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Selasa, 26 Maret 2019 Alamat email * [email protected] Skor bagian0/0 NAMA seravina miranda losong NIM 178114133 Alamat email * [email protected] A. Select A Single Correct Answer Choice Skor bagian41/60

1. Which of these statements best describes the function of the cell membrane? 1/1 It allows substances to freely enter and exit the cell. It controls which substances enter and exit the cell. Benar

It prevents substances from entering the cell. It prevents substances from leaving the cell. It controls w hich

2. The component molecules of the cell membrane have two main parts, the head and the tail. These parts are either hydrophobic (repelled by water) or hydrophilic (attracted to water). Which is which? 1/1 Hydrophilic Tail and Hydrophobic Head Hydrophilic Head and Hydrophobic Tail Benar

Both Hydrophobic Both Hydrophilic Hydrophilic Head

3. Which of the following molecules is a phospholipid? 1/1

Option 1 Benar

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4 Yang lain:

Option 1

4. According to the answer in no. 3; What is the role of the following structure in cell membranes? 1/1 The structure plays an important role in communication between cells. The structure acts as an antigen or chemical 'fingerprint' for cells. The structure is present as a structural component of cell membranes. Benar

The structure is an energy source. The structure is p

5. How fast do the large polar substances diffuse accross the membrane?

1/1 Very fast Fast Very slow Benar

Sloe Yang lain:

Very slow

6. Identify the correct name for the following peptide. 1/1

L-seryl-L-valyl-L-tyrosine. Benar

L-seryl-L-valyl-L-phenylalanine. L-phenylalanyl-L-valyl-L-serine. L-tyrosyl-L-valyl-L-serine.


7. Which of the following statements is not true regarding protein primary structure? 0/1 The primary structure of a protein is the linear sequence of amino acids. The linear sequence of protein is referred to as a polypeptide chain. The amino acids in the primary structure are held together by covalent bonds. Salah

The peptide bonds in protein are made during the transcription process in protein synthesis. The amino acids i

Jawaban yang benar The peptide bonds in protein are made during the transcription process in protein synthesis.

8. Which of the following descriptions best describes the quaternary structure of proteins? 1/1 The arrangement of different protein subunits in a multiprotein complex. Benar

The order in which amino acids are linked together in a protein. The overall three dimensional shape of a protein. Regions of ordered structure within a protein. The arrangement

9. Which of the following statements is false?

0/1 Drug targets are normally macromolecules. Drugs are generally smaller than drug targets. Drugs are generally organic molecules. Salah

Drugs targets are generally protein. Drugs are genera

Jawaban yang benar Drugs targets are generally protein.

10. Protein is one of the drug targets. Which the protein can not do as drug target? 0/1 Enzyme Receptor Protein transport Salah

Protein plasma sel Protein transport

Jawaban yang benar Protein plasma sel

11. Drugs interact with their targets by binding to binding sites. In these binding site, there are some term was used to describe the interaction between drug and their targets as mention below, except: 1/1 Binding interaction

Spesific region Binding region Benar

Functional group Binding region

12. Drug interact with their targets by establishing non covalent or covalent bond. What are the relative strengths of different types of non covalent bonds? 1/1 Covalent > H-bond > Ionic > Van der Waals. Van der Waals > Ionic > H-bond > Covalent. Covalent > Ionic > H-bond > Van der Waals. Benar

Ionic > Covalent > Van der Waals > H-bond. Covalent > Ionic

13. Which of the following atoms in the structure below is likely to be the strongest hydrogen bond acceptor? 1/1

The aniline nitrogen. The carbonyl oxygen. The amide nitrogen The carboxylate oxygen Benar

The carboxylate o

14. Which of the following is true of enzymes? 1/1 They increase the rate of reaction by stabilizing the transition state They increase the rate of reaction by lowering the transition state energy Benar

They raise activation energy to shift the equilibrium to favor the products They lower activation energy by altering the products of a reaction They increase the

15. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the active site of an enzyme? 1/1 An active site is normally on the surface of an enzyme. Benar

