Vc Legend

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 24

Accent Stage What Accent is a relative prominence of a syllable (especially with regard to stress or pitch) and the usage of vocabulary that is characteristic to a specific group of people (especially determined by the regional or social background of the speaker.) How Basic Requirement: 1. There should be no clarity issue. 2. Words should be accentuated properly 3. There should be no ‘Regional Touch’. We are not looking for ‘Americanized Accent’. [Neutral Accent] Scoring Model: 1. Presence of First Language Influence, resulting in customer asking the representative to repeat. [Disarrayed vowel and consonants sounds- IS (ees), “V & W” sound, “O & AW”,”P & B” excessive roll of “R”, presence of Heavy T,D. etc resulting in member to either ask the agent to repeat or request for on shore or the supervisor]

2. Considerable amount of FLI which makes the agent difficult to be understood [Agent speaks with appropriate sound but speaks with the to FLI tonality and makes the effort to rectify inconsistently]

3. Although, there are some words which were mispronounced and the agent had slight FLI, he was more or less understood. 4. The agent was ‘neutral’ and easily understood. 5. The agent not only sounded ‘neutral’ but also emphasized and stressed the words correctly.

Fluency What The speech pattern should be in a flow. The agent should not sound choppy or robotic. The thought process should be in a flow as well. How Basic Requirement: 1. The lexical resource should be up to the mark. 2. The comprehension and the response to a question should be spontaneous. Scoring Model: The agent sounds very choppy and abrupt. He sounds scripted and the delivery of information is not smooth which makes it hard for the customer to make sense of what is being told. [too many abrupt pauses, unclear thought process, speaks with distraction or stammering {lack of confidence}]

The agent has slight comprehension issues and his responses are too slow. [Silence for every question asked or dillydallying responses either with lack of words/phrases combined with lack of product knowledge]. The agent does not have any comprehension issues yet there are abrupt pauses and response continues to be slow. The comprehension and the thought process are adequate enough for quick response from the other end. The agent possesses good command of the language and is able to deliver quick and appropriate responses.

TONE What Tone is the use of ‘pitch’ in the language to distinguish words. All languages use intonation to express, emphasize emotion or other such nuances but not every language uses tone to distinguish meaning. How Basic Requirement 1. The tone of the agent should reflect the following attributes – warm and friendly, courteous, confident & enthusiastic. Scoring Model: 1.

When the agent sounds robotic, extremely monotonous, curt, rude, hesitant or sounds highly unprofessional.


When the agent sounds overtly friendly or extremely blunt or curt.

3. The agent is inconsistent, does not manage to maintain the level of enthusiasm throughout the call and at times sounds commanding while giving instructions. 4. Maintains an upbeat tone throughout the call and the voice modulation is above average. 5. Agent has perfect blend of enthusiasm, politeness as well as sounds professional and business friendly.

PRONUNCIATION What A way of speaking a word, especially a way that is accepted or generally understood. In brief the way a word or a language is customarily spoken. How Basic Requirement: Clear ‘enunciation’ is necessary for effective Pronunciation. Correct Syllable – Stress also effects correct Pronunciation Scoring Model 1.

When the agent mispronounces on multiple occasions and his sounds are mumbled and garbled and is difficult to understand.[ e.g. seven mispronunciations in a 15 minute call, especially the Key word in the verbatim or most commonly used words such as modem,computer,apology,connection,internet,etc..]


Although, the agent has correct sounds however certain words are mispronounced due to incorrect ‘Syllable Stress’ eg. Oplo-gise (apologize).

3. call],

When the agent makes pronunciation mistakes occasionally [Thrice in a 15 Minute however his sounds are in place. At times the speech is unclear; however the sounds and pronunciations are in

4. place. 5.

When the agent makes no mistakes and has clear speech pattern.

ROS What ‘Rate of Speech’ is the number of words spoken in a minute. How Basic Requirement: When the agent has an evidently high ROS (Rate of Speech) which is accompanied by the member asking to repeat quite often, or some important information getting ignored. The agent is pausing at appropriate places. Scoring Model 1.

When the agent sounds rushed throughout the call, is not pausing at appropriate places and is being asked to repeat quite often.


When the agent pauses between the sentences, however the speed of phrases/words spoken is still high. [does not follow the correct punctuation pattern]


Although the opening/closing is fast, however the agent makes a conscious effort to slow down.


