Venture Bros: Innocence Cast Aside

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  • Words: 13,771
  • Pages: 73
VENTURE BROS. Innocence Cast Aside

Spec Script Written by: Zeb Eckles Based on characters created by: Jackson Publick & Doc Hammer

EPISODE ONE FADE IN: WIDE ESTABLISHING VIEW OF THE VENTURE COMPOUND INT. KITCHEN -- DAY The Venture clan is assembled in the kitchen eating breakfast. Rusty, Hank, Dean, and Brock. RUSTY Now boys, we're having a client at the compound today, who has pretty much guaranteed me his business. So you two are to stay in your room until our business is concluded. HANK What!??! DEAN Today?! We're not babies dad. can stay out of your way.


HANK Yeah. But I just can't believe you'd be conducting business today of all days. Rusty throws a hand up. RUSTY I'll have no sass mouth from you two. This is big money we're talking about and if you want to continue in this cush life I'm providing... BOTH BOYS (interchangeable) Cush life, ha!... A giant salamander tried to eat me 3 days ago... Oh its a regular Xanadu around here. RUSTY Enough. Finish your breakfast and then back to your room.

HANK Gyp. INT. MOVING WALKWAY -- LATER Rusty and Brock are making their way to the lobby to meet the prospective client. BROCK Was that really necessary? RUSTY Oh come on, you know how the boys get sometimes. Sure they could have went the whole day without issue, but I'm not risking them bursting in on General Tso and claiming to have found a map to El Dorado somewhere on the compound. BROCK I still can't believe you're doing business with this guy. RUSTY What are you talking about? The OSI put him in contact with me. So he was a bad guy once. As long as his money is good I'll take the next step and agree with the government and say the man is good. BROCK Bad guy! Doc, he tried to hold all of Hong Kong hostage like a year ago. RUSTY And you don't know why do you? Shades of gray Brock. And as a sort of good guy I'm willing to provide my services to a reformed bad guy and give him the benefit of the doubt. They enter the lobby and find an older Chinese man in uniform waiting near the entrance. RUSTY Ah General, welcome to Venture Industries.

As they start their conversation we can see out a large window to the grounds of the compound and glimpse Hank and Dean sneaking around the corner of a building. INT. THE COMPOUND'S ENTERTAINMENT PAVILION -- LATER Dean is seated in the stadium seating of the small auditorium, sulking. DEAN Do you even think dad remembers its our birthday? I don't think he does. Shuffling around the empty stage Hank shakes his head angrily. HANK Forget about it Dean, They've forsaken us and bellyache'n over it won't help. Pop and Brock can both go fly a kite for all I care. DEAN I think its just they're busy with the General and all. HANK Let it go Dean. We're 18 now; men. And men don't whine when they're good for nothing relations forget our birthday. Hank meanders to stage left, notices an unmarked door. never caught his attention before.


Dean is still brooding in his seat, and is startled a bit when Hank yells out. HANK Deano, come check it out. Hank is standing at the bottom of a stairwell behind the door.

DEAN (after joining his brother) Good job Hank, you've solved the mystery of the exit door.

HANK I'm going to disregard your attitude and point out that the top of those stairs aren't anywhere near an exterior wall. Is there any hint of a second floor on the outside of this building? Dean pauses, getting drawn into the rather mundane mystery. DEAN No, I suppose there isn't. HANK That's more like it. Hank bounds up the stairs. DEAN Wait Hank, we don't know what could be up there. HANK (not looking back) Men Dean, Men. INT. TEAM VENTURE BARRACKS -- CONTINUOUS At the top of the stairs Hank finds a sort of rec room decked out in 70s chic. Adjoined to the rec room is a weight room and dojo. HANK Oh good gracious, what is this we have here. DEAN What is it? Stumbling up the stairs Dean hurries after his brother. HANK The childhood we never had, that's what it is.

Inside the room are pinball machines, pool tables, a dart board, even two full length bowling lanes running along one wall. DEAN (slack jawed) How did we not know about this place? HANK Selfishness, that's how. I'm saying Pop and Brock have been keeping this to themselves. I was always suspicious how Brock could maintain his physique with push ups and that Sears Catalog weight bench of his. Hank peruses the weight room. DEAN (ever the skeptic) When though? Have you ever seen either of them out here at the auditorium? HANK At night maybe, I don't know. Dean finds a massive kitchen/dining room at the back of the rec room and a hall running back from there. Joined by his brother they move further into their new discovery. There are a half dozen rooms off the hall. And it doesn't take the boys long to figure out the mystery. One room has an Asian design, another carries a war motif, and another looks like a 60s era MI6 agent's wet dream. The singular relation between all the rooms is a learning bed similar to the boys' back in the main house. HANK (CONT'D) (sort of an envious sigh) Go Team Venture. DEAN I didn't know they all lived here. HANK It doesn't look like it was all the time.

HANK (CONT.) Probably just in times of great peril. God, I can't believe those so and sos kept this all to themselves for 18 years. Dean heads back out into the rec room and begins to inspect the bowling lanes when both their communicator watches snap on and Brock starts yelling. BROCK (O.S.) Boys, where the hell are you? (a loud bang & muffled screams are heard in the background) We're under attack... panic room, if you're not already there... (more screams, and possibly bones shattering) You better not be trying to find your all's birthday present. Dean flushes with a big smile. DEAN I knew they didn't forget. SMASH CUT TO: OPENING CREDITS SEQUENCE CARD 3 months and 18 days later INT. GUILD OF CALAMITOUS INTENT TRIBUNAL HALL -INDETERMINATE A mass of costumed individuals mingle about in the ominous looking room. The median age for the group seems to skew way young for the general GCI crowd. Two screens appear at the head of the room above, what would best be described as, an alter and two of the Council of 13 appear (as usual) in silhouette. COUNCIL 1 Welcome all, to this highly anticipated moment.

COUNCIL 2 As holding with the Guild of Calamitous Intent bylaws today the Venture brothers turn 20 years, 3 months, and 18 days old and are thus eligible to be arched by a member of this illustrious fraternity. COUNCIL 1 All of you gathered here represent the best and brightest of our young members, and each and every one of your applications for this coveted opportunity have been thoroughly weighed and examined. COUNCIL 2 (it becomes obvious that they are reading off cue cards, or a teleprompter.) The decision the council has reached on the matter may not sit well with some, but all of you are excellent candidates and to consciously choose would be an arbitrary process. COUNCIL 1 So we have decided to rely on the only truly fair judge available, the hand of fate. At this WATCH and WARD wheel out a small table with a hand cranked raffle cage on it housing ticket stubs. COUNCIL 2 Please pull out your tickets now. And good luck to all. Everyone assembled pulls out a small raffle ticket. Some grumbling about the situation is heard scattered around the room. Watch spins the cage and the stubs inside whirl and flutter. He stops and opens the small door and Ward reaches inside. He slowly pulls out a single ticket, letting the tension in the room build.

WARD Ok, the last three digits are Six... Two... Seven... A hush falls over the crowd as they all scan their tickets. A beat goes by and nothing. And then the wave of disappointment floods across the room as young villains realize they've lost. WARD (CONT'D) Again; six, two, seven. Another beat goes by and no one speaks up or comes forward. WARD (CONT'D) Six, two, seven. Come on people. Still nothing. CROWD Draw again... They're not here... I can't believe this shit. Watch and Ward exchange unsure looks. WATCH Draw again, I guess. WARD Well spin it. Watch gives the cage one hard turn and then opens up the door. Reaches in and hands Ward a new ticket stub. WARD (CONT'D) Ok, is everybody listening. The three digits are, Nine... Five... Two. Another cascade of disappointment fills the room, but a loud cheer is heard over it. Near the stage is THE SILVER JACKAL waving his ticket. COUNCIL 1 Congratulations. COUNCIL 2 And thanks to everyone for coming out. And with that the proceedings are over. In the back corner of the room is a bathroom and out of it steps a guy in a brightly colored motley.

THE DREADED FOOL (to the nearest person) They haven't drawn yet have they? INT. DR. VENTURE'S LAB -- DAY Both the Dr. and Dean are in the lab, Dean is 'doing science' so he's in his speed suit. Dean is seated at the controls of a massive apparatus that consists of huge wire rings lined up in a row. RUSTY Ok, Dean fire it up, we need to make sure the sequence is correct. Rusty is at a rear control panel watching a monitor. Dean turns on the huge device and it emanates a soft hum that grows louder. RUSTY (CONT'D) Test fire! Dean hits a big red button and the half dozen rings light up in sequence. RUSTY (CONT'D) The timing is on. Dean expand the range. Dean works the controls and the distance between the rings expands. RUSTY (CONT'D) Fire again. Dean does and its another good test. RUSTY (CONT'D) Ok, shut it down. Dean climbs off the control seat. DEAN Is it ready to go Pop? RUSTY It still needs some aiming adjustments before we field test it for General Tso, but I'm... We're just about there.

