Uw Guide

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 49
Universe Wars Guide By Untamed Version 1.0 (November 23, 2006)

General Overview This guide will explain the details of Universe Wars. It will take you from beginner through intermediate level of the game. Only you can make yourself an expert in this game. This document will explain some of the strategies in the game, but it will be up to you to figure out what strategy works for you. So what is Universe Wars? It is an online war based text game. Your goal is to build your Empire stronger then anyone else in the game. You may think stronger = more military, but you will find that your worth is made up of everything that you do in the game. Just like most games, you will find yourself building up very slowly at first and then whamo your worth will go up very quickly.

Getting Started Once you have successfully logged into the game, you will be taken to the Game Announcement page. This information will explain the current changes/problems or up incoming changes to the game. After you have logged in with your temporary password, I would recommend that you change your password by clicking on Account Settings which is located on the left hand side of the page.

Game Announcements/Password Change


Password Changes Enter your current password and your new password and click the Change Password button.

You will then see a message stating that your password has changed and that you will need to log back into the game with the new password.

Understanding Ages There are 3 ages to the game. You begin in the Discovery Age and then you will advance to the Modern Age and then finally the Advanced Age. One of your goals in the game is to make it to the Advanced Age. At each age you will get additional bonuses.


Layout Once you are successfully logged into the game, you will be taken to the My Empire tab of the game. Let’s take a closer look at this page so we can understand a few areas before we dive into the game.

Ticks The most important part to learn at the start is, what is a tick? A Tick in the game is like a turn in a board game. Right now every tick happens every 15 minutes. Later I will explain how you can get a tick every 10 minutes instead of every 15 minutes. As you do things in the game it will take X amount of ticks. On the top right hand corner of the screen it will display your Next Tick:. You should always keep on eye on when the next tick will happen.

Within the game you will notice 2 types of ticks. If you see a check box that is full with gray, then that means it is a completed tick. If it is an empty box then that tells you that tick is not completed yet. In the example below, 2 of the 5 ticks are completed.


Worth/Rank/Universe, Galaxy, Planet Next you will notice in the top left hand corner of the screen your Commander Name and then a number below. So what does [36:3] mean? The game is broken up into 3 areas (Universe, Galaxy, Planet). When you signed up for the game, you were automatically assigned your galaxy/planet. Starting at your planet level, there are 20 other empires (players). Within a galaxy there are 20 planets. So the [36:3] tells me that I am in galaxy 36 and I am on planet 3. So what is a universe? A universe is all galaxies (all players) as a whole. You will then notice the Worth. Worth is made up of everything you do in the game. People may think that worth is how much army you have or how much gold you have, but the truth is worth is made up of everything that you do in the game. Next you will see the Rank. The rank is based on your Worth as your Worth increases you will notice that your Rank will begin to go up in the game. The Rank is based off your ranking in the universe (not galaxy, planet). You will see a green up arrow or a gray flat line or a red down arrow next to your Rank. If you are moving up in the ranks, then you will notice a green arrow pointing up. If you notice a gray flat line then that tells you that you stayed the same rank since the last tick. If you see a red down arrow, that means you have dropped within the ranking system. The Worth, Rank is updated every tick.

Advancing Ages At the top of My Empire page it will tell you what age you are currently in and how you need to get to the next age. In the Discovery Age you will need to build a University and have 2,000 knowledge points. We will explain later on how to build a University and how you can get knowledge points. Once you have the requirements to advance to the next age, click the >>> next to the 2,000 and the picture of a light bulb.

Resources To the left hand side of the My Empire page you will notice the Resources section. Globe Picture – This is your land usage. This number is your free land and the second number is the total amount of land you currently have. Workers Picture – The next resource is your free workers. The first number is the amount workers that are currently not doing anything. The next number is your total amount of workers. In this example it tells me that you only 4 people working because you have 10 total workers and 6 of them are not assigned to a task.


Corn Picture – The corn picture is the amount of food that you have. You will be using food to feed your citizens and you will also be using it to convert citizens into workers. Wood Picture – The wood resource allows you to construct buildings. Gold Picture – The gold resource allows you to construct buildings and to build your army. Iron Picture – The iron resource allows you to construct buildings. Oil Picture – The next picture is the oil resource. You will be using this to build your tanks/planes. Light Bulb Picture – This is your learning resource. When I speak about learning points or knowledge points, they both mean the same thing. To advance to the Modern Age, you will need 2,000 of these points.

Workers Workers allow you to produce resources. In the workers section you will notice [change] option. This will allow you to change what your workings are actually producing. You will notice on the example below that there are of 10 workers of 50. In the discovery age you can ONLY have 50 workers. Modern Age you can have 200 workers and the Advanced Age you can have 500 workers. You will also notice the Currently Working statistic. On the example below I only have 4 people working out of my 10 available workers. So my 6 people that are not working are currently sitting around twiddling their thumbs. Let’s assign a few more inactive workers to a task. Click on [change].

You will see entry fields were you can change the amount of workers for a specific resource. First you can NOT put more workers on then you have free. Currently I have 6 free workers. So if I wanted more workers on mining, then I could add or change the mining field. If you would like you can take everyone off a specific resource (just change the field to 0) and put them on another resource. But there is one catch! You have to have enough converted deposits to be able to assign your workers. So how do you know how many converted deposits you have? To the right of the field were you enter the number of workers you will see a / and then a number. On the example below I can only have a maximum of 2 workers for gold mining.


For now I want to put at least 2 people on gold mining, so I change the mining (gold) field to a 2 and I click the Update button.

Once updated you will get a message stating Worker usage has been updated. You will also notice the usage bar will be changed.