The agent speaks in a reasonably controlled ‘Rate of Speech’ however, continues to pace up at places.


The agent speaks at just the right pace and is easily understood.

Word Stress: What: The emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or in a phrase: How: Correct syllable stress would lead to correct pronunciation and accent. The syllable in a word which is stressed is said loudly and clearly which invariably brings out the inflexion in the tone (speech patterns). The key words in a particular sentence can be stressed upon to emphasize the importance of the information asked/given. (e.g.: abbreviation, name, noun, verb etc.) Scoring Model:

1. stressed.

When speech pattern is absolutely choppy or monotone and no word has been


The speech pattern may be in a flow; however, no word is stressed.


When couples of words are stressed, however, the speech pattern is a bit monotone.

4. emphasized. 5.

When the stress patterns are in place and most of the important words are

When the entire speech pattern and stress pattern are in place.

Energy & Enthusiasm

What: Demonstrating a lively interest in the conversation How: When the Voice Modulations and audibility are in place and the conversation is pleasant and full of life Scoring Model: 1. When the agent is extremely monotonous and displays a conscious unwillingness to even speak. 2. When the agent is either too enthusiastic or too soft spoken. 3. Inconsistent Energy levels [displays enthusiasm or lack of it in components thru the call] . 4. When the agent is energetic almost throughout the call 5. When the agent maintains the perfect balance throughout the call

Fillers / Foghorns: What: Repetition of words and prepositions as well as thinking aloud ( eg: aha…..uhu….aah) and unwanted bodily sounds are called fillers and foghorns. How : The thought process is very choppy, lacking in smooth delivery of sentences. Overuse of words such as “like”, “means”, “you know” during the conversation would qualify as a filler. Scoring Model: 1.

Extremely choppy speech with the combination of fillers and foghorns.


Though the agent was fluent, the fillers and foghorns were present.


Presence of either fillers or foghorns.


The speech was very smooth with one or two instances of fillers / foghorns.


Pretty smooth speech pattern with no filers or foghorns.

Grammar and Phrasing: What : The study of the classes of words, their infections, and their functions and relations in the sentence. To express the thought using appropriate words is called phrasing. . How : Correct or appropriate usage of tenses, articles, genders, and singular and plurals and using right kind of sentence structure. Scoring Model: 1.Incorrect sentence formation as well as completely incorrect grammar throughout the call. [Mistakes with subject verb agreement, Articles, verb tenses, prepositions] 2.More than Five instances of incorrect sentence formation and usage of incorrect grammar. 3. Correct use of tenses coupled with incorrect sentence formation [Phrasing & Indianisms]. 4.Correct usage of grammar as well as correct sentence formation with minor errors. 5.When the agent has good command over the language and makes no grammatical mistakes.

Customer Service: Call Opening What: Greeting, introduction and information required at the beginning of the call. . How: The agent should be enthusiastic and upbeat on tone, should not sound monotonous and should stress at appropriate places. Scoring Model: 1. 1.When the agent is extremely monotonous and wearisome or rushed. The general tone doesn’t sound very welcoming or warm. 2. The tone of the voice is still monotonous and choppy, however meets all the call opening parameters [usage of verbatim] 3. 3.Does have the enthusiasm, however rushes through the call opening. 4.Balances the rate of speech as well as the enthusiasm required, but does not greet the Customer. 4. Meets all the parameters for the good opening of the call [Enthusiasm,audibility,verbatim & Greeting]

Refers to the Member by Mr./Ms. Last Name What: Refers to the Member by Mr. /Ms. [Last Name] unless the Member specifically asks to be called by their first name. Scoring Model: 1.

Does not address the member by Mr. /Ms. Last Name at all or uses member’s First Name (when member does not specifically ask to do so) or uses the Title with the First name throughout the call, continuously refers to the customer with the wrong Title.[Mr. as Ms. Or Vice versa]


Mispronounces the caller’s last name repeatedly


Keeps switching between Mr./Ms. Last Name and Sir/Madam.

4. 5.