An active site is normally hydrophobic in nature. Substrates fit into active sites and bind to functional groups within the active site. An active site contains amino acids which are important to the binding process and the catalytic mechanism. An active site is n

16. As the substrate enters the active site, its functional groups come close to the functional groups of a number of amino acids. What happens as a result? 1/1 The protein and substrate repel The protein changes its shape to accommodate the substrate Benar

The protein closes off its active site to the substrate The substrate enters the active site of the protein, and nothing changes The protein chang

17. Which of the following descriptions best describes a competitive enzyme inhibitor? 1/1 A drug that binds to an active site and undergoes a reaction. A drug that binds to an active site and inhibits the enzyme, but which is displaced by increasing the concentration of substrate.


A drug that binds to an active site and inhibits the enzyme, but which is not displaced by increasing the concentration of substrate. A drug that binds to a different binding site from the active site and affects the activity of the enzyme. A drug that binds

18. Which statement best describes the relevance of an allosteric binding site to medicinal chemistry? 1/1 It is more hydrophobic than normal binding sites and accepts hydrophobic drugs in preference to hydrophilic drugs. A larger variety of drug structures will bind to the allosteric site than to the active site. Drugs can be designed based on the structure of the endogenous chemicals which bind to allosteric sites and control enzyme activity. Benar

Drugs can be designed based on the transition state of the enzyme-catalysed reaction. Drugs can be des

19. Identify the kind of bonding forces which are typically involved in binding a drug to an enzyme's active site. 1/1 Predominantly van der Waals interactions. Predominantly ionic bonds. Predominantly hydrogen bonds. A combination of different intermolecular binding interactions. Benar

A combination of

20. Consider the following enzyme-catalysed reaction carried out on glycogen. What is the substrate? 0/1

Glucose-1-phosphate. Adrenaline. Glycogen AMP Salah


Jawaban yang benar Glucose-1-phosphate.

21. Consider the following enzyme-catalysed reaction. What is the product? 1/1

Glucose-1-phosphate. Benar

Phosphorylase a. Glycogen AMP Glucose-1-phosp

22. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH or LD) is an enzyme found in nearly all living cells (animals, plants, and prokaryotes). LDH catalyzes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate and back, as it converts NAD+ to NADH and back according to the reaction below, identify the type of the reaction which is catalysed by LDH! 0/1

Oxidation Reduction Hydrolation Salah

Substitution Hydrolation

Jawaban yang benar Oxidation

23. According to reaction the reaction below, at high concentrations of lactate, lactate can inhibit these reaction, and the rate of conversion of pyruvate to lactate is decreased. These process corespond to ……. 0/1

Feedback inhibition Allosteric inhibition Un competitive inhibition Non competitive inhibition Salah

Non competitive in

Jawaban yang benar Feedback inhibition

24. Which of the following statements is not true about receptors?

1/1 Most receptors are proteins situated inside the cell. Benar

Receptors contain a hollow or cleft on their surface which is known as a binding site. Receptors bind chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters or hormones. Receptors do not catalyse reactions on chemical messengers. Most receptors a

25. A chemical messenger is any compound that serves to transmit a message and activates the receptor. Which of the following compond is not a chemical messenger? 1/1 Hormone Pheromone Prostaglandine ATP Benar


26. Which of the following statements is not true? 1/1 Neurotransmitters are released by nerves. Neurotransmitters are required to carry a 'message' from a nerve to a target cell. Neurotransmitters only have small distances to cover to reach their target cells. Neurotransmitters bind to receptors within target cells. Benar


27. There is a fine balance required for the binding interactions of a neurotransmitter with its receptor. Which of the following statements best expands on this statement? 1/1 It is important that the binding interactions involve a mixture of van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds since neurotransmitters have different functional groups. The binding interactions must be of the correct nature to match the functional groups of the neurotransmitter and the functional groups in the binding site. The binding interactions must be sufficiently strong that the neurotransmitter binds long enough to have an effect, but not too strong in case the neurotransmitter remains permanently bound. Benar

There must be the correct balance of hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions to ensure that the chemical messenger can enter a hydrophobic binding site. The binding intera

28. When a membrane-bound receptor binds its chemical messenger, an induced fit takes place which leads to secondary effects, allowing a chemical message to be received within the cell. Which of the following mechanisms is not involved in this process? 0/1 The transport of the chemical messenger into the cell. The opening or closing of an ion channel. Salah

The activation of a signal protein. The activation of a membrane-bound enzyme.