Financial/Deposits First let’s explain the Financial section. This tells me the amount of resources you will receive per tick. On this example below it tells me I will receive 2 gold per tick. Please note, even if you are logged off, your workers will still be producing resources. If you change your workers, you will notice the Financial section will be updated. Once a tick happens you will notice within 1 minute that your resources will be increased. The deposits section shows how many deposits you can convert. Once converted you can assign workers to that specific area. We will be discussing how to convert deposits into active resources soon. For now, just understand that to get more active resources you need deposits. On the example below it shows 8 for the Farming Land deposits. With looking at the workers screen from above, you will notice that I can only have 1 person on farming. So potentially I could convert the other 7 into active resources. The following is a list of how much 1 worker will receive per tick. Please note this does not take in account for bonuses. Bonuses will be explained later in this document. 1 worker on Food = 10 per tick 1 worker on Wood = 2 per tick 1 Worker on Gold = 2 per tick 1 worker on Iron = 2 per tick 1 worker on Oil = 5 per tick (you will not be able find oil while exploring until you research Seismic Surveying) 2 workers on Learning = 1 per tick (you will not be able to put workers on this resource until you build a school) 6

Converting Deposits To convert a deposit, you must Construct the deposit. To get to the construction page you can click on the picture of bruce (looks like a worker),

Or by clicking the Construct button towards the top of the Universe Wars page.

At the top of the page, you will see how much free land you have. Currently I have 13 blocks of undeveloped land. Remember you can not build unless you have free land. You will notice an area were you can enter how many buildings you would like to construct. When finished, click on the Submit Order button. Please note each building costs resources. Remember the following pictures. Globe Picture - How much land will be used if you purchase this building. Gold Picture – How much gold you will spend to purchase this building. Wood Picture – How much wood you will spend to purchase this building. Iron Picture – How much iron you will use when purchasing this building. Clock Picture – This is how many ticks it will take to produce this building.


Please note if you do not have enough resources the system will tell you when you click the Submit Order button.

Once the order has been submitted you will see the following screen. You can click the [back] button to go back to the construction screen or you can click on the My Empire tab at the top of the screen to view your order status.

On the My Empire screen, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. At the bottom of the page you will find a few tabs and one will be labeled Building. This will show you your current status of constructing the building. In this case I have 4 ticks until the Farm will be completed. Also notice that there is an [X] to the right hand side? If you click on this, it will demolish what it has already built and return your resources that you spent. When construction is finished you will receive News item stating that it is completed.

**When converting a gold mine, you will be able to put 2 workers on a mine for every 1 mine.


Demolishing Buildings Once you have constructed a building, you could potentially demolish the building. Click on the Construct screen and click on the Demolish link.

Enter the number of buildings you would like to demolish and click on the Submit Order. On the example below I will be demolishing 1 House. Please note it costs you Gold to demolish buildings.

Anytime you Cancel or Demolish in the game, you will always get a box that asks Are you sure you want to? Click OK to proceed or Cancel.


You receive the following screen when your order has been submitted.

On the My Empire page you will notice at the bottom when you click on the Demolishing tab that it takes 1 tick to demolish a building. Please note, once the Demolishing begins you can not cancel it.

Land/Exploring On the My Empire page you will see your land usage.

So how do you get more land? You Explore. When you Explore you are looking for Deposits and free land. So how do you Explore? You click on Stuart the great which the picture looks like an explorer looking at the world.

Or by clicking on the tab Explore.


Please note it will cost you 1 gold per person that you send out to Explore. It will also take 6 ticks to finish the exploration. Enter how many explorers you would like to send and click the Explore button.

You will then see a screen that shows that your workers are currently out exploring. Click My Empire tab at the top of the screen to be taken back to the main page.

If you scroll to the bottom of the My Empire page and if you click the Exploring tab you will see how many workers are exploring and the progress of the exploration. You can click the [X] to cancel the explorers if you would like.

Progress Complete/News When your Constructing or building a Military or Exploring or Researching or Demolishing or when Attacks are finished you will receive a News item. At the top of the page, you will notice the News link. Click on the News to see which items are completed.


In the News Room you will see all the items that have been completed. On the example below, you will notice my 1 farm land and my exploring are finished. Also make a note that in the exploration that we found 13 pieces of clear land and 1 gold deposit. Now that I found the extra gold deposit, I can convert it. The deposits are random. There will be times that you will be wondering if a certain resource can even be found. All I can say is keep trying and you will find the resource in time. Also there is no way to receive multiple resources. Also there are a lot of times that you will just find clear land. Don’t worry, just keep exploring.

Civil Area Back on the My Empire page, scroll down to the Civil area. First you will notice the Max Population. To increase this number you need to build Houses in the Construct page. The Population is total population that you currently have. The Population Free is amount of citizens you have. For every worker/citizen it takes 1 food per tick to support them. You will notice consumed/tick which is the amount of food you will be using per tick . On the example below it shows you are feeding 13 workers/citizens. The surplus field is the difference between how much food you are producing and how many citizens/workers you currently have. On the example below, I am at a -3 surplus, which means the food will be taken from my silos. You can Construct more silos so you can have more food storage. On the example below, you have room for 100 food in your silos. If you had a +10 surplus per tick then in 10 ticks your silo would be full. The Silo Usage bar is currently not working correctly and you should look at your resources on the left hand side of the My Empire page to determine your current resources. If it is lower then your silo capacity, then you are fine. The Power usage area will be explained later in the documentation. You will not see this information until you research electricity.


Military Section The Military area on the My Empire page will show you a quick snapshot of your military sizes and capacity. When I get to building the Military, I will explain this section in detail.

Training Workers When you have citizens in the Population Free, you then can convert them into workers. To get Population Free you need 3 areas. 1). Make sure your Population does not equal Max Population. If these 2 numbers are the same, then you would need to build more houses. 2). You need to have enough food to support this new population. A good rule is if you have a negative surplus, then you should put more people on farming to produce more food per tick. 3). If you have researched Electricity then you will see a Power Usage by on the My Empire screen. You need to have your Power Usage less then 100%. To get your Power Usage below 100% you need to build power plants in the Construct page. Once the power plants are up and running, wait one tick and if your power is still at 100% then you need to build more power plants. To convert your citizens into workers, click on Train more workers. This is located below the Workers section.

You will now see a box to enter how many citizens you want to convert into workers. Please note it costs 25 in food to convert 1 worker. When you are finished, click on the Train button.

To see the status of the conversion, click on My Empire and scroll down until you see the Workers section. You may cancel the training by clicking on the X.