Addresses caller by Mr./Ms. Last Name, however, he could have used the name more often. Properly addresses the caller using Mr./Ms. Last Name throughout the call

Active Listening and Responded Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Responses. Active listening is and intent ‘Listening for Meaning’ in which the listener checks with the speaker to see that a statement has been correctly heard and understood. The goal of Active Listening is to improve mutual understanding. Active Listening also includes Listening as well as responding correctly and appropriately within the required time span. HOW: When the agent gets the information in one go and paraphrases correctly as well as responds to the customer in a timely manner. Scoring Model: 1. When the agent completely misses the relevant information and asks the customer to repeat again and again in spite of clarity over the phone connection and the caller is speaking clearly. 2. When there are more than three instances where the customer had to repeat the information. 3.

Though the agent listens actively however does not respond timely throughout the call.

4. The agent actively listens to the customer and understands the issue however responses are sometimes delayed. 6. Actively listened to the customer and responded using verbal and non- verbal responses throughout the call.

Restating / Paraphrasing What: A paraphrase is a statement or remark explained in other words or another way so to simplify or clarify its meaning. It can be used as a replacement for a direct quotation. How: a) If there is adequate information provided by the member about the issue he/she is facing: then the agent should gather key points and restate in his/her own words. b) If the member has not given adequate information, then the agent should actively probe and gather sufficient information for his/her final paraphrasing statement. e.g. m: I am not able to connect to the internet. a: Since, when are you not able to connect? m: 3 days. a: Is there any specific error message that you are getting? m: So what I understand is that you have not been able to connect for the past three days and you are getting error 691. SCORING MODEL: 1. 2. 3. 4.


No Restatement. Restatement is completely skipped. When the agent understands the issue and mentions it in the subsequent conversation, however, there is no direct restatement. When the issue is parroted (direct repetition of the member’s statement). When the agent gathers adequate information and his final paraphrasing statement includes all key points stated by the customer. However the agent sounds slightly scripted. The agent paraphrases perfectly and does not sound scripted.

Probing / questioning Techniques: What: Probing is a technique employed to encourage the member to give more detailed answers to questions which would assist in getting to the root cause of the issue. How: When questions are phrased in such a manner that they lead to specific/detailed answers which would help the agent to troubleshoot in a better manner. Scoring Model: 1.

When relevant probing is not done and because of incorrect assumptions of the agent and it leads to no resolution.


Though the probing is done, but either because of misinterpretation of answers or not asking relevant questions in time leads to a delay in resolution.


Though the agent has asked the correct questions, however the questions were not phrased correctly.


Has asked relevant probing questions, however, the delivery is not smooth or could be better.


Relevant probing questions delivered in a concise and smooth manner.

No Interruptions while the customer spoke: What When the agent cuts short a member’s conversation by: 1. Actively interrupting the conversation and begins to speak. 2. Speaks at the same time that the member is speaking and does not stop. Scoring Model:


When the agent bluntly interrupts and shows complete disregard for the customer.

3. When the agent interrupts /speaks at the same time on multiple occasions. (more than 3)


When he interrupts only once and that too with an apology.

4. When there is no interruption. Interruption if any is immediately corrected (agent offers an apology) and the agent proactively asks the customer to complete what they have to say. 5.

No interruption at all.

Empathize/ Apologize- Fatal error

What: Empathy is commonly defined as one's ability to recognize, perceive and experientially feel the emotion of another. Empathy is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or experiencing the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself, a sort of emotional resonance. APOLOGY usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of fault. How One must not confuse empathy with sympathy. Sympathy is the feeling of compassion for another, the wish to see them better or happier, often described as "feeling sorry" for someone. Sympathy is, "I'm sorry for your pain." Empathy is, "I understand how you feel." Scoring Model 1. When the situation is such that the agent should apologize/ empathize but he skips it completely- giving the impression that it does not matter at all to him/her what situation the customer is in. 2. When the agent tries to apologize/ empathize however fails in doing so because of his choice of words. 3.

When the agent apologizes/ shows empathy but sounds really scripted.

4. When the agent apologizes/ empathizes as per the situation however delivery could be smoother. 6. Apologizes/ empathizes and connects with the member’s emotional state.

Rapport Building What: We use the word rapport to represent "an especially harmonious connection between people." At the heart of rapport is trust. Without basic trust there is no rapport and without rapport the interaction is less effective. How:

Rapport Building begins with personalizing the call by addressing them properly by their names. To give respect to the member’s we use Mr./Ms. Last Name unless the caller specifically asks us to use their First Name. Its also includes greeting the member and making him feel welcomed. Displays courtesy. Agent initiates small talk, helps to build customer delight. Agent educates the member, shows a caring attitude and promises what he can deliver, sets the right expectations for the member. Takes ownership of the call/situation, does not leave the member mid way, makes sure that he gives them viable options. Scoring Model: 1.