The opening or cl

Jawaban yang benar The transport of the chemical messenger into the cell.

29. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the binding site of a receptor? 1/1 The binding site is normally a hollow or cleft in the surface of an receptor. The binding site is normally hydrophilic in nature. Benar

Chemical messengers fit into binding sites and bind to functional groups within the binding site. The binding site contains amino acids which are important to the binding process. The binding site is

30. Which of the following statements is not true about a ligand-gated ion channel receptor? 1/1 Ligand-gated ion channel receptors are present in the cell membrane. Neurotransmitters can act as the chemical messengers for ligand-gated ion channels. Ligand-gated ion channels consist of six glycoproteins. Benar

Some ion channel receptors are controlled by differences in membrane potential rather than by ligands. Ligand-gated ion

31. Which of the following statements is not true about ligand-gated ion channels?

0/1 There are different ligand-gated ion channels for specific ions. The response time to a neurotransmitter is extremely fast. The process by which an ion channel opens as a result of receptor-ligand binding is known as gating. Salah

The opening of cationic ion channels generally leads to polarisation of the cell. The process by w

Jawaban yang benar The opening of cationic ion channels generally leads to polarisation of the cell.

32. The nicotinic receptor controls an ion channel. Which of the following statements is true about the -subunit of this ion channel? 0/1 The N-terminal and C-terminal chains are both intracellular. There is one intracellular loop. Salah

The binding site for the neurotransmitter resides solely on the N-terminal chain. There are two extracellular loops There is one intra

Jawaban yang benar The binding site for the neurotransmitter resides solely on the N-terminal chain.

33. Which of the following statements is true about a G-protein coupled receptor? 0/1 It contains five transmembrane hydrophobic sections.

There are more extracellular loops than intracellular loops. Salah

The binding region for the G-protein involves one of the intracellular loops and the C-terminal chain. The N-terminal chain is intracellular and the C-terminal chain is extracellular. There are more e

Jawaban yang benar The binding region for the G-protein involves one of the intracellular loops and the C-terminal chain.

34. Which of the following statements is true regarding small G-proteins? 1/1 Ras is an example of a typical G-protein. Small G-proteins have two subunits rather than three. Small G-proteins are directly activated by receptors. Small G-proteins bind GDP in the resting state and GTP in the active state. Benar

Small G-proteins

35. Which of the following statements is true about a tyrosine kinase linked receptor? 0/1 It is situated in the cytoplasm. The N-terminal chain is intracellular. The ligand binding site is in the C-terminal chain. Salah

It has one hydrophobic transmembrane region. The ligand binding

Jawaban yang benar It has one hydrophobic transmembrane region.

36. Which of the following reactions is catalysed by a tyrosine kinase? 0/1 The phosphorylation of an alcohol functional group. Salah

The esterification of an alcohol functional group. The phosphorylation of a phenol functional group. The esterification of a phenol functional group The phosphorylat

Jawaban yang benar The phosphorylation of a phenol functional group.

37. Which of the following statements is true regarding intracellular receptors? 0/1 They consist of three protein subunits. They contain a ligand binding site near the N-terminal end. They contain a binding region for DNA near the middle of the protein. They are activated by hydrophobic molecules which are synthesised within the cell. Salah

They are activate

Jawaban yang benar They contain a binding region for DNA near the middle of the protein.

38. What major role do intracellular receptors play? 0/1 They trigger transcription. They trigger replication. They trigger translation. Salah

They trigger reproduction. They trigger trans

Jawaban yang benar They trigger transcription.