Learning To earn Knowledge points, you need to put workers on Learning. It takes 2 workers for 1 knowledge point. Please note the system rounds down. This means 15 workers on Learning means you will get 7 Knowledge points. If you put 14 workers on Learning, you will get 7 Knowledge points. This means, do not put on odd number of workers on Learning or you will be wasting workers. Once you build a School you can put the 14 workers on Learning. You will now notice that you can put workers on learning in your Workers section.

Research Once you have built a School you will be able to put workers on Learning. If you click on the Research tab at the top of the page

Or by clicking on by clicking on Dr. Bartholomew on the My Empire page (he looks like a mad scientist), you can get to the Research page. The only resource spent on this page is Knowledge points. Once you have built a School, you will notice a few items that you could research if you like. To research an item, click on the Research button. Please note, even if you have enough Knowledge points, you can only Research one item at a time. As you Research items it will open up new Researches, Buildings, or Military.


On the bottom of the My Empire page you can click on the Research tab and see the progress of your Research. You can click on the [X] to cancel your Research.

Research List (pulled from Research sticky on forums) Armed Forces- allows you to begin the building of army storage units which in turn allows you to begin building an army Armoured Vehicles- allows you to build a machine factory which means you can build tanks Flight- allows you to build an airfield which then allows you to build planes and helicopters Defensive Capabilities- allows you to build defensive structures to protect yourself Electricity- allows you to build a coal power plant which means you can make power and your empire can grow Warfare- allows you to build a command center which is required to attack other empires Diplomacy- allows you to research trade Trade- allows you to build a market and begin trading for goods Higher Education- allows you to build a university Scientific Methods- allows you to build a research facility which increases the cap for learners Core Sampling- nothing as of yet but may increase worth Seismic Surveying- allows you to find oil reserves while exploring Specialist Forces- allows you to build a training facility so that you can train more advanced ground forces (commando, grenadier, sniper) Solar Energy- allows you to build solar power plants which are more effective that coal Fusion- allows you to build fusion power plants Space Travel- allows you to build a space center required for trade outside planet Wind Power- allows you to build wind power plant Advanced Weaponry- allows you to build military academy leading to rocketeer, flamethrower, and special ops and build an advanced weapons facility (juggernaut, AA tank, tesla tank, fighter bomber, stealth bomber, fusion bomber) other building may be required before you can build these but this must be researched in order to create these building possibilities Light Amplification- allows you to build crystal power plants and make lasers so that you can train laser troopers and build laser tanks Deep Space Exploration- allows you to build a space station (to move outside or your galaxy for attacks and build mother ships) and a space dock (trade outside galaxy) Plowing Techniques- increases farming output


Crop Rotation- allows you to build processing plants which increase your food output, maximum output is +200% which comes from 2 processing plants for every one farm Agricultural Machinery- increases farming output Hand Saw- increases wood output Chain Saw- increases wood output Laser Cutting- allows you to build mills which then increase wood production, maximum is 200% which comes from 2 mills for every 1 lumber yard Shaft Mining- increases mining output Open Cut Mining- increases mining output Borehole Mining- allows you to build refinery's which increase gold output and iron output, maximum is +200% which comes from 2 refinery's for every 1 gold mine max for iron is 200% which comes from 1 refinery for every one iron mine, and they do share example: you have 10 gold mines 20 refinerys and 20 workers--your output would be 60 including the other mining researches which are required relative to 20 output with no refinery's

Construction List (pulled from the forums) FARMS: You can get those in any age by exploring. Assign workers to them to get more food!! Without food your citizens die!!! Without citizens you can’ get more workers or military!! Ok we are getting off subject so read the stickies for all that other stuff. GOLD MINE: You can get them in any age by exploring. Assign workers to them to get more gold!! You can build buildings and military people (or tanks or planes) with gold. LUMBER YARDS You can get them in any age by exploring. Assign workers to them to get more wood!! Wood is used for building stuff. IRON MINES You can get them in any age by exploring. Assign workers to them to get more iron!! Iron is used for building stuff. OIL WELLS You can get them in any age by exploring. Assign workers to them to get more oil! Oil is used for building tanks and planes Remember! You can't get any if you did not research SEISMIC SURVEYING.


SILOS You can get them in any age. They are used to store food. Example: 1 silo= + 100 food storage If you only have 1 silo, you can only store 100 food. These things are the cheapest in the game. HOUSES You can get them in any age. The more you have, the more citizens you have! Remember you will only get citizens by getting your power usage below 100%. COAL AND GAS POWER PLANTS You can get them any age. These will be used to get your power down! Later you will get better power plants. BARRACKS You can get them in any age. You need them to be able to get military units. They are the first things that can get you to building your army. BUNKERS You can get them in any age. They are used as defense buildings. That means that if you are attacked, you get a little protection.Remember you can only have them if you researched DEFENSIVE CAPABILITIES. FLAK AND GUARD TOWERS You can get them in any age. Same as bunkers exept they are better. SCHOOL You can get it in any age. You can only get one. It is used to research! You can't research without it. Assign workers to them to get knowledge! Knowledge is needed to research things! MARKET You can get it in the discovery age age. You can only get one. It is used for trading with other players! Example: lets say you have 1,000,000 gold, and also have 2 food. You can trade 500,000 gold for 500,000 food! Of course you won't have all of that now, and you still need people to be interested, but it's a good way to make resources. UNIVERSITY You can get it in the discovery age. You can only get one. It is used for advancing to the next age and getting more things to research!!


COMMAND CENTRE You can get it in the discovery age. With it you can attack other players! Remember you can only build one if you reseached WARFARE. HANGARS You can only get them in the discovery age. You need them to get planes and jets and helicopters. They are basically stronger than units and tanks and need no food, instead they need oil, but we understand that. TANK STORAGE You can only get them in the discovery age. You need them to get tanks! Tanks are basicly stronger than units and need no food! Instead they need oil. Remember you can only get them if you researched ARMOURED VEHICLES. MILLS You can only get them in the modern age or higher. They are used to get more wood!! Remember it only works if you have less than 100% power usage. REFINERY You can only get them in the modern age or higher. They are used to get more iron and gold! Remember it only works if you have less than 100% power usage. FUSION AND SOLAR POWER PLANTS You can only get them in the modern age or higher. They are used to get your power usage down! They are better than coal and gas power plants ( but not cheaper). Remember you can only build them if you researched FUSION and SOLAR ENERGY. GUN AND TESLA TOWERS You can only get them in the modern age or higher. They are good defense for your empire. SIEGE AND MACHINE FACTORY You can only get them in the modern age or higher. They are used to get better tanks, units, and aircrafts and such. AIRFIELD You can only get it in the modern age or higher. It is used to get planes!! or helicopters!!! or bombers!!! Rememeber you can only built it if you researched FLIGHT. TRAINING FACILITY You can only get it in the modern age or higher. It is used to get better units!