When the agent displays complete indifference to the customer, either through his tone, words or his attitude.


When the agent tries to build rapport however, lost patience with the member which was reflected in his tone.


Attempts to build rapport however, could have used process pauses to initiate small talk/educate the member.


Good Rapport Building but at times inconsistent.[Power Words,Greeting]


Smooth call with excellent rapport between the agent and the member.

Reassures the Customer:

What: To provide assurance to restore confidence. How : Assurance is need based and is offered when ever the member is in a complaining mode and sounds unhappy. He may have had to go though an unwanted negative experience due to any reason and needs to be assured by suitable choice of positive words. The important thing to be kept in mind is that while assuring the agent must not set high expectation for the member. He should not end up making a promise of something that cannot be delivered. Scoring Model: 1. When the agent does not offer any assurance. Sounds very indifferent to the member’s situation and skips assurance. 2. When the agent attempts to assure but is essentially promising something that cannot be delivered. 3. Assurance is need based- the agent assures on one occasion but misses out on another occasion. 4.

Assurance is offered whenever required however, delivery could be smoother.


Assures the member with the right choice of words as and when needed.

Dead Air Handling What: A period of uncomfortable silence. How : There should be no uncomfortable silence during the call. No periods of un-acknowledged silence. SCORING MODEL 1.

There are long periods of silence during the call. The agent is silent for checking records or for running line test. Excessive dead air which frustrates the Member, who may even hang up. There are instances of “Hello are you there” on the call.


There are multiple instances of silence on the call (more than 3), and the agent does not keep the member informed.


One or two instances of dead-air where the agent kept the member informed.


Limits instances of dead-air.


No unnecessary hold time and no dead air. All possible instances of dead air are filled with education for the Member or conversations to build rapport.

Hold Procedure What: Follows proper Hold-mute procedures. How: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Asks the member for permission to place on hold. Gives reason and time duration. Places the customer on Hold, not on Mute. Comes back within 2 minutes. Thanks the customer for being on Hold. In case longer Hold time is required, then refreshes the member and Thanks the member for his/her patience. g) Limits Hold Instance to <= 2. Scoring Model: 1.

Excessive hold which frustrates the Member, who may even hang up.


More than 2 instances of Hold.


Agent misses on any one of the Hold procedures.


Limits hold. Agent requests the Member's permission to be placed on hold and the time they will be holding. Agent returns within the quoted timeframe and thanks the Member for holding. If the research or transfer is not completed within the quoted time period, agent returns to the Member and gain their permission to continue to hold.


No unnecessary hold time. If hold is necessary, The agent asks for the Member's permission and informs them of the reason and the duration for the Hold.

Transfer / Escalation Procedure Followed What: Agent follows Transfer and Escalation procedures while transferring a call. How: a) b) c) d)

Informs member about escalation/transfer. Transfers to the correct department Informs the other agent about member’s issue/concern Confirms that the member has reached the correct department and introduces the member and the agent. e) Exits the call after Thanking the member. Scoring Model: 1.

Does not inform member about the transfer or if there is a long Hold-time during the transfer, the agent does not refresh the customer which might result in a hang-up.


Agent misses on one of the transfer procedures


Transfers correctly but after a delay. i.e. there is some dead-air before the transfer.


Misses on any minor step in the transfer procedure, for example, does not introduce the agent to the member.


Transfer / Escalates by following all the procedures.

Call Closing How: Agent properly exits the call (does not rush through) after asking the member if the issue has been resolved to member’s satisfaction. Agent Thanks the member. Scoring Model: 1. 2.

There is no closing done. Skips the closing script and the TACR!FT script entirely . The closing statements are made however agent sounds scripted and rushes through, just to complete the formality.


Follows correct closing procedures, however the voice lacks enthusiasm.


Follows all closing procedures; however the delivery could have been smoother.


Follows correct closing script, sounds enthusiastic, which leaves a positive impression on the customer.

The ‘5’-point scale is divided into 3 categories: Below Expectation ‘1’ = completed none of the required functions ‘2’ = completed less than 50% of the required functions Average Performance ‘3’ = completed less than 75% of the required functions. Met Expectations ‘4’ = performed all major required functions. Exceeded Expectations ‘5’ = Exceeded all major required functions.


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