DEAN Cool. RUSTY Yeah, its been nice mixing it up in the lab side by side with my son. Dean is very touched and rapidly gets emotional, as he tends to. He rushes at his father and gives him a big hug. RUSTY (CONT'D) (after a long moment) OK, Dean, ok. I was just throwing you a bone. Thought maybe you wouldn't turn it into Hallmark moment on me. INT. MONARCH'S COMMAND CENTER -- DAY The MONARCH sits on his thrown as henchmen go about their business. HENCHMAN 21 (turning from a display) Sir, this Jackal guy is here. The large display kicks on and outside the cocoon floats a ship in the shape of a sphinx. MONARCH What is that an old Sphinx ship. Jesus this is going to be amateur hour. (to 21) Have an escort take him to conference room B. The Monarch flicks on a small video display on his throne's armrest. MONARCH (CONT'D) My Queen our guest has arrived. On the screen Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is seated at a vanity doing her makeup with a towel wrapped around her. MRS. MONARCH Go ahead and I'll be there in a minute. MONARCH Why am I doing this again?

MRS. MONARCH Because dear, if you take an interest in some of these younger members it could get you closer to a bigger role in the Guild and maybe even a council seat. MONARCH I still don't see the upside. Really, what's the appeal in being a shadowy windbag? I mean what do they actually do? MRS. MONARCH Will you just go. The display blips out and Monarch slowly makes his way to the conference room. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM B -- MOMENTS LATER Inside the room is The Silver Jackal. Bright silvery armor adorns the svelte man. The armor is topped off with a large headdress/helmet that looks like an Egyptian Jackal mask. The Jackal bows to Monarch as he enters. JACKAL (menacing ass voice) It is an honor to meet you Monarch... Oh sorry. The jackal reaches up and taps the back of his headdress. It splits and mechanically recedes into the rest of his armor [Similarly to Stargate]. JACKAL (CONT'D) (normal voice) It is an honor. Your dedication to pursuing your enemy is an example to all villains. MONARCH Well thank you, uh, Jackal. JACKAL I don't give the compliment falsely. To be honest up front here I actually henched for you right after high school. That was a few years ago.

MONARCH Really, and now you're a full Guild member. Now I'll throw a little honesty back at you. It feels kinda good to see that someone out of my organization has advanced themselves. The two sit down at the conference table. MONARCH (CONT'D) So what brings you to the cocoon? JACKAL Well as you probably know I've recently become Hank and Dean Venture's arch rival. MONARCH Ah, the boys are finally of age. JACKAL Yes, and since you are Dr. Venture's nemesis I felt compelled to approach you with an offer of an alliance. MONARCH An alliance, eh. JACKAL Yes, I've already filed with the Guild, and it will be a mutual and situational agreement. We could call on each other if so desired. MONARCH I'm fairly comfortable working alone... The door opens and Mrs. Monarch enters the conference room. MONARCH (CONT'D) ... along side my wife here. (stands to introduce his wife) Honey this is The Silver Jackal. MRS. MONARCH Pleased to meet you. The young villain bows and kisses the back of her hand. throws a brief longing look up at her.


JACKAL The pleasure is all mine your highness. The two men take back up their seats and she saunters around the room. MONARCH The young man was just speaking of an alliance against the Ventures. MRS. MONARCH With his new venching rights such an arrangement may be very convenient for all of us. MONARCH Not to sound arrogant, but what exactly do you bring to the table? The Jackal stands and begins to move about the room, as impressively as he can. JACKAL A fair question. I have a very small organization as far as subordinates go. Only enough to keep my facilities operating and a very small corp of soldiers. But what I lack in man power I make up for in resources. MRS. MONARCH (esturing out the bay window) Like your ship out there. JACKAL Yes that is an old Sphinx produced hover carrier. But it has been fully renovated with the latest technology. I was going with the whole Egyptian motif and figured why waste all that money on designing a ship. MONARCH Are you associated with Sphinx? JACKAL No, I purchased it out of their mothball fleet.

JACKAL (CONT'D) Anyway, by taking part in an alliance with me I would make available to you some things that are light years ahead of anything else you might plunder from the super-science community. MRS. MONARCH A bold statement. JACKAL And one that I will back up. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a small crystalline sphere and tosses it to The Monarch. JACKAL (CONT'D) That little baby ought to have enough juice to keep this thing floating for a year. It's your to keep. MONARCH What? The Jackal joins Mrs. Monarch by the window, looking at his ship over her shoulder. JACKAL I take my name from my grandfather, Half-Jackal, but my father shunned the world of super villainy. To his credit though he didn't shun the mass of ill gotten wealth my grandfather had accumulated before his death. MRS. MONARCH You're the grandson of Half-Jackal!? JACKAL Yes, but as I was saying my father took his inheritance and scientific genius and managed to create many technological advancements. Many can be found in your cocoon. He never embraced the super-science community and thus stayed under the radar of the Guild and OSI and virtually everyone.

JACKAL (CONT'D) Profiting off his inventions... MONARCH Let me guess, and you're picking up the torch of your grandpappy that your father cast aside. MRS. MONARCH Monarch! MONARCH Oh I'm sorry. I really like your angle there Jackal, and what you have to offer, but you need to work on the speeches. JACKAL Excuse me. MONARCH It seemed like you weren't anywhere near finishing. All I'm saying is you need to edit that origins speech. JACKAL Well... Uh... MONARCH Look, if you've got a press package or a myspace page, I'll take a look at it, but lets get down to business for the moment. The Jackal sits back down, more unsure of himself then angry. JACKAL Ok, um, well I've got a couple ideas in mind. Ideally separating Hank and Dean from Dr. Venture and playing up the equal peril thing. Nice, leave But a could

MONARCH I usually kidnap the boys or them out of it wholesale. dual antagonist scenario be fun. Honey?

MRS. MONARCH It'll be a welcomed change a pace if anything.

JACKAL Well I first want to introduce myself, as it were, to the Venture brothers. And then I have a plan to lure them into a trap, and that is when I would need you to throw something the Dr.'s way. MONARCH I have something that is just coming out of the workshop that might suit your plans excellently. MRS. MONARCH How do you envision us sharing information? JACKAL I'm sure we can work that out easily enough. The Monarch activates an intercom on the table. MONARCH 21 get in here immediately. (then to Jackal) Here's what I'll do. I'll send my best man with you to act as a liaison. 21 Stumbles into the conference room. HENCHMAN 21 (exaggerating for the guest) You summoned my liege. MONARCH 21 you are going to be our through point between The Silver Jackal and myself. You will be under his command and answerable to him, for the time being. The Jackal isn't too impressed with the look of 21. JACKAL This really isn't necessary. MONARCH Nonsense. Plus Henchman 21 here is a veritable expert on the brothers Venture.

HENCHMAN 21 Excuse me. INT. VENTURE COMPOUND HANGER-- DAY Brock is in the hanger working on his car. Rusty, wearing a lab coat, comes searching into the hanger. RUSTY Brock have you seen Dean? BROCK No. RUSTY Damn it, he was supposed to be helping me in the lab a half hour ago. BROCK I haven't seen either of the boys yet today. (sarcastic tone) How's the giant rail-gun coming. RUSTY (unapologetic) It's a coil gun actually and it's just about finished, thank you very much. And it's odd to say this, but Dean's been a competent and eager assistant. It's like he's finally getting a feel for the old super-science. Brock steps away from the car and fully addresses the Dr. BROCK Hank too, well not the science stuff, but they're both more focused it seems. RUSTY I guess that last birthday really jump started their maturity. BROCK It had to happen some time. Rusty turns and heads for the big bay doors.

RUSTY Now if they'd only climb out of bed before noon, we'd be in business. Oh wait, there they are. EXT. VENTURE COMPOUND - - CONTINUOUS The boys are riding across the compound on their hover-bikes. The entire hanger begins to shake violently. BROCK What the hell!! Flying very low, right over the top of the hanger comes The Jackal's silvery Sphinx ship. RUSTY Now who is this?! BROCK I think it's Sphinx. Dangling from the belly of the descending ship are 7 ropes with men repelling to the ground. 6 are in Egyptian motif armor and the 7th is Henchman 21. The six of Jackal's men do a perfect Bond roll as they land. 21 crashes and tumbles to a halt. Before Brock can get at his new assailants they activate some form of massive force field which envelopes the entire hanger in a sphere of energy. The Sphinx ship makes a bee line for the boys on their bikes. Skimming the ground as it passes right over the top of Hank and Deans' path. Deftly the boys maneuver the bikes out of harms way. The towering ship turns on a dime. Its back end taking out a huge swath of the compound's outer fence as it swings around. At the very front of the ship, between the paws, The Silver Jackal stands, firmly attached to the deck as the large vessel shifts and bucks under him. The eyes of the Headdress glare down at Hank and Dean.