SPACE CENTER AND LAUNCH PAD You can only get them in the modern age or higher. These are used to attack other people on different planets that are in your galaxy! Remember you can only build them if you researched SPACE TRAVEL. SPACE PORT You can only get it in the modern age or higher. It is used to trade with the entire galaxy! That means you get: - better chances of people trading with you - more choices! PROCESSING PLANTS You can only get them in the advanced age. They are used for getting more food!! WIND AND CRYSTAL POWER PLANTS You can only get them in the advanced age. They are the best power plants! Remember you can only build them if you researched WIND POWER and LIGHT AMPLIFICATION. ADS, PLASMA CANNONS, AND PDS You can only get them in the advanced age. They are the best defensive stuff! (Note: PDS are the most expensive things in the game) RESEARCH FACILITY You can only get it in the advanced age. It is used to get more workers working in the school or university. It also gives you more things to research. WEAPONS PLANT You can only get it in the advanced age. It is used to get more units to train. MILITARY ACADEMY You can only get it in the advanced age. It is used to get more units,tanks, and aircrafts to train. ADVANCED WEAPONS FACILITY You can only get it in the advanced age. It is used to get more units,tanks, and aircrafts. SPACE STATION You can only get it in the advanced age. It is used to attack anyone in the universe!! Remember you can only build it if you researched DEEP SPACE EXPLORATION.


SPACE PORT You can only get it in the advanced age. It is used to trade with anyone in the universe!! This will get you: -much better choices -more people will be interested in your trade!!

Trades Soon you will be at a level to trade resources with other users. There will be 3 different buildings you will have to construct (check out the tech tree on when you can build them) before you can see trades in the Universe. Market: Lets you see trades on your planet Space Port: Lets you see trades in your galaxy Space Dock: Lets you see all trades in the universe

So how do you trade resources? First you can not trade Knowledge and you can only trade Food, Gold, Wood, Iron, and Oil. So how do you setup a Trade? From any Universe Wars page, click on Trade tab at the top of the page.

Now to setup a trade, click Setup Trade.


Enter your trade information. The first box is how much of what resource do you want to trade. Next to that field is a drop down menu for the resource name. The information below For: is what resources do you want in return. On this example I am willing to give someone 100 Gold for 500 Food or (not AND), 500 Wood, or 500 Iron, or 100 Oil. So the person can give me any one of those 4 resources for my 100 in gold. When you are finished, click on the Setup Trade. Instantly your trade is up on the market. Please note, you must have the resource that your willing to trade in your Resource section. Also, when you click Setup Trade it will automatically remove the Resource that your offering from your Resource section of the My Empire page.

When you see the following message, that means your trade is currently up on the market.

If you click on the Trade button again you will notice your Trade is now up on the market. Anytime you have an open item on the market, you can Remove the trade by clicking on the Remove link.

When you are looking at the Open Trades, the resource on the far left is what you will be getting from the user. The resource on the right is what you will have to give to the user for that trade. It is easier to filter the Resources by clicking on the magnifying glass which is in the top left hand corner of the Open Trades screen. Click on the magnifying glass to display a drop down box.


Once you have clicked on the drop down box, select the resource that you want to only see and click the Search button. When the search is finished, you will see only that specific resource. If you want to see all Trades again, click on the Open Trades link.

If someone accepts your trade, click on Your Trades and you will see who is trading with you and how many ticks are left until you receive the trade. I takes 4 ticks to trade with someone.

When the trade is finished, you will receive a News item stating that the trade is now finished and you will see the resource requested in your Resources area. Please note that your trade can not be the same resource and you can not request more then 6 times the worth that you are trading. Also, any trades that are on the market for 24 hours will be removed from the market and the resources will be sent back to the person that setup the trade.

Military So you have researched armed forces, now it is time to send an attack to another Empire. First you need to build a Military and then you can attack. To build an army, click on General 5 Stars (He looks like a General)

or click on the Military tab at the top of the page.


At the top of the screen it will show your Force Size. This Force Size is your built Force Size. It does not take in account for the troops that you are currently building. You will also see how many free citizens that you can convert into Military.

If you would like to see an updated Unit Space (this takes in account for all military, plus the military you are currently building), click on My Empire and scroll to the bottom of the page and view the Military section. You will notice above, my Force Size is 28,409, but in my Military section of the My Empire page it shows 29,909. The reason for this is because I have Military that are currently being built. You can see a snap shot of how much Unit Space or Tank Space or Aircraft Space that you are currently using. If you run out of space, you will have to build either a Barrack to raise your Unit Space or Tank Storage to raise your Tank Space or Hangar to raise your Aircraft Space.

So how do you build an army? Go to the Military page and you will notice that there are 3 sections that you can build an army in. To build an army you need to have Population Free for the citizens and enough space in your Barrack or Tank Storage or Hangar and enough resources to produce your Military. Enter how many troops you would like to build and click either the Train or Build button for that specific section. You will notice 2 new pictures in the chart below. People Picture – This is how many citizens it will take to build 1 troop. Diamond Picture – This is located next to the people picture and it tells you how much space (Unit Space, Tank Space, Aircraft Space) that it will take.


You will then receive a message stating that your building of your troops has begun.

At the bottom of the My Empire page you can click on the Military tab to see the progress of your Military. You may click on the [X] to cancel the production of building your Military.


Attack So you are ready to attack. The easiest way to attack someone is by clicking on the Empire Name. Then click Attack!. Currently there is a 50% attack rule in place. This means you can NOT attack anyone 50% Worth or less then you.