39. Which of the following statements is generally true regarding the chemical messengers for intracellular receptors? 0/1 They are hydrophilic in order to bind to zinc atoms. They are hydrophilic in order to dissolve in the cell's cytoplasm. They are hydrophobic in order to enter the nucleus of the cell. Salah

They are hydrophobic in order to cross the cell membrane. They are hydroph

Jawaban yang benar They are hydrophobic in order to cross the cell membrane.

40. Which of the following descriptions best fits an agonist? 1/1 A compound that has the same effect on a receptor as the endogenous chemical messenger. Benar

A compound that binds to a receptor, and activates it, but to a lesser extent than the endogenous chemical messenger. A compound that binds to a receptor fails to activate it and prevents the endogenous chemical messenger from binding. A compound that binds to a receptor fails to activate it and leads to a drop in inherent biological activity. 4 A compound that

41. Which of the following is not a necessary requirement when designing an agonist? 0/1 The presence of the correct binding groups. The correct size and shape of the molecule. The correct relative orientation of the binding groups. Salah

The identical functional groups present in the endogenous chemical messenger. The correct relati

Jawaban yang benar The identical functional groups present in the endogenous chemical messenger.

42. What sort of agent binds to a binding site that is next to the binding site for an endogenous chemical messenger, and sterically blocks the messenger from binding? 0/1 An agonist. Salah

An allosteric antagonist. An antagonist acting by the 'umbrella' effect. An inverse agonist. An agonist.

Jawaban yang benar An antagonist acting by the 'umbrella' effect.

43. What is the name of the substrate in the following reaction? 1/1

ATP. Benar



44. What does the following diagram demonstrate? 1/1

Dimerisation. Receptor binding. Base pairing. Benar

Polymerisation. Base pairing.

45. What non-covalent bonding interactions do the nucleic acid bases form in DNA secondary structure? 1/1 Ionic bonds only. Hydrogen bonds only.

Van der Waals interactions only. Hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions. Benar

Hydrogen bonds

46. What role does the enzyme topoisomerase II have? 1/1 It catalyses the formation of protective units at the end of chromosomes. It catalyses the synthesis of DNA. It catalyses the unwinding of the DNA double helix. It catalyses crossing over of DNA strands to relieve the tension created in DNA when the DNA double helix is unravelled. Benar

It catalyses cross

47. Which of the following is not true when RNA is compared with DNA? 1/1 RNA contains ribose and not deoxyribose. RNA contains uracil and not thymine. RNA does not form a double helix. RNA is larger than DNA. Benar

RNA is larger tha

48. Which of the following mechanism is not true about drug acting on DNA? 1/1 Alkylating agent Chain cutting agent Chain destroyer Benar

Intercalating agent Chain destroyer

49. Which of the following statement is not true about an intercalating agent? 1/1 Intercalating drugs are compounds that contain planar or heteroaromatic features that slip between the base pair layers of the DNA double helix. They are inserted between the nucleic acid base pairs only via the major groove. Benar

Intercalation prevents replication and transcription. Intercalation can inhibit topoisomerases. They are inserted

50. Which of the following statement is not true about an alkylating agent? 0/1 It Contain highly nucleophilic groups It Form covalent bonds to nucleophilic groups in DNA (e.g. 7-N of guanine)

It Prevent replication and transcription Alkylation of nucleic acid bases can result in miscoding Salah

Alkylation of nucl

Jawaban yang benar It Contain highly nucleophilic groups

51. The following agent is used for the treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma as part of a multi-drug regime. 1/1

A topoisomerase inhibitor. An alkylating agent. Benar

An antimetabolite. A receptor antagonist. An alkylating age

52. Which of the following statement is not true about an chain terminator agents on DNA? 1/1

They must have to mimic natural nucleosides. They act as 'false substrates' and are incorporated into the growing DNA chain during replication. They are a prodrug which is to be phosphorylated to make the active agent. They can not to prevent the replication of DNA. Benar

They can not to p

53. Which of the following structures is a chain terminators agent? 1/1

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3 Benar

Option 4 Option 3

54. Which of the following terms best describes the study of how drugs reach their target in the body and how the levels of a drug in the blood are affected by absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion? 1/1 Pharmacokinetics. Benar

Structure based drug design. Pharmacodynamics. Structure-activity relationships. Pharmacokinetics

55. Which of the following is one of the rules in Lipinski's rule of five? 1/1 A molecular weight equal to 500. No more than five hydrogen bond donor groups.