HANGER - CONTINUOUS 21 finally reaches the hanger door and the glowing wall of energy which separates him from Brock and Dr. Venture. HENCHMAN 21 (hunching over) I think I burst a lung when I hit the ground. He takes huge exaggerated gulps of air. HENCHMAN 21 (CONT'D) I can't, I can't get a full breath here. BROCK What the hell is this? Is the Monarch out-sourcing to Sphinx now? HENCHMAN 21 What? Oh the Jackal over there. No he's not with Sphinx. I know it looks like it, but he's his own deal altogether. I agree there is a bit of confusion with the theme he's... One of The Jackal's men clears his throat as a prompt for 21. HENCHMAN 21 (CONT'D) Oh, yea. The Silver Jackal's business is not with you Samson. The recipients of his malice henceforth are the Venture Brothers. RUSTY What!? That Ra wannabe over there is trying to arch the boys. HENCHMAN 21 Guild sanctioned. And pretty keen on the whole thing from what I gather. RUSTY And what the hell are you doing here?

HENCHMAN 21 Oh, me, well umm... I'm helping the Jackal as a liaison with The Monarch. RUSTY He loaned you out. BROCK Wait a second, don't you crazies have some rules about going after kids? HENCHMAN 21 Yea, protagonists must be over 20. And then I think there may be a grace period after that if they're enrolled in school, but I may be thinking of something else. BROCK They're teenagers. Anubis over there can't be after them. HENCHMAN 21 Guild's got evidence Hank and Dean turned 20 a few months back. RUSTY What? It dawns on Brock and the Dr. at the same time [the disparity due to cloning]. RUSTY & BROCK (to themselves) Oh shit. COMPOUND - SIMULTANEOUS Across the compound The Jackal's ship is still pursuing the boys on their bikes. They rush out of the huge hole in the fence and into the mountainous terrain surrounding the compound. EXT. MOUNTAINS - CONTINUOUS The Jackal chases the boys on their bikes through the mountains at break neck speed.

Hank and Dean maneuver the bikes in ways they don't seem capable of. From his perch at the front of the Sphinx the Jackal pulls out a FLAIL and STAFF (see Egyptian kings). The eye of the staff shoots a laser like pulse and the Jackal opens fire on the boys. With what appears to be skill the boys dodge and avaoid the Jackal's fire. HANGER - SIMULTANEOUS Back at the hanger 21 and his squad of the Jackal's soldiers are just standing around watching Brock run his hand up and down the inside of the force field. HENCHMAN 21 (to the nearest guard) There's no way he can get through that can he? The soldier gives him a confident shake of the head. RUSTY (to himself) Oh yea. He runs back into the hanger and into the X-1. HENCHMAN 21 Where's he think he's going? BROCK Hell if I know. HENCHMAN 21 He doesn't think he can fly the plane through does he? The Dr. comes back with two bottles of soda and gives one to Brock. RUSTY Say do any of you know where this force field came from? I had a similar design that I cooked up a couple years back. Brock looks down at the bottle in his hand, realization coming to him.

BROCK I had forgotten about that Doc. Rusty opens his bottle of soda and steps up to inspect the energy field. RUSTY Mine had an unforeseen flaw though. Club Soda, of all things, seemed to disrupt the cohesion of the energy field. The Dr. splashes some soda on the inner wall and presses his hand up on the spot. His hand slips right through the barrier. Brock pops the top off his bottle and sprays down a small area of the wall of energy. Henchman 21 turns tail automatically and starts to run. Brock dives through the shield and pulls his knife out all in one move. EXT. COMPOUND - CONTINUOUS Right at that moment Hank and Dean buzz back onto the grounds of the compound with The Jackal right behind. Dean's hover-bike is smoking a little, he must have taken a hit. It's slowing him down and The Jackal is honing in on him. Outside the hanger Brock is actually having a time with the 6 of Jackal's henchmen. One of them has a broken arm that's flopping at his side, but all are still alive after a good minute of Brock coming at them. Rusty begins sprinting for the main house once he's out of the force field. With The Jackal closing in on his brother Hank flips his bike around and launches himself over the side of one of the Sphinx's paws and onto the deck of the ship, behind his pursuer. The Jackal turns and faces Hank. JACKAL Hello Hank. HANK Dude, who the hell are you?

JACKAL I'm the man that's going to kill you. HANK I think you have me confused with my old man. JACKAL No Hank, I am the Silver Jackal, and I will haunt you and your brother until I fulfill my destiny and erase the line of Venture from this world. HANK Wait, you're MY arch enemy!!? I've never even heard of you. the heck is this?

Dude What

The Jackal hesitates a second. JACKAL You all haven't heard about me? He hesitates finding his bearings. JACKAL (CONT'D) I kinda assumed you all would find out about it through the grapevine, or something. HANK What grapevine and what do you have against us to be our nemesis anyway? JACKAL We've never actually met or anything. It was a lottery deal, luck of the draw kinda thing. HANK Are you kidding me! Jackal gets his composure back and takes a couple steps toward Hank. JACKAL It is what it is Hank, but as far as the reason behind this relationship goes, that's what today was all about.

HANK Oh, you come and tear up the compound and presto you're our enemy. JACKAL Actually I figured I'd just kill one of the Venture Brothers today and that would provide a lifetime's worth of pathos. It looked like it was going to be Dean that bought the farm, but you had to be the hero. The Jackal raises his staff to fire and Hank has nowhere to go. The Sphinx's face explodes above Hank and the Jackal and the ship rocks hard, sending the new adversaries tumbling. Across the compound the Dr. is seated atop the control platform of his coil gun. A second shell is mechanically loaded and he aims and fires off another shot. Brock and 2 remaining foes all turn to see a massive hole open up in the sphinx's hull. It begins to list bad to one side. The Jackal crawls to his feet on the burning deck, and spots Hank unconscious on the ground a short distance away. He aims his staff and fires. Dean sweeps in on his smoking bike and hauls his brother off the ground. The laser pulse misses and then the Jackal fires wildly after them, enraged. The Jackal looks up at his dying ship and shakes his head. JACKAL (CONT'D) (yelling out toward the retreating Venture brothers.) It seems we all live to fight another day. With that he raises an arm, a holographic image of one of his soldiers appears over his gauntlet. JACKAL (CONT'D) Bridge... Retreat. END CREDITS SEQUENCE

EXT. DESERT ROAD -- DAY Henchman 21 is thumbing it as he walks along the road. He hears an approaching vehicle and turns around. Sphinx. It sputters up next to him and a side door opens. JACKAL I believe 'fish in a barrel' is a term you were throwing around on the drive to the Venture Compound. HENCHMAN 21 Dude, we had Samson and Dr. Venture secured. Hank and Dean are usually the easiest part of the puzzle. JACKAL Are you trying to say something about me?! HENCHMAN 21 No!

Its the

EPISODE TWO INT. MONARCH'S COMMAND CENTER -- DAY Monarch is seated on his thrown with Mrs. Monarch alongside. On the big video screen is 21. MONARCH Does this kid have any clue what he's doing? You're telling me he was bested by Hank and Dean Venture? HENCHMAN 21 It sort of seems that way. Plus it looks like Dr. Venture has actually been building stuff. MONARCH Where was Samson in all this? HENCHMAN 21 I'll give the Jackal credit there. He had like 6 guys just about take Brock out. MONARCH Well, what's he up to now? HENCHMAN 21 Fixing the Sphinx, Dr. Venture blew the face like right off the thing. MONARCH Well tell him we need to have a sit down as soon as he is ready. (To his wife) I thought I was hooking up with an up and coming super villain, not some young Turk who gets his ass handed to him by Hank fucking Venture. HENCHMAN 21 Hey can I come back to the cocoon now? MRS. MONARCH No, we need you to stay with the Jackal.

MRS. MONARCH (CONT'D) He may prove worthwhile, even if his first outing ended disastrously. HENCHMAN 21 He wants me to wear one of his costumes. And it's not particularly flattering on me. MONARCH I don't care 21. (kind of Seacresty) Monarch out. The big display cuts off. MRS. MONARCH 'Monarch out'?! MONARCH I didn't mean it to sound like that. SMASH CUT TO: OPENING CREDITS SEQUENCE EXT. VENTURE COMPOUND -- DAY The Venture family is standing by the coil-gun looking out at the mess on the compound grounds. Brock looks over at Hank and Dean, who appear to be the same as always. BROCK Boys what the hell happened out there today? HANK Apparently the Egyptian guy is mine and Dean's arch enemy. BROCK Yeah, I picked that up. I mean where the hell did you learn to ride the bikes like that? RUSTY I didn't even know they went over 15 miles an hour.