Please note for my privacy, I have blocked out some of my troops types and the amount of troops I have. First you will see the troop Type on the left hand side. These are your available troops to attack the person. The next field is At Home which is the available troops you can send. The next field Send is the number you will enter on how many troops to send on this attack. On the far right hand side is the Attack Waves. If you click on this drop down menu, you will see 1-5. You will assign this number on what wave do you want to send the troops into attack. On this example I have Snipers going in on the last wave and I have the Mystery type going in on the first wave. If you do not assign a wave number to the Type it will send that Type in for every single wave. You can have more then 1 Type per wave. On this example I have 2 different military types going in on wave 3. When you are satisfied with the setup, click the Send Attack button.


You will then get a confirmation screen to make sure you really want to send in an attack on this player. Click the OK button on the question Are you sure you want to send this attack? You may Cancel the attack if you would like.

Then it will show you a screen on how many troops you are sending for this attack. It will take 7 ticks for the attack to finish.

If you click on the My Empire page and scroll to the bottom and click on the Attacks tab, you will see how many ticks are left in your attack. You can click the [X] link to cancel your attack. Please note, you can only have 5 different attacks going at the same time.

You may also Attack a player by clicking the Attack button on the Military page.


You will be taken to a page were you will need to enter the Empire ID. This screen will also show you how many attacks you have left. Remember you can only attack 5 people at one time. Currently it shows you have 4 attacks left. A Mothership is equal to 1 attack. Once the attack is finished, it will free up your Mothership. Enter the Empire ID and click on the Continue > button.

Attack Results So the attack has finished, now what? When the attack is finished, you will receive a News item displaying the results from your attack. Please note you will receive a News item if you are attacked or when you attack someone. Here is an example of a News item of an attack on another Empire.

Here is an example of a News item of an attack on your Empire.

To view more information about the battle, click on the View battle report link. Both(attack or defending) battle reports look the same. First you will notice an Overview of the battle. This page shows how many units you lost and how many you took from the other Empire. Click on the Military link to get the details on what units you lost or the units you destroyed.


This page will display the exact units lost in the battle. Click on the Buildings to display the Buildings you either destroyed or lost in the battle.

The Buildings link show any Buildings you either lost or you destroyed in the battle. If you successfully defend an attack, you will never lose any buildings. Click on the Resources link to display the Resources you gained or lost in this battle.

In the Resources page it will display any Resources you took from your attack or what the attacker took from you. If you defend successfully, you will never lose Resources. If you win the attack, you will see all the resources that you took from the battle.

Defense Tactics So how do you defend your Empire? You first build defense structures in the Construct page and you use your Home Military to defend your Empire. If your army is out attacking someone they will not defend your Empire while they are out attacking. As you have Attack Waves when attacking, you also have Defense Waves. 28

Click on the Military tab and it will take you to the Military page. Below the usage bar graphs, click on defense tactics?.

Just like Attack Waves, Defense Waves are exactly the same, except that you are going to be picking Military based off of what you think the attacker will be sending first, second or third, etc. Assign a military unit per wave by clicking on the drop down menu next to the wave number. When finished, click on Submit.

When you have updated your defense order, you will see the text change to a green color and it will display Defense order updated….. in the top left hand corner of the screen.


Alliances Alliances are new to the game. You can either create an Alliance or join an Alliance. To create an Alliance, click on the My Empire page and click Alliances towards the middle on the left hand side.

You will need 10,000 in Knowledge points to create an Alliance. To create an Alliance, enter the Alliance Name that you would like to create and a Password. Please note, the Alliance Name has to be between 3 to 9 characters long and you need to use letters A-Z. No symbols such as #*$@, etc. When you are satisfied with your information, click on the Create > button. Also, once you create an Alliance Name you can never change it!

After you have created an Alliance you can manage the alliance by clicking on the Alliance link and click Enter > under the Manage Alliance section.

As a manager of the Alliance you have control of who your enemies and allies are. First you can change the password by typing in a new password in the New Password field and click on the Change > button to update the password. 30

At the top you will notice a number being displayed. This number is your Alliance Rank. The next section will show you who your Alliances are and what the stance you have with that Alliance. In the Change column you will have a drop down menu with a few choices. Delete – This will Delete the stance against that Alliance. Neutral – By changing this to Neutral, that Alliance will not be your enemy or your Ally. War – If you have a War stance then you are defining them as your enemy. Ally – If you have an Ally stance then you are defining them as a friend. Click on the > to update your stance. You have the same Stances when you use the Add Alliance (except of course delete). Enter the Alliance name and use the drop down menu to change your Stance and click on the Add > button to add the Alliance information. In the Alliance Control Room you can remove a specific Empire from your Alliance.

Joining An Alliance So you do not want to create your own Alliance, but you want to join an Alliance. Usually you will need to contact the Alliance Leader and explain why you want to join their Alliance. You may also be required to be a certain Worth to join an Alliance. All Alliances are different, so send Mail to the Alliance Leader. For our Alliance DDay, we require that you are worth more then 30,000 and you have to send us a note why you want to join this alliance. Alliance Leaders will usually put a minimum Worth because it makes no sense to have an inactive player in your Alliance.


If they accept you into the Alliance the Alliance Leader will supply you with the password. So were do you enter this Password? Click on the Commander Name and then click on the Alliance name. On the example below, click on DDay.

On this page you will notice the Rank of the Alliance and the Worth of the Alliance. You will also see who they are at War with and who there Ally is and which Alliance they identified as Neutral. To join the Alliance, click on the Join this alliance link.

You will notice that after you click the link it opens up the Enter Password box for you to enter the Alliances password. Once entered, click on the >.


If the password is accepted, you will see the message You have successfully joined this alliance. In the top left hand corner.

Leaving an Alliance So you want to leave an Alliance? On the left hand side of the My Empire page, click on Alliances.

Now you will see You are currently in the xxxxxx alliance.. Underneath that sentence, you will notice a leave link. Click on this link to leave the Alliance.

You will notice that once you click on leave you will see the page change and a message will be displayed in the top left hand corner of the page. You will see in green, You have left the alliance.