No more than five hydrogen bond acceptor groups. A calculated logP value more than +5. No more than five

56. Some orally active drugs do not obey the rule of five. For example, some polar drugs with a molecular weight between 200 and 500 are found to be orally active. Which of the following mechanisms is the most likely reason for this? 0/1 Passage through pores between the cells of the gut wall. Transport by transport proteins. Pinocytosis. Ion channels. Salah

Ion channels.

Jawaban yang benar Transport by transport proteins.

57. What role does drug metabolism play in making the excretion of drugs more efficient? 1/1 It fragments drugs into smaller molecules. It makes drug more hydrophobic. It makes drugs more polar. Benar

It makes drugs less reactive. It makes drugs mo

58. Why may a drug bearing an ester group that is important to target binding have a limited duration of action? 1/1 It fails to be absorbed efficiently from the gut. The ester is hydrolysed by esterase enzymes. Benar

It fails to cross the blood brain barrier. It is rapidly excreted by the kidneys. The ester is hydr

59. Some drugs are excreted more efficiently than others. Which of the following statements is the best general explanation for this? 1/1 Hydrophobic drugs are excreted more efficiently by the kidneys. Hydrophilic drugs are excreted more efficiently by the kidneys. Benar

Hydrophobic drugs are excreted more efficiently by the lungs. Hydrophilic drugs are excreted more efficiently by the lungs. Hydrophilic drugs

60. The following agent is cocaine. Which of the following side in the structure below is likely to be hydrolised? 1/1

A dan C Benar

B dan D B dan C A dan D A dan C

Alamat email * [email protected] B. Match the following statement to their correct answer By Type The "Alphabetic Answer which is Gived on The Optional Answer Below" (Sectin 4). Skor bagian1/10

61. The process which is described as being the net movement of water molecules from an area of low concentration of solute to an area with a higher concentration of solute…………… 0/1 B,osmosis Jawaban yang benar A

62. The physiochemical factor which affect the permeability coefficient of the molecules crossing the membrane ………….. 0/1 E, solubility in lipid Jawaban yang benar E

63. The amino acid that does not show hydrophobic characters …………… 0/1 I, tyrosine Jawaban yang benar J

64. The strongest form of intermolecular bonding that could be formed involving the residue of the amino acid threonine …………………….. 0/1 K, van der waals interaction Jawaban yang benar H

65. Which the amino acid can interact with drug by ionic interaction! 0/1 j, glutamine Jawaban yang benar J

66. Activation or inactivation of certain key regulatory enzymes is accomplished by covalent modification of the amino acid ………..

0/1 A, active site Jawaban yang benar I

67. The side chain amino acid in protein can participate in intermolecular interaction with a drug. The type of interaction of the drug wich have an aromatic group ……………….. 0/1 H, hydrogen bonding interaction Jawaban yang benar K

68. Some enzymes have a binding site which is not recognised by the normal substrate, and affects the activity of the enzyme if it is occupied by a ligand. What term is used for such a binding site? 0/1 G, allosteric binding site Jawaban yang benar G

69. Drugs can inhibit the catalytic activity of enzymes by binding at …… 0/1 F Jawaban yang benar A

70. Which of the following terms refers to the process by which a substrate binds to an active site and alters the shape of that active site? 1/1

D Alamat email * [email protected] THE OPTIONAL ANSWER FOR NO 61 - 70: Skor bagian0/0 (A) Active Site, (B) Osmosis, (C) Tryptophan, (D) Induce fit, (E) Solubility in lipid, (F) Binding side, (G) Allosteric binding site, (H) Hydrogen bonding interaction, (I) Tyrosine, (J) Glutamine, (K) Van der Waals interactions, (L) Hydrophobicity Alamat email * [email protected] Untitled Section Formulir ini dibuat dalam Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. - Persyaratan Layanan Formulir

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