlltjwo bG GmJG <,nqntj' Ilumon <,nqntj: UbGp hunlunnnui bGp, np Uuunluio uppnui t prqnp f1.p qunluiqfihphfi : UJI1 huipq]i qunquiqqruPJwuP Unpunfi]: Cl-PPPI! hlnnl.juqf t mumgwGmu. «Oqjunh'p, np hu' Sbpu, obp Iluunhuop, umhqobl bu prqnp UWIlI14wG9, L np bu hpzmu bu GpwGg , mlphp OntlP 4'l.qpGbpp tjpw bG ... L bu huijmfi]i bu I1wpoGmu pu [unupn UWPI14wG9 quitjW4GbppG , uijn , wJupGpG' bptwwqGI1P prqnp wqqhpjifi »: 2 ubtPP 29.7

incorrect interpretation of the scriptures. One must remember that the bible was not compiled at any singular time or in chronological order. Rather, over time the writings of different prophets were gathered, sometimes in questionable ways, from which we enjoy the current bible. The book of Mormon contains the writings of prophets who lived on the ancient American continent, some of which at the same time as biblical prophets and is not an addition to the bible but another testament of Jesus Christ. The doctrines and principles taught are in complete agreement with bible teachings but are simply included in a separate volume of scripture. The Book of Mormon does not profess anything that does not exist in the Bible, the Book of Mormon does not teach anything that is contrary to the Bible. Both scriptures are written by the same Spirit, the Spirit of God. We believe that God loves all His children. The book of Mormon teaches the following regarding the subject: "Know ye not that I, the lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea...and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth. 2 Nephi 29:7

3. ~wflg. -<,wJwumwuI! wnw2pu .Qppuumubwljuifi uiqqfi t hqh], pUlm'" iqlnnp t up linp hljhI1bgl1 UUbpPlIwJpg qui L numtquifl]i uhq, nl-PPpuinnfijui WJl uiqqbp]i umn qfiuqm tlIntuwphu:

IJ)WLnwut"uwO. Uuipquiph .2nqh.'j:> Uup~rr , -<,pumu .Qppumnup '-lbp2pu Opbp]i Uppbp]i blIbl1bgm uirnuohfl Guijuuiqurhp, uiubj t htnnl.juqp. «Uh fip lbup tuul}J1mu npLt UWpI].lIwug I].hu (ihinhj uijfi lwtJ.rr, np upwup mfihfi, uhup upwJu [ufinpnui bup upwug qWl L utnurfiuq wtJ.bWu: P:"Ul lIwup , hph nq2 wztuwphrr rrGI].mGp WJU unllnnuipurfip: upwGp WJI]. duniurfiurl] [iphfiq Wlpm] qmhufibf wJG ophfirupjrnfifihpp, npnfip rpupu lI~wtlItJ.bG uwpI].lIwGg qjnu, npG l1u hnqru nl12 qunilpupjnuif t » : bqbqhqm ujunrulmpjmfi, 5.259: Uhfip hunlunnnui bGp, np tiuijtquiph .2nqb.'j:> Uup~p uP2ngntJ. tJ.bplIwGqtJ.bgpG puiquuipjn] 6Ztiurptnntpjntfifihp, npnfip duniuifiuiq]i pfiptuqpnul uifihlnnurqhj tpG: UJu 62uwpmm~JmGGbprr hfi uhp ihplpnpjuu; huniuip: -<,pumu .Qppumnup '-lbp2pu Opbp]i Upphp]i blIbl1bgm uimuphjrupjruflf t hfluipunlnpmpjmf tnuij prqnp uuiprjljuniq prqnp bp\.jj1Gbpmu I!GI].lllGbl lIwu uhpetbl WJI]. 6zuwpmm~JmGGbprr: Iljfnnlrq njnnhq uiqquijhf L uzwlIm~wJ)1u wtJ.wGI].lllJPGbPI! ubpI].w2GwlIm~JwG ub2 hfi -<,)1uruu .Qppumnu)1 unlhuuujuufl]i hlnn, ubGp hunluiuinui bup , np l}J1wup ujlnnp t qurpqurqilhfi L UJ.uihUJ.w utJ.h fi:

3. Question: Armenia

was the first Christian nation, why would a new church from America come to teach us instead of going to a non-Christian nation?

Answer: The prophet Joseph Smith, first president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said the following: "We don 't ask any people to throwaway any good they have got; we only ask them to come and get more. What if all the world should embrace this gospel? They would then see eye to eye , and the blessings of God would be poured out upon the people, which is the History of the desire of my whole soul. Church, 5:259. We believe that through the prophet Joseph Smith many truths were restored that had been lost over time. These truths are essential for our salvation. The mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to give all people in all lands the opportunity to accept or reject these truths. Where national and cultural traditions are in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ, we believe they should be cherished and protected.