Let the Building Begin At this stage of the document, you will want to keep exploring and working your way to build a School. Once you have enough resources, build the school. Now if your wondering, what about the other features like Galaxy or Game Forums, etc. let’s not worry about that yet. We will be covering that in a Miscellaneous section. What I would like you to do now is to look at the Discovery Age technology tree. This will show you what you will have to build/research to get your certain goal. Your goal may be to build up a military quickly or your goal may be to advance the ages quicker. This is a strategy game, so it is going to be up to you to make your own path. I personally do not understand the game 100% either. This is the reason why I have now in the last 2 days have gone from Rank 15 to about Rank 100. 33

Miscellaneous Information In this section I will go over all miscellaneous features within Universe Wars.

Plus Accounts So what is a Plus account? By donating $5 for 1 Month you will get many additional bonuses. Here are some of the bonuses that you will receive with a plus account. Features: • +30 days PLUS account status • 1 tick every 10 minutes • 15 tokens • No advertisements • Bookmark empires • Inbox space raised to 600 • Coloured forums name To sign up for a plus account, click on the Plus tab at the top of the page.

Tokens So what the heck are Tokens? Think of Tokens as free ticks. Click on [Earn] to earn Tokens by answering surveys or by signing up for products.

Once you have Tokens you can click the /Use option. Click the Simulate a Tick button to use your token.


Forums So what is the Game Forum option on the My Empire page? The forum allows you to post questions to other users and will allow you to read the Sticky posts. The Sticky posts are very useful information. My recommendation is that you start by reading the Sticky posts in the Newbie Board. There are 2 major forums on the board. 1). Newbie Board and 2). General Discussion. If you are considered a newbie, please only post in the Newbie Board. The General Discussion area is for strategy and non-newbie messages.

You will always find the Sticky posts at the top of the forums. To read a post, click on the title of the post.

When you are reading a post, you may reply to a user by typing in your response at the bottom of the post and click Preview Post.


Now to finalize your post, click Submit Post.

You will then receive the following message.

Special Note: There is no Search option in the forums, but you can use your browser to search 1 page of posts at a time. In Internet Explorer hold down the CTRL-F key and a search box will be displayed. Search for a specific subject. If you do not find the subject in question, then go to page 2 of the forums and repeat until you find the title that matches your subject. Usually within 2 pages you will find your answer.


Game Chat If would like to chat with fellow players, click on Game Chat. This will open a new browser window, which will allow you to see the current chat. To respond or ask a question, enter the information at the top and click the Say button.

Empire Search Empire search is a very useful tool to find a specific or a range of Empires.

You can search for an Empire by many different ways. Commander, Empire ID, Empire Name, Worth, and Rank. When you start attacking, you will find the Worth search is very useful. Once you select a search type, you will be prompted to enter the search criteria.


The system will then display your search results. On the example below I did a search for users worth 10,000 – 10,100. To get more information, click on the Empire name.

Account Settings Within the account settings you can change your password and notifications.

Game Rankings Within the Game Rankings area you can run listings based on your Galaxy or even by the Universe. This is a quick way to determine how well you are doing within the Universe or Galaxy. You can see the Highest Worth in the universe, Highest Worth in your galaxy, Most Land in the universe, Most Land in your galaxy, Highest Planet Worth in the universe, Highest Alliance Worth.


In the example below it shows the top worth in the Universe.

Logout When you are done with Universe Wars, it is recommended that you Logout. This prevents someone using your computer to play the game while you are not around.

Galaxy/Planet Information So do you want to see who else is in your Planet or your Galaxy? Click on the Galaxy tab at the top of the page.


Use the left and right arrow in the Galaxy Navigation to look at the previous or next planet within your Galaxy. If you want to jump to a specific Galaxy or Planet, you can type in this information and click on the Go button.

If you would like more details about a specific Empire, click on the Empire name and you will be taken to a user detail information page. On this page you will learn the following about the player. User Name/Empire Name – This is the user name and empire name for this specific user. Alliance – This area will tell you if the user is in an alliance or not. Check out the alliance section of this document for more information. ID – This is a unique number assigned to this player Age – For the first 5 days you will be under Newbie Protection. This means you can not attack anyone and other users can not attack you in this protection period. This normally shows you how long the user has been playing in days. Last Active – This is last time the user logged onto the game. On the My Empire page it will show you on the left hand side towards the bottom of the page, the current system time and date.

Empire Protection – When your Newbie Protection has ended you will then have Empire Protection. Empire Protection stops multiple users from attacking you over and over. Every time someone attacks you, your Empire Protection goes up by 10%. Every tick after you were attacked the Empire Protection will go down 2%. After 5 ticks your Empire Protection will go down to 0%. Worth/Land – This shows you the Worth and total Land for that specific user. You will also see a green up arrow if the user is moving up in their Worth. If you see a gray flat bar, then that means the user did not move in rank since the last tick. If you see a red down arrow, then that means that user has dropped in rank since the last tick.


Graph – The Graph link allows you to see the last 24 hours Worth for that specific user. Here is an example of a graph.

Send Mail – This allows you to send mail to the user. Attack – When you are able to attack, you will click this button to attack the user.

Planet Leader/Military Coordinator/Communications Staff/Ambassador When you click on a Planet, you will notice some pictures next to certain players names. First the Planet leader assigns who is the Military Coordinator, Communications Staff, Ambassador. He or she can pick anyone on the planet for these roles. Currently these roles mean nothing, so do not worry about them. So what can a Planet Leader do with his powers? He can assign a Planet Name for your planet. The Planet Leader also controls who his friends and enemies are. Please note it will display who the names of friends and enemies, but it does NOT stop you from attacking a friend. So how does someone become a Planet Leader. The Empires within the Planet vote to determine who they feel the Planet Leader should be. To place/change your vote for Planet Leader, click on the Galaxy tab at the top of the page.


First the Planet Leader will always be highlighted in bold and they will have a picture next to their name. On the example below, you see Planet 3. This is currently the Planet Name. To see a listing of friends and enemies, click on the Diplomacy link. Now to place or change your vote for Planet Leader, click on the Your Planet link.

Click on the drop down menu and click on the user that you would like to vote for as Planet Leader. When you are finished, click on the Submit button and it will place your vote. If there is a tie vote, and a person is already a Planet Leader the current Planet Leader will remain until there are more votes for someone else. Please note, it takes 1 tick to update the status of the Planet Leader. So how do you read this chart? On the left hand side will be the Empire Name and Commander name. The next column shows you who they voted for. The last column shows how many votes for a specific Commander. You will also notice an [L] next to the current Planet Leader.