The boys look at each other uncertain of something. BROCK Dean what is it? Dean is still holding back. RUSTY Spit it out boy. Dean looks again to Hank. HANK They're not going to take them away from us now, we might as well say we found it. RUSTY Found what? DEAN The old Team Venture barracks. RUSTY What? INT. TEAM VENTURE BARRACKS -- MOMENTS LATER Hank and Dean lead the Dr. and Brock up the stairs and into the large rec room and accompanying facilities above the entertainment pavilion. It's obvious Dr. Venture and Brock are surprised by the find. RUSTY I always wondered how they got to the compound so fast sometimes. DEAN No way you all didn't know about this. BROCK Why would we have hidden this from you? HANK I don't know. Brock looks around the place.

BROCK How does this explain the new found skill on the hover-bikes? DEAN Well that's all from the training programs. Dean takes them to a small room with filing cabinets and pulls out a stack of the punch card like sheets that are used in the learning beds. HANK They all made their own series of them. DEAN Like an interdisciplinary exchange. Dean thumbs through the few in his hands and pulls one out. DEAN (CONT'D) Here it is. They take the card to a TV that is hooked up to a punch card reader and slip in the card. ON THE TV The Action Man (70s era) is talking to the camera. ACTION MAN Ok Team Venture, we covered control and offensive use of the hover-boots in my last lesson. This time we'll look at the hover-bike. We get a sort of commercial product shot of the hover-bike as it rotates on a pedestal. ACTION MAN (O.S.) (CONT'D) Similar magnetic propulsion to the boots. Throttle, brake, and basic controls of a regular motorcycle, so we can move past that fairly quickly to altitude control and combat scenarios. Pull out of the video into the room with the Ventures and Brock. On the screen we see Action Man flying the bike through an obstacle course.

BROCK This is why you two are always in bed lately. HANK We figured if you all weren't going to teach us this stuff we'd do it ourselves. Rusty has the stack of cards in his hand going through them. RUSTY Kano: Centering your Chi. Major Tom: Advanced controls for the X-1. Colonel Gentleman: Seduction, the first line of offense. HANK I told Dean he ought to use the Colonel's tactics on Triana. DEAN It wouldn't be right, it'd be like cheating. RUSTY You've went through all of these? DEAN Almost, some of Grandpa's get kind of dense. Hank steps up to Brock. HANK I know Kung Fu. BROCK Show me. CUT TO: INT. DOJO -- MOMENTS LATER Hank and Brock are in Karate outfits and facing each other. Very brief sparing scene. Brock beats Hank handily, but Hank at least shows some skill. [It's reminiscent of the dojo scene in The Matrix.] EXT. FLYING COCOON -- DAY The Silver Jackal's Sphinx flies alongside the cocoon.

The face of the ship is mangled. It's missing its nose and looks like the sphinx at Giza now. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM B The Silver Jackal is pacing and ranting. back in his chair, soaking it in.

Monarch is leaning

JACKAL And I mean no disrespect to you, but that henchman you loaned me left me wholly unprepared for my assault on the Venture compound. MONARCH Look sonny boy, you have to learn to roll with the punches. Sure Rusty Venture peaked at 12 and Hank and Dean are sheltered little spazzes, but they're still Ventures. And that comes with a sort of intrinsic ability to maintain in this game. JACKAL But I had this whole plan of killing one and solidifying myself as the lifelong arch of the other. Monarch shakes his head sadly. MONARCH This is super-villainy, it's almost pointless to look beyond your next immediate scheme. JACKAL I had a good one lined up for Dean, but Hank didn't play into it. The Monarch stands up and pats the young rouge on the shoulder. MONARCH Adaptation is the mark of a good villain. Let me hear what you've got and we'll see what we can do with it.

INT. VENTURE COMPOUND HANGER-- DAY Hank is seated at a table blindfolded with a disassembled machine gun in front of him. Dr. Venture comes in and walks over to Brock who is watching Hank. BROCK (giddy) Doc you got to watch this. Hank.


On the prompt Hank puts the gun together with precision and speed. BROCK (CONT'D) I don't even know if I can do it that fast. Those training programs are amazing. RUSTY Very nice Hank. Have you all seen Dean, I'm delivering the coil-gun to General Tso and thought he might want to tag along. HANK I think he's bowling at the new old Team Venture hangout. I wouldn't disturb him though. He's got Triana up there. INT. TEAM VENTURE BARRACKS -- DAY Dean and Triana are in the rec room bowling. TRIANA I can't believe none of you knew this was here. I mean, what if there was like a vault with like Mayan gold in one of these buildings and you all never found it. DEAN You're welcome here anytime. Me and Hank are thinking about moving out and living on our own.

TRIANA (dampening a laugh) On the other side of the compound? DEAN A small step yes, but a move toward independence. TRIANA Sorry, didn't mean to take a shot at you. Dean shakes his head, shrugging off the comment. He throws the ball down the alley, rather poorly as might be expected. DEAN No worries Triana. Triana gets up to take her frame. TRIANA I've been independent for a few days now. DEAN What? TRIANA Oh dad had to go do some Triad thing. Jefferson needed some help with a nest of blackulas. DEAN Cool. Triana throws her ball and gets a strike. INT. VENTURE COMPOUND HANGER-- DAY The Dr. is loading up the coil-gun into the X-1, Brock is helping him. BROCK You know Doc I'll give you credit on this. The thing works. Granted we're delivering it to a lunatic. RUSTY Reformed lunatic. BROCK What's he need a magnetic cannon for then?

RUSTY I don't know. Dr. Venture's communicator watch crackles to life. COMMUNICATOR Rusty are you getting this? so.

I hope

RUSTY (to the watch) Hank, Dean, what is it? The picture is static and the voice remains unrecognizable for a second. COMMUNICATOR Rusty I need your help. I know this will be hard for you to accept... The picture comes into focus and it is Jonas Venture Sr.'s face. JONAS ...but I haven't the time to explain right now. I'm trapped and the Visigoths are at the gates, as it were. The image of Jonas is old. dead.

He is an old man.

He's not

JONAS (CONT'D) I'm not certain about this line being secure, so I can't say where I'm at. RUSTY DAD is that you!?! Dad I can hear you. Where are you? There's no recognition from Jonas, the line seems to be one way. JONAS But you can find me. You just have to go to your brother and Spider Skull Island. RUSTY (desperate) I can hear you, just tell me now.

JONAS (over the top of Rusty's plea) There is a bunker in the depth of the island. In it you will find information that will lead you to my location. Hurry. And remember; it's all in the eyes. What! mean?

RUSTY What the hell does that

With that the communicator cuts out and Rusty starts fiddling with the controls to get the picture back. Brock is standing over his shoulder. BROCK Was that seriously Dr. Venture Sr.? RUSTY He's alive. Brock my father is alive! I don't know how, but he is. BROCK You want me to call Jonas Jr. and tell him we're headed his way. Sigh.


INT. SPHINX BRIDGE -- DAY The Jackal's control room is busy with activity. seated with his hands steepled in front of him.

He is

21 comes in wearing one of the Egyptian style outfits of the Jackal's men. (As he said earlier it isn't flattering) HENCHMAN 21 Ok, everything on the Sphinx is fully operational. JACKAL Good, I want this run at the Venture Brothers to go off without a hitch. Is everything cool with the Monarch? HENCHMAN 21 I just talked with him.

Once you

get what you want he'll make his run at Dr. Venture. JACKAL And the odds on Samson? HENCHMAN 21 We're figuring he'll most likely try and either stop the boys from coming after you or join the boys in favor of dealing with the Monarch. The Jackal gives a slow nod. JACKAL I've planned for Samson, so hopefully this should all be by the numbers. This will surely cement my place as their eternal foe. HENCHMAN 21 (sort of sarcastic) Most certainly. INT. VENTURE COMPOUND HANGER-- DAY Dr. Venture is in the cockpit of the X-1 ready to take off. Brock is outside talking to the Dr. through his watch. BROCK Doc, Dean's coming we'll be ready to go in a couple minutes. Hank comes walking into the hanger. HANK This is so boss. Grandpa's alive and I'm going to be able to save him with my sweet new skills. BROCK Easy there Hank, I don't want you two getting reckless now. Hank waves away his bodyguard's worry. HANK Your concern is appreciated Brock. But regardless what you think I'll be my own master from here on out.

