Video Gif Lesson And Instructional Guides

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,013
  • Pages: 13
Video GIFs→ Photoshop Unique Perspective Ashley, Ryleigh and Teema

Purpose→ Objectives This lesson explores Perspective through GIFs in Photoshop. We will learn to import short video clips into Photoshop, practice various artistic editing tools and how to prep the file to export as a GIF.

Day One→ Introduction Today we will: Ps Import→ video into layers Workspace→ Motion, Menu, and Timeline Edit clip→ Crop, Loop, Frame and Speed Adjustments→ Effects, Text, Sketches Export→ GIF and Embed Reflect→ Discussion post

Building on previous skills: Creative Commons→ Open licensed material Video→ Trim and edit Photoshop→ layers

Use or a personal video to practice


Log on to Scroll through the video library or search for an interesting video using the search bar.

Click on the video you want to use. When you get to the download page Right click on the video and choose Save Video As .

Before the end of the day please screenshot your Photoshop GIF workspace and reflect on the process. Give two descriptive words that describe your perspective of the world.

Home Work→ Short Clip Bring a short video clip that shows/demonstrates your unique perspective. REMINDER: Non-digital art images art due 5pm Thursday 10-15 (K-12 Appropriate)

Day Two→ Making a GIF Things to consider: The best GIFs are short, low resolution and show action.

Use photoshop and the skills we practiced on Tuesday to create a video GIF that shows your perspective. The video GIF must include at least one effect. Adjustment |Text | Sketch | Trim Embed your GIF into the Group 4 facilitation submission and provide 3-5 sentences discussing how your GIF speaks to your perspective.

Video GIFs→ Photoshop Importing Videos Ryleigh Kelley

1.) First, you want to go to File – Import – Video Frames to Layers.

2.) Select a video file that you would like to use.

3.) Use the toggle tools to trim your video down to a few seconds. Remember try to capture the ACTION in your video.

Use the small toggle tools to trim video. The smaller the better.

4.) Next, if your screen doesn’t have a timeline at the bottom of the screen, go to Window – Workspace – Motion. A timeline should appear at the bottom of the screen. (See below)

The timeline helps you see all your layers sideby-side.

Video GIFs→ Photoshop Workspace and Edits Teema Rogers

Photoshop Motion Workspace Know your toolbars Locate and reset all toolbars from the Windows menu.

HELPFUL PHOTOSHOP TIP: Use the Window menu to reset/find a toolbar. Use the History toolbar to view & correct mistakes.

To build GIFs in Photoshop reset the Motion workspace toolbars, and open History and Timeline

The timeline toolbar includes the Play functions and the Repeat settings. Choose Forever

Image Size & Crop Smaller files make better GIFs. You can crop your video using the crop tool, or resize the file using Image Size.

Use the crop tool to select only part of your clip.

Most GIFs are 600 pixels on the longest size

Effects Adjustments |Text | Sketch | Trim Adjustment layers can change the color with an effects layer.

Experiment with the adjustment options choose only one.

Each adjustment will create a new layer. The adjustment layer must be on top on top and visible. If you change your mind or do not like the effect, click on that layer and drag it to the trash can icon.

Sketch an image on a new layer with the paintbrush.

Use the paintbrush tool to personalize. Change the brush style and hardness

Click on the top layer, then hit the New Layer icon. Make sure this layer is visible and on top.

Add Text on a new layer. Click on the top layer, then choose Text icon. Each time you click the

Text controls appear on the top tool bar when the is selected

another layer will open.

Drag a text box across your GIF to add text. To edit double-click inside the text box. To move the text use the tool.

Keep it simple

Trim layers on the Video Timeline to “animate” your effects Decide when and how long each layer is visible.

Right-click on the options bar and select Convert

This conversion turns each frame layer into a video layer and changes the way the timeline looks.

The Video Timeline is now populated with video layers. Similar to Imovie, these individual layers can be trimmed by removing frames. Shortening an effects layer will effectively make that effect appear for several frames and then disappear.

To shorten a video layer, drag the end brackets

Keep it simple

Video GIFs→ Photoshop Exporting GIFs Ashley Ramirez

To export your GIF you want to go to “file”

Under file go down to export

Click on “Save for Web (legacy)”

Click on “preset”

Select GIF 128 dithered for full amount of blending the color “dots” together* *This will cause you to have a high file size because of higher quality. If you do not want a high file size or want a certain look, you can look at other GIF presets. You can preview your file before saving

You can also manually select how you want the GIF to look

Image size (width or height) shouldn’t be more than 600 px

Make sure that the Looping option says forever

Rename it to what you want (make sure it has the .gif)

Save it to where you want

Format it as “image” only

Leave settings as “default settings *Your file will be saved as an image gif, to share file follow steps under “HOW TO SHARE TO A WEBSITE” Save*

HOW TO SHARE TO A WEBSITE (Canvas or Weebly)

You will embed your gif image just like an image (have the gif saved in your canvas file for quicker uploading)

Now your gif is ready to be shared on the Canvas discussion!

Add image to the appropriate page.

Click “upload image” and add you gif image file

Now your gif is ready to be shared on your website! Don’t forget to hit publish so others can see your great work!

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