Playing Now On the My Empire page on the left hand side towards the bottom of the page you will see how many players are currently online and playing the game right now.


If you click on the number below Playing Now you will get a listing of the active users. You can click on the Active Graph link to get details by the hour on how many people have been playing the game.

Here is an example of the Active Graph for the first few hours of today.

Newbie Status If you have been playing the game less then 5 days, you will be under Newbie Protection. This means you can not attack anyone and no one can attack you in this time frame. If you want to see how long you have left with this protection, click on the My Empire tab and on the left hand side towards the bottom you will see a link called Newbie Status. If you click on this link, it will tell you how many days you have left before you can be attacked.

Are You Human? You will notice sometimes you will receive the following screen. To get past this screen, click on the correct number that is displayed in the yellow box. On this example I need to click the number 6 to proceed. So why do you get this page? There are macro utility programs that you can record your keystrokes and mouse movements. People would just setup a macro to attack a person or build more houses without being behind the computer. Basically it stops people from cheating. This number will change every single time, so there would be no way to predict which number you will need to click. For more details about this page, click on What’s this page? link below the numbers box.


Q&A Why are some Commander names with different colors and how can I change the color? There are currently 4 different colors. Black = non plus user, Orange = plus user, Green = moderator for the forums, Blue = programming staff Why can the moderators play the game? First moderators do not have access to the data files or the program that runs the game. Second, moderators do not get paid for the service, they do it because they love this game. How can I become a moderator? You are hand picked by the programmers. This is not a position that you get when you are a certain rank or anything like that. I can not find oil, what do I do? First, did you research Seismic Surveying? If no, then that is your problem. If you have, all I can say is just keep sending more Explorers out and you will find the deposits in time. There is a bug in the game, who do I tell? Go to the Forums and click on the General Discussion and at the top is a Sticky that relates to bugs in the game. I can not get citizens, what am I doing wrong? You need 3 things to get citizens. 1). Make sure you have enough houses to support new citizens. 2). Your Power Usage must be below 100%. You must have enough food in your silos or you must be producing enough food to support the new citizens. What is Empire Protection? You will receive Empire Protection when you are attacked (10%). This stops players from pounding on one player. Your Empire Protection will go down 2% every tick since the last time you were attacked. 44

What is Newbie Protection? The first 5 days you are under Newbie Protection and you can not attack people and people can not attack you. This allows you to build up your Empire and prepare yourself for the battle. Can you tell me what are the new changes to the game and what parts of the game will be changing? Check the Game Announcements page for details on what is changing or just recently changed. This is the page that is displayed when you log into your account. Someone keeps attacking me, what can I do? Most of the time even if you lose the battle you will take out some of the enemies military. This should tell you what the Empire is attacking you with. With that information you should be able to build Military to counter the attack the next time. Maybe you should join an Alliance to help you defend against another attack. How do I get more information about the game? Check out the forums and the sticky posts for more information. Should I keep attacking the same person if I am getting good resources? That is up to you, but I personally try not to attack the same people over and over due to the fact I do not want start world war 3 with someone. Man I love this game, can’t I get credit for telling my friends about this game? Yes you can, click on Game Settings and read the information about Game Referrals. The technology tree shows when I open up (whatever) I should be able to build (whatever), why can’t I build (whatever)? There are more then one version of the technology tree. Check those out first. If that does not answer your questions, then feel free to post it in the Newbie Board in the forums. How long does a game round go for before the game resets? The game goes for 3 Months and then it gets reset. Why does the game get reset every 3 Months? This allows every once again a fair playing field. Should I become a plus player? I will say this, a plus player you do get a nice edge on the game, but that does not mean a non-plus player can not do that good. I am a non-plus player and I have gotten as high as rank 15.


I can not win or defend anything, I am not playing anymore? First we all go through slumps were we can not win or defend even the paperboy down the street, but all I can say is, you should look at what you are doing and try to figure out what is wrong. Most of the time it is something very simple such as you are sending your troops in on the wrong wave. Try not to change everything at once. You want to change it by baby steps. Did you know that you do not need to build Silo’s and you can have more food then your Silo capacity? Yes the system will allow you to go over your Silo limit, such as if you have 100 Silo space and you attack someone and get an additional 400 food, then your resources will show 500 and your Silo space will show 100. One thing you will notice is even if you do not spend the food and you are over your limit on the Silo space it will remove some food every single tick. This is because your food is outside the Silo and you lose % every tick because the food goes bad. I heard people cheating, what should I do about it? First, any game that is being played by a lot of users, the users will always try to bend the rules. What you will find in Universe Wars is most people play fair and that the programmers of the game try to put things in place to stop people from bending the rules. Example: It use to be that when you attack an Empire with no army then the attacker would get no resources. Currently the programmers are changing this flaw in the game so if someone attacks an Empire without an army then the attacker gets 50% of the resources. I know the person has tons of resources, but I only got a little, what am I doing wrong? First, make sure that the user did not log into the game while the attack was happening. If they logged into the game while the attack was happening, they potentially could of spent most of the resources. Also, even if you win a battle, that does not mean you will get 100% of their resources. The amount taken is based on how bad you beat the Empire. What makes up your Worth? Basically anything you do in the game brings up your Worth. With that said you will find Buildings and Military will bring up your Worth quicker then strictly using your workers to get Resources. How can I get my Rank up? Get more Worth. Sometimes I will log onto the game and then I will go to another computer and log in again and when I go back to the first computer, I am logged off. Why am I getting logged off? This is a prevention so no one can log on with multiple sessions with different IP addresses. If you do not know what an IP address is, it is basically a different computer. When I log off, will the game keep running? Yep, the workers will keep working and your constructions and building of military, etc. all keep working. Now with that said, I would not recommend that you send out Explorers if you are not going to be back to the computer for a while. When Explorers come back they will become idle Workers.