BROCK I'm just saying having the skills is nice and all, but experience is where it matters. HANK (taken aback) Where have you been for like my entire life. I've dealt with vampires, dinosaurs, wereodiles, whole armies of evil henchmen. I'm flush with experience. The new skills just complete the package. BROCK Ok Hank. Here comes your brother let's load up. Dean is walking to the hanger from across the compound. see Triana in the background walking in the opposite direction.


Then zooming in out of nowhere is the Jackal's sphinx. HANK Are you kidding me, it's been like 4 days. Pop's bad guys at least have the common courtesy to give it a couple weeks between attacks. The Jackal standing at the front of the ship, as before, takes a pot shot at Dean as he runs for the hanger. Inside the X-1 cockpit Rusty can't believe it either. RUSTY Oh I don't have time for this. A loudspeaker projects the Jackal's voice down to the boys. JACKAL I may have underestimated you before Venture brothers, but this Jackal doesn't tuck his tail between his legs and hide. HANK Dude you did the other day. Dean makes it to the hanger and looks out at his mid-speech nemesis alongside Brock and Hank.

JACKAL I will admit that you bested me in our first clash, but this war will be waged on many fronts and with an array of tactics. The ship hovers in front of the boys and Brock, no sign of impending attack. JACKAL (CONT'D) Today I forgo the full frontal assault and instead invite you to leave the safety of your father's compound and do battle in my lair. We will see who comes out the better then. DEAN Is this guy a complete over dramatic idiot. Why would we just chase him. HANK Yeah. (yelling up at the Jackal) Hey guy we already have plans today. Just then the engines of the X-1 roar behind them and the Dr. bursts out of the hanger and blasts right past the sphinx. The sphinx banks away from the X-1 sending the Jackal tumbling across the deck. BROCK (into watch) Uh, Doc what the hell. RUSTY Deal with this clown Brock. I don't have time to waste on the boys new play pal. The X-1 flies away. The Jackal regains his footing and continues on his rant. JACKAL You will find me in the heavens like Anubis consorting with Ra.

HANK Weren't they both dudes? JACKAL Good day Ventures. The sphinx backs away from the hanger and descends to the ground a bit. One of the Jackal's henchmen comes running from behind another building. BROCK What the hell is this. Slung over the henchman's shoulder is an unconscious Triana. A gangplank extends to the ground and he carries Triana onto the ship and it speeds away from the compound. DEAN NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! HANK Don't worry brother we'll get your, um, sort of girlfriend back. INT. X-1 COCKPIT -- DAY HELPeR is flying and the Dr. is talking with his brother on a display. RUSTY Well you've been living there for a couple years now. I barely ever went out there before then. JONAS JR. I'm sorry Rusty I haven't really been searching for some hidden bunker. RUSTY It'd be in the caverns or somewhere like that. JONAS JR. What's the significance of the bunker, maybe that will help pinpoint it's location. RUSTY It's hard to say. I'll fill you in when I get there. See if you can find some blueprints of the place or something.

JONAS JR. I've had Scaramantula's original blueprints and my own detailed mapping of the island compiled into a holographic model, I'll take a look at that and see what I can find. RUSTY Yea, yea, yea. See you in a bit. INT. VENTURE COMPOUND -- DAY Dean is pacing, a bit frantic. Brock comes in from another room. HANK Did you get a hold of Dr. Orpheus? BROCK No. I couldn't reach his two buddies either. HANK You'd figure he'd have some sort of magical lojack on his daughter and be back here already. DEAN We have to do something. Didn't Egyptians have slaves? We can't let him turn Triana into his slave to do his sordid biding. BROCK Calm down Dean, we'll get her back. We just need to get some info on the Jackal. HANK Are you going to call your old OSI buddies? BROCK I guess. MONARCH (booming into the building from outside) Show yourself Dr. Venture!

BROCK Oh, Jesus. Hank go out there and tell him the Doc ain't here. Hank gets up and starts to head outside. BROCK (CONT'D) Wait a second. The Monarch's henchman was with the Jackal. He might know where they've gone. EXT. VENTURE COMPOUND - - MOMENTS LATER Brock and the boys walk out to the cocoon, which is floating above the statue out front. BROCK (CONT'D) (yelling up to the cocoon) Hey Monarch, the Doc isn't here. You mind coming out here for a second. A long moment goes by and then a door opens and the Monarch descends down a ramp to the ground. MONARCH Where is Dr. Venture? BROCK I'll tell you if you answer a question? MONARCH What sort of ruse is this Samson? You'd just give away the location of your charge? BROCK Yes I would. Now will you just shut up and let me ask you something. MONARCH Ok dick, what is it? BROCK Your little fat henchman, you loaned him out to this Silver Jackal character.

MONARCH I'm not certain I know what you're referring to. Brock rubs his face in his hand, frustrated. BROCK Damn it, I know cause he said he was a liaison between you two the other day. MONARCH Ok, so what? DEAN He just kidnapped Triana and we need to find out where he's taken her. MONARCH Is she that Dracula guy's kid? BROCK Yes. He said something about heaven and gods. You got any clue what he might have been talking about? MONARCH I don't know much about his operation. DEAN Why are we wasting our time here. He's not going to help us. MONARCH Easy there Dean, I've got no issue helping you out with this. It's just I really don't know anything about your new rival. The Monarch looks away in thought for a second. then turns around and hurries back up into the cocoon. MONARCH Hang on a second. The Monarch returns a moment later and hands Brock a butterfly themed tracking device. MONARCH Here, all my henchmen have a tracking chip implanted in them. You can find 21 with this.

MONARCH (CONT'D) And now for my end of the deal. BROCK He went to Spider-skull island to see his brother. Have fun with that. Brock and the boys turn and walk away back inside. INT. SPIDER-SKULL ISLAND -- DAY Both Dr. Ventures are looking at a holographic display of the island. JONAS JR. (pointing to a spot in the hologram) This is the old escape tunnel which is the best candidate for the bunker's location. RUSTY Maybe, but you saw the message. It's in the eyes. JONAS JR. What eyes? RUSTY The eyes of the skull was my guess. Jonas Jr. manipulates the hologram to focus on the two large empty eye sockets of the island. JONAS JR. But they're just skylights for the conference room. They wouldn't lead to a subsurface bunker. RUSTY Well what else is there? Jonas plays around with his hologram some more. JONAS JR. Maybe light points to some marker at a certain time of day. Rusty jumps up and runs up to the hologram.

RUSTY Show me the detention level. That's deep inside the island. JONAS JR. Oh yea. But how would the skulls eyes have anything to do with that room? INT. SPIDER-SKULL ISLAND DETENTION LEVEL -- MOMENTS LATER Rusty and Jonas Jr. enter a large room with a half dozen prison cells lining the walls. RUSTY I can't believe it took me so long to remember. Scraramantula used to throw me down here all the time. I guess I blocked it out. JONAS JR. What? RUSTY The damn thing used to give me nightmares. But dad didn't want to destroy it since it was a Francis Bacon, so he just covered it up. Rusty walks up to a large drape on a wall.

He rips it down.

Behind the drape is a large mural. It is a really crazy/freakish portrait of Scramantula in which the bulk of his face is taken up by the spider and he has many eyes. JONAS JR. Oh my god. It's such a waste down here. RUSTY I think he put it down here to freak out his captives. (he walks up to the painting.) It's in the eyes. He points the mass of eyes peering at them from the wall. RUSTY (CONT'D) Right there, its a button plain as day.

JONAS JR. Nice job big brother. EXT. SPHINX -- NIGHT Brock and the boys sneak up to some bushes near the ship. Brock pulls out the tracker Monarch gave him, they've reached their target. DEAN This looks like a trap. HANK Of course it is, but do you want to get Triana back or not? BROCK Quiet you two. OK, I know there's a side entrance near that ramp, (points it out to the boys) But as soon as we get near the thing I'm betting we get swarmed by henchmen. HANK No problem. BROCK Damn it Hank, stop with the bravado!! HANK Alright. BROCK Let's go. And stay close. They make their way across a small open space to the unguarded door. There's no opposition. Brock gets them in the door and they hurry through the insides of the ship. Still no swarm of henchmen. INT. SPHINX BRIDGE -- MOMENTS LATER Brock and the boys burst onto the command deck to find 21 alone playing Guitar Hero on the bridge's huge display monitor. HENCHMAN 21 Hello Venture brothers.

DEAN Where's Triana? HANK Where's the Jackal? HENCHMAN 21 Hold on a second, I'm almost done with the song. 21 is wholly involved in the game.

Rocking out, as it were.