4. =lWflg. Unjninflhqut; wpI].Jn"'p qnqm t:

IJ)WLnwut"uwO. Ubopbprnu bGp uhp hlIhl1hgm -<,wtJ.wmn huifiquifituq]i umuiohfi ljtnnp. «Uhfip hunlunnnui bup Ihnnomfl' -<,wtlPmbuwlIwu -<,npI!, 'bpui 0PI].lllU' -<,)1umu .Qppumnupu LUmpp -<,nqmfi »: UJu h)1upp t -<,pumu .Qppumnu]i '-lbp2pu Ophp]i Upphp]i blIbl1bgpu: -<,wtJ.winn huifiquifiurq]i 6-pI]. lIbmrr uzmu t hlnnbjuijp. «Uh fip hunlunnnui bup Iimjfi lnuquuiqhpupupjuiGrr, np qnjmpjmf l; nuibqtq uqqpfiurlpuf hqhqhqnui, [ip umuipjuqfihpm], uuipquiphfihpm], hntlPtJ.(ihpm], muruqhjfibpm], unlhuuupuifijijfihpru] m ujruu uWJll1lIwGgntJ. »: -<,pumu .Qppumnup '-lbp2pu Opbp]: Uppbp]i blIbqbg)1G npl.t wJl qpnfi]; 6Jmq it: l).w -<,pumu .Qppumnu)1 tJ.hpwlIwGqtJ.wo blIhl1bgpG t: Uhfip hlnnlmui bGp flp wUJ.I1TIfl uuipquiph]i u)12ngntJ. -<,wJP Uumon lInl1upg mptJ.wo hpuihuifiqfihppfi, nprr GmJGG t bl1bl nl12 wumtJ.wawzGLJwG ujunnurupjuifi I!G~wgpmu: uw , ntJ. ubqwl}J1mu t blIbI1bg m G lInllm lIwu wqwGI]. WGblm ub2, UJ.bmp t UJ.wmpwum WGp UJ.wzmUJ.wGbl pp ubqwl}J1wGpGbprr utuwlGbp qmGblntJ. wJG ulIqpmGpGbp)1 ub2, npnGp cDPltJ.1lG flGI2G t hpuGwl}J1br

4. Question: Is the Mormonism a cult?

Answer: To quote the first article of faith of our church, "We believe in God the Eternal Father, and ~n his Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. Upon this foundation the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was established. The 6th article of faith states the following , "We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church; namely apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists and so forth . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a branch of any other religion. It is the restored Church of Jesus Christ. We follow the direction of God the Father through his living prophet which has been the case throughout all biblical history. We strongly support the agency of man, allowing all men the right to worship how they choose and make decisions for themselves. One who accuses the church of being a cult or sect must be prepared support his claims by finding faults in these prin ciples established by the Savior himself. J


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



5. =1wflg. ~l1Umu -eppumnup -LLbP2PG Ophpp Uppl.p]: blIb'lbgm unirjunifihpp purquuiqji'fi hfi:

5. Question: Are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints polygamists?

"lwmwutuw(j. ~pumu .Qppumnup Y:.bp2pG Opbp]i Upphp]i blIb'lbgpG umlnphqfinui t, np

Answer: The Church of Jesus Christ of

ubGwlIGmrJmGt! uppuiquni, tiuipqiuplnupuip hunnnunmluio mjuui t: Umpp puihuifiurjmpjuif p2tuw umrJwup iihl] uiqunnupnp L ublI lIput! lnupnq hfi unintufiuifluu L n~ upwJG WJU Luwup}1 t!urwgpmu WGbl oppuwlIwG uniruuhfi(ihp, WJlL hunljnnhfiuilnufirupjuifi ub2 limjfiujhu: L,UWU unimufirupjmfip inhn]t t mfibflnui u}1wJG blIb11bgm umpp uuuriuipfihpnui: bljhnbqm npn2 ihur] uimuofinpnfihp L uifiqwuubp lIPpwnbl bu purquunimufimpjnuitihp (puiquuiqtirnpjmfi) unuufihflflhpnpn mup]: bplIpnprj ljh up pfipuiqpnui, pfirjophfluiqtqm] ~llu lImwlIwpwup fintjfiuifitiuni lIPpwnmuGbppG, npp bljhqhqm hpuGwIlJ1p .2nqb~ UUPJ')pG Iluuion lIn11upg huijuifirupjunip lllpt{Wo- ulIqpmfip tp: Uumt{wo-w2mG~t! hurjuifinui t , np npn2 huijpunqlnnfihp, pG~UJ.bu, ophfiuil], Uppwhunip, Ivuuiluuljp L ~wlInPD uiuuuluiourjhfi hunluifimpjunip hfiuiqrujf duniuifiuiljfibpnui ruGbgbl hfi ublWg wt{bW quifiuijp: 1890 r. huijtnfimpjrufi uunufiuqmq hlnnn, blIb'lbgm fnujuuiquih Y:.lll~npq '4.nulPW~D hn~wlIbg, np puiquuiqfirnpjuif lIppwnmuD ujtnnp t rpunuipbgtlP : UJq qJ1ppnp n2m uD t{bpwhwUlllWlllt{bl t wJG duniuifluiljjiq p t{bp blIb'lbgm jmpurpurfijjnip fitujuuiquihh lIn'lupg: UJuoP puiqtiuiljfimpjmf lWpwnn11 n~ ublIl! W ljuipnn WGbl bljbnhqm uifirjuni:

