
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 940
  • Pages: 10
1. # include <stdio.h> main() { const int i = 100; int *p = &i; *p = 200; printf("%d\n",i); } 2. #define prn(a) printf("%d",a) #define print(a,b,c) prn(a), prn(b), prn(c) #define max(a,b) (a
case 1: while (( c = input[++i]) != '\1' && c!= '\0'); case 9: putchar('S'); case 'E': case 'L': continue; default: putchar(c);continue; } putchar(' ');

} putchar('\n'); }*/

/*6. # include <string.h> main() { int i=0; char *cat = "software\0contest"; while (strlen(*cat++)) { i++; printf("%d\n",i); } } 7. main() { enum tag{low='a',high='b',med='c'}; char try=low; printf("\nthe size of the variable=%d",sizeof(tag)); switch(try) { case 'a':printf("\nyou must print a"); case 'b':printf("\nyou must print b"); case 'c':printf("\nyou must print c"); } } 8. #include <string.h> main(){ char p[]="MalayalaM"; char t; int i,j; for(i=0,j=strlen(p);i<j;i++){ t=p[i]; p[i]=p[j-i]; p[j-i]=t; } printf("%s",p)� } �9. main() { # define MyDef 1 printf(&MyDef["a%sing"],&(MyDef-1)["Twist"]+'i'-0x69); } 10.

Fo� a� inpu� o� REC VERSION SWCONT $ writ� th� output.*/ /*void main() { myfunc(); } myfunc() { char a[80]; scanf("%s",a); if (!strchr(a,'$')) myfunc(); printf("%s",a); } 11.*/ /*main() { int a,b; a=0010; b=0100; a-=(b=(a+=b)-b); printf("a=%d b=%d",a,b); }*/ /*12. main() { struct xyz { int xyz;}; struct xyz xyz; xyz.xyz=10; printf("%d",xyz.xyz); } The output of the above code is a. b. c. d.

will not compile 10 100 none of the above

13. static int i=5; void main(void) �{ int sum=0; do { sum+=(1/i); }while (0 < i--); }

14. # include main() { char *x="This is a"; char y[]= "sitter"; char *z; z=(char *)malloc(sizeof(x)+sizeof(y)=1); strcpy(z,y); strcat(z,y); printf("%s+%s=%s",y,x,z); } 15. # define scanf "%s version software contest" main() { printf(scanf,scanf); } 16. #include <stdio.h> main() { int a=0,b=1; printf("%d",!(a ^= !( a ~= ( b >> 4 >> 4 << 2 ) ) ) ); } 17. MAIn() { int m=10; switch(m) { case 2+10/2*6-10-2 : printf("how are you"); case 2-10+6*5-2 : printf("i am here"); default:printf("i am not here"); } } 18. main() { char quote[]="all the best"; char *ptr1 = quote,*ptr2 = quote + sizeof(quote)-1; int i; for(i=0;ptr1!=ptr2;i++) { --ptr2; � printf("%c",*ptr1); printf("%c",*ptr2); ++ptr1; } printf("\n%d",i); }

19. # define PRINTX printf("%d\n",x) main() { int x=2,y,z; x*=3+2;PRINTX; x*=y=z=4;PRINTX; x=y==z;PRINTX; x==(y=z);PRINTX; } 20. main() { char c=65; switch(c) { case 65 : switch(c++) { case 65 :putchar('A'); break; case 66 :putchar('B'); break; } case 'B' : putchar('A'); break; } } .pa �21. main() { int i=1; clrscr(); switch(i) { do { case 1:printf("\nhello"); case 0:printf("hai"); }while (i--); } } 22. #include class questionclass { protected : int howru; public : void askquestion(int value) { howru = value; }

virtual void tellmehowur()=0; }; class answerclass : public questionclass { private : int iamfine; public : answerclass(int value) { iamfine = value; } void tellmehowur() { howru = iamfine; cout<<"The answer is "< class constclass { const int iremainthesame; public : constclass(int value) { iremainthesame= value; } void showvalue() { cout<<"The value of the variable is "<
24. #include class pvtdestructor { int canidestroythis; ~pvtdestructor() { canidestroythis = 0; cout<<"it works!!"<<endl; } public : pvtdestructor() { canidestroythis = 23; cout<<"in the constructor"<<endl; } }; main() { pvtdestructor object; } .pa �25. #include class base { protected : void function(double arg) { cout<<"The real value is "<<arg<<endl; } }; class derived : public base { public : void function(int arg) { cout<<"The integer value is "<<arg<<endl; } }; what would be the output in each of the following cases : (i) main() { derived dobject; float arg = 2.009; dobject.function(arg); } (ii) main() { derived dobj; base& bref = dobj;


float arg = 2.009; bref.function(arg);

26. #include class operclass { int i,j; public : operclass() { i = 21; j = 23; } void operator ++() { i++; j++; } }; main() { operclass obj; obj++; } �27. #include main() { int integer1 = 23, integer2 = 21; int &reftointeger; reftointeger = integer1; cout<<"the referred integer holds the value of "<
28. #include class shape { public : static float area ; virtual static void display_area() { cout<<"The area of the shape is "<<area; } }; class square : public shape { private : int side; public : square(int s) {


side = s; area = s*s ;

void display_area() { cout<<"The area of the square is "<<area; } }; main() { square sq(1); sq.display_area(); } .pa �29. #include class storageclass { static int si; const int ci; public : storageclass():ci(0) { } void constfun() const { ci++; si++; show(); } void show() const { cout<<"static int is "<<si<<endl; cout<<"const int is"< class staticlass { int data; public : staticlass() { data = 23;

} void show() { cout<<"the data value is "<

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