Brock walks right up rips the guitar-controller off of him and smashes it on the ground. BROCK Where's the girl? HENCHMAN 21 (looking down at the smashed controller) Dude, that's just not right. Dean runs up and punches 21 in his rotund stomach, the blow doubles 21 over. Brock pulls Dean back a little. BROCK You better tell us little man, or I'll let Dean here go. And I think you all have pissed him off enough that he might do some damage. HENCHMAN 21 Ok, gees. Jackal's got a space station, he took the Orpheus girl up there. HANK A space station are you kidding me. BROCK This kid is really starting to get on my nerves. You know where this station is? HENCHMAN 21 In orbit. Brock releases his grip on Dean. Dean flies at 21, and a round house kick sends 21 flailing to the floor.

HENCHMAN 21 (CONT'D) I don't know. It's some second hand deal like his Sphinx here. He said he bought it off Impossible Industries awhile back. BROCK The 'i' in the sky? HENCHMAN 21 He was calling it the eye of Ra. Brock turns and starts for the exit. BROCK Lets go boys. HANK What, that's it!? This blows, Dean at least got to hit somebody. Dean gives the laid out 21 a quick kick before following Brock. END CREDIT SEQUENCE

EPISODE THREE INT. VENTURE COMPOUND -- DAY Brock and the boys are at the compound on a video call to Professor Impossible. IMPOSSIBLE A super-villain! I don't think so. He's scanning a laptop next to him. IMPOSSIBLE (CONT'D) Here it is. Pyramid Research Technologies. BROCK The guy's got a whole Egyptian theme. That's him. IMPOSSIBLE We sold the station and the launch facilities back when I was going through my divorce. I wasn't really focused around the office. BROCK So you can't get up there? IMPOSSIBLE Outside of NASA or Star City there really isn't anything I can think of to get up to the Impossible 'i' in the sky. BROCK Thanks Professor. Brock shuts off the transmission. DEAN What are we gonna do Brock? BROCK I don't know yet Dean, but we'll figure something out. HANK Figure something out. to go right now.

We're ready

Both Brock and Dean look at Hank completely unsure of what he's thinking. Hank looks back at them befuddled himself.

HANK (CONT'D) Really!? I'm the only one who's got this sorted out already? CUT TO: OPENING CREDITS SEQUENCE INT. SPIDER-SKULL ISLAND DETENTION LEVEL -- DAY Pitch black frame which is then spilt by a bright light. A door of some kind is opening. Silhouetted in the door is Rusty and Jonas Jr. They both enter the hidden room inside the detention level. Jonas finds a light switch and they see the room. Inside the bunker are a couple of dusty tables one contains charts and accounting files and the other has old coins strewn across it. Jonas goes right to the charts. Rusty heads for the coins. Along with the coins is a picture of Jonas Sr. in a scuba suit next to a sunken ship. Another picture shows an underwater dome. JONAS JR. (looking over the maps) This here is the Isla San Felix. was sailing down there a couple months ago.


RUSTY Is there anything marked on the maps? Rusty throws the pictures down in front of Jonas. JONAS JR. You think the ship and dome are at the same location? RUSTY Knowing dad he built the dome over the ship. JONAS JR. Who took this picture? RUSTY One of the original Team Venture members.

JONAS JR. Then why is all this hidden? RUSTY I don't know. They thought it was nothing special. Or hell, HELPeR might have taken the picture. Jonas accepts the idea. JONAS JR. Ok here it is. The smaller map has coordinates written here, but that location isn't on it. But they are on the big map. RUSTY That's a little too simple. all there to throw you off.


JONAS JR. There's nothing else. Rusty looks down and points to the drawing of a sea lion on one of the maps. RUSTY That's where we want to go. JONAS JR. Well I don't see how you figure that? RUSTY (actually happy about a quest) It's in the eyes little brother. Jonas Jr. looks down and runs his finger over the point the eye of the sea lion marks. INT. SPHINX BRIDGE -- DAY 21 is sitting in the Jackal's command center. The Jackal's head appears in the form of a 12 ft tall hologram in the middle of the room. JACKAL Did you inform them of where I've taken the young miss Orpheus?

HENCHMAN 21 Yes. I'm not certain how they can get to you though. JACKAL They have options. Monarch?

And the

HENCHMAN 21 He showed up at the compound as planned, but as you know Dr. Venture left before we got out of there. So I think the Monarch's heading for his brother's island right now. 21 pauses and looks up at the Jackal's image. HENCHMAN 21 (CONT'D) Hey, can you see me on your end? JACKAL Of course, there are similar holographic projectors installed in all my facilities. HENCHMAN 21 I'm not like a foot tall on your end am I? CUT TO: INT. SPACE STATION CONTROL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS 21 is correct and a small monochrome version of him is on a little pedestal talking to the Jackal. JACKAL Well its a smaller version of the technology. It's cost prohibitive to haul the large projector into space. INT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2 COCKPIT. -- DAY Brock and the boys are in spacesuits inside the phallic supply ship for the old Gargantua 1. BROCK I thought this thing got sold for parts after Gargantua 1 crashed.

DEAN Even if we get up there do you think he'll let us just waltz right onto the station? BROCK We'll have to cross that bridge when we get there. HANK We've got this Dean. Grandpa's training program #62, Orbital EV safety and emergency situations. Brock freezes going over the check list. BROCK No way there was something like that in those programs! DEAN They did it in a big water tank, but it's applicable I guess. HANK Plus Impossible was like Grandpa's protege. The specs on his station are probably similar to all of Grandpa's gear. BROCK Would you just stop talking for a second Hank. It's starting to weird me out. Brock reaches out and takes the controls. BROCK (CONT'D) Ok, we're ready to light this candle. You two hang on. Brock fires up the ship. The rocket lifts off and leaves the Venture compound behind. INT. SPACE STATION -- DAY Triana wakes up in a small holding cell. provocative Egyptian style outfit.

She is in a rather

The Jackal is standing on the other side of a glass divider.

TRIANA Where the hell have you taken me? JACKAL (pointing to a window behind her) See for yourself. Outside she sees the Earth below them. TRIANA Space, we're in space!! I thought I'd wake up in a pyramid or something. How do you expect a necromancer to get into space. JACKAL Excuse me? TRIANA My dad might be able to astral project up here, but he can't conjure up a rocket from thin air. JACKAL You think I'm after Dr. Orpheus. Do I look like Davis Blaine? TRIANA You're not like some Disciple of Anubis guy. (it dawn on her) Oh wait, you're not Dean and Hank's new guy are you? Jackal paces, a bit irritated at his lack of recognition. JACKAL Yes, I'm the Silver Jackal. You honestly didn't pick that up? TRIANA Dean didn't really describe you. And my dad's had run ins with like a dozen different Egyptian worshipers. Jackal puffs up in front of her for his mini speech.

JACKAL Well, had your boyfriend better informed you of his new adversary, or taken precautions for your safety himself. You might not currently be my bait. Luring he and his brother into my trap. TRIANA Boyfriend! Are you fucking crazy!? Triana looks down and for the first time actually notices her outfit. TRIANA (CONT'D) What the hell do you have me wearing?! EXT. X-2 DECK -- DAY Rusty, Jonas Jr. and Sally are on the Deck of the boat. Jonas is maneuvering a small submersible off the deck into the water. Rusty is looking out at a small raggedy fishing boat bobbing a good distance away. RUSTY The transmission made it seem as if there was someone after him. JONAS JR. (looking at the small boat) That doesn't look too threatening. RUSTY Sometimes I forget you have limited experience in this stuff. JONAS JR. Sorry I was trapped inside you for 40 years! But I think I've done pretty well playing catch up, if I do say so myself. RUSTY (under his breath) Which you do quite often.

SALLY Are we going to see if there's something down there or do you want to continue your passive aggressive banter? JONAS JR. I'm ready to go if Rusty can stop worrying about the Orca over there. RUSTY It's a legitimate concern. Rusty's watch crackles to life and Jonas Sr.'s face appears. Jonas Jr. flies over to his brother's side to watch the communication. JONAS My radar says someone's approaching the dome. I hope it's you son, and not more of Cousteau's endless horde. No matter... (yelling out to nothing) I can take whatever you've got jean-michel. (back to the communicator) There's still time Rusty, if you hurry. My work here is near complete. The little screen flickers a bit and then snaps off. JONAS JR. Let's go. Jonas Jr., Rusty and Sally all transfer to the submarine which the Pirate captain is already in. RUSTY Get this thing moving. PIRATE You bet'cha. The submarine drops below the surface and descends. They quickly run up on the underwater dome. On the surface the Monarch's cocoon flies up next to the X-2.