6. =1wflg. UpIJ:Jn"'p np2m t

~pumu .Qppumn-

up Y:.bp2pG Opbp]i Uppbp]i blIb'lbgmG uifiuurGbl « Unp un tiui qui f hqhnhq]t »:

Latter-day Saints teaches that monogamous marriage is a sacred, divinely ordained covenant. Under the authority of the holy priesthood, a man and a woman may be married, not only for this life as legal husband and wife, but for eternity as well. Such a marriage takes place only in sacred temples of the Church. Some early leaders and members of the Church entered into plural marriages (polygamy) during the latter half of the nineteenth century, patterned after similar Old Testament practices, which was a religious principle revealed by God to the Church founder Joseph Smith. The Bible states that some patriarchs such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in ancient times had more than one wife under divine approval. After receiving a revelation in 1890 , Church President Wilford Woodruff declared that the practice should be discontinued. That position has been reaffirmed by every President of the Church since. No one practicing polygamy today can be a member of the Church.

6. Question: Is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also "Mormon Church?

correctly called the

"lwmwutuw(j. blIbIlbgmu qJ1ubll! npujhu

Answer: Referring to the Church as the

« U np u n fi ui qur f hqhqhq]:» np2111 ~t: «Uupunfi » pwnt:! ourqnni t « Unjui n fi]i Q.PPPl!. bt{u ublI -LLlIwJmrJmG ~pumu .Qppumnup iiuruhfi » qpppg , wGt{wut{wo- hfiuiqmjf UubpPlIwJP iiuipquiph]; urfintfiru], npp Ijuiquu] t WJq hP2wlllWlIwPWUD: 'D.2qpPlll uifintfip' ~pumu .Qppumnup Y:.bp2pG Opbp]i Uppbp]i blIb'lbgp, huijtnflrupjunip lllpl{bl t Uuinoruq .2nqb~ Uuhphf 1838 pt{wlIwupu , L unihf uifiquni umhp]: qbUWmu blIb'lbgmu t{lIwJwlIn~bwu iqlnnp t oquuuqnpo-llp:

"Mormon" Church is incorrect. The term "Mormon derives from the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, named for a prophet of ancient America who compiled that record. The correct name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was given by revelation from God to Joseph Smith in 1838 and should be used whenever possible in referring to the Church.

Further Information UjU hnrl'·lmo-w2wp[! umbrto-Ljmo- t ' [!G}3bpgnrlllG unqurhmjhjrn l.uilnuf mhnhljrnpjmflfibpm] ':'pumu 42pllUulnup \..f.bp2pG Ophp]i Uppbp]i b4brtbgm uuiujifl : ':'pumu 42ppumnup \..f.bp2pG Opup]i Upphp]i bljhqhqm uuiuhfi unltq]i 2wm tnhnhljuifiuqm huniuip [ufinpnui hfip 4w1.4 hunnnunnln iinuuuqui (Ilbppnhhjjuq) upupnGbpw4wG qpuiuhfijuiq]i hlnn: 'l:-mp qurpnn bp GwL LPwgmgp~ mhqbljntpjmfiflbp qutfitq hwuw4wpq~wjpG qurfiqnui ' .org huiuqhuhpm]:

This media packet is designed to provide the reader with essential information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For more information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please contact the closest mission office or branches (listed below). You can also find more information at the website and dia .lds .org.

b~tl1.tgnL ~t(iU1(ln(iw~w(i q.(lwut(iJw~[f Pwg t unihf 0f1 d. 8-17. 1wuq.UlnJw(j onhp Cwpw/3, '-lrf1W4r 1wugb(j' -lpurqurlnuf 5, bf1L.w(j, 11 375051 1bn' 3741-23-93-37,23-93-38 1JWI2u' 3741-25-32-10 tL-Lt1nuUl' [email protected]

