Uts Pemuatan Cargo.docx

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  • November 2019
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Full and down adalah suatu pemuatan yg dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga ruang muatan yg tersedia terisi penuh dan kapal terbenam pada sarat maksimal yg diijinkan. Persyarat untuk mencapai keadaan full and down adalah sebagai berikut : Volume : volume ruang muat Berat muatan : daya angkut ( cargo DWT ) Sarat : sarat maksimal yg diijinkan. EX; volume efektif ruang = V m3, Cargo DWT = T ton, akan dimuati hingga mencapai kondisi full and down yaitu muatan A dengan SF.X (muatan ringan) Hitunglah masing2 berat muatan trsbt. Jawab. Misalkan muatan A = X ton dan muatan B = Y ton 1. Agar down = X + Y = T 2. Agar full = X x SF.X + Y x SF.Y 3. Dari kedua persamaan tersebut dapat di cari X dan Y Memuat lebih dari 2 (dua) jenis muatan EX : volume efektip ruangan = V m3, cargo DWT = T ton, akan dimuat hingga mencapai kondisi full and down dgn muatan2 sbb : Muatan A dgn SF.A (0.28 m3/ton) Muatan B dng SF.B (1.10 m3/ton) Muatan C dgn SF.C (2.14 m3/ton) Hitunglah masing2 berat muatan tersebut .

LIQUID CARGOES IN BULK CALCULATION ULLAGE adalah jarak tegak lurus yg di ukur dri prmukaan cairan sampai ke permukaan tanki. INNAGE adalah jarak tegak lurus yg di ukur dari dasar tanki sampai ke permukaan cairan. Guna dari pada ullage adalah 1. Mengetahui innage. 2. Memperoleh volume 3. Sebagai ruang muai zat cairan. Rumus W = V x BJ Dimana : W = weight ,, V = Volume zat cair. ,, Bj = berat jenis zat cair. Contoh 1. Sebuah kapal tanker memilik tanki No 2 berisi minyak sebanyak 864 m 3 dimana Berat jenis minyak trsebut 0.928 ton/m3. Hitunglah minyak tersebut . Jawab. W = Volume x Berat jenis = 864 m3 x 0,928 ton/m3. = 801,792 ton. Contoh 2. Sebuah kapal tanker memilik tanki no. 4 berisi minyak sebanyak 2765 m 3 dgn Berat jenis = 0.792 ton/m3 (60⸰ f). temperatur rata2 minyak tsbt = 83 ⸰ F. jika koefisien koreksi berat jenis = 0,00042 / ⸰ F, hitunglah berat minyak trsebut. Jawab. W = Volume x Berat jenis Bj muatan pada suhu pengukuran ( 83⸰ F ) S2 = S1 – C ( t2 – t1 ) S2 = 0,792 – 0,00042 ( 83-60 ) S2 = 0,792 – 0,00966 S2 = 0,78234 W = Volume x Berat jenis = 2765 m3 x 0,78234 ton/m3. = 2163,170 ton. DECK LOAD CAPACITY CALCULATION adalah kemampuan sebuah geladak untuk menampung sejumlah muatan berat, dinyatakan dalam ton/m 2 dengan lambing “C’’. C = ton/m2. Nilai C dapat ditemukan pada Capacity plan atau dalam Blue print kapal dimana dapat mengetahui berapa besar kemampuan masing2 geladak, sehingga dapat dihitung berapa tinggi susunan maksimum dari muatan agar tidak melampai kekuatan geladak tersebut. 1.STOWAGE LOCATION PRINCIPLES :  Safety Principles A. Maintain Ship Stabillity And Seaworthiness B. Observe Container Stacking Weight Limitations  Operational Principles C. Preserve Container Accsessibillity To Minimize Moves D. Minimize Securing Requirements E. Spread Loading / Discharge Activity F. Group Containers By Size And Type G. Locate Containers By Commodity Type 2.REASONS FOR RESTOWS : A. To Correct An Error In Stowage B. To Allow A Block Stow C. To Accommodate A Port Of Discharge Change D. To After Weight Distribution

E. To Make Room For A Late Arrival 3.SHIP OPERATION WORK SCHEDULES : A. Crane movement sheet B. Crane sequence sheets C. Discharge sequence sheets D. Loading sequence sheets 4.SHIP OPERATION STRATEGIES : A. Discharge First, Then Load B. Discharge From Some Bays While Loading To Others C. Simultaneously Discharge And Load At The Same Bay (Backloading, Double – Cycling) 5.SEQUENCING THE SHIP OPERATION :  Principles : A. Maintain Stability B. Give Crane Operator A Clear View C. Minimize Crane Travel And Adjustment D. Give Shipboard Gang A Safe Working Environment  Strategies : A. Tiering – Out B. Alternate Port – Starboard Working C. Discharge / Load Simultaneously Or Consecutively 6.SHORE CRANES : A. Portal Gantry Crane B. Jib Crane C. Multipurpose Crane D. Mobile Crane 7.SHIP’S EQUIPMENT : E. Ships Derrick F. Ship – Mounted Jib Crane G. Ship – Mounted Gantry Crane 8.PRELIMINARY TASK :  Ensure Safe Access To Sihp  Ensure Safe Access To Carge Spaces  Check Safety Of Work Location  Check Lighting  Check Gear And Equipment Condition : A. Ships Cranes, Derricks Etc. B. Tools For Releasing And Fitting Securing Devices C. Ladders, Safety Cage Or Gondola D. Spreaders (Including Spares) E. Securing And Lashing Devices 9.SHIPBOARD GANG DUTIES :  Discharge : A. Release And Remove Lashing B. Unclok Securing Devices C. Release Hatch Cover Cleats D. Uniash Uncontainertzed And Heavy Lifts E. Place Devices In Baskets, Bins Etc F. Repeat For Each Tier  Loading : G. Insert Securing Device, Tier By Tier H. Connect Reafers, Open Vents Etc I. Secure Container Stacks With Lashing Devices J. Monitor Container Condition And Id 10.DEALING WITH PROBLEMS : A. Trapped Container B. Breakdown Of Gear Or Equipment C. Awkward Stows Or Lifts D. Handling The Worng Container E. Damaged Container Or Cargo 11.SAFETY ISSUES : A. Working On Container Tops B. General Safety During Discharge And Loading C. Good House Keeping 12.MEANS OF ACCESS TO CONTAINER STACKS : A. Lashing Cage B. Gondola C. Spreader D. Ladder E. Lashing Platfrom 13.CONTAINER TOP SAFETY : A. Use Safety Footwear B. Wear Harness Or Belt Attached To Inertia Reel C. Walk Carefully D. Load Outboard Towards Quay, Discharge From Quay To Outboard E. Approach Stack Corners Diagonally F. Approach Centre Edge At Right Angle G. Never Stand At Container Edge – Keel H. Never Lift / Land While Men Are Working 14.GENERAL SAFETY RULES : A. Stand Well Clear Of Moving Container B. Never Stand Below Men Lashing C. Never Drag Containers D. Never Exceed Swl Of Equipment E. Never Stand Near Stack Being Worked F. Never Stand On Container Being Lifted G. Never Stand In Next Stowage Place H. Take Care When Gulding Container I. Never Stand Between Container Stackes J. Take Care Near Open Hatch K. Follow Instructions, Report Concsms L. Ensure Lighting Is Adequate M. Keep Alert At All Times

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