EXT. SPACE STATION -- DAY The Ven-shuttle 2 nears the 'i' in the sky (station is literally a long cylinder topped by a sphere connected by a small walkway). INT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2 COCKPIT -- SAME Dean is at the controls of the ship and Brock is hovering over him. BROCK Are you sure you can pilot this thing Dean? DEAN No problem Brock. Brock hesitates then shakes his head and leaves the cockpit. Brock makes his way to an airlock and hatch, where Hank is waiting. BROCK (disregarding Hanks excitment) So once I cut my way in you make sure the walkway is extended to the station's hatch. HANK Easy-peasy Brock. Sure you don't need help inside. I mean Dean can do my job from the cockpit. Brock shakes his head. BROCK Don't think so Hank. Plus I doubt there's room for both of us in the tent. Fine.

HANK I'll be ready at the hatch.

Brock grabs a basic canvas duffel bag and a large canister and steps through the airlock which Hank closes behind him. EXT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2 -- CONTINUOUS Outside the ship an exterior hatch opens and Brock floats out and lands on the space station's exterior.

He sits the canister and bag down. Out of the duffel bag he pulls a large foil sheet and a torch like tool. Brock then pulls the sheet like a tent over himself and the canister. Inside the edges of the foil bond to the hull of the station. Brock pops the top on the canister and the tent begins to fill with air. He checks an air pressure display on his suit's sleeve and it flashes green. Using the torch tool he cuts a hole in the side of the station big enough for him to climb through. The pressure inside the station equals that in the tent and so its just like climbing through a window. INT. UNDERWATER DOME -- DAY Rusty, Jonas Jr. and Sally are running through the interior of the facility. They're all checking rooms as they go. Rusty stops and fiddles with his communicator. RUSTY You'd think if we were this close I'd be able to raise Dad. JONAS JR. Something about this doesn't seem right. SALLY Are you all certain we're at the right place? RUSTY Oh yea, maybe that's it. We followed a bunch of cryptic clues to the wrong hidden underwater fortress of solitude. SALLY I'm just playing devils advocate here. We've been running around here for an hour now. JONAS JR. We're at the right place honey, but something is amiss. Again Rusty's communicator pops to life with Jonas Sr. streaming out. His voice is also pumping out of the P.A. system installed in the dome.

JONAS Ah Thadeus you made it. I was worried the clues I planted just might be too much for you. RUSTY Too much!? JONAS JR. Planted!? JONAS The dome here is nice don't you think. I didn't know what to do with it after I picked it up, but converting it to a labyrinth proved rather easy. The video of Jonas begins to warp and fade, the audio changes as well. The picture changes to the Monarch, with little white motion capture dots all over his face. RUSTY What the hell. MONARCH In this maze it is not a Minotaur you should fear, but I. RUSTY Are you fucking kidding me. you.

It was

MONARCH Ah you wonder at the cleverness of my plot. The dome here I picked up off this hack I arched when I was off you for a while. But the computer Dr. Venture I commissioned from the guys that made that creepy little Gollum guy from those Dungeons and Dragons movies. RUSTY You made me think that my dead father had come back from the grave all for your retarded little game?! MONARCH This is no game Dr. Venture, I...

RUSTY (over the top of him) Oh its not anymore. You showing up on my front door with your ITT Tech reject henchmen, is bearable, but this. You crossed the line Monarch. You better get yourself lost in your little maze here because when I find you we're going to finish this once and for all. MONARCH Uhh. Rusty shuts off his communicator. INT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2 AIRLOCK -- DAY Hank has the walkway extended to the hatch on the station and is peering through a porthole into the corridor beyond. All the sudden a bloody face slams against the window. screams.


Inside Brock finishes off the guy and then opens the hatch. BROCK Where's Dean? Dean comes out of the airlock on the other side and closes it behind him. DEAN Right here. BROCK The ship all locked down? DEAN Yes sir. The three make their way into the station and through a few corridors. Finally they run into a dozen of the Jackal's men, who see them, turn and run up another hallway. BROCK Boys, Stay behind me. HANK How many times do we have to say it? We're not babies anymore.

Brock turns a bit of his rage toward Hank. BROCK Just stay back. HANK Ok, ok. Brock rushes headlong after the group of henchmen, the boys cautiously trailing him around a corner. A pair of hatches snap shut between the biys and their bodyguard. And Brock is shot away from the station on a small satellite ship full of henchmen. On that cue a video display near the boys kicks on and the Jackal starts addressing Hank and Dean. JACKAL Now that your security blanket has been jettisoned, let's get to it. DEAN Where's Triana Jackal?! If you hurt her I'll take that scepter of your's and... JACKAL Your little Triana is fine Dean. I'm sending her back to the surface right now. The video switches and shows a guard throwing Triana into an escape pod. Which gets blasted away from the station. JACKAL (CONT'D) Not sure she'll make it back in one piece though. That pod isn't made to handle reentry. The display cuts off as the Jackal laughs. DEAN We have to go after her. HANK Dean you go back and try catch her in the ship. I'm going after the Jackal. DEAN Good luck Hank.

HANK You too. Hank turns to head up the corridor. DEAN Wait Hank. (holds up 2 fingers) One for the road in case we don't make it out of this mess. Hank nods and raises his own hand. The boys do a spectacular 'Go Team Venture' and then sprint off in opposite directions. CUT TO: INT. UNDERWATER DOME -- DAY The elder Venture Brothers are standing at the intersection of two passageways. JONAS JR. This is maddening. I lost complete track of our location a half hour ago. SALLY I think we've been here before. RUSTY We have only we went that way last time (points down one hall) and then we just came up this one. JONAS JR. I don't see how you figure that. SALLY I think he's right. RUSTY I am, this labyrinth isn't very elaborate. I was afraid Bowie might have helped put it together, but it doesn't look like it. This way. Rusty heads up another hallway.

The other two follow.

They round a corner and a door slides open startling Rusty.

RUSTY (CONT'D) CRAP! Kevin and Tim Tom rush at Rusty out of the door. A haphazard defensive kick sends Kevin sprawling across the floor, sheer luck on Rusty's part. Tim Tom though snaps out his knife and opens up a nice cut on Rusty's midriff. The little guy slams into Rusty and its a struggle as Tim Tom's knife is inches away from Rusty's face. Jonas Jr. grabs Tim Tom by the back and throws him off Rusty. Tim Tom lands near Kevin who is already back on his feet. JONAS JR. (said full well accepting the cliche) Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size. KEVIN I don't think you know what you're asking for there little Venture man. TIM TOM Hey Kevin. KEVIN Yea. TIM TOM Dibs on the blonde once fetus man here is out of the way. KEVIN No way, you can't call dibs. Whoever gets the kill gets Ms. thin skin. TIM TOM fair enough. JONAS JR. Bring it. Kevin stabs at Jonas Jr. Jonas grabs the blade with his robotic hand and breaks it off at the hilt. Rusty looks away from the odd showdown of little men to see The Monarch inside the room the moppets came out of.

The Monarch is also captivated by the tiny exchange of blows and doesn't see Dr. Venture until he is nearly on him. Rusty gets the first punch in, but the Monarch is the larger man and the better physical fighter. MONARCH This is it Venture. RUSTY Oh yea, no henchmen, no technology, no firepower. MONARCH And no Samson. RUSTY Mano a mano. Monarch lands a couple solid blows, which Rusty takes fairly well. RUSTY (CONT'D) Is that all you got, you black and gold beanpole. They let another exchange of fists fly. CUT TO: INT. SPACE STATION CONTROL ROOM -- DAY Hank bursts into the room. The focal point is the large captains chair at the center, the back of which is to Hank. JACKAL Hello again Hank, shall we finish what we started the other day. As he gets ready to do his dramatic slow turn in the chair to face Hank, Hank runs and front flips over the chair grabbing the Jackal's throat in the process. Yanking him out of the seat and sends him flying across the room. They both scramble to their feet. The Jackal quick with his scepter fires at Hank. Hank barely reaches cover. HANK Are you insane we're in space. You're gonna kill us both. JACKAL I'm pretty confident in my aim Hank, don't worry about me.

The Jackal stalks around to where Hank is hiding. Hank has crawled to another corner when the Jackal tries to surprise him. Right as Hank dives behind another control console the Jackal fires again. The console sparks and there's a small internal explosion. The artificial gravity of the station cuts out. Hank floats up into the air. As does the Jackal. Jackal losses his orientation and is facing away from Hank. Hank grabs a hold of the wall and pushes off toward his adversary. He connects and the scepter falls out of the Jackals hand. ELABORATE ZERO-G FIST FIGHT COMMENCES. CUT TO: INT. ESCAPE POD -- DAY Triana is solemnly gazing out the window of the pod watching the Earth get larger. EXT. SPACE -- SAME The Ven-shuttle 2 is speeding toward the descending escape pod. We see Dean's disconcerted face in the view port as he flies by INT./EXT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2/ESCAPE POD -- CONTINUOUS The outside of the escape pod begins to glow and heat up. Just as she is resigning herself to her fiery fate inside the capsule Triana sees the nose of the Ven-shuttle come into view. As she watches the ship rotates around and she sees Dean in the cockpit. He gives her a shaky wave, to which she can only stare dumbfounded. The Ven-shuttle speeds up and the massive doors of a cargo bay open up. A large robotic crane/arm reach out to grab the pod. It gets a hold of the pod, but the tension is too much and the crane breaks. The pod spins out of control and Triana screams. Dean curses inside the shuttle.