Church Main Office in Armenia Address: Vratsakan 5, Yerevan, Armenia 375051



Fax 3741-25-32-10 c.-m~ll~ lci~a(m@,~~Q ,am

Open: Mon - Fri, Hours: 9 - 17

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints





q.S'L'-lnrt. otutiP[!'


t(1l.awCi eWll.we~ uuunuicpmu' Branches in Yerevan

U2wLf1(jJw~11 omtu

1wugbu' 3-fll1- faWl1wt.'iwu 17 1bn.' 36-57-36

Ajapnyak Branch Address: 3rd Taghamas 17 Tel. 36-57-36

Ul1wp~111111 omtu 1wugbu' '-lflwgwl.jwu 5 1bn.' 25-46-75

Arabkir Branch Address : Vratsakan 5 Tel. 25-46-75



1wugbu' lunphfnuq]: 24 1bn .'52-78-19

Yerevan Branch Address: Khorenatsi 24 Tel. 52-78-19

Cb(jq.w4.~p~ omtu

1wugbO' hrnphfnuq]: 24 1bn.'52-78-24

Shengavit Branch Address: Khorenatsi 24 Tel. 52-78-24

otubl1 ZI12w(i(i bl1nut' Branches in Regions



1wugbu' Curhnuijurl: 58 U 1bn' 0238-4-34-69

Ararat Branch Address: Shahumyan 58 A Tel. 0238-4-34-69

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints





=iwugbu' llpurq]: 1 =ibn.' 0235-2-60-76

Artashat Branch Address: Arazi 1 Tel. 0235-2-60-76

U2mwl1w~\1 omtu

=iwugbu' U. UW2Lflngr 51 =ibn' 0232-3-31-60

Ashtaraki Branch Address: M. Mashtotsi 51 Tel. 0232-3-31-60



=iwugbu' Crrw4wgr 16 U =ibn.'0312-3-45-01

Gyumri Branch Address: Shirakatsi 16 A Tel. 0312-3-45-01



3-fll1 fawll.wLiwu , 2· 2, hurpl] 1 1bn' 0226-4-66-80

Charentsavan Branch 3rd Taghamas 2, 1st Floor Tel. 0226-4-66-80



1wugbu' Shqpurf LJbor 'l1nll. 34 1bn' 0322-4-07-53

Vanadzor Branch Address: Tigran Mets Ave. 34 Tel. 0322-4-07-53

tilitil.tiant- U~tiLI" eU'L 1500 =lUUU8'Le'Ltir ti ~r n IJl U3n t-U





,WjWUUlW(j Armenia

._. U t.[UUl fl ~W • • • Austria

PbLnnnLU Belorussia






Eston ia





• • • Luxemburg



~fl w(jU~w



: :

,m(jwuUlw(j Greece

_ . - ,m(jqwfl~w _ . _ Hungary



- - - rUlJ.Iw(j~w _ _ _ Spain

UnLt1nt.[w Moldova

• •




. - . Ct.[bjgwfl~w . . . . Switzerland




Ukra ine


!!'&iI I:::l!


Ubo Pfl~UlW(j~W Great Britain

'lJnflUlmqwLt"lw Portugal

• •_



rUlwLt"lw Italy




• •- ,nLw(jt1~W • •_ Holland





• • • l.jmpubuprunq

~II'II. tunflt.[wp~w

Czeck Republic




Pb Lq~ W

_ p m L'1W fl ~ W



• • • Latvia


~I Pnu(j~w -'bfl9bq~t.[~(jw


• • • l.unrnljuu

~ ~ (j LW (j t1~W

~ Bosma-Hercegovina



_ _ Denmark


VU4-tJ 'llt"uWt!nl1 QWI11I1mrJ.WI1 f,ln~tJ UGwG[l L,. l::;l.jbrJ.bgm Luihnuqurh qp "ltJGQltJG

VWI1Qwl1b ~nqb~ UlltJFl[l The Prophet Joseph Smith

Secretary General UN, Kofy Anan and Church President G.B. Hinckley

CGlIlwGbl.jwG bl1bl.jn

l::;l.jbrJ.bgm hWJbl1bG hl1wlIlWl1wl.jmllGbl1tJ nl1nz Ol1tJGwl.jGbll

Family Home Evening

Some of Church Publications in Armenian

l::;l.jbrJ.bgm wG flwllGbl1[l pGm FlJw Gql1 l.jmll

SGWI1Wl1mFlJwG flWU[lGFlw9Gbll [lGlIlwGtJQmll

Members of the Church at a Picnic

Homemak ing Lessons in the Family

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