Man I love this game and I find myself waiting for the ticks to happen, what can I do while the ticks are happening? First, remember the game is not everything. It will keep running while you are doing other things. Now with that said, yes I understand about waiting for ticks and I can help you pass that time. There are a few areas you can check while you are waiting for ticks. 1). Read the Forums and answer questions on the Forums. 2). Click on the Game Chat and chat with other players. 3). Do some research on who you think the next Empire you are going to attack. 4). Figure out what army you should build next. 5). Re-read the sticky posts in the Newbie Board. Is there something I can do before I go to bed to make it look like I am still playing the game? Yes, you can build Military or Construct buildings or even attack someone. Because it is going to take X amount of ticks to finish the task, it will show a spike in Worth on your graph a few hours later. Yes this does not buy you the whole night, but it does help. I personally build troops before I go to bed. I hate attacking someone in the middle of the night due to 2 reasons 1). If you win big, then you will not be up to spend it and you could get attacked and lose all your resources that you took from the other Empire and 2). The person that you are attacking could be awake (remember this game is played around the world) and could fire a massive attack back at you and well will just say that is not a good thing. Can you tell me what army to build or what waves I should send my army in on? That is the part of the game that you will need to learn. I can tell you this, I still do not understand what Military I should send in and what waves they should be sent in on. I have nothing else to Research or to Build, now what should I do? Should I keep people on Learning? First if your in the Advanced Age and you notice that there are only a few more things to Research I would at least throttle back your Workers on Learning. Yes, you will notice some things you Research will open more things to Research, but if that is the case then you just put more Workers back on Learning. Once you are done Learning and you have Built all the buildings, I would recommend that you keep 800-1,000 learning points as extra Learning points. This game is changing and who knows, you might need some extra Learning points. I do not have enough free land left to build anything, but I do not have any extra workers, what should I do? First make sure that you have converted your maximum amount of workers per age. Discovery Age = 50 workers, Modern Age = 200 workers, and Advanced Age = 500 workers. If you have them already maxed, then you have 2 choices. 1). Just take the hit and remove some of your workers from a task and explore or 2). Research items that will help you produce whatever resource you are having trouble producing. This will allow you to free up people to have them explore. How long did it take you to get a grasp and an understanding of the game? Within 4 days I had a good understanding of the game. Within 7 days I understood most of the game. Even though this document is very long, it is actually a very easy game to understand, especially if you read the stickys in the forums. My Mail is full, how do I delete items from my Mail? There will be a check box next to each piece of mail. Click on the checkboxes and on the bottom right hand corner is a Delete Selected and that should help you. On the top right hand side of the Mailbox, you will notice how much mail you have and your total capacity (plus users get extra). 47

I heard there are prizes you can win, is that true? Yep, currently there are 3 prizes given out to the top 3 Ranked players. Hopefully in the future we will see that there will be more prizes available. Is it true that you do not need to research Electricity? That is incorrect. You need to research electricity, but that does not mean you have to build a power plant. The only reason you will need to build a power plant is when you get into the Modern Age. In my Financial section I see a % next to how much I will be getting per tick. What does that mean? That means you have built either a Processing Plant or a Mill or a Refinery. These types of buildings give you a bonus on your Gold, Wood, Food, Iron (not Oil or learning). Someone said I could put 165 workers on Learning in the Modern Age but it still only shows 15 workers I can put on this resource. What am I doing wrong? You need to build a Research Lab. Once that is completed, you will notice it will go from 15 to 165. I noticed that the pictures of the different areas (Stuart the Great, Bruce, etc.) changes colors, what does that mean? If the picture is green colored then that specific area is good and the person of that area is happy with you. Blue means that person of that area is neutral with you and Red means they are upset with you. Do not worry about the colors. I found another game very similar called Hobo Wars, does the owners of Universe Wars have anything to do with Hobo Wars? Yep, they were both programmed by Andy. I notice now when I search for land that my Land Usage bar graph does not go down that much. What am I doing wrong? Remember the bar graph is based off of the total land an free land. So when you have a lot of land used and a lot of land, then the percentage will go down less. This does not mean you are losing land. Just watch your free land and when you are getting low, then explore more. Can I attack someone 50% more then me and what is the chance I will win? There are no rules on attacking anyone greater in Worth then you. Your goal is to be Rank #1, which means the top players will have to be knocked down, so at sometime in the future you will have to go after a much a higher rank. Does this mean you will lose? It all depends on the Waves you send your troops in and how many troops you send in. I have seen battle reports were you see a person 60% below you win. It is possible, but the odds are against you. My Worth seems to be not going up that quickly, what should I build to get my Worth to go higher quickly? Currently I am at 8,000 worth. I found that when you get to about 16,000 – 18,000 Worth you will start to go up very quickly. I believe this is because most of the time when you are Worth this amount, you are usually maxed out on your workers in the Advanced Age.


So what are the current prizes? Check out the following link: http://uwars.com/prizes.php I have 3 million in wood, why can’t I put that on the market? There is a maximum of 1 million you can put on the market at a time. Also you can only have 4 trades on a market at a time. What are the current Unit Stats? You can find them in the “General Discussion” area on the forums. It is a sticky post. I am at a stage were I can attack my own planet, should I? It is of course up to you if you want to attack your own planet or not, but I will tell you this if you get into a war within your own planet, it usually hurts everyone in the planet. Most of the time, the Empire will fire back with their own attack. End result usually it will end up hurting you and your planet, but hey it is up to you. Can I get reassigned to a new planet because there are only like 2 people playing in my planet? No you can not get reassigned to a new planet. You will find most of the time that there are always X amount of inactive players on everyone’s planet. This makes it fair. I do not feel like posting my question up on the forums. Who can help me? Check out the “Newbie Board” in the forums and you will find a sticky called “Adopt a Newbie”. Click on this thread to find someone that can help you with your questions. Click on the users name and send Mail to them. So why did you create this document? With more people that understand this game, then the battles will be larger and those people will recommend it to their friends. Also with more people, that means the programmers will more then likely add more features to the game. Finally, when you get more people interested in the game, then they can also help train the newbies.

Final Thoughts I know this document is long in length, but I wanted to make sure that I tried to cover everything. I want to say thanks to all the people that have helped me understand this game better. You know who you are and I just want to say thanks. Also thanks to the programming staff for Universe Wars for building a very interesting online game that can be played by anyone that has an internet connection.


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