He maneuvers again simply trying to scoop the pod into the cargo bay. With some doing, and a controlled crash the pod comes to rest inside the Ven-shuttle. The doors close and Dean turns back toward the 'i' in the sky. CUT TO: INT. UNDERWATER DOME -- DAY The fight has found its with pool and submarine tubes. Doc and Monarch moppets are and at some and Sally are going toe

way to a large underwater hanger as well as torpedoes in launch are still going at it, Jonas and the point Mrs. Monarch showed up and her to toe.

Rusty is battered the worst of all, but is holding his own. Sally gets Mrs. Monarch down and is pummeling her. Monarch grabs Kevin by the legs and throws him across the room where he lands on Sally's back. Turning back to Dr. Venture the Monarch finds Rusty standing next to a large glass tank. Doc smashes the glass and electric ells wash the floor in front of the Monarch, one actually gets him. MONARCH You won't escape me now Dr. Venture. RUSTY We went over this it's the other way round this time. MONARCH Oh, is it. I'm sorry if I lead you to believe your threat actually registered. JONAS JR. (from across the room) Give it up Monarch. Kevin and Tim Tom are unconscious and Sally and Jonas have Mrs. Monarch subdued. MONARCH This really wasn't how it was supposed to go down. I mean I figured you'd all find this room in an hour or so.

MRS. MONARCH Honey what are you doing? Monarch is easing away from the confrontation. MONARCH Sorry dear, but to kill two Ventures with one stone I'm afraid is going to be worth the sacrifice. JONAS JR. What's going on here. Just as Jonas loosens his grasp on Mrs. Monarch the Monarch lifts off in flight, snatches up his wife and the two pint sized henchmen and lands near one of the torpedo tubes. As he is loading the moppets into the escape torpedo he activates a small remote he has and valves in the ceiling of the room open. Water starts pouring in. MONARCH Farewell Dr.'s Venture. I'll send your regards to Hank and Dean. If the Jackal hasn't already taken care of them that is. He laughs as he jumps in the torpedo after Mrs. Monarch. Water splashes over the hatch as it closes. The torpedo speeds out of the tube. JONAS JR. Now what? RUSTY Let me think. SALLY (pointing to the sub.) What about the submarine? RUSTY It's a trap he wanted us in here. The water filling up the room is just supposed to get us to climb in the submarine. JONAS JR. There's another torpedo. RUSTY check it, but I bet it's real... That's it the tube. Quick before the water's too deep.

Rusty rushes over to the hatch the Monarch just dropped into. He opens it and water starts flooding out. RUSTY (CONT'D) Can you reach the pirate on our sub. Jonas tries his communicator watch. JONAS JR. I'm getting a signal. PIRATE (O.S.) Aye, chairman, you had me worried there. JONAS JR. Captain, can you get a fix on my location. PIRATE Yea I'm picking you up now. JONAS JR. There should be a torpedo tube on the outside of the dome near us, you need to find it and pick us up. PIRATE Aye, aye. Rusty is standing over the hatch in the now waist deep water taking deep preparatory breaths. JONAS JR. You think we can swim it? RUSTY I think we better. You go first, then Sally, I'll be right behind you. Jonas dives in and then the other two follow. they swim through the narrow tube, its longer then expected. Finally they reach the exterior of the dome and just as they do their sub pulls up. A hatch opens and they climb in. CUT TO:

INT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2 -- DAY Dean is in the cargo bay and torches the hatch off the escape pod housing Triana. The door clatters to the floor and Triana tumbles out falling into Dean's arms. TRIANA Dean, you, you saved me. DEAN (lacking any bravado) Of course I did. TRIANA You flew a spaceship and you saved me. DEAN (playing it off) It did get a little hairy there. Another minute and think that pod would have started breaking up. Triana is sort of overcome. to Dean's.

She gets her face really close

TRIANA I never would have thought I could have seen you in this light before Dean. I mean you're sort of cute and all, but this... She gets really close going in for the kiss. BROCK (out of communicator watch) DEAN, you boys made it back to the shuttle. Thank god. CUT TO: INT. SPACE STATION DETACHABLE LAB -- CONTINUOUS Brock is standing amongst gore and wreckage. flight controls of the satellite ship. BROCK I'm gonna need you to come pick me up. I'm about to give the Jackal his little ship back.

He's at the

The maneuverable lab Brock is piloting is on a collision course with the 'i' in the sky. DEAN What do you mean? I've got Triana on the shuttle, but Hank is still on the station. BROCK Ah, hell. I don't think I can pull up. You got to tell him to get off there. CUT TO: INT. SPACE STATION CONTROL ROOM -- DAY The Jackal and Hank are still in a, markedly less acrobatic, zero-g fight. The Jackal connects with a round house sending Hank spinning like a pinwheel across the room. his communicator watch snaps on. DEAN Hank, I got Triana, and Brock says you need to get off the station. I'll be at the airlock if you can make it. Just as Dean finishes a proximity alarm starts to blare and Dr. Impossible's voice comes over the P.A. IMPOSSIBLE (O.S.) Warning, scanners indicate an eminent collision. Please follow the colored lighting to the nearest escape pod. Have an Impossible day. (repeat as background) Emergency lighting switches on and arrows point in every direction. Both Hank and the Jackal see out a large window to the approaching ship. CUT TO: INT. SPACE STATION DETACHABLE LAB -- CONTINUOUS Brock is standing near a hatch and attaches his helmet onto his space suit.

BROCK You better get out of there Hank. He blows the hatch and gets sucked out into space. satellite ship leaving him behind.


INT. SPACE STATION CONTROL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Hank and the Jackal are on opposite sides of the room. JACKAL Goodbye Hank. Looks like your bodyguard is doing my job for me. HANK Well you're going down with me. JACKAL Oh no, see I've got my private command pod. (talks into control pad on his sleeve) Disable all escape pods, code Isis. (back to Hank) You on the other hand are going down all alone. I was worried there at first, but it's been fun. Hopefully Dean learns from this. Goodbye. HANK If this is it Jackal, I'll see you in hell. Jackal grabs onto his captains chair and it sinks into the floor and into his command pod which rockets away from the station. Hank grabs the doorway out of the control room and begins to float through the ship toward the airlock where they came in. Just as he gets to the small glass walkway connecting the cylinder part of the station to the dot on top the impact happens. The whole station rumbles. BROCK (over the communicator watch) Do you have your helmet Hank.

HANK No. BROCK I see you. You can make it. Just exhale and then hold your breath. HANK What. BROCK There's no time... His words get cut off as the station rumbles again and explosions tear through the upper sphere. The walkway begins to buckle and then Hank sees the Ven-shuttle flying directly at him. The walkway can't take the stress and it shatters. Right as it does Hank exhales and closes his eyes and mouth tight against the vacuum. Brock hanging out a hatch on the side of the shuttle swoops up to Hank. Dean makes an adjustment and Brock grabs him hauling him inside and seals the hatch. Hank takes a huge gulp of air. HANK Did you just see that?!! And you thought I couldn't handle a space walk. BROCK OK, Hank. HANK Dean saved Triana, we busted up the Jackal's station. Sweet day all around. CUT TO: ENDING CREDITS SEQUENCE SMASH CUT TO: INT. CREEPY OLD MANSION -- NIGHT The order of the Triad is dropping a couple Blackulas. All the sudden Dr. Orpheus drops to his knees cradling his head.

JEFFERSON What the hell is wrong Orpheus? Orpheus springs to his feet, rage on his face. DR. ORPHEUS I can not sense where, but the last petals of innocence are being plucked off the flower that is my darling daughter. JEFFERSON Uh, oh. Wait that's kinda creepy that you're catching that vibe. DR. ORPHEUS When I find out who it is that has stripped away the virtue of something so pure and precious they will feel the wrath of Dr. Byron Orpheus. CUT TO: INT. VEN-SHUTTLE 2 COCKPIT -- CONTINUOUS Brock is at the controls.

Hank is seated next to him.

HANK Dean and Triana have been back there awhile. How long's it take to get a soda? Maybe I ought to go see if everything is ok. BROCK Uh, maybe you should just sit tight Hank. We're getting ready for reentry and I might need you up here. HANK Well if you need any of my super cool skills just say the word. BROCK Will do Hank, will do. FADE OUT:

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